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Page 1: On Power-Law Relationships of the Internet Topology

On Power-Law Relationships of the Internet Topology

CSCI 780, Fall 2005

Page 2: On Power-Law Relationships of the Internet Topology

Outline How does network topology look

like? Random Graph?

Properties of Network Topology Degree distribution

Power law (this paper) Structure Structure

Hierarchical StructureHierarchical Structure

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Network Topology On Router Level

Topology Graph = (V, E) Each node denotes a router Edge is the physical link between two

routers On AS level

Topology Graph = (V, E) Each node denotes an AS Edge is AS pair which have a BGP session

between them

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Two Levels of Internet Topology Router-level: nodes are routers AS-level: nodes are domains

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Why Topology Is Important?

Design Efficient Protocols Create Accurate Model for

Simulation Derive Estimates for Topological

Parameters Study Fault Tolerance and Anti-

Attack Properties

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Key Findings We observe power-laws of the

Internet topology

Distributions are skewed, so average can be misleading

The log-log plots are linear

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Power-Law, Zipf, Pareto Power-Law (probability distribution function)

P[X = x] ~ x-(k+1) = x-a

Pareto (cumulative distribution function)P[X > x] ~ x-k

Zipf ( size vs. rank )y ~ r-b

They are different ways of looking at the same thing

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Internet Instances Three Snapshots at AS-level, one at Router-level


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Power Law Properties (degree vs. rank)

Power Law 1: (rank exponent) The degree, dv , of a node v, is

proportional to the rank of the node, rv, to the power of a constant, R:

dv rvR

(Rank is the index of in order of decreasing out-degree)

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Rank Plots Log-Log scale graph

X axis is rank, Y axis is out-degree

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Power Law Properties (frequency vs. degree)

Power Law 2: (Out-degree exponent) The frequency, fd, of an out-degree, d,

is proportional to the out-degree to the power of a constant, O:

fd dO

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Out-degree Plots Log-log scale graph

X axis is out-degree, Y axis is frequency

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Out-degree Plots (cont’d)

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Neighborhood Size of neighborhood within some

distance P(h): total number of pairs of nodes

within h hops

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Hop-plot exponent

Ph hĦ

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Average Neighborhood Size

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Eigenvalue of Graph

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Power Law Properties(eigenvalues)

Power Law 3: The eigenvalues, i, of a graph are

proportional to the order,i,to the power of a constant,

i i

Eigenvalues of a graph are the eigenvalues for the adjacency matrix of this graph

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Eigenvalue plots Log-log scale graph

X axis is the order of eigenvalue Y axis is the eigenvalue

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Discussion Describing the Internet topology

Power-low exponents are more descriptive than average

Protocol performance analysis Estimate useful graph metrics

(neighborhood) Predication

Answer what-if questions Realistic-graph generation

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Connectivity does not Mean Reachability

Now we know properties of connectivity

But connectivity DOES NOT=reachability! Commercial agreement Routing policy

An annotated topology….

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Route Propagation Policy Constrained by contractual commercial

agreements between administrative domains

Regional ISP A

Regional ISPB

University C

e.g., An AS does not provide transit services between its providers

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AS Commercial Relationships Provider-customer:

customer pays its provider for transit services Peer-peer:

exchange traffic between customers no exchange of money

Sibling-sibling: have mutual transit agreement merging ISPs, Internet connection backup

However, AS relationships are not public!

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AS Relationship Graph






provider-to-customer edge

peer-peer edge

sibling-sibling edge

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Route Propagation Rule

An AS or a set of ASes with sibling relationship does not provide transit services between any two of its providers and peers

BGP routing table entries have certain patterns

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Internet Architecture Hierarchical structure

Backbone Edge network




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Hierarchical Topology Based on AS

relationship Tiers Provider/


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Hierarchical Topology The number of ASes in different tiers on

2001/05, there are 11038 ASes Tier 1: 22 (0.20%) Tier 2: 5228 (47.37%) Tier 3: 4193 (37.99%) Tier 4: 1396 (12.64%) Tier 5: 174 (1.67%) Tier 6: 19 (0.17%) Tier 7: 6 (0.05%)