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Medical Terminology 3:

Common Medical Abbreviations

Medical Terminology 3:

Common Medical Abbreviations

Medical Terminology includes many acronyms (a short form using the first letter of each word) and other abbreviations

The following are examples of some common abbreviations related to major systems, as well as a number of general


Cardiovascular System

BP blood pressure

CHD coronary heart disease

EKG electrocardiogram

Respiratory System

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

TB tuberculosis (a lung disease)

URI upper respiratory infection

Nervous System

CNS central nervous system

EEG electroencephalogram

CVA stroke (cerebrovascular accident)

Digestive System

GI gastrointestinal

NPO nothing by mouth

NG nasogastric (feeding tube- through the nose into the stomach)

Muscular System

EMG electromyography (recording muscle activity)

ACL anterior cruciate ligament (knee ligament)

MRI magnetic resonance imaging

Skeletal System

Ortho orthopedics

RA rheumatoid arthritis

ROM range of motion

Common General Medical Abbreviations

BM bowel movement

cc cubic centimeter

DNR do not resuscitate

ED emergency department

ER emergency room

IV intravenous (through a vein)

OTC over the counter (prescriptions)

PRN repeat as needed

Rx drug prescriptions

stat immediately

TPR temperature, pulse, respiration

Medical Terminology

Review and Conclusion

Review: Medical Terminology is usually created using

1. A root word, usually from the Greek or Latin term

2. A prefix

3. A suffix

4. A compound format

5. A combining form allowing the term to be easily pronounced

Medical Terminology has become so complex, with ever growing medical discoveries and developments, that Medical Terminology software

(constantly updated) is commonly used in all medical facilities