Download -€¦ · "OM KN’s Slips w u k g o r e Caldwell Cast* *•. •/«ck«e, Al ‘ ^ W|h nt- Broken fl(|:• aji «*rott 1-60. Bors Leathei Jackets W*ductd

  • " O M K N ’s

    Slipsw u k g o r e

    Caldwell Cast*

    *•. •/«ck«e, Al ‘ ^ n .t h . W|h nt- Broken fl(|

    :• a j i«*rott1-60.

    BorsLeatheiJacketsW*ductd to

    Nylons5J” g aug eLL SHADES

    Kwtuced to

    ((•iillHard rram n u nhinatlrail, heard in Batavia.

    The “ police acMoni against the tndonealan republic was geared to meet a time table. The Dutch have occupied ell major republican cities In Java and have linked many of them. They have informod the Drilled Nations Security Council they will order a cease-fire In Java midnight tomorrow.

    In Sumatra— the most valuable natural resources area of the Indies— they are rushing to link Dutch-held territory In the north and south. Their time table calls for a cease-fire In Sumatra two or three days after Java.

    The Dutch alwaya have claimed occupation not only- of places where Uielr troope actually are but also of territory between their columns. Inasmuch as t h e i r columns now lace Java It appeared likely they would claim control of all Aha Island by the deadline The same way be true In Sarahtra.

    A MAJOR ATThACTtON for two years In the l.lbrary of CorgrcM. Wash- |,mr,||lmln „ no« the court over-lngton, England's historic Magna Carta of 1325 A.D., Is turned over to imi|((,li f...t that should thisSir Oliver Franks (right), British Ambasssdor, for return to the British properly tried ar-Museum. Scanning the document, considered the foundation of human cording to the rules laid down Inrights In the English-speaking world, la Chief Justice nf th« Supreme lhl, court’* opinion, such languageCourt Fred Vlnacwr. At Jedt UUrthe^ Kv*rw. (Ititcrmtllfiroil i'ounojihoto) „„ employed |,y this court will.r-, , ■ m. . uccrsaarlty have the effect of

    S n v P r n h o r s I o w h s i i i r r a i i i w l rwrcItiR tin* Unltrd Staton Hi*-* r O D C i B J t .W n D I i r r m i l H l Irivt Judge into reducing any ver-. , - ■ - ■ • l 1'..... . I'imw Knae |l«*» ,||ct wj,k-h may lie rendered for a((oiitinued From Page One) : aimlliir sum tu u proper trial."

    posed a net of new commltle,i rules front urcmiai* ho did not want .... . .. k ,iy,tdesigned aiming other1 thing* lu them killed. j portion of’ the circuit court5*afford gieater piotcctlou to ui- And In lipmt'in llio.foreign offtco; pplnion which said that “ the trial cueed persona, rojfiiacd to um flriu a chaigi- matin waa allowed to got out of hound*

    •It a rather peculiar, Hcliert by the IlillU b delegate before the almost from Its beginning" ami tosaid, that two members of th e . itn||P(| Nation* Security Coumul liccnme "a alrui^Mo or northcom m ute who hava been such!that Israeli troop* have crossed New York, David againat flollth,wall known traiiagranaoia nf Ititt, |niu Krfypt, I Ivanhoe against the Templar a x

    '* omen's V*.vmod«' .Denier ,

    'JJ'fAihlonad. Nrions. ao

    8 H .


    Sport ShirtsShort Sleeve

    a * d O M * in

    B o r s

    C H A R A C T E R

    ShirtsX - d u c r f to

    BorsUnion Suits


    preach, ami admonish other* *tu do as I eay, and not m I do.” ’

    Herbert said criticism of the committee because of the handling of the Dr. Edward U. Condon and

    Combed•Id* ellotted to Israel by the said the "Cairo report’ United Nations, Bee ley added ha regarded as wmflrmaUo Had Juet received a cable from laraelle In feet did enl U»e British embassy In Cairo re- The Israeli governmei

    , i. , f .• -•> -

    T H E S A N F O R D H E R A L D , S A N F O R D , F L O R I D A T H U R S D A Y , D E C . 99, 1 9 4 * )

    G & 0 Rail Head Forecasts Layoffs In Industry In ’49

    C L E V E L A N D . Dec. 30-(A '»- A senior vice president of the Phesepeeke; and Ohio ItNilrnad■eye the entire rail Industry will

    ’•Jxiperlence layoff* nest yi-arRns* Marshall, the offlrlal. said

    a slimmer IuihIucn* vidtuue would affect ImiIIi paHseuger and freight traffic.

    lie made the statement yeHlei day a* tlw DAO ariikium-ed ll.fHHi additional, emptoyr* woidd tie laid aff by the first of the year. The line previously had let out 2.6(M> worker*. .

    The New York, New llnveii mid Hert/onl Railniad also announced an "extensive" rednrtluii In |wi ■onnrl, lint did not divulge the numtier Involved.

    At Norfolk. Va., "Hie usual sea- toil rurtallnient" was announced by the Virginia Railway. No figure* were rele*srd.

    Demo Leaders * I(Continued From Page I)

    bill to the House floor for a vote. I’Mils, Saliath said, would prevent I

    the rommlttee from hottllng o n ' labor and civil rlghta Mils — such a* fair employment practlcea, anli-lynch, uud anti-poll tnx.

    One function of Hip roles committee I* to decide which Mil* are to lie sent to the house floor and to iceniiimi-nd procedure for floor consideration. Koine new deul- minded legislator* contend that Repiildiritnii and Southern Demo, rrat* on tin- group have leiimed to iiinkr it a ritadel and eonservatUm.

    Knli.illi, allildillg to that view of Hie rouililllter'n eompleslnn, said lie Iiii* lieen assured he I* going10 get aoiiip additional flemoeral*011 the Rules Committee ''Hint are going lo lie nil right."

    "Them* s o o t h e i n gentlemen •lirln't realise the iidviinlngr of labor legislation," lie -aid. "Til* Koulh llow is in bettor condition because of lliis labor Irgislatlon."

    Dialer Kributli's plan for amending the rules, a bill rould la- taken fioni the Rules Domniillee on a

    Marshall said "the maiii cause | |irtitlou from IIH) to 160 House la a decline In hu*iiic*M volume Inieiiibrr* only if Hie petition wasotiaiii l,a e ** Mntail . FII...I I... k I. ..1. -1̂...̂ a I_I.whirl- began in Novemtivr." I'olnt- ItlR out that the ('A ll was a coal- carrying road, he declared It loaded only 3,660 roal rar* Tiiesduy com pared with 5,000 to 5,500 daily "before the slow-down."

    Coal prorhictioii in Hie Doileil Ktates I* satisfying tin- ronntry’s present rerpiliemeniH, lie said, an-l Great fhltnln, France, Germany, and rolktid are milling more roal

    ''Thetfi arrn'l going to buy It here If they ran satisfy tlteii own need*,'' - Marshall aildeil. "I rlon'l think we'll esport auv Europe In three year*-"

    Regarding passenger riilta ll ment*. he said the line would con eolldate "two of Its George Wmdi lngton trains and If'inrt train from Dhlragn to Itetmit would l» cUt front sis to three weekly m ix1 summer.


    a l.cgls- lunl ap-

    filed by the chairman of latlve Committer- which proved the bill.

    At present, u petition must bo ' signed by 218 members — n ma- j jorily nf Hie House to take a | iiiensure from Hie rules committee. |

    Sabatirs plan would keep the “ IK signatures a . Hie rerpiirement for Inking a bill from a la-glsla- live t'ainiilitlee.

    Another rule change one alined lo keep Rep, Rankin III.M iss) off Hie Dll-Aliierltail Activities

    roal to *'omtnltlee — was bring talked among Mime innk-and-file Demo, c ials. Ibil Hie leaders would not discuss dial possibility.

    Gen. Wainwright(('■atlaa.a frmm ram• Oael

    Ihur had radioed, and these were Ills exact words: ‘There must Imho thought of aurrender. You will attack."

    I "1 transmitted these order* to General King, well knowing he rould not attack. Rut Col. Tray- wlrk came bark lo me and said ‘ It Is ton late. General King lias aliendy sent an officer forward with Hie white flag.'

    “ General King had sent the officer with the white flag before hr got direct order* from me to hold llatann. He absolutely did not dla- oliey me. I want to see no aspersion rust upon General King. He is a gallant aoldier, a brave and courageous man and a fine gentleman. It makes me very angry to bear any criticism of him.

    "My action has been approved by Hie President of the Drilled .Stales Htid the puhllc, and I was awarded the Congressional Medal

    I of Honor for it. I am not going | to do anything about this mntirr | aside from keeping the record stiHiglit. I don't Intend to makeany other statement* un|e»s Mnr-

    ' Ion makes another statement.”

    German TrialsI'n a lla .M r .*m r *■|llii-li bu yellow straight- neck 2.26-2 76, fab 1.60-2.00. large 75-1.25, cncozcllri large t 00-1.60.

    l-j bu cnrozelteaiml poorer 1.00-

    ■ white frw 76.2.00-2.60. larger

    . 1.76.Strasvltcrrles pint 30-32, few 33,

    few '47-28. poorer low as to. Mahmoud i Tomatoes lugs 6/5 4.60, 6/>

    Knkra'ahky Pasha, who was assns- 1.26-4.60, 0/0 3.76-4.60, 0/7 3 .60-r islnateil aa ho entered the ministry | 3.76, 7/7 2.26-2.50. ol Interior building in Cairo. Tim

    Egyptian Premier

    rOltOWINO A POUR HOUR P1I0MT from the notion’* capital In hla private plane "Independence,1* President llnrry S. Truman !• greeted at Fairfax Airport, Kansas City, Mo., by his alater, Mlsa Mary Jane Trum an. Two groups of carol lingers (right) raise theli voices In yiilctldo song at they serenade the President's floodlighted home. Lights from the Truman tree gleam through a lower window. (International Soundphoto)

    I sentence Inst Tuesday fur killing I yoiinR Egyptian medical student. , her sergeant husband, is appeal-1 hrltcvrct to lie the killer, lie waa , lug to Hie highest m ilila iy gov- identified as Abdel M. Ilaaaan.

    eminent court in Germany. Silo I — -----------—| will challenge military govern-1 i z, merit'a right to Irv her under Ger- j S t 111C I ' I i n U C T H I V I a r K C t .

    man law- arid wltiiout a Jury. The — ---- — -enuri which convicted her rejected' s z ^ r o h iM T v r t ^ r A n x t . i i s a sim ilar rhnllenge. | iu ip o h t tin aa

    Mrs. Mary Minima, Dlitrugu, re-! Tim follow ins price* t»v

    police Immediately nrrcstrd a L e t n * N o M c ri in I'nt'ftT nr" t h e cotrrrTT

    .rtlfMIK. BKMINOI.K rOUNTT. b t a t i : i ik K i.n itm A in ru n - IIATKIII I f the Rslsle nf

    M 'llKNIA V Ml I.I.KH tleceasadTo Al.l, WHOM IT MAT CON- CKItN

    cenllv won a reversal of her two- ‘ tor “ o '. "iSl'S.Vfiir hiiHpemlfd nrnlFiicn fur nliiiot- , fI truc\ayestijtilay »lml ! he I* •edgnliii: iii or/leJ to gi>. more attention In ilulie* at I'lia .< and Co, w-beie be does taliiilalioii work tui groven and fniniH.

    Air GiiurdI f H(IF(t floltt I'm* Dm#

    Iktlon In any form,"lla called llie hii giianl, "a grow

    lllg rolicerii, a pi oven i'iiter|irise of merit that could ismlvi a good keenunt of itself In- combat light Itow.'/

    The Federal Air Kei.etvr Is ":i ktktadilld of llie regular services. ■ paper organization with v n y little training of any kind," Dot Gould said.

    He c o ii I e n d r d fcdeializalion Would- sub ill! llie ."Hu? reset vi' Ides" for Hie iiresriil All Na tlonsl fins id, "a .f'IMT I" being."

    "We can’t see will- (hey waul lo to scrap a going organization ho ail Idea that bait proven a fniluie so far,” be added.

    II mhIIrm#iI t niiH !*■«# im #ialt e< i Irtiaclu *1 . m*r.llie Hi lloll wat ir|oolri| |o have1

    been taken by the .Sailed tontlt- l.oial loiigiegallon.

    llie ib'ciee .va • said In have | • la ■ it'd all offender:, la Ibis a>*« iilidei "i i. f it in i.t juris" the inbuilt of llie law which would hii an llie clime Involved wa* on a lewd with rape, Inoeay, and h|- IIIOIIV. ySiln.inv in illicit tiaffic in.iieii'd thing..

    I be roiideiiiiiiitiou In pioionim cd under the . niionicnl law Nperinll.t ii'M'lved lo the Apostobe Sec. I'IiIn • Hint the offense can bo forgiven only by llie Ibily See II-'

    [self Tims ..ii.- Ii ii condeinnaHon, innk.. iiniong llie lilglicsl degrees, ••f caeoiiiininili'iilion and espies-1 don ol llie chili ell's angel.

    Tin. Roman ('atbollc Chinch cx- c.iiiiniilliicated all who bail mi) | Iliing to do with llie eolivlctbiti and ililliriNiiiiiiieiil of the head of) the cliuich lit Yugoslavia, Arch-

    i I

    lug and wounding Pvt. Wlllio It. .Minims. The levletv board held she was not subject to the German law under which she was tiled.

    Despite that ruling. German law will lot invoked nlnu in the I rial of Mis. Florence Wallace of JiU'ltHOiivilh', Fla. Klie is accused of wounding T-Bgt. Ileimnn W allace with it pistol last Ih-t. II.

    “ We aie convinced tlial Gel- man criminal law doe* apply lo A Itier ini ii civilian* lieie," said I human C, l.anicait of lloslou. A mill t hi v government distiii't al torney

    "So we a ie invoking Geimnii law in eliniging Mrs. Walbiee with an attempt to kill," l.aocinn said.

    ’ Min. VVnlhce also is accnsed under in I Ii I ii r \ goveinineiil law nf as..Hulling it ineiilhci nf llie m'. eupviiig fnrees and iinniilliorired use of a fire arm. Ibo m ililai’V goveinilieiil cmle contains m. laws lo cove, .pcclfii'iillv such civilian crimes in iiiinilei. iiiaosbiuglil.'i. nssault

    Thai is whv Ihe m ilila iy govem- mcnl eniirtn (all buck on llerilinn law, wliich they claim lias been partly bicor|inraled inln (he mill- larv gnveriinieul dole.

    A M. He. an. I Ml.Ilenlln. Telolei HI ecu. Ilell llrs.le lln lie i »l an i||p||M3. fltili k V Air Hi III ti

    l i r.o •| I "M If) EM 13 .»a toti •••• •3 r»o ■ I : inl*4« k i13 no -

    I'Mrk »IJ .o

    l lu Hutl l f f l* . | i« * Mol)CftMiitu*'. Mi M*• *n*iMft»i%% r r • ’11I ' e l r f v • Jii|*|rft »*rl fV i l l i i i ' l" . fo.< Mom♦ it. I il .i l .ef . Mo M«| It ♦ r .M l ' I t th lu . Mo M»kl I . f I I i m )-, l * r l i r t g if>rr

    f i r m r. o r i i i i ; i h v i -

    •iin\ i . x . o n . M j i i - m p i n tf i r m i : . m i i n u a > m ; i a t . u v n .’i f*%. n r r . at. m m

    .• If i| hlflri. Ill M Ipllt 4 l r, III li« • r • . M r .| ,11 H i Ih offl. r iitilll 3 IV M . J tf ihhi r t 11 I o ff noil i ltrn |iiihll

  • ~ rr~ :

    In U n ity T h e re In S tre n g th —T m I’rnmnte the Prngre** nr America Tn Protect tha Peace of the World To Product Prosperity for Ranford ^ a t t f o r f c H e r a l d

    _ V O L U M E x x x x#> ' I »

    Chiang Hedges Toward Peace For Chinesem __________N a t i o n a I i«t Leader

    Considers Will OF People In Deciding For Peace Or War

    AN IN liR P U N H U N T H A N V N K W S IW P U R■M l

    t i n : W K M I t E lih iiih l »nd r i• and cold

    ■Inousli Saturd.iv. f in a l tonight"ith near frtering.I m L not thw Tn! niruM dimlnlfhlncnuiight irut Kr**»iMlM|( vAfluM# OT1. ,i f in d i i

    E stah -n h e d IM A S A N F O R D , F IO R IN A , F R ID A Y . I»K I . .11. W l* Aa.xttriiiied I ’ ip im I W lt r N»ford mi Frl. I Prior t« "tilciing 11 u „h the Sonet I ....... .the Navy ill ItMIt hr wit* --ily j . . , . i i ,isuperintendent of Flm .levn.x.1 “ I" ''• 1 •

    m.ill'll im ii< e nl I

    Hnpu.v New Year l»» All from ( oast lo Owsl

    Mi. I illllpM.

    vt < i.« 11 rt il l if ill (IfI loopeiation hrlwern the I S h lf I and YilRo*|avia. thr Pmtinnl (pa. il I Inttee. a reduction m Haile turn j over lo nne-eighlh ■** uuupaie I | with 1948," the annmmt eiiient -aid j It irt., dlttrlhuted l«v I"-*. the jolfm al Soviet «*?*»:. *em"’y i I ’flie •ntioonemnent did not r.tate the V a lu e of Htuuliii.Yiicmtav liaile for either (Pf*t nr lOIH Tito

    G e n . W h c e l c t S e n d s wav arcm.rd ».V Hie Hii»*imi ledt'nniitifnrm in June of failnu: to

    S t a t e W aterw ay Projects Deemed NotAidvantageoirs

    A d v e r s e R e p o r t s T o M o u s e C o m m i t t e e

    WAMIINMON, i »e i il (AP) The iutard o| Army l.nipnerr. Im nvri* and haihoia i - polled to CoiiRie** today frdeial aid Ini live I loiida pm |ri la n "not advl'ahle al tin* time."

    I lie advet*r report' 'veie h»* trie', I wauled hv I lent (.ienetal H A. 1 ,l'' Wheel

    follow Ihr Frillimillllil line lie told 111* parliament Monday V is'

    Imvim will *ell lie. Rood* to l|o West, it llu Slav tiloi II m (I nn ltnl| lo Iioiioi ihi'ii Itmli iiKtrem nl- I Such Wi'ftl'lii liiule. In fm ' nl 11-ml, rn * t , Itiltniii, Italy. Sun I /nlallil and Sweden deal m llij

    i Viiro .Imvim 'Hie I'.S Stale I*- I partmeni lia ■ eipressrd iiiieird I "in developing a 'mind tiadr wilh ViiRovlavla. a , well a* "(her . .oin

    < i Wrd Problems Am) V.tnoMr; Wills I■ • *» iii l-nv l;dt op ForI ' l l I I » i v ( H m n

    t i i ' te l l>- U 1 AFl\ ■ "I . 1 ..I 1 .11 oilier ind 111, il,. ’ i'" thui ' 1< . . 1.,ii, i.. -1,, . . . Tfte1 . • A • il , »,■1 v It It'll'I . * , , I'll op.

    1 , i ■1 ' 1. • Id. ■ " >1 f rtio iv. 1 L i * u II I.. .I- -*l v retehl*ui* on tlie eailern aeahoaid will he laliitliiR Ihe magir hrrn of mlitoiRlit people tn the middle we«1 > III have yet ail hour to (r>. mountain folha will atilt be on their ■ tv lo I hi it year end pa.'lea and ■ iiiren . of the Parirtr .-oaal ..ill

    iy I lent (ipneial H i hi'l nl I tiRineet*.

    attend, he revealed trulay, hwau*e l1)(„the llu in e Public W o t l* to rn -

    lelegatmn » « j headed l*v Fore ign Trad*' M lin**et

    MdenMie I ’opnvle I I arrived in

    of u»geiit bunlnea*.Mr. Illggins and Rep. Smith will

    motor early Monday tn Tallaha.M-r ■hi eel up aland* at the liarherue

    ground for dlatrthnllnn of mo m e n of celery donated hy A. Hilda

    and Son*. Nelami apd (Jo. and theChamber of Fonunerre.

    Senator and Mr*. Ilnylr, togrther with Mr. and Mr*. Ha

    H ie pinfrit*:Waleiwav liom Cie»ernt la te ,

    Fla., by wav nl lla'.li ( 'eel t" Bunnell, then hy wav "I i I uul cilt tn thr Atlantic Ote.rn *t Half lei Beach.

    An inlet * haimel M leet deep

    Mtf̂ FOH' f li'l f AJ||f| M If f*for Imtnr TIhii •*fU v ■ f* t Lringif rifttiniirfi run r » if %i «i

    Rcsnird Fliers (In Tn New York Party

    Rails' Fu tu iv Is Brightened

    By ’ 48 Activity

    • lill hr primping up far Hip tug rvrtif Ttif*o luniM tnlrr. wh»»n|Y r s r rn n iM In th# u M ln it fnm ifilm u fu lf i l w il l tm]

    • hm11 rnifv tn cni 1 l it ii inighl »inIwput»■»it#i f w111 h** 4.*- f ii f|ng f It#i*tigy m »rihp «m•to*'It!y tieimr ̂ «M'I th* gnr*.| pwMpi» of 11«MflrrM |

    J. i * * I flint high..... .. will .•!»I'm* T ff'»i

    will al*n leave Monday morning The Srmiiiole County group will

    NF.W YO R K, tier at. 1/n— Be- - - 5. . . I ■ — , . , , , . .1 ,en of the flier*- resi iied from aarry ronke, i thr Allaidit t h can into till ( ; rrrnlaiii| trecap and the two ana i.tnrninii 1 • . t-* i II _ . ’ . , .

    I tit I C i t s c d K’ ; t l t U t t s i n c s s M i l runic O f

    . A m if : , i l l

    I I l f l l l S l i v

    Indian H ivn at l.a ii (»alh*. * who rrvlird llieni me rn

    Nl 'V id" • :

    11 ipid KThe Srm.nole t oimty group win , route to New York today

    attend the meeting of the Htate uminn I'aun lit " , r . i An An For-e F.&t plane .-an .Road Pepartinent. Wednewlay • » * * ,h and a channel M feet dee,, r|ll.r (nnk flnM-, ,

    >» *lff.I•'* line

    I'Hfl il. . <

    i M’ tI . i • 1.4 r h id

    ■i I .U d n.


    morning and the meeting of Ihe Rpeclal Flood Control Committee

    which Senator Royla I* a mem- bar III the aftrrunon.

    f J Mr. Higgins .a id thl* morning that while In Tallahanaat he ex. pect* to confer with Sfnator Pepper regarding the proposed R FC loan f°e rondrurMoii of tsrmlital facilities.

    to Ihe tllliato*»1*l waleiw.lV Ray. I.ahrador, al t Ifi A M (K, A waleiwav I ioiii Del,eon f , li.dav and wa« *rhednled to

    li nauaa.a oa r««» land a* l.aliuardta Field vomr sev--------------------------— Jet, hourn later

    There were no plant, for an el*l>.

    I ill I , , l |l th.

    New Year To Begin Fair, Cold For ll.S.

    j i **( It# i mhM i "tr in tLr | |i ’V'l1|f|F* • HV • lice‘ urt# fiidiiY f*nv J t # 4iulitifi 1 p 1 *| k#N|t#r (141111, 4(If| In# liMfl*1 *f|1 f|i#! s*| '•Iff.(nr llime mil men*

    \\ \ Ml\i , | f »r J Mf ■ , If, f/P» Mh|| r ,pv liHlif# i It 11 lilt fir*1 mg mill, t lay * • Until lillif llifi i ’ifivlfli f .|HfHM f̂ tin -i l l lit tv i»r m|i#i 111 n i>• tfi |)h . « ftimt i V

    A im I Im. 11 if t||i fi|itt|t| Btyf 1lnf|*# fit IfrjMif r it|-i ||i. r iltr t 4t A ihtm im • Mfuinitirr p|rif|f(| fm rnntiniiffl liff m it m ii ..........• V,Usf' 1 |*> i In flic k-f* !* iiitilrn t ll | Ui I >; 11 lIlP mil\

    Mft #i, nf |hr 11 itlfrif 1 I < ** i* # “ **• murfitM tut Hi 41 a i i • m m ̂ f V • H n | (Irpm tin* ol unil ft flu i ilrpiii I im̂ hI

    I” »fit e c . j -if * In* ytuRiiniirfii, tlir **ntp ii *ihti It tin itciftg f•ii«iM,lf*ff I.. Mpu in. tv i v of * It 111 f■*Il t "

    I f i ah .ttti ■ i""it I*. 11'| I lie * Min it iH * * * • .iiin if» ! Hi if• ivrn| »"l# it

    ♦ !*',* MM." hi h lie I* M M *

    . . A ... I\< \ May KrciueslMen Approve I r iT $ ui I lion r o tSale ( (mi l iSuil ’I!) Muropoll ii Aid

    Mrn. Faville Hurt In CraHh At Kiaslmmee

    ^ Mr*. Loula William Faville It A re itln g at home today at IB1R ^ P a rk Avenue with a tpralned

    ankU and brulM* resulting from an automobile collision mi Highway 17 one mile porth of K IhnIiii- mia v«»(«rday. Her husband wlm wa* driving, w ai not Injured.

    Tha accident occurred, said Mr Fevllle. whan t . H. Briarley, 76, approaching from the opooelte direction, attempted to matte a left

    g lu m to hla home nn the Orange Bionom Trail. Ha auffatrad a »ev.

    gtered nark artary and wa* given several transfusions for which Mr. Favlllt donated blood.


    Phrlda’a eavertal eold wave of the winter will move In early tomorrow, the Pedaral-Stata frost warning service said.

    . ' Tha mercury is enpected to turn- 11 Ms to 87 degree* In axtrama north-

    . arn Florida. Near fraaalng tamp- Beratures will be fall aa far aouth

    y. Fruit-

    _________ picture, of the men, soine nf whomW ASH IN G TO N . Per J l , t/Pt— • were stranded in Hie desolate.

    Tha New Year will begin Mur and wiml-wept legion for in days old for most or the (country. Mvc other* remained at a Green

    The weather bureau today Issued *»d "'f base where they ate *ta Ihis general forecast: itlmiatl wilh their fatnlllea.

    "The storm which I* coming had I ■/(” « -----iweather over the. New England A 1(111 C . S f ’O t t r i l e dRtatas westward into the N orth-1 « . r t r | . iuern Appalachian* today I* expected I fciH Fly I fllH , IV lO r t l i l jgto contluur It* movement north- ' -----------*v.iw»rd *nd leave fair and rather

    ti*>n* id ,11 t uulIt * t I i 'I , d iiniiSR(ni»til they

    iitstle ptnie doll*" ..I) )r-\ hitunc" helped hy iiuie,i»"| Mte* end (it all-llln' te< "id elliciettiy in inn* ms lirii'.ltt, pe*> e'|iit|imetil hegsu

    I !i*l wit . , ) h ivp». »it on Ivtichitig*

    Alert law enlorcrmcnt of|i L i*i 1 1.. lint , il/.M.ip P»r ..I. i )'

    Im ...L i ... .. I ih- » n> ■ - Hi,* •I'lli if), m Im.1 ii. r tpl l » 4*n 1 V 11 ,,>\ a ■..IL. i . . i *14 1 \> (HI ■*»» 1." *iilift it ,.h. I.T.I 1 h iHan I"l t ttlft lilt,- ll |f ill all # V IV* 1 ■ t'l4»ft*r |r.| L* 1 1 " 1 1 i i , ♦rill

    |*l» i* r Nl ■■I iii* 1 • III (* 4 (HN»V

    I * « I *'•!*. M ( 1 MpMfHftAUtHi*. < It 111 M» Ml "f # hfl CAB n »l " **' l»tl"i, '"'tnuiUt##"'»*1 Htd. ftML’i H Alexan tf»i i l l 'M i i‘oimn#nted •k* Git' I Ml p 1 n (f I HT |41 1 |M *; *1 Vi Rfvn*m|-|i Ititti m>I* 21 I »' ’• • 'll hm runt*•lilt Mi pi TINf Li i* ( ll# *#

    I. I is I ,e«'ii 11 f #*(1 *|t pt’I*# * !’ ■ '* ifin*

    I t»MLv#I A * 111' HI *N"IJ * 414 S14"*f i il# Mil i l l

    4 I nnUyutsil fie 9* *< W *

    I' t i l I .1- I I. t

    I f m in t n f in f I l i p s I •» ![ii I l o j j t F F S 111 ( if V

    r ' ' I >•'

    In" (

    I f .ifi fli-gr "iBten»l i. i -" ■ i"ivkplts* havo

    i i . . o r ) i" t»t'irii for re I" i|> l (t in t. *o lure pri” *t'. i)>>'«l " i" furnpe (thn*• < | i -i ,' ("list*) have

    . i l l . ii *.» The govern- .• Mit t r ot monopoly cut*

    '. *i *■!• i < on* -f * i lch m»r\||| , cs P*ftI' I t'l '■ "IJ I').*- for sill m* V

    , I* \ 'diai'ic** Proposal* for — ,«U ..,|i t'lppoii t«r China, and le$a

    'TI.- l, ntpn*loi* •lipp.'t 'tow" ♦,« |m t 'nope. ,r,. "xpected*1rt »i',v ic ,‘ '- to unlonl roiilv t in -I ..... ........................iiio iiiiup • ' 11 "tig ih iiDiwcjIwinds 'notnull'd •" t.low fnllnw mg ru n v*' i" id *v . ** wir. i"i"irt f t todav i»v H F VVl'itnc), w«*th ei in so

    No fin d or daii'i":- to Golf or i rgftni'lf. Ii* vet •« mi report.d at Iiii* office of Countv l gent F ft Paw inn, hut gi'iwi i ■ ire tald in he snxloitnly awaitingwentticr to See it the (New Yon will tiling even lower leading":

    F E N C E LAWST. AUG U STIN E. Pec 11 -(/T’l

    — St. Johns County'* fence Inw jia mu’iI nl thu l'l|7 Irgisiiitive scHslon gin's into effect tomorrow.Under it nllowlng livestock to roam is n misdemeanor. Loose livestock run he Impounded,

    H m s Will Play New Years Program

    ; i \ K E WALL'S, Dae 31—(flO | — I ’ n illo iintiir Anton Brce* w ill , pinv tlie following program at it."Mi New Year’s Pay on the bells "f Mountain lak e Sanctuary'*

    f t


    ringing To\v*t America! "Th» Ronnie Banka

    " f Loch Lomond," Scottish songj' Hcauttfnl Pream ar,” FoafMr: the Beil-. Of St. M a r y V

    A *1 inn i ; "Country Gardana," Ginitigtr; "A Mighty Fortx^aa |a thu Givi," Luther, (hymn of tke month)! "Faith Of Our Fathers," , Homy: "W hat A Friend W t Have in Jraua," Convenes rerroait nunitwr; "Hohcnaile/' ShuM rti Tim 8tor Spangled Bannyr.

    i ik



    rh«>8anlord ILern!i! World Awaits *49Safety at Work LOST ADDRESSA tu ||MB

    r a k L U h o i H*ll> * * re p ) t * l u i i a . nail S im ila r a t

    f a a f o r i l , F lo r id a■ ' 111 M a a n a l lw A v a a a a________

    E a t e r ril '~o* u r n K i l r laka a i a t t a r r f o h r t ST, IBID, a t I k a I’oa l n l l l c a f k M l a i J , K lar l f la . u n d e r Ik* Act 1 C a a i l f n o f M s i f h *, _

    Hr D EW IT T M A C K K N Z IRAt* Fur«i||fl Affair* A nalyit

    will go free mila? Jan. 1, making Belgium one of the first countrl.* in Europe In nlmmlim rationing.

    The Soviet news agency, Tui^ said I ’uluml lias nlau anmnmced aim will alailish rationing Die first uf tin- year.

    Vienna will revive the |irewai c'FreilUiny of trumpeter* playing fanfare* while church la'll* peal

    Midnight masse* will lie eele brateil In i'rngut-. I.uw Czech lilllllir »ll pjilie* will Kiiui antee siiner parties, I’rugilt- iiewspupura already Have warned people not in drink Inn much New Year'* Kve bee mi re I lieit effort* unj melted for llie new flve-yeai plan wldeli will be proclaimed .Inn. i.

    Aneienl supeislltbin* still ilonii- nale Europe’* New year piurlier*

    The Czech* puy the equivalent or n dupe or ipiui ter to loneli foe luck Ruckling pig* brought iidu luwii by peusunt*. Ollier* eul lirrakfa*!* of lentil* or pig niunit* which urn supposed to iiiNiue wealth. j

    (lermans pour liquid lead int^ cold water. The *hupe it lakes IF • opposed to forecast the future. I'lalu sauerkraut is the New Year’*I lav lunch been use u (iertnun proverb sttv* if it I* served on New Year’s du^ there always will bn enoiiKh money in the house

    Western Her liner* will have anni* rlianee to forget llliM'knde jitter*. Many will gnthcr at t>uttie* in restaurunt* or private homes for felly doughnuts, fish mid hoi wine.

    .Soviet towns from the I'rovince of (ienrglu III tile south to the uortliernidsl region* were plnnmuK fair*, halts m id p u r l in s .

    New Year’s may bring u partial end In the warfare in Indonesia.I .mils .1. M. Heel, gnvermn g.....mlof llm Netherlands East Halles,is expected to announce «lint liosii litn-s will end in Java at midnight. Heel also I* expected to announce that fighting in Sumatra will eml in a few da vs In Japan proipncXi for H>49 were encouraging

    I There Is uu nnilnuu* sound In 'the deep thnnted roar uf protest from Clerinan political leaders over the Knhr agreement of tin Western Allies.

    It in disconcertingly remhiiareni of the situation after world wai one Then a hitter tiermany—de feated phyaieully toil not in spirit - forthwith set about preparing

    for world war two..She wanted revenge—territorial

    expansion—Deutschland liber alio* In a short score of years she had rearmed herself, and she struck

    It wiis tin- Itiihr which enabled the llin t h a t a t „ w i„ yot( ,• (Ini#* had all the fervor of fauuti Alli, ,nl.. c l*m A b y p ro d u c t n f the po licy i „ m i| j llln .|

    svo* a cal-and-dog fig h t in the su p p u rt fo r the, h jtsh iw * w o rh l h i w h ich one m an. „ „ i r k l . , w n* ,■ Vt. 1 • rk,M#"’ l'f ,th" lull'll by the desire o. Kqultahle Lite Assurance Socle s k,.,., took on virtually *ingli-hund».|L t,„. 1UI,|„ I)U, ,1h|, the nation * ........ . hunlt*. -a-l. Thin wu*■I fb.’ argument over the ............ t„,, ,

    of the ndiiiUiistratii'ii * oppmi ltl|lllll(1 .|HI, iim f,ll)n( jo "gram e, -till i aging At Ho , „ h H ,Nll

    , vein- end. though, It look* a i| „|(l|,|,., the nuthoritic me playing wiili \ |„,ii, y „f .-l.eopr j a p a t l is i id I i n t e r e s t r a t e * , b e g u n. I 1 proof tier, III cu rt f i n .............. m lii la lra t ln n of F ra n l

    tor government Iroml*. Long term ' |’he idea behind the , i"Mie* are selling above the prices |;,...p down the eo*t

    ut which the Federal KeaerveSy- order m stimulate tern stand* committed to buy till | money by loisires* bond* that are offered fbr sale gradually declined

    The advance above the supfiml of the war when the level*, or peg-, occurred only re nl ||„. then existing cently und ufter the federal had After the war thei purclmsed hundred* of iidlllumi of prexom- to increase I dollar* of bonds Since then the The monetary nuthi federal has lioetr aide lo *ell *ome nirrd the trend by of It* long-term holding*. , -hort ierm rute to ri*

    . Innnedlntely after tl*' prr*lden lht< same time refit* itlnl elections. In fn-t, gnvernrrent on *tu long torn, i„ •liond price* showed *lgn* of ri»ing j Hank*, insurance c, | ko rapidly Hint the federal wn* other institutional h | understood to have stepped in with huge umourit* of j large offerings to slop what hud bond*. Frequently wh I the sign* uf n speculative move- had a chance for a «a ""*nt “ ■ » higher int«re«

    liovernment nuppori of the bond market mean*, simply, 1 lint the cost uf borrowing money for long I peronl* wu* kept down. |j

    The rost nf money may sound I _remote to the imin who'* having I / ’ | |trouble paying Ids grocery hill Imt | ; |it euntes close In home In dazen* I \ J

    their jobs, il ynilT/Vlfi^rt one job llicy'il tf.yi Jtke mini would natnc sotAV low’s work.

    otrd lo tic Ii lends i in IH 1/ ami I 'HU It -.1101111! be

    that lie He I te |4ti llieatd to hmvatt.ick on U n . lo those JyhtDalic.ul of f, vgpijucit ol rtsjtach- tested jfjjTfii- UnitedjglAl lo live,hAppy and 011 WfiHV nut lUlil Yilluaalely onr

    the situa ji , yes., Itril no

    stand in the WaYP llie United ycats the 1 lne( W» the Nalls tYAk ' I F.uiopc I b c ufiy Was intripotllnri; Stales. No rffojl,, looked lo kerltlVu the sidelines uil(iV lo be the vic 11 AMI government u n m f l tion. and H itle i'^

    plan fail*, ....... 'be atomic agewill Iw limited. Breeding mean* that uranium ZttG, In burning or splitting, will create either plutonium at uranium front thorium. Uranium Z.'lft I* far the scarcest of the three metals, and might not last long by Itself.

    Commissioners have suggested that unlit the breeding problem i* solved It may l-e un«i*e to burn the uranium rexauter*. They have •aid that power in handicapped by

    Atom Power COACHES & SEDANS

    C O M I'L E T K S E T S

    Have One)the money I*

    > Americangreater than privnt cnpitul can afford.

    The three* with the huneat-pover- ty Incentive am Hritain, trance and Oniinda. Husain bun o different incentive She lark* coal or any oilier industrial power find at low cojt. For Imr. atomic power could pay the hlggeal and rpilckeil dm- de ml*.

    American .*|iiw. In the fourth

    INSTALLED FREE!!progres*power progress is

    ear after the war, America finlshea ,her first post-war pile. It ha# enough lisat for power experiment*. At flrit it wo* announced such experiments would hu made. Now unofficial reports are — probably no power ul llrookhavcn, N. Y.

    The first atomic «l«nm-*Dctr!i! power plant lu to bo Imill near Saratoga Springs, N. Y., under the (tenoral Klee trie Company plan which was announced rtcently. Construction might take years, but no figures have been issued.

    During the first two post-war years, •** *?i*e*,|w»*ni*t st*,title power plant was repeatedly repotted under way at Oak Ridge, ftnn. A year ago It was disclosed that nothing had been built and personnel of Oak Ridge power was U aii.Lu .,I to the Atgoniw Laboratory in Chicago.

    At Argonne nothing haa been announced except a atudy of concentrated energy.

    At Loa Alainoa, N. M., the "watch charm" atomic plant has been publicised to the extent of permitting information that it la imail, maybe not bigger than an atomic bomb, and that it dota not gtva much haat.

    Nucleonics, a new atomic energy scientific publication, h u aald editorially that private Amarlcan In-

    Chinny lleclffes Hoap manufacturers claim that soap wilt kill Hdiiit, germ* wh*n mu'd In solution# nx wank ns one drop of soap to l.IMKt drop* of water.

    ir**H n**a From Fna* Onslcontinue tu live us free mt*n and women or u* slave*, or whether they will live at all or iierlnh.

    ''Everyone is concermul over the policy tln> government hae pursued in dealing wwltli the altun- tion. We are convinced that patriotic citizens wll not tolerate ComnumlHtn’ methods of 'liquidation' and ‘atruggle* and that they are not willing to abandon their liberty and to mmaln Inactive in this orltcal moment.

    "But we art also fully aware that miltary operations nave in-

    then mined tin pit lure. Was it on llie title oi llie dtiven? Not at all. Rcgatdiny llie strike at a btcacli of contract, thr union not only approved l!,t diiminali, but undntook (o lind ISO new driv- *ri to replace those discharged.

    The Teamsters Union happen: lo he one which is quite frequently criticised. In fairness, ill action lu Flint ihould he chalked up agamil toms of the charges made by its critics.____________

    A recent s|>eech ol W. tilenvil Halt of Great Britain befoic the United Nelioni General Assembly

    over-ell aim of the

    Announmt to new location

    Refer of Craw fonfs Filling; Stationl 402 East 2nd Street

    • *•!**#*

    U m ; want to thank e^oh and w ary on* of our «u»-

    tomara for the aplmdfd and loyal petroftfga

    given us In the pest and to asaure you that we/wM

    . continue to render the same efficient, conscientious

    and prompt service in the future.* "v. ' ' *

    We cordially Invite our cuatomers, old and new, t» vigit ua lu our nawgr, igryfr location.

    creased the peoples’ burdant and that (hey hope for early conclusion of the war.. "Having shouldered the re- aponsibllty of national affairs, I hnvo carefully studied the sltua- ton and have been giving careful cunilderalion tu tiie wishes of the pvopla."

    Chlang expressed regrets for "failure of our nconatruction af- forts."

    'He recalled that Sun Yat Sen once said, "the aim of national reconstruction Is peace."

    Chlang aald, " f did not have the intention to fight Communista

    1 (Japanese) war.

    The Opening; Of His Nfew

    outlined ihi . m ___ —Ecppomic and Social Council. He said this aim is the co-ordination •I tltt economies of all nations as *' framework for universal pros-

    ^vnly- The Marshall Plan is a pro- Saturday, January %ito lo foiler economic improve- nl and co-ordfliation. Il must viewed as a long-rente project.

    at the end of the (Japanese) war. But In a year and a hlf the Com- munlata' disregarded arery agreement, obstructed every peace effort ever made."

    A high aouree earlier had Mid Chlang waa expected today Ip make a hid for pesee with the

    Its objective the ultimate (tbeoing of all of Europa and ro 1 Id. The grtainl throat to 1 peace, according lo Hill. B (be effort to split ih. 'i economy into two eagmeai*.

    Mechanic “Skeet” Knowles cComplete Cooitgoue Service

  • #


    T H E S A N F O R D H B R A L P . A . W O M * , n . O R I D A

    Social A n d Personal Activitiesla rlln P a lm e r H a y --*S o e lfty E d ll f i f T r lr p h n n r 1IH

    , | , | 'Seminole High Claws | wjsocial Lalender or ai lias Reunion r e r a o n



    I l ir i i rn m i'i l r H i r I i S rlm n l •'In nf I'.i.ii Im’ Ii I it • «>iaiimii m i W n l. UCNilny at tlie T u u rix t tV n lt ’i til

    . . . a .no I ’ M A i ru u cc iiio fil fm i l ic _ rv v n l w r i r in u lr i tin- i l i ic i t in i t

    > n f M i.*. .1. It . ( ’m il l ' ll m ill lin y H u ll (!iir*l> i w r it ' n ' l i l r i l ill IliH 't' lim if I h I i I*'* ilinvn Hu' Vt'itlt't n f l i e iiniMI iv l i lr l i w r i r i lt 'rm n il ’ll w l l l i f ln w c r Mi iln n lr i n f liivm i

    i tlr i ‘m il it i iM, t l i r i l i t * * t n liil * i V p I I iiw I’ lin lin lii i r i m ill mm iK 'ilil | w in ’ m i m ic r il h i In v r in lr i i 'i i i i

    in in r i . l i i r u n v m il the n ilm *1 l i r ln r .

    M urine Mir (•vrtu .iR n u l l r i i f .1 U »vr n l i t i r f i r | i i ’M nf In • m i l v i t i r * n in ir In- e im liiH lim i m ill It it ln i l l l i 'r il t in I i im Ih iii iI hi n i f i ' K ilw ln S ll in ln iU r i r i iiu lii i I r i l .t l i ir in iir l l im fm Mir f i v r in r in l ir i * nf Mir i'1h* m wlm In tvr rlii'il Mi . C m ilr l l w r lin it t r il Mir c u r . l r it ml Mi l l n l l n t l l r i l ( In' lu l l w ith Min (V ir i l r l l i r i l i l l l i e I r t l r l ■ fim n in r i i i l i r r * w ild w i ' i r iinuM r In nl • rm l M t* . K ilw .t i i l K i i i l if t m iic Mir itrHnnl anti|' iliu l M r. K l l r l i f l C itvr M ir iiivnt itlim i

    l .u t r il l Mir rv rn iM i’ r i t f f r f nmI ra k e , irm l w l l l i l.’iv n n lr i m ill t :•»I• I f n n l i l lK , w r i r * r i v r . | In Mir i:i im p liy Mi < W it llv M ir in i l i ninl Mi •

    i l l t in e r i r i t t r l i r i S m a ll l i i ip k i l i . w r i r r iu liirrp r il m i l l " l lit** nl Ml ’ ’

    T l in .r p r r r .n l w r i r Mi mulM i* Km I Mn r v . Mi itnil M i . f l i i l l , Mi mul Mi llitv iiin t iilI m u ll r * * n f K rn iit tn lii i i l . Ml mul M is .l i itu r* K lc a k lc y «*f S m n .o ln ,

    mul M r* K i n l i r i , Mi it ml 1,11111* f ln liim ln . Mi mul M i*

    | .1 I ' W lliim i. Mi mul M i* .1 I | llm Inn , Mi mul Mi . I! V H lim fr i n f l .n lt r lm til, ' l l Hint

    | M i* J in k H lr in p rt mul Mi mul I ' l l * H liiiih n ls rrI A I*n Mi mul Mi ' l i n n y

    W i l l r . J i . M i mul M t* 'V u ltu re M I ’ tn lip * Mi m ul M i ' i irm p r H M ill Ill'll nf I 'n lu .k n , Mi mul M l* A l f t n l H lm ilry . ' I i mulM i* F a i l K vu n * . Mi mul M r* T A U n it in ', J i , ' I i nml M r*I I h i n |i| l lm li .s l . M t. m ill ' I i * H lrv t’ Jn litim itt n f W ililw n m l, ' I i mu I ' I i * I ’ lr is t l i n , ' I i mul M i'

    IttisItip’tH m rr t ln c j M il'll n i l , Mr mul M i* ( ’n u ll’ ll.r llu u liN l .M i* F l in ty I l n u r , Mi-» V n e n iiit .

    F R ID A YW « lrh -N lj[h l uo rv lrr w ill lir i t th r F ir s t t ln p lU l C h u re h 1

    g ln n ln c at 8 :2 0 P .M . an il w i t u n til 12:01 A . M . K i t h p rr n I* ankcd to b r in e tw n * ih kF leh r* . A prngTHlti fo r l l i r t’ v rn It h i s lieon s r r s n u r i l iiy the •a ln lne Onion o f l l i r r lm rr lt .T h f flirt Srmils will time » slum

    A r psrtv mul Court of Awiii'l* om O.imi IV M until !U»'i A 'I ; thf l.llt lr House

    MON It AYC lr r lr . of thr First 'Irtltmli.f

    hlirch will infrl at il:Wl I’- M a* Jlows: C lrr lr No I with Mr* Iwstrr f l in l f lu , 1200 link Avmiiic. irrlf No 2 with Mrs, fVrry Chop M/i, 208 Waal N ilirtrriitli H lir r l, itrlr No, II with Mr* W. C, Hill,Wtfl M agnolia A ve n u e ; C l r r l r No

    ^ w tth M ru. t .rw i.* l l i lg l ie y , 2.112 W in f t t o A v e in ir ; C irc le No. 0

    ith M r* , c H. W in n . 81 ;i Mntt t i l l A v r m ir ; C l r r l r No. »1 w ith T l . C . I t . C o ch in n , 208 S ro t l venue and C l r r l r No. 7 w ith M r* ill K i r k , I.oeur.l Avenue C haptera o f l l i r W om an’* A n a l l l i r r h w il l tu rf I n l 2 :0 0 P M a llo w * : Ht. A n n 's C h ap te r iv illt n , R A N rw in u n , Win i.rm u l ryv l l r i v r . w ith M r* , A It K r v 1

    ro -h o str* * ; S I A R iir * C l is p l r i |f *h Mr* Ifrnrv MfLiuHw. .M .

    7 W rsl N liirirro ll' S lrrrt ; St ith rrln rS f'lisp lrr wllli ' l l t tu l Chestrrsmi, Youns’* Hull vision; SI M ark. I ’h iptri si 00 I’. M with Mrs R I. Cornrll, m , 118 Mrllotivlllr Avrm ir with 'It * M i, ihn Bowrs us ro-liostrs*.Thf rh lU tlir» C Irhh of thr First rftibvtfrlstt Church will infrl s i 00 P. M. at thr hmnr of Mr* F , M nlw rlhri on C r lr iy Avrmir Thr K srr llllv r Hnnrrl of llir

    A on u n ’s M issionin' Minon of Re Firs! Hsptiii Cliinsh will |f«l it i’l;00 P.M ill Ihr rlu ili li. hr n iiirlrrly hounl inrrlln c will f hrli! i t ;j:K) P.M. All iiifinbriu rr iirenl In ntlriul

    T C K S IIA VThr Mmiehtrr* of W r.lry C|n*s

    f thr First Mrth'uHsI C liinrh will old * uuitilhly1 8:00 p. M si llir Mrlluullsl

    K u r lr . M is* f t r i t i iu h ' V in in e mulirannssr.Thr hoard o f m ttiiHeoi* of th r

    tnford Wnmin's «'lull will nirrt i , ,thr sun room nf llir rluh : I rT . I l c l c i l * O lt* I O

    3:1111 A. M.! T h f F r ie n d sh ip t - r s c u r " f l l i r 's tncrfitn tlo n iil f ' lu ir rh w ill meet! 11:00 P.M. nl Ihr Phi lull Mouse r. Hflcn Coir of W lnlfr Ph iI,

    III tp rik si Ihr inrrllnc will) ir stlhjrrl lirltiB “ It's lip In Ms 'W KM N F.H H A Y

    ' I i hh \V 11 lir* I ini nc W rit mill I

    Speak In Sail lordMi Helen C o ir , n rw lv r l r i l r i l

    p t rs lt lr t il of l In’ F lm hln F r i lr n t - I inn nf C o iie rrB H tio iiiil mul C ln iu lin n f l i u i r l i W m iirn , w ill h r l l i r

    u l h m ri’ l l l l t of, . . . . ............ ... .......... ...................... .. f I „ ............. I r u c o r n f lit*'p r B i l l f o ld W o ii ih i i 'h Ch lh w il l . I ’o i i i r r r i ’ ntionitl c l i i l t r h In h r lir ld

    h fld s i Ih r r lu h Hi J2 ::l0 P .M ! tlt Im - Ihmh.* it f ie i \ iHttim : i*l H ‘* I ihhm* *»( M« tttnl M i *s W It 11 s -nil * mi Mt*ciittliii \ vomit

    Ml rilttl ' l l * I V l'» I i VMi it i ii i ha vo t oil ii in *1 ft* tin'll lovitM’ ifti- i .i v it*11 in S m ih tn l w ith Mi iin | M i’*. .1 M S t iiio r ijilio i

    Mi m ill Mi F m l ' S r re n ',1 mul lu l i l i i i i . I.m i y mm M nii i i i . " f

    I I IH l i c r h i l l c , S c , h i s r i i u i s n l In s i t ! w ith ft ic i it l* Mini i r l i i t i v r * Im it's r i ul ility * .

    Mi . W t ; F lru u n it r n l r r ln in r i l y - l i ' i ' l i iy i t f l i ’ i n s .in Im tu irine M r*111 lire itn il . the fo liu m K i i l lu y n r l i i i lm y nf M n tilr iilo ii w hore in itr n .te r (n ' I i lln ll w ii* m i even I o f IM IS M r r r i r l l i r l . ( J l i r s t s r u l l r i l ul .’. . i l l n ’c ln rk nl Ih r F lr l i lU t t ;Ii■ >■ i it- ul Ih l 7 M i ik i io Iu i \ v r n u r

    \ ' 111fl tils' l l i r i i i r w it* tlst'il m | I i ln ni u t lo lls 111 l l i r loom * S o il

    I h e ll! fill l l i r iip r im n ll Wit* f i l l n i'h c il in ih r l i r a i i l i f i i l l y i lr ro i n in l C lu i* tn iiis l i r e ill l l i r l iv in e | |t ,

    1.........ii mul n r iosh Ih r im in tr l w r ie 1 1itut.lh n iik n l niH K'io liit In iv r s A Sunttl i 'Inns ivt'itc mul love ly n irm ie r- ii it- iit . o f p o in s r llu i* ninl u r e r u n y

    m i l l ' i i *i* I on Ih r I ii M rs in Ih r liv it it : i ■•••in

    , 1‘r i i l r i i n y Ih r ’ In lin e tu M r w h *In huM 'lr hnw l Ind ilu ie in nf h (• 111 i lo u t* hu ll* mul * ii l i••••lull’ll w ith in ,ip u n lit Iru v r s Ih r m i l* in m i j lt iv rm ru t sm s f lm ik n l sv illi n i l l i ip m * hi i l l v r i h o li lr ls I'n in *•■ 11 in* mul e i r r i u i s w i i r iil*n

    | used nit * ii i i i! lc t l i ih l r * in l l i rf ji l iln e i " " in .

    M l* l .lo v il I ' l lo v lr p ir * ld rd n i l * Ih r leu " C iv i le dm m e Mu’

    At THE CHURCHLS• ill < hutch Nnlhfti M>t(d a > h f lm r puhhn*1t«vi.

    hr pvrsrntotl a( Ih r u llitr oil Htr

    iif io t tmon ii in I V| i k# R111 u Ii ohol it ri* I .Mih l ln k y 1 a mu; •»i | w ith MMVittt;

    Mi am | Mi , l f " \ MlarR»hiint .uol ̂ 'H hmo in v ito il In l«111 III 11 i'll o f M a ryv illo , lloiMt . w ltn kntmt ittipHt Mt H n i|t

    Itavr l*ooit .n|*oiiti»iu; tho Imloiav* m Mtami ItoMi'lt, an Hio eoo.'Hh fnt irvo rw l iI r Vm '*f Hit* Ifni 0 to» liinH iot am i d s h ‘1 m Ia n . Mr ai .d ' I i ,1 ' I SM iiri ipln i

    W h rlit* * l* l

    A S S K M H I ' O F ( .n l *I jnn I u u (r l ' t r iu i r

    I l n I . S . M .is is , I 's s to r t *i ninl ' l l ’ W e llm d w ill In

    ll ie e u r *1 .p ru k r l ' fm l l i r Sno ih is 1 set s • c * , 11 on ' | mul

    P.MW r l l l l l l l I" 11 u n liv e III S ro lliin d , mul m in e ns* i In

    I ’i i i i .rh i m it d y ll ie ro ii i l l lm ii I omI e rm inn*|y h r ii lrd him mul m il l linn into (lie m in i ' l l y

    M' ■* u e i iid im te nf i hr|{iM 'hr*tei llih le T im n m e S i loud i

    lin* ir i iu v e d c ie d lt * iliu l (m id* r r * f i r m l l i r S n n ll i i ' l l i S rhon l

    n f M lVtfillV , I le h th iiu - r l l i l i le I I 'o lh e r . ' i i i i i it m i U tlilr l ‘.d ir e r

    m ill f r in p lr H u ll C n l lr e r mul 1 Se ti'inm S

    II I I* Ih e H III lu ll ilf l ln ln rI Studs • ’m il * f * m ul o th ri p u lilim | lion ' I i . W i'lh iid I* *i otiniHf * u tit I o h im cim ii a lo l iM an iin * !

    fo ili must* cf»orHrN w ith Mt Wol-

    I M n r .T m f T H n n i ^ r r i f r w r H 'J F . A lrKInlrr, Mltilslrt

    i ' l l* P ft S lrjih f n stin,I* IH I In i ol K r l i i f ln u * F ilm .i lIn n!| lit ' M f Inti i It S i Ion*! a

    4 i lit- - Ii t ,»l 11 v

    i Ms- i i i i if i s 1 1 \ \ « i l l i ; i u• fillll S . i i i I mm! \»oono

    I If .ttiil.v || l ‘'* it i i

    Mt T lm tita * ,\ I ** t ttnd ■*«ti(v too tv aiol Uni», it 1 1 -hi W otino .fay fnt | | i r |N iil nf I aoiia i kat tnn

    Ml Now V o lk w ilt’ll- I III-\ Jif lift In a il Im F r H i l l fin I , ! ii i man v aim ti!

    Ja n | w ho io M S k * Mi .t i , iiniv la iln ito il Ml N Mon! ind lioi i I i11 11 on I't a vo I m t ft v I a 11 n k I to i |*n r

    ool i, Mi and Mi * H H W iiiia i* ' • a i JM d P n iiH c itm \ v i ‘ M»io

    Mi mid M i h V\ t ilia ii i I! K trm pot and fa in tly had a . M in i dm in i i no I ' In 1st ma * M v and |Mm M m n a n K M m iiv and .i* n ., | llnhhy an il K rn tr Mi mid Mi I’ A iV r r v nf M iam i. Mi mid M is J a i k Ntf*m|*oi and * I •« h i* Ii f «'* *, j t'a i*d am i H h orv l. and VI i andM il S I inoi‘ l|i(|OI and diMHfhfi t I h i not* Main*

    w ith tin*w o lf M r*

    T . I |I*d t, M t* l oo Vlnnto. M r* K d w atd H iK K tn . J i , Mt-» I'h a t- i lo* P a rk , J i Mi * I hilt* Sm M , J i , M is r a t l i n If n \ . M» •* M I .I V i kiti-s, .It . M i* I* I! S p o m o i. Ml U II lllnW H nf I 'n ia l liltMo M i- J I In if lo y . i* Mi

    1 W illia m I of f i n . M is I lorn v, \V ii» )d . Mi J itn ii"* *'n i|t|» * . M isJn im I vov and M is f it i l l i Sontt

    Msn tho Mi * a * P o lly .1** Hi nek. N a lii V < 'n lillm . Jr»\**

    I l l id / r l . J itno l l lo l/ td , f 'a i 'd im lo o , I \ Ilia n Mnvlo M iiilln t P n

    jk i i i * , Viidiov Bin ii. | Im tit h< v

    If ' in n ih v . K li/ah o H i VV lim ham , loan S a yo t , Nitnov W 'dhmn . j lhi|di»»r i 'iM inollv. .In no TRllRpon


    i ih r ' ■j m« Id

    fo a ln to id Hh* n ipohriK* is i*1 hi*i w nvo n i\ s ln y m i n i

    If Iium im how , w ind, sii in tis trod m koyct. H a n d ' iln ind Im ioh

    1 Mint > n in rn l w ln lr |ila ytnK

    I H H I IU IH I I i n M M *‘.I 'lf ll p irn l i r t i u r

    R n J im* I I i r « * t M ln is t r iH 11ft*Iny wohnnl a l ll» V VI

    f In -o» fm a ll *t|;t*'*P • Im at s o lv in ' at i i dii \ \1

    • Sol m i f ni ih r M’*m m i»k . Ih r f hi i li *d fn d a v" A M m rm hi.It O .11 K»‘d 1*» I'#’ |*1 Os!Til 1*1 I Ills

    * ;.or> •»t •*•£#-ll I’ lV H T a I |’ ill

    1 P VI M»#* |*a *f*»t w ill ho s|»o Palestine I’ielnre

    a nd

    AROUND (lie TOWN

    i p r i t f r w i l l be M i* A p rrn h fr lit i.T l l i r F lm I

    F c H e r illo n of W o u ir i.'s C lu h * ^IfntrHKrH fo r th r ocrHtilnu w ill l .r 1 < |i* t .t r l. w ill nl I n . .1. W lU l l , M is . C . ( ' Km le . I w ill c iv e th f frit J m lr r C iim rro ii , M i* S . F .In m ln ry , M i* . .In m r* M ouelilou .It * . T . N rw l.y m ul M m . J i im r* lu f f

    :t(00 P .M . f t li* !•’. \ N o n in , l irw lv r l r r l e . l * lu l(t > li.iu .m m of t il l ’ F t 't le ii i lh .n mul ih i r r t .u n f Ih r

    I hr lU f . l ' I l t 'ilutilrv o ilm u il A ll

    ,v II. > m r iiili'M ’* l r . l .1. Ih r I n . , ’ i ir i i l . r l * m r inv ited to t ill.u n i

    VahainasAreSeanned For Missing Plain

    „ M IA M I. Mr r 21. tl\' i A t r im ftR t i r r h iu e for m m l* * iu e MS-.'l i l . i r -

    t r i l r l l i i r r w ith 22 |.rr»< ill 'll lie *l..l r TheNrw Vein* Kvr ihm ir ul llir Muyfmi |ir"iui*en In Ii' Ini full , . .

    A II P F T K IF S O N h u l l ..........u |i In* i ohI l ie u .I I*1 Ihe • lu l l ! Tun mul m l* i l .o io .ie lu y w ind M R S H K N R Y l.’ M S i "•*’ *'"«••• l- w ly uti lS F F F iu i iv i ih ' n Iue lute "f e ro re rie n M R S M IC K F F S *I I K R R T w e u ’ » B ieett k r i t h u f

    , M R S F I . I / .A I l l . T I I I V M II in d a rk rout M R S M A IS YF K W IH in lin e dnw n ' t u e n .d ' i A venue F R A N K W HOMR U F F , J i iv .'h in e e v r rv n n r i h n .i|.v N ew Y rm And I IA I'1’ V YKA It I.* .ill nf vnu

    T h e |ilofc*«ul WIi* ft.ikl'it I" eivr I..* defliiilinti nf wniiinn ' f i n rlrm iiiK hi* Himnl, lie l» emi inhi* li is i i i n i i s i

    •DID I ist Soomid St i oofim la v S . Inu il, d I " V M

    VI. a iiit i)' Si i ' i* *• I t nn \ M• .t i. . i ‘ Ido l

    \V di>. d i\ ' . i i i. i s ni* p Mh’ i*a* I Itli’ IJoiMM I 11»’ d • \ ai* I

    I I l l I ' Dll t . !, nn u M

    t I I I ID II Ml l . n h V lil lr t I at hi .

    l i r * It VV V lilh t P • tmi • * t< Ii I ai d I ft »\ it

    *1 I ' M i l l I 11111«* (Oil’ * i v i» *1 i i . , id 11 |'i» •». h nil* at id * * d i.. . ■ . . a a .........I ............ I

    I I I I . I ’ pi I M IK H 1 ■ . | i , .in . I 1i,* . , o n

    , . i i . i ■ » ( I " 111. t ■' i * 1 1' ► lie < '

    I IM I M i l IH m l t | i IH ID MI imu f h M i le t .nd I tm o l V * * imic

    I i < d If 11 III l n P * •! . I * t V M

    \1 i m > \\ 11 ft j. I t " ' ' "\ p. .. • ‘ i i * o .

    I MI , , y . ’ l ■ . V l .o , •• I' VIPi . - f l I ’ . i i . ..............

    \\ . .. . da* " I* VI

    Mind •* ll....!1. ’* p . ' 'i • la*1 |.!1 .dl nyo

    Mm mny W mi hip 1 1 UU \ 't1 In im V **w i .mill f«l iil-l 'lit 'M il. I * W 1 If R

    B l i ». ;** p vtd l ago

    I * ih m k W mi Inp ,Hi

    tun id *« v om 111* it

    1 ’ nm rt. fa r

    :d p MI ail III | H it W I ti hat* pin

    l la h 1 n i j VI Ml n| MVMl I A ll V alio oi*i dl

    I II llnll

    ll* do Ia dav flightla v ' i I immI

    I .


  • n

    .......a --------- e-—r- . n - -re a r r.-rr— t-ti J.T T ‘-■riU-

    T U B B A N FO R D H E R A L D , BAM F O R D , FLO R ID A


    ; i

    • § i tI f/a If

    m*as Is D u l T o Show Georgia

    T h e y A r e N o t 3rd Rate Teami At Ncwiftalurtt

    MIAMI. Mil. If the Univpimly iif Trim* i* ns long «.n f.mlboll, at ilt full* arc nn loyally, I lie I'm vritily nf (irorgin n in (or .1 hot linn* N»w Y c» i‘» Day in thr I5 ili Or.nine lh,wl rltm ir,

    Miamian* vm r di*a|)|i«iiitcil when llu- Or,mgr H,,wl loinm illrr in* vilrd (lie I rxa* l.oiiglioiin In o|i|ii>«r (iro ig i.i'i Kulliiogs in llir annual Hr id l|>p» l#c|p,



    By Alan Mav«rx .r •• - ^■ill'.. /‘ 11)' .a J'\*

    Ami limy said no. Miami Herald-* Rjmrts Killtor .Itmrny flurnn nr- > eased tin* Hriingi* Howl i*oii>m ill•■*• of "scntplng the Ik.Hour of I In* fnolliiill I in r re)'* in -»* Timm

    The word trot hark to Aunt in, T rx ., 11 mi I tiling* In'trim to im|i|irn Burns nml «lln*r colniom-ts wri flooili'il willi li'ttrrs fioni thr Long- horn loyal. They mil only ilrfi'tidril their lenni, Imt did il in surli a convincing nutnuc, tlmt Minim run* in 1111 i11* idi'iiMil witli tin' riiiiiro

    Wrote .1. Norlnali Miaul from Atml in : "Ymn ciitici-m mm atTVe smile gnod |m i|..... . Texu-will la- fill'd n|> to I In* tioiol ,.f{duying (itnrgiu right oft it- feet Jdll't In' loo surprised if tin* Tad tom of Mm liamd' Iriioi |ir*■-i-tir you with 11 seal ,,f lionoi at tin' pollsters* cnuy-catlng ] 1 lino- "

    Thr controversy grew -n Imt that a irroup of Miamian- in ril to pmtiodi' n “dinddo ticmli'i ” t'limi' tlo' night fallowing till- clus'lc in lh lit o'I It dird, Imwi'Vi't, tv In 11 "niiilnMo n|i|niiirn|*" rinildn't In found.

    fieorpiu i* ranked 11 seven pidnt favorite ovri tin* Texans, toil if Mu* l.onirliorn in* trio nny hoitei It may In- regarded a* an even match liv tin ft|a'iiilii' \tln-i|i.

    Foothllll l'X|ll'lt lllliflt* til,, ('ll r lf ir I ’tin-t have I11I 111 i'll a nice (flow of n|iltriti-m itlanit tin ( rili forma Ileal*' chance ai'am t Nor 1 iiw r'lrtn in rt" tiftili , , 11 r■.,n Ctf the l(u*e Howl t*iiioi’

    1 In1 KWitrit friirn gluon, to a (Mow wn* most uiitir'

    \\ > don't I, fjiivv nf | wo ami fat 11 • • I , hot h*'f f.'l tfMlllil ted* I Inin us '.veil 11 ■ i m 11 fo'i I to

    vl a nn\• lea i



    f la-I.'Hit III || ||

    nf II l,ii 11 InIlia Wild,'III

    n n h-*i»and tlllfrlit even whip

    f! I| I f e VS Win p If l II e In ff ' ijiiile that fa i, i e r a | ( i n , l|l(ty .*011*1 fur 1*C| tin* l.a llv iini' Mi.' iiitt i I'imfcri'iH'i' |,,„|. Ml , tWu (iicvimnt It..-,*, Hum i , ni iain

    •».„ Iliy Nine. | III Aida 4fi, Iff I ,a i l: ,\|ii ti),>ft,, pi i i,sr 0). Il juM wasn't Mif.. t„ I„t nvnitrd nny Hip Nim- iinui

    In its uni' a|i|i, tiiaiM i' m , t,i- ... .......... N m M iaisicrn |„„k,.l| ,,x.

    niil no111 o ie who w ill How t yi at* htor fdtiv, f 0 ♦ piin

    Il I hi l . ' II 1 rood t il r'o, dordthit'*" \ I1" 1 mI w a \ happens inth.St pet tod when* SMIT (a eon *ernei( I ’a/111 uho I \ if ihe team i hl'lolld

    11,«* Mo fane have poll* d many earn* oni u| i If»- i.* i « . lii v iii tin

    Nation's lomUmll Howl (Jana- Hotnainp


    M SAtmiWtfii n owtAs\ WATIRSW5H0Wfiivi* Yourself And Child

    Musical TrainingRev.

    MO K.K. K. jtronsoniNMTHuemit

    IH h St. I'linne I1Z9.H’

    4 Rowing Tennis T tt ('ampctc On Lake Worth Today

    HAl.M HI \ r | | . n * :u opt*t'"m of til* oaMoti'N erttek eoUepl* a t * Miwine ienni« P* inn ',**ti, A i I * -, I 'r 1111 ■. v! Vania and , Vrn*dl *■ * • m • i m * * i"ipM nn t.uki' Worth

    ftvi't OOti {iri Horm tire »*Xtieet•

    JAf KHUN VII.I I' He* tl id'. • ( h'ln-ini t olh'p*-, md*eairn andI untied in l!M>4 and the IH iv n ii ,I of M|s«st,,„, only * *m*pi**»m *d ] Soulhein MiHiodist, n.i*et iom*o I io\\ in tin* f.'io (h ammal imho

    Howl fool hall if nineMiHHoini, aithmiph liealen h\

    (Hut. Stale amt nomltoma, is iii! **d seven ami a hall poml * heltn

    J I hint per I eel m-houi Ot'iiumii j Ihm I'Hinoi, llynatiin ,M imsoum roiriii, im ModerKlaooai ly nnhapjiy a I »ot it time fnvnrite'a r«de lie point lo ( lentiimi’H Hi1 rd i night wiiih thm v**m and «uy» any learn iliaf preal In ia hi lie I la- e jioire

    'h o e on ( ’mieli Trank I low aid liken tile llinlerdop role id rom -* Mr emphanl/es wtlUl (he oddo'uk eta apptim illy lined in then fipnrltip i hn I Missmni in hea viei ami pluyeil touphei minpe I Mum week in ami week out

    Ahmil lil.oou fam* wilt wee Ihe Jfmue uml lliey'ie lookmp low aid mi uffeii^ive thirl between .dlsMmni (pintlethitek Ihis Kolsminrfi'i and Ch’iiiMoii Tailhaek limdiv (»ape

    (ilipe, Ihe 111pit* threat luirk win* him pile et | ihr Pm pie and t h anp" Mil onph the vein, him ln>en eon• I III1"*! to hi* hotel with a sore I In out

    .since Mi rlne *duy. ( ‘lenmon offij cllt IA nuv* I hm m mei r l v a pie Clip eon to- jorvent the llnoirf f | til n pet t mips seionm and (*ape will Or

    I I utI v i rudy itiinoi r iivv,1 Most of tlie ptmsmp will in- *h*ne

    oar v With a • it*' l* » , -tui*

    PASAIM-.N \ ( »iil (tee I«/Pi I earn pii tl and i hr m o ol Ihe pame muv *1* * id* i la* i!*i •' How I slinpple tooooiow i h*I rn Nm t hwe-tei it and I ’iilihn 11in

    Thai was t lit emi^en o* f lay nil llu* eve id tin limit eni'itn m m Li tween Map h«>iiri*i* **l tin .lip Nine and Paeilie » nasi l -onlu ene«*s in I hen em i ent pact , .*od I lie 11 fit 11 edition uf t he o

    ■ p«»al • **etlMitt howl ifiitlie ol lit'A m the I Wo lea him went tilo

    cotnpa-1 allvi" neeliiHinii, hnlli ol them phynii'iilty iii ««»* u hit nutinte eniiti'Ml Pefme a M limit i eiovvit ol Miiine tid.oiin, lined no *-i vers look fin a lurid pame and most favored Ihe WdrlciilM I mill KvufiAtoii, Ml No mu*. *t *ei ineit,

    •looked far aiiythmp like Mid to l l drilldiintr inflicted hy Illinois o\»*i MCI.A when the ugreeineni he*I Weell thr* two eonti'iefices wtm initlilted two years upo

    Ami ceiliiinly no one Xpert Mill'll III! tl I t i Hi il' jolt of milHBItCl'C iis K ill it ('i KIc i 'h Mohitfiin

    I I A HI* V N K WW e wlnh eu rh and

    yon a v e ry happy and • New Y e a r .

    T h e past ye a r has lu*en filled | w ith xporlA p ro sp e rity fo r H unfon l and (."ent i til Florida, it nil we hnjii ! tin* ever-incretiH liijf in te rest in (lie

    i wor ld of sp o rts eontlliue* in PHD i as il has in | ‘.MM.

    H S M I M ; IN l iM U *1 Iv inp fm h tire aKn ln reported to ho rn te r in p nearb y ( io l f w a te rs , j m e m flin p to the F t . My* New P i * s ,h S * v m a l pii/.i* f ish h av r her a eaoplit hy a iip le rs fishm e hi th r F l . My«*rs u rea .

    A 2M pound k inp a a - landed on Monday hy a man from C leve land and *i'v» *n I i i i i ip ih p from lh to I h puiim ls have hi on lep m fed etinpht d u rin p the e a r ly pm • o f He* Week.

    F K I I F A Ia K f t Si 7 lie S i"ia ino l|. H ip ti School Cel- ei \ K i’ih reopen t hi-i i setisnn in i

    j F i i s Mb on J im |. T h e Sem itm h 1 liv e dropped th e ir opening tfaine

    In the L* e .duirp Y el law Jiie lke ls io sh u rp hy a 55 to 51 K*ore,

    F o a rh F re d fiiiiiUH* uifjfrt*K*i< lin n w ilt ra te l New Sum ran here on fan . 7 in the f irs t home

    , K .iin r of the MMM.IHIH lum kel* ha ll m ell sun.

    h i t o n m i* : i . im i iF ra n k l.e u h y , eoaeh at N o ire

    liaon*. m now vm iim p m M iam i, and m sehetluled In .see t li" foul I a ll n .n l i - t hetweefi U e o iif iu and

    j l* 'X a * i ii llu- U ranp e Howl on Nevx | V * n t 4-s May, We ven tu re to ( ir e - if- ! d k t that tin* I ’ o iv e is i lv »»f M iam i M I anil N o n . Maine w il l l„ iv ,* sipned ja U ' l i ' im l lo meet on trie p n d iro ti

    ♦ " - l-eahv le av i's the Mapit-] F H y .

    n i h ir ir I ' mVi’f ■ it s is poipp mi | hip tone f ihith iil I, and can w ellI riff m m I i*i i a f i tf I o win to** Soul <

    H' tol '*11111 sira'e ttiey neurlv pact » ’ i i f tieantifn l Oianpi- Howl with j i » polai tv -t'heduled f«***t tu ill Con

    It" l- M iami Ii i) a ll r , ,11, i,| 1 1,, S i ,a l l , , a * i fu r f ,„ , l l ,a l l a l lc ia l

    la , um Hie iia - l ra in u a iifu . i i s i 1 1 i t t : \ m i s i , i t m inI la* I lilV e lrill v „ r I ' l i , ( i ,|a i*

    •a I l „ K nn ,. u f, it ,,, I |„ n i i , iH i i , | ; y i ' i i i - ,n i l , , I,,I i ' , i ■, . , i f , „ , l l ,a l l at l l , , ' IT ii\ i 'ra li>

    M il l , l l , , ' i , ' l i , , , , , , f « ,v c ia | |,« 't|,*,' ', .......... '!•■>'.*.*• "ml M,,' i,i,|

    Mint C o ach Hoar W o lf w il l netI Mini Ilia f l l 'n lllllllU elcV l il, tm

    I >a,iil,| I,, i i | ( i i i i i , u ic t i | , i ic h u „ '

    RlABOM 50MB FO LK S N C V U K 6 IT S M A'IBP, D€V'» LooKlM' FUH SOMEBODY in h u t SUITS D IM S T tp o ' S C * M t- B o d y D e j 'D S U IT !

    I.v, Iin :■

    i |i*„i | , iii IV, I,MVI'I ,fllH.IIII1l

    III,,IIii I MCI m lull;

    I a-,I .Inn,mil' I'oxa «l,'f> ale,I Alai,anui in (lie Cnllou Itmil *JV-7.

    CeniKii,' Howl tnatwry la'Kiii, .Ian. I, 11*Of. Iii'io iii Miaou will,

    , ii u ilil 10 lit! lutmwuv ,,vei T .C II, lA li t) vlcluiy over U.C.I..A . m ,1a- ' ItoK- llawl rntuo a your later. In ■ II* 1.1 I Jem k lu won from 'l ulna I'J.i ti In 11,,ui 1 o n o i l lluwl ami '-••■Hi fiaii, Nurtli Carolina iii tla* | I !• 17 Siiirai lluwl.

    I.Ual .lammiy'H 'Jll-Jll tie will, Marylaial in laekaunvllle'* I la).a

    | lluwl In the SonthetoAorn Cunfei

    , , , . , . by iluKe uml Knatmioitei II,,'I,,'I to watel, from llu* oalui-fHnKi‘,1, .a ....... ... , i ............. ..............i ,...... Ida I'b'Uly "f ranniUK amt le,| ilieii

    team- in are if,,ml

    xliorea lit Uie varxlty an,I Javveu erew» uf the four Hn-tern policy,'i lure In the S,*p„n,l Annual lie. •fatta ,,f M,c Hahn lleapbea.

    Nearly '„’ntl flay la-ilcpkcl vnchlxKOI a

    i t ; , ; nine ■ Clem P.av . Con

    Invoke,I on llu* Smiihinn i iilifiu1,la T to I amt lu-l New Yeni * D a y cn ce clmmnnm'x only iluaky -|o,l

    that tu t) 'l ure which mateheil I Meurjrm n» a aix l>, ceven |mint |„ n illicit the acme i,,lle,l l i l . uiaio-txis pi li ed ptullt liarly

    .' * |,*-r tepee,■r E i ' Tl t f CM A I Nc.

    meed In Ihe first event last year land were more ncciistr,rued to the

    l**l>,rlili. weather., IVnnsylvonln oarsmen were ro- imrted in top shape Imt fiollt Cor*

    [ nell mid Princeton tennis were | aalil tn Imi suffering minor in*• Juries and a victory hy cither 1 would he rcgaidml it' an upset.

    All crew* will use the Yale nml Pennsylvania shells, which me rigged slightly different from Princeton and Cornell craft.

    Itmiyli water yesterday ham* ! pared workouts Imi all fnmt j sell (Mile had aland -III mlnules af limherlng up.

    .Michigan Hlnle College's cross* rntinlry tenm In I ti-IH nclileveil the first harrier "grand slam" m lilstnry hy wittnlnif the KMA, NCAA and A AM rnres,


    BIG SALE} f *k ' ‘ i>... \ v:t\ ■;

    All Grocery Stock Going at Wholesale I*rlce


    (}. W.’s Midget Super Market< UOH HANFORD AVENUR

    i ver all.

    M IAM I, live. III. '/P, What tHI.tHHI fnutliull fans will see III tomorrow's fulofnl (trungc lluwl game cult l,e changed little id this lute lumr hy Conchei* llluir Cherry

    ------ _ and Wally llutta.TA M PA , Dec. Ill -i/Pi— Hi. liarring a lie. elllitu Texas or

    Thomas nml Missouri Valley were Meorgla will gel its first defeat cunti'iit with light workouts here . *" ** I.n'vl. today In keep muscles limber fu r l . ' riil'tlce gear Ihe Cigar Unwl fnntlmll curliest burns andtaniurrow night. i j ’,','1 ,,WUV . . .

    Both sutiiidx were in stgrrllunl M-'.'-rry mi.1 Hu ts ami their turn I, eiimllllim bud ready tn aflm l"« W fIhe las, Of thelr rough ‘ practice | «Vl liilf . llu- .lallitdiM hi** .igriti nr

    Dr. C. Jw PermmaO P T IIA 1 E T K IS T


    rtlx .ee . pre.crlbmt, d lege need Repair* and adjualmanta 01*4*

    lluura * d l — I S Nat. 9*11

    AH aallr National Rank HMa Hi r M iI. H and*

    Phone 291

    — T

    CALL ^

    1444YK IIO W CAB CO.

    F O R

    Special Rates To Race Track

    mi V-'d,',' ( A ) f t *

    W i M j i * .

    Pin>Mf S||I*,|*AHfl H s aim M h if f ii.,.a««"Md hoNGWOOD HOTEL 'mn,\V"i,A !ulV*'

    I I m l i n n $ 1.00 I u >»•’! ( 11: III % \ F i tH H l i l i M x l l o l l K\Yr aiiRgr*! > mii i.otltr lo u r rr«a*r i* Inr Ikr M .W F.% ll *»l I* !*• Ill 111 V l: 1 it 11 h ■ii|i|»rr ur l»reiikli»«M $3.50 |»rr prr* • mh nml (lie Nr ii t nir'a I K I I \ I I III N N |! II B’i.lHl prF RfMiiR. Iltn-IMIC IhllMM Kill’ ll lll.lM III I tl 111 K (« la

    HEARING AID SUPPLIESa.pei.r lo nojnv make., ball.riel, tool., rental lartruniaala—

    Cell u. let ter) in )eui hvme ar «a> eltice.A U D IPH0 NE CO M PA N Y, Florida Bunk Bldg.

    Vheno 7 - J l l t — t i d e n t a

    iA’/// hh'cfnc fh'iiritii/ / 1/./*

    . . . with a siin|tli‘ Nt'W Yt'itf iiidmiK*' "f I lit.mKm far Hit' t'lmfiilt'iirr- you lutv.* |iln.-.-tlin hh . . .

    D iir iiin MMH wt* -limit iii, evervlltiitt; in ihu |mtver In tm>rll tl r-tHitiHHiitin- nl Itmt cniifiilptin*.

    HOMEI in Avi'im t*


    \ ,

    WE look forward to another year of pleasant relations with you.t

    . Stiinfey - itogere Hardware C». >214 SANFORD AVENUE

    .J :i_. '*._. ' ■ ■ 'l * V k'.v, I f * ,

    • t i- "* I . ■ •

    \ . \

    s i\

  • • ) •»

    11F R ID A Y , D E C . 31, m 3 T H E S A N F O R D H E R A L D , S A N F O R D , FLO R ID A

    i — ■ . iI’ AfJB F D o

    BATTERIES!To Fit All

    C A R S

    Priced From..................... $ 1 1 , 5 0A N D YOI'R O LD HATTERY

    Strickland-Morrison, IncA H T IIO K I/E I)

    •toh k . f i r s t S T .


    P H O N E 2(10

    L e t s * N o M c *A I> iwh, ,.r n Jr. V»r (in. cnnfeaa.. I

    •will lir rfi I r rr«| i« R it I ti ■ I Toil.W linOM n\\ hunt! iitid acitl **' (

    OZARK i k e

    IN TIIK I'orilT OK TIIR OU'NTY , JriMlK. Hl’MINOl.i: «T»I \T \! KI.MIUDA. IN I'llBillATi:III rr r.-fAlr Ilf

    I.MAIlInN l.oriHK wai .k i:ii( | »!•« »•»» nr,1To Al.l. «*ICBIi!TollH \M* m i HM.NH 11 A \ IN* I »*1. AI ,»IH oil I'll ,\IAM*N \« 1 AI NST SAII* iNTATi: You timl riicli > mi .*** Iir»'**h%lli'l I f|r«l iinl i i I f ••< t In n«tin\ rlnlfit* sit'il ill • vim ml» Mlihli »•••! nl rlltin of imii Him hmr hmhIh«i tin rut nl • nf M.if lull | #iii||nr \\ ill ♦•I i|ri • Inti i#f nillit I*iii|litl

    If i tlir l ‘oi|flt\ lililin .if Nt'iii 11."|« iNiiiiitY Klorlilo nl in* offii •• inIhr I'oiiM Iiiiii««’ i«f «iili| i ‘otilil> nl Mudfonl !•’ »hl.• Miililti clylif I'lilr nrt:i t mod* h* from tin Himnf i hr flr*t imlilli nl Ion of thU fiollit- I. I'll • I illli ot ilrllolllil -hull hi- Id HlMItlK Hill nh .ill -».H»- lll*‘ |i I it i r of .................... .. |*».-t ..ffH.

    • In linn hi ii Hil ih.illlh* 'I I I III.I Ml .1 K I |||• I iHi) •••• ti • 1.11 fit

    • l**||||l Mil I. • ... Mil'll ll.llll hil.l \ i .I‘i:i i* i:

    i %. .*1\\ .ii -H..I r*Miirht. I .. • i ii * *• WulhH•!#•• »'i««i •!

    I’lrrK of ih** ‘‘Iri'iili i*o»irf Hmilnoh t’l'-nh dli .1 mil. |m 1 OriHill. • ••nl Klorlilw tht- **lh iln> o' I •*•• **HIh«'( A I* r>M

    O »• II Kit VI ION • *lrrk I'lreiil* ••••••rl•lh (In it 11Si Hillli'l*' I'lillhH KloiiilnNntl

    BY HAY DO TH ) *S TU4E = TiVtB

    7 's ~C( a s e v a o

    — —o_r? nns

    n > " i i :t i ik cm .II I Mil! • N IT M I \ i *|.| ST \Ti: • • I' I I ••Mil* %It at i :

    • • »r.NT\. h ia t y ,l \ Ilf** .

    t. r

    I IN

    .nlilr**** • 1I • *WoMlIII*

    \ i.Kif•:I• i:• »s*'iii* i.nifuI .......

    'I \\ i •• • \| | | \l \ Y.f'riiV:

    o • I* hot *'li| Ml \ I'll j.M.iiJon* | l.i'iil Hl.'.i h**»I » •• • ••* * . - %'l*ll|0|» * 1 * \ .1Kl.ili* of AI f I •••! Itooror........• • •' ' ' • • 1.............. p*Moo foi f I Mu I illn.linra** .nnl linn■h* Mill i|i|l\ • i . 11,.*••.(,•ni

    x' »!• • ’• -ill** to.lit* ..f Sflll..iiiil% I'lolhli .Hi • hr lTt>

    Hun f I HI* • I III.

    \xI*.. 11

    XX M K i i:■ f III.- I.,*- .ll.llll ..I

    r hi.i | r• i H i i


    in.I r. i.i. i* .. .ii *

    Xollrf til I'ii hi I* n 11«*i»■In Tli* Naim- tt.• SiH*- ..i Kh.rI hln To II.Hill X ' llr-l.lno .I nkiio%\ ii

    You .HI' h ill l.% II..Mill || I hn( .1 Hull III |||%II|.I III*- lo I'll fill'll II1 RIllHnl % oil Hi ll-i I'tliHlI 1 oill * of

    $' ' a ••!% illHIII •‘Mi nit Htlllfotll Ml.l-lilll llohl'll

    ! You HR I* III! 1*1.III.(Iff .HI.I 11 (H I I • YoiiiiK l hr | irfniihilit 11. iToiliirit ..!•*• No Toll| Thr ikiI hi * ill*. ••• • - fh.Hof |l| \ Oill I X • mi. •*•1.1%• lot if Ini Hoi > t •• t * • '• •m r lllm *»|»|o .ii •» .i til* mill oli oi l . • I

    I 'I*XI \ It.l* >1111 X.lli'li.lm • . 1• -».*!*• ofXlftnl II..-. »lr. r.i-r.l

    l.oP*1 I Hr

    AMP V v V'SANp ___ eo-»2\v

    Nl? ESNO^fiT u f “ S wT

    w_c.5i 5B l n ^j C c’AWX i?

    =S VNBNATS:\E£$


    mSSE ACC v f ' J -NNENVENCE •? \ \O'- WEP - \ E NO” c ----- o "'C'Ns '

    - A ' f s-O -m-5! N-?~

    L\\r t̂ N • I mw i ,i , cwhat;

    i Ci


    xniH i:Tlir t •-m ..lii * i mo >| «• |IH 'hi- «!uh rhollirr • *1 TlirXH'lliM. \ HI..111*1 It.H ..' ••lit H *l.i h.l H k I I.M loo.mi f.O.I Mot Oi l O XX , ih . .,|III X I I »r» , I ... ...........'.#» O.i . |r. .......... . ,|m r. ,♦ I Hi* .o i i.

    • Ml.U o tHuh fun!Mill io Ml Hull

    • i I .hi iih i XI• lot tillI"I" it'll

    t i .


    .47iiiuii %•III.nIhK*

    Send (Tifcli or Monrr Order

    POPULAR BRANDS ONIYD e l i v e r y G u a r a n t e e d — M i n i m u m O r d e r ft C a r t o n s


    D r . H e n r y M c L u u l i n |T H E LO NE KANUKIt HY I R A N S 11 0 K Lit

    o n tv ak Ti ! y e n

    I ’.atage Paid Eaat nl Mlxaiaalppi. Add N (V illa Per Carlun KlxewbrreVlrerur SI.65 1 1 Sann (P . ur T . . *2.2*» 1 |1 llr l.n u r . 21.V 1 42 ONVirginia lluund* II.NX

    ll* . ur T . l1 I Muiud 1 | Mi'Lirbrim.

    42 0142'. 1 1 11 Fatima 41.64Mailtmiu J I .R .I I 20 -) 1 1 S la ir .i i il 41 22

    IP . or T . l 1 | M u.trla 41 01 I 1 llrba ( lluae l.|>) 41 x ’>Eng llih IJ ta l i I2.SN 1 1 Mn-rx 41 1.2 1 1 -:l.* ( | ,e .„ . . .Pla>*it 81 Vs 1 i Wing« f 1 .01 / |1 F ile Star 41 10Lord 3a lixbur; 42 III 1 | I'.ll l. l.n ru l 42 2a 1 11 Miihu I 4? IBPOPULAR MAIL SLRVICK

    Dept..— 2(ll» Unx IIMiN. WiltuiiiKli.n. IhltiMiiri*

    s e n x P ^


    T r y .

    HERALD Want Ada

    For R*iutti

    Tk* IuI I . h Im r a .»« > „ l r dl l W a a l U i r > W U k . l l a T k . • a a l a r t H . r a . d i. i . m , Ike , « laeerllMM■ llmea lu* a . r llae la .erl.nM«* ar ver llae laaer.l**M ItiM.a »«• aer llae lueerlluN

    K l .a nurile In Ike llae. I .a a k l , « a . » . . . klaek laee » H

    PHONE 148W a a l Afl* will b* a r f f p l H

    m * i Ik* l* |* B k a a r *»a mm m - • randui.* r k a r a * If !•*••• • • « • * 'a 11*1*4 la Ik* l* l* fkw a* kaak . l a r * i a r a f a t Ik la ar-**a*»o4a- il i .a Ika a 4 t* r l la a » la * •* •* •*<la m i ptaaifflf. I» ar4*F a* la «*a4«tr Ik* k*almm im i i * * - ' »*•»- ~ .

    | • * n I r e . a l l W a a l * * • a ia a l ke l a . a r . . m e * a a Ike 4 a r k e l a r a a a k l l e a . l a a .

    i - l . a . * a a t l l r a a l • » • 4 l a . # l r I , a a • , » • « . e r a r a l a »» a r a*. We r a a a a . ke r e e a u e e lk le Im. m m tt .fcaM aeea l a e a r . e e l l aaa r -


    H E R A L D

    K K A l. H UY— fiir-ilitieil ur .infill nishad li.i.lae. Hee uwner. IfI I <Rim Ave. .

    BRHT HUY In Hnnfont—gimrti-r IiI.m-K city ,irn|M-.(y cuiu-r.-li- lilm-k Imildii.y -II. x III). Twi. -0l x Ifll yu.uKeH, uUo i.|.nrt- im-nlH. All renli-d, u.nitiul in com* Lf,Kill. Will ..-II fur *12,600. Si .- ur cull Huy It'-el.

    A R T I C L E S F O R S A L E• i I .A /IN I i S i. ,.| ii ih | \ luiuuiuin

    • n- Ii..s IN It M ill, I , Inks a I'.m il I „

    112 I I I .'ml SI I'l.uue 1I2H

    * f * r TRAD1

    W # R£SU ITSit m

    S f u

    12 S P E C IA L 5I-.RVICKS

    Hllll- Hit •"it \la. »l!•• ( 1 lie 1 • 1l»*'l x ii> 11 .Na • • X\ Sxill|* telijil lit (1 K I * • >11 ll k * ••X% HH*I( f lu.

    •KDSI \ \ 1 A Mil C I.A I-If.*'. « x. * illi'li! • Mil'll f l"D

    N K » I M in u s - H I I lu , f , .'••‘U • .1.1 ll.llll % 1,1.(ill Ilk*- I|l »I in. Inn,-. .1, AI ' i. I i.IiIi |iiitv.*. |ilnnl -J-''•t|"'i U'.n c m .Si ,,....... | ,,,,,,iII M *il'-ii-un. l.ui.i Mu. v


    a!iflM» I 'll I I \ m -Iiiu*i|< S A L E hi Ki'fit Mmli iiir iv e f'ooill I1014a#• X\ • 9fi I'lith . f i j iniah**«I hi im fiiin i-«In-ii, a.liuut 1*4 • *NK ti.XL «'i It III* \ lit Hlllilt O'ncr*'- inn*!, xvit.i ta...ix lion , tin* xxain tuuti i u|-«. V, k*ni

    hlcki'fi to mi-i* and iii'fi*, yiMifii* i Ki'i n-i'fii' «|i hih A laiol • h|.|mifrill! fires (IHC milt In'VhIiiI Oi ImIii? A flit Ifipr - Mi f I

    I •• Hi*.I-. I 'l .t Mm 11|• •O H S W lt S K I lV H i:

    IIM. I' \ , r l-iiin,,. in nXI ' .M I ,\ N 'll.IN I.;; HOMlr t„

    '' ............. Vi-.ii ....... .' " Nl'.. W 111,' SI |.| Ii l . . l ! « i U ' .........."■

    | XIICKLX XltlCSE lit W \ L I IIISNEY7**

    iAil--..i . .trlit'i .in M. I iiiiiiI ! I'm i .1 i ticlil fin .|iii. k -nil- If K • .'or. nil •

    Ailnni nl.) .

    I'.mill ’4l|’ .In \C M

    i n . i:

    ' V ,,,r H a lle ,, li,.,„.,M ,„,........... o h * .............

    ■luilery Ju-rvu-e. ;mi w K .it iSi

    A R T IC L E S FOR S A L K

    SKW INU M A (III IN h (.Vnter t i l l W. Int. n|ip .n il' I'rim-t-e. Tlti-U- -r... I'll. 1100.

    H i l l 'H R I 'K A I I .K I I . 2 1 n I I . , 1 , 1,.. ' . l ik e * , .,* 1 . ty i'i t i lm , i i i i .-..full i .m il'l l h l l i . r .u . . I li .x -.-I - I ' . . .mtry I'lul. Kuiul I'hiiuv l!*e .1,

    I l l ' i ' l l A M I ' l l IN i t . , i i . , , , , i , |

    " I f 1? 1 •‘H-nlini-l IIkndo Rvwunir ;i*M, r„l| •(«!,., iHav. IMA-J

    'H era . .111 (•; i ( „ , S|

    IIYKH H I . I I I U .I Mllen South mi No. 17

    T-Honra, t i.s r, r'liwrd M'-nl.-tre

    KHIHD JU M BO H llll lM l. ••ryniKhl. *1.00. llOMKIt'.H.

    . - i I*

    M.llul , ' tri l l ' III t-IIUllililin. ' In-MII, u .. . .......... . ••nil .11.1 It tlrlp .M r.f, Self S e ,„ rr

    Iff IffH 1 ( ttltlllk#A H I K I.KS W A N T K Il ^ lAfh s i . p ,

    | I li|* liei* t mt%h filled (in til fttr ii«*m| HhX I Pint.* ^i furniture lr«| Davis Kuriilfiirit "I'-iuiian. K. u . '

    f"" l rk \ ,) ,u. ,

    \ r . • >i , m s r ,t 4 B K Z T - ,‘1-„ f i.Aii r.r t ,Awi ... V ” “i *■ / ’ '.uMiuni'Ur ! ' •r I IM' UAO MM ll'i , M4HHO I M.M , i

    O J AMK N M 'l lA I 1 4 / * ' . . / ........................ " * \ AMYU.U.UY/ ) 'G A IIU P IO r jU l .............. . / . . . . . . . V . . . ,V ' . | • .PLUM MA4T ̂ y . 14 • • A.. M ..............t ”A i k I HE Art , ........................ , ............. .. *..............’ i t ..............* -*>• ' / ................ ** , ,r a i r ic l u s / ) t" * * ........ .................. 4 . ‘ «• - l \

    . } / \ 1 ,M41 ,ri ) ......... ( STMAIOMI \ /J s.......... .......... f IIUWU \ IM ( IMP*. / •• • ................ f *1. iU U lt ir . I r ^M OW l# ) Ml fall

    I I IMM,I |Jl AMm.H'j' )

    IM < . ml*', \ l" .Ml .. r .*


    . . . ( 41 MAIL... I \ / J.............. . A4 A MMIMC. ] 6..

    • .\ am ur l»i J * |,

    ) < .......... .......................................... v * i (: . • / i . . . . . -//a , \.......... I Hi 11 K I i I / I

    U ItHUNNIM* v Dill IMIS )DAW CjUMP. \ 4

    MGi D KCGPS U .'U , A WMlRLIN J n ;

    linnerx1 ,:u ' " 1 «■ »■« ^' I - - '1.1:1.( .. I'li.

    HOI l.U N U H ES every day frnrn I I H0 lo 2:00 at MOMKH'S

    | W IL L HUY yiiur ear rt-irnrdl>-e* nf 11 if*- ur condltinii. Hull If Ji .Suin', Phone 237-W.

    FO R R E N T

    OFFICE i m * In Ifolaeh BuBdlnf.

    5J4-w, , k . ,,i a :

    B R E A K F A S T — xetved ever'/ day exrept Sunday ul l.aney’x Dr..({ Slora. .16c up.


    ' “„ * r r K * aIWtry. Walker Wactrjji Co. M |


    N. Park. Phono U N . .________U flF lTR M TIM R b honta, rloaa In,

    Apply 1200 Matnolla Avenue

    2 W A N T E D T O R E N T

    WANTED BY BUSINESS WOMAN, efficiency apartment or fur- ,.lulled room. Rent munt be r*a- •unable. Reply W.L.D. Care ll.-rald.

    LUCMKON xervvd evrry duy except Sunday at l.aney'x Dmo Store. 7Bc up.

    F rt ih Orange Ju ic e UOc u unllundelivered. Tree ripe ornnyex,f rapefrult « tangcriiivx, *1 a

    u.xliel. Phone 672-W. o|H Park.rUXKDO F E E D S ; Complete

    Runt'a Tuxedo Fae.1 Stare.line.

    Shrimp ur CHIekon In baiket 06c w ill. ..alad A franc), friex, 11 dill

    H E L P W A N T E D IKxpt-rlem-i-d wuitr«-»v i-xpeiii n,-i*,|

    conke for night ahlfl. Him Aiu linn Tcrn.innl drill Munny, r

    tt WORK W A N T E D

    o/.Ki't-.N'i'EKINU and repairing, hour, day or (took. Art Dnugl. 1-1 ty, Pl.unw 776 J.

    SHE Us Mi|(MLMKljd/tAI-ll PltlNTlNd I


    . SA.VFOIMI 1" S Phone 180

    n-k for FLO O R H A R D IN d and finlahlng'VIM. uiudern •-.|u.|in«-..l L'H V*ar» .'Xperlenr* Work gnu.

    7 1,., «"'*••»'*. III. :f.unx H.l-A. Hanford Cull 71 ii III ufler 7 00 CM |K.f„ ri. 7 IH,A . ,l|

    The HOME SIIOI*. Kxino wutrl. lh Cluck, 1700 Snnfuid Avt-. 0. C Ki How*. Pl.uiiu 114.1-J,

    J It ACTO R WORK l.y lie- b.n.r urI _

    E L E C T R IC nr A C E T Y L E N E

    _ , XVELDINl,Ronfnrd Molar « Hudi (•„

    20k W. Im| HlreVi ’


    MIGHT YVl kl rtrtAM4U Lf

    DOV|Muntil n


    ’ AS /VO, o.'rt/rrt / NO! ,.b Falk.r.kCJ

    UUF __ ___ t '6/ W win: ,r ' i f ( . o i r u L ------- -

    . A V A 1 /. -_ *. t> . M T *,»*,•INNIN/Vv/ j J /%•__

    - mV- ^,., i 1 .kJ S . 1 4 A ,

    \ SAFtTŶ J

    ETTA R ETT_____JUNIHS Ai-TiNti 14.' . II j / JliN.f G MHHM tXiUl »» 1 ..

    TD"Bl Cn»*engi-iN f,„Wcbingiun. D. C. leu Vi ng nn.i n Ing Juniinry lal^j'lmne il.'l.'l W.

    ,r‘ A U T O S FOR SA L Ka7| / " ‘" i,*!40. trailer, Pm.rI*hk \ i„ . , „ »««r-*«R m "me, »i,r,oolark 4 pruiih TrMlIs.a-litHJD pnyiniJ M.iaic Store Imndl- . Trailer Co'.irt

    log Mi.xical inxln.ine.ilK, un-ex- TH A JI.K K Aluniim... ' 'soriea olid record*. Priced right. • !,nJ"mn' *'"VKent reu«onnblc will, lenxe.Phone 1248 ur 240 11ftor U I*. M.

    a . , ............ .i ' T r '• l"r bnnling Ui.dflwhliiK. I liHfie IIHH ur U7-l(

    c a r d r i v e y o dCRAZY/

    J rurt' m Inn xluke.P -lm e ..I" Vy "m N'

    IIMII four diM.r I'nnllac »cda„ extru «m.d i-omlillun, pracllrolly new

    Phone 67 W . liidix,

    J ^nH* , ‘v‘,i«*'.»*|ual lu new con- (IHIun, here la a rar that will.el«. .. a. Will1J7. ‘!'rvic«- Price» tfKnXB. Apply Mr. Bow- •ii, 041 Piuiuosa -Drive, r la. Sanford,

    . v- m

  • . - Ml ! , — ■ . ..........................’ — a

    * * * '* 11 -!J’ ■ '■' 1 -• ,■ ;>■' -n v ■ "■» ■■»•';*, r . —%. • i • * . ̂ * , i * •, * * i f '* * * * |*» ̂ • ' »» * ■ •*. • '

    . v . >•.;•’.( > T; ' V' . • . i . i ■ -. .*• ‘ i f - . ' ‘ ' . * . V ' * • {«' v* - . •

    ........ .......•' ‘ 1 -


    O n e .W ay O r Another, R o ya h y Made Much News Through 1948

    $ . * ly ALVIN STKINKOPF. ' LONDON, Dec. 31. (/P)~- Royally iim v be a '(filming mDilulion.

    but il Made new. in ITdR.King*. (|ueen> and lading pielcmlcix «..iitiilniteil newsworthy inti*

    denti 16, the retold— birlli*. divorce., an abdication, an attrition , official travel, and glilterinK cerenionici. •

    Home.ef the pretenders riling to — ------------ —the lin |if (lint they and t lir lr ilyn • ♦■sties limy hr restored. Others seemed m oir ir-igncd In a glowing tieUef ilia* t lir lr clay is past.

    r f i i 1 V'\


    Foiliniea of Him inyul houses vm fed, lint events. of the yenr demonstrated that in some eniuilncs, cat least there m| It] is a lot of vilality In mmiairhy

    • In Itrltain the I'Vi'iit, ill the Royal household deiu'iuxlratril that the rlillilie and the whole would Still gets n l*I nw from olisei viiiu young love, mid that the letulerest

    ’ sentimeqts are i ••served for a new mother and her rhlhl.

    Ill nulny respects ITiners* Klim- belh ilrtnilnateil the scene at llurk Ingham Palace throughout the year. Now her new hnliy captivate., Interest, and Prince Flinrlrt', jnsl a few weeks old, Is already a very inipnrlant personality.

    The British Royal family has manaaMc. perhaps more from natural Tidpulse than design, to net precisely as llritlsh royalty is sup- nosed’ to do. The young Ihikr of Edinburgh. father of Ihe prince ling, Is a naval officer, which in Britain Is proper. The King's solan devotion to duty is what the H ii tons eypei is. The stole is ahniil Princess M sig iurt'- lonilinres give a pley.aiil loiirli of rest. The III •

    Mtieen was the Mlggrc.'loii of the Populist deputy Dennis Msnlnii- vahm Iasi Noveinlan' at Ihe height of a government crisis. After a Inlile all oiglil poliiical conference In- said: 'bet's make (Jneeii Fred- ilka prime minister.'*

    Nothing clime of Hie suggestion alld the tileek royal family is doing ll lie-l |o keep otlt of politics.

    Klllg l.cnpohl III of the llelgiails • nil!limed In live ill exile at I’rrg- liv. liem ftrneva ami theie wcie iin imlii alimis llial his status would change soon. Ilis functions were carried out hy his lirvther, Prim e (tliarles, regent of Itrlgiuin. t'liuiies lire-, slum,I -errelly, one of Ins rnre official (rips I icing a journey to the dnitrd .States.

    F R ID A Y , D E C . 31. 1943 OtTrade Analysts/ Predict Fond To Decrease In Price

    State Waterways Red Trade agreement for exchangetie

    two-yea*of good

    „ , ' Ytlgn lavla agierd In »eml l?otalloir 'is le.i |, ziiic, pvnte .. tiilm

    Beach eiocion woik on Anns i Russia'-* nnnistei .»f fm . j iirttip. ilyw n -il nml I ....... |»,...|.,r <Mans slid Longboat Key.. « >WB" 1 »' Sei""ha-tnov. I In ............ .. -he w.................

    i nttflUHti) r»4m Piga Iirpi•P'ing' tc> ilie S i John* River: nff at tl f KltlWflY

    III and oilier.*. hill'll •vii’l |»r»*t|«n • I lit I.

    arr on Mir iliH'littr tin tin* n|i| ypfti t own nut. And iiiohI tnnl» aiiutynt t rxpnrt Minn |n mi .r ftiitlin inin in.

    No Hprr*Htnliii m lllC limiiw, like Mint JO |ni rrnt «|i»»p i|t itttu’l mm I |trirtaH nIii it lust Srptriul*ri,

    lull* initripatril llriiiiM r III#* dr 1 liuilid fi»i fi»«*d pinhalily will tiny 1 liiirli. Iwtlstifil l»v tlir lotriKD aid

    pmtrrnm, 'ItfciiM „ o e -s toil »l ihP year's end some

    "f'hl-. old vigm |,Ad heen restored.'•m one hunting expedition thisveal he hagged two elk. . „ ,„u. . . . . .

    .. Pi lif e tin Inf ’ nomthlly durum,vei some of ihe , ! , .H r ," H '•"""'••r' w',h AAf>

    I iiiunlier of ion miles per hour per train This was |K,ti5ft too-mile. In IPIk. Ingest iii htstniv

    hariry altrihutrs this In "im- prnved operating methods, more powerful sod efficient Ineolno- lives, lietter freight csrs. improved signaling and other devices. as well as heaviei Inadlog."

    Diltpllt of new freight cats j.x car huildris and railt'isd shop..

    Queen Mary lias lieroim •veryhody’s graudmolhct.

    The year rlo||l I tlrv Ini |n f||YF|\|nn »*f -M'lur fmitlil in liinliŵv* -till n,ilriH.iy>

    LiilpInyfN dm 11 v !•«»• a lint cl

    lt la p .D ’A id (hr- Dietr pi)riiiaiii'iit • •'"•ml nf wage im ira-ei. ami itipl'c.iirilA

    null*. The Durhess makes openItnual shopping trips In Mmile ; I..... . HM|l „ ppkCarlo and nct-nsinunllv Imlh da hup to see w lint's going u|| IIIt'ai in,

    l.fvlttg Irm pniarily in F t iiiicp is Prince Joan of Di leans ltragaii«a, rlallllNIlt In Ihe iiiili-exiklriit

    "lor uiiglil gel am I'M*].


    ‘I lie uni "fan" fm him laud f"r pideiilial "fm is’T Die milroiids pot millions of ilnllais win Iii of

    j Hot s . tlir vrai rndrd the lonld- . rrs wen1 worried nlmtil tlir im- | mediate future. Although derlcnuipanies agirrd |u ronlinur Vnlillltary allneillinus In stippul I s tn.oiKl i ni ini'iit lily pi "grain. Die car producers said they urrdr'l "iiiiiiilliitenls fr*im the rnthoads •m they can place Dicir own nrdei . Willi sleet mills.

    And Ihrir order liackleg had dwindled hv mine Di'lll dU.OOU cal ‘ I iii a little over -is mouth*

    S M. Felton, piesideul '"f tlir Allierieaii Railway ear ilialilnte, said' ".Smile car liiitlding coinpan ic . me luimiiig nut of orders. Ami steel alleenliiiiia, lliereforr, for the first ipiaitei have lieen 1 educed

    Ihruue of Hi nail. h i. .......... . T , ’ "] ' ' " 11In the opinion Of,.........I ' ' w‘" ......... ''"t' Also.otlicis. is that he dtg-* not p ie .. 1 " IV ‘I"',,mI h.w fines.

    ■ ....................* "i a 'inni m i tiiivr ih tii 1 rnm niii|» Iji.IIm* iiiiiiiih* 1 "litni* nltM'k mii J nlmiply mih! (liin iiminI iiirvitiilily ih*i|May ni ( hiri«i*n in a fun | rrflci'l ifm«*If in fiiwn new m i *

    orxl spring.

    •IDM O weodworarr. Paul Olen*r.7J, If ihown after he lold Parn>s,Ohm. police, that he best hlf wife.Mary. aft. le death heraute "the talked loo much." Police Chl»f . better Re»rer laid that Diene* • Ml l" v* would be chsrgsd with (tr«i degree \ 'l'" r ' ‘ 'murder. The rouple. married M " fyears, have t«ven chlldran and stv. teen frandchlldren. (Interiaflonol)