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Why Not Start Saving Your Exponent Copies For a Complete Year's File?

------onJ?nt BOZEi\IAN, M O NTA NA, WEDNE~DA\, SEPTE:\IBER '.<!:.'.. 1926 Nu:.\IBER 1

M~NHNA ~~ll Rt~ O~ Theta Nu Becomes Delta Lambda Br G~A . STMAJ TIM[



For the !34th time i\Iontana Stale Coll ege is

opening her doors al t h e beginning of a coll •ge

year, and it is a pleasure to extend a welcom0 to th,, students, faculty, and others at this tine.

\\'hile the bui ldi n gs and grounds are sti ll some­

what unfinis h ed, we are a ll gratifi ed that 1ur r'<mptrn imprnvementR are far enough along to

iPdicale "·hat the permanent condition i to lw.

Chapter l{appa Sigma National PLETE, LACKS FVR. 'ITURE

-.e,t of Cam pus E:..pec t e d l o Be In S ha p e bl :"<ext Spring

or S ummer

:iituntana lfoll w • Lt• 1 .:.hJy f •r rn· Jp~m·y Lj C'h11 tm'l timt ~ttT' 1~l

1n tu Proft·"'!:"tir I'll,.; \,ho 1. 111


un,;e of till~ \~ ork. Ut11t.:r \\' rk u tilt' ampus wi.J be cani\.'d on as 1:1. ·r11y ns i.~ pos:-.iblc. so that f'\(•ryth1n 'I \·ill Uc: 1n :-;ha1.c ln th<: spi :1: .

Thl.! \"\ man's l.u1ldin.,,.~ hl• npo1t I . .i ull l'On1J.ll.'.cd now but 0111) thi.: ii t t.lepartment will ht> ot1.:upyin,..:. • ,lt th< fi1 st of the year ~inn: i.hl' fu_.

ituu: 'or tht: n•;:.t of tl•e building 1 ..

:\I,,ntana Stale College is a place to lean: tu

liYc a rounded life. It is a place lo wark, an, tu

learn the joy of work . \Ve are pleased to welc' 1mc the stndents in the upper classes and in the en er­ing class into this fine (elloll's h ip a n d opporlm ily.

ALFRED ATKINSO. ' . Prcsit •nl


h.\l'P \ ;.>J(;:\-1.\ TIU' WOLHOS L.\H(;E:ST VH.\TEI{:'\ !TY. \\. ~ ! S'f.\P.LISHEO 1867 \T U;l;IVF.HS ITY OF \'IH-(,Ji !.\

\'l'ster<lm· 111arkul the end uf th" local fraternilY. Theta N'u 1ml the IJeV;innmg of the Oelta Lambda chapter of Kappa Sigma . The installation ceremonies and all entertainments inddent to this nccasion ha1·e been in progress for the past three days, the

10t here yt->:. The arP depnrtn1ent will Installation ceremonies 1>ro1kr wt·r>! ccupy the t.ntile top flocr nnd th1; H:;!gUn on :\londa,y mornint? with lhl'

<•nt1r~ installation taking place in the Elks' Hall.

umc ('(."()TIO.lll(.'!', th1 t'dUtallOll dt> ANNUAl ClAce ecR rns ·ormal i11itintion of membt>r.s. Thi~ a1tment, :1ml .f:'veral of tht" :-:n1aliE' l f I t\JJ LI Hr •,·a!' continut!rl until :1:;10 o'cl Jl.'k when .,,arlllH'nls will occupy lht '"'

1 0 r11/[ Bir NUM'.l[A~ _IN_ A nnual College Mixer in Gymnasium he initiati 11 was temporm·il)' SUS 1:~~1.~ti~i~~.:iv~



.~ :·~:;1

'.'.:\"oat'~1:.: r n u u t1 ~TART NEXT SHURG~~ ''.;;~~~~1 11~·~:~.~~;\,:"~:~~::: ~~~'.,~ 11:~:: l!hl'r <lq•artments 11;11 h able- to

11101 ~[AR'S L,ONGEAT G~U~SE on Saturday Evening, Septe mber 25 'lll i11formal •!inner. returning early in b~· thl· middle of Uc~tiber. .hhl e\·emnir. Initiation ceremonit.·:4

Si;1 c hi--.t spring the su' (·' il1 I SfX EYEl"TS 4

\ \ERA.GED s1 re t:-g"un a1rnin Tuesday morning ,·alcnnain~ have btt.n put •rt, l Th,, annual all olleo-c mixc.·r is t" f nc.:ei,·in;.:r line. At C'ig-ht- l-ir.y " and <:ontinut•d um.ii all of tie n


' ~ I'OR "'IRS'T D.\YS' B.\TTL E •a ·er main l'XtC'nding OUi. I e- t l TICI\.ET8 \\ILL BE SOLD ON bt• he.Id thb year in the c.·ollege gym- sho1 t JH og1 am '' 111 Ill' w '"hl.· ie e 1 I r - - ~ 1(·rs had 3l"i.:Eptc.•cl the c.·mblcm of barns ~o as to accommodate.• th nasium un<ler LH~ auspices th the A tion Prc~ldf:'n' .\C,insc•n \1;-·11! s1 ea1 Kappa Sigma. •nd other octbuilding. Th<

01 .\ l\EY; I. 'ST.\LLME'.'\T PLA N '" iatecl studen•s cf ~!catan• Stat< a few \\Ords of gre lnl! fo1 the co1 Second :lleeting of Frosh~'loph The Theta l\u fraternity receil d

~rain laburat ry L.. now cntitel) f' 1 Collegt>, on Saturda)· e\•enin.,,.., Szp- lege, ('Qach Romney ,\ill talk on ath R. 0. \VILSO::N" ~lated for Saturday wor<l of the .irranting of its petition modt•lletl to g-ivc Jn~<.1ter :->~~us ·ac:i. o1 First l ·umbe1·. Edna Swanson ttmber ~:3. ~t eight o'...lock. Thi.:; let1c::,., )!r W C. Stoll(· on d£>Lat1:,, October 2 n ).-lay~=~ of last spring, about eight bcr·aust; of increa~ed ~pace and ('Jn • wi11 be the f1r~t get-together of c:o Lou Howa1d for th1;• band Ray Be"\\- months after the f• rmal pelition harl ·enit'n(·e. Eleventh a'renue ha_; \i(>(:' Yer Haar., a '~el~-known I lege student" of the year ~rncl in p~<.:l den f?1 publicat1ons and


Mb. Davt" A a WlllSON D[SIPl\IJfl been sent in. Kappa Sigma was gra<lul an<l put into !-\hapc for llaf- Opera Star )ean~ las alwa)~ heen onto of t.l'' on dramatilS. • I n .U' The annual Soph-Fro.-h s~·rap~ will founded at the l.:nivi:rsity oi Yirg-inia

fie. an1d1 1t1heh road::; 111'n bfront of ~i"n1 · --- biggest e\ent:-. of the fall. 1 Sever al mus1i1cabl numhc1s abn I ( cJl-


POSIT ON AS A tGISTR~R ~~~~~ at.J;:,~t:~~~:ll S~a:1~1~(~a~··rn~:~\.a~~. in 1SH7 and i:-; the world'~ larg-e:-:t fru-tsna a a'·e a een . :rav :~. Th In~ \'.Ill u rorn.:c1t "et IC'-' at Th )Os of lh1s mixer is to ege songs '' l e t!~'r~ll et wt •n I a shutt.le relar n_tee, a s~1ck rush tcrnit;i.• in point of the number of ;The front entrance of 1?11.nul .. on H:.:i!1 ·n" Stat (" ll g, 1 ·innou'11.:ed th I . e tlPUll ed ~ ll th 1 sT"ee1·he$ and the f'"emng- \\Ill wmd chapters. which was in such baJ. ~h~pc la-·t .. c .. ~ t o e t.' "' c - un·e le stu ents, (_spec1a Y .. u'p with d ncmg u·i ii c;le\en-thu·.\·. I and a tlal.! ru!':h will be hel<l. Thes. s nin h:.;s all been Temotlelled and \\t'l'k. tin_• musit•al con ·er" I a\·

11.t f1eshmen, a chance to betome ac One of the fcatu •·<: of thi~ \eai··,, 1 e\·ents will start immediatd) af e The Installatinn team t(rnsh;tt:-d of

~~bui~. ><'~n £'(nt1a tell b~ the 11le•re ttn' quarnted with the 1e~t of the col-, 1111 xei will be tl":e pt st.•rn:t• of tt~~ mc11 'Vi'th lunl"h and will continue until all han! \.-\'. iw-. \V:'-·ekof( \V. G. :\l. of Xl·w 8ixth a\·enue an<l (Jen·land street n1ttc.~c Ill c.·halZl'. .-\ point of tirnr leg-t: bunch and to meet the dea_n~ and ten women slm ·nts \\ho will ar· .. Has .Accepted Position been completed <Jr the hot:r be.:ome York ('it~·. G. L. S<:hlessman. D . G. :'IL

b d h. f II · tl th:in C<illlmfn 111! l1;>st f,q ~tudent-. and Jieads of the vanous al '1,·1t1e::-; as ho:;ts and hoste :se-. and will m Busine~s Concern of too late. Tht Fang-:-; will fave en-1

DEnver Colorado. and Charles F. ~Ior-are_ to ed pa\:f·e

1 ls a lk~r ~~·~II ,\ lies in the fat·t tha+- :-.tuden

1 tit!,e on t he campu:». ~ Portland t le charge of the events and w1ll I 11s (Past D. G. ).I ) "\V1ll1am Edgar. sprrn~ an a ew more wa £- u 1 l, .. b(' UH h :-; ·d 0 a ntw ··st .. 1 troduce any stude1 t to any oth~r h f h

1 JI l l Kl .b

11 f D

<Idec! to tl10=-e alrea_dy hu1_lL Sever .• I 11 n ·l:tn" \\.heie )y O'lh· on l i . The. eveni_n.£? opE.ns_ with .a re ~p student for the 2."kin,g-. This will ., _ see t at the . res ·nen are 1!1\en a an' aro c at er a o 'nver. new walk.:; were built th1:-: ~ummt"I I , 1

· . · tion from e1gH to e12ht-th1rtv wit · l!'iVf' tPco fr,.shmen · ··h·m1·t;• :;> m( • R 0. \V 1. on. rP:!lstrar at ).lonta1u f.llr chance w11 h their mol'e expel! The local chapte1 was organized on hut many are yet untouchfd. ""'t.''' J . . , • • f h~ k .. \. I th<: presiden~ of _'.ssodate<l ::;tu'· 1 any of the ether students. I State College for the i1a:;., lb yea. , cuccU Ot>puiltHu.... ,.January 1, i~J22 as the tt U. ·'L rlu 1

spring- Professor Plew ha~ told u~. 1

\\TI upon ire et h 0 1

c ti.: c 1 dent::; the pre$ident oi the \Vomen's Don Bennet pre:-:ident of the A.<- resi_gne<l on ScpLt.mber 1 to take a The icnia1ncler of the contest ... \\:ll wnh a membership of fifteen. IL::; 1:he ln~ns wi11 all be put into shaµ~ :he bnlanu:-

0 ~ h C' 311101111

t cxtenr.., Assoc'iated stnudents. President and I sociated Stud~nts. has urged. thdt po!-\1tion with a business con_ern in take place on October~ \\hen a c:1os!'i-. fust hou"e was at 121 "'est :\Iend1 n­and the trees and shrubhe.ry rear


over tf•ru· mont s. . Mrs. Atkinson . Dean Herrick. Dean everyone attend this event as it is Po1·tland. 2\-Ir. \rilson wa::; head -::.f c:ountry raee, c;n obstacle rac:~. and a I hall. Jn the fall of 1923 the club for4

rnnR•d and many more planted to fit The State ('. lle;rc comm• last and )!rs. Hamilton. D<an Linfield. ! the only one of its kind durini:r the the secretarial science department 1 football i:rame will be held. The play- I mally changed its name to the Theta into the orig-inal plans. w11~ter brought_ to the m~ututwn <.: and Jfr. and ~lrs . . fa ·k Taylor in th1.1 I year. an<l ht ad of many important 1.:ollc!!1.: ers for the football game will . b-.! Xu fraternitr and secured a larger

se:ies of promrncnt Am~nt·Hn_ en e;·- committeE7s. ~o sun·e~sor ha:; y._.t picked from each of the oppo ·111::., h use at 310 South Black Avennt•.

NUMHR a~ f~~Ul H ~BS[NT mis iHR

tr.incr.s but suffCl'l'tl a fman.1ctl lo. LJ • been named, 3laude Galla:..rl"c1 clas:-;.t:~ from men who !'hall not hav..: I Last vear the fraternitv mon~d into on the proi:r


111'· In .spite of thi;'l' nazzng Tabooed JrD [n B[NNlflN jC N[lif actini:r as registr•r this fall. bern out for either varsity or.frnsi the h~use it now 409 South

fact, another contract I:-:. ma<le w1tn r n u It u J [ I f "R. 0. 11 ha:s been one of tht;: n .. ·r~ football this year. This plan will eu-1 Grand A\·enue. equally. prominent 1~1u~ici~n:-. aid I B S t • • popular fac:ulty members at ~I. S: _l- able ~everal who ieel unable to spare The list of charter members of the ;.:omprn1es for th~ C.'01111Jl~ wmtcr a1~,1 y ep emvrrz GOU NTV AG[NT l[AO[A over a number ot year~: .. H:s othcc,thl• t_nne to g.o out .fur tbe regular new c·hapter follows: another effort v.:1ll be nu~de t? ma_ke J ft [ [ft has teen a model cf cUH.:1ln1.:y a.nd practice io enJoy a game. The con· 1 Seniors: 'ferry \Y. Hatveld'. 0.-.


StYeral D oing Res earch Work­S ome H a ve N e w

Pos iFons

the cour~e, <lc::;1J!n<.>d 1 rnuanly .. tor I . . -.-- . 1 nc was probably mort' intima~c w1 :i test will probably take rla:e be:'.veen Cuttin~. J. G. Yan Rhee. Harold Bar th_e ~e-nef1t of ~:.uden~~. a ~m:c.e .. s 1.ha: A11 hall". cl.1pp111g a_nd prom15CU~U" I student affairs t~an any other f_ac- the halv~s of the GrEat Fall ~-K1t:e:1 J num . Henry Chllrthwell. Kenn t w11l msure ftll'ltcr wmtcr .;ene..;. 1 ~nci i.;nor.c:amzcd haz11~g- of all krn•l Returns To 1\-1. S. C. \ Vhere He ulty member. His plan for g-et:m.~ game wh1ch will be held on that da~e. Dozois, Theodore Dozoi!:'-, Heri Hl

IJerc are the five concert:- rrom- Is t~ be taboo fron~ ~his year on, ac- Serve d A s Athletic I out student grade,::; atter roundup~ The fre~hmen and sophonwrcs w1 1 I Ca::;eY. ise<l by the commiltef' tl1is winte1·:

1 cording-. to Septemv1~·1_.. Two. ):ears a~o j was so effL ienl it wa:s n~ade the play only a short while, pn.ibably not ,Ju~iors: Fred C'ook, Rudolpli s ,

October Li- t..dna i'5wanson \'er 1 the act1~1g Sep_tenw1n off.1cial~y .did Director in 191-1 subjett o-f. special attent1.j n .by t~ ! lunger than fift.ten minutes. di. Harold Bourret. Arthur ~nydt•r Haar famous Swt>di.~h-Americ·;.'n ·On- , away with hazmg and hair chppl~~· collegt> re~i~lrars of • .\mcnca m tlu:.i "\Yhen the snaps are finisht'd thr ,Y. r . Fowler, Donald Redman. GI n

A number of the faculty member- trait<; ~ing-er, a ,,-~II kn wn gran:l •lJ)· L;st /e~r"howen:r, du~ to :h~ .desu:: Fred Be>nnion, a former ::\I. !:) . ~· annual_ m~~t,ing-:. , .•. ..,. . .. winner will b~ chosen by a point K~hls. Hug-h ~losier, Harry. '.':nc of last y~ar are away on leaves o era and one of lhr> mo::-;t. ocpula: 0 11 ~ .11 ~ 0

'. the student..) to IC\ \e th1., ~.tudcnt .e.nd athlHe and later coacn In tlie fir::;t Ltcult~ n.~etm,.... ot ~h method acn:rdmg to the scrnps wol"'! Ymcent Holdgrafer, Alfred Sho\\ltl fabsence ~pendinQ" the time in stud~ of concert ~ingn:s of the cou.nt1y. tra~ition it was al~o~ved o.s an ex- I! of '.\.Ionhna State athletics who f01 yl·a1· President At~inson paid a hlgtl bv the re.'>pt:;,:ti\·e tneams. ter. RO\· Xewkirk, C'harh.·s Hoffnrnn. and resea1·cr~ work and se,·eral haVE. October lb _.lontana·~ StaL• s)·m · rei_·iment. SeptemvI~I. reports that the past six ,-e~H::> has be~n count;. tribute lo :\Ir. \\'ilson. <:u:nmendm. . Soph~mores: Henry St·ovil, Huhar1 i1ew position:s. phony Orchc ... tra An on·h<·s:ra of 2~ be-- ausc 0 ~ the u_nsatislactory _result~ 1 <!gent in Umatilla Count\'. Oregon, his fine work as n•gistwr and hi:o; \fahon. Jct• Schuler. Frunk Barb1.:r

D ,- · f th · 1 · d"' · . ·. . . . and unde~1rablc features of this form - all· J0 1'11e pe1"1)n·1l 11tnlities "l.ti-. A G R L d ' 'I .. !) I fl ean 1"0l'l"IS

0 (' enQ'ITl('e ·m~ ;,.- professional 111USltl3IlS undt!r t 11c dL f t r . d 1 . . I ..... 1 l:as returned to :\fontana to accept t!q~~ j :::. • ~ . . ea s Fred -~ orton, 'mcen~ 0 an.

l)lartment is at Boston on 5abhatic l rection of our own P1of. A<lani '" ci .· :ac itwn an t 1" nuiny tOJllp.ain~~ l the po.-ition as county agent leadci \\ il:se;n has had a \"l'l"Y importan, • • • Olson. Cecil Batlt'le:•.-, Sam \\'hite.

· l ~a ve, doing research work in the c.~111- :;u s c Thi.:; orc:he::=tiJ. will l"l'l'a e ai_J::::Jng from the townspeople all'.. for the :J.Ionlana State Colleg-e Exten- place in the bm!tlin~ Ufl of this. 111 · r d Alumni: '.\. lorris Griffith. .-\. l' !ploy of the Cnited titates army. !'. ;n~si~al history in .\m1;·rica. bdn~ th .. · nn~treat~d freshmen they haH· deci:1 ision servi:.:e. ;\}!",Bennion was in .-titution, a r.lacc_lhat.he ha~ 11lk1 /n Frat , _ _,ra es Rill>y. li!:i ~ot known definitely '"'hen he will first. attcmrt ·of a stat~ to t.rin L 'd it. advis~tble ~lrHI ne:.:e~sa~·y to a!!alll I western )11.;n:ana duri11g the fir-..;.. I with credit tu li1m~_"lr.'_' ;-><l~d t_m' Fa<:ulty: Eric Therkl

1bt.•11, \\ .\I

t ome back . . gether i~s moi't pi-ominf·nt mu~ic:ian--. a~'ohsl~dtbti~ [ol'm 0 ~ t:_~nrn:. f Tt~~Y I weEk in and started work a• prcsid1.:nt. "1 he in~utulion will 1: 1 " Cobleitth, Burdettl' 1 owt:> Miss Branegan of the home et·.J- in a svn~phony or_hesfta. Thi:.. or-j a so a. a any no a·.1011s o l•~ him at the s:a1l of this new ..:ul egt:- Pi Reta P hi L ead A ll Sorol'i ti es

I nomic· department is also aw·1y on h . . k' f k t rule will c:au~t? the offfnder to be Y<.:al' frr we hacl t·onH.• t.o dt>i;cnt.1 u11- ELTON H A I NS ELECTED ~ leavei laking acb:~nee c estra is ma ·J1)11gf a D1 '..1.l'j~'el ~ Jt: i tried before a tribunal composed o" 'on his fine judgment and hi:-: t.'ff1 l s Second to .\ . G. R ork at Columbia [ni\·er:-;ity. ";\lis..: ~f ~on~~nais c-~~i~crt:::::~!"rtcr · 11;:~u1 :: I ~eptem\'ir i. ant.I Fang- nwmb~r<.:. Pt1

1n- I j dent ·otfil:c tor rnany thii~gs.'' .\ P R ESI DENT SEP1'EI\1VIHI

~eme~k, former house dindor •1 I Ti:Ul'. · )1. · •. ~('. student. 1 l.'-1\ ' s!•1.:on 1 1 ~!1 me·n•l will be made acc:ord11w: to t:le I faculty ((,mmi_ttce was ur-p llltt."<I ~o The Alt,ha Gannna Rho fl'aternit\·

Hamilton Hall is alsv at Columbia \·iolin, and .Juhn Fcchlt•• c..f B:izt.·man nt fen~~ . I I plan son~e :smta.~lc remen1iira11t·e 111 again lends the frateTnilic:_.: and ~D' •

l:nh-ersity. is oboe soloi:-:.t. belrnlJ: o~. :.\lr. \\ tl:-:.nn. . orities in llw quarter's grade~ im Miss Jennings of tr,e English de )\ovember H-Emil Rosspau, Fr<:nc, . :\Ir. \\ il~c_n wa~ 1.:ha1 '11<ln uf the· J.:ist :_.:pring with an U\"erag-e of

rartmenl is :::.tudi·ing at Oxford . Eng d t' t , , I ·I 1 'M. l. WlllSON B~GK 1t1lC'T~chtla~t1e bask~tb. l1 't· rnamen The Pi Beta Phi'!' ran th:.•m a .lo· rama 1c enor. ~·:JU.• pt o 11 1 o 1 . d . ,.·ei·oiiil 11.1

·th .•n avcrc.we of H..t.:::!:L t land. of the mo~t unmm~d c l<l'I" s )L t ,,c:;mm~~tlt"l" an ot• co111;·e1t enuis .. ...

~fr. :\furdoc:k, ht'ad of th0 acritul- vear. R< :S!'Cau is coiHlnµ, lo t ll.:' , 100 t:(·mnn. ec. The Lambda Phi frn:ernity <:nnw tu ra l engineering department is on ;lS one of the gTcal lt'JilJIS or the day Tn MONTftN ft eTft T[ Sl'l'Olld in tht• mt•n's :l\'e1·agc!' wit st.1bt.alic.-al leave laking uaining- a• l)e,.emlwr ~-Alberto Salvi, the I U t\ H J f\ [

1 H. S. GIRLS CO, 'FEUENCE ~e.:>17. The . .\lphu O's wert:- :-:1•rln I

e ."nllU•ll)' 0 a 1 o•m, · . world' greatest harpbt, pro1·idb the SE1' FOH NOYE:\IB R 18 th ,., · ·· f {' l'f ·a ,. E in the.~ s< rol"ilil!~ wilh an rwen\'"t: ,,f

.t 1ss ur on, o s y<'ar s · dimax oi the sl·l"iu.;. Sal\"i onas t•1 'l B t f la t modC:J1

1 J H-1.12-L l t b ralher intert>still'!

lC~n gaug-e department i;-; now :\Jr~ this part ol the c.·ountry for th·· firs: \Yill H a v e C h a rg·e of New Ag I 'fl1n .·1111111,·.I ( .1·1,.· 1·ocational C'un- 110lt.• lh:tL wbhilt th'-~0.=--orcln-i~ies n, II ha,,·j~ ann.on. . . ti111e and Bozeman an1l Stall! ('olle!!c .,__ ~ n\•cn1ges a U\1;' " • t.1ere a ·t· ti .

. M1:s!:;. Burgess. wh? w"l-ls as~1s.L~nt ~1~ /folks will hc:;r the man who u.nquc.:~- Econ o mics Div is ion o f Ex- j '!rt. .... will f'lJlC'll this yt•nr on ~ ·o· thrct" fratl:'rnities with m·en-tg-(s thi~ history an? _eco~om1cs last yecu, J~O.\ ti<>nably hdds first rank in his lnw p e rim e nt Station I \en.ler l~. fur a thrl'e day pt'lio. hi!!h. ha is a position 111 c:han~e of fon.1g-•11 of arli.:-tic p<dorinince. j ThC' un·..:n•ss wi1 be rurriul on .. Th(' eomplet~ tahulation of th<' ',tu.dents work f.or the Y. \\'. C. A. :1t Jaiiu,ai·1..· 12 1. Jope-t'arlin dt.o mu~h tlw same.· n1<111;1n as in fm- gTadc.•5 follow: Ch Sh II l d td J '.\.!r. :'II. L. "'il!"'.on, who ha:o- heP!' mer years wi h nHlll)' pr1lminL-11 Sor01·ities· irago. · e WI a so 0 some ~n -1 )liss Poppe, Sout 1 A 11eri<'an 'n·llis~. head of the farm mana~emen' de

4 I f I · - .-

hale work there. ancl 'ft·. Carlin, piani~t, in a Jffnvra•11 spt•akers after :h(· u.suu :1 i1o:i Pi Beta Phi u i-- parlment of lhe bureau of "'· onon11c::-, with added features. .\lpha Omit rrtn Pi


~·I.I~ I



Th e firs t meeting of the E~ pon­ent Sta ff for this year will be held at t he Lambda Phi hou se Sunda} S t- 1ltc mbe r 26, al ·I :00 p. 111 . Jt is H' ry im1> C'rta nt that all s taff mem-be r~ a~ \\ e ll as all fr eshm en or u11pn clas.i;men interested in news -p:1 per work be th ere at this m eet­ing s ince plans for l he year "ill be di i-·<'u ssed a nd th e s taff reorga nized. l \.'c would l ike to s ee as many freshm en out as possible for thi s meeting beca use a much larger 'la ff \ \ ill be necessary this year on account of t he increase in th e size of t he JHl J>er.

of duets and solo numbC'rs. l'. S. D. A. since• u.n:~ is bad~ thi · ThP fo;uurc• numbt•1· of this yl'al' A.1 l ~ G . D It ·.··olT1licok1e1 tsthef~~~tuthd~n~·o1.~l1~:.:i •. ~~1(;. l~~~~f )"C<:il" to i-esume his activities as head congres~ ,.,..iJI lw a ~JH.'akt•r and en- Ch~ l~m~,;~Lma l' a -~ cf agric.·cltui-al economics as well -13 lt>rlaincr and imJ'C'l·~ontitur <1'' g-re •r Kappa Delta in the En~dneeringo buildi i! durinr.:- dirc.dor of the a).!"ricultural etonomk"' FRED BE~NION I abilit\. FratC'rnities:-registratic n hours, 0 nd la'.t· a t}_,. division of the experiment station The pag-c.ant will bc> _given 011 t!i·· Alpl'a Gamma Rho registrar's office. Tickets n:a y b' whi('h is jus' ente1·ing- upcn its initial b J sctond night, Friday the l~J'"h. Lambtla Phi res(rve<l on October 11 or 12 \\ thou: year. his headquerler~ in Bozeman a out ___ __ Delta Tau

additional ro~t. IJuring the past few year~ ]\I:. the middle of August. ! Pat Harris has g-one to \'i1·1 .. dni~1 Thetn ~<u



\\'ilsun has been sludymg economi~· Befo1e going to Ore~on, :\11'. Ben-1 Military Institute. Rig-ma Alnha Epsilon e nditicn:s all ovu the United Stales, nion wns assi~tant. stale- leader o(' Amigo Club for the L'nited S:ates Department o:· county ag"ent work in :\lontana, beinv P.eta Ep5ilcn .\gri. ulture. The agrieulwral dh·i:-:- in charge of the Yellowstone district. I :'\OTICE-PRESH \I EN Omet?"a Rd?. 10n of the i\Jontana Expernnent Sta- I le had l>een prnmuled to as~i~tanl Sig-nm Chi tiun whic-h l.P now heads has jud ltadership after some outstandin·~

82.-12:1 . R0.70o

I ~4.1.i tl :t55li 80 .01~ 'i~Ul:~·~

77.Rl ·~ 'i7.'iti0

77.:~5·1 7 J.-1l=j

One of the new fra ures of thi i Lcln c.:-;t1hlishecl under the Parnell work as emer:zen..'.y agenl in Yellow­srhool year wil1 be the absem:e of bill, pas:-c.·d two years age. j skne eounty. )fr. Bennicn took c:ol­any reg-ular a::-sembly hour. ~.\~.:em- .\s an cconombt, !\fr. \\"ilsc:n ha::; !<''{e work in agriculturl' at ;\lontcrna blics will be held as spetial a~::.em- g-ained wide recug'nition in the past State College, after having- re('ei\·ed blies an\· lime that the presichm \ few years anti authorities com·cd • degrees from Utnh Uni,·ersity and deems iL add~ablc. that lrn will do wondel'ful work foi· the L'niversity of Pennsyh·ania. I

This ac:tion wa~ taken on act·ount :\Iontana State college. Fred Bennion l·ame to :\lontana J of the pool' attcndante as as."emblie~ . C' . h

I there will be a mu1.:h large r n::prl'4 ;\Ir. Ed . Bell, af. onne~ l\I . S. stu- from Utah in 191-1 and took up wor sentation at each meeting. ! <lent will act as h as ass1:3tant. (Con ti ri.ued on Page F our )

Saturday afternoon at two (2:00 p. m. l all fre:-:hmen an:> asked to mt·L t their class uch·is rs at their respt.•d ive department:-:.. It i5' Yery important that all freshmen keep the~w appointment~ in ord r to get linl<l up on the ycar':s work.

Jmnwdiatrh~ aft1•r the freshml·n a~· !'emhh· \\'cd~l·~da~· aftt.•rnot>n, ~PP . 22, the mcml)er~ uf thr Cap anrl G< \•·n, seninr WC'lmrn·~ hom11·a1" 01 •

ganiz.aticn. will hold their annual r?'

t:cption for all fr<:>shmC'n wonwn an I their Sl•nit)r aciYi~1•rs at thl· home or i\lr:-: . Alfred Atknson, 915 Sou .. h Third Avenue.

F.ltc'll Haines wa p}e,-tl·tl Jlr sid ·n t t' Septcn,viri f··r llh yc.•m· at th fir:-;t 111eetin.e: of th1;~ nr .. ·an1zn1 which wa~ held at th(• Sil..'"tn~ Cl11

houst• la~t. :\hinthH· af•c.·nwon H •V Kcrli:'t' Wet:-; ch•i.:ltel vil'e pl e:-;uu·nt nn I .Jaek Tra\"is :-.t•c'\'-nt~astlll'l". Th othl'l' membl•r:.. t;f ~L')IU m,·in a1 non Benm~tt, Robert Toott:'ll. nona!.! \\'eydl'meyer, and Ilerbnt "'"nuf'r. ~eptemviri is the ~eniol' men ·s ho., (1ra1T or~unizntnion and h s for · l·lll"J;o~e the neation. g-o,·1::1·nnwn unrl pE.>rpetul\tion of the cu:-:tt:lll:-< nn I traditions of llonlana State C'ollct:"e

The marriag-e of :\lis:» !lorot11·,

Rnpt1 s, a forn~e-r ~f. ~. f'. studc.•nt t 1

'.\fr. Louis Sidwl'll uf Los ...\.ng-elt's Ji:1-;

juRl been announcl'd.


Th<· tradition in !ht' Sfudt.nt IJ andb~·oh rtadine- Cl:-< ro110,,s. ··F res hm en ~hall not enter C'ollcl!t.' bui ld inj!s thr-oug-h fronl <loors until after the undertla-..s contests on Octo))e r ~)'" has hCt.•n tt=m1>orarily s u )'nded lu.;n1use man~ of tht.> bu i lcti n~c;; ha ,·e only one .rood means of entrance. Th<-• suspl'nded tradi­tion has ah\ a} s applied onb to '1 ntana Hall. but -.ince that hui)d. in tr wi ll not be u~ed this fall the entirl' rulin"' has heen su..;penclt>d.


Page 2: onJ?nt · w11~ter brought_ to the m~ututwn


The Weekly Exponent Pubj ishl!ri every TuLsdny of the College y"ar by t.he Staff

cho!'-len from! students of Montana State College of the UniYendt.y of :Montana, Bozeman, ~1ontana

Acc:Eptanl!t' for mailing al spec-ial rate of postage provided for in Section 110~~- Act of October 3 . 1917,

authorized February 17, 19Hl

instead of deyoting their first few days of school I to "small town" and undignifi cl bnrn·Is in lhe str eets of Bozeman. It is hoped that lhe soph­omores 1Yill take these rules kindly and aliicle by them (as we are sure the freshmen will) so t hat thio ochoo l may ath·ance one s(ep higher on the ladder of self respect.

r nu u n ' I~ II II ~

Subscribt:r to the New Student lntercollegiate News StrVil!e .. ·on~rin.!t the hnppenjngs o{ all American t;Olleges and unh·ersities.

Editor-in-chief.. ........ .. Donald "''eydeme)'er '27

NEWS STAFF Managing Editor .. .. ..... Josephine O'Connor '28

Older s(ud~nts will notice lhat the Exponent has made ;;everal changes ;;incc Ja;;l ,1·em'. The Editor, working in cooperalion wilh the Doarcl I a[ Publications. deemed il ;.id,·isable to increase 1111~~~~-""===~--~~~=~---------"-"''""'"""'1 the size of the paper since there ah;;ays haR bren lfl'rri('k Hall. 'I fh, rw\'. wunwn·~ huilding-, .iu,.t l:nmpktt·d thi:-; ·u11.111er,

an abundance of newR with whieh to fill the extra


will hous' thp dL•purtmu1ts of lwn11· l..'L 11 rnle~ an•I applir_•tl nL_ \\omen spare. ~h1dent~ and nlunmi n1ised. fund ... to pni,·idt' n fireplan' Ill. l_he n1a111 ha~l. o~

the building. Has n larj!e !<-odal room, kitdll'll~ and dm1n 1~ ro(l 11. cl.l~S l'OOms, laboratories, ::ludio !'oom and dfict~ l.·,10111::;. ( ost sl/.),Otlll. A~sociate Editor.. . .............. Edwin Becroft ]29 ......,.._ ..................... _..._ .. ___ .._.._ ...... _ .. ____ .... _ .. _ ................... -...... -.......... -........... -. .... -........ __ .. ....

1 e\\·s Editor. .. . .. _ ···-········-·Roy Kerlec '27 ;: < Feature Editor ..... . ................. l\Iarian Shaw '27 ~~ £ x C H A N G £ S ~ '

BUSINESS STAFF , Business i\Ianager ...................... Ernest DeAlton '27 ~ Adverti sing :IIanager ........ LaSelle Worthington '29 ~ Borghild Anderson, Editor \

Circulation l\Ianager ............ Russell Anderson '28 ~-... -.-.-.-.-.v_-.-.·.·····-·.-.-.-..-.-.-..-.-•••• _._ ..... _.._._.._ •••• -.-.-..-.-•. ~ Courier Print ~ Bozema.n, Mont:Jnn.

EDITORIALS All Editorials Wl'itten by the Eclitt>r unles.::;

otherwise signed


SEE H,\R ~l 11\ 13.\ YOi\ET lllULL

l\lilit.1ry t1·aining in t.he schools is foreign to American! ideals, the Fedt•rnl Councl of Chun:hc::; dedal'ed in a rc­pnl't nnsuring the army fur countenancing compulsory COUl'Sl!S.

The war chpartment is making a mblake by putting into scht.olbov h::uuis a Le.;-..tbook \lll bayont ting, says a c .. mmiLtee ,,hieh investigate<l military training in .:\las-~uc:husetts schools and colleges.

The rtport is signed by educators, dcrg~:m~n and others,

The w·eekly Exponent wishes to take this op- intluchng President .\'eilson of Smith t'olh~ge, Dean Pound


Wednesday. September 21. 8 :00 A. l\L lo 5 :00 P. :11., Registration.

11 :00 A. l\L. :Heeting of Freshmen men ancl women in separate a;;semblies at the gynrnaHium.

a :30 P. :i\l., l\leeling of all F1·eshmcn in the gymnasium. called by the pre,,;ident.

Thursday . Sc'plemlJer :<3. 8 :00 lo 5 :00, firnl clay of classes.

F'riday, September 24 . Cla~se,; as scheduled.

Saturday, September 2fi. 8 :00 lo 12 :00, clas;es as scheduled. 2 :00 lo G :00 P. i\l., Class scraps. 8 :00 P :\I. College Mixer in gymnasium.

of Han aid la\\ :school, Bi!;hop Ander:::.on of the i\L E I portunity to welcome all students to the porlals ehm·ch, P1e$1dent }fary Woolley of 3ll flol)oke college,

I :\EW l'<ORMAL SCHOOL of l\Iontana State College, both old and new. To Judge .\n<lei.on of the U S. circuit cnu1t or appeab, GLiftNP[S IN [AGUlTV the freshmen, especially, we extend our greetings P1of. F1nnc1s S.l jre of Ifa1\a1d, Di.:an Eiball oi Barv,wd llM lJ r I and the hope that all of you will come up to t h e mc<l1rnl school and Rabbi Henry Le" I I TO BE ,\T BILLI;o.;Gs

ex1iectations of the older students and faculty P1e>li.vte11ans ,rnd No1thelll Bnpti>ls lll'C n111011g th nuE NUMBER ABeLNT I t h h bl" t s•o npul o '\\ I LJ J[ The fiflh umt or the (;1·eatn l n.

o.f the tollege. E\·er.r year the il1con1ing f resh- t~a~~~ll; ~nr\bea:~~:~]s~:I'a~hf~l~·:r. COi s l.' - I \"Crsity l}f .\.!onl.ana, the E:nst<'rn .\Inn

man class is eagerly watched by the older studentR tnna l\'01·11111! ~Uwol, will he 1 wa, • !

who are looking for leaders in all branches of ,\ COl'HSE ll\ .. ~L\flll!A GE SC1El\CE." E;>o;Ol'G ll l\lany Departments Haye New at Billinp;,, acco1ding to an ann"""''

endea\·or-for it is the freshman Class, each year, FOR BHEAKFA8T .\:\l \L\ Y Jnstru<:tors 1

~tn~<l~ll~.:~i~l~~llh.! T~1~ v:,~a~~::1lt•01Ho~ 1~ that contains the leaders of the next few ye~rs . Students of the Vnin~rsity Qf :\orth Carolina t'L'cl:ntly The be.~inninr:, of u.Ilegt.• this yt::.:r ~1~~~e=c~1~~~n:·~·i~l:ns~l:~t~1t~n~1~l ~t·l~~ \ E\·ery year it has been said of the freshman c ass a~kid the Faculty tn provide a tourse on the sociul. will usher in a nL:n1be( of new teach- frnm ncill'hborin;.: stall':-, as JCc1

"This is one of the likeliest looking bunch of ,, . ,,. I d h l . I I "<t f 111·1"1ag ""' Ill ><Ynal of t 1e <lepa1 tmu1l~ 111ended b1· the ' .. ta.e l"!!k. !atl11·c a conomt(', meuH:a . ru1 · psyc o ogic:a ask· s u n ~ e. :sill e a number oi last ?l"t:cH·~ facu:t_. .... ·

frosh yet."' To this year's freshman we feel safe The pointHI out that, with on~r a thousand courses in mc.mLL'rs ai·e away on ·h:~iYc:;. (jr ab- the lest ~c!'>sion. The ~·te for t

in passing the san1e con1n1ent and adding to it c"~l...,ge there sm:ety .could be a plac:c for 1 senct~ .or .in n<.-:w ·~ms.ition.s <Uul thu!:! ~le~~ ~~1~0 ~·1· /~ .,~,-~·~· ~\·/~0· 0'.~t:l'l':-: m e·:

'Tl b t fl k t all''' this subJlct which IS of su1:h vital rnlen~~t tu young m~Jl. ! neces::iitatmµ- new help. e.1 B'Ir( a l.t._1

.t •.-:,, · The t.:i~ ..

RAH! RAH! I llo<lc Benepe has l!lll\t' to l'hat·Ic~­lon, Tilinois, lO at tend collcg<.· then•

Great Falls! \1

1 Welcome ·'Oh, \\('·r' from (;r('at Fall~. (~1 el

Falls llh::h fltth. Hah' the J.!Jou1 I

ioundcd the orntn· Ol ~1.nin ~u1·il· \\"itl-1 ... on sendin:.: out :heir exul ~mt :--c•1.., on the still nli!ht air. It wus Sutu• duy L\'ening and lht~ fir:-;t n1~hl ,, ! and College (apart from. thl' l'Urric:ul1 ::1.1 :-,ou urnlcr stand!. ~ix r1r seven, .....

Students Faculty

~! ::;un~ ,,f tht> P1H\'l.' <'i 1y 1old ;1

world that thl:'y l<lliW frum ti'il' tw.\ 1

()f the bil! ~tac·.;: (\\,t~ ap lu1:::it:> '. 'I .\naunla1, 1 t· Giant =' 1 1rin_·~. t Rainb1 w Ho cl and ·Jc Lih~rly Th"-, ;•trc-who w.,uldn't. ~111;..::? .\'ht.· t. r ten month~ from 110\V, wt• hopl.'. the1.· i ,dll be bal'k in the Fa\:..,, I •'f;tand t-p an l <~llf'1•r" r r "IIit th'<-'

of lllontana 8tate College

We are glad lo Bee you and wiRh :»ou a succegsful col­lege year.

Linc :\fo.ntana.·· .\ny\\ay \\ ... t>nj '): ·J ! tJ,o rnng.

1 M •

Hell:'n Gakrnl'au •;1,·u\ ~ n r-'11 1 FLORIST Langohr

\ isitin.t.!' Jor <1 fo,\ day~ tJ11, wt•f•k brt 11


19 E. l\1ain will be unable lo attend sdiovl thi~ Phone 9:)

yL·ar. ------------1

Fountain Pens



Hauserilan & McCall H:tlioner~ Drawing Ins truments

. l e es O UC~ 0 you · Heretofore instruction of this sort was nnt obtainable in Tl11·c:~ nt.'\' inslnu:tur.~ ha\·~ been o[ 1 rng-s wi 1 <lunate tJ ;,;it

college, but had to be trleaned haphazardly from de\·ious ree1 mt.!:!d ior th~· Engli!'h <lt.apr -1 '':\l'• DA y ~LATED FOR __ ___ ----------

THETA NU BECOMES KA.PPA SIGMA sources. The Faculty complied with the students' r quEst. ""'"·· :lii<s F1c1c11ce Chuhbu"k who f~============================f and two enmings a week are now devotL•d t:l lectures and la:;t taug:ht al _Ilood Cnl:er:e in .:\lnQ_~ OCTOBER 8, Tfll ~ FALL

b f th . 1 ll d" · · · I ti · t' j land and whu 1~ u •rraduate on Dern One of the ig e\·ents o 1s wee\. was le 1scuss1011 on marriage. wit i en ms1n~ tc 1·e::;ponse an( ,;on l'niH·rsitv with mastei··s J~.~!Tt!(! installaiion of the Delta La1nbda chapter of! interest fiom lhe stud1.:nt. bod.\-Out Look from _Ohio St~~l', will. take the plat't' The day f

01• the F'1·c .. :.hnll·n co pain

Kappa Sigma-formerly Theta Nu. The Theta , , , , _ , . , , , , , . . occupied by ;\Iis, Burton la.c )ear. 1the ":II" has bce11 se for Oc'uun ' Nu fraternit\' was organized in 1922 as the H. SClK\C'E CONFOLNllED 8 ' ll\Slll\C 1 or; FHOG 1li~s Bmtoi; i~ .. "'~'· ' 1,':': Can 11 "11 ';'-t this time all tl1e fres11111en "ii

~ . Llanbrinio, \Vales, Sept U tU. 1\.) An t-\·oluting frog l-h~s .Julia ~ow1e1, ,,}w Sl.l\t•d a~ te 1,11 - ·rnve a thance to try out 111Lir pl. 0. :!\I. Club and sho1·tly after that changed to the has con[vunded sc:ien<:e by dcn~lopini.r a mother in~tinct, pora11· a:--s1s.ta1~ . Ma:-.t ruw :rnd wno .:nl prowre::$ with a Lronm an I b ik Theta Nu fraternity. One of the n1ost note- usually thou~:ht to be l·~su·Yl'd fur the higher animals. has buth Bal!hl'lor·~ :m•_l .\IH~tt·!· s de- d as "\Ydl as thl'ir hi:l dim 111~ au

• ·th ' f' t · f th' · t llation is the fact ln a hedge bank near here t.he frog, a female, is bringiug e-ref:'s from the l rn\·er ir~· or :\ebras- ity. -·\fteT thv wl i~~wnsh ha:; t l! l

''01 J ea ur es O lS ins a T , ~a, \\"ill. serYc. n-. a regular 1n~tn1du•· applied ~bey may renst, dantl'. i

that the chapter was granted to the Theta Nus up a family of robins, whose mother apparently ha~ m En.!di~h thts year. 'The th11·d. nc,·~ be merry. The pi ·nk- and dance ht::'·t

in less than eight months after the formal petition heen killHI. English in"truc·tor, :Iii"; Pearl Rob- after the paintinoo of the ":If" i> , . . ·k bl h ·t t· K All day she is busy collecting worm:; and flies for her ert~on, taui!ht last yl"ar at l::-i.a · annual affair and will h held ·,,I

w_as se1_1t m, a ~en1a1 a e_ ~ ~1 . Jnl~. appa family, pausing only to croak angrily when turious bu_.··g.1·~1 .. Hii.r.h !;chooL ~tam·b._au·J!;· .i Bridger f'unyon at Thr~t' Bear:". Inr Sigma JS the Ja1gest frate1n1tJ., 111 pmnt o~ the n~1tor~ get too near the nest.-Exchange J.:\11ch1g-~n. ·n·n·d .h·n.s H.Hrht>lP~:-;. an.I The fr ... shmnn !; \\Ill ~~r,.~ !l'2

number of chapters, 111 the world and having a .Jla~~e1 :-- dcg1cl'~ f1om the l 111\"ll~ 1 . '('f1e~hments.

. lof (ht(';i,c-o. AnotlHt Ill'\\ ill"t1udo1. --================ chapter here will mean much to the college com- Theethlo1 ,fa Texas counuy new<paµci 1 ccnll) 1110,ed :llr '1' C. ~ton<. wlw ,, 111 tal,c ~ 1 , -munity The Exponent wishes to offer to the rnto Dallas and deposited $50:000 m one of the Iucal l>anks. B:.uger·s. 11lacc :ts cc1,1i.:h of debat(' ani\

b . f K a S gma its congratulations He had be(n pubhshmg his 1ntle counh·) paper for thirty will do instluttwn \\01k in both En . TI-IE 11ew menl er S

0 app

1 I yea1 s, and had moved to the city "1th a 1 ound $10 000 to hsh and hi!'-\tn1 \. l\11. Stonl:' 1 ~ .1

and bes.t wishes for a success as a men1ber of this his <.'rl:dlt.. When asked the secret to his g1 eat. financial I graduate ,, ith i10th B.u lwlo1 ~ an11

big national. suc<.'ess. he ~aid. 'I attubute my ab1lit~ to J'elll'e with a i'i-lci.::-ters dt'gH•1 from the l nnc1

g;-,o,ooo bank a<:c:ount afte1 th1rt) ~ Nn s 111 the count1 ~- s1tr 01 Lh1t·aL!n

SeptemYiri has wisely decided to do away ·with ll~\Hpape1 field to close apphcat1on to duty, also hewing ltlr . .l\L L \\'1bon. '\ho has c:.,11 11::.1

Champion Shoe Shop GffES

d to the mark and lettiug the chips fall whl:re t.hey may, ~eYeral )'Nil's with _the tlcp~r· r_neP. of hairclipping~ and all other pron1iscuous an un- the moi;;t rigorous rules of economy, ne\·cr spending 3 f~1m manaJ.!Qlll.l'Ht in tL (. :-· ll. A. warranted hazing actiYities with hopes that l\1on- . . . . . . will he bmk th" ioar a 1•rn1"so1 " 10% Discount

- . • . . c:cnt foolishly, e\·erlast1ngly ktepm{.!" al my Job with a C>l'onomks and w II \\·ork al:::.o with tht / tana State students ma) gam a g1 eate1 conscious- whole heart an<l the death of an uncle who left me . t rl t . .

. . . . . " • exper1men an ex enstt1n !'L'l"\"\ ·e. [ TO ALL STUDENT,'

ness of their object in attendmg this msl1tution 1 $.\!l.llUU.50. -Out Look. "lis, :\ol!i,. :II. Btc·dehuft. u !!radu Opposite Woolworth's


Most Ancient, Yet Most Pop­ular of School Activities

There is an ancient and time hon­ored c.ustom among- humankind known as sleeping-. It is a pracLice dear tu the heart of humanity and has ofte11 been praised in story and ~ong. it consists in dropping into ~omt! niu place like a bed, a straw ~tack. or a park benc:h and sinking into a beau­rnfiul un:onscicrnsncs . .:, regardless of the fatt that wheat bas gone oif fi\'c. Spain has dropped out of the league and the c0untry is g-olng t.o t.he dogs. Dear as this <·ustom is to the heart of man, it fell into some little diu·•.·-


pute with the atlvent of the tollege, and has suffered itself to be pa1tially repl a('ed by tht> mirlnig-ht oil and col lev:e life. IlO\\'eVPl'. we learn that there has bl~en a renewed interest in the practi<.•e during- these last sun•­mr mcmths. As <1 result of inter­views with some.· our best up pc n·lai.;~. men WP find that they havl' hc•en in­dulging in from fout· tu ten hours Jf

... .;..... .- ---- ---- ate from the l niYeTSity of Illinoi:; I

I . . - and the C"niH1r,il\' of lllinoi:-; Lib1an , . ______________ _J

sleep each night clurin~ the summer. will ca11-y V\Cl' tnt.o L ·~ f~1.ll and W·t: :school will be H'."J;istanl libradnn .. I t will be to ntJte ter months and v;h~~ ci it'd .1t v. 1 I 11iss ~htrjt1rie Con•rt. \\"hv wa:-

whether or not the hahtt forme 1I ha\'e on the work, 1f unY, nt lht':-:( h l f R 1

t \l J ·---------------

--------------- students. . b~~~ .. 0 ~Iiss~:~:1i~' Lst 11 ~~~11:~e~n~ ,;hu R A D i 0 I M I - .- rhas both Bnchelo1"s and Mnsler'< de- -

f l~ngtarella. ·10. in~on nl .811°l

1lr, out:: g-rees from the llniYersilv ot" \\'i-.l'on-


All freshmen arc required to at­tend the first regular meeting or the )·ear lo be held in U1 e Gymna!"'>­ium this (Wedn esday) afternoon at ;3 ::lO to meet the fa<'Ult) and !-.ludenl officers. At this time Pre&ident _\tkinson , Dean H ami l­l n, DE'an Ilerrick from the faculty "ill g i\ e ~h or c addresses and Don Bennett, preside nt of the Associ­ated Students. Alta Atki.uson, prC'­sid"'nt of the wo;i1e11s associated


o as years Jun1,,i·s, wl 10 ur. . . . · . SETS_ TlTREH -P.\RTS able to attend st·hool this yl'ar m1 sm, will _f'.Utt.'l•ed Miss Bult.n1 as lil-

t f .11 · structor in modern lang-uag'e~. B .A TT ERIES accoun O 1 ness. The class fornierlv tar1 iPtl b\" Uca!l

--- -- Xonis, who is on ·~ahbatil'al · lL•:.l\"l'


These Are Ou!' In ~(itutions And Traditions l~or

Your Benefit

will be Laken b• ::\lr. Dirk lkkkt'r. 1

gradaate with bolh l:sadwlo1"s an: Ma:lti:r's degn·e~ from lowa ~tul College.

I .i\ir. E. E. Istia<'. a g-raduatl' ,. 1 .Agricultural Colil'gl;"', will a~­! si:=:t. Professor llarrinµ:tun antl .\n.

D. H. BUDD CO. l11umbin A". lkatinl!. Electrit·al

and 8hcet '.\lelal '\'ork

Phone 300 :rn W. Ma in

Stt1rring in hnrtit:ultUJl work, t·~pt•· · iully thC;:'n::;ion \'ork. -------

Scrtennt·ri . I Donal<l Jucksr1n, 011c of la~t yt.'ur\. I I Septemviri is an honorr1.-y sN11nr senior gruduatc, in illtluslricd t:iil:'lll FA s H I o N /

men1R _oTganiiut_ion_ \\hich has n-.. il islty will assh;t in the dc1iurtmenl

s tudn1ts "ill s 1na,.;. for the. s tudents purposG the:- c1 t'n 1ng, pcrp , of chemist.ry. I of J\1onta11a :'Hate. After this t he and Jtovening of thP l!Uslom~ anrl lr~1- 1 1\la1·garet K•~l"foot who t.~w.1.d1t B b Sh I meeting will be turned aver lo Bob <litions of Montana Slat.o Colleg-'" 1u.t fronwuod, J\lkhip;ai;, lust yt·at., wil ar er op I T notell , fres hman "daddy" ~\ho ,\ill The mcm.bers o! th1:.; organ1znt11111 ;l''l' I suc:cC:'ed ilfss lJorothy \'norhi::;, it'

acquaint the fre~hmen with the /I c.-ho.:;en evuy !·iJll.'ini;. frum the _junior signed, in the dqnnimrnl tif applif.~,J and I traditfoas and customs of the col- ~~a~~ on t..Jw basi~ oi sc.-hc,litts'np, H.t·~ art.. 1\.liss K!:'rfoot is a gTndtl<ltl' ot' I I l'

I t 11 1 1 1 1 >Nluty Shoppe lq;t' and organize the leaders for ttY~ ie:., persona 1 Y ~ 111 t•ai er~ 1111· J JTa1uline University. Ubt1rl_m ('olle::e the class !:it ra1>s and hazing act i,i- Th1s yt•ars mcmht1~ are Drm HLrin t ram! the l'hicug-n _\rt lnst1lult·. I

B~b .Tnokll.' Ik,1~ \\.:~yr1L:mt.·.\ 1'r,!·l'. f ln the cnlom1 log-y <!tpanHH:nt twn t .T. B. 1\EIL. Proprietor ties. T1av1s, Jfc-11.> \\ mntt1, F .. lt.nn llalnl::- new men havl' b<'cu n;.rnwd. t onw- I I

and Roy Kerlee. lius B. J'hillip u. r. the l111in•rs1ty ol I Baths Phone l(il-J I F t> n•l"s N b k I l f '1 e ras -_a anc _11l\'l• r$.lly o ·'. 1n1w-i-----------------

The fan~s al'l' th1· po!in·na·n 1 f h sola, will substitute :tor lJr. l "twk, campu:-- whosc l·hiL•f Jllll"JJO~e dunw; who is spending, on~ y1.:~1r lr:al"llln <J O-OO-O·Oi);::;i .. Q-0-i)-(H).p.p.~~-O-O-Q-0-0 the fall quarter i.-. 1-ruldling l'n·:;hm··n Urn Uni\·ersitv of "linncsuLu. \\"Ill ~I

I whu ft.ii Lu f'iwy tlw tull·s <llld trud1- B. l\Iabee,, a ~l~l:.!U grnduntc uf ,\lrnn- E.\_t.•s l:lns-.;u• tions as (• . ..:lablislwd by St·plL·mn•ri. Lana Btat.e ColJ .... g-c

1 will sL•n·1..~ in lht• 1 E~ammt•d Filttd

The fang::; prt'"ide NS u'>llL r:.-; and g-cn- t!XLension and experiment st'n ie1; ~ REAL VALUE ON DRAWINfi SETS

erul ;.;<:rvi ·e men at all foo1

liull and slaLion ill this depurllllL'11L. I DR A £ SJESS I basketball g-n11ws, or ul :11n 11Htl"l'Ol- Miss Rua Van 1101·11 hus hL·c.•n ;L'- • • •

les;iatC:" eontust. . cun><l for tilt:.• posit.ion as a ... sbtntit Oi''l'0,1ETHIST Sp-u rs professor of home l'cono111ics, suc und g

I The S!JUt"s i:-. a g-i!·ls O"ga11izalion l'Ccdini; !\Ii$~ \\ag-nc1·. Shl' \\ill :-.ll'Yl' I )lFG. OPTICI \N & whh·h for ils JlUl"1'0St' thl! prom J· ~wo-t.lurds t1111c on thL' hunH:• Ll'tlll 1.1.1 g lion or s:lwol spirit :.inrl Jll'Jl. Thc.·.v lCS faculty of the tullqu.· <l!ld Olli Hn1lu .. ·n G ln SS('S Prontptl~ ah· 1 ad mur:h Llw s:il1\l• as the fang-s Lhird time as 8111ith-l l u)!ht•s 111 ',1 ~ Rl't>l ac.·l'CJ <)

-in that they ac·l :i ... usher and g-u1- ~chot,l inspt•do under Ila· di1edlu11 ¢

eral utility ):!"irl.-. on all OCl'H!'-linns of the State lJeJHHlmc.·nt uf Educa- Hoom l Stor) BltH·k !( J whel'e the femininl.' tour;h is n<::edt'd. tion. Q


$1.25 to $19.00 A SET



~H KE II \ . -n-.; OLD HEADS A:'\D FROSH

.\lways at Your Service


Walk 01 er ~hoes

ED _\:'.\D LOl" HO\L\RD

~t<'tson Hats 1 ::\'obby Caps

the ose sea" oftf9course -- but use the .llemington Portable too/

You can't get hrough college without using your head, but you can lighten the drudgery of writing

long reports and theses by using a Remington Portable. This handv typewriter is "made to order" for students. It is the lightest most compact, simplest to operate, and most dependable of portables. Has four-row standard

keyboard. W eighs only 8 1 , pound3. net. You can tuck it away ia o. drawer when not needed-the csrrying case is only 4 inches big-h. Can be bou~ht for $10 down nnd $5 monthly. We'll be gls.d to tell you more nbout it if you 'II let us.

The Rccogni~ed Leade.,. in Sales aod Popularity

(;ttllatin Drug- Co.

-l l East :\fain Street Bozeman, J\lontan;



Spokane, \\'ashinglo

Page 3: onJ?nt · w11~ter brought_ to the m~ututwn

1·o~s .. I' \Jt:O'\S C0 \11. ·c;.

Ot ._,. "J'• S " "" WOl ry 1

IH:l' •'1 ~~ " . t \(. ~m .. t t r•q ire • t · I:. p1ann d t n t r·a h l'a~t


!'a• • ns. with • f w •tbcr '"''' ·o REG CLAR LIBRARY ~",\,:r;~~t ~~~to~~·b:~. mt~,~~.~~·;a~ 11 ALUMN I NOTES 50AOAITl [S' A~S~INb FOR THI.' F.\LL QURTER State culitt!t• are mak r,,.: fcir the cor ferenl·<· notic(' .\ quit rn the S:1 A' 'l[S LI All[ flUftNP[e B Lake Te'eenun re c ntly . a d ";.I, -- U 1 11 V U 1J t\ lJ lJ I to t~~lU~~~i~t~s~~~ ~:;;li~i~nsp:~£;m~:: has hr·utl•ned !'"\CJ I Judith R opes , Editor h II there will be no rt!g-ular htrat• ime t 1 h omc rn t (: 1anK 1

-- h I · • hoob of t'1e conf• n ,. U•t R ) ~ILL BE('Oi\IE EFFECT!\ E I m·,';;i«· t is yeai until after ( ms nt•\ s l n up hr for \e: al .~r4l' I ·~a turn 1 0 omc .! ocl H·a f\.llltan 1 folks in < hi\,;agl SEPTE:\lBER 2::1. 1926 Evt·r~; clcp<lr'nH. nt. \\ 111 'u.v n 1~ H• t )1 n una ~t~ ha t.i i. n b\ •h l'll Augu:.t !2 lo of t .t' mo::. -- or the nece .. ..-an· book ... for it ... ff,,., · u- L' in a !'>:1 all · rll'partrnt:nt litrary. y t: r. pa1th <lu t mt le;:-tin2 alu111111 1cumtnb. • mt "· I Birro-e~t Changes :\lade in Time Though this s\·~um mav bt.-> ratlll' a,.,d partly to t lnavt· n·l; rded in )~a1::- ite m..-c:tm f;r Preference Parties . .



.\fter the show drop in and try our :\Ialted :\!ilks. To,tee :::land· withes and Hot Drinks rnabiht~· t; 1 tlic: 000 • 0 trct a r.i- \hls prompted thicfly by D<.\l<l::, l~t-1 I inconvcnienl, the arhninisttation ha:. ;-;. ednil• Thp ntanan" al i ''· .~ ..... ui.:une l'tt1 .. 01 o.1. tne l<.<1il\\a. --- _i Ul'C"ed that M t'.'ryon' man.::;::(' a:-: l l·-thcm::;elve~ and .\~e . The meetmg \\as fnst 1,Jannt. .. e,e1al changt'S ha\:(' been t'c.tue 1. po~sible un i1 the.· ime wh(n )I nt::.ina akl· ju::;t ,,hat thc·y l·:in in..-t i.or :'\i s. l'. giaduatt:s on .• , u .. ll 1ushin~ rule.s to take tffe .. t .,1t ~~ Hall is <·o·nplctecl .

li( zP'l an s m<''' 1ere. It is possible tha they '' 11! hdn Ba . (1, l o 1h trgra1 hel' .. ,,;th hem tits v1>ar. f·r the mos pa1t. This fact ha., later 1t \Hi;-,. de~itled to 1n,1t<: in S.alt beginning of the 1al~ qualtt•i '" ---------------,. 1 ed to the I. ndrann• of t E" Uoh- L 11hl..'1~it~· g1aduatc::; allll the re.suit bigg~st chang~.:; aie 111 the time_ .to_ l .... 111 l 1\ w~..i\ ~. Soml· timl·, ?iow wa:; a l'Ordial meeting o .~lun,a11;. p~rt1es and for pretr<mcc.• pa1 tte~.

1 n. Pa n ""''SC'.... alum1rnl~ nn I THE SUGAR BOWL


'er. H.1 mn ·y i:<. ·~ ng- ~n rrt ~ t a. 1 1 CLj le :tttellsteu rn bo.h schcols . ..\:1 A complete copy of tl e rull'.., tollow which ,,jJl r1ghttull d •tmlnd a p a .. ·c 01·g ... n.znt1011 1 mclud.i1g al• 192G-Rushin~ Huk~-1927 in t ·l' un.'' .LJoZl'lllan ( '1ronidl'. ...rads of l°uivcn'itv ot }.lcmtana ms i- To become eficl·lhe Thur~tl tutions, was ivr;ncd and EdwarrJ Septt;mber 2:t l!l~ti. The tu i1in J11:cm Lin I 1elcl dsiled his oid }1om" P1 estvn, Slate ( oll<'ge '2:! ''a~ nameo season closes Thursday. !-iepLl·mb<.'t in ·1·v u1 ltand durin~ ht• .. ummer .:-;ecrctary. 130, 192t.i. lt was ' tcd, on the ~:H1g-gestion •Jt The followin~ rule-:; haYe bcct.

Glnrgc P. Stone, l.inivcrslly ex-1 . .,, adopted by the womu1's fratcinitit.!.• Dolly Tripp w I ant etut n anti a member of the c<litor1al to goYern the ru~h:nl! at )lontan~1 i.:hocl undl < hri t?T'.:1S vn " ··< ... nl Ol of the Chicago Daily .i\ews, that thl· State College : ... r mother's i ,nc:ss, ntxt me.eting shou.J<l be held 01: ~..:· l. A member of Ci.y Panhellenii. ~OC'l' 2.,, \~·hen. \\tre 1epons o1 t.1~ to be appointed bJ· Campus Panh,l Phi Bl ta Ph cn~c·rt iinc4l thei1 College-Lmv1.;rsity f~otball game 111 lenic shall be assi ned to the dut

~1~1\~:r ~1~1~l~l be recuved clurlnJ" lhe of i~structing- freshni<:n. on the ~i rushee:- al a picni" <.1rnl :-;;w lmin

·1, \ al Bo cnian H .. ~ 11 :11·!~ \Ion lay e'" ·ning.

.\Ji ... s ~va l'a«K. in trutt r 1n wom-"s hv~it ... !!dUl"8 ll;.IJ. h a v1•1

lflJoyabie trip to llaw:1ii ·h1- sum-llll'I'.

· · . . _ . ternoon of the second day of regts .A .'•;or<l .. of -.-g1eet1!1J.! tration, September:?~. t<>nt'er.nin).!" ·h, \\. u:-i sent 11 om __ the !!~thc11ng 1 on 1110· history of fraternities. indudrn!.! the 1 ~1011 01 ~he Sta~~ Loll~g-_e_ ~~~~d. sc~ meaning. explanation of rule:-;; an ended b.} the :S~ate l,;111\etsll), iJ c cl• of ethics, nnd lime of :-.ilcm:e. t.h:an J. )1. Jlam1lton of the L..ollegt.; 0 ~ D . 11 . )

~~~v!~~·ii~~~.rl'~:h~·i~~~~w~~~~:~\>e~~ont~~~ P~~ss Ru:~:n~~0

:irn11 n~t te~in unt· y to mo~t of the people attendin:.! 8 :00 o"clock the ~1ormng o~ ~Thur-----The offin_·rs o' ThP .\s~I)~ iak the meeting. clay, Se;p~embe~· 2"rd, the fu-st dllJ \\'"01111.:n Studenb hav ... a t:i I ;11 tht Halph BE:nton, College Oti, anJ after registration da~~s.. . . Trea ... uicr ::- oft kt:, and w :\fr:s. J .. :\I. \\'inftcott lF1·a1wes Jones), 3. The manner of mntmg !-l-nal th1: nwmber~hip fee 01 ali Lnh·ersity 'Oi:-i, were the \eterans a:. be conducted by the lawyer s)~tcin h. tlJ!isll :t,.! collt,.!e during- the mect1n~. while Bc.rnanl and llol· some lawyer off the campu~. d:t\'" of r g1:stra un. All

. a (.> 1 JJ.t!~d to pri tun· Jllt..•mbcr Hm~tehwr and Harr,;; h.ligora, Col· 4. Fraternity lists shall be 1!1 : ip d f 11 1 :iitb a th: lime 1 !egc ·20 and in (h1cag-o les~ thm, the lawyer Thursday morning. ~C' 1

1 ide hat. Lhe

0 ga:lii.a wn m.iy bi n.: month, \Vere: tLe infants. PToL tember ;:;Q , at 9 o'clock. invitation u e ai.:~h.~ inlllH:•liah:y. F. Bu:wt·r of State Lol!egc w:1.>:. to be ~ent out. b~· me~:--cngcr. to t!-:t

\ltih,1 Ga nma i)l•lt~· :rnncmn ls _t1e m 1rll.-i.J,;c~ t f: Emm.1 l H .. ycr. ex. ~·'· t (. \ c ll \ra1 Jl·1d. ()n .\u~. ~2ncl rn Slwndan. \\·yu.; at hlimt• n She!· 1de'l. \\ \ "· llult1(;r '.!·1 . Jame .:'liardb on Aug. :,, in Li mg"•­ton. )(ont.; at home in \ t tin_.! toi.

c\ ad'". • kda .1 • Becker ex. :!:'> t Fred l-0ng un Aug-. H, ut Livin~sto:1, :\lont.; at ho nc in Doze nan .. \lon·­)lan· I. Cai ey '2;J to lJanli \\"111 on on july 7, at Anaconda, ).lont ; .1--.. home m U~ ·Jin_ ton, \\"i:-;;,

111\"ltt>,l to make a 1epcrt ot Linive - women to apptar Thursday afte -it)· ol .\1ontana 1.:ontlit1ons, an<l to noon, September :.o, at the lawyl•r

.... h·c ::.omt rem.r1i~tences whicn were office between ;1 an<l 6 o' lock. cnjuyed thon.1t1;.!""hJy by the gractuate-;. :>. PcrioJ of silence shall t l; a. Thos~ presl·nt at the meeting in. ;J:OO p. m., \Vcdncsday ni:rht. Sep

eluded: tember 29, and encl at tl p. m., Thur:-:· l·1ank Bt.ckley , :\I. S. C. ':!-1 1 no•.\ day, September ,10 .

with Swift & Co. u.t the l"nion :-,.o ;.. 6. All fratnernity membl'rs sha.l \.an.Js. remain in tt~e house~ 'o Tt'<"t :ve 111u---

Halph Benton, :\I. s. c. '06, vi pediYe ]·ledges in the chapter hen:~:::. Huntington Park, Calif. 'i . The followin~ ni~ht (8eptt':n-

Arthur Bergtroni. :'\I. S. C. ·2;:, tm- ber 29) is set aside for rirefcrenc..:. ployed by the \Vesl111ghou~e Co. partici'. Jm·itation.:' to pn:feren<:t..

:\irs. Arthur Bergstrom, ill. S. (. parties s.hall be clelivcreJ b~· 2 o'clo ·k '24. on TueRday afternoon to 11iss non·

\\'. F. Brewtr, head of the Engli~r. ald::;on's office. wh0n a list :-hcill Le department, )1. S . L. posted. The rushee :-;hall l·all at th ..

pledgi s shall be houndc I by i·an· '«llC'nit ru5hing rules.

Hi. se,·cnty-fi,·e cloll:irs is the lim­it of the sum of nwne} whi<"h an group may spend nn 1u.shin1', durin rushin~ seaRon. Thi~ amount of 111011-ey indude~ <.'verythin!! pertaining- o rushing-(alummw. patrone:.;..;· group entertainment. and persona! 1 ushin,!! l

At meals. only the 11lates of th• rush<'e n:;erl be includf'cl in l":pcns<'~. \t aft(''·noon teas 01· e\<•ninr- rf'fresh-ment~. the t•ntire ex1 en 11U"t 1Je in-:·luded. .

T1·anspc,rbtion is not to h<' indwk 1 as an C'XpC'nse.

A list of rushin<? exr. '1Ses ·hall he kt•pt. bv eat'h l!roup. hand< d in the lav after invitation dav. an<l a11cliteol

b\'. s :me fa«ult\• wonw~ agr•rrl. upun l1y the Campus Panhelk•nie.

Pe nalties T. For \'iolation of the lausc lirn­

;ting- the !"Ulll of mone~· to bt• spent l>y eaC'h £Tlw1p to scvent•·-fh-e dol-1arR. the flfrt·ndiin gTOU?l ~hall 11·11 }..p allow\d to holrl nn in'i .. ation dnr­in•! the v.:inter quar·er r:f that :-:th :1} \"ear.

TT. For an,· Yinl2tin•1 qf th" ('od• f Ethil"'s or the R·:~l in•! Rttl('s dnr

ing- rushin 00 season. thC' orf,.ndin•! rrroup shall be pcnali?.ed l"· havin'" tt>eir prid 1 ('n·e~ of hi<Tdina" d<•fr>r1·e I for two WPt•ks fro'11 thE' date• of of­ririal bir!dincr.

III. An:-· groin rli rpganlin(T the>. nslifrtion :--incl ini~iating- ~· 1~itl wh 1

d('\es not f ,Jfill all +h(• noinb nwn­tione<I in the ton~titution. which is to rece;,.e the offiti~·l san<:tiCtn of th• l'<"tdstrnr. will 'c~ allo•.n"l to initiat(• n~-('nc durin~ the two 01iarttrs fol­

'owino- the qu:.:irter in which the of· !1.:nre is commit~ed.

Barbara ~ye, '2G, i:-;; workiwr f H thC' .-\naronrla ('opper ::\lining- «om­ran.r at Ana(·~nrla.

We're g lad you're back.

burg when you're away .

It's a quiet old

Droll in at the old stand any time. We'll be glad to see you.


:'\lrs. W. F. BTe\H"r. offire between -1 and 5 o'clock to re .1 b.s Gertrncle Brewer, )1. S . C. ex ~eive the invitation. The writtc.n ac·· Kenneth ':\.kh·C'r. '2tl. is wnrking- i:1 2;., proofreader, Lake::;ide fTe~s. ceptance mu:::.t be taken to the ~amt Seattle, \Yashing-:on. COLLEfiE INN



j ' 1l ~ ::i

L'nder :\ew )lanagem~nt ---:---

Board b) Da~ or Week - noard by )lon.h S25 .00 Yours for Good Eats

;\IRS. G. L. ' ;\!ITH

jJ.i~s Helen Brewl'r, ~I. S. C. sum- offir·e not later than ~ <1·c·lol-'k \\~(•·l-lllt'l' schuol ·21, pri,·ate sei.:retary, nesday morning-. Ginn & Co. . All entertn.inmcnb du1 ing- rus 1

Theodore )I. S. l. '25, Jn.... ing season shall ci "nt "i:lil o\:kr1..-

teriologist. except preference pa1 tie~. whil'h shall Warren C. D1ummond1 .:\1. S. C. 'l'.'\, lo:-:e at ~::W p. m.

mechanital operating engineer. 9. ~o appointmcn~s or l':t!!3'.!e .:\lrs. \\". C. Drummond, J\L S . t. ments ma\· be made or any form .... 118. · ushing c10nC' during the da~·s of re -Lewis J. Ferrell, .:\1. S . C. ·241 jun iRtration. Xo frnt,.1nity pins may b -------------------------------- ior at Rush i\!edital college. worn during the!"'e two days. Irvin Gilruth, fo1mer insln1ctor 10. );o hreakfa:-;;t or lunl"''Wun datt.l I 2\f. S. C. are indurled in n1"hin·.r Jll'll it'<:..

--, Lloyd P. Han.sen, .\l. S. C'. '24, tC'l· 11. Xo fa\"ors nf any k;n I, :n l 1c1

LANfi'S EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE 1 C!phone eng-ineer. ing flowel" , st :•ll be gin'n dut in

:\frs. Lloyd Hansen, l\I. S. C. '2.1. rnshing- ~N\.son. . I Grant H. Hodc:ski:ss, ~I. 8. l'. '21, 12. :\Jc>n ~ire not to hl~ lnf'iud<'d J sales engineer. Century Ell» tric CIJ. any rushing- ra1:t;.. '!"he ~cn·ic-c·,. f I

)!rs. Grant Jl odgskiss, l\J. S. C. ·22. men arL" nr.t cnhstPd m any way fo~ I Style

A-Full buckram a-Leather back and cor·

ners; cloth sides c-Leather back and cor­

nt:rs ; paper sides

Material-back a nd corners

Butnng Cowhide-Library buckra.m Morocco Roan ~heep

Material-sides Art vellum Cloth Kt"ratol J.ihrary buckrA.m )1arble paper

Color Black BJu& Brown Gree.n Maroon Red

Special instruction s

Binder's record

Job No.

T.A.No. ->

Sew M, l\o.

H, Ko.

Lettering for back

Author's surname


Series (if important)

Volume of class; date

I '? J tp.c,- ~ 1

Name of Library

Carl R. Hof!man, }!. S. C. '2J, rushinir 1.urposcs. i tic chemical engineer. 1:1. >:o rr~he<" shall .sta;· o\·et

;\!rs. Carl Hoffman, }I. ::;, C. '21. niirht al a s01ority house '": t wn Bernard Hollen!;teiner. :\1. S. C. '26, re,idenn~ duiinj.!" rushing ~t'.'ason.

with \\"estern ElEdric lo. 1-1. These rushinj?' ruleg shalJ ap-:\liss Ag-nes Hutthinson, in~tructo1 ply. not only lo men. but to u

at :\1. S . C. per-clas~-women. nnd wonwn tran -Irany Klip;ora, l\L S. C. '26, with fers from other ~choo l s .

----- \Yestern Electric Co.

i n :<; RYICE > rn t'rj

;:i t'l 2REE :>;)

z--;;j==== iii t I I I I I I t

Emmett S .. Matthew, l\1. S. C. '22, chemist with Swift & Co.

Harry S. Peck. }I. S. C. '11, with C. ;11. & St. P. Ry. Co.

:\Iiss Doris Phillips, ill. S . C. ·~5, dietitian, Illinois i\lasonic.: r.ospital.

0 . II . Poundo', _jI. S. C. '2~, with \\"e:-:.tern Electric lo.

"Dick,. Ri ~hards, :\-I. S. C. '2:t wit1a Lake hore Trust & SaYings Bank .

)!rs. Dick Richards. I> . D. Richard s, )!. S. U. ·12, as·

sistant director1 \V. L. ·. broadcast­ing- station.

)!r>. D. D. Richards, )J. S. r. .\fbs Pl:'ar l Hobert.son, :\l. S. (". in

stru<.:tor-l'lcct in EnRlh,h depar1 mtnt.

Jlis~ Fram·c:-- R obinsu1, :\I. S. l '2:i, art student.

0. E. Sheppard, assistant profe~ • sor of chemistry al )I. S. C.

e 332-J

If. G. Spencer. )I. S. U. 'Lj, chem­- ist.

Da' id A. Steel, ~1. S. ('., '16, asso date editor, Railway Age.

}Jrs. David S eel. )!. S. (. '15. (ieorg'e P. Stone 1 '1 :~, spe. ial writ­

er, Chicago Daily >.'ews. . Is. ,J. )!. \YinSt'Olt, '.\I. 8 . C. '0~.

- Agricultural Educati.on

Graduates . \ JI Have Job

Smokers' Articles



Kleinschmidt & Co.

H I T S H.<·cord:-; lle leasecl Ea«h

W eek . ' <'w Rnap 11) • hed )lusit·

• \rrh ing Haib Come in and h ra r them it "ill

he a pleal"ure to !;en (' ~ ou E \'EI YTll L 'G I:\' )1 l 'Sl l'

Orton Bros . Boi:eman, )lontana

.:..:..=·-;I The graduate:; in agricultural edu- ! re:™ - lit =tt;;J ca,icn of Ja,;t June a1·e •II located ;n To T he Old and New Students I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I 1 ' I I I I I I ' ' I I I I I I I I I 1 • ~ , I I • • .. positions for the p1•t•sl'nt year. Dwighl

_ .Johnson is at Chinook, Arthur J ohn- WE WELCOl\IE YO .JOH:\STOXS

C.\. 'DIES

BUNGALOW Lunches a nd Sodas

\VHITl\1.\:N S - ""' at Chouteau \\'alter Sales a I BACK ;\ew Eng-land. N.1

Oak., Ucn D:.q .. ~gel~ - at Big Timber, Spencu· Smith at Bi' Al\\'ays pleased t ose1Te you .. SGindy, Theodore Fosse at Polson, .. ::\lax Le.!r.Z<: i~ countv agent c. t Ch ~ • nook. George Cooley: who took post­- gradual~ work, is in Wyomin~. R.ab\1 ... Jorj!enson at \\' ilsall, and Fr,.d Finth • at l'!l\'alier, X. Dale

LESLIE E. fiAfiE Je\\ eler and Optician

Bl'NTES HOl\IE:\l.\DE r\lpha Gamma o~lta entertai ned ru~hees' at a theatre party Monday

I I ' I I I • I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • I I l l I I , , ,, eveni ng.


Broken L enses Replaced the ame Day 20 S. Blac·k An•. Phone ~n5-\V

Decorate yourself with

the degree of P.A.

THAT means "Pipa Amoroso" in the Latin, or "pipe-lover" in plain campus English. P. A. has certainly endeared a pipe to more men than any other letters in the smoke-alphabet. Because Prince Albert lets a fellow smoke all he wants to- and makes him want to!

Cool as the stare of a marble Venus. · Sweet as the approach of vacation. Fragrant as spring blossoms. Think up your ow11 similes, Fellows . You will when you pick P. A. and a jimmy-pipe for permanent roommates. Prince Albert is great tobacco, and that's not blah.

Get yourself a tidy red tin of Prince Albert today. Fill the bowl of that old jimmy-pipe to the brim and borrow a match. Then you're set for some great smoke-sessions, as sure as you're a foot high.

~RINGE ALBERT -no other tobacco is like it!

If"' l"~R. n J ne1nntd9'l'.1ba«1t l' Ill \\'111·1011·:.-a.l•lll '\ c

P.A. i' sold Ot''Y">htrC' In tid y rrd tiru , pound and hulf. por.urd t in hum1dor1, .""" pound c-r•Old/-glau h1w11dot1 .. ith 1p<mge 0 111oi.ftt>nt·r top. Afld al•o1y1 •illr en·ry bit o/ bitt> and parch rC'ircnt' I by the Prince' Albrrt p1u •• 11.

Page 4: onJ?nt · w11~ter brought_ to the m~ututwn

PAGE FOUR -------- ------------

JN-TRAM URAL SPORTS i I ----·-----i I

'"~~:,~~~~¥ G~~~~E~ I M. s. c. I I SPORTS I

VARSITY SQUAD 1:Llll11:u:k.' .PL•nfit•ld. a hu"ky youn~stcr from I 1'"111l!:ston i-.: n prohnbJ 1 n1ndi ~ j

l.at1• for the ber:h. H e has b,·,•n :l

PRACTICING HARD :;·t~~ .. ,'.~:" ,;.~:;,:/;',~,, ";',:';:ir,';',u':·~ .~' .• '. ! ( rl) ~m. who hns. bet•n ;1 shinin!.!' :;,t r

__ 1

1n hobtat .a:hkt11.:s fo1· :hn•,• ) ,.8 ,

. ~ _ _ . hm k at his 1•l:in" a: 1•nd. HiVL·r"

Done Awav I ' 11 1

With · ED cooPr~R. I FRA'IK HI~IKEILA ! Editor I J\gsistanl

This year will set· inauguratt.·d J

\bout l"\\ent~_-f1~·e. ;\len Out. l:rnoth.(·r lPthr man at t t!' t•ntl ht• t Begmn1ng- of t 1at i-- ~oinc- ~1wd From Ja~t , ea

~ca:-,on '1 11 s~ squad thn1• n11..• SlllllL' iike

Out[ a a J th :-.chi , \o.• r 0111..•n

I t::111hrl:.1ll•:o; whu "ill L"iH: tht• vet 1 r<in I omc tiu.::~ t·o.1q>t•Ltio11: Keye!', u ,

spct.•dy, l 1a pound man I" doing we J as :u:t• Ball and Gill. _-\: t~(' tad.J i f•O:illWns thl'H' will bl' two l'l'}.?Ul:ir ,­

hn1..·.k. _Dohl•u_-. Is nut right new wit h ! a sp1 :unc•cl :"hciulckr an cl OL ... c·n. t othL•r l'l'~rular ha~ ju ... t r:ot hal'k f.> t

l,,ig- drn~gc in intramural uthll'lil.'~ J---------------------------------------------------+ fr~im thC' sv:-'tcm u~(·tl in the µa~t.

WJl I It att ·nd<•ll j1J\'S anti J.ll'i.ISUI ...\ml th,. nw~t dt•Li.:htful pat t pf • is LL• n h.etie 11a1 l- 11i tht• pr11gi:un. lkrt> at )I1•11tana Stn!L'. a~ in ull th.· l'.ompetitio,; between frntcrnilie> IN FIRST srRIMMAr.E

which h:is bcl'n (lf the kl•t•m•st kin I lJ U and hn~ th:\·c•lo)'l>tl hig-h ri\'a l ry be !in1\"L'r it1c•-... 111 thl t'Ollll I\, tli.~ :-.t'-L>I

t1jH'll"' \\ t l th1..· llli.t HSI\ 0

j.!nn11 c thl '1 il ~I}! llH"ll. tween tht..• n·~pe·ti\'-' £0<:11\I group... BOBCATS LOOK GOOD will be dum· aw:ly with ttnd intt:!rda~s ·

nnd intcn,·!1001 athll'tics will take il> 1

place. \ho 1t ~ .• 1111..·11 311,..\\Cll'd t'1e f

t .l PJl('lling of -;.chuol. Front la-.+ ~ rs frc ...;h le m •hctt· an· Hull'hin ( and )[ares. ::\lares is a big, huskv J '\) I undt·r. \\ nllac(' an:l Tnrranc·;, arl! two othl'J's who al( "Ul for tht· ta kl l~t·rth wh1_1 w1.,•r(' tta b:-.t '.\'l'an , ar:":ty :. w:ul. I• rom t l' t ark Irtish •c .

1 ~ i" tv.:o yf"ar ... U.!.!o B:1• t...; h. star tac I vc-nr. undt·r the old ~:- ~tcn1. Coach .RumJll'Y hud di.:\'dOpC'd intr:.i.· murals to thL: n·ry upcx of u::-eful m::ss. Fully ~15 per t·cnt of the mal .. · student bodv wt>re tuking- part jn :-:.omc form ~f org-:tnizctl play. How evl'r, it wu!:\ felt in many plal'e:-> tha~ intramural athlctfrs were taking- too murh time of the :t\·('1·a.l?'c stud1..•nt an11

thut the ri\'aln· bnd reached ttio u1..·ut~ a ~tagL•. It i~ now planned that till' nirious l'olleges will i:ompetc t•ath othu· in open athlel ic C\ ent~. 111

aJdition to lnterL·lass cn•nts. Tlw frL'.shmun l'i:t:->s will lw imnwdiatcl.·• ol'J!allii'.l'd with nllllJlt•l1..·nt .uh-burs ...; as tu mold ;.111 tifidenL numb1..•r lh

:dhil·til' t1rµ'nn1zations out of ;h,. )"l'Uriing-s. Already tlil' :-ophllllWrl',:; and the up1wr dnssmt•n arc nrnkin;.! plan:-: tu on.:·imiz.c ant.I 11H't t thl· L·om­rl'.'tilion of the laD!l' numhn Frosh. [

l'nder the 1nopost•cl plnn th1..· ,·nri­uus l'<llleu;es, it is cln nH.1.f, will be­nH\ll' u more u111f1l'd whole duL_. t11 mutual l·ontnxt in athll'li~· L'\'t•nts. it n:1mains ill lit• st en wheth1..·r tir no~ 1

the nl•w plnn will Jll'tl\'t.' a~ :_.;u ('l':-<:-, I ful :·rl1m tht' l·omp•:otilion starnlpoinl u...; was tl.l· old.

---- I

'The Cats 'Meow'

Frosh :\lake ~inglc First Dem n But Fail to ~c·orc .\gain:;t \ ar>'il)

all f r u1t~ at l'arly uu,nin.r eami 1 n ~t'j•l -. o..11d ha\·0 bcl·n hard 1

1t. t'\l'I' Sill tc. \\"1th t1i1• opc>nmg ~,·hod t:·i~ \\d'k It i:-. C"X"p•· I I t 11:H

Lnst Salurda~t saw thl' fi1st n· ti• \.tr is 01 for a p]a,·L· on thi .... \ea!'.\' :

s rillllll:l!-!"l' of 1h1..• \ ar.-.ity anti Fros l 1 11

,, ,,,. ,. 1

lt n-. is \\'ctz ... t un. Th~ makC'!4

111..•\'L'llS at )l. S. C. :i.ud 11 tlwu~h 1 1 c ;:ht hutik·"..; a-;. c·ontl•stanl .... f11r th~ fint..• poin·s ol tla anw arl' ..... ad\.. lo~lk l .. d k · pn~ition with nnoth(•r I ..;salt,!?'. ;1:-. h to ht· l'\.J\l' '(l'tl. t '

1 ~~· tn show q,_ Fn1 thl! £!113 I 1 •

sc.:rimmugl' dl•n·t1 flltl iw l'Sst•nti:.:I aian·• i 1 J( ~l.~ :-:ix men :1r tryrng- Tard_ .\·rt

fad h;1t ri:..:ht now pro"pt·1·~s «l 'nd fia\"I" ell(' thi• rt ulur~ 1rnm lu • 1111i:My finl' tor a nin• 1:\il1l·at e:t• n•n \\i I 1 - Wt l. \;J>r~ll~ \\

\·~·ith l!J.d1l ar·•Und!y •qt1ad 1111"l1 .\lio •" ill inl' nn l l'I",.. out 111 ;.;ults and 1·n·1 y 1111, qu;_ ni:ll.;;e l'>is t-;s i· 0 1 Ihh ft>lt n~ ,\ hy \'irtut' t1f l'li11iiuat1 11 du1 In "( n't•..;, 'l'r:11. b J

l;. t. s11rin1r's sl1L1l'1<111...; two \\t' • illnt l '1 nnd has hPCn fo1 th(' last w(l ,, ... 1 ·ut colllpl•litinn 1,. ~ l'olll!' 11 • tJ, ill rul l , lh l . L.1k1 mor., I B1 1 •l·dt·n. a 1 q:nil:~r on thl" 'ro"h \ti h.ith...;

011 tlw ·~ 11 ' "r \\:int of a ~e tl•1 !Utl11L'. 1 t ~ of a Yl·ar ,1g 11 Is 1111 ~ w th 1 su

The k~ltL•r nwn now out in ~w1 _-;. 31: ~ l trun ha I l l! l' 11 . 11• ~t'<l shn11dt•r tt>mpornnly t11n .. :-:h11win

inl'lutlt.• \\.jl...;1rn. ~j \'l'IH tTlltt•r, Ols.i:l, \"\I fP\ C'l ':t ~:'\ Sl'\R E>:U OX 1 ... ha~ l" I 1 it ~ I .cs. U!l ''_1•11. \'o.f"t anrl . .\llun, aL--o M'ij i ycnr t:wkk . ,\1.11', 2 ~~ur !.;\I.rd ,.\ ,, - , . \ .. \\"nttr • lilt .inL·aa le .nil ul th(' '""oh squad ar i1u' rt·111 .,

:.i\ t'rs, ·: YL•:tr l'THL Clynn, :: yt•a. t 11 f.U'i( \'I' I EA \IS FOH TIIRbl·: llll't1..·h Ot'L.lli"e tlJl\ '' n t e itL'' --u t... !'mi'h, n 1 s:-; pr•un.i \' ·11;1' • .,t ·' Gn·l!or ·l·aptain ... n.t { yl·ar t' ti '\ E~\U:--; \~JI ·\~L. CO:'\_l:EI-U:.:\Cl'~ 1'11 • t -.q111 f I. -.;t ;:. r 'lll'· i!'-l :~l~o tout l·\'('~· day. -\r .t e p1\ ha('k, nnd Bal1n1 k. ;: n•ar ha\rb:\1 "· 1 -11n1c E i• UH I\\ U ) l· •. \H~ 1~ thp nil 11 .. ball: 111 u·1 potltiun tht• old tc~ichll' Rip' \\1J, From hist year's wund~r Fro:dt :-qu 1.t \C \I'\ 11.\CK FOR 11 IS Fl~ • .\l. l)J n l .d IHI \ ' (la) ~on is. ba1;k nn.J red irm "';.. in ht tltll' i~ (;racly and \\'t•llinJ!l n. q·1~H 1·1..1\:tt \YlTll Till': PIGSh.l~ (apt b1t"l tha1 usu~l llnl' "-l)"1

C' :\or"on l!'-i ano~1~ IL·rha('k~. GardnC'r and Penrit•ll. h:1l l;I :\:'\ lS A TRIPLE T l lffE_\T .\L\:\ t\:tr 11 ri t .a asnirai\t frr th plal'C' and i. .. o l'""t:

H'S, .\laH·~. Bl'l'vkn :rnd lll'vkh. A:'\H 111:-:: Tor. 1~ .\ ).lltillT\" l·'\l'·i tyl~· {,r.d) 0.1111 \\t lrn <n, lwt ularly. tal·klt:->, Kl')'(:<- :1n<l Ba.II. 1..·ncb, an.I 1 TOI{ I~ BllHi.. \T 1,.; \::\lES. I' n l ) 1 l ~ U" I. 1 t 1119 sli'Tlmin,,. It 1111 cp it loo \ o;rt anti ~mith at J.'.·ua1·cb. In a,ifli· I Ill .1_11 n .. nd 1 l t tnl \\1t the Ri hen t1..•am 'or thr \' 81 n tun t1l thl' folow1ni: nwn frtHll he• ~ ~ . _ 10~ I ~ ~E\Y t lt' 1 t h1 lrt l"'"l•an fr•.n 1.:u '1· :--hO't\- hat i!' !!Olll~ to 'J'i1>l• an· 11111 r 8; 1 .. Fnsh h'Ulll of ·~1 an: mak.n'.! th. l· l?ED Bf'\' .~ S • ' rn~ l Tit f'in o ~. \\ nr1er. la ~hcmlll!! i11 RtH"k) \toumnin ·( H'fe"' Ull);!'hty inltirc:c:tin~ for tlw n•st of tht cor~T' .\l~ E::-\T L E.\flEH. ~ a ~ I~ ·l ... Ill rter rnJ a nt·e :-:~an1 ";..!'~ anti the f ..;t !?U!la-s . .J::id. Rarbrh. "•€tz~teon tiH·kll' ., t ·k 1 t thl· ) n wJt lda'lt> t·m,yr . \ a To> l"Ol'C~. guard. ~orton ('l'1ttl1 1, anti ((o!1llllll I fr,m J1;i•c Urw) t k 'ft"'L\\' two Wl't·J.\.,, l-.t'll t' wll Let'~ "antit•ll, halfback. h<'i : .. co:i. h tf 1 h l'l:1..· t .url~ l"r.;.• rt al ll'"L IdaJ-io lia...; their u...;w

rl ... yt·arhnu;.;. Slll' l·edl•d ·n maldn· ( tn tw lUtl l'ni\ h .. ·d iram-:. a'" ... tr •nc team a11d t'ie ._,~0re \\' n111..• fi1st dnwn a~:iinst Hw \'~ns1 • . \l 011wth n .... wo1th W.1t hing-but for till' must part w1:re ~Ul'l'.l''3 l 111. t•r .. 1ty .rnd ht> hruu r ""It I i • n !11

(ui!y lwl(J au,\ thl'own '"or In..: l':!o 1 tana with him Ut/ 1 ~' 111 Til')' :i.n u : , .... t Kall' .\n1lrew:-, ':!1>,

1 ... re:Ji r.


,,.~Ollllllj:? lS (lUt in ~OICl' with ,1

!"quad that l'Xµert:-- l:um will l'L"lip-. !d former Wyomiu~ 't·am~. Coal' Di('t Z b optin 1~tic un:•r tht :-;t•ason· pro~pei:b.

Major )Jilburn at the l'nin•rs1ty has '.fi men out in var~it\· :'Uib and aiJout 45 husky Frush to. play wit~. Reports have it th:n the l"nivl'rsit;o will prt.'sl'nt a fon111dable line ~h yt>ar but with the exceptitm of ··tht:1· Kell~ " the Lackf;pld "on t he "'" nw·


wili. On lhl' othrr hand the \'1 s 1 y 1 ~'t \\ho In l'I' i.:r~iduat·d fr ni ' 1 !". 1""fre n n!Trirh:ni... J .IJl th1uui:h tht•m f01 sl'\ e1 ll tou l · L.l\d \\ lo Tlt)\\ I-- t\Jrt{'l• 11 l' 1),"'

d \\llS Oiic foaltlh' \\Lb "Hip" \\'i I llLl.l L'1huat1ot1 ht ~1..· ~un':- attempt for ,1 lidd g-ud tio In 01e 011. \tr. h 11111011 1 •• tl1•

t e 1' , 111 mat:... hut a bad la~ :1111• n·u)rd Ill 01 -:,· ng-er fimn Lt';llCJ • 1 oikd the l'll.Ln<l'. Tlw lh!;. ti unt: \\D lltltl'd t ll h1 t·rt1:-.h had mw o.·hatll't..' to Sl in• whl'I I !!l':"t \\hta pt1Hlt1L' n;... t'Ol.uty tif th

FH F.'T DE .\LTO:\. Bl'SIXESS :\L\X \(;ER \\TI· h.LY EXPO. E. T. BOZE~L\:\. :\IOXT.


NEARLY FIFTY OUT I :iv il ha rl rr·w u I 1 t l li\(• u J a Yt~rli11J! <'nd s1..·no.r;·t1 ~1 fu111blc rn ''l ·.t: ~nd it. a "~·~· .llll~H i :rnt 1, i wl-f1cld :ind ran ~, \"urd lw Ll'l to,k .tnd tru1t .. 1 \\ll1,._ 1nl

I ~-o thC' rcpu~~-1 wn froi11 th: da . . ·I 1 . · lle orcanlZCt.J anc man.1 1 ht "' "B ,. Ji t 1 >tt R. L lh n.t. u lllll.

. ~· ·• r • H' • n ntr ·~.I Th~ fi1:->t L"<lllll' w h ldalL1 l ni\'er inn oU:- '\or•hwC' t (;)·;.tin m

FOR FROSH SQUAD -\ i u~h 3 HI!'' lf' t'snn.1f'n a ~ :-:i.\' k .. :- .han t\\ WN 1,...,. • wa\ " Shl , al l'i rt .ind IT ... \\111k in l,. n

I i , w n C'n who ma, •'l'\·l'l m rnlu f 1 . • t 11 ' · b . - ·1 1 • • • • • I · · ·- • "I\"\' B 1)t·at ~up1crtt•1s n l1hi.l~u11..• of .11 a ((lUlh) l <ll\H (1t .iil:l 1 l"-<)lorn<lo T1:achl'rs have thc:r e\ ..... l l' \·iro;:.Jt\ matc>r" l'ld sh•p lhi..OJ~I sttc'll'th n t '"' ,uu':-. rlt•\1tt fn• :i11u" t"n• ll• ":111 t\' 1111 t!'-t .. iit ·•J.!PU

Onthet•onferencebatOll thisve;u··,11 --- t.c• o(' 1 st:il~ ~f forlh \l'otl' Jdaho ha-. lhl'll" ll""U•il c-i. 1 \lll~ fl.a 11\\()lklll•" U!Hk1' }!llll . · .. J , I thro u1 po-..e 1 r t 11 l 1 >sh l1..1 111 01 t' ' I , t ~. 1 ••

l'Ord1ng- to Coad1 Cooper. "'th :!.1 Se\eraJ AIJ·s tate .Men Out In . nnl 11rr tliat \\Ill nutkl~ f\ --t1011 lud · c\.1t1itlllt'll tum "< 1" • 1 ~ 1 nun men in suits and all listed as ieg-- Running Pros}>ect~ Good ~·~< d~·\~' 11:~nwnt


1 l

1 mp\ it 11111 c !11 flf1..1111t-r h '11 rs 1n t ,t l,;\rn~t L'on ~ aCl'11t t 1 tlw i t n :-•. t

ulars the Teachers ha Ye bri,t!hi.. Jff 1 ~ • J •-.:a .. ' '. aJ'.(. ~ 1 ~ me t· l \\ 1 f c·n <· I 1 add1ti<1n ( harl<'Y 1':1·h Ii a.J1.. 1 of coun~) ~:\ t 1t-... '' 1 h an 11

pects and our g-nme with them hc1 J!'llll! ·: for It i,.. 11 J'~. ~e • L r fh h from h :-: \"iL·torioi.:s ,·,•ars a~ l'rta:-:t. .. d :-:al:i 1S· } r•1U l 'l · B• 01

Etll lo er! fin1l 1\rn Dolla1"' fnr which ~end nw Tht' i\'N•kly l·.:-.1" II"' I for th,· n•mai11tler of the ~chool :-·ear .

tt·st for c:onference honors. ti.e t\'1:ry tlay tho Fro~h squail is Thi' s iwdu;t' 4h flll indud '1l tlw Yand:il nmp nnrl his n"ti:d tthl"' fador wa-.: h·s c-s11 to ,,' 00111 ~============================ in Bozeman O<'t. ~O will be a l°'"a1 With 111orc men l'l'JHH't 11).! for p1a1. t'iat lutnre c-tai:o' "inn!!"' (':tlifornia is tht• nL·w i'1H)tba:i m 11t1·r la k to ::\lllntana t . nmi•w \n 1 ·

• • • " • l!illllL:s \\ ith B1llin•r...; lI .. • "'ho 1! 1: tlt•mpt a,.:ain~t :\lontan.1 Sto~ ... w a l'ollL·J!t' ~owr. w tr j,. HJ) I'. Utah ..\.g"g-ies under Jlil'k Romney rnpidly approcn·hinK tllt f 'Y mar Stall• X1 1rmril ( olll;!P. \l1 J11• S bl' watr.:ht.:·cl with 1n'.L•n•st a:l c11 rr th ht.· : bh• 0 '"l'nd '·

11 '1-:.

will ha\"e their usual st:on~ tt•nn' with prospeds of passini: it lie:rir ( l&rle:-:. anti th1 (' ., tt :\1<:i=:1 1n PJH iiil' l'' a"t. :\ft•an" hilt• :hrnn•r::; uf I -\"\'orthing-ton, who will be rern.l·mbl·n·J the wcf'k is oH'r. . .\nwng t1tu,.l' r .. · 1 whii h game w1 I rroli:1l ,. '>• p ~' I :.11.Jl·H boo h·r~ 1itll' tlw fil·!d e\"C'l') Olga \\·l·nlt·m1..•yt ':21. ~ en, h here for hi:; brilliant pe-rformatH'e on porting- are ,·crah all-stu,t(• sc 1n1- /as a p1·t·l1n· 1 rn~v .t (ll ~ thr o 1 night watchin • thl' Blul' an· t:old art. in tht.• t!i I~ ju.:111· L1•llt l'

tht.· baskt:tball floor, is a likt.·h- (.:a1 nstics. Loach Dyche ha~ sul'h nwn frrt·nct:> gamls ot 1P Pnl\ ~r i·~. ,l ng- •hrnugh •he grind. l ~ivu" Fa1b, s, 11.~ ll:1ko11 dic?ate for the fullback position." ------

• • • • • as Preston, ~t1mpson. Pratt, I1l'll\\ n

For thi~ staJ?e of tht" garnl' 'hµ Bobcab are lonking good. Tht< boy:; arc dii:playing the rig'ht kind of spi it and pep and must of us a1 ·" )okin forward to our initial lE'st al!'ain~! the stron~ Yanda! tl'an .. at :\Iosco'\' 0L't. 3.

Pa! kin, Roger, Ru:-=~cll. Ru lie ~.

G-c1.:r, :.inti \\"onl of Gallatin; ~P11111 P"

fen and Xob1e of Gnat Fall~; l·. an :\[. ·ward of Parowan, L'tah; Th p1

son, Ln Yerlin, l'ta h; ::\lillt t, T" Falls. l<lalrn; .Jkl·'arland, Billm Richards, Lor )lesa, Culifurma, J\.1p

kcr anJ RiH~l's of Dt.•cr L ·d::;-l·; Wal· 1 .--------------~ ! :cr:s. Kalispell; An·hibuld. lhn1 ,


.\,) fre~hmen ure asked to meet

in thL· Gymna:-ium this morning at dl'vcn u clotk. Ot·afl Hamilton will addn•:·>. the llll'?l students nnd .:\liss l>onaldson the women ~tmh·nts in ~cpa~"te u~~l'mblit•s un the suhject uf r .1.ten1itics.

Palo, Ilibbin!?', .Jiinnc-:->ut:t. out I which to mould the Fro::h tcan~

The lino \\ill bi! slig!:tl!ii ligh1e than lhut uf la:-:.t \'l·:H' and thl' ha(·~ j field will Jff•>hably f•0 about u11 l rar. Tl P Kittt·ns of la. t yl;'ar !la,1 Olll· oi lhL' LL·.:.:t in the hi:-tr r~ cf th insLtution, iurrn~hin1t \\'ot:dl'rf·Jl J ompt'tition for the Yur~it\' l!'; \\"I'!

as winninf!' a numher of H· wdnl •1

game!\ anwni.r wh h was ; hf• < 'ut i: fron. •he li The Fro~h thi y1•ar

if'''"":'!>'-"~'--'-'""''"'''-"''"'"'''"''''''~"''"'-''''"''''~ I TED"D~EOSE kl ~ e ~ Rose Garden Orchestra ~ ~ ~ i HOZE:\IA_"S FIRST .\'.\I) O'.\LY HE\L i. I! D.\'.\CE BA'.\D "I ~ ~ r ~ , ~ ---1:'\--- ~

~ fiRAND OPENINfi OF THE ROSE fiARDEN ~ ~ EVERY NlfiHT THIS WEEK g I ~ ~ E\er,\ one \\ eltome \dmission 1 () l'Cnb ~ ~ ~ ~ .\ T'J'ENTION ! ~ ~ For Part~ Dances-Hall and Orchestra or Hall ~ " Without Orchestra ' ~ I ,, Call "Short) " Poor Phones !Hl or ;;;! t-)1 ~ "I I ~ ~ ~, .. ,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,'-''-'~""'''""""''"'''"'-'-''-'

Col ege Styles r~~Ch~ FOR \ ,;Alf*~

II M \f1Jf ·~ ' o ege en , ,\ :~ ~ '\!'\\ rno Bl'TTo s1. c;u: OH D<)lTBI E mrn.\sT- %~ ~ f


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