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One day in my village

My name’s Ghiyas. I lived in Pagon, a village located in Subang city. In my village there was many rice fields and its environment felt very beautiful. On Sunday morning, I had many plans that would be done with my friends, they are Lana and Ikhsan.

Time was about 5 o’clock. I went to jogging with them, the place that we would be visited was Citapen lake, place where people often gathered to sport. There, we also met with other friends. After we were jogging, Lana invited us to eat the breakfast in edge stall. After that, we came back to our home, but we promised to reconvene in the hut was near my home.

After I took a bath, about 7 o’clock I was rush going to the meeting place. There, they already waited me. We directly went to the fish pond. We didn’t bring the tools for fishing, because already there was my grandfa that waited. We fished in the morning, because at noon later my grandfa would harvest the fishs from the pond.

When we were fishing, I felt frustrating because there wasn’t big fish that I could catch, just small fishs were like “Mujair”. I saw Ikhsan, he catched the big fish, it’s goldenfish. Maybe, today wasn’t my lucky day. I continued my activity with hoping could catch the bigger fish again.

After we had fished from my grandfa’s pond, we went to the Citapen lake I invited them to race using raft. There, we took the rafts on edge that would be as our racing transport. We started the race from the middle of lake until the edge. We started after 3 times. I paddled the raft using the long bamboo powerfull, and we cheered cause spirit full to win the race. But before we arrived at finish line, I saw Lana fell into water. Ikhsan and me just laughed, but I also directly plunged into water and played in lake until noon.

After we swam in the lake, firtly we dryed our clothes under the scorching sun. And then, we went back to grandfa’s pond, because I knew after grandfa harvested his pond, he would make many grilled fishs with other workers. So we might not lag to eat grilled fish together. At that time, we happened hungry.

When we all were eating grilled fish, suddenly I ate up thorn of fish. I asked for help to someone to brang me a glass of water, and I drank that water but I felt the thorn still involved in my throat. Grandfa told me to eat a bite of rice, I took a bit of rice from my plate and ate it. Really, I already didn’t feel the thorn concern in my throat. After that I was panting, I was so panic because this was the first for me experienced that.

We planned would go to the opposite. There, there was my aunt was harvesting peanuts with my uncle. I would bring some grilled fish for them. All the ways, we very enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Even though this was noon but it wasn’t hot. We walked through field by field and saw the paddy that began to turn yellow. From here, we also saw the Tangkuban Parahu Montain. We ever hoped in the future we would explore there.

In the middle of voyage, suddenly we saw a snake at right of way. The snake was short but it had big stomach, it seemed it had eaten a frog. Cause we afraid, we directly ran to keep of that place and hurry up to the opposite.

From the dictance, I saw my aunt and uncle, they were resting in the hut. We approached the food to them, I asked my aunt that I would help them to enter the peanuts into sacks. My aunt let us to help them, we directly did it. And we finished it approximately one a half hour, we didn’t know if there’re so much peanuts that had to we harvested.

Page 2: One Day in My Village

After we finished enter the peanuts into the sacks, I said to my aunt that we would go to the soccer field. The place located not far from rice fields, because we would play the football in the rice field that had harvested. Many catles were deliberate loosed in order to search the feed by themselves.

In the soccer field, already there’re my friends and other friends from other village that would play football with us. Though from other village, they often invite us to play together cause we were from same grade in the school. We directly approached them and started to devide to be 2 teams. I was in same team with Lana, and we had to fight versus good team cause in other team there were Ikhsan and other good people. The game was started, I was defender. I was feeling difficulty when Ikhsan started attack to my defender.

The game took 2 hours, even though my team was lose but we all felt so happy. In ending game, we were shaking hands as the professional player in tv. We leaved rice field, and went to each house. I came back with Lana and Ikhsan, on the way we were talking about this happy day. We promised, wouldn’t forget this day and would be friends forever.

~ End ~

Writter : Aprijal Ghiyas SetiawanClass : 11-1SN : 14.60.07727