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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

Online Testing Checklist Overview

Technology Staff

The Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA will help you create a successful testing experience for schools and students for the administration

of the MCA. Tasks are listed chronologically. To limit test day technical issues, technology staff should perform the tasks below according to the recommended

timelines. Please note: the secure PearsonAccess Next system and the Training Center will not be available until January 25, 2016. The checklist has been

organized to reflect updated timelines based on the transition to these new systems.

TestNav 8 is accessed in one of two ways. Steps listed in this checklist may vary depending on the option used to access TestNav 8.

Browser-based TestNav. Does not need to be installed on each test-delivery computer or workstation; instead, a URL ( is used

by students to sign in to the online test or item samplers accessed through the Training Center.

Installable TestNav. Available as a mobile app for tablets and Chromebooks, and as TestNav Desktop, an application for desktop and laptop

computers. Installable TestNav is downloaded and installed by technology staff.

Resources referenced in this checklist are available on PearsonAccess Next:

The TestNav 8 Online Support page, for setting up TestNav 8, finding information specific to tablets and Chromebooks, troubleshooting guidance, and

error codes. View the TestNav 8 Online Support page (PearsonAccess Next > TestNav 8 Online Support (under Quick Links)).

The Technology Resources page, for information on SystemCheck and Proctor Caching. View the Technology Resources page (PearsonAccess Next >

Technology Resources).

The User Guides section on the Resources & Training page, for system user guides and quick guides. View the Resources & Training page

(PearsonAccess Next > Resources & Training > User Guides).

Review the TestNav 8 Online Support page on a weekly basis for hardware and software requirements updates and technical bulletins. Review the Assessment

Update released by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) every Wednesday, which includes a Tech Update section for relevant technology

information, troubleshooting guidance, and implementation resources.

District Assessment Coordinators (DACs)

District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) will be the primary recipients of memos that provide information about online testing. It is important for DACs and

District Technology Coordinators to develop a communication plan for providing this information and for determining how communication with the Pearson

Help Desk will be handled at the district. The Pearson Help Desk can be reached at 888‐817‐8659 or [email protected].

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

Complete Technology Setup


2 Months Prior to Testing, Before Secure PearsonAccess Next System is Available

1 Identify testing labs and review the PearsonAccess Next Hardware and Software Guidelines in order to ensure optimal

performance of computer systems as tasks are performed to prepare for and administer assessments in

PearsonAccess Next.

PearsonAccess Next Hardware

and Software Guidelines

2 Review the TestNav 8 Online Support page for system and proctor caching requirements for computers and devices.

Update workstations to comply with hardware/software requirements

Update workstations to meet browser dependencies

Configure firewall/content filters

TestNav 8 ProctorCache


3 Check every device and take an inventory of software applications, including cameras (still and video), screen capture

programs (live and recorded, e.g., Skype), email, instant messaging, application switching, media players (e.g., iTunes),

and printing or any other application that will launch automatically and terminate testing. These software

applications will need to be closed or disabled on all student testing devices on the days students are to test.

Configure the common applications listed below NOT to launch on any student testing devices during testing


Anti-virus software performing automatic updates

Verify autofill is not accessible

Power management software on laptops warning of low battery levels

Screen savers and sleep mode

Email with auto message notification

Calendar applications with notifications (e.g., Google Calendar)

Pop-up blockers

Set automatic updates (e.g., iTunes)

Set Up TestNav Testing


4 For the browser-based version of TestNav 8, only:

Ensure Java is installed and that the version meets the minimum supported requirements on all student workstations

that will be used for online testing.

TestNav System Requirements

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

5 For installable TestNav, only:

Install the TestNav 8 application. Setup instructions for installable TestNav are available by expanding the options

under the Installable TestNav Setup Overview page of the TestNav 8 Online Support page.

NOTE: Districts testing on iPads must use the TestNav 8.5 release of the app. If the iOS app for TestNav 8.4 OLPA

testing was previously installed, users must update the app. Districts will be able to continue testing OLPA on TestNav

8.4 with the 8.5 release of the app. The 8.5 release will be available after February 20, 2016.

If using managed iPads through mobile device management, delete the app, download TestNav 8.5 from the

App Store, and reinstall.

If using unmanaged iPads, the app does not need to be deleted, but can be updated from the App Store.

The Android app and Chrome app will automatically update when TestNav 8.5 is released (unless the school has

disabled auto-update), so they do not need to be re-installed.

The 8.5 release does not affect TestNav Desktop.

Installable TestNav Setup


Download TestNav

6 Verify content filter/firewalls and allow the appropriate sites.




* (optional)

Allow javaw.exe to communicate

Set browsers to allow pop-ups

Allow local file access to home directory

Firewall/Proxy Servers/Content

Filtering on the TestNav 8

System Requirements page

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

7 Download and install Proctor Caching.

ProctorCache is a software program that enables districts to download encrypted test content to a local computer. A

district downloads the content once for each test administration. This reduces the amount of bandwidth required for

electronic testing.

If proctor caching software was downloaded and installed for OLPA, ProctorCache does not need to be re-installed,

but it is recommended to purge test content from the OLPA test administration to optimize performance. Districts

participating in both OLPA and MCA should wait until OLPA testing is complete before purging test content.

If you did not test during OLPA, ensure that you have the latest version of proctor caching software (2015.1.21) and

that old content has been purged.

To update ProctorCache to version 2015.1.21, you should first purge all test content from prior test

administrations using your current installation of proctor caching. Content downloaded from the 2014–2015

test year is no longer accessible to district staff and students and should be purged.

Next, uninstall the previous version of proctor caching. You can uninstall ProctorCache using the software

removal process for your operating system.

Finally, reboot the computer and install version 2015.1.21. If you are not a network administrator, proctor

caching requires full local administrator permissions and a working knowledge of your network.

NOTE: Installing ProctorCache DOES NOT automatically cache test content. ProctorCache may be installed at any

time before caching test content.

Although tablets and Chromebooks can be used for student testing, only Macs and PCs can be used as proctor

caching machines.

Download Proctor Cache

Set Up and Use ProctorCache

ProctorCache Requirements

8 The SystemCheck tool for TestNav 8 validates workstations meet the minimum system requirements needed to run

TestNav 8 by checking the browsers, Java versions, and operating system. SystemCheck also displays the screen

resolution and provides bandwidth speed checks.

Run the SystemCheck Tool for TestNav 8 (PearsonAccess Next > Technology Resources > SystemCheck).

If the system passes the check, a green check mark displays at the top with the message “All Checks Passed.”

If the system fails, a red X displays next to the area that failed.


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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

9 It is strongly recommended that you add a secondary save location to provide an additional failsafe for preventing

loss of student responses. PCs and Macs have the option of using a network share location or a Secure File Transfer

Protocol (SFTP) address. For devices, if you add a secondary save location, you must use an SFTP address to ensure

that TestNav saves backup Saved Response Files (SRFs). If you set a non-SFTP address as a secondary save location,

TestNav saves backup SRFs for ONLY those students testing on browser-based TestNav and TestNav Desktop; SRFs

would not be saved for Chromebooks and tablets.

Configure Response File

Backup Locations

Browser-based TestNav Setup


Installable TestNav Setup


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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

Complete Technology Setup


After Secure PearsonAccess Next System is Available, 1 Month Prior to Testing

10 Staff with the District Technology Coordinator or Technology Configurations user roles in PearsonAccess will

automatically be transferred to the Technology Staff user role in PearsonAccess Next. DACs must set up any new user

accounts in PearsonAccess Next for technology staff if they did not have an account in PearsonAccess previously. User accounts transferred to or created in PearsonAccess Next must then be linked in the Training Center so staff can

access both sites.

Each user, whether new or transferred from PearsonAccess, will receive an email to create a password for

PearsonAccess Next and the Training Center. PearsonAccess Next and the Training Center use the same username

and password.

Minnesota Reference Page for

the PearsonAccess Next Online

User Guide

PearsonAccess Next User Role


PearsonAccess Next and Training Center Importing User Accounts Instructions

11 Enter TestNav 8 configuration(s) in PearsonAccess Next and the PearsonAccess Next Training Center.

Enter TestNav 8 configurations in PearsonAccess Next before you create any test sessions. Later, while you are

creating your test sessions, you will select the named configuration that you create here to be used for each test


1. From Setup > TestNav Configurations, select the dropdown menu next to the Start button and select

Create / Edit TestNav Configurations.

2. Enter the details of any proctor caching computers that you will use to precache tests.

3. Select Test Connection to make sure the configuration works.

4. Select Create.

Minnesota Reference Page for

the PearsonAccess Next Online

User Guide

Configure TestNav for Proctor

Caching and Precache Content

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

Conduct an Infrastructure Trial


1 –2 Months Prior to Testing

The Infrastructure Trial is conducted using the PearsonAccess Next Training Center. NOTE: The PearsonAccess Next Training Center will not be available until

January 25, 2016. The Infrastructure Trial cannot be conducted until this date, but technology setup steps 1 through 9 may be completed earlier.

An Infrastructure Trial is an opportunity for districts to prepare for online testing by simulating test‐day network utilization. This will help determine if there are

any infrastructure issues to resolve and confirm all testing devices are properly configured and ready to run the MCA assessments. Unlike a live assessment,

you will not use real student information; instead, you will generate sample students in the PearsonAccess Next Training Center. NOTE: Sample students will

be created by Pearson for item sampler administration only. Sample students to use for the purpose of conducting the Infrastructure Trial must be generated

by technology staff.

Refer to the Infrastructure Trial User Guide for MCA for more detailed information about the Infrastructure Trial. Sign in to the PearsonAccess Next Training

Center (PearsonAccess Next > View PearsonAccess Next > Sign in to the Training Center) to complete the Infrastructure Trial.

12 Generate sample students in the Training Center:

1. Verify that you have the MCA 2016 test administration selected. The current test administration is indicated in

the bar at the top of the page. To change the test administration, select the current test administration to

display a dropdown menu and then select MCA 2016.

2. From Setup > Students, select the dropdown menu next to the Start button and select Generate Sample


3. Select your school in the Organization dropdown menu. Select the Create New Group hyperlink and enter a

group name. It is recommended to use the naming convention “Infrastructure Trial – [School Name] [Group

Number]” to locate the group more easily later when adding it to the test session.

4. Select the appropriate grade and test. The type of test is Online. Select the number of students you would like

to generate. Up to 99 sample students can be generated at a time.

5. Select Generate.

Section 3.0 Generating Sample

Students, in the Infrastructure

Trial User Guide for MCA

13 Create Infrastructure Trial test sessions in the Training Center:

1. From Testing > Sessions, select the dropdown menu next to the Start button and select Create / Edit


2. On the New Session screen, enter the required information as indicated by the asterisks. When creating a test

session, if at least one proctor caching computer is configured, you must select a proctor caching computer. If

you set test session dates and times, the system will not use them to limit when sessions can be started. The

data is only used to help you with planning.

Section 4.0 Creating an

Infrastructure Trial Test

Session, in the Infrastructure

Trial User Guide for MCA

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

14 Add sample students to the Infrastructure Trial test session:

1. Add sample students by selecting individual students or by selecting an entire group of students at once.

Note that students can either be added individually or by group – you cannot add students by both methods

at the same time. The default is to search for individual students.

To add individual students to the test session, select the box that says “Add students to session.” Then

select the student from the list that appears below the box. Add only students named "New Student."

Multiple students can be added in this field. (Students with "A Student" and "M Student" names are

sample students for the administration of item samplers and should not be used for the Infrastructure


To add an entire group of students at once, select the Find by Name or ID link and select the Find by

Group radio button. Select the box that says “Add students by group” and then select the group created

in step 12 from the list that appears below the box. Add only those groups created for the Infrastructure

Trial, which are recommended to have “Infrastructure Trial” in their names.

2. After students have been added to the test session, select Create.

3. Once the test session is created, it will appear on the left under Create Session. You can select this session to

edit it or to add additional students. When you select the session, the students added when the test session

was created will then appear under Assigned Students at the bottom of the screen.

Section 4.2 Add Sample

Students to a Test Session, in

the Infrastructure Trial User

Guide for MCA

15 If using Proctor Caching, ensure proctor caching software was properly installed by checking that the Monitor Proctor

Caching page appears under ProctorCache in the application folder.

For Macs, go to the ProctorCache folder located under Applications.

For PCs, go to the ProctorCache folder located on the C:/ drive.

Set Up and Use ProctorCache

16 If using Proctor Caching, precache test content.

1. From Setup > Precache By Test, mark the boxes to select one or more tests from the list.

2. Select one precache server from the list.

3. Select Precache.

Section 5.0 Precache Test

Content, in the Infrastructure

Trial User Guide for MCA

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

17 Print Infrastructure Trial student testing tickets for sample students in the Training Center.

1. From Testing > Students in Sessions, under Session List, in the Add field, enter the name of your test

session if not already listed. Then select the test session from the dropdown.

If you have trouble finding your session, select Go to Sessions at the top. In the dropdown next to the Search

button, select Show all results and then find and select your test session. You can then select Go to

Students in Sessions at the top. Your test session will automatically appear in the Session List. Select the test

session from the Session List.

2. Select Testing Tickets and Scheduled Sessions. From the dropdown menu under Student Testing Tickets,

select a print option among the four choices: Grid View, List View, Detail View – 4 per page, and Detail View – 1

per page.

3. Use your browser's print function to print the testing tickets.

Section 6.1 Print Infrastructure

Trial Student Testing Tickets, in

the Infrastructure Trial User

Guide for MCA

18 Start Infrastructure Trial test sessions via the Training Center.

1. From Testing > Students in Sessions, under Session List, in the Add field, enter the name of your test

session. Then select the test session from the dropdown.

If you have trouble finding your session, select Sessions at the top, find and select your test session, and then

select Go to Students in Sessions at the top. Your test session will automatically appear in the Session List.

Select the test session from the Session List.

2. Select Start.

Section 6.2 Start the

Infrastructure Trial Test

Session, in the Infrastructure

Trial User Guide for MCA

19 Using the Infrastructure Trial student testing tickets, sign in to the online item samplers through TestNav 8 on each of

the machines that will be used for the Infrastructure Trial.

For browser-based TestNav, launch TestNav 8 by entering into the browser.

For installable TestNav, select the TestNav 8 icon on the Home screen (for tablets); select TestNav from the

Apps menu (for Chromebooks); or select the TestNav 8 icon on the desktop screen (for desktops and


To ensure schools have sufficient bandwidth, technology staff will need to launch an online item sampler (choosing

any grade or subject) on all student testing machines participating in the Infrastructure Trial. Users do not have to

navigate through the entire item sampler to complete the simulation of the network load. Simultaneously loading

these tests will simulate the network load experience of live testing.

20 Monitor network performance for slowdowns or ISP bandwidth usage. If using a wireless connection, monitor the

connections and verify access point placement is sufficient for testing.

Minnesota Reference Page for

the PearsonAccess Next Online

User Guide

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

21 If needed, contact the Pearson Help Desk with feedback and/or concerns regarding software or hardware issues that

occurred during the Infrastructure Trial.

Contact the Pearson Help Desk

at 888‐817‐8659 or

[email protected]

22 After the above steps are completed, contact the DAC to confirm or deny readiness no later than March 4 by checking

the appropriate option in Test WES:

district has successfully completed all the steps to prepare for online testing.

district ran into difficulties when completing the steps to prepare for online testing. We are actively working to

resolve the issues, including contacting the Pearson Help Desk if necessary.

Test WES

( >

School Support > Data

Submissions > Test WES)

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

Final Preparation for Live Testing


2 Weeks Prior to Testing

23 In collaboration with the DAC, ensure all test sessions are created in PearsonAccess Next for the live assessments:

1. From Testing > Sessions, select the dropdown menu next to the Start button and select Create / Edit


2. On the New Session screen, enter the required information as indicated by the asterisks. When creating a

test session, if at least one proctor caching computer is configured, you must select a proctor caching

computer. If you set test session dates and times, the system will not use them to limit when sessions can be

started. The data is only used to help you with planning.

NOTE: It is recommended that the test session not be started until the day of testing.

Online Testing Quick Guide for



Add students to the test session:

1. Add sample students by selecting individual students or by selecting an entire group of students at once.

Note that students can either be added individually or by group – you cannot add students by both methods

at the same time. The default is to search for individual students.

To add individual students to the test session, select the box that says “Add students to session.” Then

select the student from the list that appears below the box. You can also enter a student’s name or

MARSS/SSID number to search for a particular student. Multiple students can be added in this field.

To add an entire group of students at once, select the Find by Name or ID link and select the Find by

Group radio button. Select the box that says “Add students by group” and then select the appropriate

group from the list that appears below the box.

2. After students have been added to the test session, select Create.

3. Once the test session is created, it will appear on the left under Create Session. You can select this session

to edit it or to add additional students. When you select the session, the students added when the test

session was created will then appear under Assigned Students at the bottom of the screen.

Online Testing Quick Guide for


25 If using Proctor Caching, precache by test. Precaching by test is recommended because it downloads all forms and

content for the selected test.

1. From Setup > Precache By Test, mark the boxes to select one or more tests from the list.

2. Select one precache server from the list.

3. Select Precache.

NOTE: Precaching by test may be completed before or after test sessions are created. Test content may be cached

starting two weeks before testing.

Set Up and Use ProctorCache

Configure TestNav for Proctor

Caching and Precache Content

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Online Testing Infrastructure Readiness Checklist for MCA 2015–2016

26 Run the SystemCheck tool on all computers and devices that will be used for online testing to verify that no changes

have been made to infrastructure.

Run the SystemCheck tool for TestNav 8 (PearsonAccess Next > Technology Resources > SystemCheck).

If the system passes the check, a green check mark displays at the top with the message “All Checks Passed.”

If the system fails, a red X displays next to the area that failed.


27 DACs will print student testing tickets for students in online sessions in the live PearsonAccess Next site. Student

testing tickets should be kept secure as they provide access to live test content and contain private student


NOTE: Sessions do not need to be in “Started” status to print student testing tickets.

Online Testing Quick Guide for


Administer the Live Online Test

28 DACs and/or Test Monitors will start online test sessions. It is recommended that the test session not be started

until the day of testing. The test session will not automatically stop, time out, or expire.

Online Testing Quick Guide for


29 Monitor network performance for slowdowns and ISP bandwidth usage. Minnesota Reference Page for

the PearsonAccess Next Online

User Guide

30 Retrieve SRFs as needed. Find SRF and Log Files