Download - Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012

Page 1: Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012

Applying Open Source wisdom inside your company

Bertrand DelacrétazSenior Developer, Adobe CQ5 R&D teamApache So!ware Foundation member and (current) board member@bdelacretaz - [email protected] - grep.codeconsult.chSubmission ID: 173 - slides revision 2012-06-15

Open Developmentin the Enterprise


Page 2: Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012

Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 2

Open Development?Inside my company?

Who needs secrets?Who cares if your code is not yet perfect?

Page 3: Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012

Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 3

Single OpenCode


Strong links, permanent URLs




Shared knowledge base





Features, design, tasks, bugs, etc...

Some emailmostly on mailing lists

mostly throwaway

Some «vision»meetings

as opposed to information exchange

Our setupA central issue tracker for everything: features, bugs, test setups, server upgrades, ...A single open code repository, discoverable.Activity streams provide real-time info.

Page 4: Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012

Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 4

Shared vision

Real-time status updates

Broadcast help requests

Searchable archives

"e goals

pictures from morgue#le.comh$p://

Page 5: Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012

Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 5

Shared vision??







Move from 1-to-1 email to a central hub(mailing list, tracker, code repository)Any important info has a permanent URL (wiki, tracker, etc.)


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Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 6

Real-time updates


Events generated by the tracker, code repository and mailing lists all contribute to the project’s activity stream.

Combined with tracker and code repository queries, this provides real-time project status information.

Status meetings? No thanks.

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Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 7

Broadcast help requests

Create an issue in the tracker instead of just asking Bob to #x it.

Traceable. Shareable.

Bob makes up its own schedule based on tracker queries.

Contributes to the real-time status updates.

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Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 8

Self-service archivesPu$ing the tracker, code repository and mailing lists at the center creates a live knowledge base of project information.




project knowledge base

Invaluable to help new project members get up to speed.

pictures from morgue#le.comh$p://

Page 9: Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012

Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 9

Shared vision

Real-time status updates

Broadcast help requests

Searchable archives

Bene#ts?Project success!

Less meetings!

E%cient planning!

Knowledge base!

Page 10: Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012

Open Development in the EnterpriseBertrand Delacrétaz - @bdelacretaz 10

Single OpenCode


Strong links, permanent URLs




Shared knowledge base





Features, design, tasks, bugs, etc...

"at’s usWork like an open-source project.

Everybody has a voice.

Information is shared, all the time.

People learn from each other.

Meetings are for vision and so!ware design, basic info &ows continuously.

Page 11: Open Development in the Enterprise, Jazoon 2012


Bertrand Delacrétaz, Senior Developer, Adobe CQ5 R&D team@bdelacretaz - [email protected] - grep.codeconsult.chlicense for these slides: Creative Commons, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Reading list: h$p:// h$p:// )

"is works!"is works for the Adobe CQ5 team, ex Day So!ware."is works for the Apache So!ware Foundation.Why not you?Try small steps...