Download - On-line Money Transfer

Page 1: On-line Money Transfer

Enter your log in details

Page 2: On-line Money Transfer

Save your bank account details in “My Account”

Page 3: On-line Money Transfer

Start a payment here

Page 4: On-line Money Transfer

Click here to add new beneficiary

Page 5: On-line Money Transfer

Or choose an existing beneficiary

Page 6: On-line Money Transfer

Simply enter the amount you

need to pay

Page 7: On-line Money Transfer

Choose the account you want to send the money from. You can have various accounts

in your profile

Page 8: On-line Money Transfer

Click this button to finalize the


Page 9: On-line Money Transfer

At this point you can either cancel …

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… or approve the transactions

Page 11: On-line Money Transfer

The status of the transfer will be

“Awaiting Funds”

Page 12: On-line Money Transfer

Your payment will be taken automatically if you are

set up with our EFT team

Page 13: On-line Money Transfer

You can then go to “Account Summary” to see the status of

your transfers

Page 14: On-line Money Transfer

Before we receive the funds from you the

status of the transaction will be “Awaiting Funds”

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Once we get them and the transfer to

beneficiary’s account is arranged the status

will turn to “Paid”