Download - Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

Page 1: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY


July 2015

The Marion County Board of County Commissioners met in a In 305 pm on Thursday July 2015 at Marion County

Governmental Complex located in Florida

Upon roll call the following members were Chairman McClain District 3 Vice-Chairman Kathy Bryant District 2 Commissioner David District 1 and Commissioner Zalak District Commissioner Arnett 5 arrived shortly after meeting commenced Also present was County Attorney Minter

The meeting with the of Allegiance to the Flag of our Country

ResolutionsRoadsSubdivisions Chairman McClain stated todays public is scheduled consider a Municipal Service Unit (MSTU) He that the public hearing is in to the Twin Ranchettes Improvement

Deputy presented a display ad entitled Notice to Impose Provide Collection of Assessments Lakes Improvement Area published in the Star Banner newspaper on July 32015

MSTU Director Darnell presented a 95 handout entitled Twin Lake Ranchettes to follow along with the PowerPoint presentation

Ms Darnell 2 letters opposition Ms Darnell 1A which the details the project record

following is provided this road assessment project Twin Lakes Ranchettes is a private subdivision with 100 rights-of-way located of SE Highway 464C near Springs in Commission District 1 The length of construction proposed is 136 miles with miles of new road construction and 111

of reclaim Commissioner Arnett arrived 306 pm This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the

petition self-addressed return envelopes again on August 1 2014 In addition a letter was mailed to clarify the scope of the project on August 2014

Ms Darnell that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) the petitions for Twin Ranchettes on October 212014 for the proposed road overlay improvements with of those responded to petition being in favor in accordance with Policy No 11-2 The engineer on record is Engineering Inc She

are 46 owners and out of those 21 were of the project

Ms Darnell the estimated sited in the petition was $4000 to $5000 per parcelplatted lot total cost by bid is $754660 parcelplatted lot The total

cost is $392423 including contingency noting the contractor will Art Walker Construction Inc

Ms Darnell of the project includes but is as needed section drawings an plat noting

property owners mobilization of equipment clearing grubbing of acres

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earthwork stabilization reclaim of existing paved road limerock course prime coat 1 Type 95 asphaltic concrete wearing surface placement of ditch blocks cleaning existing culvert pipes sodding as needed fencing as needed 24 wide stop bars double yellow striping as required traffic control signs and quadrant temporary straw barrier as and ma intenance of traffic If the project is approved Walker Construction Inc will commence work within 2 to 4 weeks or as soon as all ne(~essal documents are provided to Procurement and a Notice to Proceed is

In response to Commissioner Moore Ms Darnell stated she is unsure why the original mailer out at $4000 to $5000 opined cost is the construction only and does not include engineering legal recording cost to the clerk and cost allocation to MSTU Ms Darnell that are to road construction projects 10 years

In to Commissioner Moore Jay Glover Public Financial Management (PFM) Marion Countys Financial Advisor that the time of the loan will lower the annual payments but increase payment He stated this is a loan by assessments it makes it more difficult to secure

Mr Minter that the County has made several attempts in the do a special in Twin Lakes Ranchettes but have unsuccessful He referenced 14 of the handout noting petition only included the paved portion of

road and did not include construction a new road where the dirt portion is located Mr Minter opined this could also contribute to the difference price

Commissioner Bryant questioned whether or not the decision could be challenged because issues Mr Minter advised that would like to

citizens concern to to more accurately respond Ms Darnell advised cost of mile of new construction is $125000

the bid The total bid is $304424 noting it cost almost as much to the new road as it does to reclaim the original one In response Chairman McClain Ms Darnell stated ditches are already defined along the section but not along dirt section

Assistant County Administrator (ACA) Mounir Bouyounes advised that the original went out shortly after Director Myra Tedder which was a transitional

time for the department and required some additional clarification on the project between staff and A was sent out verifying length of the project from to finish

In response to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes stated based on with residents the is to include the entire length of SE 1 Court Road

and did not include any portion of 100th Ms Darnell advised that if 100th

Lane is included in the it will the by $25260 Mr Bouyounes opined the pipe still has about 15 years of and at this

urgent is to fix both ends of the pipe and secure the road Chairman McClain the floor to comment Andrew Yonker 160th Road opined the survey conducted not depict

an accurate use of the noting the road is frequently used for racing Bill Gross SE 160th Court Road commented on misinformation and

misunderstanding between residents and He that he is favor of but is concerned with the change in costs

Mr Minter that the information is sent out in a petition is not a contract At the the petition goes out to residents the County does have a bid for the

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project The petition is used to collect an expression of interest from residents He stated the important exchange of information is at this public hearing which allows for the Board to hear residents concerns

In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Minter advised that the Board does not have control over who uses the road There is always a possibility that someone outside the thoroughfare is using the road even though they are not paying into the assessment He stated it is the people who live in the assigned area that pay the assessment

Mack Walker SE 160th Court Road advised that he owns four parcels on SE 160th

Court Road and is in favor of the road project moving forward He provided a brief history of the different road issues over the last 30 years

Denise Mitchell SE 160th Court Road stated she is against the assessment to just those who live on SE 160th Court Road The surrounding residents will benefit from this road project as well and should have to contribute She commented on the inability of some residents to pay additional property taxes

In response to Ms Mitchell Chairman McClain advised that the County will take over maintenance of the road once the project is complete but they could still assess the citizens in the future for that maintenance He stated even if the County takes over maintenance on the road it will not pay to repave

Bob Murphy SE 160th Court Road expressed his opposition to the road project Milton Wood SE 160th Court Road advised that he was originally in favor of the

proposal but is now against it due to the rate increase Jean Wood SE 160th Court Road questioned whether both parties on the deed

had to respond to the petition noting her husband was for the proposal and she is opposed Mr Minter advised that the petition is not a legal contract and is just a tool to give the Board a sense of what the residents want

Commissioner Bryant was excused at 346 pm Ms Wood expressed concern for the culvert and the cost of repairing it if needed

Chairman McClain stated at this time staff has advised that the culvert is not in need of repair Mr Bouyounes stated the estimated cost for repair if needed is between $18000 and $20000

Chairman McClain advised that there is some contingency in the bid for unexpected issues

Ms Wood commented on the ownership of the property where the culvert is located and noted taxes were not being paid on that property Commissioner Zalak stated she should speak with the Property Appraisers Office in regard to parcel ownership

Rob Wexler SE 160th Court Road expressed his opposition to the road project noting the difference in prices given and not including SE 100th Lane as key factors in his disagreement with the proposed project

Richard Bostick SE 160th Court Road advised that he is in favor of the road project but would like the Board to review options to lower the cost

Terry Ray SE 160th Court Road advised that he was in favor of the project when the cost was $4000 to $5000 but not at $7500 noting he has not received an answer for the difference in costs He addressed the Board in regard to the safety issues with SE 160th Court Road and accidents that have been caused by the current road situation

Wayne Severance SE 165th Terrace Lane expressed his willingness to contribute to the road project even though he does not live on that road Chairman McClain advised that the law is narrowly defined in regard to MSTUs and there has to be a direct benefit to those being assessed

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Mr Minter case law dictates that a MSTU must the of property not an individual In response to Commissioner Zalak he advised that a is able to donate to the project

Rick Lineberger 160th Court Road voiced his support of original assessment but not $7500 expressed concerns traffic once the road project is complete

In response to Mr Lineberger Chairman McClain advised that today is the final public hearing The Board will all testimony and evidence into consideration and

what direction they will go Commissioner Zalak advised the maintenance provided roads once

County them is mowing the and potholes In response to Mr Wexler Chairman McClain advised that the hearing today is

ba~)ea on the Board has and this point will not sending out a new petition

In response to Mr Commissioner stated the original petition sent out was just an estimate the final hearing today is to get feedback from residents

Chairman McClain advised that the Board has the authority to citizens at will petitions are to help the Board gauge interest residents

Bostick SE 160th Court stated the opposition Board is hearing from is not the work does not need to done but that the price is too high She

urged the to go back to original price of $4000 to $5000 In response to Chairman McClain Ms Darnell advised the bid provided is from

April 7 201 Chairman McClain advised that if a new bid is it would come back close to same amount

Janice SE 160th Court Road expressed opposition to the road project She advised that is also representing her neighbor Steve Morgan who was unable to at hearing today Ms Abbett provided a 2 page handout with an excel spread

on his Nancy 160th Court Road expressed support for the project

the original cost Allan Sanders SE 11 Lane addressed Board in regard to the of the

project and income limitation he In response to Mr Yonker Chairman McClain advised that this project is

imposed proposition brought to the Board by residents There are subdivisions that have done projects

In to Christopher SE 11 Lane Commissioner advised that the road was originally a private and is platted to become public but the road

to a certain standard before it wUl be accepted by the County Mr that is in opposition to project Chairman McClain stated County has been using the MSTU process since

1992 noting the County pay to not pave subdivision roads In response Commissioner Moore Ms Darnell stated does not have

cost to pave interior roads but if the Board includes the interior loop which ingress and egress off SE 160th Court Road it will add an additional $198000 to the project She advised that the contingency for the road project 10 Board the option to lower the contingency but if an unexpected need should arise project will fall short on funds Ms Darnell stated 10 year financing is the maximum the County can financing for a road project

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In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that are other options that can be but they are below the County MSTU standards noting the proposed project all MSTU requirements

Ms Darnell advised that a petition went out in 2009 that estimated assessment cost for road and drainage improvements $6500 $8500 for entire development

Ms Darnell stated there are options The County could only addressed the 111 miles of existing pavement and reclaim that portion which will reduce the number of

from 52 to and will an estimated 800 parcel or for approximately $4800 the pot can be filled an overlay put on the

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes an overlay project will not last as long as a

Ms Darnell that the option available is to do a chip over existing which will cost approximately $4500 parcel

In response to Commissioner Zalak Ms Darnell stated $4500 only includes the existing pavement not have figures to construct a new road with the chip

In response to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised chip seal will 10 to 12 years is a substandard material that requires continued maintenance

Commissioner Arnett reducing the scope of work may affect the bonding ability of the project

Mr Glover advised that the bond is by the assessment so the scope will not affect the it of the bond He noted extending the length of financing will lower the yearly payment but will the overall

In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover stated the annual cost is estimated less than $1096

In response to Mr Mr Bouyounes advised in order to do an MSTU project it to meet a standard patching the road setting up a maintenance program does not those standards

General ensued In to Commissioner Zalak Mr Bouyounes stated in to do chip

on the dirt they will have to build a He noted it is less expensive to chip seal an existing road

General discussion resumed Ms Darnell advised that what is being today is a assessment not

establishment of an MSTU or MSBU discussion continued

Ms Darnell stated the project as it is presented is eligible for an exemption from management district if scope is changed it may lose exemption

Chairman McClain advised that from a public stand point culvert has to be fixed

Troy Burrell Burrell Engineering Inc is a statutory exemption for projects similar to but in order it the new road must under County

once completed In response Commissioner Mr Burrell if the road was in existence

o1fro January 2002 owned by the County and under perpetual maintenance by the County the exemption was


July 23 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that the only option to reduce cost but still make the road qualify for the County to take over maintenance would be to the width from 24 to 20 noting this will ma a minimal

Mr ability to repay

General discussion resumed Chris Traber Nabors Giblin amp

County not accept the

not care 0

Nickerson PA for maintenance

project on

counsel it may not

ly borrowers

that if the considered

governmentally owned for tax purposes which will the interest on the loan _pound0 discussion continued

Mr Minter advised that has been as a public states the County does not have to accept a road maintenance if the is not built to MSBU standards and is what happened in this case From a liability standpoint the Board can put up at each of the road stating drive at your own He stated if the Board to do the project below County standards such as with chip seal the Board would become liable if something were to happen therefore if the chip seal is done an MSBU will also have to established for funding of future

Zalak should the current road County standards then put the dirt portion the road under a maintenance This would lower the residents Chairman McClain there are on the dirt portion who expressed an and willingness to contribute to project Ms Darnell advised that there are only 10 lots on the dirt portion of the road noting it will take a SUbstantial amount of time to build up enough funds to complete new construction

General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell that if the Board to chip

the the will be 42 whose parcel front that road It does not any new construction

Commissioner Zalak stated Board can road construction options with the property owners on SE 100th

Chairman McClain advised that if the projects are done independently the cost of bonding will greater

Ms stated if 1oath Lane is constructed separately the assessment for the 10 located on that is estimated at $17000 per property owner

discussion continued to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised the

inches thick 20 to 30 General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell stated the current bid is good for 90 days

noting if the of the project remains the same they can work with contractor Ruth DeMoustes MSTU advised that typically the property owner has 60 days to

return the but can time frame days Ms stated in to have the added to 2015 tax bill a

decision will to be made by September 15 201 Mr Minter opined the new petition should include options for to

from so the can have a understanding as to what the community wants Commissioner Zalak that options other than the proposed scope will not

fix the problems presented today Chairman McClain stated if the does a

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project residents will have a substandard road and in the long run pay the same if not more than proposed project

General discussion resumed Commissioner Zalak stated the is or not to build the additional

mile road noting it will cost effective and beneficial to to the entire road and put it under County maintenance He that difference between chip

and pavement is minimal In response Commissioner Arnett Darnell advised that it will cost $5800

per to reclaim the existing road $4800 to overlay and for chip General discussion continued Chairman McClain stated if Board in the future to complete the dirt

portion of the road the property owners on that portion will responsible the full cost of bonding and other Ms Darnell advised that those are roughly of the total

Chairman McClain staff to issue a new petition with two options 1) current or 2) chip seal the entire project length and establish an MSBU for future

maintenance Mr Minter stated 100th is not included in either option In response Mr Minter Chairman McClain advised that Board is going to

follow through with one of two options There will not be an option on the petition to the road as it is today Chairman McClain stated in to have applied the 2015 tax roll the road

project will have to on an agenda prior to September 15 15 In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover advised that County can start

work The Board can use funds reimburse themselves once bonding process is complete He stated that if the bond is too soon County will have to start paying prior to assessments being collected which can the cost of bond Mr Glover advised that are a few other projects that are in the beginning stages of financing noting if this project is bundled together it will allow the finance cost to

Commissioner Zalak advised that the bid provided will not the same if the Board till 2016 to start the project noting the cost asphalt is increasing Mr Traber stated the Board has to adopt the roll by September 15 201

residents already noticed as long as the Board not the amount or expand to any new properties they can move forward noting the roll can always be

Chairman McClain advised that residents already sent a notice stating if the is approved today will be an additional $1096 added to

November tax bill As long as the project does exceed amount Board will have met notification guidelines stated petitions will go out and another public hearing will held before September 1 201 noting if the waits to move forward the construction may

In response to Mr Chairman McClain stated the petition will include 100th Lane

In response Mr Walker Commissioner Zalak advised that if the is approved construction will begin before end of the Chairman McClain if the Board waited until after September 1 15 then they would to start the process all over again

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In to Ms Wood Commissioner Zalak the reason for the new petition is verify all are aware scope and cost of the proposed road project Chairman McClain advised of additional costs associated with financing that

residents include the Y4 mile at this time than at a date Commissioner Zalak stated Board currently other projects that it can group

with this one to lower financing Chairman McClain concurred noting there will be a total of 3 projects including this one splitting the cost financing

Ms Wood expressed support for removing the culverts and making 160th

Court Road a dead end road Mr Murphy the person who should be paying for the culvert repair is Cliff

Schill who is the original developer and has a from St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Commissioner Zalak advised that Marion County did not give Mr the permit RWMD did SJRWMD is responsible to enforce

permit noting County not have that ability In response to Ms Abbett Chairman McClain the Board did receive

of opposition from Phyllis Fernandez Dana Word Mr Sanders his opposition to the road project on the of cost Chairman McClain advised that there are programs up within the county to help

who are unable to pay other fire assessment and stormwater)

Mr Lineberger he supports fixing the road does not building any new roads

Ms advised was the one who originally went to the County with request to fix 160th Court noting road was included at time

In response Ms Bostick Chairman McClain stated options that will be on the new petition are 1) put 1 14 thick asphalt from north to south of entire length the road or chip seal entire length of road and establish an MSBU for maintenance He advised a chip does not as long as an asphalt road Commissioner

stated only way the County will accept a chip seal for maintenance is if an MSBU is attached

Chairman McClain advised the public comment portion is now closed Chairman McClain residents will have to which option they

and reiterated that chip will not last as long as an asphalt road will Ms advised that the petitions will go out by Thursday July 30 5 and

will be due back by September 1 2015 public hearing will be held between 1 and 1 2015

discussion resumed A motion was by Commissioner Moore by Commissioner Zalak

continue public hearing to Thursday September 10 15 at 500 pm The motion was unanimously approved by Board (4-0)

County Employees Chairman McClain requested concessions from the Board to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator He advised William Kauffman will hold the of Interim County Administrator until August 1 15 and Gt)gtI)L where during budget prClcess

Commissioner stated needs to provided with a directive from the Board advised that Mr Bouyounes can take over majority of County Administrator

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tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


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There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


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Page 2: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 2015

earthwork stabilization reclaim of existing paved road limerock course prime coat 1 Type 95 asphaltic concrete wearing surface placement of ditch blocks cleaning existing culvert pipes sodding as needed fencing as needed 24 wide stop bars double yellow striping as required traffic control signs and quadrant temporary straw barrier as and ma intenance of traffic If the project is approved Walker Construction Inc will commence work within 2 to 4 weeks or as soon as all ne(~essal documents are provided to Procurement and a Notice to Proceed is

In response to Commissioner Moore Ms Darnell stated she is unsure why the original mailer out at $4000 to $5000 opined cost is the construction only and does not include engineering legal recording cost to the clerk and cost allocation to MSTU Ms Darnell that are to road construction projects 10 years

In to Commissioner Moore Jay Glover Public Financial Management (PFM) Marion Countys Financial Advisor that the time of the loan will lower the annual payments but increase payment He stated this is a loan by assessments it makes it more difficult to secure

Mr Minter that the County has made several attempts in the do a special in Twin Lakes Ranchettes but have unsuccessful He referenced 14 of the handout noting petition only included the paved portion of

road and did not include construction a new road where the dirt portion is located Mr Minter opined this could also contribute to the difference price

Commissioner Bryant questioned whether or not the decision could be challenged because issues Mr Minter advised that would like to

citizens concern to to more accurately respond Ms Darnell advised cost of mile of new construction is $125000

the bid The total bid is $304424 noting it cost almost as much to the new road as it does to reclaim the original one In response Chairman McClain Ms Darnell stated ditches are already defined along the section but not along dirt section

Assistant County Administrator (ACA) Mounir Bouyounes advised that the original went out shortly after Director Myra Tedder which was a transitional

time for the department and required some additional clarification on the project between staff and A was sent out verifying length of the project from to finish

In response to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes stated based on with residents the is to include the entire length of SE 1 Court Road

and did not include any portion of 100th Ms Darnell advised that if 100th

Lane is included in the it will the by $25260 Mr Bouyounes opined the pipe still has about 15 years of and at this

urgent is to fix both ends of the pipe and secure the road Chairman McClain the floor to comment Andrew Yonker 160th Road opined the survey conducted not depict

an accurate use of the noting the road is frequently used for racing Bill Gross SE 160th Court Road commented on misinformation and

misunderstanding between residents and He that he is favor of but is concerned with the change in costs

Mr Minter that the information is sent out in a petition is not a contract At the the petition goes out to residents the County does have a bid for the

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project The petition is used to collect an expression of interest from residents He stated the important exchange of information is at this public hearing which allows for the Board to hear residents concerns

In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Minter advised that the Board does not have control over who uses the road There is always a possibility that someone outside the thoroughfare is using the road even though they are not paying into the assessment He stated it is the people who live in the assigned area that pay the assessment

Mack Walker SE 160th Court Road advised that he owns four parcels on SE 160th

Court Road and is in favor of the road project moving forward He provided a brief history of the different road issues over the last 30 years

Denise Mitchell SE 160th Court Road stated she is against the assessment to just those who live on SE 160th Court Road The surrounding residents will benefit from this road project as well and should have to contribute She commented on the inability of some residents to pay additional property taxes

In response to Ms Mitchell Chairman McClain advised that the County will take over maintenance of the road once the project is complete but they could still assess the citizens in the future for that maintenance He stated even if the County takes over maintenance on the road it will not pay to repave

Bob Murphy SE 160th Court Road expressed his opposition to the road project Milton Wood SE 160th Court Road advised that he was originally in favor of the

proposal but is now against it due to the rate increase Jean Wood SE 160th Court Road questioned whether both parties on the deed

had to respond to the petition noting her husband was for the proposal and she is opposed Mr Minter advised that the petition is not a legal contract and is just a tool to give the Board a sense of what the residents want

Commissioner Bryant was excused at 346 pm Ms Wood expressed concern for the culvert and the cost of repairing it if needed

Chairman McClain stated at this time staff has advised that the culvert is not in need of repair Mr Bouyounes stated the estimated cost for repair if needed is between $18000 and $20000

Chairman McClain advised that there is some contingency in the bid for unexpected issues

Ms Wood commented on the ownership of the property where the culvert is located and noted taxes were not being paid on that property Commissioner Zalak stated she should speak with the Property Appraisers Office in regard to parcel ownership

Rob Wexler SE 160th Court Road expressed his opposition to the road project noting the difference in prices given and not including SE 100th Lane as key factors in his disagreement with the proposed project

Richard Bostick SE 160th Court Road advised that he is in favor of the road project but would like the Board to review options to lower the cost

Terry Ray SE 160th Court Road advised that he was in favor of the project when the cost was $4000 to $5000 but not at $7500 noting he has not received an answer for the difference in costs He addressed the Board in regard to the safety issues with SE 160th Court Road and accidents that have been caused by the current road situation

Wayne Severance SE 165th Terrace Lane expressed his willingness to contribute to the road project even though he does not live on that road Chairman McClain advised that the law is narrowly defined in regard to MSTUs and there has to be a direct benefit to those being assessed

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Mr Minter case law dictates that a MSTU must the of property not an individual In response to Commissioner Zalak he advised that a is able to donate to the project

Rick Lineberger 160th Court Road voiced his support of original assessment but not $7500 expressed concerns traffic once the road project is complete

In response to Mr Lineberger Chairman McClain advised that today is the final public hearing The Board will all testimony and evidence into consideration and

what direction they will go Commissioner Zalak advised the maintenance provided roads once

County them is mowing the and potholes In response to Mr Wexler Chairman McClain advised that the hearing today is

ba~)ea on the Board has and this point will not sending out a new petition

In response to Mr Commissioner stated the original petition sent out was just an estimate the final hearing today is to get feedback from residents

Chairman McClain advised that the Board has the authority to citizens at will petitions are to help the Board gauge interest residents

Bostick SE 160th Court stated the opposition Board is hearing from is not the work does not need to done but that the price is too high She

urged the to go back to original price of $4000 to $5000 In response to Chairman McClain Ms Darnell advised the bid provided is from

April 7 201 Chairman McClain advised that if a new bid is it would come back close to same amount

Janice SE 160th Court Road expressed opposition to the road project She advised that is also representing her neighbor Steve Morgan who was unable to at hearing today Ms Abbett provided a 2 page handout with an excel spread

on his Nancy 160th Court Road expressed support for the project

the original cost Allan Sanders SE 11 Lane addressed Board in regard to the of the

project and income limitation he In response to Mr Yonker Chairman McClain advised that this project is

imposed proposition brought to the Board by residents There are subdivisions that have done projects

In to Christopher SE 11 Lane Commissioner advised that the road was originally a private and is platted to become public but the road

to a certain standard before it wUl be accepted by the County Mr that is in opposition to project Chairman McClain stated County has been using the MSTU process since

1992 noting the County pay to not pave subdivision roads In response Commissioner Moore Ms Darnell stated does not have

cost to pave interior roads but if the Board includes the interior loop which ingress and egress off SE 160th Court Road it will add an additional $198000 to the project She advised that the contingency for the road project 10 Board the option to lower the contingency but if an unexpected need should arise project will fall short on funds Ms Darnell stated 10 year financing is the maximum the County can financing for a road project

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In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that are other options that can be but they are below the County MSTU standards noting the proposed project all MSTU requirements

Ms Darnell advised that a petition went out in 2009 that estimated assessment cost for road and drainage improvements $6500 $8500 for entire development

Ms Darnell stated there are options The County could only addressed the 111 miles of existing pavement and reclaim that portion which will reduce the number of

from 52 to and will an estimated 800 parcel or for approximately $4800 the pot can be filled an overlay put on the

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes an overlay project will not last as long as a

Ms Darnell that the option available is to do a chip over existing which will cost approximately $4500 parcel

In response to Commissioner Zalak Ms Darnell stated $4500 only includes the existing pavement not have figures to construct a new road with the chip

In response to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised chip seal will 10 to 12 years is a substandard material that requires continued maintenance

Commissioner Arnett reducing the scope of work may affect the bonding ability of the project

Mr Glover advised that the bond is by the assessment so the scope will not affect the it of the bond He noted extending the length of financing will lower the yearly payment but will the overall

In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover stated the annual cost is estimated less than $1096

In response to Mr Mr Bouyounes advised in order to do an MSTU project it to meet a standard patching the road setting up a maintenance program does not those standards

General ensued In to Commissioner Zalak Mr Bouyounes stated in to do chip

on the dirt they will have to build a He noted it is less expensive to chip seal an existing road

General discussion resumed Ms Darnell advised that what is being today is a assessment not

establishment of an MSTU or MSBU discussion continued

Ms Darnell stated the project as it is presented is eligible for an exemption from management district if scope is changed it may lose exemption

Chairman McClain advised that from a public stand point culvert has to be fixed

Troy Burrell Burrell Engineering Inc is a statutory exemption for projects similar to but in order it the new road must under County

once completed In response Commissioner Mr Burrell if the road was in existence

o1fro January 2002 owned by the County and under perpetual maintenance by the County the exemption was


July 23 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that the only option to reduce cost but still make the road qualify for the County to take over maintenance would be to the width from 24 to 20 noting this will ma a minimal

Mr ability to repay

General discussion resumed Chris Traber Nabors Giblin amp

County not accept the

not care 0

Nickerson PA for maintenance

project on

counsel it may not

ly borrowers

that if the considered

governmentally owned for tax purposes which will the interest on the loan _pound0 discussion continued

Mr Minter advised that has been as a public states the County does not have to accept a road maintenance if the is not built to MSBU standards and is what happened in this case From a liability standpoint the Board can put up at each of the road stating drive at your own He stated if the Board to do the project below County standards such as with chip seal the Board would become liable if something were to happen therefore if the chip seal is done an MSBU will also have to established for funding of future

Zalak should the current road County standards then put the dirt portion the road under a maintenance This would lower the residents Chairman McClain there are on the dirt portion who expressed an and willingness to contribute to project Ms Darnell advised that there are only 10 lots on the dirt portion of the road noting it will take a SUbstantial amount of time to build up enough funds to complete new construction

General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell that if the Board to chip

the the will be 42 whose parcel front that road It does not any new construction

Commissioner Zalak stated Board can road construction options with the property owners on SE 100th

Chairman McClain advised that if the projects are done independently the cost of bonding will greater

Ms stated if 1oath Lane is constructed separately the assessment for the 10 located on that is estimated at $17000 per property owner

discussion continued to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised the

inches thick 20 to 30 General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell stated the current bid is good for 90 days

noting if the of the project remains the same they can work with contractor Ruth DeMoustes MSTU advised that typically the property owner has 60 days to

return the but can time frame days Ms stated in to have the added to 2015 tax bill a

decision will to be made by September 15 201 Mr Minter opined the new petition should include options for to

from so the can have a understanding as to what the community wants Commissioner Zalak that options other than the proposed scope will not

fix the problems presented today Chairman McClain stated if the does a

Page 694 U

July 23 2015

project residents will have a substandard road and in the long run pay the same if not more than proposed project

General discussion resumed Commissioner Zalak stated the is or not to build the additional

mile road noting it will cost effective and beneficial to to the entire road and put it under County maintenance He that difference between chip

and pavement is minimal In response Commissioner Arnett Darnell advised that it will cost $5800

per to reclaim the existing road $4800 to overlay and for chip General discussion continued Chairman McClain stated if Board in the future to complete the dirt

portion of the road the property owners on that portion will responsible the full cost of bonding and other Ms Darnell advised that those are roughly of the total

Chairman McClain staff to issue a new petition with two options 1) current or 2) chip seal the entire project length and establish an MSBU for future

maintenance Mr Minter stated 100th is not included in either option In response Mr Minter Chairman McClain advised that Board is going to

follow through with one of two options There will not be an option on the petition to the road as it is today Chairman McClain stated in to have applied the 2015 tax roll the road

project will have to on an agenda prior to September 15 15 In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover advised that County can start

work The Board can use funds reimburse themselves once bonding process is complete He stated that if the bond is too soon County will have to start paying prior to assessments being collected which can the cost of bond Mr Glover advised that are a few other projects that are in the beginning stages of financing noting if this project is bundled together it will allow the finance cost to

Commissioner Zalak advised that the bid provided will not the same if the Board till 2016 to start the project noting the cost asphalt is increasing Mr Traber stated the Board has to adopt the roll by September 15 201

residents already noticed as long as the Board not the amount or expand to any new properties they can move forward noting the roll can always be

Chairman McClain advised that residents already sent a notice stating if the is approved today will be an additional $1096 added to

November tax bill As long as the project does exceed amount Board will have met notification guidelines stated petitions will go out and another public hearing will held before September 1 201 noting if the waits to move forward the construction may

In response to Mr Chairman McClain stated the petition will include 100th Lane

In response Mr Walker Commissioner Zalak advised that if the is approved construction will begin before end of the Chairman McClain if the Board waited until after September 1 15 then they would to start the process all over again

Book U 695

July 2015

In to Ms Wood Commissioner Zalak the reason for the new petition is verify all are aware scope and cost of the proposed road project Chairman McClain advised of additional costs associated with financing that

residents include the Y4 mile at this time than at a date Commissioner Zalak stated Board currently other projects that it can group

with this one to lower financing Chairman McClain concurred noting there will be a total of 3 projects including this one splitting the cost financing

Ms Wood expressed support for removing the culverts and making 160th

Court Road a dead end road Mr Murphy the person who should be paying for the culvert repair is Cliff

Schill who is the original developer and has a from St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Commissioner Zalak advised that Marion County did not give Mr the permit RWMD did SJRWMD is responsible to enforce

permit noting County not have that ability In response to Ms Abbett Chairman McClain the Board did receive

of opposition from Phyllis Fernandez Dana Word Mr Sanders his opposition to the road project on the of cost Chairman McClain advised that there are programs up within the county to help

who are unable to pay other fire assessment and stormwater)

Mr Lineberger he supports fixing the road does not building any new roads

Ms advised was the one who originally went to the County with request to fix 160th Court noting road was included at time

In response Ms Bostick Chairman McClain stated options that will be on the new petition are 1) put 1 14 thick asphalt from north to south of entire length the road or chip seal entire length of road and establish an MSBU for maintenance He advised a chip does not as long as an asphalt road Commissioner

stated only way the County will accept a chip seal for maintenance is if an MSBU is attached

Chairman McClain advised the public comment portion is now closed Chairman McClain residents will have to which option they

and reiterated that chip will not last as long as an asphalt road will Ms advised that the petitions will go out by Thursday July 30 5 and

will be due back by September 1 2015 public hearing will be held between 1 and 1 2015

discussion resumed A motion was by Commissioner Moore by Commissioner Zalak

continue public hearing to Thursday September 10 15 at 500 pm The motion was unanimously approved by Board (4-0)

County Employees Chairman McClain requested concessions from the Board to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator He advised William Kauffman will hold the of Interim County Administrator until August 1 15 and Gt)gtI)L where during budget prClcess

Commissioner stated needs to provided with a directive from the Board advised that Mr Bouyounes can take over majority of County Administrator

696 Book U

July 23 2015

tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


Book U Page 697

July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


Page 698 Book U

Page 3: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 23 2015

project The petition is used to collect an expression of interest from residents He stated the important exchange of information is at this public hearing which allows for the Board to hear residents concerns

In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Minter advised that the Board does not have control over who uses the road There is always a possibility that someone outside the thoroughfare is using the road even though they are not paying into the assessment He stated it is the people who live in the assigned area that pay the assessment

Mack Walker SE 160th Court Road advised that he owns four parcels on SE 160th

Court Road and is in favor of the road project moving forward He provided a brief history of the different road issues over the last 30 years

Denise Mitchell SE 160th Court Road stated she is against the assessment to just those who live on SE 160th Court Road The surrounding residents will benefit from this road project as well and should have to contribute She commented on the inability of some residents to pay additional property taxes

In response to Ms Mitchell Chairman McClain advised that the County will take over maintenance of the road once the project is complete but they could still assess the citizens in the future for that maintenance He stated even if the County takes over maintenance on the road it will not pay to repave

Bob Murphy SE 160th Court Road expressed his opposition to the road project Milton Wood SE 160th Court Road advised that he was originally in favor of the

proposal but is now against it due to the rate increase Jean Wood SE 160th Court Road questioned whether both parties on the deed

had to respond to the petition noting her husband was for the proposal and she is opposed Mr Minter advised that the petition is not a legal contract and is just a tool to give the Board a sense of what the residents want

Commissioner Bryant was excused at 346 pm Ms Wood expressed concern for the culvert and the cost of repairing it if needed

Chairman McClain stated at this time staff has advised that the culvert is not in need of repair Mr Bouyounes stated the estimated cost for repair if needed is between $18000 and $20000

Chairman McClain advised that there is some contingency in the bid for unexpected issues

Ms Wood commented on the ownership of the property where the culvert is located and noted taxes were not being paid on that property Commissioner Zalak stated she should speak with the Property Appraisers Office in regard to parcel ownership

Rob Wexler SE 160th Court Road expressed his opposition to the road project noting the difference in prices given and not including SE 100th Lane as key factors in his disagreement with the proposed project

Richard Bostick SE 160th Court Road advised that he is in favor of the road project but would like the Board to review options to lower the cost

Terry Ray SE 160th Court Road advised that he was in favor of the project when the cost was $4000 to $5000 but not at $7500 noting he has not received an answer for the difference in costs He addressed the Board in regard to the safety issues with SE 160th Court Road and accidents that have been caused by the current road situation

Wayne Severance SE 165th Terrace Lane expressed his willingness to contribute to the road project even though he does not live on that road Chairman McClain advised that the law is narrowly defined in regard to MSTUs and there has to be a direct benefit to those being assessed

Book U Page 691

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Mr Minter case law dictates that a MSTU must the of property not an individual In response to Commissioner Zalak he advised that a is able to donate to the project

Rick Lineberger 160th Court Road voiced his support of original assessment but not $7500 expressed concerns traffic once the road project is complete

In response to Mr Lineberger Chairman McClain advised that today is the final public hearing The Board will all testimony and evidence into consideration and

what direction they will go Commissioner Zalak advised the maintenance provided roads once

County them is mowing the and potholes In response to Mr Wexler Chairman McClain advised that the hearing today is

ba~)ea on the Board has and this point will not sending out a new petition

In response to Mr Commissioner stated the original petition sent out was just an estimate the final hearing today is to get feedback from residents

Chairman McClain advised that the Board has the authority to citizens at will petitions are to help the Board gauge interest residents

Bostick SE 160th Court stated the opposition Board is hearing from is not the work does not need to done but that the price is too high She

urged the to go back to original price of $4000 to $5000 In response to Chairman McClain Ms Darnell advised the bid provided is from

April 7 201 Chairman McClain advised that if a new bid is it would come back close to same amount

Janice SE 160th Court Road expressed opposition to the road project She advised that is also representing her neighbor Steve Morgan who was unable to at hearing today Ms Abbett provided a 2 page handout with an excel spread

on his Nancy 160th Court Road expressed support for the project

the original cost Allan Sanders SE 11 Lane addressed Board in regard to the of the

project and income limitation he In response to Mr Yonker Chairman McClain advised that this project is

imposed proposition brought to the Board by residents There are subdivisions that have done projects

In to Christopher SE 11 Lane Commissioner advised that the road was originally a private and is platted to become public but the road

to a certain standard before it wUl be accepted by the County Mr that is in opposition to project Chairman McClain stated County has been using the MSTU process since

1992 noting the County pay to not pave subdivision roads In response Commissioner Moore Ms Darnell stated does not have

cost to pave interior roads but if the Board includes the interior loop which ingress and egress off SE 160th Court Road it will add an additional $198000 to the project She advised that the contingency for the road project 10 Board the option to lower the contingency but if an unexpected need should arise project will fall short on funds Ms Darnell stated 10 year financing is the maximum the County can financing for a road project

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July 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that are other options that can be but they are below the County MSTU standards noting the proposed project all MSTU requirements

Ms Darnell advised that a petition went out in 2009 that estimated assessment cost for road and drainage improvements $6500 $8500 for entire development

Ms Darnell stated there are options The County could only addressed the 111 miles of existing pavement and reclaim that portion which will reduce the number of

from 52 to and will an estimated 800 parcel or for approximately $4800 the pot can be filled an overlay put on the

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes an overlay project will not last as long as a

Ms Darnell that the option available is to do a chip over existing which will cost approximately $4500 parcel

In response to Commissioner Zalak Ms Darnell stated $4500 only includes the existing pavement not have figures to construct a new road with the chip

In response to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised chip seal will 10 to 12 years is a substandard material that requires continued maintenance

Commissioner Arnett reducing the scope of work may affect the bonding ability of the project

Mr Glover advised that the bond is by the assessment so the scope will not affect the it of the bond He noted extending the length of financing will lower the yearly payment but will the overall

In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover stated the annual cost is estimated less than $1096

In response to Mr Mr Bouyounes advised in order to do an MSTU project it to meet a standard patching the road setting up a maintenance program does not those standards

General ensued In to Commissioner Zalak Mr Bouyounes stated in to do chip

on the dirt they will have to build a He noted it is less expensive to chip seal an existing road

General discussion resumed Ms Darnell advised that what is being today is a assessment not

establishment of an MSTU or MSBU discussion continued

Ms Darnell stated the project as it is presented is eligible for an exemption from management district if scope is changed it may lose exemption

Chairman McClain advised that from a public stand point culvert has to be fixed

Troy Burrell Burrell Engineering Inc is a statutory exemption for projects similar to but in order it the new road must under County

once completed In response Commissioner Mr Burrell if the road was in existence

o1fro January 2002 owned by the County and under perpetual maintenance by the County the exemption was


July 23 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that the only option to reduce cost but still make the road qualify for the County to take over maintenance would be to the width from 24 to 20 noting this will ma a minimal

Mr ability to repay

General discussion resumed Chris Traber Nabors Giblin amp

County not accept the

not care 0

Nickerson PA for maintenance

project on

counsel it may not

ly borrowers

that if the considered

governmentally owned for tax purposes which will the interest on the loan _pound0 discussion continued

Mr Minter advised that has been as a public states the County does not have to accept a road maintenance if the is not built to MSBU standards and is what happened in this case From a liability standpoint the Board can put up at each of the road stating drive at your own He stated if the Board to do the project below County standards such as with chip seal the Board would become liable if something were to happen therefore if the chip seal is done an MSBU will also have to established for funding of future

Zalak should the current road County standards then put the dirt portion the road under a maintenance This would lower the residents Chairman McClain there are on the dirt portion who expressed an and willingness to contribute to project Ms Darnell advised that there are only 10 lots on the dirt portion of the road noting it will take a SUbstantial amount of time to build up enough funds to complete new construction

General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell that if the Board to chip

the the will be 42 whose parcel front that road It does not any new construction

Commissioner Zalak stated Board can road construction options with the property owners on SE 100th

Chairman McClain advised that if the projects are done independently the cost of bonding will greater

Ms stated if 1oath Lane is constructed separately the assessment for the 10 located on that is estimated at $17000 per property owner

discussion continued to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised the

inches thick 20 to 30 General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell stated the current bid is good for 90 days

noting if the of the project remains the same they can work with contractor Ruth DeMoustes MSTU advised that typically the property owner has 60 days to

return the but can time frame days Ms stated in to have the added to 2015 tax bill a

decision will to be made by September 15 201 Mr Minter opined the new petition should include options for to

from so the can have a understanding as to what the community wants Commissioner Zalak that options other than the proposed scope will not

fix the problems presented today Chairman McClain stated if the does a

Page 694 U

July 23 2015

project residents will have a substandard road and in the long run pay the same if not more than proposed project

General discussion resumed Commissioner Zalak stated the is or not to build the additional

mile road noting it will cost effective and beneficial to to the entire road and put it under County maintenance He that difference between chip

and pavement is minimal In response Commissioner Arnett Darnell advised that it will cost $5800

per to reclaim the existing road $4800 to overlay and for chip General discussion continued Chairman McClain stated if Board in the future to complete the dirt

portion of the road the property owners on that portion will responsible the full cost of bonding and other Ms Darnell advised that those are roughly of the total

Chairman McClain staff to issue a new petition with two options 1) current or 2) chip seal the entire project length and establish an MSBU for future

maintenance Mr Minter stated 100th is not included in either option In response Mr Minter Chairman McClain advised that Board is going to

follow through with one of two options There will not be an option on the petition to the road as it is today Chairman McClain stated in to have applied the 2015 tax roll the road

project will have to on an agenda prior to September 15 15 In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover advised that County can start

work The Board can use funds reimburse themselves once bonding process is complete He stated that if the bond is too soon County will have to start paying prior to assessments being collected which can the cost of bond Mr Glover advised that are a few other projects that are in the beginning stages of financing noting if this project is bundled together it will allow the finance cost to

Commissioner Zalak advised that the bid provided will not the same if the Board till 2016 to start the project noting the cost asphalt is increasing Mr Traber stated the Board has to adopt the roll by September 15 201

residents already noticed as long as the Board not the amount or expand to any new properties they can move forward noting the roll can always be

Chairman McClain advised that residents already sent a notice stating if the is approved today will be an additional $1096 added to

November tax bill As long as the project does exceed amount Board will have met notification guidelines stated petitions will go out and another public hearing will held before September 1 201 noting if the waits to move forward the construction may

In response to Mr Chairman McClain stated the petition will include 100th Lane

In response Mr Walker Commissioner Zalak advised that if the is approved construction will begin before end of the Chairman McClain if the Board waited until after September 1 15 then they would to start the process all over again

Book U 695

July 2015

In to Ms Wood Commissioner Zalak the reason for the new petition is verify all are aware scope and cost of the proposed road project Chairman McClain advised of additional costs associated with financing that

residents include the Y4 mile at this time than at a date Commissioner Zalak stated Board currently other projects that it can group

with this one to lower financing Chairman McClain concurred noting there will be a total of 3 projects including this one splitting the cost financing

Ms Wood expressed support for removing the culverts and making 160th

Court Road a dead end road Mr Murphy the person who should be paying for the culvert repair is Cliff

Schill who is the original developer and has a from St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Commissioner Zalak advised that Marion County did not give Mr the permit RWMD did SJRWMD is responsible to enforce

permit noting County not have that ability In response to Ms Abbett Chairman McClain the Board did receive

of opposition from Phyllis Fernandez Dana Word Mr Sanders his opposition to the road project on the of cost Chairman McClain advised that there are programs up within the county to help

who are unable to pay other fire assessment and stormwater)

Mr Lineberger he supports fixing the road does not building any new roads

Ms advised was the one who originally went to the County with request to fix 160th Court noting road was included at time

In response Ms Bostick Chairman McClain stated options that will be on the new petition are 1) put 1 14 thick asphalt from north to south of entire length the road or chip seal entire length of road and establish an MSBU for maintenance He advised a chip does not as long as an asphalt road Commissioner

stated only way the County will accept a chip seal for maintenance is if an MSBU is attached

Chairman McClain advised the public comment portion is now closed Chairman McClain residents will have to which option they

and reiterated that chip will not last as long as an asphalt road will Ms advised that the petitions will go out by Thursday July 30 5 and

will be due back by September 1 2015 public hearing will be held between 1 and 1 2015

discussion resumed A motion was by Commissioner Moore by Commissioner Zalak

continue public hearing to Thursday September 10 15 at 500 pm The motion was unanimously approved by Board (4-0)

County Employees Chairman McClain requested concessions from the Board to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator He advised William Kauffman will hold the of Interim County Administrator until August 1 15 and Gt)gtI)L where during budget prClcess

Commissioner stated needs to provided with a directive from the Board advised that Mr Bouyounes can take over majority of County Administrator

696 Book U

July 23 2015

tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


Book U Page 697

July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


Page 698 Book U

Page 4: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 23 2015

Mr Minter case law dictates that a MSTU must the of property not an individual In response to Commissioner Zalak he advised that a is able to donate to the project

Rick Lineberger 160th Court Road voiced his support of original assessment but not $7500 expressed concerns traffic once the road project is complete

In response to Mr Lineberger Chairman McClain advised that today is the final public hearing The Board will all testimony and evidence into consideration and

what direction they will go Commissioner Zalak advised the maintenance provided roads once

County them is mowing the and potholes In response to Mr Wexler Chairman McClain advised that the hearing today is

ba~)ea on the Board has and this point will not sending out a new petition

In response to Mr Commissioner stated the original petition sent out was just an estimate the final hearing today is to get feedback from residents

Chairman McClain advised that the Board has the authority to citizens at will petitions are to help the Board gauge interest residents

Bostick SE 160th Court stated the opposition Board is hearing from is not the work does not need to done but that the price is too high She

urged the to go back to original price of $4000 to $5000 In response to Chairman McClain Ms Darnell advised the bid provided is from

April 7 201 Chairman McClain advised that if a new bid is it would come back close to same amount

Janice SE 160th Court Road expressed opposition to the road project She advised that is also representing her neighbor Steve Morgan who was unable to at hearing today Ms Abbett provided a 2 page handout with an excel spread

on his Nancy 160th Court Road expressed support for the project

the original cost Allan Sanders SE 11 Lane addressed Board in regard to the of the

project and income limitation he In response to Mr Yonker Chairman McClain advised that this project is

imposed proposition brought to the Board by residents There are subdivisions that have done projects

In to Christopher SE 11 Lane Commissioner advised that the road was originally a private and is platted to become public but the road

to a certain standard before it wUl be accepted by the County Mr that is in opposition to project Chairman McClain stated County has been using the MSTU process since

1992 noting the County pay to not pave subdivision roads In response Commissioner Moore Ms Darnell stated does not have

cost to pave interior roads but if the Board includes the interior loop which ingress and egress off SE 160th Court Road it will add an additional $198000 to the project She advised that the contingency for the road project 10 Board the option to lower the contingency but if an unexpected need should arise project will fall short on funds Ms Darnell stated 10 year financing is the maximum the County can financing for a road project

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July 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that are other options that can be but they are below the County MSTU standards noting the proposed project all MSTU requirements

Ms Darnell advised that a petition went out in 2009 that estimated assessment cost for road and drainage improvements $6500 $8500 for entire development

Ms Darnell stated there are options The County could only addressed the 111 miles of existing pavement and reclaim that portion which will reduce the number of

from 52 to and will an estimated 800 parcel or for approximately $4800 the pot can be filled an overlay put on the

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes an overlay project will not last as long as a

Ms Darnell that the option available is to do a chip over existing which will cost approximately $4500 parcel

In response to Commissioner Zalak Ms Darnell stated $4500 only includes the existing pavement not have figures to construct a new road with the chip

In response to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised chip seal will 10 to 12 years is a substandard material that requires continued maintenance

Commissioner Arnett reducing the scope of work may affect the bonding ability of the project

Mr Glover advised that the bond is by the assessment so the scope will not affect the it of the bond He noted extending the length of financing will lower the yearly payment but will the overall

In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover stated the annual cost is estimated less than $1096

In response to Mr Mr Bouyounes advised in order to do an MSTU project it to meet a standard patching the road setting up a maintenance program does not those standards

General ensued In to Commissioner Zalak Mr Bouyounes stated in to do chip

on the dirt they will have to build a He noted it is less expensive to chip seal an existing road

General discussion resumed Ms Darnell advised that what is being today is a assessment not

establishment of an MSTU or MSBU discussion continued

Ms Darnell stated the project as it is presented is eligible for an exemption from management district if scope is changed it may lose exemption

Chairman McClain advised that from a public stand point culvert has to be fixed

Troy Burrell Burrell Engineering Inc is a statutory exemption for projects similar to but in order it the new road must under County

once completed In response Commissioner Mr Burrell if the road was in existence

o1fro January 2002 owned by the County and under perpetual maintenance by the County the exemption was


July 23 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that the only option to reduce cost but still make the road qualify for the County to take over maintenance would be to the width from 24 to 20 noting this will ma a minimal

Mr ability to repay

General discussion resumed Chris Traber Nabors Giblin amp

County not accept the

not care 0

Nickerson PA for maintenance

project on

counsel it may not

ly borrowers

that if the considered

governmentally owned for tax purposes which will the interest on the loan _pound0 discussion continued

Mr Minter advised that has been as a public states the County does not have to accept a road maintenance if the is not built to MSBU standards and is what happened in this case From a liability standpoint the Board can put up at each of the road stating drive at your own He stated if the Board to do the project below County standards such as with chip seal the Board would become liable if something were to happen therefore if the chip seal is done an MSBU will also have to established for funding of future

Zalak should the current road County standards then put the dirt portion the road under a maintenance This would lower the residents Chairman McClain there are on the dirt portion who expressed an and willingness to contribute to project Ms Darnell advised that there are only 10 lots on the dirt portion of the road noting it will take a SUbstantial amount of time to build up enough funds to complete new construction

General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell that if the Board to chip

the the will be 42 whose parcel front that road It does not any new construction

Commissioner Zalak stated Board can road construction options with the property owners on SE 100th

Chairman McClain advised that if the projects are done independently the cost of bonding will greater

Ms stated if 1oath Lane is constructed separately the assessment for the 10 located on that is estimated at $17000 per property owner

discussion continued to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised the

inches thick 20 to 30 General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell stated the current bid is good for 90 days

noting if the of the project remains the same they can work with contractor Ruth DeMoustes MSTU advised that typically the property owner has 60 days to

return the but can time frame days Ms stated in to have the added to 2015 tax bill a

decision will to be made by September 15 201 Mr Minter opined the new petition should include options for to

from so the can have a understanding as to what the community wants Commissioner Zalak that options other than the proposed scope will not

fix the problems presented today Chairman McClain stated if the does a

Page 694 U

July 23 2015

project residents will have a substandard road and in the long run pay the same if not more than proposed project

General discussion resumed Commissioner Zalak stated the is or not to build the additional

mile road noting it will cost effective and beneficial to to the entire road and put it under County maintenance He that difference between chip

and pavement is minimal In response Commissioner Arnett Darnell advised that it will cost $5800

per to reclaim the existing road $4800 to overlay and for chip General discussion continued Chairman McClain stated if Board in the future to complete the dirt

portion of the road the property owners on that portion will responsible the full cost of bonding and other Ms Darnell advised that those are roughly of the total

Chairman McClain staff to issue a new petition with two options 1) current or 2) chip seal the entire project length and establish an MSBU for future

maintenance Mr Minter stated 100th is not included in either option In response Mr Minter Chairman McClain advised that Board is going to

follow through with one of two options There will not be an option on the petition to the road as it is today Chairman McClain stated in to have applied the 2015 tax roll the road

project will have to on an agenda prior to September 15 15 In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover advised that County can start

work The Board can use funds reimburse themselves once bonding process is complete He stated that if the bond is too soon County will have to start paying prior to assessments being collected which can the cost of bond Mr Glover advised that are a few other projects that are in the beginning stages of financing noting if this project is bundled together it will allow the finance cost to

Commissioner Zalak advised that the bid provided will not the same if the Board till 2016 to start the project noting the cost asphalt is increasing Mr Traber stated the Board has to adopt the roll by September 15 201

residents already noticed as long as the Board not the amount or expand to any new properties they can move forward noting the roll can always be

Chairman McClain advised that residents already sent a notice stating if the is approved today will be an additional $1096 added to

November tax bill As long as the project does exceed amount Board will have met notification guidelines stated petitions will go out and another public hearing will held before September 1 201 noting if the waits to move forward the construction may

In response to Mr Chairman McClain stated the petition will include 100th Lane

In response Mr Walker Commissioner Zalak advised that if the is approved construction will begin before end of the Chairman McClain if the Board waited until after September 1 15 then they would to start the process all over again

Book U 695

July 2015

In to Ms Wood Commissioner Zalak the reason for the new petition is verify all are aware scope and cost of the proposed road project Chairman McClain advised of additional costs associated with financing that

residents include the Y4 mile at this time than at a date Commissioner Zalak stated Board currently other projects that it can group

with this one to lower financing Chairman McClain concurred noting there will be a total of 3 projects including this one splitting the cost financing

Ms Wood expressed support for removing the culverts and making 160th

Court Road a dead end road Mr Murphy the person who should be paying for the culvert repair is Cliff

Schill who is the original developer and has a from St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Commissioner Zalak advised that Marion County did not give Mr the permit RWMD did SJRWMD is responsible to enforce

permit noting County not have that ability In response to Ms Abbett Chairman McClain the Board did receive

of opposition from Phyllis Fernandez Dana Word Mr Sanders his opposition to the road project on the of cost Chairman McClain advised that there are programs up within the county to help

who are unable to pay other fire assessment and stormwater)

Mr Lineberger he supports fixing the road does not building any new roads

Ms advised was the one who originally went to the County with request to fix 160th Court noting road was included at time

In response Ms Bostick Chairman McClain stated options that will be on the new petition are 1) put 1 14 thick asphalt from north to south of entire length the road or chip seal entire length of road and establish an MSBU for maintenance He advised a chip does not as long as an asphalt road Commissioner

stated only way the County will accept a chip seal for maintenance is if an MSBU is attached

Chairman McClain advised the public comment portion is now closed Chairman McClain residents will have to which option they

and reiterated that chip will not last as long as an asphalt road will Ms advised that the petitions will go out by Thursday July 30 5 and

will be due back by September 1 2015 public hearing will be held between 1 and 1 2015

discussion resumed A motion was by Commissioner Moore by Commissioner Zalak

continue public hearing to Thursday September 10 15 at 500 pm The motion was unanimously approved by Board (4-0)

County Employees Chairman McClain requested concessions from the Board to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator He advised William Kauffman will hold the of Interim County Administrator until August 1 15 and Gt)gtI)L where during budget prClcess

Commissioner stated needs to provided with a directive from the Board advised that Mr Bouyounes can take over majority of County Administrator

696 Book U

July 23 2015

tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


Book U Page 697

July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


Page 698 Book U

Page 5: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that are other options that can be but they are below the County MSTU standards noting the proposed project all MSTU requirements

Ms Darnell advised that a petition went out in 2009 that estimated assessment cost for road and drainage improvements $6500 $8500 for entire development

Ms Darnell stated there are options The County could only addressed the 111 miles of existing pavement and reclaim that portion which will reduce the number of

from 52 to and will an estimated 800 parcel or for approximately $4800 the pot can be filled an overlay put on the

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes an overlay project will not last as long as a

Ms Darnell that the option available is to do a chip over existing which will cost approximately $4500 parcel

In response to Commissioner Zalak Ms Darnell stated $4500 only includes the existing pavement not have figures to construct a new road with the chip

In response to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised chip seal will 10 to 12 years is a substandard material that requires continued maintenance

Commissioner Arnett reducing the scope of work may affect the bonding ability of the project

Mr Glover advised that the bond is by the assessment so the scope will not affect the it of the bond He noted extending the length of financing will lower the yearly payment but will the overall

In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover stated the annual cost is estimated less than $1096

In response to Mr Mr Bouyounes advised in order to do an MSTU project it to meet a standard patching the road setting up a maintenance program does not those standards

General ensued In to Commissioner Zalak Mr Bouyounes stated in to do chip

on the dirt they will have to build a He noted it is less expensive to chip seal an existing road

General discussion resumed Ms Darnell advised that what is being today is a assessment not

establishment of an MSTU or MSBU discussion continued

Ms Darnell stated the project as it is presented is eligible for an exemption from management district if scope is changed it may lose exemption

Chairman McClain advised that from a public stand point culvert has to be fixed

Troy Burrell Burrell Engineering Inc is a statutory exemption for projects similar to but in order it the new road must under County

once completed In response Commissioner Mr Burrell if the road was in existence

o1fro January 2002 owned by the County and under perpetual maintenance by the County the exemption was


July 23 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that the only option to reduce cost but still make the road qualify for the County to take over maintenance would be to the width from 24 to 20 noting this will ma a minimal

Mr ability to repay

General discussion resumed Chris Traber Nabors Giblin amp

County not accept the

not care 0

Nickerson PA for maintenance

project on

counsel it may not

ly borrowers

that if the considered

governmentally owned for tax purposes which will the interest on the loan _pound0 discussion continued

Mr Minter advised that has been as a public states the County does not have to accept a road maintenance if the is not built to MSBU standards and is what happened in this case From a liability standpoint the Board can put up at each of the road stating drive at your own He stated if the Board to do the project below County standards such as with chip seal the Board would become liable if something were to happen therefore if the chip seal is done an MSBU will also have to established for funding of future

Zalak should the current road County standards then put the dirt portion the road under a maintenance This would lower the residents Chairman McClain there are on the dirt portion who expressed an and willingness to contribute to project Ms Darnell advised that there are only 10 lots on the dirt portion of the road noting it will take a SUbstantial amount of time to build up enough funds to complete new construction

General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell that if the Board to chip

the the will be 42 whose parcel front that road It does not any new construction

Commissioner Zalak stated Board can road construction options with the property owners on SE 100th

Chairman McClain advised that if the projects are done independently the cost of bonding will greater

Ms stated if 1oath Lane is constructed separately the assessment for the 10 located on that is estimated at $17000 per property owner

discussion continued to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised the

inches thick 20 to 30 General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell stated the current bid is good for 90 days

noting if the of the project remains the same they can work with contractor Ruth DeMoustes MSTU advised that typically the property owner has 60 days to

return the but can time frame days Ms stated in to have the added to 2015 tax bill a

decision will to be made by September 15 201 Mr Minter opined the new petition should include options for to

from so the can have a understanding as to what the community wants Commissioner Zalak that options other than the proposed scope will not

fix the problems presented today Chairman McClain stated if the does a

Page 694 U

July 23 2015

project residents will have a substandard road and in the long run pay the same if not more than proposed project

General discussion resumed Commissioner Zalak stated the is or not to build the additional

mile road noting it will cost effective and beneficial to to the entire road and put it under County maintenance He that difference between chip

and pavement is minimal In response Commissioner Arnett Darnell advised that it will cost $5800

per to reclaim the existing road $4800 to overlay and for chip General discussion continued Chairman McClain stated if Board in the future to complete the dirt

portion of the road the property owners on that portion will responsible the full cost of bonding and other Ms Darnell advised that those are roughly of the total

Chairman McClain staff to issue a new petition with two options 1) current or 2) chip seal the entire project length and establish an MSBU for future

maintenance Mr Minter stated 100th is not included in either option In response Mr Minter Chairman McClain advised that Board is going to

follow through with one of two options There will not be an option on the petition to the road as it is today Chairman McClain stated in to have applied the 2015 tax roll the road

project will have to on an agenda prior to September 15 15 In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover advised that County can start

work The Board can use funds reimburse themselves once bonding process is complete He stated that if the bond is too soon County will have to start paying prior to assessments being collected which can the cost of bond Mr Glover advised that are a few other projects that are in the beginning stages of financing noting if this project is bundled together it will allow the finance cost to

Commissioner Zalak advised that the bid provided will not the same if the Board till 2016 to start the project noting the cost asphalt is increasing Mr Traber stated the Board has to adopt the roll by September 15 201

residents already noticed as long as the Board not the amount or expand to any new properties they can move forward noting the roll can always be

Chairman McClain advised that residents already sent a notice stating if the is approved today will be an additional $1096 added to

November tax bill As long as the project does exceed amount Board will have met notification guidelines stated petitions will go out and another public hearing will held before September 1 201 noting if the waits to move forward the construction may

In response to Mr Chairman McClain stated the petition will include 100th Lane

In response Mr Walker Commissioner Zalak advised that if the is approved construction will begin before end of the Chairman McClain if the Board waited until after September 1 15 then they would to start the process all over again

Book U 695

July 2015

In to Ms Wood Commissioner Zalak the reason for the new petition is verify all are aware scope and cost of the proposed road project Chairman McClain advised of additional costs associated with financing that

residents include the Y4 mile at this time than at a date Commissioner Zalak stated Board currently other projects that it can group

with this one to lower financing Chairman McClain concurred noting there will be a total of 3 projects including this one splitting the cost financing

Ms Wood expressed support for removing the culverts and making 160th

Court Road a dead end road Mr Murphy the person who should be paying for the culvert repair is Cliff

Schill who is the original developer and has a from St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Commissioner Zalak advised that Marion County did not give Mr the permit RWMD did SJRWMD is responsible to enforce

permit noting County not have that ability In response to Ms Abbett Chairman McClain the Board did receive

of opposition from Phyllis Fernandez Dana Word Mr Sanders his opposition to the road project on the of cost Chairman McClain advised that there are programs up within the county to help

who are unable to pay other fire assessment and stormwater)

Mr Lineberger he supports fixing the road does not building any new roads

Ms advised was the one who originally went to the County with request to fix 160th Court noting road was included at time

In response Ms Bostick Chairman McClain stated options that will be on the new petition are 1) put 1 14 thick asphalt from north to south of entire length the road or chip seal entire length of road and establish an MSBU for maintenance He advised a chip does not as long as an asphalt road Commissioner

stated only way the County will accept a chip seal for maintenance is if an MSBU is attached

Chairman McClain advised the public comment portion is now closed Chairman McClain residents will have to which option they

and reiterated that chip will not last as long as an asphalt road will Ms advised that the petitions will go out by Thursday July 30 5 and

will be due back by September 1 2015 public hearing will be held between 1 and 1 2015

discussion resumed A motion was by Commissioner Moore by Commissioner Zalak

continue public hearing to Thursday September 10 15 at 500 pm The motion was unanimously approved by Board (4-0)

County Employees Chairman McClain requested concessions from the Board to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator He advised William Kauffman will hold the of Interim County Administrator until August 1 15 and Gt)gtI)L where during budget prClcess

Commissioner stated needs to provided with a directive from the Board advised that Mr Bouyounes can take over majority of County Administrator

696 Book U

July 23 2015

tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


Book U Page 697

July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


Page 698 Book U

Page 6: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 23 2015

In to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised that the only option to reduce cost but still make the road qualify for the County to take over maintenance would be to the width from 24 to 20 noting this will ma a minimal

Mr ability to repay

General discussion resumed Chris Traber Nabors Giblin amp

County not accept the

not care 0

Nickerson PA for maintenance

project on

counsel it may not

ly borrowers

that if the considered

governmentally owned for tax purposes which will the interest on the loan _pound0 discussion continued

Mr Minter advised that has been as a public states the County does not have to accept a road maintenance if the is not built to MSBU standards and is what happened in this case From a liability standpoint the Board can put up at each of the road stating drive at your own He stated if the Board to do the project below County standards such as with chip seal the Board would become liable if something were to happen therefore if the chip seal is done an MSBU will also have to established for funding of future

Zalak should the current road County standards then put the dirt portion the road under a maintenance This would lower the residents Chairman McClain there are on the dirt portion who expressed an and willingness to contribute to project Ms Darnell advised that there are only 10 lots on the dirt portion of the road noting it will take a SUbstantial amount of time to build up enough funds to complete new construction

General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell that if the Board to chip

the the will be 42 whose parcel front that road It does not any new construction

Commissioner Zalak stated Board can road construction options with the property owners on SE 100th

Chairman McClain advised that if the projects are done independently the cost of bonding will greater

Ms stated if 1oath Lane is constructed separately the assessment for the 10 located on that is estimated at $17000 per property owner

discussion continued to Commissioner Moore Mr Bouyounes advised the

inches thick 20 to 30 General discussion resumed In to Mr Minter Ms Darnell stated the current bid is good for 90 days

noting if the of the project remains the same they can work with contractor Ruth DeMoustes MSTU advised that typically the property owner has 60 days to

return the but can time frame days Ms stated in to have the added to 2015 tax bill a

decision will to be made by September 15 201 Mr Minter opined the new petition should include options for to

from so the can have a understanding as to what the community wants Commissioner Zalak that options other than the proposed scope will not

fix the problems presented today Chairman McClain stated if the does a

Page 694 U

July 23 2015

project residents will have a substandard road and in the long run pay the same if not more than proposed project

General discussion resumed Commissioner Zalak stated the is or not to build the additional

mile road noting it will cost effective and beneficial to to the entire road and put it under County maintenance He that difference between chip

and pavement is minimal In response Commissioner Arnett Darnell advised that it will cost $5800

per to reclaim the existing road $4800 to overlay and for chip General discussion continued Chairman McClain stated if Board in the future to complete the dirt

portion of the road the property owners on that portion will responsible the full cost of bonding and other Ms Darnell advised that those are roughly of the total

Chairman McClain staff to issue a new petition with two options 1) current or 2) chip seal the entire project length and establish an MSBU for future

maintenance Mr Minter stated 100th is not included in either option In response Mr Minter Chairman McClain advised that Board is going to

follow through with one of two options There will not be an option on the petition to the road as it is today Chairman McClain stated in to have applied the 2015 tax roll the road

project will have to on an agenda prior to September 15 15 In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover advised that County can start

work The Board can use funds reimburse themselves once bonding process is complete He stated that if the bond is too soon County will have to start paying prior to assessments being collected which can the cost of bond Mr Glover advised that are a few other projects that are in the beginning stages of financing noting if this project is bundled together it will allow the finance cost to

Commissioner Zalak advised that the bid provided will not the same if the Board till 2016 to start the project noting the cost asphalt is increasing Mr Traber stated the Board has to adopt the roll by September 15 201

residents already noticed as long as the Board not the amount or expand to any new properties they can move forward noting the roll can always be

Chairman McClain advised that residents already sent a notice stating if the is approved today will be an additional $1096 added to

November tax bill As long as the project does exceed amount Board will have met notification guidelines stated petitions will go out and another public hearing will held before September 1 201 noting if the waits to move forward the construction may

In response to Mr Chairman McClain stated the petition will include 100th Lane

In response Mr Walker Commissioner Zalak advised that if the is approved construction will begin before end of the Chairman McClain if the Board waited until after September 1 15 then they would to start the process all over again

Book U 695

July 2015

In to Ms Wood Commissioner Zalak the reason for the new petition is verify all are aware scope and cost of the proposed road project Chairman McClain advised of additional costs associated with financing that

residents include the Y4 mile at this time than at a date Commissioner Zalak stated Board currently other projects that it can group

with this one to lower financing Chairman McClain concurred noting there will be a total of 3 projects including this one splitting the cost financing

Ms Wood expressed support for removing the culverts and making 160th

Court Road a dead end road Mr Murphy the person who should be paying for the culvert repair is Cliff

Schill who is the original developer and has a from St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Commissioner Zalak advised that Marion County did not give Mr the permit RWMD did SJRWMD is responsible to enforce

permit noting County not have that ability In response to Ms Abbett Chairman McClain the Board did receive

of opposition from Phyllis Fernandez Dana Word Mr Sanders his opposition to the road project on the of cost Chairman McClain advised that there are programs up within the county to help

who are unable to pay other fire assessment and stormwater)

Mr Lineberger he supports fixing the road does not building any new roads

Ms advised was the one who originally went to the County with request to fix 160th Court noting road was included at time

In response Ms Bostick Chairman McClain stated options that will be on the new petition are 1) put 1 14 thick asphalt from north to south of entire length the road or chip seal entire length of road and establish an MSBU for maintenance He advised a chip does not as long as an asphalt road Commissioner

stated only way the County will accept a chip seal for maintenance is if an MSBU is attached

Chairman McClain advised the public comment portion is now closed Chairman McClain residents will have to which option they

and reiterated that chip will not last as long as an asphalt road will Ms advised that the petitions will go out by Thursday July 30 5 and

will be due back by September 1 2015 public hearing will be held between 1 and 1 2015

discussion resumed A motion was by Commissioner Moore by Commissioner Zalak

continue public hearing to Thursday September 10 15 at 500 pm The motion was unanimously approved by Board (4-0)

County Employees Chairman McClain requested concessions from the Board to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator He advised William Kauffman will hold the of Interim County Administrator until August 1 15 and Gt)gtI)L where during budget prClcess

Commissioner stated needs to provided with a directive from the Board advised that Mr Bouyounes can take over majority of County Administrator

696 Book U

July 23 2015

tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


Book U Page 697

July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


Page 698 Book U

Page 7: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 23 2015

project residents will have a substandard road and in the long run pay the same if not more than proposed project

General discussion resumed Commissioner Zalak stated the is or not to build the additional

mile road noting it will cost effective and beneficial to to the entire road and put it under County maintenance He that difference between chip

and pavement is minimal In response Commissioner Arnett Darnell advised that it will cost $5800

per to reclaim the existing road $4800 to overlay and for chip General discussion continued Chairman McClain stated if Board in the future to complete the dirt

portion of the road the property owners on that portion will responsible the full cost of bonding and other Ms Darnell advised that those are roughly of the total

Chairman McClain staff to issue a new petition with two options 1) current or 2) chip seal the entire project length and establish an MSBU for future

maintenance Mr Minter stated 100th is not included in either option In response Mr Minter Chairman McClain advised that Board is going to

follow through with one of two options There will not be an option on the petition to the road as it is today Chairman McClain stated in to have applied the 2015 tax roll the road

project will have to on an agenda prior to September 15 15 In response to Commissioner Zalak Mr Glover advised that County can start

work The Board can use funds reimburse themselves once bonding process is complete He stated that if the bond is too soon County will have to start paying prior to assessments being collected which can the cost of bond Mr Glover advised that are a few other projects that are in the beginning stages of financing noting if this project is bundled together it will allow the finance cost to

Commissioner Zalak advised that the bid provided will not the same if the Board till 2016 to start the project noting the cost asphalt is increasing Mr Traber stated the Board has to adopt the roll by September 15 201

residents already noticed as long as the Board not the amount or expand to any new properties they can move forward noting the roll can always be

Chairman McClain advised that residents already sent a notice stating if the is approved today will be an additional $1096 added to

November tax bill As long as the project does exceed amount Board will have met notification guidelines stated petitions will go out and another public hearing will held before September 1 201 noting if the waits to move forward the construction may

In response to Mr Chairman McClain stated the petition will include 100th Lane

In response Mr Walker Commissioner Zalak advised that if the is approved construction will begin before end of the Chairman McClain if the Board waited until after September 1 15 then they would to start the process all over again

Book U 695

July 2015

In to Ms Wood Commissioner Zalak the reason for the new petition is verify all are aware scope and cost of the proposed road project Chairman McClain advised of additional costs associated with financing that

residents include the Y4 mile at this time than at a date Commissioner Zalak stated Board currently other projects that it can group

with this one to lower financing Chairman McClain concurred noting there will be a total of 3 projects including this one splitting the cost financing

Ms Wood expressed support for removing the culverts and making 160th

Court Road a dead end road Mr Murphy the person who should be paying for the culvert repair is Cliff

Schill who is the original developer and has a from St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Commissioner Zalak advised that Marion County did not give Mr the permit RWMD did SJRWMD is responsible to enforce

permit noting County not have that ability In response to Ms Abbett Chairman McClain the Board did receive

of opposition from Phyllis Fernandez Dana Word Mr Sanders his opposition to the road project on the of cost Chairman McClain advised that there are programs up within the county to help

who are unable to pay other fire assessment and stormwater)

Mr Lineberger he supports fixing the road does not building any new roads

Ms advised was the one who originally went to the County with request to fix 160th Court noting road was included at time

In response Ms Bostick Chairman McClain stated options that will be on the new petition are 1) put 1 14 thick asphalt from north to south of entire length the road or chip seal entire length of road and establish an MSBU for maintenance He advised a chip does not as long as an asphalt road Commissioner

stated only way the County will accept a chip seal for maintenance is if an MSBU is attached

Chairman McClain advised the public comment portion is now closed Chairman McClain residents will have to which option they

and reiterated that chip will not last as long as an asphalt road will Ms advised that the petitions will go out by Thursday July 30 5 and

will be due back by September 1 2015 public hearing will be held between 1 and 1 2015

discussion resumed A motion was by Commissioner Moore by Commissioner Zalak

continue public hearing to Thursday September 10 15 at 500 pm The motion was unanimously approved by Board (4-0)

County Employees Chairman McClain requested concessions from the Board to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator He advised William Kauffman will hold the of Interim County Administrator until August 1 15 and Gt)gtI)L where during budget prClcess

Commissioner stated needs to provided with a directive from the Board advised that Mr Bouyounes can take over majority of County Administrator

696 Book U

July 23 2015

tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


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July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


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Page 8: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 2015

In to Ms Wood Commissioner Zalak the reason for the new petition is verify all are aware scope and cost of the proposed road project Chairman McClain advised of additional costs associated with financing that

residents include the Y4 mile at this time than at a date Commissioner Zalak stated Board currently other projects that it can group

with this one to lower financing Chairman McClain concurred noting there will be a total of 3 projects including this one splitting the cost financing

Ms Wood expressed support for removing the culverts and making 160th

Court Road a dead end road Mr Murphy the person who should be paying for the culvert repair is Cliff

Schill who is the original developer and has a from St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Commissioner Zalak advised that Marion County did not give Mr the permit RWMD did SJRWMD is responsible to enforce

permit noting County not have that ability In response to Ms Abbett Chairman McClain the Board did receive

of opposition from Phyllis Fernandez Dana Word Mr Sanders his opposition to the road project on the of cost Chairman McClain advised that there are programs up within the county to help

who are unable to pay other fire assessment and stormwater)

Mr Lineberger he supports fixing the road does not building any new roads

Ms advised was the one who originally went to the County with request to fix 160th Court noting road was included at time

In response Ms Bostick Chairman McClain stated options that will be on the new petition are 1) put 1 14 thick asphalt from north to south of entire length the road or chip seal entire length of road and establish an MSBU for maintenance He advised a chip does not as long as an asphalt road Commissioner

stated only way the County will accept a chip seal for maintenance is if an MSBU is attached

Chairman McClain advised the public comment portion is now closed Chairman McClain residents will have to which option they

and reiterated that chip will not last as long as an asphalt road will Ms advised that the petitions will go out by Thursday July 30 5 and

will be due back by September 1 2015 public hearing will be held between 1 and 1 2015

discussion resumed A motion was by Commissioner Moore by Commissioner Zalak

continue public hearing to Thursday September 10 15 at 500 pm The motion was unanimously approved by Board (4-0)

County Employees Chairman McClain requested concessions from the Board to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator He advised William Kauffman will hold the of Interim County Administrator until August 1 15 and Gt)gtI)L where during budget prClcess

Commissioner stated needs to provided with a directive from the Board advised that Mr Bouyounes can take over majority of County Administrator

696 Book U

July 23 2015

tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


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July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


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Page 9: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 23 2015

tasks while allowing Mr Kauffman to finish the budget objectives the Board has previously discussed with him

Chairman McClain advised that he does not want to wait until the next Board meeting on August 42015 to address the issue

Commissioner Zalak directed Mr Bouyounes to present an organizational chart to the Board at the August 42015 meeting

Chairman McClain stated the County has good managers and staff already in place and would like to be able to find an Administrator that can come in and manage the existing organization without making huge changes

Chairman McClain advised that appointing Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator should have been done at the regular Board meeting on July 212015 but due to the length of the meeting it was not addressed Commissioner Zalak stated the Board is still searching for a County Administrator in the meantime as the Assistant County Administrator Mr Bouyounes can fill in as the Acting County Administrator

Mr Minter advised that per Florida Statute 2860114 adopted in 2013 the Board has to allow reasonable opportunity for the public to participate and be heard before any action is taken He stated the Board is able to act today based on the public welfare and continuity of management going into the budget process Mr Minters recommendation to the Board is to make this topic an agenda item on the next regularly scheduled Board meeting

In response to Commissioner Moore Commissioner Zalak stated Mr Bouyounes rate of pay will not change at this time Mr Minter advised that if Mr Bouyounes becomes Interim County Administrator the pay rate may change depending on the contract negotiated

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to consider Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)

A motion was made by Commissioner Zalak seconded by Commissioner Arnett to appoint Mr Bouyounes as Acting County Administrator with a review to be on the August 42015 agenda and compensation to coincide with duties

In response to Chairman McClain Mr Bouyounes stated he will not be applying for the County Administrator position

In response to Human Resource Director Amanda Tart Commissioner Zalak advised that compensation will be $157500

Chairman McClain opened the floor to public comment There being no public comment Chairman McClain advised that public comment

is now closed The motion was unanimously approved by the Board (4-0)


Book U Page 697

July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


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Page 10: Official Minutes of MARION COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY ... · Commissioner Arnett arrived 3:06 p.m. This petition was mailed out on July 2014 of a in the petition self-addressed return

July 23 2015

There being no further business to come before Board the meeting thereupon adjourned at pm


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