Download - Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document

Page 1: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


أنا الموقع أدناه مقدم الرسالة التي تحمل العنوان:

األنطولوجيا إلى استنادا العربية المستندات تصنيف

Ontology-Based Arabic Documents Classification

با ث اء ما م ا شا إل ه أق بأن ما اش م ع ه هذه ال ال إ ما ه اج جه ي الخاص، ن هذه ال ال ككل أ أي ج ء م ها لم ق م من قبل ل يل ج أ لقب ع مي أ حيثما ، ا

بحثي ل ى أي مؤ ع م أ بحث أخ ى.


The work provided in this thesis, unless otherwise referenced, is the researcher's own work, and has not been submitted elsewhere for any other degree or qualification

Student's name: Mohammed M. N. Abu Jasser - محمد مروان ناجي أبو جاسرا م الطالب:

:Signature ال ق ع:

:Date ال ا يخ:

Page 2: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document

بسم هللا الرمحن الرحيم

غةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة –الجامعةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة ا ةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة م عمةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةا ال ا ةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةا الع ةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةا ك ةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة ل ج ةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةا المع مةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةا

The Islamic University – Gaza

Deanery of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Information Technology


Arabic Documents Classification


Mohammed M. Abu Jasser

Supervised by:

Dr. Rebhi S. Baraka

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Master in Information Technology

Jumada I 1436 H / March 2015 AD

Page 3: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document
Page 4: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم

علمتنا ما إل لا علم ل سبحانك ﴿

نت العليم الكيم (32 : البق ، اآل) ﴾ إنك أ

صدق اهلل العظيم

Page 5: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document



To my beloved parents

To my brothers and sisters

To my dear wife and children

To those who gave me support

To all of them I dedicate this work

Page 6: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document



First of all, I thank Allah for giving me the strength and courage to

persevere throughout the duration of this thesis and made all of this and

everything else possible.

I am greatly indebted to my family: my dear father, my dear mother, my

wife, my children (Marwan, Yamen, Rakan and Kenan) and my brothers and

sisters for their encouragement and support during my course studies and

during my thesis work .

I am deeply grateful to my supervisor Dr. Rebhi S. Baraka for his

continued encouragement, unlimited efforts, persistent motivation, support,

and great knowledge throughout my thesis, without his help, guidance, and

follow-up, this thesis would never have been.

Last but not least, I extend my thanks to all my friends.

Page 7: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document



Automatic documents classification is an important task due to the rapid growth of

the number of electronic documents. Classification aims to assign the document to a

predefined category automatically based on its contents. In general, text classification

plays an important role in information extraction and summarization, text retrieval,

question answering, e-mail spam detection, web page content filtering, and automatic

message routing.

Most existing methods and techniques in the field of documents classification are

keyword based without many features. Even methods that ontology-based classification

is limited to English language support.

In this research, we propose an approach to investigate the role of ontology (an

Arabic news domain ontology) in Arabic documents classification. The results show that

the proposed ontology-based approach achieves improvement in the process of

documents classification based on the different evaluation criteria. The experimental

results show that the accuracy of the approach is 92%. These results prove that the

ontology contribute effectively in the process of Arabic documents classification.

Keywords: Arabic Language, Text Mining, Documents Classification, Documents

Annotation, Ontology, News Ontology.

Page 8: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Arabic Abstract ص العربيالملخ

المستندات العربية استنادا إلى األنطولوجياتصنيف

، ال صةة يا ال قةةالي ل م ةة ا ذ أهم ةة عال ةة ةة اي ل مةة ال ةة يع إلةةي عةة ال ثةةال ا ل ةة حة ى الئلةا المحة م ةبقاي بشةكل قةالي ب ةاءي ع ةى طبقاي يه ف ال ص يا إلى ح ي إلل الم

خةةةة ص المع مةةةةا ا ةةةة خ اج إلةةةةي هامةةةةاي ا ي عةةةةب ال صةةةة ص صةةةة يا عةةةةام، بشةةةةكل .مح ا ةةةةهالب ية إلةي خة ما ال شةا عةن الب ية المة ع ا جابة ع ةى ائ ةل ، كذلك ،ها ا جاعال ص ص

لل ةةةةال ج ةةةةه ال قةةةةالي ال، بةةةة ام ح يةةةةل إل ةةةة المح ةةةةا ل صةةةةئحا ا ل ةةةة ا ل ةةةةي، .ا ل

الم ةة ا ع ةةى ال صةة يا المع مةة صةة يا مجةةا إلةةي القالمةة ائ ةةاليب الطةة مع ةةم ع مةة ال ةة إلةةى المع ةةى الةة لي ل ةةك ال مةةا ، ن ع ةةى ال مةةا الم جةة إلةةي مح ةة ى ةةك الم ةة ا

.ا ج ي ي ال غ عم ع ى ق ص ائ ط ل ج ا أ اس ع ى ال ص يا خ م ال ي ائ اليب ح ى

ب اؤهةا ةم ال ي الع ب ، ال ثال ص يال حق من ائ ط ل ج ا إلي البحث ق م ط يق هذاحقةة إلةةى ائ ط ل ج ةةا الم ةة الم ةة خ م الط يقةة أن ةةال حيةةث أ هةة ال ائخبةةا ، مجةةا إلةةي

أ هة ال ةال قة إلةي ال صة يا المخ ئة . ال قية م معةايي ح ةب ال ثةال صة يا م ح اي إلي ع ال ثةةال صةة يا عم ةة إلةةي إلعةةا بشةةكل ةةاهم ائ ط ل ج ةةا ا ةة خ ام بةةذلك ي بةةين أن ، %92ب ةةب .الع ب

، أ ط ل ج ةةا صةة يا الم ةة ا ، ائ ط ل ج ةةا قيةةب الب ا ةةا ، : ال غةة الع ب ةة ، الكلمــات الديليــة

ائخبا .

Page 9: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Table of Contents

Dedication ..................................................................................................................... IV

Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................... V

Abstract ......................................................................................................................... VI

Arabic Abstract خص العربيالمل ...................................................................................... VII

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... VIII

List of Figures ............................................................................................................... XI

List of Tables .............................................................................................................. XII

List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................. XIII

Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................... 1

1.1. Statement of the problem .......................................................................... 2

1.2. Objectives ................................................................................................. 3

1.2.1 Main Objective................................................................................. 3

1.2.2 Specific Objectives .......................................................................... 3

1.3. Importance of the research ........................................................................ 3

1.4. Scope and Limitation of the Research ...................................................... 4

1.5. Methodology ............................................................................................. 4

1.6. Thesis Structure ........................................................................................ 5

Chapter 2: Background and State of the Art ............................................................... 6

2.1. Data Mining .............................................................................................. 6

2.2. Document Classification ........................................................................... 8

2.3. Arabic and Document Classification ...................................................... 10

Page 10: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


2.4. Semantic Web and Documents Classification ........................................ 12

2.3.1 Ontology ........................................................................................ 14

2.3.2 Semantic Annotation ...................................................................... 19

2.5. Summary ................................................................................................. 20

Chapter 3: Related Work .......................................................................................... 21

3.1. Arabic Documents Classification ........................................................... 21

3.2. Ontology and Documents Classification ................................................ 23

3.3. Arabic Ontology Building....................................................................... 26

3.4. Summary ................................................................................................. 28

Chapter 4: The Proposed Classification Approach ................................................... 29

4.1. Classification Approach Structure .......................................................... 29

4.2. Preparing the Corpus............................................................................... 30

4.3. Constructing the Domain Ontology ........................................................ 31

4.4. Documents Annotation ........................................................................... 38

4.5. Processing the Annotated Documents .................................................... 43

4.6. Documents Category Assignment........................................................... 45

4.7. Summary ................................................................................................. 46

Chapter 5: Experimental Results and Evaluation ..................................................... 47

5.1. Implementation of the Classification Approach ..................................... 47

5.2. Tools, Framework and API ..................................................................... 47

5.2.1 Protégé ......................................................................................... 48

5.2.2 GATE ........................................................................................... 49

Page 11: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


5.2.3 JAPE Rules .................................................................................. 50

5.2.4 JENA API .................................................................................... 50

5.3. Experiments ............................................................................................ 51

5.4. Evaluation ............................................................................................... 52

5.5. Discussion ............................................................................................... 56

5.6. Summary ................................................................................................. 57

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work .................................................................. 58

6.1. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 58

6.2. Future Work ............................................................................................ 59

Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 60

Appendices .................................................................................................................... 68

Appendix A: The News Ontology ..................................................................... 68

Appendix B: Part of the News Ontology Source Code in Owl .......................... 69

Page 12: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Data mining as a step in the process of knowledge discovery ...................... 7

Figure 2.2 Semantic Web Stack ................................................................................... 12

Figure 2.3 Example of a small ontology ....................................................................... 15

Figure 4.1 Classification Approach Structure ............................................................... 29

Figure 4.2 Approach Building Stages ........................................................................... 30

Figure 4.3 Top Level Ontology Classes ....................................................................... 34

Figure 4.4 List of Some Ontology Instances ................................................................ 36

Figure 4.5 Graph of Some Ontology Instances ............................................................. 37

Figure 4.6 Result of DL-Query ..................................................................................... 38

Figure 4.7 OntoRoot Gazetteer Parameters .................................................................. 39

Figure 4.8 Root Finder Application PRs....................................................................... 40

Figure 4.9 OntoRoot Gazetteer PR ............................................................................... 41

Figure 4.10 Sample Result of Lookup Annotation ....................................................... 42

Figure 4.11 Sample Result of Lookup Annotation ....................................................... 42

Figure 4.12 Sample Result of Document Annotation ................................................... 43

Figure 4.13 XML Sample Result of the Annotation ..................................................... 43

Figure 4.14 JAPE Rule Example 1 ............................................................................... 44

Figure 4.15 XML Annotation of JAPE Rule ................................................................ 44

Figure 4.16 JAPE Rule Example 2 ............................................................................... 45

Figure 5.1 Protégé Screenshot ..................................................................................... 48

Figure 5.2 GATE Screenshot ....................................................................................... 49

Figure 5.3 The Apache Jena Architecture .................................................................... 51

Figure 5.4 Precision, recall and F-measure results for the five classification classes .. 55

Page 13: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


List of Tables

Table 2.1 Construction processes of domain ontology ................................................ 17

Table 4.1 Ontology Classes and Sub-classes ................................................................ 33

Table 4.2 Ontology Object Properties .......................................................................... 35

Table 4.3 Question in DL-Query Format. ..................................................................... 37

Table 5.1 Confusion matrix for two classes’ classification problem ............................ 52

Table 5.2 Confusion matrix for five classes’ classification problem ............................ 53

Table 5.3 Confusion matrix for the five classification classes ..................................... 54

Table 5.4 Precision, recall and F-measure results for the five classification classes.... 55

Page 14: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


List of Abbreviations

CPSL Common Pattern Specification Language

DAML DARPA Agent Markup Language

DC Document Classification

GATE General Architecture For Text Engineering

JAPE Java Annotation Pattern Engine

KDD Knowledge Discovery from Data

KNN K-Nearest Neighbors

LR Language Resource

OIL Ontology Inference Layer

OWL Web Ontology Language

PR Processing Recourse

RDF Resource Description Framework

RDFS Resource Description Framework Schema

SVM Support Vector Machines

Page 15: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter introduces the thesis by describing the document classification, the

thesis problem, the research objectives, importance of the research, the scope and

limitations of the thesis work, the methodology, and finally the thesis structure.

The rapid growth of Internet has increased the number of online documents. Manual

classification of documents is time consuming and expensive, which makes it infeasible

for handling the huge number of Internet documents [60]. This has led to the

development of automated text and document classification systems that are capable of

automatically classifying documents [34].

Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into

a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document must pass through

preprocessing steps including conversion of document into plain text, stop word

removing, and words must be stemmed after stop words removal [32] [36]. Then the

document is passed to the classification system.

Arabic language is a Semitic language that has a complex and much morphology

than English; it is a highly inflected language. This complex morphology needs a set of

preprocessing routines to be suitable for classification [32] [66].

In traditional machine-learning algorithms a classifier is automatically built by

learning the characteristics of the categories from a set of reclassified documents, then

the classifier is used to classify documents into predefined categories. However, in order

to train classifier, human must collect large number of training text terms, which

considered a hard process [10].

In addition, most of these traditional methods are keyword based without sufficient

features. They do not considered the semantic relations between words, therefore,

providing inaccurate results and limited accuracy. In various applications, intelligent text

Page 16: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


classification systems apply the computational knowledge model, such as ontology, to

enhance the classification algorithms.

Ontology is a conceptual description, including concept, attribute, entity and

association description with the main purpose of knowledge sharing and reusing

knowledge [22]. Ontology-based text classification methods consider the semantic

relations between the terminology information extracted from texts and ontology

categories, thus improve the performance, in terms of its accuracy, over traditional

approaches to gain effectiveness amid current information environment [45] [12].

In this research, we develop an ontology-based document classification approach to

support the process of Arabic document classification. The current classification

systems, approaches and traditional methods is studied. A news domain ontology is

constructed. A prototype of the proposed classification approach which depends on the

constructed Arabic news ontology is implemented. Using the proposed approach the

documents is annotated with the constructed ontology components, then a classifier is

built to classify the documents based on these annotations. A series of experiments on a

set of documents is conducted and results are collected. Evaluation is performed based

on the results and shows that the proposed ontology-based approach achieves a

significant improvement in the process of documents classification based on the basic

evaluation measures: accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure.

1.1. Statement of the problem

In traditional classification algorithms, human needs to train the classifier. Most

of these algorithms have not considered the semantic relations between words. In

order to solve these problems, some ontology-based classification methods are

researched. These methods use ontologies, which consider the semantic relation to

represent characteristics of the categories, so documents are classified with more

understanding leading to improve accuracy of the classification. However, work in

ontology-based classification is limited and does not support the Arabic language.

Page 17: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Therefore, the problem of this research is to investigate the role of ontology in

Arabic documents classification.

1.2. Objectives

1.2.1 Main Objective

To investigate the role of ontology in Arabic documents classification.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this research are:

o Gain insight and vision of current document classification systems and

approaches to determine its advantages, shortcomings and requirements,

through studying and analysis.

o Construct a valid domain specific ontology which includes domain terms,

relations, properties and rules.

o Develop an approach that uses the constructed ontology to perform the

document classification process.

o Implement a prototype of the ontology-based classification approach.

o Evaluate the approach for accuracy based on a chosen evaluation


o Explore the role of ontology on documents classification.

1.3. Importance of the research

The importance of this research stems from the rapid growth of web documents

and the need of classifying them to improve knowledge acquisition.

Little work carried out on researches in the field of semantic web especially on

Arabic language; therefore, by this research we can contribute in Arabic

ontology building.

Document classification supported by ontology produce more understandable

results through reasoning.

Page 18: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Classification also can be used in document indexing, e-mail filtering, web

browsing, and personal information agents.

The developed ontology can also be used as a basis for other applications.

1.4. Scope and Limitation of the Research

The classification process depends on documents that exist in a corpus but

collected from the web.

The classification process focuses only on documents in Arabic language.

A domain specific ontology is constructed. Namely, from Arabic news domain.

A prototype rather than a system is implemented to provide a proof of concept

for the proposed approach.

1.5. Methodology

To accomplish the objectives of the research, the following methodology is


phase 1. Studying and analyzing current systems and applications that are

related to document classification in both Arabic and English


phase 2. Constructing the domain ontology, which involves the following


Decide whether construction of ontology has to be done from

scratch, reuse an existing ontology, use English to Arabic

mapping, and or automatic ontology building.

Specify the scope and purpose of the ontology. Also reveals

the relationship among classes and subclasses.

Validate the ontology through reasoning.

phase 3. Developing an approach that uses the constructed ontology in the

document classification process including:

Specify the requirements of the approach.

Page 19: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Specify the interaction between its components.

phase 4. Implementing a prototype of the proposed approach using GATE

software and JAPE rules for documents annotation, Eclipse for code

editing, and JENA API for programming.

phase 5. Evaluate the approach and verify that the goal is achieved. There are

different measures that we can use to evaluate the classification

approach. The basic measures that we can use are: accuracy,

precision, recall and F-measure

1.6. Thesis Structure

This thesis consists of six chapters organized as follows:

Chapter 1 (Introduction): introduces the thesis problem, objectives,

importance, limitations, methodology, and finally the thesis structure.

Chapter 2 (Background and State of the Art): focuses on the background

and theoretical concepts related to the document classification, Arabic

DC, semantic web, and semantic annotation.

Chapter 3 (Related Work): reviews the related work in the domain of

Arabic document classification, Arabic ontology building, and the used of

ontology in DC.

Chapter 4 (The Proposed Classification Approach): present the steps of

implementing the methodology. It describes the proposed approach, the

construction of domain ontology, the process of documents annotation

and category assignments.

Chapter 5 (Experimental Results and Evaluation): presents an evaluation

of the proposed approach and discusses the results.

Chapter 6 (Conclusion and Future Work): concludes the thesis and

presents future directions.

Page 20: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Chapter 2: Background and State of the Art

This chapter provide a brief introduction about data mining, documents

classification, and its methods, then introduces the classification in Arabic documents. It

also introduces the semantic web and its technologies, ontology, ontology building,

semantic annotation, and their roles in documents classification.

2.1. Data Mining

Data mining refers to extracting or “mining” knowledge from large amounts

of data [33]. It’s a process of nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously

unknown and potentially useful information [48]. Many other terms carry a

similar or slightly different meaning to data mining, such as knowledge mining

from data, knowledge extraction, data/pattern analysis, data archaeology, and

data dredging.

The process of discovering patterns in data must be automatic or (more

usually) semiautomatic. The patterns discovered must be meaningful in that they

lead to some advantage, usually an economic advantage. The data is invariably

present in substantial quantities [64].

Many people treat data mining as a synonym for another popularly used term,

Knowledge Discovery from Data, or KDD. Alternatively, others view data

mining as simply an essential step in the process of knowledge discovery.

Knowledge discovery as a process is depicted in Figure 2.1 and consists of an

iterative sequence of the following steps [33]:

1. Data cleaning (to remove noise and inconsistent data)

2. Data integration (where multiple data sources may be combined)

3. Data selection (where data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from

the database)

Page 21: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


4. Data transformation (where data are transformed or consolidated into

forms appropriate for mining by performing summary or aggregation

operations, for instance)

5. Data mining (an essential process where intelligent methods are applied

in order to extract data patterns)

6. Pattern evaluation (to identify the truly interesting patterns representing

knowledge based on some interestingness measures)

7. Knowledge presentation (where visualization and knowledge

representation techniques are used to present the mined knowledge to the


Figure 2.1 Data mining as a step in the process of knowledge discovery [33]

Data mining functionalities are used to specify the kind of patterns to be

found in data mining tasks. In general, data mining tasks can be classified into

two categories: descriptive and predictive. Descriptive mining tasks characterize

Page 22: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


the general properties of the data in the database. Predictive mining tasks

perform inference on the current data in order to make predictions [33].

The most famous data mining tasks is description, estimation, prediction,

classification, clustering, and association [33]. Perhaps the most common one is

that of classification. Which is the focus of our research.

2.2. Document Classification

Document classification is the task of classifying natural language documents

into a predefined set of categories based on their content [31]. This assignment

can be used for classification, filtering, and retrieval purposes. As the first and a

vital step, text representation converts the content of a textual document into a

compact format so that the document can be recognized and classified by a

computer or a classifier [11].

Documents Classification Methods

A number of classifiers have been proposed in the last few years, and a wide

variety of techniques have been designed for text classification. The documents

can be classified by three ways unsupervised, semi supervised and supervised

classification. Some key methods, which are commonly used for text

classification are as follows:

Probabilistic Methods: Probabilistic methods are the most fundamental

among all data classification methods. Probabilistic classification algorithms

use statistical inference to find the best class for a given example. In addition

to simply assigning the best class like other classification algorithms,

probabilistic classification algorithms will output a corresponding posterior

probability of the test instance being a member of each of the possible

classes. The posterior probability is defined as the probability after observing

the specific characteristics of the test instance. On the other hand, the prior

Page 23: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


probability is simply the fraction of training records belonging to each

particular class, with no knowledge of the test instance. After obtaining the

posterior probabilities, we use decision theory to determine class membership

for each new instance [1].

Decision Trees: Decision trees are designed with the use of a hierarchical

division of the underlying data space with the use of different text features.

The hierarchical division of the data space is designed in order to create class

partitions which are more skewed in terms of their class distribution. For a

given text instance, we determine the partition that it is most likely to belong

to, and use it for the purposes of classification [42].

Pattern (Rule)-based Methods: Rule-based methods are closely related to

decision trees, except that they do not create a strict hierarchical partitioning

of the training data. Rather, overlaps are allowed in order to create greater

robustness for the training model. Any path in a decision tree may be

interpreted as a rule, which assigns a test instance to a particular label [1].

Instance-Based Learning: In instance-based learning, the first phase of

constructing the training model is often dispensed with. The test instance is

directly related to the training instances in order to create a classification

model. Such methods are referred to as lazy learning methods, because they

wait for knowledge of the test instance in order to create a locally optimized

model, which is specific to the test instance. The advantage of such methods

is that they can be directly tailored to the particular test instance, and can

avoid the information loss associated with the incompleteness of any training

model. An example of a very simple instance-based method is the nearest

neighbor classifier [1].

SVM Classifiers: SVM (Support Vector Machines) Classifiers attempt to

partition the data space with the use of linear or non-linear delineations

between the different classes. The key in such classifiers is to determine the

optimal boundaries between the different classes and use them for the

purposes of classification. The major downside of SVM methods is that they

Page 24: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


are slow [42]. However, they are very popular and tend to have high accuracy

in many practical domains [1].

Neural Network Classifiers: Neural networks are used in a wide variety of

domains for the purposes of classification. In the context of text data, the

main difference for neural network classifiers is to adapt these classifiers

with the use of word features. Neural network classifiers are related to SVM

classifiers; indeed, they both are in the category of discriminative classifiers,

which are in contrast with the generative classifiers [1].

Bayesian Classifiers: Bayesian classifiers (also called generative classifiers),

attempt to build a probabilistic classifier based on modeling the underlying

word features in different classes. The idea is then to classify text based on

the posterior probability of the documents belonging to the different classes

on the basis of the word presence in the documents [1].

Of course there are many other classification methods, we cannot enumerate

and summarize all of them. Most of these traditional methods are keyword based

without many intelligent features, it have not considered the semantic relations

between words, providing inaccurate results. Therefore, it is difficult to improve

the accuracy. In various applications, intelligent text classification system applies

the computational knowledge model, such as ontology, to enhance the

classification algorithms [65].

2.3. Arabic and Document Classification

Arabic is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It’s the mother

language of more than 300 million people. Unlike Latin-based alphabets, the

orientation of writing in Arabic is from right to left; there are 28 characters in

Arabic. The characters are connected and do not start with capital letter as in

English. Furthermore, most of the characters differ in shape based on their

position in the sentence and adjacent letters [6] [51] [58].

Page 25: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Arabic words have two genders, feminine and masculine; three numbers,

singular, dual, and plural; and three grammatical cases, nominative, accusative,

and genitive. A noun has the nominative case when it is subject; accusative when

it is the object of a verb; and the genitive when it is the object of a preposition.

Words are classified into three main parts of speech, nouns (including adjectives

and adverbs), verbs, and particles [57].

Arabic language has a very complex morphology, words have affluent

meanings and contain a great deal of grammatical and lexical information [63].

Majority of words have a tri-letter root. The rest have a quad letter root, penta-

letter root or hexa-letter root. In addition, Arabic scripts do not use capitalization

for proper nouns, which are necessary in classifying documents [34].

Arabic is a challenging language for a number of reasons [58]:

1. Orthographic with diacritics is less ambiguous and more phonetic in

Arabic, certain combinations of characters can be written in different


2. Arabic has a very complex morphology recording as compare to English


3. Broken plurals are common. Broken plurals are somewhat like irregular

English plurals except that they often do not resemble the singular form

as closely as irregular plurals resemble the singular in English. Because

broken plurals do not obey normal morphological rules, they are not

handled by existing stemmers.

4. In Arabic we have short vowels which give different pronunciation.

Grammatically they are required but omitted in written Arabic texts.

5. Arabic synonyms are so many.

A few researchers have applied a number of classification approaches which

are solely applicable for the problem of Arabic text classification. Some of these

Page 26: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


works is listed on the next chapter. Researchers conclude that the Arabic text

documents are required extensive pre-processing routines to build accurate

classification systems.

2.4. Semantic Web and Documents Classification

The representation of text as a bag-of-words has been disadvantaged by the

ignorance of any relationship between terms thus the importance of the

integration of a semantic web technologies is to improve the process of

document classification by solving the problem of words ambiguity.

The semantic Web would be an extension of the current one, in which

information would be given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers

and people to work in cooperation. Its aim is to allow much more advanced

knowledge management [71].

Figure 2.2 illustrate the layered architecture of the semantic Web (due to Tim

Berners Lee).

Figure 2.2 Semantic Web Stack [19]

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The architecture includes UNICODE and URI (Uniform Resource Identifier),

XML (Extensible Markup Language), NS (Name Space), XMLSchema, RDF

(Resource Description Framework), RDFS (Resource Description Framework

Schema), Ontology, Logic, Proof, and Trust.

At the bottom we find XML, a language that lets one write structured Web

documents with a user-defined vocabulary. XML is particularly suitable for

sending documents across the Web. RDF is a basic data model, like the entity-

relationship model, for writing simple statements about Web objects (resources).

RDF Schema provides modeling primitives for organizing Web objects into

hierarchies. Key primitives are classes and properties, sub class and sub property

relationships, and domain and range restrictions [7].

RDF Schema can be viewed as a primitive language for writing ontologies.

But there is a need for more powerful ontology languages that expand RDF

Schema and allow the representations of more complex relationships between

Web objects. The Logic layer is used to enhance the ontology language further

and to allow the writing of application-specific declarative knowledge [19].

The Proof layer involves the actual deductive process as well as the

representation of proofs in Web languages (from lower levels) and proof

validation. Finally, the Trust layer will emerge through the use of digital

signatures and other kinds of knowledge, based on recommendations by trusted

agents or on rating and certification agencies and consumer bodies [7].

The semantic web extends the original web with technologies that provide

syntactic structure and semantic meaning permitting the development of

taxonomies and inference rules. When combined together as description logics

languages, they enable the compilation of knowledge representations or

information collections known as ontologies [62].

Page 28: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


2.3.1 Ontology

An ontology is a basic building block for the Semantic Web, it’s a formal,

explicit specification of a shared conceptualization [67]. "Formal" refers to the

fact that the ontology should be machine understandable. "Explicit" means that

the type of concepts used and the constraints on their use are explicitly defined.

"Shared" reflects the notion that an ontology captures consensual knowledge,

that is, it is not restricted to some individual but accepted by a group. A

"conceptualization" refers to an abstract model of some phenomenon in the

world that identifies the relevant concepts of that phenomenon [28].

An ontology can be viewed as a declarative model of a domain that defines

and represents the concepts existing in that domain, their attributes and

relationships between them [67]. It plays a vital role in the semantic web and

tries to capture the semantics of a domain by deploying knowledge

representation primitives, enabling a machine to understand the relationships

between concepts in a domain. It is typically represented as a knowledge base

which then becomes available to applications that need to use and/or share the

knowledge of a domain [68], which the news domain in our thesis.

Ontologies specifies a set of constraints that declare what should necessarily

hold in any possible world. It used to identify what “is” or “can be” in the world.

It is the intention to build a complete world model for describing the semantics

of information exchange. Especially in the area of artificial intelligence,

ontologies are being used to facilitate knowledge sharing and reuse [21].

Ontology is comprised of concepts, properties, relationships between

concepts and constraints. Figure 2.3 represents a simple ontology also called

lightweight ontology containing classes and its taxonomical relations.

Page 29: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 2.3 Example of a small ontology [2]

Based on Language Expressivity and Formality there are Informational,

Linguistic/Terminological, and Formal ontologies [26], linguistic ontologies are

large-scale lexical resources that cover most words of a language and have a

hierarchical structure based on the relations between concepts. These ontologies

can cover specific or general domains. Their top levels are described by the

primitives that are the generic terms that include other terms [20]. An example of

a primitive is computer science that includes software, hardware, networks, and

so forth.

In natural language texts, the meaning of a term is usually not defined

explicitly, but strongly depends on the context in which the term occurs. Humans

are able to disambiguate them using their knowledge about the context the term

is used in. Current automatic disambiguation approaches fail frequently due to

missing commonsense knowledge or appropriate ontology models [20].

The advantages of an ontology-based classification approach over the

existing ones are that the nature of the relational structure of ontology provides a

mechanism to enable machine reasoning; also, the conceptual instances within

ontology are not only a bag of keywords but have inherent semantics and a close

relationship with the class representatives of the classification schemes [46].

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Ontology Building

The creation of ontologies presents a tedious task, because it requires

specialized skills and involves various stakeholders with personalized, depends

on a variety of factors (such as software building tool, the implementation

language, the development methodology, the applications in which the ontology

will be used, the type of the ontology under construction, the available informal

and formal existing knowledge resources, etc.) [59].

In addition, there is no single correct way to model a domain, there are

always viable alternatives. Therefore, there is no one correct way to develop an

ontology [13], but the quality of the solution depends on the skills of the people

who will participate in the ontology development process. Several research

groups have proposed various methodologies for building ontologies. The skilled

knowledge engineer can look up the different methodologies before selecting, or

adapting one that fits his needs [59].

Several methodologies for ontology building have been reported, includes

Cyc, Uschold and King’s method, KACTUS, Methontology, SENSUS, On-to-

Knowledge, Grüninger and Fox, TOVE, CommonKADS, DILIGENT [29] [16]

[61]. The most complete ones are Methontology and On-to-Knowledge. All these

methodologies are composed of several activities. The development process is

not a linear process but a refinement one where each activity can be repeated

several times. Among all the activities the most important are: Ontology

specification, Knowledge acquisition, Conceptualization, Formalization,

Implementation, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Documentation [26].

In our research we used the manual construction method for constructing the

News ontology, and we follow mainly Noy and McGuinness [52], which consist

of 7 steps as illustrated in table 2.1 below.

Page 31: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Table 2.1 Construction processes of domain ontology [37]

Step Process

1. Determine the domain and scope of the ontology.

2. Consider reusing existing ontologies.

3. Enumerate important terms in the ontology.

4. Define the classes and the class hierarchy.

5. Define the properties of classes (slots).

6. Define the facets of the slots.

7. Create instances.

Like any development process, ontology construction is iterated, not a linear,

and may be necessary to backtrack to earlier steps [7].

All the previous methods and methodologies were proposed for building

ontologies. However, many other methods and methodologies have been

proposed for other tasks, such as ontology reengineering, ontology learning,

ontology evaluation, ontology evolution, ontology merging, etc. [16].

Ontology Building Tools

There are a lot of software tools related to semantic web. Many ontology

editors could be found on internet. Some of them (like: Apollo, OntoStudio,

Protégé, Swoop, and TopBraid). All these tools are popular in the ontology

design and development sector. They are accepted by relatively large semantic

web communities [2].

These tools can be applied to several stages of the ontology life cycle

including the creation, implementation, and maintenance of ontologies. It’s used

for building a new ontology either from scratch or by reusing existing one, which

usually supports editing, browsing, documentation, export and import from

different formats, and they may have attached inference engines [13].

Page 32: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Ontology Building Languages

There are several languages used in ontology building like XML, RDF/RDFS

DAML (DARPA Agent Markup Language) + OIL (Ontology Inference Layer)

and OWL (Web Ontology Language). Many ontology tools have been developed

for implementing metadata of ontology using these languages.

XML provides syntax for structured documents, without semantic meaning

constraints on the documents. RDF is a data model for representing objects and

relations between them. It provides simple semantics for the model and can be

represented in XML syntax. RDF-Schema is a language for defining vocabulary

for describing properties and classes of RDF resources. RDFS is used to define

graphs of trio RDF, with semantics of generalization/prioritization of such

properties and classes. OWL adds vocabulary for describing properties and

classes, relations between classes (e.g. disjointness), cardinality and

characteristics of properties (e.g. symmetry). OWL is developed as an extension

of RDF vocabularies, and it is derived from the ontology DAML + OIL [2].

Ontology Evaluation

In order to build high quality ontologies, ontology evaluation technologies

are needed. The primary goal of these evaluation methods is to prevent

applications from using inconsistent or incorrect ontologies [48].

A variety of researches of ontology evaluation have been established depends

on the perspective of what should be evaluated. Most of them focus on the

evaluation of the whole ontology; others focus on partial evaluation of the

ontology, for reuse it in an ontology engineering task [14].

Ontology evaluation can be divide basis of: Corpus-based evaluation: is used

to estimate empirically the accuracy and the coverage of the ontology. Gold-

Standard-based evaluation: that compares candidate ontologies to gold-standard

ontology that serves as a reference. Task-based evaluation: looks at how the

Page 33: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


results of the ontology-based application are affected by the use of an ontology.

Expert-based evaluation: where ontologies are presented to human experts who

have to judge in how far the developed ontology is correct. Criteria-based

evaluation: measures in how far an ontology adheres to desirable criteria [14].

There are various methodologies to evaluate ontologies; most of them based

on one of the following categories:

Fitting or coverage techniques between an ontology and a domain of

knowledge that the ontology is created for.

The effort done by human experts who try to assess how well the ontology

meets a set of predefined criteria, standards, and requirements.

Using the ontology in the context of an application or project to evaluate its

effectiveness. The use of the system may reveal weakness or strength points

in the ontology.

Comparing the ontology with other ontologies in the same domain.

Studying ontology relationships considering some measures.

Studying and comparing the formal representation of the ontology with other

ontologies formal representations, criterions, or measures [41].

2.3.2 Semantic Annotation

The construction of metadata which annotates the documents is one of the

major tasks for making data understandable to the machine on the Semantic

Web. Semantic annotation is the process of inserting metadata, which are

concepts of an ontology (i.e. classes, instances, properties and relations), in order

to assign semantics [53] [15], and tells us what exactly the concepts annotated

mean in the context. The traditional process of annotation is to associate text

with the corresponding element model. The reference process can be

implemented by calculating the similarity degree of concepts [67].

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Annotating data can help provide better classification facilities, since queries

will be based not only on traditional keywords, but also well-defined concepts

described by the domain ontology [53].

To achieve that and create this annotations, technologies should be available

for a common format, such as RDF, which allows anyone to make statements

about any resource using an XML-based syntax [15].

Manual annotation is difficult, slow, time-consuming, tedious and costly

[15]. It’s neither efficient nor practicable. The only way to bypass all these

drawbacks is to automate the process of semantic annotation [39].

Many systems that can lead the process automatically have been proposed to

automate the generation of semantic annotations [53]. Examples are GATE,

SHOE Knowledge Annotator, AeroDAML, AKTiveMedia, GoNTogle, KIM,

Magpie, MnM, Annozilla, SMORE, SemanticWord, Melita, Yawas,

OntoAnnotate, OntoMat Annotizer etc. [15][53].

These tools are designed to enable users with limited knowledge of semantic

Web technologies such as RDF, OWL to markup documents with semantics.

With these tools, authoring linked data is mainly a matter of dragging in data and

binding it together through ontology using a graphical interface [15].

2.5. Summary

In this chapter, we have presented a background for this research. We have

discussed the document classification process, and reviewed the commonly used

traditional classification methods, which are keyword based without many

intelligent features. So we had to address the concept of Semantic Web and its

technologies, the ontology and its building process, the ontology building tools

and languages, and the ontology evaluation. Then we presented the semantic

annotation and how we can use ontology in the process of annotation and the

importance of it in the field of document classification.

Page 35: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Chapter 3: Related Work

This chapter presents a review of existing related work in the field of documents

classification in general, and classifying Arabic documents in particular, also introduces

and analyzes the related work in the field of using ontology and semantic annotation in

the field of document classification.

3.1. Arabic Documents Classification

Because the subject of documents classification is linked to many fields, and

the solution to this problem contributes in development of many fields and

applications. Many researchers have applied several researches based on a

number of classification approaches, models and techniques. We illustrates some

of these works below.

El-Halees [23] uses maximum entropy, which is a probabilistic supervised

learning method for text classification on Arabic data sets collected from

Aljazeera Arabic news website. His method focuses in natural language

processing techniques to preprocess the documents before applying the

classification. The author has tested the proposed method with and without pre-

processing phase. Using the preprocessing techniques increases the f-measure

from 68.13% to 80.41%.

Harrag et al. [35] develop an Arabic text classification model using neural

network and singular value decomposition method. Introducing the singular

value decomposition method improved the categorization performance, the

reduced size of the vectors also decreased the computational time in the back-

propagation neural network. The method achieves performance of 88%.

Hadi [31] applies a methodology in a proposed expert system based on

learning the rules from the database rather than inputting the rules by the

knowledge engineer from the domain expert, so the accuracy and the processing

Page 36: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


time are improved. The proposed automated expert system contains a learning

method based on Association Classification mining. Five different classification

approaches: Decision trees (C4.5, KNN, SVM, MCAR and NB) and the

proposed automated expert system, which called EMCAR, have been tested on

the Islamic data set to determine the suitable method in classifying Arabic texts.

The basis of the comparison in the experimentation are different text evaluation

metrics, including error-rate, precision, and recall. The results indicated that the

least applicable learning algorithm towards the chosen Arabic data set is KNN.

Moreover, the most applicable algorithm to the Arabic data set is EMCAR in

which it derived higher results in all evaluation.

Elberrichi et al. [25] use Arabic WordNet as a lexical and semantic resource

for categorizing Arabic texts. To comprehend its effect, they incorporate it in a

comparative study with the other usual modes of representation (bag of words

and N-grams), and they use the K-Nearest Neighbors learning scheme with

different similarity measure. Their result show the benefits and advantages of

this representation compared to the more conventional method, and demonstrate

that the addition of the semantic dimension is promising ways for the automatic

categorization of Arabic texts.

El-Monsef et al. [24] propose a method that consider a specific word related

to the field called Field Association words by considering their ranks or levels.

They built a Java software system to make classification on Arabic text using

keyword, FA words and compound FA words. Furthermore, a comparative study

of keywords, FA words and compound FA words on Arabic text were done using

experimental results generated by their software. The methods estimated by

simulation results of 1819 files and 16 super fields. And the classification results,

F-measure is 72% of classification using FA words, F-measure is 82% of

classification using compound FA words.

Page 37: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Al-Harbi et al. [57] investigate the effect of stemming for improving Arabic

text categorization. Three stemming techniques (root based stemming, ETS2

stemming, and light stemming) were employed. Their performance was assessed

in text classification exercises for an Arabic corpus to compare and contrast the

effect of these Arabic stemming algorithms on improving text mining. The

results showed significant classification accuracy improvement when using the

ETS2 stemmer, accuracy varies among classes between 73.33% and 82.19%.

Also Saad et al. [58] study the impact of text pre-processing and different

term weighting schemes on Arabic text classification. They develop a new

combinations of term weighting schemes to be applied on Arabic text for

classification purposes. They use C4.5 decision tree algorithm to classify their

Arabic dataset. Empirical results showed Term stemming and pruning, document

normalization, and term weighting dramatically reduce dimensionality, enhance

text representation and directly impact text mining performance.

3.2. Ontology and Documents Classification

De Luca et al. [20] present a search system that uses ontologies to classify

search results online in order to disambiguate result sets with respect to given

search terms. Thus, the user can select directly a subset of the search results

(“folder of sense”) which reflects his search context without the need to scan the

list of all retrieved documents.

Mu-Hee et al. [46] focus on document classification based on the similarities

of documents already categorized by ontology using terminology information

extracted from the documents. The document classification technique proposed

by this paper does not involve any learning processes or experimental data and

can be performed in real time. Their classification results, the precision, recall,

and F1 measures 89.68%, 95.43%, 92.39%, respectively. And the F1

Page 38: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


measurements is compared with TF-IDF and Bayesian method which got 79.87%

and 82.45%.

Zakaria et al. [70] propose a medical document classification method based

on Mesh (Medical Subject Headings) domain ontology, in their proposed method

they uses a mapping terms to concepts strategy, to enrich the representation

vector, to reduce its dimensions. The approach was tested with the KNN and the

C4.5 and the result have a significant performance upgrading of 30%.

Marina et al. [47] present an ontology-based web content mining

methodology that contains such main stages as collecting a training set of labeled

documents from a given domain, building a classification model above this

domain given the domain ontology, and classification of new documents via the

induced model. They tested the proposed methodology in a specific domain,

namely web pages containing information about production of certain chemicals.

Using their methodology, they are interested to identify all relevant web

documents while ignoring the documents that do not contain any relevant

information. Their system receives as input an OWL file built in Protégé tool,

which contains the domain-specific ontology, and a set of web documents

classified by a human expert as ”relevant” or ”non-relevant”. They use a

language-independent key-phrase extractor with integrated ontology parser for

creating the database from input documents and use it as a training set for the

classification algorithm. The system classification accuracy using various levels

of ontology is evaluated. The current version of their system supports web

content mining in English, Arabic, Russian, and Hebrew languages.

Prabowo et al. [54] propose an automatic classifier, which focuses on the

use of ontologies for classifying Web pages. They use shared classes to define a

set of common class representatives, and to link the class representatives with

Page 39: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


their associated domain ontologies. Then to correctly identify the main topic of a

Web page a term weighting strategy is applied. The experiment results show a

statistical improvement in terms of accuracy.

Jian et al. [46] present an ontology-based text-mining methods for grouping

of research proposals. A research ontology is constructed to categorize the

concept terms in different discipline areas and to form relationships among them.

It facilitates text-mining and optimization techniques to cluster research

proposals based on their similarities and then to balance them according to the

applicants’ characteristics. The experimental results at showed that the proposed

method improved the similarity in proposal groups, as well as took into

consideration the applicants’ characteristics. Also, the proposed method

promotes the efficiency in the proposal grouping process.

Fang et al. [27] propose an ontology-based web documents classification and

ranking method. Firstly, weighted terms set are extracted from web documents,

and ontology is build up by clarifying and augmenting an existing ontology; then

similarity score between documents and ontology is computed based on

WordNet by using Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) method; finally, web

documents are assigned to categories according to the similarity score, and a

ranking method is used to sort the documents in the same categories. The

experiment result shows that the classification algorithm achieves better

precision 82.1% and recall 93.3% compare with adaptive KNN method, and is

competitive with SVM method, the ranking method also has good performance.

They explained that the main reason for this improvement is that ontology-based

method considers semantic relations between words when calculating similarity

between documents and ontologies.

From previously related work we notice that there are some studies in the

field of document classification use ontology, but they are limited to English

language. The results show significant performance in document classification,

Page 40: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


so that it supports research in the field of document classification using ontology,

and encourage to take its advantages to classify Arabic documents.

3.3. Arabic Ontology Building

A few researchers have studied Arabic ontology building, most of these

ontologies are domain specific. Researchers in most cases used these ontologies

in the field of searching and information retrieval.

Sina institute for knowledge engineering and Arabic technologies [9] work in

a project of Arabic ontology, which is a long term project. In [38] they clarify

that the project aims to build the upper levels of the Arabic ontology, which

forms the basis for the Arabic ontology. They create a database containing

approximately thirty thousand Arabic terms and their semantic meaning. Also

they create a computer program which works on the link between the concepts of

Arab ontology with its corresponding one in English ontology.

Al-Safadi et al. [5] describe the development of an Arabic ontology in a

computer technology domain to serve semantic-based search and retrieval of

Arabic blogs on the web. They analyze the Arabic language on the web and

investigate the existing Arabic support offered by semantic web applications and

research. The analysis showed weak support for Arabic language. Thus, the need

for developing Arabic domain-based ontologies.

Zaidi et al. [69] describe a web-based multilingual tool for Arabic

information retrieval based on ontology in the legal domain. They illustrate the

manual construction of the ontology and the way it is edited using Protégé. They

identify the legal terms and the semantic relations between them before mapping

them onto their position in the ontology.

Aliane et al. [3] present a project of building an ontology centered

infrastructure for Arabic resources and applications. They named their project Al-

Page 41: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Khalil in the sake of the famous grammarian AL-Khalil Ibn Ahmad Alfarahidi

because they consider that he was the first to have built an ontology for the

Arabic language trough his book “Kitab al-'Ayn”. The core of the infrastructure

is a linguistic ontology that is founded on Arabic Traditional Grammar. The

methodology they have chosen consists in reusing an existing ontology, namely

the Gold linguistic ontology. They discuss the development of the ontology and

present their vision for the whole project. And because of ontology is intended to

be a reference for linguists and NLP researchers in different areas of the field,

They aim the ontology to contain exhaustive knowledge about standard Arabic,

formal and NLP works on Arabic, dialects and linguistic phenomena relating to

Arabic, And linking their ontology to projects on Arabic corpus for instance the

Algerian Arabic treasury project and building significant applications that use the


Dalloul [18] builds an Isnad judgment system that automatically generates a

suggested judgment of Hadith Isnad based on ontology in the Hadith domain. He

illustrate the construction steps of the ontology using Protégé. A prototype of the

approach implemented to provide a proof of concept for the requirements and to

verify its accuracy. The results prove that the ontology supports the process of

Isnad judgment.

Kaloub [40] proposes an approach for enhancing the process of information

retrieval for Arabic language that depends on the ontology in prayer

jurisprudence domain. He uses GATE software as annotation tool to annotate

documents based on the constructed ontology to enhance the process of

information retrieval. The results of the approach show significant improvement

in the process of documents retrieval depending on the two common evaluation

criteria precision and recall.

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3.4. Summary

In this chapter we presented a review of some related works in the field of

documents classification, in both English and Arabic languages. Then we

reviewed related works that use ontology in the classification process. We found

that most researches and developments are in English language. Also we

reviewed the related works in Arabic ontology building which mostly are domain

specific and are used in the field of searching and information retrieval. Finally

by reviewing most of works in the field of document annotation we found that

most of them is for retrieval purposes, and do not cover the field of document


Page 43: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document








Sentence Splitter,

POS Tagger.. etc.


Ontology Mapping, Annotation


Chapter 4: The Proposed Classification Approach

This chapter describes and discusses the stages of developing the Arabic documents

classification approach which depends on the constructed Arabic news ontology. The

ontology building process will be described in details, then the use of the news ontology

to annotate documents is illustrated. After that the classifier which will classify the

documents based on these annotations will be presented.

4.1. Classification Approach Structure

The ontology-based Arabic document classification approach consists of the

following parts as shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Classification Approach Structure

Document classification components:

Preprocessing: The unclassified documents are passed to the system,

then a preprocessing stage is performed, which include text tokenizing,

sentence splitting, POS tagging, and morphological analyzing.

Domain Ontology: Arabic News ontology which used in the annotation

and classification process.

Domain Ontology

XML Parsing,

Ontology Reading,

Cat. Assignment

Page 44: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Annotator: which maps terms to the corresponding classes, that is, the

sets defining the different meanings of a term and the linguistic relations

from the used ontology.

Classifier: which classifies documents depending on the annotation


The process of building the classification approach have to be performed based on

our methodology. Each stage will be explained in a separate section. The main required

stages are shown in Figure 4.2 and include preparing the corpus, constructing the

domain ontology, documents annotation, and documents category assignment.

Figure 4.2 Approach Building Stages

4.2. Preparing the Corpus

Preparing the corpus is one of the most important stages in the research

project. The corpus is a collection of documents in a selected domain. In our

work we collect nearly 100 documents related to News domain. It’s collected

manually from Aljazeera news web site [4], which is one of the largest Arabic

• Preparing the corpus

• Constructing the domain ontology

• Documents annotation

• Documents category assignment

Page 45: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


news websites. The collected documents are chosen from the news field of

Politics “سياسة”, Economy “اقتصاد”, Sport “رياضة”, Health “صحةة” and Science and

Technology “علحم تكنوملمييحا”. Then all documents is converted to xml format to

facilitate the processing of documents annotation.

4.3. Constructing the Domain Ontology

Building ontology is the main theme in this study, we used a top-down

approach in building the ontology. Most abstract concepts are identified first,

then specialized into more specific concepts to build our domain Arabic ontology

which represents the basic knowledge in our work. We construct the ontology


We have developed the ontology contents for News domain, collected from a

number of relevant research papers. The ontology is implemented with Protégé

tool in OWL format.

As we have previously illustrated the ontology building (section 2.3.1), the

manual development of ontology consists of the following steps:

Determine the domain and scope of the ontology.

Consider reusing existing ontologies.

Enumerate important terms in the ontology.

Define the classes and the class hierarchy.

Define the properties of classes (slots).

Define the facets of the slots.

Create instances.

Step 1: Determine the domain and scope of the ontology

The definition of ontology domain and scope is the first step of ontology

development. To determine the ontology domain and scope we should know

which domain will the ontology cover, the purpose of the ontology, and the type

Page 46: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


of question should the information in the ontology be able to provide answers,

and who will use the ontology.

By answering these questions, we can say that the domain of the ontology

will cover news “األخبحار” domain, which is used in our approach to annotate

documents for the purpose of classification.

Step 2: Consider reusing existing ontologies

This step is to ascertain if there exists ontology that is developed previously

in the same subject area. If such ontology exists, it is easier to modify the

existing ontology to suit ones needs than to create a new one. And because we

have not found a previously ontology created on the news area neither in Arabic

nor in English language, we omitted these step.

Step 3: Enumerate important terms in the ontology

This step can be viewed as a brainstorming activity, in which we list the

words that we want to use, to demonstrate the ontology terms, and the properties

that may have.

We also benefited from the collected News documents to get the knowledge

about News terms.

Step 4: Define the classes and the class hierarchy

This step defines classes (concepts) used in our ontology domain. We define

classes and sub-classes related to our domain. Table 4.1 depicts the Ontology

classes, News “األخبحار” is the most general concept. Politics “سياسحة”, Economy

علححم “ and Science and Technology ”صححةة“ Health ,”رياضححة“ Sport ,”اقتصححاد“

are general top level concepts. The remaining are the most specific ”تكنوملمييحا

classes (or the bottom level classes).

Page 47: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Table 4.1 Ontology Classes and Sub-classes

No. Classes/Subclasses

In Arabic


In English No.


In Arabic


In English

Match مباراة ` .Politics 21 سياسة .1

periodic دتري .Election 22 انتخابات .2

Club نادي .Nation 23 أمة .3

Health صحة .Diplomacy 24 دبلمماسية .4

Diseases أمراض .Negotiation 25 مفاتضات .5

Treatment عالج .Conflicts 26 نزاعات .6

Famine مجاعة .Issues 27 قضايا .7

Death ممت .Media 28 اعال .8

.Science and Tech علوم وتكنولوجيا .Economy 29 اقتصاد .9

Researches أبةاث .Building 30 بواء .10

Devices أيهزة .Trade 31 كجارة .11

Communication اكصال .Agriculture 32 زراعة .12

Invention اختراع .Tourism 33 سياحة .13

Weather الطقس .Company 34 شركات .14

Astronomy الفلك .Industry 35 صواعة .15

Electronics النترتنيات .Energy 36 طاقة .16

Researcher باحث .Transport 37 نقل .17

Scientist عالم .Sport 38 رياضة .18

Science علم .Individual sports 39 رياضات فردية .19

Technology كنوملمييا .Collective sports 40 رياضات يماعية .20

Choosing these concepts has a direct relationship with the process of

documents classification where they represent the general accepted classification

categories. In Table 4.1 we mention every ontology concept in Arabic and its

synonym in English. Some of these concepts have relations with other concepts

which help in the classification process. Also, most of these concepts have

synonym words and they contain instances to help in the process of documents


Page 48: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 4.3 depicts the top level ontology classes. The Thing, which represent the

class of all things. The News “األخبحار” class which is the root class, and others are

the sub-classes.

Figure 4.3 Top Level Ontology Classes

Step 5: Define the properties of classes (slots).

Define object properties (relations) among classes, which role is connecting

concepts of the ontology.

Because of the nature of the ontology, which used for classification purposes

there is rarely relations between ontology concepts.

We used 4 object properties that connect the important concepts which have

relations with each other. Table 4.2 depicts these 4 object properties in our


Science and Technology





Page 49: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Arabic ontology and its synonym in English. Also depicts properties domain and

range classes.

Table 4.2 Ontology Object Properties

No. Lang. Object Properties Domain Range

1. AR عالج أمراض كةتاج إلى

EN Need a Diseases Treatment

2. AR أيهزة كقوية كستخد بماسطة

EN Used by Technique Devices

3. AR فريق العب يلعب في

EN Plays in Player Team

4. AR مفاتضات نزاعات كةل بماسطة

EN Solved by Conflicts Negotiation

Step 6: Define the facets of the slots.

Slots (sometimes called roles or properties) have different facets (sometimes

called role restrictions) that describe the value type, allowed values, the number

of the values (cardinality), and other features of the values the slot can take. In

our case most of the slot values are string. For example, the value of a synonyms

slot is one string. That is, synonyms is a slot with value type String. A slot used

by “يسحتخد بماسحطة” can have multiple values and the values are instances of the

class Devices “أيهحزة”. That is, used by “يسحتخد بماسحطة” is a slot with value type

Instance with Devices “أيهزة” as allowed class.

Step 7: Create instances.

Creating instances (individuals) is a very important step to enrich the

ontology with direct relation with classes and sub-classes.

Page 50: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


For example, the class Diseases “أمححراض” have several instances, which

include Alzheimer's “الزهححايمر”, Diabetes “السححنري”, Pressure “ الضحح”, Anemia

etc. Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 depicts some of these ”شحلل األطفحال“ Polio ,”األنيميحا“


Figure 4.4 List of Some Ontology Instances

Page 51: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 4.5 Graph of Some Ontology Instances

Ontology Evaluation

In order to verify and validate the ontology with regards to competency

questions, we use the Description Logic Query (DL-Query) that is a standard

Protégé plugin and it is based on the Manchester OWL syntax with HermiT

OWL reasoner.

An example of the querying function that answers the questions that are

asked in the development process of the ontology is: What are the diseases that

need painkillers?, which is illustrated in Table 4.3 in DL-Query format.

Table 4.3 Question in DL-Query Format.

Lang. DL-Query

AR أمراض and

المسنوات كةتاج إلى

EN Diseases Need a painkillers

Figure 4.6 depicts the result of DL-Query which illustrates the individuals of

Diseases “أمراض” class that are needs painkillers “المسنوات” as Treatment “عالج”.

Page 52: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 4.6 Result of DL-Query

The results of DL-Query example show that the ontology are successfully

portrays the body of knowledge related to the News ontology.

4.4. Documents Annotation

To perform document annotations, we use GATE software. More information

about GATE can be found in Section 5.2.2. The annotation process is performed

on the documents stored in the GATE Corpus. A Corpus in GATE is a Java set

whose members are documents. Both ontology and documents are types of

LanguageResource (LR), which is an entity that holds linguistic data such as

documents, corpora, ontologies.

GATE supports various document formats such as: Plain text, HTML,

SGML, XML, RTF, and PDF. In our work we use Plain text documents, then we

saved them in XML formats after making annotation.

We use the OntoRoot Gazetteer ProcessingRecourse (PR) which is a type of

dynamically created gazetteer that is, in combination with few other generic

GATE resources, capable of producing ontology-based annotations over the

Page 53: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


given content with regards to the given ontology. PR represents entities that are

primarily algorithmic, such as parsers or generators, which will do some sort of

processing on text.

A gazetteer consists of a set of lists containing names of entities such as

cities, organizations, days of the week, etc. These lists are used to find

occurrences of these names in text. The word ‘gazetteer’ is often used

interchangeably for both the set of entity lists and for the processing resource that

makes use of those lists to find occurrences of the names in text.

OntoRoot Gazetteer links text to an ontology by creating Lookup annotations

which come from the ontology rather than a default gazetteer.

The OntoRoot Gazetteer needs a few mandatory parameters to be initialized

as shown in Figure 4.7 which are:

Ontology LR.

Root Finder Application.

Figure 4.7 OntoRoot Gazetteer Parameters

Page 54: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


The root finder application consists of the following Processing Resources

(PRs), which is illustrated in Figure 4.8 and are states as follows:

Document Reset PR: which enables the document to be reset to its

original state, by removing all the annotation sets and their contents.

Arabic Tokenizer: which tokenizes the text with kinds of Tokens as

Word, Number, Punctuation and Space Token.

ANNIE Sentence Splitter: which segments the text into sentences.

ANNIE POS Tagger: Part of Speech Tagger which produces a part-

of-speech tags as an annotation on each word or symbol.

GATE Morphological Analyzer: which finds the root and affix values

of a token and adds them as features to the tokens.

Figure 4.8 Root Finder Application PRs

By running the OntoRoot Gazetteer PR on the corpus, which contain the

Arabic news field documents, and based on the constructed News ontology, the

documents will annotate with these ontology components and the result will be

annotation with ontology classes, instances, and properties. Figure 4.9 depicts

using OntoRoot Gazetteer annotator.

Page 55: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 4.9 OntoRoot Gazetteer PR

As a results of running OntoRoot Gazetteer, a Lookup annotations are

generated. Feature URI refers to the URI of the ontology resource, while type

identifies the type of the resource such as class, instance, or property. Figure 4.10

depicts the Lookup annotation, in which corona “كمرتنحا” is annotated with the

corresponding ontology instance, which is an instance of the ontology class

Diseases “أمراض”.

Page 56: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 4.10 Sample Result of Lookup Annotation

Figure 4.11 illustrates the Lookup annotation list which includes the start and

end positions of the annotation in the annotated document, and the features

which contain URI, classURI, classURIList, and type, is which related to the

corresponding ontology component.

Figure 4.11 Sample Result of Lookup Annotation

A sample of the result is shown in Figure 4.12, after running the OntoRoot

Gazetteer processing recourse the document is annotated with the corresponding

ontology component, which appears in the annotation sets. When we select the

type of the annotation from the set, all annotated words is highlighted.

Page 57: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 4.12 Sample Result of Document Annotation

Figure 4.13 depicts the xml annotation tags, <Annotation> and <Feature>

tags, which the OntoRoot Gazetteer added to the document after annotation.

Figure 4.13 XML Sample Result of the Annotation

4.5. Processing the Annotated Documents

In this step after annotating documents using OntoRoot Gazetteer annotator,

we pass annotated documents to JAPE Transducer plugin, which needs a

<AnnotationSet> <Annotation Id="2383" Type="Lookup" StartNode="545" EndNode="550">

<Feature> <Name className="java.lang.String">URI</Name> <Value className= "java.lang.String">اقتصاد </Value>

</Feature> </Annotation>


Page 58: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Grammar parameter URL. The User can use this parameter to specify the JAPE

rules that consider files written with the extension ".jape". The JAPE Transducer

parses and compiles the JAPE rules at run-time to execute them over the GATE

document. Figure 4.14 depicts some JAPE rules used in processing the annotated


Figure 4.14 JAPE Rule Example 1

In the previous JAPE rule example, the rule name ONTO_CLASSES, the left

hand side of the rule indicates searching about all GATE lookup annotations with

type “class” and passes them to the right hand side for processing. The RHS adds

annotation with type “Classes” and with feature rule and name as we defined.

The XML annotation of JAPE rules is illustrated in Figure 4.15.

Figure 4.15 XML Annotation of JAPE Rule

In Figure 4.16 the JAPE rule adds annotation with type Economy “اقتصحاد” and

feature name rule with value “Economy”.


( {Lookup.type==class} )




gate.AnnotationSet label = (gate.AnnotationSet)bindings.get("label");

gate.Annotation personAnn = (gate.Annotation)label.iterator().next();

gate.FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();




<Annotation Id="50" Type="Classes" StartNode="1258" EndNode="1264"> <Feature>

<Name className="java.lang.String">rule</Name> <Value className= "java.lang.String">ONTO_CLASSES</Value>



Page 59: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 4.16 JAPE Rule Example 2

In the same way we can process all documents with JAPE Transducer. The

resulting annotation facilitates the process of document classification based on

these rules as we explain next.

4.6. Documents Category Assignment

In the final stage, an algorithm is used to determine the document class based

on its annotation set. The document may contain annotations belong to various

classes. Therefore, the document which contains the highest matching score with

the corresponding general top level ontology class is assigned to this class, which

is considered as the most suitable category for the given document.

In this step the received xml document is parsed to reach the annotation sets

and determine the annotation category. Then by reading the ontology we can

reach to the top class level which we want to map documents to. Finally by

computing each annotation category rank we can assign documents to their


Rule: Economy

( {



} )




gate.AnnotationSet label = (gate.AnnotationSet)bindings.get("label");

gate.Annotation personAnn = (gate.Annotation)label.iterator().next();

gate.FeatureMap features = Factory.newFeatureMap();




Page 60: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


4.7. Summary

In this chapter, we have discussed the steps to execute our methodology. In

the first section, we talked about the structure of the proposed approach. In the

second section, we illustrate the process of preparing the corpus, the number of

documents and how we obtain them. In the third section, ontology building

stages are explained. In the fourth section documents annotation steps are

explained depending on OntoRoot Gazetteer plugin. In the fifth section we

explained how we processed annotated documents using JAPE Rules. Finally in

the sixth section the documents category assignment is explained.

Page 61: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Chapter 5: Experimental Results and Evaluation

This chapter presents and analyzes the experimental results and the evaluation of our

approach. Firstly we explain the work environment, tools and programs used in our

research to develop the proposed approach. Then we evaluate the classification approach

performance. Finally at the end of the chapter we discuss our results.

5.1. Implementation of the Classification Approach

As we presented the structure of the classification approach in Section 4.1, its

main components are: the domain ontology, the annotator and the classifier. We

develop a prototype for the ontology-based classification approach that

automatically classify documents based on the News domain ontology. To satisfy

this goal we divide the prototype into the following two stages:

First Stage: Documents Annotation, which is annotating documents using

GATE software based on the Arabic News ontology.

Second Stage: Category Assignment, which is assign document to category

using JENA API based on the annotation phase.

The classification approach is implemented using Protégé, GATE software,

JAPE Rules, Eclipse with Java SDK and JENA. We use Protégé tool to build the

Arabic News ontology, GATE software and JAPE Rules used for documents

annotation. The classifier which assigns documents to categories is built using

Eclipse and JENA API.

5.2. Tools, Framework and API

To implement the ontology-based classification approach, we need different

components at different stages for classifying documents. So various kinds of

open source software tools have been used, which are Protégé for ontology

Page 62: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


building, GATE and JAPE rules for documents annotation, Eclipse for code

editing, and JENA API for programming. These tools are described below:

5.2.1 Protégé

For ontology building, we used Protégé 5 [55] which is a knowledge base

ontology editor providing graphical user interface. It is chosen for our

ontology building because it provides better flexibility for meta-modeling,

enables the construction of domain ontologies, and customizes data entry

forms to enter data. It is typically targeted at the knowledge engineering and

conceptual modeling without knowing or thinking about syntax of output

language [13], also it supports the construction of the ontology in Arabic

language. Figure 5.1 shows a Protégé screenshot that include the classes’

hierarchy and its corresponding graph.

Figure 5.1 Protégé Screenshot [55]

Page 63: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


5.2.2 GATE

GATE [30] (General Architecture for Text Engineering) is an open

source software developed by the University of Sheffield. It’s an

infrastructure for developing and deploying software components that

process human language. GATE is an effective tool used for performing

some NLP (Natural Language Processing), it has many features, such as

manual annotation, automatic annotation, using variety of gazetteer,

information retrieval, ontology-based processing [56].

GATE includes an information extraction system called ANNIE (A

Nearly-New Information Extraction System) which is a set of modules

comprising a tokenizer, a gazetteer, a sentence splitter, a part of speech

tagger, a named entities transducer and a coreference tagger. ANNIE can be

used as-is to provide basic information extraction functionality, or provide a

starting point for more specific tasks.

Figure 5.2 GATE Screenshot [30]

Page 64: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Figure 5.2 shows GATE screenshot that illustrates its components which

come in three types:

Language resources (LRs): This is a number of linguistic data such as

documents, Corpora, Ontologies.

Processing Resources (PRs): These are programs or algorithms which

will do some sort of processing on text i.e. Tokenizing or dictionary

lookup, parsing etc.

Visual Resources (VRs): These are components for graphical user

interface and allows viewing and editing of other types of resources.

5.2.3 JAPE Rules

JAPE is a Java Annotation Patterns Engine, a component of the GATE

platform. JAPE provides finite state transduction over annotations based on

regular expressions. JAPE is a version of Common Pattern Specification

Language (CPSL).

A JAPE grammar consists of a set of phases, each of which consists of a

set of pattern/action rules. The phases run sequentially and constitute a

cascade of finite state transducers over annotations. The left-hand-side (LHS)

of the rules consist of an annotation pattern description. The right-hand-side

(RHS) consists of annotation manipulation statements. Annotations matched

on the LHS of a rule may be referred to on the RHS by means of labels that

are attached to pattern elements [17].

5.2.4 JENA API

A free and open source Java framework for building Semantic Web and

Linked Data applications [8]. It provides an API for the creation and

manipulation of RDF repositories. Also provides classes/interfaces for the

management of OWL‐based ontologies. JENA includes a rule-based

Page 65: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


inference engine and a various reasoners can be set up to work with it. The

Apache Jena architecture is shown in figure 5.3. We use JENA API to read

and manipulate our constructed News ontology.

Figure 5.3 The Apache Jena Architecture [8]

5.3. Experiments

We performed a series of experiments to demonstrate the ability of our

approach to classify documents based on the constructed Arabic News ontology.

In the first stage documents are gathered in a GATE corpus with UTF-8

encoding type as a language resource. Also the Arabic News ontology which

built in protégé is added to GATE as another language resource. Using OntoRoot

Gazetteer the documents are annotated depend on the annotation type’s ontology

classes, instances, and properties. JAPE Transducer plugin then used to process

the annotated documents using Jape rules.

In the second stage the documents which saved as XML format are grouped

so are classified using Java-based classifier that assigns each document to the

most relevant ontology concept. The classifier parses each document to access

the delivered annotation and determine their category.

A series of experiments are performed and the obtained results show a high

classification approach. As we explain next.

Page 66: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


5.4. Evaluation

We are interested in the approach ability to correctly classify documents to

their categories. There are different measures that we can use to evaluate the

classification approach. The basic measures that we can use are: accuracy,

precision, recall and F-measure. Computation of these measures are based on

computing confusion matrix as shown in Table 5.1. A confusion matrix also

known as a contingency table or an error matrix, which is a matrix where test

cases are distributed as follows:

1. True Positive (TP): refers to positive instances that are correctly classified.

2. False Negative (FN): refers to positive instances incorrectly classified as


3. False Positive (FP): refers to negative instances incorrectly classified as


4. True Negative (TN): refers to negative instances that are correctly


Table 5.1 Confusion matrix for two classes’ classification problem

Predicted Class

Positive Negative





Positive TP FN

Negative FP TN

Since we have five classes classification problem, our confusion matrix will

rebuilt as follows:

Page 67: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Table 5.2 Confusion matrix for five classes’ classification problem

Predicted Classes











Where Exy refer to error classified class x as class y.

According to previous five confusion matrix, we can compute measures as


Accuracy is a measure of the overall correctness of the approach, it’s the

number of documents that are correctly classified divided by sum of the total

documents, and since Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN) then:

𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = ∑ 𝑇𝑃𝑥



(∑ 𝑇𝑃𝑥



+ ∑ ∑ 𝐸𝑥𝑦





+ ∑ ∑ 𝐸𝑦𝑥





)⁄ … … (5.1)

Precision is the percentage of predicted documents that are correctly


Since Precision = TP / (TP + FP) then:

𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑋 = 𝑇𝑃𝑥 (𝑇𝑃𝑥 + ∑ 𝑦𝑥



)⁄ … … … … … … … … … … (5.2)

Page 68: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Recall is the percentage of the total documents that are correctly classified:

Since Recall = TP / (TP + FN) then:

𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑋 = 𝑇𝑃𝑥 (𝑇𝑃𝑥 + ∑ 𝑥𝑦



)⁄ … … … … … … … … … … (5.3)

F-measure combines precision and recall. We use the F-measure to evaluate

the performance of the classifier:

𝐹ـ𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑥 = 2 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥 × 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑥

𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥 + 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑥… … … … … … … … … … (5.4)

So using accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure we can evaluate our

approach and compare our results with other experiments.

Table 5.3 shows the confusion matrix which summarizes the results of testing

the classification approach of Aljazeera corpus which contain five categories

with 20 documents in each.

Table 5.3 Confusion matrix for the five classification classes

Predicted Classes











Science &







Politics 20 0 0 0 0


Economy 3 16 0 0 1


Sport 1 0 19 0 0


Health 0 0 1 18 1

علم تكنوملمييا

Science & Tech. 0 1 0 0 19

Page 69: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Table 5.4 shows the calculated values of these measures for the five

classification classes of the corpus.

Table 5.4 Precision, recall and F-measure results for the five classification classes


Category Precision Recall F-measure


Politics 83.33 % 100.00 % 90.91 %


Economy 94.12 % 80.00 % 86.49 %


Sport 95.00 % 95.00 % 95.00 %


Health 100.00 % 90.00 % 94.74 %

علم تكنوملمييا

Science & Tech. 90.48 % 95.00 % 92.68 %

Average 92.59 % 92.00 % 91.96 %

Figure 5.4 depicts the results for precision, recall and F-measure for the five

classification classes.

Figure 5.4 Precision, recall and F-measure results for the five classification classes












Healthعلوم وتكنولوجيا

Science & Tech.

Precision Recall F-measure

Page 70: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


From the resulted confusion matrix and according to equation 5.1 we can

compute the approach overall accuracy (the overall correctness of the approach)

which is equal 92%.

5.5. Discussion

The results in Table 5.3 show differences in the evaluation measures of the

classification for the five mentioned categories. This is due to the following


- Some classes like Politics “سياسحة” have a low precision since there are some

other documents which have been classified as politics. This because of the

nature of some documents content which have mixed content, hence more

than one category. We can classify documents to this category which is

actually misclassified in Aljazeera website according to various


- Class Economy “اقتصحاد” have a low recall value since there is some economic

files classified to other categories due to the same reason of mixed content.

From results we notice that there are different values depending on the size of

the corpus. When we enlarge the corpus by adding new documents with new

terms we should enumerate these new terms in our ontology to be taken into

account in the process of annotation then classification.

Extending and enriching the ontology with more components which can be

used in the process of document classification would give more accurate results.

Because of building ontology takes a long term project, ontology enrichment

needs more time to do.

We can say that the use of ontology contributes effectively in the process of

Arabic documents classification.

Page 71: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


5.6. Summary

In this chapter we have presented the stages of implementing our

classification approach. Then we presented the tools, framework and programs

used in our work. After that we talk about experiments and how to execute the

approach. Then we evaluated the approach based on the different measures such

as accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure. Finally we discussed the result of

the classification approach.

Page 72: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work

This chapter concludes the thesis and its results and the future work.

6.1. Conclusion

We have developed an approach for ontology-based Arabic documents

classification that facilitates the classification process. The approach achieves a

significant improvement in the process of documents classification based on the

different evaluation criteria. This ontology-based approach uses ontology

components for annotating documents to be classified based on these annotations

rather than depending on the traditional keyword based classifiers.

Our approach consists of several stages: preparing the corpus, constructing

the domain ontology, documents annotation, and documents category


The results show that the proposed ontology-based approach achieves

improvement in the process of documents classification based on the basic

evaluation measures: accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure.

The main contribution of this research is that using the ontology to support

the process of documents classification. Using the proposed approach, we

overcome the problem of the traditional way used in the process of documents

classification. This means saving time and returns better results.

Our contribution in this work includes the following:

Building an ontology-based Arabic documents classification approach used

in the process of documents classification.

Building a domain specific ontology.

Adaptation of GATE to work with Arabic documents.

Page 73: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


6.2. Future Work

According to the results of experiments and the limitations that we faced in

our thesis, this work can be improved in multiple directions:

Extending the ontology by adding the other News categories, and

enrich the ontology with more data and semantic information.

Adding other domains to Arabic ontology (a top-level ontology),

which enhance to build a generic classifier that is not limited to a

specific domain.

Contribution of building the Arabic language ontology by

constructing the news domain ontology, which may be used for other

researchers in the process of ontology building and reuse.

Adopting the approach to deal with large documents corpus.

Since only a prototype of the proposed approach is implemented, we

look forward to implement a complete independent system that is

make documents annotation independent of GATE.

Extending our approach to work on the web, which will help to use in

various applications such as documents search and retrieval.

Page 74: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document



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Appendix A: The News Ontology

Page 83: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


Appendix B: Part of the News Ontology Source Code in Owl

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<!ENTITY owl "" >

<!ENTITY xsd "" >

<!ENTITY rdfs "" >

<!ENTITY rdf "" >


<rdf:RDF xmlns=""






<owl:Ontology rdf:about="





// Annotation properties



<!-- -->






// Object Properties



<!--إلى_تحتاج -->

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="


<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="


<rdfs:range rdf:resource="



<!--بواسطة_تحل -->

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="


<rdfs:range rdf:resource="


<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="



Page 84: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<!--بواسطة_تستخدم -->

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="


<rdfs:range rdf:resource="


<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="



<!--في_يلعب -->

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="


<rdfs:range rdf:resource="


<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="






// Classes



<!--أبحاث -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--أجهزة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--أحياء -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--أمة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






Page 85: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<!--أمراض -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--أولمبياد -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--إرهاب -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--إعالم -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--إنترنت -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--اتصال -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--احتالل -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--اقتصاد -->

Page 86: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--األخبار -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="


<!--الجيش -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--الحرس -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--السوق -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--الشرطة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--الشمس -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--الطقس -->

Page 87: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--الفضاء -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--الفلك -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--القمر -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--الكترونيات -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--انتخابات -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--باحث -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--برامج -->

Page 88: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--برلمان -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--بريد -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--بناء -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--بنك -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--بيولوجيا -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--تجارة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--تعادل -->

Page 89: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--تقنية -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--تنظيم -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--جماعة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--حارس -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--حاسوب -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--حرب -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--حركة -->

Page 90: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--حزب -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--حكومة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--خسارة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--دبلوماسية -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--دوري -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--دولة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--رئيس -->

Page 91: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--جماعية_رياضات -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--رياضة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--زراعة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--سباق -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--سفارة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--سالم -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--سياحة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--سياسة -->

Page 92: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--صيدلة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--طاقة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--طب -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--عالم -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--عالج -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--علوم -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--وتكنولوجيا_علوم -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="


Page 93: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document





<!--فريق -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--فوز -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--فيزياء -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--السلة_كرة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--القدم_كرة -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="






<!--كيمياء -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="





<!--///////////////////////////// Individuals/////////////////////////////-->

<!--األنيميا -->

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="


<rdf:type rdf:resource="



<!--البترول -->

Page 94: Ontology-Based Automatic · Document classification (categorization) is the process of classifying documents into a predefined set of categories based on their content [34]. A document


<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="


<rdf:type rdf:resource="




<!--التيفوئيد -->

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="


<rdf:type rdf:resource="



<!--الجزائر -->

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="


<rdf:type rdf:resource="



<!--الجفاف -->

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="


<rdf:type rdf:resource="




<!--الحصبة -->

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="


<rdf:type rdf:resource="



<!--الحمى -->

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="


<rdf:type rdf:resource="




<!-- Generated by the OWL API (version 3.5.0) -->