Download - Official Newsletter of the Regional Secondary Schools ... · PDF fileNational Hero, Dr Jose “Pepe” Rizal. Some Universities ... made a way for elec- ... Commission Chair


Mendez: From writer to publisherVol. 1, No. 1 Official Newsletter of the Regional Secondary Schools Press Conference January 9,2015


PRESSCON BOSS. Maribeth Mendoza served as the speaker of the mini press confer-ence during the RSPC held at Tuguegarao City on January 9, 2015. ©Tom Ivan Binbinon

Act in which Fi-nancial Literacy is to be included in our curriculum is current-ly being promoted to mold entrepreneurs instead of employees.

Maribeth Mendez, a panelist of Regional Schools Press Con-ference 2015, said that writers can have the capability of lev-eling up as be pub-lishers through this act.

Report about a man who won 14 mil-lion got to spend all of it in four months is one of the reasons why this act is essen-tial as said by Men-dez.

According to Sen-ator Sonny Angara, Financial Literacy must be included in our schools’ curric-ulum for the better-ment of students so that they will be able to manage money.

He said that young students must not only be employees in the future but bussi-nessmen.#

By Joyce Matic

Legarda calls for stronger disaster risk management efforts

Legarda emphasizes PH’s needs

Act to lift ranks

By Joyce Matic

Senator Loren Legarda highligted Philippine’s needs for tighter disaster risk management in preparation for frequent typhoons expected to hit the country this year.

The said cam-paign was to pre-pare people for typhoons, and to contextualize plans pertaining disas-ter managements. With the help of so-cial media, connec-

tion between Filipi-nos becomes easy. Moreover, this aims to make the people work as a team.

Maribeth Men-doza, a panelist of Regional Schools Press Conference,

said in an inter-view on January 9, 2015 at Tuguegarao City, Cagayan that Legarda planned it after witnessing Fil-ipino suffer partic-ularly in Visayas.#

DepEd teams up with private sectors PH schools to get gadgets

Department of Education (DepEd) firms agreements with Thrive Solar Energy Philippines (TSEP) and Global Peace Foundation

(GBF) to assure students have the access to electricity.

GBF wishes to connect schools in region two as first step, and TSEP is to

give solar lanterns to students.

It is said that DepEd,TSEP and GBF will work hand-in-hand to achieve their goals.#

SURVEY: Aguinaldo or Bonifacio?In an interview with Collaborative

Publishing English delegates from Nue-va Vizcaya during Regional School Press Conference 2015 last January 9, 2015, only one out of seven scribes voted Agu-inaldo for being the first president of the Philippine’s first republic.#

By Joyce Matic

Clash for Honor... Palarong Pambansa...


Dear Editor,

I really like your newspaper! It keeps me updated in the latest happenings. I like your editori-als because they are well written. But what I admire the most are the pho-tographs that came with the articles. Please let my com-pliments reach the photographer!

Regards,Xyniel Hidalgo

Editorto the

Clash for Honor and PresidencySwords and Choices

By Francis GacutanPhilippines may

somehow hide the fact that the two pow-ers of Magdalo and Magdiwang gather in clash with each other with their ruling lead-ers: Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinal-do.

They brought hon-or for themselves as they were crowned heroes of the Phil-ippines next to the National Hero, Dr Jose “Pepe” Rizal. Some Universities may even say that Andres should be the one glorified for he is more deserving for the position that Pepe holds.

For Aguinaldo, he was a General that seated on the throne as the first President of the Kataas-taasan,

Kagalang-galangang Katipunan na Anak ng Bayan, but not by the constitution. He is questioned for the death of Bonifacio as he was his rival for the position.

Some people think that they are enemies

while some may say their friends. They joined forces to fight for the freedom of the country, but they brawled for the seat that they even need-ed to get rid of one of them to reign.

They are ordinary

humans who were just privileged to be one of history’s great-est soldiers. They are both great leaders as they have brilliant minds. They are both prodigious heroes that will forever be idols.#

Humanity against the KillerThe Ebola virus

that took parts of Africa is an enemy mankind as a species will face, and a deadly bullet that will grad-ually take over your body, making you bleed from every hole

that leads to the out-side your system. As an army against an invisible foe, are we ready or not?

UNESCO is using media to combat Eb-ola. The people most prone to it are the

ones who are most ig-norant about it.

By using today’s technology and ac-cessible social media, the information will reach people faster than Ebola can.

Even in the Philip-

pines, several schools posted informative illustrations about the symptoms and preventions of this virus. By this way, we may be able to pull through with human-ity as the victor.#

By Alliyah Maxyne Tello

It’s coming

Church’s open minded leaderFather to all

By Alliyah Maxyne TelloPope Francis will

visit the Philippines during January 15-19, 2014 as a part of his Asian Tour. Pope is known to break most Catholic beliefs

without offending the holy bible.

“Hom o s e x u a l i -ty is a sin,” this is an example of a Cath-olic belief. But Pope Francis would push

this concept away. “If they go around and do good then who am I to judge?”

Pope Francis is coming soon, and he plans to fly to Taclo-

ban and dine with the victims of Typhoon Yolanda. In the end, the pope can change the concept that be-ing on top of the world is everything.#

Seeds of ResilienceSome people,

nowadays, are be-coming less aware of the trends and events occurring in their communities. This calls for the action of the journalists and the power of the jour-nalism.

It’s interesting how words and mul-timedia graphics can bring people into awareness and resil-ient bonding. They only need the addi-tional toppings of creativity and meati-ness.

The resilience that journalism can bring has different seeds. One of which is the

Empowering Communities

by Cyril Francis Wakit

seed of people’s mindfulness of cur-rent events. Another seed is knowledge on technology and other convenient ways in journalism.

The final seed is eagerness and dili-

gence. If the likeness-es of the mind and of the heart are not put into work, then there wouldn’t be a mis-sion-accomplished for the journalist.

The power for the resilience to sprout

is in the hands of the journalist. They are the chosen ones to bring the community into color. They are the ones who hold the power – the power to empower resilient communities.#

What’s the wealth without the knowl-edge and proper care? It would be a useless richness if the skills on holding and expending were not upheld by the person who carries

the richness. Having vast wealth is not only about walking on sunshine but also having correct care and wise manage-ment of the money.

It is happy to hear that an act is being

promoted for en-trepreneurship and financial educa-tion among Filipino youth. Financial Lit-eracy and Young En-trepreneurship will contribute as great steps towards proper

management of mon-ey.

Definitely, if mind and heart will be put into money and wealth, then prob-lems on poverty and finance will be less-en.#

Mind and Heart on WealthCaring properly for money

by Cyril Francis Wakit

If a problem needs solution of conve-nience and advance-ment, why not ask help from technol-ogy? Technology is always there to help people, but it takes intelligence and co-operation of people

for technology to do its job.

The Department of Education had made a way for elec-tricity’s availability in schools. This was done with the team-ing-up with the pri-vate sector for solar

energy. Thrive Solar Energy Philippines (TSEP) and Global Peace Foundation (GPF) also led the way for the said new plan.

Education is im-portant for the Phil-ippines. If there’s a

problem becoming a hindrance towards success in learning, there should be defi-nitely a quick action.

Electricity is an important part of technology which can be used in major aspects in living!#

The sun can offer a helping handby Cyril Francis Wakit

ROAD TO RESILIENCE. Secondary RSPC Participants working hard on their out-put for the Collaborative event. ©Tom Ivan Binbinon

Accessibility on Electricity

Palarong Pambansa to take offComing soon

Phillipine Sports Commission Chair-man Richie Garcia annpunced last De-cember 16, 2014 that the 2015 Palar-ong Pambansa or the Philippine National Games will be held at Tagum City, Davao del Norte later this year.

Out of 17 regions, 1 voted that the Palar-ong Pmabansa be held at Tagum City through the Depart-ment of Education and Philippine Sports Commision.

Apparently, last year’s Annual Batang Pinoy Meet was also held at Tagum City

because of its com-plete facilities like swimming pools and large fields perfect for track and field.

Moreover, the best athletes of the Palar-ong Pambansa are ca-pable of participating in the future Olympic Games and ASEAN Games.#

By Aaron Dave Tomas

Why hit it?Don’t judge

There are many intense sports that people play today, like basketball and volleyball. We enjoy them because they are difficult, yet fun. However, there are some sports that seem boring, but still many people enjoy it. Such a sport is baseball.

Why do people even enjoy running arounf like that? Well yes, at first it seems like the players just hit the ball and run. Actually, it is a lot more than that. they don’t just hit the ball

and around like what most of us would probably believe. They want to finish the opposing team off, and it’s rather fun doing it through this sport.

Sports should not be judged like bas-ketball. It may seem to many that those who play this sport are just wasting their time, but those who play are obviously having fun proving the critics wrong. Baseball is fun. Ev-eryone should realize that.#

By Aaron Dave Tomas

READY, THROW. A region 2 pitcher readies to throw the ball to region 7 batter.©Tom Ivan Binbinon

By Aaron Dave Tomas

The Region 2 Fighters outbatted the Region 7 Warriors in a game of the 2014 Palarong Pambansa at Sta. Rosa, Laguna.

The Fighters took the first inning after the Warriors got some strike-outs from the

Warrior’s batter 11.Again the Fight-

ers took the second inning after three of them got to home base and the last bat-ter scored a home run.

The third inning did not go well for

the Warriors as they got forced more outs from the Fighters.

The Warriors did not give up until the last inning, but they suffered in the hands of the Fighters, giv-ing them the unques-tioned victory.#

Eliminate WarriorsHit and Run

Did You Know ?

Did You Know ?The NBA Legend Michael Jordan shifted his career to playing baseball after his first retirement in the NBA.#

The difference between softball and baseball is that baseball uses fast pitch while softball uses slow pitch. Also, the ball used in softball is bigger than that of baseball. #