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o~rn~mmirar?l Early chldbood edueatlon centre munet ~ m m r n r r m r n p q f l ~ h i l m r - mld nq moclkarm nlomo m 5 m jsrmd. p k n l on;rrdl q m w W l g l p s g3 o m ~ m a m d l q l d l $ q p ~ ~ ~ ! doum3ap CIJ1t~d$mm0& m a a M 6 ~ 1 ) m ) . a~~~ (tnCIR(m

mdahlmn nllrumwnd op wowmrJomraalknj mmo0 pdm4-aqml& pna nwpq.

Part A

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13. nmm &annqeian al$nplas (a) 1-30 m&m . ..... ..... -...l... .._.L-...*.........-A... . - ....

........ (b) 2-w nrmwa ! ..*.............. ..... .'..... .'..* * * " ............ .............................

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............................... I7 Q O C ~ R ~ M n ' l m q t r m ~ n n m j b ? <

24. . m p I n l m ~ l r l o ~ 3 m J mlstanld free play D P ~ ~ S ~~nm~sm37

25. Free Play q n s ampmkrdl dmplcs rmomar tw mmm(~u11ljlsom~po r n m w ~ ~ ~ Irgmilanldeol omlo ms&9o IgSlA.

27. m o ~ f i a ~ r m &QI& d h p l o s w-W w rmoa M m p i l enjmocd

a.IndoorfJIay ......................................... m s l .

.......................................... a. Out door Play *ml"lm

28. msar@aSiWn Obsewalion Forms dkmpjO5 rmw&mwtkqppdd o m l s mras-sla.

I7 Physical Chart

tl Motor Char1

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Emolional Chart

a Personal Social Charl

[3 Language Charl

Inletloctual Charl

a School Participation Chart 29. m l m ~ ~ n s n u m ~ m m l d rn3s~~jnmp-n nmntmW30 c n r ~ & m ~ r a U a g o m d O ~ D I ~ C H S ~ rnl+J~nlh


A. IN RELATION TO SELF' { r rwmr~ m m ~ ~ o ~ ~ b b )

a. Adjqsrtng lo the ECE centre

1 ml51'lrrdnsi rmnadmnllmm~ ~nnmn~udla~n~~mrlrnlcrum~ msm3nrjrm ARB h a l a d / ~ * ~ m h m r n m n d


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.-_ .......................... ....................................................................................... ........................-................w...............- " ..w......-........q. - .-.. b. Development at a Posltivs Self Concept

2. SaU Concept rm~lolnm ~ ~ m m r r m m l # j a ~ rnmmlrupn dtw a p l ~ u l I w a n u l

"""""".."- ............... " ...... " ........ ".... ...... *. "..... .............-* ........................................ 7...7.77 ..-..7.....7.......7.-.~..~... --- "-. <

c. Oevrlapment of Good personal Habit

3. al$&pl& mlrJ1ml cnwwmmlnn~ danwnmIm~eruan1 rnsmmrml4 AQI ~ p l a r A I

amdq m k p u &wd e

I7 mdg d3ahd

m p 7 (prflda3s momtrao pJoeo30plm-m)

a m ~ ~ m i k a , m a a d m o

r n r n i * i d h d

m w m d amp rm~wtnlon3d qmm ( r n w p d ~ mi&)

nwm3 mj$mr~rlo nw'omawlmjnn~

k g j n a ~ y gdow~mlmxd nlrplualorn~ Malrm~

Q .~cmm~rngrnlnl~~ r ldl4 (~03: n ~~~lttr~lbmpn nfllmo)

4. ~mnnmhq mlmqo uvo&m~l~ nna aqd m~mltmaalmr u~lw r u q h l n m d d msrmm3mlm Lnpl slplad / t ~ d m m c m d

[7 0md.1 mwqr~3a6rd

o m v a l g npnraPgl



a ( ~ $ W O r d n ~ 1 d & cTUo B 3mmO

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Turn Taking ( a h w nhrT peg: Snack *em)

I3 Icraflaobd

a ~ r ; l q m l a a r a l d tupmmm)a

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11. rnlr,Ijlhglas wam'h16, nfl&ormwnrujr3dl nlm-15 n'ua3-lmmslbl msammm rllu (nmwClammnntrl

m>mm o m l o y M p l a s gmhyo a m q o dmloumculmpl. . . .

Growlh charl up lo date m ~ a l rml&an~rrn~.

0 o n t m u ~ m r r m d -la.

a Pejiodic a m j 1~mlam3llwn

CII---L..r.L.13-I.--.111.-.11*-r-I..1" ---...+. "..-".---.I....I-..,XIICL.-L.-L. 9 - r - , .

~.-.r-xr-.rr..rl.lllrr*lrr-3-.~.,-...l..ll*rr-r-"..-..-..r..l"..-rr-. ' -

! 12 a l $ a a n s rmolar o ~ l & ' t a m w m k n l ~ (Gross molor devetopment)& h p l a d /

m1uL I .

13. ' h l $ b ~ j n n r m ) m + m cdwl d a ~ ~ l m ' (Flne molor developmenl) arum1 mslwljnrlm JIpl a p l n,v& ! ( .dn~mmmnul

a nul+flbld n q d a&d& a r m ~ n l ~

Arm* nrm [7 ndmlqbvi / mlno n w s j m d . -

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b. Fluency and Clarity of expresslon

20. alalaqlas wdltbctmntn d l a m m l m ~ ~ Lna &glad I (dndmmmtd

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a. Visual Discrimination

22. ~ ) ~ l h g p s Visual OIscrimlnation nni nnd~wurnrnml~ AM &glad/ &wmmcwnd

a d m mlommlw~m wnilmpnd amrumlm~rml

D. Development of Writing Readiness

23. qghvaaQ' emarm m l m m (Writing readiness) gnnoalrud ms~3nr lmn d m a g l d / '


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P. Ocvcioprnonl of Fivo sonscJ

24. t-6&ubern~nihol ~hnwnmrmlni c-mljl Jla hglhd 1 w&dmmrrnm~

26. Sense of Taste nnj\ ~ ~ ~ m r r n m k n ~ c ~ a ~ i m5m3cl lpn AQJ &pad I tddm~lmrmrd

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b. Development of Power of Mc~nory and Observation

h............... 1 n . 1 . 1 . ................................................................................................................................. c. Development o l Skllls of ClasslllcaHon

28, h j 5 l h ~ 1 m 5 n ~ d r n f ~ m ~ l ~ C M ~ ~ D . R V I ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~IPJ &pl*d / ~dlamrnmd

.......... ............................................................. ...................... -- ..-.. ,. -4--- ............ ......-.*..* " ...xXX~XX.XXx.XXXX...X..X..X*...X....XXX... ...X..X.X.XX

d. Development of Sequenllal Thinkhg

20. Sequential Thinking mine cva-ifl crfln,r1u121)nnlnr3n8 rnsmrar3n1lnrl rflm a , f i i ~ u & I i+,mdmimn~ratui

a d q - p r ~ a mldma3mo (pas per, did, pa. qnl ................................. )

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e. Development of Problem Solving

30. ~ ) ~ b c l n c Problcln Solvlng n l n,rlnl n~ln~nul=Fnolna~td a,srmmsnqnn dlor r r u l ~ r r l I ~ ~ n l h

I I I ~ ~ J

a ,II+@ -mvlr.yn,d ( n l ~ l n,dnrrln& U W J V ~ ~ ~ I ~ u m l n 1 1 P b ~ sfltm)

w%(kJI rnM (urwflm~rrn mfinqahd)


a. OeveIopment of Colour Concept

31. ~ l s l a ~ l d Colour Concept n4 ~plnummmrlrnj emant rnsmmxupm A m plat# I w-md

........ ......... .................. . - ....*........................ U.." ........................................... -..*....... - * d ....................... - ....-.. .................................... b. Development of the Concept of Shape

32. - Shape Concept on1 ~ a n w m m i l r n ~ c ~ a n l msmrmanqn~~ *net hn~a,d I w-(m(m

Q Tearing & Pasling

, I7 ~ l m J # l l p l 6 T B 3 a ~ d (~ lq$/& ln1q i )

n,ss$ mm&d

Q d m l d QuwOo ( n r g m l d m h q m glnl&rrb)

m i r n l ~ ~ r s & l ~ g l l r ~ d map^) ~la~1ta Q~SI m i d I ~d e ~ l m w - i m , A ~ I

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(puaauutu o8pJ '~*~~fwon/ru lyutorw 'ptmru) / wqUo my. uutrutwsw ~u~nratqwt~~ sutmuuolrm m1Ftotwwlb~u

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x v i i


'MA -' (I- 43m5ymmikmnlrn13 m k -I-# n m - ODd; Knee - palhha)

wn>Y 0-d (Dumb Sherad) Iota1 w 3 m ~ q m 0 , 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ o 3 0 s m n j l u)(DI~;~ m m t q e ml?] oaanlmlm~.)

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c. Creative Tt~inkltig

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Questionnaire on Programmes of Early Childhood Education

(ECE) Centres

A research study is being conducted on the programmes of Early

Child hood Education (ECE) centres like Anganwadies, Balwadies and

Government Pre-primary schools in Kerala. Your full co-operation is

expected in filling up this questionnaire and in giving necessary information

on the conducting of certain programmes. It is assured that the information

given by you will be used only for this study purpose.

C.C. Kurian Research Scholar

M.G. University Priyadarsini Hills


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A . Name of the institution

2. The institution belongs to which of the following categories? (Put a ' 4 ' mark in the appropriate box).

17 Anganwadi


U Government Pre primary/Nursery school

U Pre primary classes in Government schools run by the Parent Teacher Association

3. Number of children

4. Number of teachers

5. Which of the following types of planning are conducted in your institution (Put ' 4 ' mark in the appropriate box)

U Long term planning (For one year)

Short-term planning

U Daily planning

None of the above

6. Whether parents meetings are conducted at your ECE centre or not?

H yes NO U

7. If yes; how many times it was conducted last year? .... . . . . . . . .. . . . ... .. . . . . . .

8. Does the teacher visit the homes of children?

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U Yes NO U 9. Put a '4 ' mark in the squares against the following play materials which

are available at your institution?

U Slide U Swing u Seesaw U Junglegym

U Tricycle U Rubber balls

Mention, if any other item, if any, at your centre.

10. How much space is available for indoors plays?

. ............................... ........... Square feet

11. How much space is available for outdoor plays?

......................................... Square feet

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PART - 6

There are various playslactivities that can be conducted at ECE

centres for the all-round development of children. Some such

playslactivities are given below. Please indicate those which are conducted

at your centre by putting '4 ' mark in the appropriate square.

1. 1 Welcome each child everyday morning by the teacher with a warm smile

2. U Say words of encouragement while welcomes the child

3. U Celebrating the opening day

4. u Allow mother or anyone close to the child to spend a little time with the child in the ECE centre in the initial days.

5. U Take children around the premises in the initial days

6. U Allows flexibility in the time to be spent by children in the centre in the initial days.

7. U Not compelling children for activities in the initial days.

8. [J Celebrate the birthday of every child.

9. U Give small gift to the child during birthday celebration. 10. Exhibit the drawingslother products of children in the class with their


11. U Praise chdildren liberally for their efforts.

12. U Encourage children to cut their nails properly and keep the fingers clean

13. U Encourage children to wash their hands before and after taking foods

14. U Place a waste platelpaper piece on the dining table to put wastes.

15. U Encourage children to use waste-basket.

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16. U Encourage children to put things in the proper place after use

17. U Continuously observing every child whether she practices good habits

18. U Give chances to chdildren for distributing play materials.

19. U Assign small responsibilities to each child on rotation

20. The chances for taking the leadership of various plays/activities are given to them on rotation.

21 U Encourage children to wait for their turn while engaging in certain plays/activities

22. U Encourage to wait fill all children come, to start eating

23. U Conduct monthly checking of height and weight of every child

24. [7 Growth chart is maintained by making entries in time

25. Special medical check-up to children with disproportionate increase in weight

26. a Discussion with parents of children with disproportionate weight increase

27. U Periodic medical check-up are conducted

28. a Regular supply of nutritious food

29. U Special attention to children who hesitate to consume adequate food

30. U Plays/activities involving walking

31. U Playslactivities involving jumping

32. h Playdactivities involving running

33. Playslactivities involving throwing (eg., ball throwing)

34. a Swinging

35. a Playslactivities involving balancing

36. U Plays/activities involving climbing (Ascending and Descending)

37. U Playslactivities involving stringing

38. U Plays/activities for listening various types of sounds sin the environment

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39. U Playslactivities for identifying sounds of familiar animals

40. U Playlactivities for identifying an activity from the sound

41. U Play, for identifying a child from her sound

42. U Play for grouping objects by hearing the sounds (sound matching game)

43. Whether playslactivities for identifying objects by touching is included in your programmes?

U yes O NO

If yes, which of the followings playslactivities ?

U Playslactivities for identifying objects made of different textures (eg., iron and wood) on touching?

L] Playslactivities for identifying hard and soft objects (eg.. plank and sponge) on touching

U Plays/activittes for identifying rough and smooth objects (eg., rough stone and piece of marble) on touching.

U Playslactivities for identifying objects of different shapes (eg.. sphere and cube) on touching.

U Plays/activities for identifying objects of different size (eg., one rupee coin and 25 paise coin) on touching.

If any other plays/activities of this category, please specify

U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . , . - . . - . - . . - . - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . .

44. Do you conduct playslactivities to feellidentify smell?

u Yes Cl No

If yes, which of the following playslactivities?

U Plays/activities to feel the smell of objects of different smell (eg., flower and lemon).

Make garland using flowers of different smell.

U Collecting objects of different smell from the surroundings.

U Plays/activities for identifying objects from smell with closed eyes.

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U Providing opportunities to feel direct experience of getting various smell while cooking.

U Plays/activities of classifying picture cards of objects based on smell If any other plays/activities of this category please specify.

U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .

45. Do you conduct playslactivities to feelfidentify taste?

u yes U No

If yes, which of the following items are included?

U Playslactivities for tasting foods of different tastes.

U Plays/activities for identifyigng food items by tasting.

U Playsladivities for classifying objects based on taste.

U Plays/activities of classifying picture cards based on taste. If any other playslactivities of this category, please specify

U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Many of the playslactivities are suitable for obtaining more than one

development. Some such playslactivities and corresponding to each

playlactivity certain possible developments are given below. Please

mention by putting ' 4 ' marks in the appropriate boxes which of the

playslactivities are adopted at your centre and each is conducted for which

of the developments.

1. Do you conduct free plays at your ECE centre?

0 yes U NO

If yes, it is conducted, effectively for obtaining which of the following developments

U Gross motor development

U Vocabulary development

Development of oral expression

For adjusting the child to the ECE centre

If any other development, piease specify.

2. Do you conduct group plays at your institution?

1 Yes U No If yes, it is conducted effectively for obtaining which of the following developments?

fl Leadership quality U Ability to control emotions

U To understand the feelings and rights of others

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U Development of oral expression U Gross motor development If for any other, please specify

......................... ...................... U .., 3. Do you conduct story telling at your centre

tl yes U NO If yes, it is conducted for obtaining which of the following developments?

Vocabulary development Development of oral expression

U To improve the listening span U Aesthetic appreciation

U Creative thinking U Sequential thinking

U Cleanliness U Punctuality

U Leadership quality U To understand the feelings and rights of others

U Development of ability to control the emotions

U ~o lour concept Concept of sire If for any other, please specify

4. Whether songs are included in your programmes at the centre?

u Yes U No If yes, for obtaining which of the following development?

U Vocabulary development U To improve the listening plan

U Creative thinking U Aesthetic appreciation

Cleanliness 0 Good personal habits

To understand the feeling and right of others U Punctuality

U ~ o l o u r concept 17 Pre-mathematical concept If for any other, please specify

........................................... U

5. Do you include action songs in your programmes?

U yes U NO

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If yes, for obtaining which of the following developments?

U Creative expression 0 Development of listening span

U Good personal habits 0 Proper eating habit

U Cleanliness 0 Punctuality

U Vocabulary development U Development of ability to control emotions

U Ability to understand the feelings and rights of others

If for any other development, please specify

.............................................................. u 6. Whether free talks is an item of your centre?

U yes L./ No If yes, for obtaining which of the following developments?

1 Development of oral expression

U Development of creative thinking

Development of self concept

The ability to understand the feelings and rights of other children

U Development of ability to control emotions

0 Development of listening span If any other development, please specify

n .............................................................

7. Do you conduct structured conversation in your centre?

u Yes U No If yes, it is conducted suitably for which of the following developments?

U Development of self concept u Good personal habits

U To understand the feelings and rights of others

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U Leadership quality Development of ability to control emotions

U Development of listening span U Colour concept

u Vocabulary development U Pre-mathematical concept

U Development of oral expression If any other development, please specify

8, Do you conduct creative drama in your centre?

0 Yes U No If yes, for which of the following developments?

U~esthetic appreciation Creative expression If for any other, phase specify

............................................................. U

9. Do you conduct nature walk?

U yes U NO

1 yes, for which of the following developments?

U Development of sense of smell U Ability for sound discrimination

U Ability for oral expression U Vocabulary development

U Development of skill of classification u Sequential thinking If for any other development, please specify

10. Do you conduct gardening at your centre?

n Yes u NO If yes, it is conducted effectively for which of the foliowing developments?

0 Love and interest to plants U Development of sense of smell

L1 colour concept U Ability for aesthetic appreciation

LI Vocabulary development Development of skill of classification If for any other developments, please specify

................................................................... n

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I I. Whether paper tearing and pasting is conducted at your centre?

U yes U NO

If yes, for which of the following developments?

U Fine motor development U Writing readiness

U Concept of shape a Creative thinking

U Creative expression 0 Ability for aesthetic appreciation If for any other please specify

12, Do you conduct day work in your centre?

U yes O NO If yes, it is conducted for which of the following developments?

U Fine motor development 0 Concept of shape

U concept of size u Creative thinking

L] Development of skill of classification U Creative expression

a Ability for aesthetic appreciation If for any other, please specify

U ..............................................................

13. Whether paper folding is conducted in your centre?

U yes U NO If yes, it is conducted for which of the following developments?

U Fine motor development a Creative thinking

U Creative expression U Concept of shape if for any other development, please specify

0 ................................................................ 14. Do you conduct printing in your centre?

u Yes U No If yes, for which of the following developments?

U Writing readiness u Fine motor development

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t] Concept of shape 0 Creative expression

If for any other, please specify

........................................... U 15. Do you conduct drawing in your centre?

U yes U NO

If yes, for which of the following developments?

U Writing readiness U Fine motor development

U Colour concept U Creative thinking

U Creative expression U Ability for aesthetic appreciation If for any other development, please specify

16. Do you conduct painting in your centre?

U yes U NO

If yes, for which of the following developments?

U Creative expression U Ability for Aesthetic appreciation

Ll ~ o l o u r concept 0 Visual discrimination

U Concept of shape n Fine motor development

U Writing readiness If for any other, please specify

0 ...........................................

17. Is picture reading an item of your programmes?

U yes U NO

If yes, for obtaining which of the following developments?

0 Vocabulary development

u Creative thinking 0 Cleanliness

U Good personal habits 0 To understand the feelings and rights of others

If for any other, please specify

.......................................... El

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1 8 . D ~ you conduct plays/activities using small things like beads and pebbles?

L! Yes Ll No If yes, for which of the following developments?

a Development of skill of classification 0 Pre-mathematical concept

U Concept of shape U Fine motor development

h Writing readiness If for any other, please specify

U ............................................

19. Do you conduct the activity of collecting objects from the premises?

U yes U NO

If yes, for which of the following developments?

U Development of skill of classification U ~ o i o u r concept

U Visual discrimination if for any other, please specify

U Concept of shape

0 ............................................ 20. Whether simple experiments is an item of your programmes?

U yes U NO If yes, for which of the following developments?

U Development of skill of classification

If for any other, please specify

21. Do you conduct plays with sand and water

U yes U NO If yes, for which of the following developments?

U Fine motor development U Creative thinking

U Skill of classification

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tf for any other, please specify

22. Do you conduct playdactivities of identifyigng the odd items?

U yes 17 NO if yes, for which of the fallowing developments?

Visual discrimination u Development of skill of classification

U Creative thinking If for any other please specify

u ........................................

23. If any other playlactivities conducted at your institution and not mentioned in the questionnaire, please specify

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APPENDIX - C (Malayalam Version)

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Page 46: OneTouch 4.0 Sanned… · Emolional Chart a Personal Social Charl [3 Language Charl Inletloctual Charl a
Page 47: OneTouch 4.0 Sanned… · Emolional Chart a Personal Social Charl [3 Language Charl Inletloctual Charl a
Page 48: OneTouch 4.0 Sanned… · Emolional Chart a Personal Social Charl [3 Language Charl Inletloctual Charl a
Page 49: OneTouch 4.0 Sanned… · Emolional Chart a Personal Social Charl [3 Language Charl Inletloctual Charl a
Page 50: OneTouch 4.0 Sanned… · Emolional Chart a Personal Social Charl [3 Language Charl Inletloctual Charl a