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Page 2: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke

You love the unknown.You want to live like it was back in the day.You are tired of modern technology.



10 - 10 - 2014

Well, then you might want to get a hold of the Atari Lynx III. The Lynx handheld video game console was produced between the late 80’s and early 90’s. this vicious monster came with powerful 16-bit videogames in bright colors due to its advanced LCD-screen. And therefore, being the first handheld to deliver color into consumers hands, something which was unheard of back then. One thing was certain; the Atari Lynx was about to set the standards for gaming-experience worldwide.

Unfortunately, the Atari Lynx had some minor flaws like the short battery life and a retailprice of $199 scared off many. Besides that, the imfamous Nintendo Gamboy would whipe away all the Lynx’ credibility. Untill now...

This idea originated from my love for vintage products. The Atari Lynx was my ‘must-have’ when I was a little boy and reminds me of the ‘good ol’ days’. Days of playing outside with your friends, birthday parties at the local swimingpool and enjoying the summer to the fullest...

Anyway...fantasising about a follow-up video game console made me happy. So I tried to reflect my vision of the ‘Atari Lynx III’ by creating a small fictional ad and a detailed keyvisual, since look & feel are very important to me.

And who knows...maybe it becomes reality in the near future.

Title: ResurrectionDate: 15/1/2012Tools: Photoshop, IllustratorProcess time: ± 8 hours

Page 3: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke



Find me at:

Le Rouche Tattoo & PiercingOudegracht ad werf 56a3511 AS Utrecht

Body Piercer

Find me at:

Le Rouche Tattoo & PiercingOudegracht ad werf 56a3511 AS Utrecht

Body PiercerGabriella HernandezGabriella Hernandez

Body PiercerBody Piercer

Find me at:

Oudegracht ad werf 56 A3511 AS Utrecht

Le Rouche Tattoo & PiercingFind me at:

Oudegracht ad werf 56 A3511 AS Utrecht

Le Rouche Tattoo & Piercing

Gabriella HernandezGabriella Hernandez

Body PiercerBody Piercer

Find me at:

Oudegracht ad werf 56 A3511 AS Utrecht

Le Rouche Tattoo & PiercingFind me at:

Oudegracht ad werf 56 A3511 AS Utrecht

Le Rouche Tattoo & Piercing

Gabriella HernandezGabriella Hernandez

Find me at:

Le Rouche Tattoo & PiercingOudegracht ad werf 56a3511 AS Utrecht

Body Piercer

Gabriella HernandezGabriella Hernandez

Find me at:

Le Rouche Tattoo & PiercingOudegracht ad werf 56 A3511 AS Utrecht

Since my girlfriend is a body piercer by profession, she asked me to design some businesscards. Besides that, I have made ‘clean’ ads and posters for ‘Le Rouche Tattoo & Piercing’.

Title: Le Rouche Tattoo & PiercingDate: 18/1/2012Tools: Photoshop, IllustratorProcess time: ± 10 hours

Page 4: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke


Control your mood by one stroke

Available in stores now

You make the difference

Feeling down? You need some happiness in your life? Control it!

By a simple touch of your handpalm, Phillips’ E-motion senses and ajusts itself to your mood. By the power of Philips Ambilight, music and refined scents, E-motion increases

your health and well-being.

Page 5: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke

USER MANUALUSER MANUALStroke once to activate.

Ambilight comes in different colours, depending on your mood.

Three simple buttons to push and your are on your way to happiness.

A small but powerfull speaker delivers your favourite music.

A complete fragrance bouquet.

Title: Philips’ E-motionDate: 13/2/2012Tools: Photoshop, IllustratorProcess time: ± 10 hours

E-motion responds by a wobbling effect.A variety of lights shows you it’s activated.

E-motion pops open and is seconds away from creating your desired mood.

Page 6: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke

USER MANUALE-motion is compatible with Flashcards (sold separately) to personalise your favourite mood. These cards contains new fragrances, music and can be used as a memorydisk for your own “moodtweeks”.

Button 1: Lights Button 2: Sound Button 3: Scent

Page 7: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke

One of my favourite aspects of Communication is Advertising.These posters are a typical outlet of my expression towards music, videogames, motion pictures and documentaries.

Title: Promotion is everythingDate: 31/5/2012Tools: PhotoshopProcess time: ± 1 hour individual

Page 8: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke

One of my favourite aspects of Communication is Advertising.These posters are a typical outlet of my expression towards music, videogames, motion pictures and documentaries.

Title: Promotion is everythingDate: 31/5/2012Tools: PhotoshopProcess time: ± 1 hour individual

Page 9: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke

This idea also originated from my love for vintage products, and this time: it’s Cowboy Boots. Among youngsters like me, cowboy boots are far from cool. Anyway, I’ll wear them always when there’s a Rock ‘n Roll party.

’Boot Factory’ has a great collection of customised boots, which give your feet individuality for sure.

The male-model is Olli Herman, singer of the Finnish rockband “Reckless Love”.

Title: Boots are made for walkingDate: 22/5/2012Tools: PhotoshopProcess time: ± 2 hours






Page 10: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke

One year ago I got myself a bunch of those stylish but simple cabinets to put away all of my vinyl records and CD’s, plus the Hi-Fi set and turntable.

This is just a simple drawing, showing the simplicity of IKEA’s furniture.

Title: IKEA’s SimplicityDate: 10/6/2012Tools: IllustratorProcess time: ± 2 hours

Page 11: online portfolio selection by jesse van der veeke

WK-voetbal, je hoort deze weken niet anders. Ik houd totaal niet van deze typische Neerlandsche volkssport. Knappe jongen die mij voor de televisie krijgt om de Jupiler League te volgen. Het mag een wonder heten dat ik bekend ben met deze competitie. Dat komt voornamelijk door de bekende Belgische goudgele rakker die de eerste divisie sponsort. Maar goed... Het Wereld Kampioenschap staat voor de deur en dat is te merken aan alles. Oranje chips, oranje bier, oranje Zuid-Afrikaanse toeters bij TNT Post; laat me niet lachen! Met deze onzin worden we al jaren doodgegooid.

Waarom jezelf voor de buis vol vreten aan de bitterballen en je volgieten met gerst en hop, terwijl je live een andere spectaculaire, actievolle sportsensatie op de zondagavond kunt bezoeken? Een evenement waar geschreeuwd en gejoeld wordt zoals bij Ajax-Feyenoord en er zelfs een Wereld Kampioenschap op het spel staat?!

De tijd vliegt voorbij. Mijn eerste Dutch Pro Wrestling-show was in augustus 2009, dus wel gerekend ben ik alweer bijna een jaar een loyale toeschouwer die niet te beroerd is om de schamele aalmoes van 8 euro te betalen voor een dikke drie uur vermaak. De autorit van West-Brabant naar Poeldijk kan ik wel dromen. Niet dat er zoveel gekke Brabanders hun vermaak in het Westland opzoeken, maar het getuigt bovenal van prachtige herinneringen aan dit kleine dorpje met groots worstelentertainment waar je graag je luie stoel voor uitkomt.

De laatste DPW show voordat de vakantieperiode ingaat, komt steeds dichterbij. De 'Granddaddy of Them All' binnen Dutch Pro Wrestling is toepasselijk 'Grand Slam' genoemd. Overmoedig? Zeker niet. Er is reeds een aantal wedstrijden aangekondigd waar de worstelfans alleen maar van hebben kunnen dromen. Nu lijkt de droom werkelijkheid te worden.

Dutch Pro Wrestling's favoriete broertjes Jamie & Eddie DLC zullen het opnemen tegen Arab Money, bestaande uit Sheik Al Aziz en The Masked Diamond. Deze match heeft de potentie om het jaar met een zinderende ontknoping af te sluiten. Wie zullen er zegevieren? Masked Diamond en Sheik Al Aziz irriteren me mateloos. Zelfs mijn vriendin kan het vieze rode broekje dat onze Sheik draagt tijdens zijn wedstrijden nauwelijks aanzien. En dan heb ik het nog niet eens over de vuile spelletjes die zij spelen met hun tegenstanders. Vandaar dat ik team DLC de winst gun waar broertje Jamie de show mag stelen. Sensationeel is de acrobatische Jamie zonder enige twijfel maar het is jammer dat hij tot nu toe vaak genoeg op zijn rug is komen te liggen voor de three-count. Kom op! Die 450 Splash er uit knallen en de winst is gegarandeerd.

Een andere match die wordt gepromoot is Santos versus de 'heldhaftige' Actionman Sgt. Nitro. Hier kan ik kort over zijn. Ongeacht de 'Boot Camp' stipulatie gaat Sgt. Nitro hoogstwaarschijnlijk het onderspit delven. De concentratie van de militair zal ver te zoeken zijn nu hij pas in het huwelijksbootje is gestapt met zijn vrouw.

Dan hebben we de huidige Dutch Pro Wrestling kampioen Joey Hayes die de strijd aangaat met Steve Taurus voor de prestigieuze DPW titel. Laten we eerlijk zijn: Die actie van Steve om de titel te stelen was enigszins te voorspellen. Die man is zo gefrustreerd dat de DPW titel telkens zijn neus voorbijgaat; logisch dat hij is doorgedraaid! Wordt het de gedrevenheid van Taurus die hem kroont tot DPW kampioen of komt de felbegeerde titel weer in het bezit van de rechtmatige eigenaar? Ik heb zo mijn bedenkingen wat betreft een retainende kampioen, maar dit soort voorgevoelens heeft mij vaak genoeg bedrogen.

De belangrijkste match die 30 mei plaatsvindt is natuurlijk de 'Grand Slam Rumble'. 15 worstelaars, 1 winnaar. Bij dit matchtype hoop ik meestal op een underdog die als winnaar uit de bus komt rollen. In dit geval een Daniel van Kuijk of een Retroman. De afgelopen shows is een aantal worstelaars richting de main-event gepushed. Joey Fields heeft bijvoorbeeld al een tweetal overwinningen op de voormalige kampioen Kenzo Richards. De Canadees is een grote kanshebber, al sluit ik sluw spel van nare types als Kenzo Richards en The Grizzly Renegade Mark Kodiak, die beiden hun gloriedagen willen herleven, zeker niet uit.

Ongeacht wat de uitkomsten zijn van de wedstrijden; ik zit wederom op de eerste rij om dit spektakel van dichtbij mee te maken. Spannend zal het beslist worden, daar is geen twijfel over mogelijk. Ik hoop in ieder geval op een verassende avond die de term 'Granddaddy of Them All' zijn eer bewijst.

Gelukkig GEEN rode kaarten bij DIT wereldkampioenschap!

A few years ago, I was active in Pro-Wrestling. Besides the wrestling try-out I took part on, I started to write columns for the Dutch Pro Wrestling company, mainly to get the wrestling fans excited for the upcoming show.

Here’s one of the five “Slip of the Tongue” columns I have written, just to give you an impression.

Note: written in Dutch.

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After lots and lots of review material I wrote, finally I got my own ‘account’ to upload flashy and sleazy stuff for you fuckers (thanks to Sandy and Tijs). So for that being said, this time I present you a 1989 classic and Dutch (!) masterpiece. Yeah you’re damn right: the Netherlands! My native country has left some interesting sleaze metal stains, also marking the American Billboard charts with promising releases over the years. Well, I think Amsterdamned’s own Sleeze Beez where the biggest glamboiis in the late 80’s the Dutchies had to offer; and with a reason!

Sleeze Beez’s major breakthrough started in the summer of ’88, when ‘Screwed,Blued and Tattooed’ was released in the Benelux. After a sold out Dutch tour, the Beez signed a lucrative deal with U.S. based Atlantic Records who release the Billboard-charting album worldwide in ’89. Sleeze Beez toured the U.S. in the summer of that same year opening for Skid Row and performing over eighty headline club shows.

So it’s Dutch…big deal! It really sounds like a American hair band with the right music and correct English vocabulary and speech. I like to compare it to XYZ with some Skid Row influences and a little sniff of Bullet Boys.

Sleeze Beez uses “Rock in the Western World” as a opener, as well when they play(ed) live in front of thousands of people. It’s hard, it’s heavy and it speaks for the hardrockin’ people living in the western world. You feel the energy and the will from the Beez to kick ass as big as an ass can get. One of the best openers I’ve heard in years (and no, that’s not because I’m Dutch).

“House is on Fire” continues the hardhittin’ pace with another Heavy Metal anthem. A catchy chorus, some gangvoxx…yeah…it satisfies me in multiple ways.

The third song is even heavier and faster than the previous tracks. But then again, what would you expect from a title called “Screwed, Blued and Tattooed”? Listening to this one makes your ears bleed, ruining all your other records if you’re not careful.

*Drumroll*…tatada! Here we have “Stranger in Paradise”, Sleeze Beez’s biggest hit. It’s a nice mix between a uptempo song with some power ballad influences. No sissy stuff! Be sure to watch their video on youtube.

The follow-ups are rocker “Damned if we do damned if we don’t” , the midtempo, typical ‘girls drooling all over your boots’, “Heroes die young” and the ballad “This Time”. Each of them are very well written and produced.

“When brains go to the balls” is a great addition to Screwed, Blued and Tattooed. Sleazy lyrics combined with an AC/DC kinda sound. The leftovers are ‘Don’t talk about Roses’ and ‘Girls Girls Nasty Nasty’, both worth your money either you like them or not.

Overall, Sleeze Beez’s debut truly is a masterpiece. Maybe not compared to classics like Appetite, but it’s a damn good effort in my opinion. This Dutch masterpiece is a must-have without a doubt. Don’t forget to check out the Beez website: I’ll pray for some cool shows in Holland and Belgium in the future…you’re with me sleazers?

- Jesse Gorvette -

The early 90’s was the time that Seattle bands like Nirvana crushed the stereotype Heavy Metal acts of the 80’s.

Still, numerous bands kept recording raw, sleazin’ and crotch-grabbing hard rock from 1990 ‘till 1994. It’s too bad none of the releases gained much credibility.

In my estimation, one of the most underrated Sleaze rockers is the NYC band Spread Eagle: four guys who played their motherf*cking asses off and produced a sh*tload of Sleaze metal, released their debut album in 1990.

These 11 tracks combined on one disc makes it one hell of an album: a five star rating! All of its content is dripped with sleaze, sex and violence as you might notice listing to tracks as "Hot Sex" and "Suzy Suicide".

My favourite songs definitely are "Scratch Like A Cat", "Switchblade Serenade" and "Back On The Bitch".

The final song on Spread Eagle, "Shotgun Kiss", is also a great effort from these Yanks. The power ballad "Thru These Eyes" shows us a softer side of Spread Eagle, but after 3 minutes all hell breaks loose and makes you bang your head severely.

I think these guys could have achieved more success if they put out the record in ‘87/’88. The vocals of Ray West sounds familiar (Axl Rose anyone?) and shreds your record player to pieces I tell ya. Great competition for G N' R. Count up the pounding bass parts of Rob DeLuca and the crushing drums of Tommi Gallo and I bet Sleaze Metal fans kick their boots through walls!

- Jesse Gorvette -

Writing is one of my biggest passions. I love to add some humor and a dynamic way of writing to my work. CD Reviews, interviews or columns; my style sticks out.

Over the years, I’ve been writing for Headbangerszine,, White Room Reviews and Dutch Pro Wrestling.

To give you an impression of my work, I took some things I really like...and hopefully, you love it to read it also!

Rapidfire Review


Nowadays, many bands tap into an old music formula and rebuild it to something fresh. Reckless Love brings you four tough but endearing guys who are not shy to bring back cool ‘80’s Metal clichés. Reckless Love really makes the hearts of many teenage girls run faster then ever before. However, I’m not a teenage girl but Reckless Love’s self-entitled album keeps me rockin’ till I drop!

An awesome Metal record but also very fun and pleasant to listen too. It’s an album your parents could appreciate…or at least should. Promoting their debut album, Reckless Love has put out four music videos, of which "Badass" is my very favorite. Besides this kickass song, “Beautiful Bomb” and “Romance” is flooded with love, heartbreak lyrics and tender sweetness.

“One More Time” is a bit rough on the edges and has a nice fast pace. These only are four of the 11 badass songs which makes the album a must sing-along in

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After writing my Rebel Yell review, I decided to keep my banging head into Rock N’ Roll… or rather Wreck N’ Roll, as these Dutch sailors from Enschede, under the command of Captain Lee, call their filthy and raunchy Speedrock style.

Captain Lee & The Cockswains are influenced by famous bands like Turbonegro, Valient Thorr and Peter Pan Speedrock. Obscene lyrics are an important part of their act. The songs give us an impression about the life of a true sailor: alcoholism, fights in dark alleys and unsafe sex with older men…

Last summer, these nasty boys produced their first E.P., consisting of five self written and -composed tracks. We start off with “Destination Uknown”. Listening to the roaring engine and burn-out tires, the track’s meaning is clear; Captain Lee & The Cockswains take you along the ride and shoves a sh*tload of filth, Metal influences and kickass Rock N’ Roll into your ass.

After this wild ride, “Way Too Bad” kicks in. Once again, we hear a recognizable sound that should please the Hardrock N’ Roll-fans.

The third track is entirely inspired by the rockin’ Wild West, as we hop into an epic story about a tough, unshaved ‘outlaw’ whose life consists of booze, gunfights and troubling small towns. The song is put together nicely, mixing heavy riffs with authentic Western soundtracks and movie segments.

“The Chase” seems to be the homecoming from “Destination Unknown”, where Captain Lee pursues his enemies.

The end is near. Captain Lee tells us an extensive story about his nightly activities concerning women, in “Dirty Date”.

Musically it’s a fine piece of art; the raw vocals of Captain Lee, the fast guitar riffs of Mr. M-Bush… I’ve got nothing to complain about.

This E.P. contains everything what a full-length Rock N’ Roll CD should have: Characteristic riffs, powerful vocals and shocking but funny lyrics.

It’s clear that Captain Lee & The Cockswains have the potential to become a big name in the Rock N’ Roll underground scene. If I had the chance, I would sail away with these sailors for sure!

- Jesse Gorvette -

New Blood Demo Tapes

front of your mirror. This glittery record is produced very smooth. If you ask me, It’s a more mainstream sound then other ‘80’s Sleaze bands like Crash Diet and Vains of Jenna. Still, musically it’s top notch and you’ll notice that playing with each other is nothing new to them.

It’s your musical taste which make you decide to purchase this album or not. Forget the sweaty men wrapped in black outfits. Courtesy of Reckless Love and other new Glam bands, Fashionrock makes it’s re-entry with albums like this one. Screaming girls and pretty boys. A perfect way to continue the summer in your heart like you where in Cali!

- Jesse Gorvette -


Yes ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got ourselves another early ‘90’s classic. While searching for some interesting and hardhittin’ traditional Sleaze music, the scent of dirty laundry pulled me down in the alleys from a town called Trash City. Being there, I found myself some willing women, but, unfortunately, the pleasure didn’t last long. I ran into some glamboiis whom beat the sh*t outta me. And this only because I didn’t had the money to purchase their debut album... Now, being scarred for life and saved up some bucks, I got myself a copy!

Formed in 1988, Alleycat Scratch is one of the many bands who had it going, but eventually brutally fell off the stairs towards worldwide fame, after the Grunge-invasion.

But even having an ‘outdated’ Hard Rock image, Alleycat Scratch played famous venues like the Roxy, the Troubadour and the Whiskey from 1991 ‘till 1993. In 1993 they released ‘Deadboys in Trash City’, pressing a small amount of it on their own label; Kick Yer Cat. After this release, they called it quits since the musical tide had changed over the years. By popular demand these cats re-released this record, including some unreleased bonustracks and cool live footage from their shows. This review is based on the original '93 release.

Okay, about the content, I only need one word to describe it: Raunchy!The perfect mix of Pretty Boy Floyd, Nasty Idols and early Crüe.

We get introduced to Alleycat Scratch by the song “Stilletto Strut”, full of crushing drums, screeching vocals and very (and I mean very!) catchy guitar riffs. Something which distinguish this act from others. It’s a track you want to play over and over again!

Listening to “Take a bite (Outta me)”, you’ll notice the Pretty Boy Floyd influence I mentioned before. Though I like Steve Summers, Eddie Robison voxx are far more pleasant to the ears. But since this track leans on PBF, you’ll listen to it anyway, rather you like Eddie or not.

“Cats got your Tongue” is my favourite (since it was the first one I heard). Kinda like “Stilletto Strut”, but even more dirtier and catchier. Can’t say anything else about this one ‘cause you will love it for sure, just like the next one; “Soul Survivor”. Heavy riffs combined with less gritty vocals. Hmmff... Do I still have to convince you boiis ‘n galls?

“Sexual Addiction” reminds me of Crüe’s “Smoking in the Boys Room”, but in a more sleazy way. After this one we get “Love Sick Junkie” and “Cheap City Thrills”, two straightforward Rock ‘n Roll songs with some Motörhead influ-ences. Since Lemmy is know what I’m gonna say right?

Even the ballad “Roses on my Grave” is quiet enjoyable. “Trash City” is okay, but I rather listen to the previous tracks. On the other hand, “Plastic Dolls” has a typical Poison approach, in the vein of “Your mama don’t dance”. This one makes me smile once again. Damn, it’s a miracle my mouth did not tear out...

So what do I have to say...I think it’s fair I telling you to get your mother*cking ass to and get this beauty! Including the bonus tracks and –footage, this is definitely one of the best packages in years as far as I’m concerned!

In this case: PLEASE let your ears scratched off by Alleycat Scratch’s ‘Deadboys in Trashcity’!

- Jesse Gorvette -

Wanna read more? Just ask!