Download - OFFICIATING SPEECH YB DATO' SRI ROHANI ABDUL KARIM ......Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera and Salam 1Malaysia. [SALUTATION] Introduction

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    (INSAN 2015)


    19TH OCTOBER 2015 | 11.00 AM

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    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

    Salam Sejahtera and Salam 1Malaysia.



    Alhamdulillah, let us extend our sincere gratitude to Allah S.W.T for

    giving us the opportunity to be here today for the 2nd International

    Conference on Human Sustainability 2015. I would like to bid all of

    you and especially the overseas speakers and participants “Selamat

    Datang” and welcome to Malaysia.

    1. I would also like to congratulate the organisers in making this

    conference a success. I am told that this event is a collaborative effort

    involving several agencies and institutions, namely Universiti Tun

    Hussein Onn Malaysia, Social Institute of Malaysia, Polytechnic, and

    two Universities from Indonesia, Universitas Muhammadiyah

    Makassar and Universitas Lancang Kuning.

    Human Development and Gender Inequality Index

    2. The theme chosen for this INSAN 2015 conference “Transforming Community Development through Human Sustainability

    Enhancement: Aspirations and Challenges in the Future” is very

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    close and relevant to what we in the Ministry of Women, Family and

    Community Development are doing and aspiring.

    3. The Human Development Report 2014 released by the United

    Nations Development Programme (UNDP) reveals that Malaysia’s

    Human Development Index (HDI) value for 2013 is 0.773 – which is

    the high human development category – positioning Malaysia at 62

    out of 187 countries. Between 1980 and 2013, Malaysia’s HDI value

    had increased from 0.577 to 0.773, an increase of 34.0 percent or an

    average annual increase of about 0.89 percent. Malaysia’s 2013 HDI

    of 0.773 is above the average of 0.735 for countries in the high

    human development group and above the average of 0.703 for

    countries in East Asia and the Pacific. From East Asia and the

    Pacific, countries which are close to Malaysia in 2013 HDI rank and

    to some extent in population size are Thailand and the Philippines,

    which have HDIs ranked 89 and 117 respectively. For your

    information, HDI is calculated based on 3 dimensions that is; a)

    Leading a long and healthy life, b) Education, and c) A decent

    standard of living.

    4. The report also revealed that Malaysia has shown very positive

    improvement in all the three dimensions. Between 1980 and 2013,

    Malaysia’s life expectancy at birth increased by 6.9 years (68.1 years

    in 1980 to 75.0 in 2013), mean years of schooling increased by 5.1

    years (4.4 years in 1980 to 9.5 years in 2013), expected years of

    schooling increased by 3.7 years (9.0 years in 1980 to 12.7 years in

    2013). Malaysia’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita increased

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    by about 188.3 percent between 1980 and 2013. The GNI per capita

    for 2013 was USD21,824 compared to USD7,569 in 1980.

    5. As for Gender Inequality Index (GII), Malaysia has a GII value of

    0.210, ranking it 39 out of 149 countries in the 2014 index. In

    Malaysia, 66.0 percent of adult women have reached at least a

    secondary level of education compared to 72.8 percent of their male

    counterparts. For every 100,000 live births, 29.0 women die from

    pregnancy related causes; and the adolescent birth rate is 5.7 births

    per 1000 live births. Female participation in the labour market is 44.3

    percent compared to 75.3 for men.

    Ladies & Gentlemen,

    1AZAM Programme and Productive Welfare Under the Ministry

    6. Although the numbers and figures for HDI and GII provided by UNDP

    have put Malaysia in a more superior position compared to other

    countries similar in population size such as Thailand and the

    Philippines, we at the Ministry believe more can be done in order to

    improve the quality of life in Malaysia especially for those who are

    below the poverty line.

    7. The Ministry has been given the task to lead one of the National Key

    Results Area under the Government Transformation Programme

    (GTP) which is Raising Living Standards of the Low Income

    Households (LIH). Efforts and initiatives have been taken and are still

    watchala � 10/17/15 9:11 PMComment: Pls

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    ongoing with the objective for eradicating poverty amongst

    Malaysians. Initiatives such as 1AZAM and eKASIH are carried out

    throughout the years and have benefited many of our target groups

    especially the women. In 2014, more than 30,000 new participants

    took part in 1AZAM Programme. A total of 24,897 participants have

    successfully increased their monthly income by RM300, which is

    substantial from what they were getting before the program. Under

    the 1AZAM programme, participants are equipped with tools and

    machines as well as relevant skills and knowledge so that they would

    be able to lead a better life. Most of these participants are now

    enjoying a better quality life and income. Many of them are now

    having their own small businesses in various sectors namely

    agricultural, tourism, food industries, tailoring and services. Loans

    and micro credits are also provided under TEKUN (Tabung Usaha

    Kumpulan Usaha Niaga) scheme, Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM),

    Agro Bank as well as some commercial banks in Malaysia.

    8. Besides providing welfare assistance to the target groups, the

    Ministry is focusing more on productive welfare approach for our

    clients. This approach is targeting the clients who are still productive

    in age and health, in becoming independent without having to depend

    further on government assistance. It is an exit policy to encourage the

    recipients to be self-reliant by actively being involved in employment

    or income generation programmes.

    9. I believe conferences, seminars and intellectual discussions such as

    INSAN 2015 are important and are able to assist the Ministry in

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    planning and executing effective future programmes. I hope the

    outputs obtained through various studies and presented during this 2

    day conference would shed some light on the issues and challenges

    as well as opportunities related to community development

    transformation and human sustainability. Indeed, the ministry is

    looking forward to hearing new ideas and suggestions from everyone

    attending this conference.

    10. Before I conclude, once again I would like to congratulate all the

    agencies and institutions for organising this conference. This

    collaborative effort, I must say, is very commendable and should be

    continued in future. Syabas! To all participants, thank you for

    committing your time and energy towards this conference. I wish all of

    you the best and a fruitful discussion. I am looking forward to hear the

    results and resolutions of this conference.

    11. With Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby declare the International

    Conference on Human Sustainability Development (INSAN 2015)

    officially open.

    Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi


    Thank you.