Download - o·Is otld's Richest· Man? - Lincoln · ,'o, • ' ' . ' '' • " • • •• • r ~ ~--·-• . ' '

Page 1: o·Is otld's Richest· Man? - Lincoln · ,'o, • ' ' . ' '' • " • • •• • r ~ ~--·-• . ' '

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Jl'cu~.b~d f-~~ QiO .l'!llliJ ~bjtatl~o f!!l~u. ~no ot MugeJlsn'o l:t\llt.ulntJ, comptcrcd p!o ·tlrlc Yo)'aao 11101.1nd , tllo world, Anl'l: tbo' Cll~t JIM ,Just been cclcbrote4 ln bhl nnt1ve toWD, Gnotarfo, Spain, wltb elaborate ~mon,y. 'l'he ~ anlt queen Ql·Spatn were prdcnt. aud 10 Wef'' fwro ecurottvc:a ot many otbor conntrl~ Port ot the bll PJ'Oo «eulon bl :here lhO'IVD. ·

o·Is otld's ·_..._, . . "" •'

Richest· Man? ' "

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Rockefeller,· Ford and Menon Each Picked by as Mnny «utttoritatlvo Spokesmen.

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tn Frnn~ WQ Wblm tho (labljet ~

DI!II.\SUrQ •. IJl .t.~ ;rantl:lls tho vot~~ 1

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~0 rcf~.lldm.D belli 't() <tce.tde wbcthel' ollho!tllst!l Bb,oul4, 'b~ l~oorpor. (lt(ld tn· ;ti:\Q ~lluU~ MtlRg Um\)n l'I:Slllt• ~4 tn ,a Jn(t,}clrl~ .~\;\ "lg.a.P~.Mt. . VOtQ ~qllirt 1D.c:9fP0tllUOJl '\VU~ '1"

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anlliUa\'(}_t otito~ , .. , . On tJ1o IJlvlt:ntiOii'of U~rtBn '(cm­

lnlst!!. tlf.-a, Ct\l'riO ChOJimnn Cutt •. tho Aruc;lcllll llutfmgo ltnll~t ~!iEI:~r:!\,\'!.1\f ;J In P»dlmcst to studY ttla wom,~n-n~SQ 111.;8\lll~,y. •o tl~~~~:'l bna becti r«aocs(ed to attempt to c ~ q_~ among tbo warring \Yomen'B !tl'Obfi:J. .

An uttncli \vtth mtlcliJ.Ae auno nlltl.f rlflt!ll froltll nenrb,v boueo- to@' wrn! ~ nmde by Irl!:h nepubllcun torctlll nglliMt tbo Welllnnton mllltury bnr­racltll ncar Dublin. Tbreo Natlonnl army ooldlertl were lttllcd and twent.v otberu wounded tn tho nanuns. wWcb llustcd two llourB.

Tho recent lntlu: ot Amcrtron )aDS btllld!lmen to aupply mucic tor U1o coo· ota.otly lncrc:tcln; nombcfQ of· em who havo auccumhcd to tho- tox trot hno had tho . J!f_((lCt of sprco41Dn conntllt!mblo oii.U'ID nmorw -Ensllch Dill' ntctoruJ, many or whom cllllm to .hnvo thorcbJ loot Ulelr Jobs.

Continued lnctotenco by tho Nntloa· nllllt authurttleo un tho obolltlon of I.Dterullled control ot tbe pollee, cuD-

raili'Olld!l nnil tno reru:orolilp ovor Turldob nowepntmm In Oonntlllltl­coplo bna cooccd a I('CClUdc~ncc Ia tho ertciD. lt lD bt!Ucvt:4 thllt It will be nceceotu7 fur tho aUlci:;t to S)rodalm mortlal Ia w. '

Tho Klna'a rctwn to bla bunUDi lodsc ot Snll llo:!!:llro, \'l'bcto bo lef\ Ida !amUJ wben collcd to llomo bJ tho recent Fru::t'latl, lo collllldc~ of'ldcnco that cond!UOO!I ln llolllll aro cntlrcly normlll. Tho DC\7 aovlll'DI!leDt Ill abo corbed In cturt1n11 atfalm of atuto on what Ia announced to bo o b~ltblcr oncl I!Wro p::~trloUc Une.

Tho Mwcon l?cttl:lloum Comp:ms clo::.."'J Ita refiner)' Cllld tarmtnlll not'ka In Tampico, Utrowlng a larue number ot mCJl out o: \Vorh. The colllpllDJ' lll not dc:troc.o of lovc:~tLDs 1110ro moiUl)' tn MC!Xlco onder tho prc::cnt conc11tlo11!3. A,p utoclol or tho cotnpnn,- cumplulllQ ol wo bcuvy,<Jll 't!Utc:n. luct!: of cotu11tt Wld tho thtc:ltnll111 alwctl on land U• tl~

GEtiERAI. W7on11na Un!YI.'rultJ' lu:~t tu tho Un1·

vorultJ of lX!nv~r Cuurball tram by a 0 lu o D<"Orc In 11 &UJn•· Onlshcd Ia a tlndns bll=nl, on u tl••hJ w bleb wca lndaeo det>p In mud.

NcU A. hllller, Union Poclflc railroad tlr'CDUlll, WilD killed no11r W nterloo, Ncb~ JYbCD tho tot> of D fn:llf'lll t'tlT In a truln. prumlns on 11 plll'OlJct mu~ blotvn lntu the rob of bla Cll<ilno.

Ne~>llgenr<J wnn ~>OMlblo Cor tllo au.~~ ex(•loulon In the Uelll1 coal mtno ul N1.angh•r, l'n~ U(..-ordlDfO tu R !Jtato­ml'llt gh·€'n out b7 ( 'llt€'f tJioo lnq~ tor t~<>ward Uutton of Horr!Dburu.

Amo:na tho thlngo that dollgbt Uttlo ua dolls ond amnii nntmnls

mndo of eJdohlown Oannol or Turklllh towcllns, C1Qd painted with water color paints. 'Ibo doll and clrc3:!cd·UP ldttlo pleturcd b9ro, nro among tbew. 'i'bo doll's taco mey bo made ot a ploco ot ribbed stocl!lnl and tho ltlttlo's taco and clotll~ OJ'Q {.llllDtc4\ on.

To Frame F~ir F~cea

EVWJ. Chr1atmoa brlnan now bn!t1h· fast cO~ Ueto ara tbroo o1 tbom IIU!do of Dill, laro and ribbon In dlfrer­cnr chapt:~ and de-eked with Un7 rlbo bCD £!otJClrll. Kaeb boD n abort. ~>loatlt• tnpo Elll ID o caulna orrue tbll bach, to at It to tbo hC>nd, ood tbi!J arc omoos tbo wotromo slrtn that rtln bo modo bJ thclr donon.

Lovely Ribbon Gifta

Thinaa That Men Like

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Pretty NOcb-ear Set. ..

Evei'J womt1o lovca dainty n(lC!rnear ond 1t Ia twice welcomo wben tbo donor bcroett ball IIU!do IL Thoro nre IIllUil' prct11 cctB thto yc:u !Dlldo or white or colored orgondle tllld otha aboor fabrics. A collar, vc:stEQ tllld cult act Ia shown bero of white or· IIUDdla croa.o-barred tviUI blnch. Llttlo Oowets In red, green and purple fioS3 oro em}lroldorod on tho plecoo In loll)'· dala:y otllcb. For atria Peter Pan col· lnm and cna. to !Dlltcb modo of ebcclted tlC!IUQ ;1nsbom, edacd wltb rcntb·madc, ocalloped trtmmln,s of plaited organdlc, or other edging .

Cardboard Doll Cradle

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UUJo Btrlo (let IDQ~b Joy out of dolla' tumlturo. A. Duteb crodlo and . tho plll('(!a tbot mnllo It nro 11bown bora. lo h4'0'1'7 rordboord. Tbo tnbo oo tho llldo piC('Cjl (lo'Js. 2) oro pertorotro and 111lp throoalr' 11lotrs In tbo bottom plcco (Fta. 1) and throll{ttJ tho bend and toot· board11 U'ta. 11). Little wood 1)(!/lll. thm11t throuab thg pcrtorullnllll. bold tho pleroa to(;lllbor. VIa, 1 lll 0~ lncbea long cmd 4 lnebca whlo. Fig. 2 lD 0% lnebco t?tdo nt top, 8% ln~h~ or bottom, 21i1 lncha~ tl'ldo 111 he:1d, 2% lnehm~ 111 foot. lo'ls. 8 to G% tnchca blab cmd G U IOd!Cll Wldo. Tba rocitor meo11urm~ 0% !Dell~ nero:::~. Tho crodlo mny bo Onlllbcd trlth pnlntod d('{'Orutlonn.

A Graceful Lantern

• No dcccmUon W1l1 bo mooo cacl:tlv•

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In ~ni· usfiblf ti~ nt C!lrbtmn. , Umo UiaA lnntcma end p:~odl« sllades ot .£1'(11;10 pap~ tmd tln::cl. A arncetul

l ::=~~ ts mustramd tcro. modo on· • f frdlile over \l'blch tbo p:lpG:r CG1'o tmng Ill pogttfl and cut-out 0~ lml pafi~ to tl:O< llldca. 'l'bo lcrni tilsse1 tnnJI be ot unecl or ercpo paper. FeJo. tcoha of fioWt'r peti:\ls. Gtnuli" on cords'. Doleb Ul1t preti.J' tlGComtlon.

' Rich Table Searfa •


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Page 2: o·Is otld's Richest· Man? - Lincoln · ,'o, • ' ' . ' '' • " • • •• • r ~ ~--·-• . ' '

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Coftovn f ei·ct eaVe. ·~ tctfton ~ e ~d· .M t al.-3 Corn Chops, " eotn Oars ,.


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·-· T. HAN •

Es .. ablished 1892



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c '' Te•nt- 11nd Sn,·inR• I>c­t·~~~dJ ~. A eel un t!5





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G r: :J. A, TtTS.\VfJnTiif P<rea, . Gco. ht· t:J'Lnit tr, ·~ l.W. J C. H. lt\T'rmtsoN, Casliier. ·

--=-=--------------~· . I W. B. PAV·N·EYS-:

Variety Heuse & C.afe Serv~~s the publ c witln:learl wholesome food

at. .,,rq-yq·eciaGunblc pPicee. . We ·alGo caroy·rMem, freoh bre~d, candies •.

cignm;.r:Jtatiowry.. small drinks _ etc• "

"The Plllce .t(.) Ea~·. • • •

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'l'be 00lilnum1t,v Ol~J!.lrli:Jbc~· · anno}tca tbnt:-will' m~~v~~xf.l ~. ·

uesday tho l2nd ~~ 4 o1clock nt tllftScboolllogse ·;!"·

• AU the Indies' ot the comm.uni.t~ ~ are lllvlted to nttcnd . .

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uaq a good®~ ~Door~, ·•Win .. ·«-·

tln1~A- Gins~ nnd Putty'tii-r~~tf.dr' .,. . Hm~est · Also~ .. Ht'atlng .%!

Sttlh!s, B tove Boards a)ll:r S(Qvo· ··-· · to- kec1, son ' · wm·Jii. tftls ..,~ . - . ~ win tea·. Now, dtm't. ·.&It. nilounrl "-),

nncl growl, gpt unnnl]..,.JiU~YO'Q.I'• P

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' Oils, Gas .and Genuine Fori, AC£essories. Authorized' Foro Agents · SE l~V lCE CAR A V AILkB:LE Acetylene WeldinQg A Speciali~y

W·ltt Seat~s Proprietor

·' ' ·• 1 '." d" • • l • . ' ' - ' J '

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Notice for Public:1tion. "NOTIOJl~ FOR PUDLIOATION. i r



Nos. t>-121 8J-O:l2185·t\t9:&20 ., .

Dop::trtment of the Int-erior ·u. S. Land Office

Roswell. Ne\V Mexico

, I , " l ~·

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Octdtlor 7, 192!!.. · 1\ , Notice Is hereby given tQa.:t -.\

Llmue1 0. Scl"'tt, of Raben ton N. ; , l\l.who,on 0ctOber!.~,l917,itl~b· '• · run t•y 12, 1\ll 0, a1ld A UlfUSt ~G. ) I H:? I, mntlo Homes tend EntrJ131f, d , No:t. 0!2JI'i4-W21H5, and O!S..llO~ ;; ' rm· N&H§, SWi~Wt, N\'1!, Sl.>c. . ( Ill, and Et SE!, Sec. 14, T. 'G·S, 'I ' ltnnge 14-E. nud W~SW!-, S.CCt ,,. ' 17, Lot 3, NEl SWi. &ctlon l&o '., 'l'ownnblp U·S, Ranee lu·E. N'· I i • Af. Prlocltl:ll Mot'ldluo, hru1 tiled -~~ '


notice of Intention to make Uulll . ( tht-eo year proof to · o111abll.ah •. 1

tii!LIW to tho rand 1\bDvo C.:csorlb 'f -' Nl, before 0. 0. 'Morohant, u. ~ _ ;i · · Commh11sioner, at CnJtltnn, N'C.Wl : ~ \fl'.xlco, _on tho l-Ith day of Nov.. , 1 n•~ I U•-· Clnhnnnt names na wltccsactt

I . I

' MruJOn H. Davis, JN. A.M.t\damf« , 1

thono ot Otltlltnn, . ., .nod , ; . WIUI~m H. lbben~ ·,r·' No\v Mexico, nnd J11mca E. Mer;- : i \ : rison, or Ronwoll, Now .4exlel'b , ; ~;

J t\ I•'lt'A MILLER. 'i . Oct II to Nov H tlcniato~ . 1/

Notice for Publication


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' Try these

Bakers' Pies -save baking at home


T HERE arc luscious ral!l­ln pies jwt around the

comer: at your !P'ote:r'a or a bake enop.

Baked to B tum-a Rnky c:rust filled with t e n d er, tempting rnbinn, the rich juice fonulng n dtllciuus 1l3UCe.

On~:e try tneeo pie3 \~ant ma!>ter baken bake fre11b daily in your city nnd y9u'll never take the trouble afterwards to make rlililn plen nt home.

Get n pie now llJld let your men folkn tnnte It.

M6do ~lth tender ll~lo-oklnncd, III<JDIJ, o.ccdcd Suo· MAid RAbloa.

SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raiain

Yoor 1'1!tollor ohould nn you Sao­Maid ltalolno for 1111t DlDfll tblUI the following price•:

8lu1 Padag1

s-.4 cla II n. 6/01 ,A,.,-ao. e...dlca. (I• II OL rt4 JA1,)-t .. fla4.a4 C# ~ (II d.)-Jie

r:-----.... -CUT TJJIO OUT A . 0 OEND IT

1 S=-Mald RaJala 9rawve,

I Dqn. l\l-54S-7, Frcmo, Calilom!.a Pleaoo Mod nw "'!7, of your lrn bcok, 1 ''Ilcdpct 'I'J'Itb llai.U...'

INWtL-----------------16nan __________________ __

CnT TATil--

M1111hloo for tlla ~~~~ol , Tho Harder Job. O•e>rhrard al lho nnn ~ un a JtUh· · "\\'bale•er l.k>c:lmo 11f tllnt Prot.

1\c! C'Ouroa In a mid~ ay <'111 .~-\ IU<'hord ,JaMler who went to Africa to ~won. wbe>ru'a tbo Brat 1!11"•1 r ~ PI udy moohc7 lan~a"or aallcd

llllnlln. IITLDOUGLAS' "llo'D ~Jrohllbl)' C'OIIlPOd down ID Naw ~Yu Ynrls llfoona tho rake Clltoro and Ollp-

SS ; 6 , 7 &$S SHOES f.~C~ r.~~ ''J.~~"a,'o du<'lphc>r tbolr tal!l," re-w 1. llt<•aalaa obDrG .. ,... IUlUU>liJ ll~t· ' aaodo:d ,..., &ll£1 , ... , br mcuo prop In

UtAO IUlJ ulber oboa Ia tho world • • .LDOUGLAS~:! ptrin Say "Bayer" and Insist)

Unlc:o :voa eco tho "DtU'c:" a:l pncltii!>O ar ()%) tllblctll 1700 aro oot iOt· una tho ~It»olno DllJer proooct PfO>

""!!!"!!!!!!!!"!!!~'!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ' arr1b00 bJ pb7Uiclnno over ~~t$-tml F rron and proved C!lfo bJ mUUoWI fiJI

Llo~dlt:!f~ lJ:zb.y Ca~~ &flur~ Aok Your Local Deolor

WrltcNow fa: 32-Pago m\0" trotcd Bookb

Coldo llcnttacllo Tcothurbo Lultilic.go ~rucllo IUll!ilmlltlc

I NoUI'Ulata l'nln, Plllll A«cp t "D::~Vcr Tclllota of Atr.,Jrtoa



oolJ. ~rb tmbru!tc.n pneltn&O mnW01 Jlf(lpclr cllroctllma. llnodY OO:ICIJ of l~olvo tablsta ro:il f~ ec:.ta. Drot:·

• 1 !!latA al= e~Jil lrott1C3 of C4 Dtll1 100. , Alltllrtn 111 UJ:~ trod:~ mark or Be.yor ' llnnnractnro of Utltl:t~:~nJUr.acldcatu c2 I llaUeyllccdd-Advc:t!r;:::~

I Moving t.ltOTatur: l o\II~Ailuu't JOU thJnll g ('O;)ft~ 1 hooll '• tncrlnatlnaV" l,art1-t~a.

' ·' '• <'t•nlglnD C1l RlQRJ alll'ftniC tr.ddc:nto."

.. ,. . •


"' . • . . ' •

Clean stet! ·knives and forks, remove st.ins and grease Witb .

·SAPOLIO . ....... . . •

'. • •

.. •

' ;J

L \ I

., '

•• ,, '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' •' ' ' . i i - • • ' . ' ' .. ' ',· ' \' ' ' ' . '; '

,,. , i+ ' , I 0 ,• ( ,, ' ·~

" .

Beef, 1\G In 011: vc!lt. GIG tO 11:1..::~~· tl!O tu UG. lllUtiOD, IIU to ... P<>rk lulno, au to GaO; hcGV)'

ln ua. Cotaoa.

llpol cotton prl<'oo 11dvapccd 110 poln"' 4urtnu tho ,.eoZ.. No<'¥ Yor~ Dccomber I!Jlu"' contr=ttl e~dva.nced 111 polota. llpt>t cotttln clo.sed ~~ n•.auo per pound. New Yorlt Deeombor fu· turo cootracta cloood cl 2ll.J7o.

l"rul&o cad Vocotllblll' .. Prlcca r•porttld Now Y orll OCIDiob

t;rpo C4l>be~ue. OV to 011 per ton; bUlk, ruuat dl7 mAr l'"t. Ola to UO ID t•hll· lldolpblo. doomuuc ~toe!!.. GO to IU. l'l.aatcnt marluolll. Now Yorll DAOhe>d round •vt.lto puiAio""· vt.IG lo 01.86 por 100 tb~~o lradlnu nuu!xllo: DOc I. o, b. oblpplo)l putntot. t.loln Uroon moun· toh111, Ol.fO to fi~O tn Now York llnd JJootbn. ltulk awc:h. 0~ to D~c. I. o. b, ablppllllf p<!lntot. lrlob cobbh7rA. to 01.80 In U..olon; ?Gc to SOc, 11 o. b. Northern oAckcd round ~Vhltco. uOo to , UG In tbo Ulddlo Wool. Clc to 78c. . o. b Noow ¥ork one! r.ttc:bi!Jiln llald·

..,In ~>I>Pioo. U.TO lo U ~0£:" bo.nal In N~>w 'i'orh llnd Clll< auu. !.TG, t. o, h. odllpplntJ polnlll. llh<>d• oiQnd (;t'<><OD· lniJ"' U. 7G to t4.60 New York And Phil· odalphl~>, re4Cbln!J top of OG In Chi· c:oue>. C<loll>ro ¥orll lmporlniA. OJ).GO to ft In Na1:0 York ana Vhllll4olphlll, n<Orthwutom C)lltro fan<'J' bOsc:O .lonA• ""'""· U lo ll).~O lcAdlnu nuuk<>tD.

Po liT J•roc:! .,., .. llut tar mo r kfl'- tlr-m Dl atoody prlat!a

durlnU tho •nolt, production dc~n:U· Ina. IJUPPII•o nil m11rbot., capc<I~IY of '""~I' ·II rculeo, aomo ... tuol llmltod. Ulah pri~•A of top tii:Otoa loa'"' tumotd mora lntortoot to tnct11Um 11nd undoramdoll. Wltbdrturolo from atonu;:o bt:CI .. )'. (Jioo• lnll prltu, OD ~tO bullN N"<'¥ Y11rlt. IP 1!1•·. l'hllaaolptllo. r.o~ Ooaton. •oo; ' ..... """· .. \!,~ l'brwoo mo rkata bllrolp atr.Gt1J'. uo· d•rtono unootllcd. J>rlroo 4<> not obo.., much chDilll" from we1>b <>tro. but trad· tnu Ia olnw and mvolly coollnl>d lo omllll toto of uooda for tmmodl~>to nocd• l'rl«'• "' Wl~conaln prlmlll'l7 thePJIO morlloto lll11111Cio, ~0 \4c: Pou­blo PAI:ol~p. Dllloc: l.o!Utbolllll, lllio,ao; O..u"r• l'rlnlo.. ttnc.

DlJ14VIJll llAOH~.

(]attlo. Voir (1TI1d0 of otoero 1>ro aolllnll from

10 to fS.bO c.nd tho plolnor 1tcore troro ~.60 o IG. Tnldo e~ctln In tbo ,.,.

mt~le nctloa ..,Ub ~bolco ldlllng c:o"'• o"lllnt~ from lt.7G tu S5 lllld aood onu from t4 IG In Gt.GO. Tbo lnlr crtn<J~ at cow a '"''" hom U.GO to U. til. l'laln rowe o.,JI from U. tG tu 811. C'bole<~

lluhl b.-lforo llro ..,,.., "' 10 nnd tho talr frum $G to e~ LO C'onnoro nnd cuUna <1ro aolna nt U And Aro quoted from I L16 to U.llO.

llllll• "'"'" In aoad <ll'!nond. wUh c bote.. lltJht• flolllna tor pr lc<!O oround U IUld Ulo lfOCd onoo from U.t.o to

ia. '& 'fbo plain on"" ox.ld from U to JUG. Vc:lll w.-oo oso In I!Ood oJoman(j, ut "'"" raw oo ~Ale. D8olora. oro

quotlnB til on chol~co ll;tJIIna "'~"1 ~>nO' n to n.llo tor uoua vc.ol C41\'eD. 11~11' tcl•eo lito 100ld from fG.60 to U. Cboteo lllfbl olo<'ltora ",., Qolnu <>t t1 o~~:d tho nvoa onoo trom ft.GO w ao. Cllolco ff.'cdlDB otc:<>U 101) from aa.tO to U.:l) ,,.,., !JO<>d onoD Ito~ OG.t!J to u.vr. ~~ tlllr onQll from lll.GO to JO. otcctf

fuoro ~to o~>lllna at GG. TO lind t~o e.:<~qr O'DC:IO 4o\Tn to 8 4. Cbnlcn fa\

11\Cth co..,o aro r:l()lna from 03.li0 10

iD.'OD ~nd tbo flllt onoo from 1!1.10 \o a.:u;.

- i-

Wlilln all Amcrtean helnn•ll IQ 41· yonw fruw 0 foreiGQ noblcmllll obe ~t1 11 rcllnto lnptnad or ollmofiJ.

· ·Relie

-Tllt Qnly WaY.

"'Dn JOU believe thllt It ta ~ lor a moo to Jive on 820 a t7et~k f'

'"11 !l1a m41t II IOOlL rca. .. •

<I ,

" / t ', ~ ., .'

' ' ' . . t. •. '

' . ' - ' . ' ' ,, .. ' .... ~.,\,·, •( :''"'•"•<r . . '

lilt over · Hilmer, Wlllhl~. 22 ~~.., ol~. t>t \101hnrsvlllet 'l'~s. died .tlt n t>~nlll: hospltlll trom bu~ rer:eived w)le~ tt.o 1 mY roUed Into n. bo!WJ;c ne;u: OlJ4 lle.n4- : · •

JpJm C()tXnQll~. at O®, tim~ ••~•t. weliJit bllltlDG cbllJ!I»lon ot N.~W. M~· teo ;renr. · leo; pntlsalf llWilY at h16 llome i1;1. 'XU>$" JIQ~ !!:~

0 • ' .:-·',:

' ~, •t 0 ... ' ', j

well~ followfug an attnek of tYJ)hold r:l~~ ' \Vltll me. kve1, · " ' f' IIC!I'VOUI aO!J

At "' BPI!Cial meetlllg ot tbo etuA()I),~ Uttle Bl(II!P or ~,t. . ot Ull! UnlvCl'llJtf of Now Me~co over .. J.t seema tllnt 1 too~ ·p~\'11 e,<~cm ft,()Od Wru:l plcdt;Od for thl! foqtbnJl t)jlilg teylpif tO g~ lllYJ!(IJf IJg)lt. b~J wQrlUlf tho .,t.'Ollcgo · dutlllG .tho reo lii;lthbli btllped itlo udl J ~ ·~ !Dllllld!lr Of tbe llCQ.6011. TtullllC> '11f,·~crwei tn'O IOfnUeh bcHilf

.lohlll,lon ~ Ooolt, c&We, dcnle~ At ~OW . PJU~. JPY l!l~p ~~ to'QP!i Jlllf;\ f'l:· Wlllco:s: ,Ariz., noon wlU opel) n ~ow treehlli~ .l et*f 1111 m,en._ Ill\(} haJJ COJilJIIIO!liOb. office ln lA3 AllCClCS,. ll~· aiM ~flied welgbt. J CfiD .V ft~. ·cording. (o tJtntcmcntll m~dn by Geqmo ~erlenco Umt TIUilllc Is .. 4\ ~cndJd

Milt', member ot tbo ~l'lllo IJlecUqno lllld tPnle. J.or lt. b~ ~ij Owln(; to t!Jo luna drouth cmd '-tbo me up \VOndel'tlltl;v."

lnc~ f)f tf)ed on tile rutme:o~ ln tho v1· Tttolnc Ia Qilld hy oll soo4 dru~ clnlt)' ot AJumogor\10, N. M .. mpat of -Mvcrtlumllllt. tbo meek Jfl bclng Qhlpped to tho Suit l)uey llll~d-C-OO_!IC_le_n_ce_,-whcn ')le) lUver \'nUe,y, ot Arl%91l6, tor tho wln· both roll tit once, mnko llD extrt!Il).tlJ tor.

loud &:~oleo.

0 . ·, ' " ' .

' ' " ' • ' • t • ' ,, •

'~ '~

·' . Q ,. i'

" '

Monthly Rovlew . Gh.Dwt Peopri Are ,. N~w Bulfh'''

Clovetnnlt OWo.-'.C~ !1U,elllllSS. 1l4o IB rlll!ng ; the recedll!!i U:do tJr:i$ i:Url14!d ou~ llJQ::Jt ot abe- wrcc:~e · ~t • ~ncs tmd tho lncomJDs tl4o- .IJ ~IB1J;lg tbo lido Uno ot btwln~ nc:cgrc,Ung to tbo mo11thl1 bull!neM ;NV)CW' »f tl4,l; Fourth .l!'ederal ReeervQ banJf., j!J!luec,f t;ec;enUy.

"Were It potJ!IIb!l) tQ--JSW!l up In-four tvordo tl)o eJWree~ons ()f ow mnn,v correeponrlents In dio dl11trlet theY , would bo 'We urc biJYI.Dit lliMl" tho

., . ' ., ' ' • !'{:J' .

.. ' ' . . . ' ~

. . . ( ' ~ ' . ·;

F. E. Perry, 82 ;rcnro old, diM ac a llospltul to l'reocott ru:1 n re:sUit of In• Jurlea recel ved when be CJ!II from o Snntu Fe electric replllr ror twelve mlle:J nortll or Prenton nnd Wlll.l run over b:y tho cnr.

Women, •• rovlew roye. j ,

Made YoUDg 'l'Jlo old mtno uhoft recenUy Cound on tho Ilnlnbolt runch, peur S.l\vcr. Clt;v, :J. M.. by Orubnm nnd Do\'i11C:f, hdD been opened nne! o lnrco Qtl!lnUt:y of mlno equipment tound nt tltll bot· tom of tho Dlulft.

Surveyort.J of albuquerque returolns trom tM wootern vnrt of V Qlcncl!l C(nmQ>, tepat't thll,t all tho IOI>CO In that cut1on oC tho ctato nrc dry nP!l $It tho~da o~ floh oro bc1Ds CtnJD<I 4cad on tho tlr1 bcdo.

Br~Pt ""- a cta.r Pin and a · bocfyfo1Jof~thandbeelthsnq

be JOOI'I if YOQ wDl hep J!lUf Qlttm Jn Qf\111' by tatiDI

An lncrcnoo In tho tODIUlSO to oo mlncd at tho Morco.ct; Arlr.., mlnC!l ot tho Pbclpa Dod!IO CoroornUon to J,;.vo tona ll dtl:.ta or donblo tho pre::cnt Oll(tC, hUll been OJ!IIOUIIC:Cd by 0al't. J. P. UodJlllOD, tnoll:l(ICl',

Tho Tldul wn,·o-Midllltrht mine. J.n tho vlclllley ot lJUillboro, N. M., llpo dovclopcd u cooll oupplf ot water to o~ltl tho mine allll mUL Tho c!llv~'l p1Dcr of oro will bo nlcll'to4 coon tmd 11 bu.o~ t:~ruwn In loo!tc4 l'llr.

Oro IJnrtbl. Wblto City N('~..!J, clloflled \'iith tho mmc!ru' of Wolf l>t:t.l· tcn:on on tho nl&ht o.t AUjiU!lt Ulb durtoa a flcbt nt tho Nct,'l'O ret:Mt ncar Fort UunclluMl. =a ruund not ,.UIIt)' by u JUI'J ott~ llll·n1!tht dl'llb­~Uon.

ou driiiiDa opcrnUoWJ ac the Adu· mann prup~:y. near llolbroolt, Arla.. are reported to bo proCJ'C"..IIInu G:~U~ fuctorUy, a depth of ::.OlD lett ~ 11ttnlncd dt p~t. Tllo tlrtll lo oaatn lo tho ht\fdcat f.tlnd of c;ray limo \tlth n troco of oiL '1'lllD. nccordlnt; to tho compa.Ilf'o aooi~Y;11rrt. la tho bt"Dt lndJ· COUOD to tar dlcotmkll'Cd In tho 't7CU.

Uo!Icr tho cu:u;plco of tllo Otero Coqntr }I~ IJunmu, tho lll:Ulll:ll puul· trJ cbot7 will bo llcl<l In Alllmoaoroo tho 11rtt. l7l'cll In D~bct UDtl tbo date liavo IJcw ~l tor tho Gtb, Cth lUll) 'l'lh. Pou 11.17 grmTern fro:n all partD ot tho county gUJ llav~ I!J.h1blto tlDd ll ID brllovell thnt Ute cbow wiU bo the bent over held to the COtmtJ'.

Oro production by thO' llny l'on::ou­d!lted Copper eompQDY oow nmoUDtA to about I),(JOO tvtl!1 Q aar. tim oblp­mentD golllg ~rly to lho c:cm­

. c:cntrntor at lleydi'D. Ar1Jl. 'i'be cot:r p:my to emploJtnu about 100 mro lU ell dpPartmenta.

Auto to1lrtlltD r::.:un~ nc:~r tbo rtvcr tDUO:llll nt ~round tbo bOds ot ll cruik.'<l tn n amllll rnvlno llc:lr tbo cd.,--o of tho rtvct. The hrod and boUt l¢a were ClJV(!rod mm tlle body ®l1 tho ~ow ot tho ¢lotbtnc had been tunkd lml!I:l out.

Jobtl S. tlcetn~ cl!Olrmt:in CJt tho rob~ d4)::u1ll;cot ot tbt~ no~ .AD:1 Co:mt.Y t.'nnn Bureau fl!n:'ticUoa .At;;o­dllU~ llOOOtlllWI !bat !lll c:nllb:l(;ll gro<;ro ru tho tk::Uln Vatkoy ttatt CG';l•

tKm mit ~ lililppcil ~ cmt::lo & Oo, of t1 r~ \71:~ tontned: lh<i ~


... •

An u.Dl.l,lf$ o.t BCV~t$·!1lc bMte mn· tcduln ~f\r,l\va tbQt fQr~-cl!lht nro hlshcr now t1inn tltll1 ~ro l'l. t~r n~o, nec:ordln: to 1ho ·revtcw.

There aro fDil!lY ~ whJeh J1111tlf1 tbo bcllct of u ~8\11,1; tldo of bot~ln~ tllo rnvtow ~e. ·

Tho hcull qt ono of; tho lllr~ tc:· tllo mlllll In tho countO'l'. \Yith general oUieca LD tho ClOYelcmd dltltrlct, IIDYS ord«a now on tllclr l}op~ uro fluUl· _ clcnt to cnrrj tllt:tu Gt full ~p:lcltJ unW li'cb1'1llU7 L .

Tho. p~ b:V tho ftlllfO!l.ds of ralls. to~ .1D2ll dcllvo17• J!WP~atclJ prcccdlng tbo advtulcQ tn pdce3 em October · 11 IU'O ezUnlnted to llavo totaled 1.000.000 toes. ,tho llartte:~t rull· buyl~ movtJ~~ent In n stvc:1 Umo ltJ tho blcto17 Qt, tho rlted I.DilU!ih'J.

· Haralna "'Porch Qull\"' SoltL· !lo~on, Qblo.-t.tbo, 1J~7 "front

pt~rch.. qullt. which \700 l!U\4o bJ tho W'llateoDVct Clrclo ot IDDg'a VlllitiiC:S a~ Morlan, \'/lth tho ~atnnl'O pt'a. ~rdlzl!; u~ cofd .to o wblnot mem­ber, w,hopo nama Wijt) 'l'tlt!lb~d, tor $100.

Tbo monoy '1'1111 bo w:~d to ~tlhl1cll n bed Ill tho cltz bo.."PlU'll, t~ Willi a.o­nouoccd.

'.rho r,tullt contlllntl tbo nutozroPh!J of fif:y·.four promlnmt people 'l'lllo or~ ted Mnrlon dorU!a tho l!I'.W pre:::!~ dcntinl CIUnalan llDd otb<lt'a who:a autozmphll wcro ccn lllo ladles. Ameba tho olfttllltllttD oro tho:.o ot l'zrotdcnt c:md lJta. Dtl.rd!llll lllld tor­m\lr l•rc:Jacnta WWlt)m llOmll"\1 Tun and w~ WIIW!l.

tlo Chanll& In Tourl• Ratoa. Cblcono.-Jrbo cxuntlvo commltt~

ot Ulo W~ Pnt::(!Oter Atzl)c1QUon. CC()tlDll ln .. ChlCQio, nclwtoo ·~ rosaia­tlOll to (WU!luo tho ~o ra1l.rc:ld

· 1ourtct rat~ non Je:u" o.o 't7Ct'O In <!f· rcrt tli1D Jc:ll' from C!JICOZO W Colo­mao. tho noemcz. Ycllom:tono t!Ild Ulllctcr Nntlonol i;mrLttlo ana un pclDta tbrouijb to Spolrol:ic, tkntUc; P~d nod tho Nortbwt'Zt ml.d Partflc: coast. ~Qlol::.!l "Oltttll.ty.

Will N~~M:""a':"'lnt.t~l:"'p-:F=-'*'1- Dureau. Ik!iver.-Dno to tho dcd'C:lto of nn­

a:lll10~ ln Dr:nvc: tmll t:Ub o11 ln· cllcotloWJ UC1nUng towar(l a. normol cod p~roUD nlntct ~n. !.ttu'GJ' maJ· ley !t::itled tllo ~talEnt thttt noover wlll t:ll1 Dllli.Otlilil .a frco ~to~tnt b~n tbls f~ M bcs .eccn tho cos­tom tor tho lll$i tbrct5 1~ Mlllllel~ ~ts t!nw rur tt:u St.OOO.OOIJ ~ mn e:wzm ~ ooa tto Ei'tl~Ol7 ond ~tb cttttt, vmdn$ nll! cffCl'd ~plonncnt t6 aU mco In D~\"cr noo aro lut~c::l.

' . -----~~ Permltt S!iel,v Cltjla OrowU!. D~Vtl'.-.l)Qv<;r ts cat&~ up mtb ~~ m 0 t'ltl'f: wbUo od·

ns .n c;lliltrlbnttoo ' emteto-at le:tt~t

~ by an :Olli:tl$t1n or Ptmilts otn ~~ tm·



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