Download - OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

Page 1: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu



No. 300 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1947 Price 7.50 yen


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Ordinance No. 22

April 2, 1947 ・

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Or-

dinance No. 67 cf 1939 (concerning Restriction on

the Sales of Pelts of Wild Animals') shall hereby be


Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

KIMURA Kozaemon

Supplementary Provision:

The present Ordinance shall come into force as

from the day of its promulgation.


Board of Price and Ministry of Transportation

Notification No. 11

April 2, 1947

In view of the forthcoming election of Members

of the House of Representatives, we hereby lay down

regulations relating to the special ticket for candidates

such as follows:

Director-General of Board of Price


Minister of Transportation

MASUDA Kaneshichi

1. Scope of sale:

20 tickets will be sold to each candidate who

has already given notice of running for the elec-

tion, in exchange for certificate for issuance of the

special tickets for candidates issued by the com-

petent chief of election official.

2. Period for ticket sale:

From April 1st, 1947 to April 25th, 1947,


3. Persons qualified to use such tickets:

To be used exclusively by any candidate for

membership of the House of Representatives, (if

approved by the candidate, the applicant recom-

mended by the candidate, and in case there are

several applicants, their representative) and his


4. Fare:

150 yen per ticket.

5. Validity:

From the date of issuance to April 30th,

1947, inclusive.

6. Journey section for ticket validity and class of


Any Government Railway line (including auto-

mobile and ferry lines) in the prefecture covering


such candidate's electoral district.

2nd or 3rd class between any two stations

within the specified prefecture.


In case where any person other than the per-

son qualified'to use the above tickets has used

the same, they shall be deemed to be null and

void, and shall be forfeited. The same shallapply

in cases where any candidate use such tickets

after cancellation of his candidacy.

In the cases mentioned in the latter part of

the preceding paragraph, an appropriate amount

of passenger fares shall be refunded in proportiotL

to the remaining period of the validity..

Ministry of Finance Notification No. 65

April 2, 1947In accordance with the provisionsof Article1,

paragraph 1,item 1, proviso of the Law concerningthe Emergency Measures for the Account of Com-panies the followingcompanies have been approved asexempted from specialaccountingcompany:

Minister of Finance


Approved on October 31, 1946

One Weights and Mea- Chibasures Manufacturing Co.,


Approved on November 5, 1946

Edo Hosiery Co.,Ltd. Kurita-gun,Shiga-kenApproved on November 8, 1946Yamanashi Kogyo Co., KofuLtd.

Yamanashi PrefectureLiq- Kofuuor Sale Co., Ltd.

Approved on November 9, 1946

Minatogawa Real Estate Ikuta-ku, KobeCo., Ltd.

Japan Domestic Animal Nagata-ku, KobeBreeding MaterialsCo.,Ltd.

Tajima Shoten Co., Ltd. Fukiai-ku,KobeOmori Kaiso-tenCo.,Ltd. Ikuta-ku, Kobe

Kobe KonishiShoten Co., Ikuta-ku, KobeLtd.

Hyogo Co-operativeCan- Nagata-ku, Kobened Food Co., Ltd.

Kobe Shimbun Co., Ltd. Hyogo-ku, KobeBanshu Fruits and Vegi- HimejitablesCo., Ltd.

Japan Aburadome Indus- Hyogo-ku, Kobetry Co., Ltd.

Hyogo Kihansen Gumi Hyogo-ku, KobePrivntpT.triPn


Page 2: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

Himeji Automobile Ad- Himeji

justing Industry Co.,


Wakabayashi Ordinary Nada-ku, KobePartnership

Toa ElectricMachine Co., Nagata-ku, Kobe


Approved on November 12, 1946

Naraya Co., Ltd. Chiba

Choshi Ship-building Co., ChoshiLtd.

Approved on November 13, 1946

Fukui ArtificialSilk Ware- Fukuihouse Co., Ltd.

Approved on November 15, 1946

Iwate Prefecture Liquor MoriokaSales Co., Ltd.

Kofu Fish Market Co., Kofu


Yamanashi Automobile In- Kofu

dustry Co., Ltd.

Approved on November 16, 1946

Korenori Transport Co., Ikuta-ku, Kobe


Moto Karatani Box Man- Amagasaki

ufacturing Co., Ltd. ,

Showa Brewery Co., Ltd. Akashi-gun, Hyogo-ken

Tomijima Trading and Ikuta-ku, Kobe

Transport Co., Ltd.

Kawakami Paints Co., Ltd. Amagasaki

Tarumoto Industry Co., Hyogo-ku, Kobe


Hyogo Prefecture Salt Fukiai-ku, Kobe

Wholesale Co., Ltd.

Minatogawa Pharmacy Hyogo-ku, KobeCo., Ltd.

Arada Ship-building Co., Hyogo-ku, Kobe6 Ltd.

Ishikawa Shoten Ordinary Hyogo-ku, Kobe


Kobe Kamaboko Co., Ltd. Hyogo-ku, Kobe

Beppu Railway Co., Ltd. Kako-gun, Hyogo-ken

i Approved on November 27, 1946

Okuda Oil Manufacturing Kamisaki-gun, Shiga-ken

Co., Ltd.

Nikka Industry Co., Ltd. Hikone

Omi Mosquito Netting Kamisaki-gun, Shiga-ken

Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Fuji Trading Co., Ltd. Nogawa-gun, Shiga-ken

Approved on November 28, 1946

Shinsei Limited Partner- Sakataship

Kyoho Co., Ltd. Sakata

Japan Export Hemp Co., Minamiuonuma-gun, Nii

Ltd. gata-ken

Chubu Measurement Sanjo

Tools Co., Ltd.

Kita Nihon Industry Co., Kashiwazaki


Takase-gumi Limited Nagaoka


Asahi Brewery Co., Ltd. Mishima-gun, Niigata-kei

Niigata Nippo-sha Co., Niigata


Limited Nagaoka

-Approved on November 29,Chugoku Soy Co., Ltd.


Asa-gun, Hiroshima-ken




Industry Co., Hiroshima

Uno Automobile Co., Ltd.

NishiojiRailway Co.. Ltd.

Igasa Railway Co., Ltd.

Okayama Bus Co., Ltd.

Godo Shimbun Co., Ltd.

OkayamaJodo-gun, Okayama-kenOda-gun, Okayama-ken



Approved on November 30, 1946Goto Kaiso-tenCo., Ltd. Ikuta-ku, Kobe

Taisho Ship-buildingCo., Nagata-ku, KobeLtd.

Kobe Dried Foods Co., Hyogo-ku, KobeLtd.

Muroya Shoten Co.,Ltd. Kako-gun, Hyogo-kenKorosue Shokai Co.,Ltd. .Fukiai-ku,Kobe

Fukuroku RealEstateCo., NishinbmiyaLtd.

Kobayashi Matches Co., Ikuta-ku,KobeLtd.

Himeji Brewer^ Co.,Ltd. HimejiFujitaFamily Co., Ltd. Hyogo-ku, Kobe

・Osaka Asahi Shimbun, Ikuta-ku,KobeKobe Agent Co., Ltd.

Hirohata Metal Industry Himeji

Co., Ltd.

Konan Rubber Industry Muko-gun, Hyogo-ken

Co., Ltd.

Teikoku Metal and Steel Nishinomiya

Co., Ltd.

Nagahisa Shoten Co., Ltd. Nagata-ku, Kobe

Nagaoka Insect-powder Fukiai-ku, Kobe

Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Kishimoto Industry Co., Ikuta-ku, Kobe


Wakayama Prefecture Liq- Wakayama

uor Sale Co., Ltd.

' Approved on December 5, 1946

Sakata Soy Co., Ltd. Sakata

Kotohira Electric Rail- Takamatsu

way Co., Ltd.

Tosa Denki Seiko Co., KochiLtd.

Kochi Prefecture Trans- Kochi

port Co., Ltd.

Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

Tokyo Enshi Co., Ltd. Fuji-gun, Shizuoka-ken

Tochuken Co., Ltd. Numazu

Specific Paper Co., Ltd. Sunto-gun, Shizuoka-ken

Approved on December 6, 1946

Shibukawa Shoten Co., Wakamatsu ■


Nakago Co., Ltd. Nihombashi-ku, Tokyo ..

Yasuhiro Shokai Co., Ltd. Nihombashi-ku, Tokyo

Shioya Yamazaki Ordi- Taira

nary Partnership

Hayashi Ordinary Part- Wakamatsu


Hokuto Measurement Fukushima

Tools Co., Ltd.

Tsuboman Furnace Manu- Kure

facturing Co., Ltd.

Miyaji Seizo Shoten Co., Onomichi


Ube Dock Co., Ltd. Ube

Shono Real Estate Co., Kurashiki


Chichiyasu Co., Ltd. Hiroshima

2 ―

Page 3: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

IIchibata Electric Railway Hikawa-gun, Shimane-ken

Co., Ltd.

Okayama Paper Manufac- Okayama

turing Co., Ltd.

Sakai Marine and Land Seihaku-gun, Tottori-ken

Transport Co., Ltd.

Shimane Prefecture Tex- Matsue

tile Goods Co., Ltd.

Okayama Prefecture Liq- Okayama

uor Sale Co., Ltd.

Utsumi Salt Manufactur- Kojima-gun, Okayama-ken

ing Co., Ltd.

Okayama Prefecture Co- Okayama

operative Food-stuff

Co., Ltd.

Nisshin Rubber Co., Ltd. Okayama

Hiroshima Toyoda Sale HiroshimaCo., Ltd.

Sugawara Mining Co., Fukuoka


Enbutsu Industry Co., Osaka


Nakajima Flour Manufac- Oita

turing Limited Partner-

ship^Amano Ordinary Partner- Ukihane-gun, Fukuoka-

ship ken

Kuge Honten Ordinary Kitaumibe-gun, Oita-ken


Fujijin Shoten Co., Ltd. Kitaumibe-gun, Oita-ken

Oita Toyoda Sales Co., OitaLtd.

Kagoshima Central Fruits Kagoshima

and Vegitables Co., Ltd.

Mori Agriculture and In- Fujitsu-gun, Saga-ken

dustry Co., Ltd.

Omuda Transport Co., Omuda


Shikamoto Railway Co., Shikamoto-gun, Kuma-

Ltd. moto-ken

Kumamoto Soy Centrol Kumamoto

Co., Ltd.

Abe Shoten Co., Ltd. Kumamoto

Asahi Brewery Co., Ltd. Nagasaki

Nagasaki Prefecture Liq- Nagasaki

uor sale Co., Ltd.

Approved on December 10. 1946

Jugo Co., Ltd.Osaka Compressor Co.,Ltd.

Yasuhara Tomisaburo

Shoten Ordinary Part-nership

Minami-ku, Osaka

Higas1ii-yodogawa-ku, O-


Higashi-ku, Osaka

Daido Metal Industry Co., Minami-ku, Osaka


Nakamura Industry Co., Higashi-ku, Osaka


Glove Industry Co., Ltd.

Kinki Electric Industry

Co., Lt-d.

Minomo-gun, Hyogo-kenHigashi-ku,Osaka

Kokusan Flex Industry FuseCo., Ltd.

Matsushita Shoten Co., Higashi-ku, Osaka


Osaka Nagaryu Cork Man- Joto-ku, Osaka

ufacturing Co., Ltd.

Ogawa Perfume Co., Ltd. Higashi-ku, Osaka

Kuroda Kokkodo Ordi- Higashinari-ku, Osaka

nary Partnership

Osaka Ship-fitting Co., Nishi-ku, Osaka


Yura Shokai Co., Ltd. Nishi-ku, Osaka

Osaka iVentilator Manu- Nishinari-ku, Osaka

facturing Co., Ltd.

Taiyo Valve Industry Higashi-sumiyoshi-ku,

Co., Ltd. Osaka

Kobayashi Pharmaceuti- Higashinari-ku, Osaka

cal Industry Co., Ltd.

Sugai Gumi Co., Ltd. Higashi-yodogawa-ku,


Hisashi Metal Industry Nishinari-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Yamato Industry Limit- Sakai

ed Partnership

Yamamoto Bleached Cot- Higashi-yodogawa-ku,

ton Ordinary Partnership Osaka

Osaka Glass Tools Indu- Oyodo-ku, Osaka

stry Co., Ltd.

Sakai Transport Co., Ltd. Sakai

Kaminoyama Knitted Sennan-gun, Osaka-fu

Cloth Co., Ltd.

Marusho Estate and Nishi-ku, Osaka ・Transport Co., Ltd.

Osaka Electoric Co., Ltd. Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka

Doshi Real Estate Co., Toyono-gun, Osaka-fu


Midori Shokai Co., Ltd. Nishi-yodogawa-ku, Osaka

Tabuchi ElectricMachine Nishi-yodogawa-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Nitto Woven Clothing Higashi-ku, Osaka

Industry Co., Ltd.

Morishita Pharmaceutical Higashi-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Hokoku Kogyo Co., Ltd. Higashi-ku, Osaka

Kyoei Drilling Industry Kita-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Bando Rubber Belt Co., Hyogo-ku, Kobe


Osaka Monhane Co., Ltd.

Hieizan Railway Co., Ltd.

Iwata Shokai, Co., Ltd.

Qgura Trading Co., Ltd.

Morishima Industry Co.,

Ltd. .

Senn3n-gun, OsakaShiga-gun, Shiga-kenNishi-ku,Osaka


Approved on December 11, 1946

Yashima Ordinary Part- Takaoka


Tode Trading Co., Ltd.

Aichi Prefecture Salt Ma-

nufacturing Co., Ltd.

Nishi - kakiha - gun, To-



Nippon Industry Co.,Ltd. Fuji-gun,Shizuoka-kenShimizu Lumber Ware- Shimizuhouse Co.. Ltd.

Approved on December 12, 1946

Sanjo Machine Manufac- Sanjoluring Co., Ltd.

Hokuetsu Printing Co., NagaokaLtd.

tiiraishiShoten Co.,Ltd. NagaokaHokando Co., Ltd. Minami-kambara-gun,

Niigata-kenHaneshige Soy-beans Li- Sado-gun, Niigata-kcnmited PartnershiD

― 3 ―

Page 4: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

Marutaka Paper Manu- Takamatsu

facturing Co., Ltd,

Nippon Kogyo Limited Sendai


Iwaki Transport Co., Ltd. Taira

Joban Travel Co., Ltd. Taira

Approved on December 13, 1946

Shibotan Brewery Co., Takaoka-gun, Kochi-kenLtd.

Nakai Shoten Co., Ltd. Kochi

Suzue Agriculture < and Nagaoka-gun, Kochi-ken

Commerce Co., Ltd.

Sakae Rubber Industry Hamana-gun, Shizuoka-Co., Ltd. ken

Nisshin Shokuryo Kogyo MishimaCo., Ltd.

Nisshin Shokusan Kogyo Mishima

Co., Ltd.

Approved on December 14, 1946

Osaka Soda Co., Ltd. Higashi-ku, Osaka

Japan Tools Manufactur- Higashiyodogawa-ku,

ing Co., Ltd. Osaka

Tovva Light Metal In- Sakai

tdustry Co., Ltd.

Igeta Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. Nishi-ku, Osaka

Hankyu Bus Co., Ltd. Ikeda

Tsujiyoshi Lumbering Taisho-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Nakata Manufacturing Kita-ku, Osaka


Washio Tools Manufac- Higashiyodogawa-ku,

turing Plant Osaka

Hannan Rubber Co., Ltd. Nishinari-ku, Osaka

Nishisho Shoten Co., Ltd. Izumi-otsu

Aoyama Specific Steel Minami-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Osaka Godo Co., Ltd. Higashi-ku, Osaka

Kansai- Dyeing Chemical Ukyo-ku, Kyoto

Industry Co., Ltd.

Teikoku Steel Manufac- Higashi-ku, Osaka

turing Co., Ltd.

Sakai Iron-Works Co., Nishinari-ku, Osaka


Nihon Grindstone Co., Otokuni-gun, Kyoto-fu


Koshika Leather Indus- Kitakawachi-gun, Osaka-

try Co., Ltd. fu

Obiya Shoten Co., Ltd. Kaizuka

Kyoei Valve Industry Kaizuka

Co., Ltd.

Takeda Shoten Co., Ltd. Kishiwada

Makita Industry Co., Ltd. Nishi-yodogawa-ku,Osaks

Horino Shoten Co., Ltd. Nakakyo-ku, Kyoto

Mitsuboshi Belt Co., Ltd. Nagata-ku, Kobe

Konishi Brewery Co., Ltd. Itami

Nara Transportation Co., Nara


Kawanishi Warehouse Hyogo-ku, Kobe

Co., Ltd.

Wakayama Truck Co., Wakayama


Koizumi Hemp Manufac- Nada-ku, Kobe

turing Co., Ltd.

Chuo Foodstuff Co., Ltd. Nishinari-ku, Osaka

Shoryu Industry Co., Ltd. Nakakyo-ku, Kyoto

Okada Metal Industry Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

Co., Ltd.

Nakada Co.,Ltd.

Sakai Kogyo Co., Ltd.Omi Velvet Co., Ltd.Kyoto Dyeing IndustryCo., Ltd.

Sangoku SteelBeltManu-facturingCo.,Ltd.

Teikoku Kasei Co.,Ltd.Hirai Family Co., Ltd.Japan Steel Pipe Fitting

Co., Ltfl.

Nakakyo-ku, KyotoFukui

NagahamaShimokyo-ku, Kyoto


Ikuta-ku, KobeNakakyo-ku, KyotoKishiwada

Showa Light Metal In- Higashinari-ku, Osaka

dustry Co., Ltd.

Sanwa Automobile Con- Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto

veyance Co., Ltd.

Okuda Electric Machine Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto

Co., Ltd.

Katsuyama & Bros. Ma- Ono-gun, Fukui-ken

chine Co.

Kawanishi Leather Belt Kawabe-gun, Hyogo-ken-

・ Co., Ltd.

Fuyo Industry Co., Ltd. Toyono-gun, Osaka

Tanto Co., Ltd. Mihara-gun, Hyogo-ken

Higashi Ltd. Industry Higashinari-ku, Osaka

Co., Felt *Dojin Pharmaceutical Co., Higashinari-ku, Osaka


Kodama & Bros. Co., Ltd. Kaiso-gun, Wakayama-ken*

Nishida Steel Manufac- Kaizuka

turing Co., Ltd,

Tsutsui Celluloid Co., Ikuno-ku, Osaka


Wakayama Dyeing Indu- Wakayama

stry Co., Ltd.

Fujiwara Forging Indu- Higashi-yodogawa-ku,

stry Co., Ltd. Osaka

Wakayama Railway Co., WakayamaLtd.

Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Kita-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Minami Kawachi Con- Minami-kawachi-gun,

veyance Co., Ltd. Osaka

Nakai Shoten Co., Ltd. Kochi

Suzue Agriculture and Nagaoka-gun, Kochi-ken-Industry Co., Ltd.

Approved on December 16, 1946

Hattori Limited Partner- Oku-gun, Okayama-kenship

Mizushima Department Kojima-gun, Okayama-keniStore Co., Ltd.

Asahi Industry Co., Ltd.x Okayama

Approved on December 17, 1946

Maruima Cotton Cloth Imaharu

Co., Ltd.

Iyo Paper Manufacturing SaijoCo., Ltd.

Iyo Lumber Co., Ltd. Kita-gun, Ehime-ken

Ehime Matches Co., Ltd. Yawatahama

Uwajima Automobile Co., Uwajima


Nakayo Conveyance Co., Matsuyama


Nanyo Conveyance Co., Uwajima


Nanyo Tsuun Co., Ltd. Uwajima

Gisei-do Co., Ltd. Iwakuni ・

Teikoku Pottery Industry Onoda

Co., Ltd.

4 ―

Page 5: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

*Yuasa Shoten Co., Ltd. Shimonoseki

Shimonoseki Marine Shimonoseki

Foods Co., Ltd.

Ueda Ordinary Partner- Shimonoseki


Kyoto Machine Industry Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto

Co., Ltd. '*

Approved on December 18, 1946

Daiwa Zoki Co., Ltd. Nakajima-gun, Aichi-ken

MatSui Iron Works Co., Ujiyamada


Kitagawa Goods Manu- Shida-gun, Shizuoka-ken

facturing Co., Ltd.

Abashifi Brewery Co., Ltd. Abashiri-gun, Hokkaido

Approved on December 19, 1946

Tohoku Shinko Matches Morioka

Co., Ltd.

Tohoku Thread Co., Ltd. Yonezawa

Hondachi Co., Ltd. Sakata

Japan Cotton Cloth Co., Shizuki-gun, Okayama-ken


Okayama- Electric Indu- Okayama

stry Co., Ltd.

Sato Agricultural Tools OkayamaCo., Ltd.

Nakazuka Communication Kojima-gun, Okayama-ken

Tools Industry Co., Ltd.

Yamao Trading Co., Ltd. Okayama

Kyokuto Salt Industry Oku-gun, Okayama-ken

Co., Ltd.

Teikoku Kogyo Co., Ltd. Kojima-gun, Okayama-ken

Higashi Hat tori Limited Okayama


Approved on December 20, 1946

Kagoshima Truck Co., Kagoshima-ken


,IsrridaElectric Materials Fukuoka

Co., Ltd.

Takachiho Truck Co., Aira-gun, Kagoshima-ken


Hyuga Central Warehouse Miyazaki

Co., Ltd.

Nichinan Truck Co., Ltd.

Takamatsu Shoeikai Co.,


Fukushima Shokai Co.,


Fuji-chu Shoten Co., Ltd.

Nagasaki Prefecture Local

Medicine Distribution

Co., Ltd.

Mankatsu Estate Co., Ltd.

Nagasaki Ship Fitting Co.,


Teijiya Brewery Co., Ltd.

Koezuka-ke Family Or-

dinary Partnership

Minami-naka-gun, Miya-


Kita-moroagata-gun, Mi-


Minami-naka-gun, Miya-









Nakano Kazuo Shoten Kurume

Limited PartnershipChu6 Glass Co., Ltd.

Nagasaki Fruits and

Vegitables Wholesale

Co., Ltd.

Higo Lumber Co., Ltd.

-Aoki Sangyo Co., Ltd.





Subara Sangyo Co., Ltd. Otaru

Daika Glass Industry Co., Hakodate


Hokkaido Chemical In- Sapporo-gun, Hokkaido

dustry Co., Ltd.

Hokkaido Paper Tools Sapporo

Co., Ltd.Kyoei Itagami Co., Ltd. Otsu

Fukuyama Soy-beans Co., Fukuyama


Kamrnon Steamship Co., Shimonoseki


San-in Central Railway Yonago

Co., Ltd.

Kotoura Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Gunji Kosan Co., Ltd.

Kojima Textile Co., Ltd.

Kobaien Co., Ltd.

Gumbaku Industry Co.,,


Kojima-gun, Okayama-


Tot tori




Ikoma-gun, Nara-ken

Yamaguchi Prefecture Yamaguchi

Truck Co., Ltd.

Mainichi Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokuyama

San-indo Sangyo Co., Ltd. Matsue

Iwatni Transportation Mino-gun, Tottori-ken

Co., Ltd.

Shimonoseki Warehouse Shimonoseki

Co., Ltd.

Shimane Prefecture Auto- Matsue

mobile Adjustment and

Distribution Co., Ltd.

Daido Agricultural Tools Sanjo

Co., Ltd.

Mutsumi Textile Co., Naka-uonurna-gun, Nii

Ltd. gata-ken

Approved on December 23, 1946

Nakanuki Automobile Sakaide

Co., Ltd.

Tosa Ship-building Co., Kochi


Tokushima Refining In- ,Tokushima

dustry Co., Ltd.

Kochi Transport Co., Kochi


Iriko Industry Co., Ltd. Kochi

Iyo Brewery Co., Ltd. Matsuyama

Kansai Dyeing Industry Saijo

Co., Ltd.

Ehime Co-operative Can- Matsuyama

ned Food Co., Ltd.

Yawatahama Refrigerating YawataharnaCo., Ltd.

Abe Co., Ltd.

Approved on December 24,

Ina Industry Co., Ltd.

Nanshin Truck Co.,


Kitasaku Truck Co.,


Rikugosha Co., Ltd.



Kita-saku-gun, Nagano-


Kami-ina-gun, Nagano-



3 ―

kenOrdinary Ueda

Page 6: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

Chikurnanishiki Brewery

Co., Ltd.

Oriental Linoleum Co.,


Matsubun Industry Co.,


Osaka Shimbun Co., Ltd.

Shirnizu Shoten Ordinary


Kita-saku-gun, Nagano-



Ono-gun, Fukui-ken

Kita-ku, Osaka


Wakayama Iron Works Wakayama

Co., Ltd.

Kobe Iron Casting Plant Nagata-ku, Kobe

Kubo Textile Plant Co., Sakai-gun, Fukui-ken

Kobe Iron Casting Plant Nagata-ku, Kobe

Kubo Textile Plant Co., Sakai-gun, Fukui-kenLtd.

Osaka Hemp Manufac- Amagasaki

turing Co., Ltd.

Toa Bicycle Co., Ltd.^ Sakai

Takemura Cotton In- Higashi-ku, Osaka

dustry Co., Ltd.

Kyoei Clothing Co., Ltd. Kka-ku, Osaka

Nisshin-sha Co., Ltd. Higashi-ku, Osaka

Osaka Kita Transport Kita-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Inahata Industry Co., Minami-ku, Osaka":


Kameoka Hoisery Manu- Toyono-gun, Osaka

facturing Co., Ltd.

Reclaimed Camphor Co., Fukiai-ku, Kobe


Nishimura Trading Co., Nakakyo-ku, Kyoto


Osaka Pottery and Fire- Kita-ku, Osaka

proof Bricks Co., Ltd.

Osaka Serum Hospital Fukushima-ku, Osaka

Limited Partnership

Japan Transport Plane Otokuni-gun, Kyoto


Showa Leather Co., Ltd. Wakayama

Sasaya Industry Co., Ltd. Takaoka

Shirohata Machinery Co., Higashi-kakiha-gur;, To-

Ltd. yama-ken

Daiko Co., Ltd. Nakakyo-ku, Kyoto

Approved on December 26, 1946

Tokushima Aquatic Pro- Tokushima

ducts Co., Ltd.Kashino Coal Industry Naga-gun, Tokushima-ken

Co., Ltd.

Tokushima Prefecture Tokushima

Liquor Sale Co., Ltd.

Tokushima Nambu Land Naga-gun, Tokushima-ken

Transportation Co.,


Tokushima Transport Tokushima

Co., Ltd.

Hosen Trading Co., Ltd. Tokushima

Ube Trading Co., Ltd. Ube

Shimonoseki Aquatic Pro- Shimonoseki

ducts Sale Co., Ltd.

Sakamoto Shoten Co., Shimonoseki

Ltd.Kikutani Mokichi Shoten Shimonoseki

Co., Ltd.Yamaguchi Prefecture Co- Shimonoseki

operative Canned Foods

Co., Ltd.

Yusei Shoten 'Ordinary Shimonoseki

Partnership ' <≪Shuyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokuyama

Nitta Industry Co., Ltd. Shimonoseki

Yamaguchi Nissan Auto- Yamaguchi

mobile Co., Ltd.

Towa Ship-building Co., Shimonoseki


Fujiya Trading Co., Ltd.

Kyowa Pharmaceutical

Co., Ltd.

Toa Steel ManufacturingCo., Ltd.

Chishi Truck Co., Ltd.

Mogami Truck Co., Ltd.

Uzen Textile Co., Ltd.

Yamajin Industry Co.,




Uchi-gun, Nara-ken

YonezawaMogami-gun, Yamagata―

kenTsuruokaNanjo-gun, Fukui-ken

Shizuoka Prefecture Paper Fuji-gun, Shizuoka-ken,-

Manufacturing Co.,


Mochizuki and Bros. Shimizu

Limited Partnership

Izu Transport Co., Ltd. Mishima

Miyai Co., Ltd. Nakakyo-ku, Kyoto-

Suhara Shoten Ordinary .Hakodate

PartnershipAsano Lumber Co., Ltd.

Asahigawa Liquor In-

dustry Co., Ltd.


Homma Iron Works Co., Hakodate


Hokkaido Canned Food Otaru

Co., Ltd.

Muroran Shipping Repair Muroran

Co., Ltd.

Muroran Coal Marine Muroran

Transport Co., Ltd.

Hokkaido Liquor Sale Co., SapporoLtd*

Approved on December 27,

Ozaki Kogyo Co.,Ltd.

1Takaya TextileCo.,Ltd.

FujiIndustry Co., Ltd.Hinomaru Brewery Co.,


Yoshikawa Chemical In-dustry Limited Co.

Tohoku Rubber Co.,Ltd.Tokunaga GlassIndustry

Co., Ltd.


Kojima-gun, Okayama-ken*

Shizuki-gun, Okayama-



Hiraga-gun, Akita-ken

Kojima-gun, Okayama-




Sanki Kogyo Limited Moji


Shudo Ordinary Partner-


Yame Tobu Truck Co.,


Nobeoka Truck Co., Ltd.

Kammon Ship Fitting Co.,


M;juma-gun, Fukuoka-


Yame-gun, Fukuoka-ken


Sumiyoshi Housing Co., Fukuoka


Japan Specific Paper Co., Kami-gun, Kochi-ken


Approved on December 28, 1946

Japan Specific Paper In- Kami-gun, Kochi-ken.

dustry Co., Ltd.

Approved on January 6, 1947

6 ―


Page 7: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

Tsuji Iron-Works Co., OtaruLtd.

Approved on January 10, 1947

Kowa Industry Co., Ltd. Yamaguchi

Approved on January 13, 1947

Oriental Harinuno Manu- Nishinomiya

facturing Co., Ltd.

Approved on January 14, 1947

Tokushima Yacht Trans- Tokushima

port Co., Ltd.

Maruyo Okada Shoten Asahigawa

Co., Ltd.

Ehime Iryo Seihin Co., Imabari


Sakeroku Co., Ltd. Yahatahama

Nishizawa Industry Co., Kanda-ku, Tokyo


Approved on January 15, 1947

Osaka Weights and, Mea- Sakai

sures Co., Ltd.

Osaka Diamond Industry Sakai

Co., Ltd.

Japan Seihaku Co., Ltd. Suita

Motooka Valve Industry Nishi-yodogawa-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Kinsui Electric Industry Nishinari-ku, Osaka

Co., Ltd.

Kakisa Food-stuff Co., Yonago


Nanka Real Estate Co., Wakayama


Harajo-gumi Co., Ltd. Kaiso-gun, Wakayama-


Approved on January 16, 1947

Rokugata Seiki Co., Ltd. Oe-gun, Tokushima-ken

Awa Co-operative Steam- Tokushima

ship Co., Ltd.

Shonai Transport Co., Tsuruoka


Senhoku Truck Co., Ltd. Senhoku-gun, Akita-ken

Hokuroku Truck Co., Kazuno-gun, Akita-ken


Sanshu Automobile Co., Soo-gun, Kagoshima-ken


Uchida Manufacturing Saga

Co., Ltd.

Yamashiroya Limited Moji


Yamashiroya Co., Ltd. Moji

Yonago Gas Co., Ltd.- Yonago

Uchida Industry Co., Ltd. Honjo-ku, Tokyo

Shigemata Iron-Works Kawaguchi

Co., Ltd.

Toa Zinc Co., Ltd. Kanda-ku, Tokyo

Approved on January 21, 1947

Mikado Co., Ltd. Ikuta-k'u, Kobe

Approved on January 23, 1947

Yamashita Trading Co., Kurume


Nishi Kyushu Coal Co., Fukuoka


Ugo Railway Co., Ltd. Hiraga-gun, Akita-ken

Kihoku Truck Co., Ltd. Itsu-gun, Wakayama-ken

Ibaragi Prefecture Co- Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo

operative Canned Food

Co. .Ltd.

Matsuoka Lumberdustry Co., Ltd.

In- Asahigawa

Imai Brewery Co., Ltd.

Japan Mohi Industry

Co., Ltd.

AsahigawaKanda-ku, Tokyo

Apprdved on January 24, 1947

Uwajima Transport Co., Uwajima


Approved on January 27, 1947

Nayose Liquor Industry Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido

Co., Ltd.

Approved on February 5, 1947

Kojima Shoten Co., Ltd. Tottori

Approved on February 6, 1947

Miyagi Pottery Industry Momou-gun, Miyagi-ken

Co., Ltd.

Kyushu ElectricIndustry Hayami-gun, Oita-ken

Co., Ltd.

Tokiwa Co., Ltd. Oita

Approved on February 10, 1947

Moriyama Foodstuff Co., Otsu-gun, Okayama-ken


Approved on February 13, 1947

Asahikawa Gas Co., Ltd. Asahigawa

Approved on February 19, 1947

Shikoku Liquor Industry Kita-gun, Ehime-ken

Co., Ltd.

Approved on February 27, 1947

Hikari Clothing Co., Ltd. Kojima-gun,Okayama-ken

Akashi Clothing Co., Ltd. Koiima-gun, Okayama-ken,

Ministry of Finance Notification No. 66

April 2, 1947

In accordance with the provisons of Art. 5-7, par.

3 of the Increased Income Tax Law Enforcement

Regulations, special rules concerning the date of Ses-

sion of the Increased Income Tax Investigation Com-

mittee, shall be designated as follows:

Minister of Finance


Name of the Increased Increased Income Tax

Income Tax Investigation Committee

Investigation Committee under jurisdiction of

Kuan a Taxation Office,

Nagoya Financial Bureau

Date of Session April 10, 1947

Ministry of Finance Notification No. 67

April 2, 1947

In accordance with the provisions of Article 1 and

Article 11, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Closed Institu-

tions Liquidating Commission Ordinance, I hereby

designate the business as follows:

Minister of Finance

ISHIBASHI Tanzan1. The Liquidation of the Japan Lumber Co., Ltd.

and the East Asia Shipping Co., Ltd.2. The disposal of the properties belonging to the

K.K. Irisu Shokai, Bosch Department.

7 ―

Ministry of Finance Notification No. 68

April 2, 1947

With respect to the action stipulated below, the

Page 8: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

restrictions prescribed by the provisions of Article 4

of the Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 78 of 1945

(concerning the Preservation of Properties of Specified

Countries) shall be exempted in accordance with the

provisions of Article 7, paragraph 1 of the said Ordi-

nance :

Minister of FinanceISHIBASHI Tanzan

The disposal of the properties belonging to the

K.K. Irisu Shokai, Bosch Department, performed by

the Closed Institutions Liquidating Commission.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Notification No. 34

April 2, 1947

The following partial amendments shall be made

to the Ministry of Agriculture'and Commerce Notifi-

cation No. 462 of April, 1944 (concerning the Estab-

lishment of an Experimental Farm attached to the

Agricultural Experiment Station, an Experimental Farm

attached to the Branch of the said Station, and a Sub-

branch of the said Branch):

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

KIMURA Kozaemon

The following shall be added after " Kariwano

Sub-branch of the Tohoku Branch of the Agricultural

Experiment Station, Kariwano-machi, Senhoku-gun,


Ibusuki Experimental Farm of the Kyushu

Branch of the Agricultural Experiment Station,

Ibusuki-machi. Ibusuki-gun, Kagoshima-ken

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Notification No. 35

April 2, 1947

New students to be admitted in the school year

1947 to the Second Fisheries Institute to be established

shortly shall be invited as follows:

Minister of Agriculture and ForestryKIMURA Kozaemon

1. Number of students to be admitted:

Fishery Course

Engineering Course

Manufacture Course

Multiplication Course

about 5030


2. Those qualified for taking the entrance examination:

(1) Those who have finished the fourth-year course

of a middle school;

(2) Those who have, with regard to the entrance

examination of higher-grade schools, been desig-

nated by the Minister of Education as having

scholastic attainments not inferior to the

graduates of middle schools.

3. Subjects of the examination:

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English and


4. Date and place of the examination:

May 18

Second Fisheries Institute

(Yoshimi-machi, Shimonoseki-shi)

Fisheries Institute

(No. 8, Fukagawa-etchujima, Koto-ku,


June 11

Second Fisheries Institute

(For only those who have passed the

examination in scholarship, physical

examination and character test shall

be given)5. Period during which application papers are to be


From April 15 to April 30.

6. Presentation of written applications:

The principals of the schools from which ap-

plicants have graduated or in which applicants

are now, are requested to collecttheir written

applications and send the same to the Second

Fisheries Institute, Yoshimi-machi, Shimono-


Copies of directions for applicants should be ap-

plied for with a stamp enclosed.

N. B.

With regard to the admission of those who have

been in military or naval schools, the Ministry of

Education Ordinance in accordance with the Direction

of the Supreme^ Commander for the Allied Powers

concerning the same shall be applicable.

Ministry of Agriculture and ForestryNotificationNo. 36

April 2, 1947


In accordance with the, Ministry of Agriculture

Forestry Ordinance No. 22 of 1947, the Ministry

of Agriculture and Forestry Notification No. 440 of

December, 1939, Nos. 18 and 19 of January, 1941, and

No. 1002 of September, 1944 shall hereby be abrogated.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

KIMURA Kozaemon

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Notification No. 18

April 2, 1947

In accordance with the provisions of the Electric

Appliance Control Regulation, the type of electricap-

pliances was recognized on March 3, 1947 as follows:

Minister of Commerce and Industry

ISHII Mitsujiro

Name of Manufac-Recogni-





8 ―


to bemanufactured

FujiSangyo K.K.


Matsushita DenkiSangyo K.K.

Electric Iron


Location ofbusiness office


262, 2-chome, Ebara,

Ebara-ku, Tokyo

100 Volt, 60 Watt,

rug cover

1006, Oaza-kadoma,

Kadoma-machi, Kita-

kawachi-gun, Osaka-


100 Volt, 500 Watt,

cast iron outer flame,

8 lbs.

100 Volt, 300 Watt,

sheet iron outer flame,4 lbs.

Page 9: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu






K.K. Aichi DenkiSeisakujo

Electric Portable


K.K. Hakko DenkiSeisakujo

Immersion Water-heater

Shinko Sangyo


Electric Cigar


Matsushita DenkiSangyo K.K.

Electric Foot-war-


2, 2-chome, Mizutsu-

tsusaki-cho, Higashi-

ku, Nogoya

F-type, 100 Volt, 600

Watt, square-alumi-

nium-bronze flame

3825-276, Aza-shimo-

gawara, Kamiyamada-

mura, Sarashina-gun,


A-type 100 Volt, 600


1, Tori-3-chome,



B-type, 100 Volt, 80

Watt, phenol-resin


1006, Oaza-kadoma,

Kadoma-machi, Kita-

kochi-gun, Osaka-fu

100 Volt 60 Watt,

square-wood box

Kokko Denki K.K. 5, 2-chome, Hashiba,



f5-1541 Box Switch S3-type, 250 Volt, 60

Amp, 3 pole, single

throw, non-quick-

break, sheet iron box

Ministry of Communications Notification

No. 104

April 2, 1947

The following post officeswere established without

mail collectionand delivery service on March 21, 1947,

and were designated as special post officein accordance

with the provisory clause of Article110, paragraph 1,

of the Governing Organization for Communication


Minister of CommunicationsHITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi

Name Location

Kanazawa-daigakubyoin- Sansho-machi, Kanazawa-

nai Post Office shi (within the postal

districtof Kanazawa Post


Kanazawa-rokutobayashi 2-chome, Rokutobayashi,

Post Office Kanazawa-shi (within the

postal district of Kana-

zawano-machi Post Office)

Deshiro Post Office Deshiro-mura, Ishikawa-

gun, Ishikawa-ken (within

the postal districtof Ma-

tsuto Post Office)

Kumano Post Office Kumano-mura, Hagui-gun,

Ishikawa-ken (within the

postal districtof Fukuura

Post Office)

Kushida Post Office Kushida-mura, Imizu-gun,

Toyama-ken (within the

postal districtof Daimon

Post Office)

Hatsukayama Post Office Nagaoka-mura, Fuoi-gun,

Toyama-ken (within the

postal districtof Kureha

Post Offici)

Yarofizaki Post Office Yamazaki-mura, Shimoshin-kawa-gun, Toyama-ken

(within the postal district

of Funami Post Office)

Tsubataeki-mae Post Chujo-mura, Kahoku-gun,

Office Ishikawa-ken (within the

postal districtof Tsubata

Post Office) ,

Ministry of Communications Notification

No. 105

April 2, 1947

The following post office shall be cancelled the

designation of special post officein accordance with

the provisory clause of Article 10, paragraph 1 of the

Governing Organization for Communication Office on

April 10, 1947:

Minister of CommunicationsHITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi

Name Location

Naka Post Office Naka-cho. Inaba-eun. Gifu-ken

Ministry of Communications NotificationNo. 106

April 2, 1947

In the paragraph of Hiroshima Prefecture of the

Ministry of Communications Notification No. 94 of

March, 1947, " Iwakuni-nishi " shall be added as card

supply post officefor candidates of members of the

Houses of Representatives and Councillors.

Minister of CommunicationsHITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi

Court of Administrative Litigation Notification

No. 1

April 2, 1947

The Costs of Administrative Litigation shall be

counted by the following measure, and come into force

as from the day of its promulgation:

President of Court of Administrative


SAWADA Takejiro

Matters concerning the Costs of Administrative


1. The costs of copy shall be 50 sen every page of

writing paper, 2 yen every piece of drawing.

2. The costs of pay shall be 15 yen every appearance;

if he is party or witness, 15 yen every appearance if v

he is expert or interpreter when he lives within

100 ri from the Court, 30 yen every appearance

when he lives within 200 ri from the Court, 45 yen

every appearance when he lives over 200 ri from

the Court.

3. The costs of lodging shall be 45 yen previous

night of appearance.

4. The costs of travelling shall be, when travelled by

train, 3rd class fare (inclusive express charges) if he

is party, 2nd class or 3rd class fare (each inclusive

express charges) if he is another person than party;

9 ―

Page 10: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

when travelledby ship, 2nd classfare; when travelled

neither by train nor by ship, 3 yen every 1 ri.

5. The costs paid before this notice shall be counted

according to the previous measure.

SUZUKI Masaaki, ditto:IMAYOSHI Masao, ditto:NITO Kiichiro,ditto:ITO Shunji,ditto:

YAMAMOTO Meiji,ditto:NAKAZAWA Shigeya,ditto:

KOBAYASHI Goro, ditto:OGAKI Kin-ichir6,ditto:OGAKI Kazuo, ditto:

KAWABATA Hokajiro,ditto:NAOI Tadao, ditto:YASUDA Masahisa, ditto:

CHISAKA Fusao, ditto:TANAKA Yoshimitsu,ditto:HASE Iwataro, ditto:HAGATA Tokuzo, ditto:

FUJIHARA Gyodo, ditto:NAITO Kaoru, ditto:MATSUDA Sueo, ditto:KADOWAKI Yasukichi,ditto:

YOKOTA Jitsuo,ditto:MAEDA Masayuki, ditto:SUZUKI Isamu, ditto:

TSUCHINO Katsujiro,ditto:SAITO Kiichi,ditto:HARA Kozo, ditto:SAKAMOTO Etsuro,ditto:TAKAHASHI Wataru, ditto:

MURAKAMI Michihiro,ditto:YATAGAI Haruji,ditto:SAWADA Tomoichi, ditto:TAKASE Genzo, ditto:KIMURA Kiyoe, ditto:

SUGAHARA Omihei, ditto:KASAbA Yukio, ditto:ARIMOTO Nobuo, ditto:SETO Junji,ditto:IIHASHI Tsunesaburo, ditto:

IRIE Yonroku, ditto:YAMASHITA Hakuzo, ditto:KUNIMASA Kazuo, ditto:KURUI Shiro,ditto:

KONDO Riichi,ditto:HIGA Ryoei, ditto:SHIMOKAWA Gentaro, ditto:TANAKA Hachiro, ditto:

KARASHIMA Ichiro,ditto:OSAWA Toshio, ditto:KUNISAKI Takayuki, ditto:

NISHINO Shinzo,ditto:SUZUKI Isao,ditto:HATADE Yoshito,dittoTANAKA B6, ditto:

DOI Tadasu, ditto:FUKUHARA Sadamu, ditto:TAKAGI Daisuke, ditto:

URUSHIMA Kazuo, ditto:OMUKAE Eiguma, ditto:NAKAHARA Akiyoshi,ditto

MASAE Masaaki, ditto:NAGANO Takeo, ditto:IMAZU Kaoru, ditto:IMOTO Toshio, ditto:

KAWAI Yasuji,ditto:AOKI Masashi, ditto:ONOUE Keigo, ditto:

OURA Shinzo,ditto:WAKAHARA Kiichi,ditto:

10 ―



, INOUE Naoichi, Clerk of Ministry


July 7, 1944

of Communica-

Appointed Secretary of Ministry of Communications,

Graded Higher Official of the Seventh Rank.

March 7, 1947

YAMAMOTO Sosaku, Secretary of Ministry of Com-


Promoted to Second Class.

March 10, 1947

SATO Juro, Secretary of Ministry of Communications:

Promoted to Second Class.

March 14, 1947

MIYAZAKI Tsuchihide, Secretary of Ministry of


Promoted to Second Class.

March 22, 1947NODA Mataemon, Judge: >

Promoted to Chokunin Rank.

March 28, 1947

ANEHA Jumpei, Consul-General:

Promoted to Chokunin Rank.

HIRAMATSU Yorio, Technical Official of Ministry of


Concurrently appointed to Technical Official of

Ministry for Home Affairs,

Graded Second Class.

TAKEYASU Keizo, Technical Official of Ministry for

Home Affairs:

TOMIYAMA Isao, ditto:

Respectively promoted to Second Class.

KASAGAWA Kinsaku, Secretary of Cabinet:

Appointed Secretary of Ministry of Finance,

Graded Second Class.

KUMAMOTO Masaharu, Technical Official of Min-

istry for Home Affairs:

IWAI Shiro, ditto:

YAMAMOTO Saburo, ditto:

Concurrently appointed Technical Official of Min-

istry of Finance, respectively,

Graded Second Class.

OBATA Sakao, Secretary of Ministry of Finance:

ISHIGURO Jdichi, ditto:

SHIMIZU Jiro, ditto:

KAWAJIRI Sadao, ditto:

MORI Toshiyuki, ditto:

NOZAWA S6goro, ditto:

NONAKA Chobei, ditto:

KAWAKAMI Sakae, ditto:

TANIGUCHI Ichiro, ditto:

HOSHINO ChuzS, ditto:

AOYAGI Yoshimune, ditto:

KATAOKA Eifu, ditto:

FUKUDA Nobuyoshi, ditto:

HIRANO Toshio, ditto:

MESAKI Yukiya, ditto:

IJIMA Shin-ichiro, ditto:

MAEJIMA Tamotsu, ditto:

Page 11: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

OKAMOTO Kaoru, ditto:OGAWA Masao, ditto:TSUJII Kan-ichi,ditto:

MATSUDA Kyutaro, ditto:KUNIHIRO Yoshiji,ditto:MIWA Eishiro,ditto:

JORAKU Seiji,ditto:HORIKAWA Kanjiro,ditto:OKUNAKA Hiroshi,ditto:

KOSE Hiroshi,ditto: -MIYASAKA Yoshimi, ditto:SOETANI Shigeru,ditto:

SAITO Teiji,ditto:MIMURA Shinji,ditto:MAEDA Tsuchitaro,ditto:

OGURA Hiroshi,ditto:SEKI Moriyuki, ditto:AKAHANE Nakae, ditto:

SUZUKI Yoshio, ditto:HOMMA Toshiyo, ditto:FUKUSHIMA Tomoaki, ditto:KOIKE Isao, ditto:TADOKORO Kohei, ditto:

SAITO Itoji,ditto:TEJIMA Kakusaburo, ditto:

TANAKA Masaharu, ditto:ISHIKAWA Kinji,ditto:OKADA Satoru,ditto:HOSOKI Kakuz6, ditto:DOI Nobuzo, ditto:TAKAGAKI Taizo, ditto:

IKEDA Yilji,ditto:MORI Kanechiyo, ditto:NAKAMURA Kijird,ditto:GOTO Tomomori, ditto:SUGANOYA Masama, ditto:

MINAMIKATA Tatsuo, ditto:ASANO Taiko, ditto:SAGAZAKI Ken-ichi,ditto:ONISHI Toshio, ditto:YAMAUCHI Yoshitane,ditto

MIYABE Masao, ditto:NAKATANI Tetsuzo,ditto:NAKAI Sadao, ditto:

AOKI Tdju, ditto:MIZUNO Man-ichir6,ditto:SEKINO Taichi,ditto:SUZUKI Kiichi,ditto:KITAMURA Hiroshi,ditto:

SHIMIZU Masaru, ditto:YAMAMOTO Nobuyasu, ditto:GOTO Ryusaku, ditto:YAMASHITA Kijuro,ditto:

MARUNI Genzo, ditto:ISHII Shigeru,ditto:OKAHARA Minoru, ditto:HAYASHI Takao, ditto:ISHIHARA Koichiro,ditto:

NOZU Tsunayoshi, ditto:MOTOI Hatsutaro, ditto:KAJIMA Toshi, ditto:MORIYAMA Chikataka,ditto:

NISHIDA Katsuyoshi,ditto:YOSHIHARA Susumu, ditto:NAGASE Iwao, ditto:SATO Masashi, ditto:HAITANI Tadashi, ditto:

YAMAMOTO Shir6,ditto:

YAMANE Tetsunosuke, ditto:

NIGO Ryuju, ditto:

INTO Motoichi, ditto:

MITSUI Yasuo, ditto:

INOBARA Taro, ditto:

ISHII Jun, ditto:

MORI Sumio, ditto:

MIURA Teikichi, ditto:HASHIMOTO Hirotoshi, ditto:

OTSUKA Hajime, ditto:

HORIOKA Yoshiharu, ditto:

OBAYASHI Toshibumi, ditto:

OGASAWARA Takeyoshi, ditto:

ISHIKAWA Masayoshi, ditto:

NAKANO Tadayuki, ditto:

SUZUKI Tadayoshi, ditto:

ISHIMARU Tetsu, ditto:

TSUBOUCHI Itozo, ditto:

TERAJIMA Gunji, ditto:

YOKQYAMA Yoichi, ditto:

NOGUCHI Kichisaburo, ditto:

OBA Eijiro,ditto:

SAKAMOTO Kiyoshi, ditto:

SUZUKI Fujio, Technical Official of Ministry of


IKUTA Keiichi, ditto:

Respectively promoted to Second Class.

NAKAHARA Hikonoj6, Educational OfficiaLof Local




Respectively appointed Educational Officialof Ministry

of Education,

Graded Second Class.

OKUDA Ichiro, Technical Officialof Local Govern-


TANAKA Norio, Technical Officialof Local Govern-

ment and concurrently Technical OfficialofMinistry

of Welfare:

Respectively appointed Technical Officialof Ministry

of Agriculture and Forestry,

Graded Second Class.

IKEMIZU Masaji, Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture

and Forestry:

UCHINOURA Shigenori, ditto:

KODERA Junoshin, ditto:

Respectively promoted to Second Class.

MARUYAMA Yasufumi, Secretary of Ministry for

Foreign Affairs:


SHIRAISHI Shigemaro:

Respectively appointed Secretary of Local Govern-ment,

Graded Second Class.

TERUI Seinin:

NOGUCHI Ushimatsu:


FUJII Mitsunori:

Respectively appointed Techical Official of Local


Graded Second Class.

SONOKI Shingo, Secretary of Local Government:GOTO Kiichiro, ditto:

AKUSAWA Tatsuo, ditto:

^KAWASHIMAHayao, ditto:

NAKANISHI Nobuo, ditto:

NARUO Tadashi, ditto:

TAMURA Noboru, ditto:

11 ―

Page 12: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

HOTTA Yasuo,ditto:INOUE Takao,ditto:KASHIMURA Koichi,ditto:WATANABE Yoshikatsu,ditto:SASAKI Hideharu,ditto:AWAJI Nikichi,ditto:HOSAKA Kan-ichir6,ditto:SAITO Ichiroditto:TOMITORI Shir6,ditto:KUROSAWA Takeji,ditto:KUDO Sakuji,ditto:YOKASAWA Shin-ichiro,dittoSHIRASAKI Kotaro,ditto:SAITO Ishio,ditto:NARITA Kozo, ditto:TERUI Yutaro,ditto:SUZUKI Teiji,ditto:IIZUKA Hakuo, ditto:OE Masaichiditto:MOMMA Takeshi,ditto:SUZUKI Kozo, ditto:KOBAYASHI Kiyomatsu,dittcMIZUGUCHI Shuji,ditto:YOSHINO Sakae,ditto:ITO Kenjiro,ditto:MOTOISHI Bin,ditto:ZENIDAKA Yoshiyuki,ditto:TAKAO Motoji,ditto:SHIDA Eiichi,ditto:HONDA Ryotaro,ditto:IRIE Takenori,ditto:NISHISAKI Sakutaro,ditto:NAMBAE Masaaki,ditto:YAM AD A Tokio,ditto:OKUNO Hidekiyo,ditto:FUJISI^IMA Tokunosuke,ditto:OIKAWA Kenji,ditto:CHIBA Shigeru,ditto:SATO Katsuo.ditto:fflRANO Nobuyuki,dittoSASAKI Chofuku,ditto:TANAKA Chitoshi,ditto:KATO Sokichi,.ditto:SHIODA Kaneo, ditto:NAKAJIMA Ken, ditto:KAJINO Kenji,ditto:NISHIMURA Naoyuki,ditto:HINO Shftjiro,ditto:OlSHI Sekihei,ditto:FUJITA Ichiro,ditto:SHIBUYA Chutaro,ditto:IKEDA K6zo, ditto:MATSUO Shin,ditto:IZUMISAWA Hisata,ditto:KATAKURA Uhei,ditto:KAMADA Hisashi,ditto:TOGAWA Yoshio,ditto:HAYASHIDA Toshiyuki,dittoUEDA Hachifo,ditto:TSUGAWA Shizuma,ditto:HINO Yoshichika,ditto:HIRAI Shinsaburo,ditto:TSUCHIDA Kiyotaka,ditto:FURUTA Iwao, ditto:KAMIYAMA Shohei,ditto:NARUSE Tsuneo,ditto:SA1TO Rin-ichi,ditto:OYAMA Kensukc,ditto:

ABE Ginzo, ditto:WATANABE Teiichi,ditto:KUSHIRO Kakuji,ditto:MASUOKA Kenji, ditto:NAKANISHI Rikunosuke, Technical Officialof Local

Government:KUWABARA Haruo, ditto:

MIKI Torao, ditto:KOBAYASHI Masanosuke, ditto:OKUYAMA Seiichi,ditto:FUKUSHI Yutaka, ditto:

KADOHAMA Suezo, ditto:KUBOSAWA Gontaro, ditto:KOSEKI Hiroichi,ditto:KAWAGUCHI Hiroshi,ditto:

AOYAMA Shigehisa,ditto:FURUICHI Shin-ichi,ditto:

ABE Ikuro, ditto:NAEMURA Iuemon, ditto:

UEDA Torao, ditto:SAKASHITA Kazuo, ditto:MIYAMATSU Sosuke, ditto:

FUJITA Kosuke, ditto:KITAGAWA Yuzo, ditto:SONOYAMA Shin-ichi,ditto:SUGAI Keiju, ditto:

SUZUKI Joichi,ditto:TANAKA Uhei, ditto:OKA Tsutao, ditto:HONDA Hideaki,ditto:

KITAI Naojiro,ditto:KATAGIRI Kenhachiro, ditto:OYAMA Suehiro,ditto:

KIKUTA Shintar6,ditto:HASEGAWA Mitsuo, ditto:SUTO Shfisuke,ditto:SAKURAGI Shigeru,ditto:YAOTOME Morio, ditto:

YASUMI Yasushi,ditto:SHIOYAMA Seinosuke, EducationalOfficialof Local

Government:FURUI Kijiro,ditto:AIUCHI Toshio, ditto:MATSUIKE Toshinao, ditto:TAKEUCHI Tadao, ditto:ITO Tomio, ditto:

SUZUKI Kin, ditto:EZAWA Sei,ditto:SHIINA Chika, ditto:

WAKANA Takashi, ditto:WATANABE Saburo, ditto:

SAKAMOTO Yuji,ditto:AKIMOTO Kiyoji,ditto:YAMOTO Hakubun, ditto:MIYAZAKI Jury6, ditto:

SUGASAWA Chika, ditto:IHASHI Ai, ditto:KURIKI Eiji,ditto:

YAMANAKA Noboru, ditto:TSURUOKA Shuji,ditto:EZAWA Shin-ichi,ditto:

SUZUKI Nao, ditto:KANATSUNA K6, ditto:WATANABE Yuzaburo, ditto:

WATANABE Kei, ditto:ANDO Iyo, ditto:INOUE Kiyoshi,ditto:

MOGI Koji,ditto:

12 -

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YAM AD A Taiz6, ditto:

ARIHARA Masao, ditto:SUZUKI Katsuji,ditto:KAWASAKI Hiroshi,ditto:OZAWA Chikashi,ditto:

SAKUMA Ei, ditto:KUROKAWA Tsunesabur6, ditto:SATO Sato,ditto:SEIMIYA Sei,ditto:

ENOMOTO Katsuji,ditto:IIDA Shigeru,ditto:HIRAZAWA Shizuka,ditto:

NISHIKIGORI Masuo, ditto:MITSUHASHI Tomo, ditto:TAKAHASHI Hachird, ditto:ISHII Kofu, ditto:

DOHASHI Sh6ji,ditto:HONO Makoto, ditto:SASE Takeshi,ditto:HASEGAWA Jurobei,ditto:OKI Takeji,ditto:TAKANASHI Hiroshi,ditto:

KONDO Mitsutoki,ditto:SHIBUYA Yoshitoshi,ditto:SATO Tadashi, ditto:ASAKAWA Tadashi,ditto:

NOSE Haruichi,ditto:SHIBASAKI Mitsuru, ditto:ITO Shuji,ditto:YOSHIDA Saburd, ditto:HORIKIRI Kunitar6,ditto:TAKAYAMA Tokuji,ditto:YAMAMOTO Tadashi, ditto:WATANABE Ichizaemon, ditto:

YAMURA Haruo, dktp:IIYAMA Susumu, ditto:SHINODA Yoshikazu, ditto:ASHIDA Ken, ditto:SUGAYA Kodo, ditto:KIUCHI Hikoe, ditto:HIRAYAMA TokutarS, ditto:ISHIGE Shin, ditto:YAMAMOTO Shir6,ditto:

SUZUKI Tatsuo, ditto:TANAKA Michiharu, ditto:TAKAHASHI Toshi, ditto:

NAKAMURA Naka, ditto:OWAKU Shuichi,ditto:SASE Michio, ditto:SUZUKI Chujo, ditto:FURUKAWA Sadaji,ditto:

OTAKA Tei, ditto:OGAWA Yutaka, ditto:KIMIZUKA Nobuo, ditto:YOKOTA Toyoya, ditto:ENOMOTO Ikue, ditto:

HIRANO Jin,ditto:MIKOGAMI Saburd, ditto:NISHIGORI Kiichiro,ditto:AOYAMA Eiji,ditto:WATANABE Usabur6, ditto:

HOIZUMI Shizuo,ditto:DAIGO Yoshinobu, ditto:

Respectivelypromoted to Seconc Class.

March 29, 1947TANAKA Haruhiko, Judge:

Appointed Secretary of Ministry of Justice,

Graded First Class.

ISHIDA Tomihei, Secretary of Ministry of Justice:

Appointed Public Prosecutor,

Graded Chokunin Rank.

YAMAGUCHI Kenji, Educational Officialof Ministry

of Education:

OTA Koji, ditto:

OTSUBO Kiyomi, ditto:

KAWABE Kando, ditto:

MIKI Shinshichiro,Technical Officialof Local Govern-

ment :

Respectively promoted to First Class.

HARIGAI Sen-ichi, Secretary of Ministry for Foreign

Affairs:TOYAMA Hiroshi, Secretary of Ministry of Commerce

and Industry:

Respectively appointed Secretary of Cabinet,

Graded Second Class.

KARASAWA Shikao, Secretary of Local Government:

SAITO Kazuo, ditto:

SAKURAI Kurazo, ditto:

ONISHI Tadashi, ditto:

Respectively appointed Secretary of Cabinet and con-

currently Secretary of Local Government,

Graded Second Clas9.

TANAKA Keisaku:


Respectively appointed Technical Officialof Cabinet,

Graded Second Class.

ISHII Katsura, Technical Official of Local Govern-


YAMAMOTO Katsuya, ditto:

SUZUKI Kazuo, ditto:

OGURI Haruhei, ditto:

KONDO Takeo, ditto:

TOZAWA Makoto:

Respectively appointed Technical Officialof Cabinet

and concurrently Technical Officialof Local Gov-


Graded Second Class.

GOTO Yoshikazu:

Appointed Technical Officialof Ministry for Foreign


Graded Second Class.

KAWASAKI Eiji, Secretary of Ministry for Foreign


Appointed Consul-General,

Graded S6nin Rank.

ICHIKAWA Taijiro, Secretary of Ministry of Com-

merce and Industry:

Appointed Consul, vGraded S&nin Rank.

INOUE Shuji:

Appointed Secretary of Ministry for Home Affairs,

Graded Second Class.

UCHIHORI Ichitar&:

KATO Taneichi:

DOBASHI Tadanori:

ITAMI Yasuo:

YOKOYAMA Katsunobu:



TAKANO Munehisa:



YOSHIDA Shigeru:


YONEDA Masafumi:

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SAKATA Masato:


Respectively appointed Technical Officialof Ministry

for Home Affairs,

Graded Second Class.

NEMOTO Yoshimasa, Secretary of Ministry for,Home


MAKUTA Sadao, Technical Official of Ministry for

Home Affairs:

NISHIMURA Kiyoshi, ditto:

TAKEUCHI Tadahisa, ditto:

NOSUE Monjiro, ditto:

HONDA Hiroaki, ditto:

AKITAKE Toshimi, ditto:

SHIRAHAMA Yoshio, ditto:

Respectively promoted to Second Class.

TAKAHASHI Katsuyoshi, Judge:

Appointed Secretary of Ministry of Justice,

Graded Second Class.

SHIBATA Hirokichi:

Appointed Judge,

Graded Sonin Rank.

MAEDA Tetsuo, Secretary of Local Government:

KAMATA Yasuichi, ditto:


Respectively appointed Assistant Procurator,

Graded Second Class.

ENDO Takeaki, Secretary of Ministry of Education:

SHIROISHI Takamasa, ditto:

YAMASHITA Kanae, Educational Officialof Ministry

of Education:

TSUYAMA Kimiko, ditto:

Respectively promoted to Second Class. >

TAKASE Tsunemichi, Technical Officialof Ministry

for Foreign Affairs:

Appointed Technical Officialof Ministry of Agricul-

ture and Forestry,

Graded Second Class.

SUGA Kin-ichiro:

Appointed .Secretary of Ministry of Commerce and


Graded Second Class.

SUZUKI Noboru, Secretary of Ministry of Commerce

and Industry:

SATO Haruji, Secretary of Ministry of Communica-


NAKATSUMA Giichi, ditto:

OTABE Miyo, ditto:

TOYOFUKU Hitoshi, ditto:

MINEMI Masao, Technical Officialof Ministry of


Respectively promoted to Second Class.

WAKAU Hideo, Secretary of Bureau of Legislation:

KIKUCHI Teizo, Chancellor of Ministry for Foreign


UEDA Saburo, Secretary of Ministry of Welfare:

SEKI Yoshimoto, ditto:

ISO Junji, ditto:

KOIZUMI Jiro, ditto:

MATSUOKA Taketsune, ditto:

IWASAWA Katsuo, ditto:

SHIMIZU Teruo, Technical Officialof Local Govern-

ment :YOSHIMURA Hiroo:




Respectively appointed Secretary of Local Govern-ment,

Graded Second Class.

HORIKITA Chuji, Secretary of Local Government:



AMANO Takenori:

Respectively appointed Technical Official of Local


Graded Second Class.

TO YAM A Kakutaro, Secretary of Government:

TODO Shigenobu, ditto:

KONDO Taro, ditto:

SUZUKI Eiji,ditto:

ISHIDA Takashichi, ditto:

YAGUCHI Ushikichi, ditto:

HASHIMORI Yoshimatsu, ditto:

FUJISHIMA Shimpei, ditto:

ABE Iwakichi, ditto:

SUZUKI Heiji, ditto:

GOJI Sohei, ditto:

NAGANO Masanori, ditto:

FUKUMOTO-Megumu, ditto:

YAMASHITA Masaharu, ditto:

KITO Ichiro, ditto:

KOBAYASHI Miyoshi, ditto:

NAG ATA Masaki, ditto:

YOSHIMOTO Yoshio, ditto:

HAREYAMA Ryoichi, ditto:

SHIONOYA Yushiro, ditto:

KASHIWABARA Makoto, ditto:

NAKAYAMA Hironori, ditto:

YOSHIDA Toyoji, ditto:

FURUYA Seiji,ditto:

IIKAWA TamanoSuke, ditto:

SATO Shoji, ditto:

KOMUKU Chiichi, ditto:

YAM AD A Hiroo, ditto:

SHIMBASHI Kasukei, ditto:

ONODERA Tatsuzo, ditto:

IKAI Takejiro, ditto:

FUKUSHIMA Osamu, ditto:

KITAMORI Hozo, ditto:

FUJINO Usabur6, ditto:

SATO Seiichi,ditto:

TANAKA Jiro, ditto:

MORI Sawata, ditto:

MATSUMOTO Kanezo, ditto:

NAKAJIMA Yoshio, ditto:

ODA Kazumichi, Technical Officialof Local Govern-

ment :

IWASA Seiki, di;to:

GARAN Masayoshi, ditto:

KAWAKAMI Toshiro, ditto:

SUGANO Juro, ditto:

KAWAI Masao, ditto:

NAKAMURA Akijiro, ditto:

YAMAZAKI Irazo, ditto:

HIYAMA Shichiro, ditto:

USUI Yoshio, ditto:

KAI Tsuyoshi, ditto:

MORIMOTO Takeo, ditto:

TOKISAWA Heizaemon, ditto:

KADOWAKI Eisaburo, ditto:

ARIYOSHI Isao, ditto:

HIRAI Yasusuke, ditto:

HITOMI Kishio, ditto: ・

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UMEBAYASHI Toshiji,ditto:Respectivelypromoted to Second Class.

July 7, 1944

FUKUDA Irsuki,Secretaryof Bureau of Communica-tions:

Promoted to Higher Officialof the Fifth Rank.

August 25, 1945NAKANO Shusuke, Secretaryof Board of Communi- j

cations: !Promoted to Higher Official of the Sixth Rank.

March 28, 1947

OKUDA Takashi, Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture

and Forestry and concurrently Secretary of Cabi-


NAKAJIMA Yukiho, Secretary of Ministry of Com-

merce and Industry and concurrently Secretary of


ISHII Shuhei, ditto:

KAWAJIRI Katsunosuke, ditto:

OHATA Tetsuro, Secretary of Ministry of Commerce

and Industry and concurrently Secretary of Min-

istry of Agriculture and Forestry, Secretary of Cab-

inet :

Relieved of principal office and solely appointed

Secretary of Cabinet, respectively.

TAKEDA Asao, Technical Official of Ministry of

Agriculture and Forestry and concurrently Tech-

nical Official of Cabinet:

OKA Noriaki, ditto:

HOMMA Heiichi, ditto:

SATO Kiyomi, Technical Official of Ministry of Agri-

culture and Forestry and concurrently Technical

Official of Ministry of Welfare, Technical Official

of Cabinet:

NAKAYAMA Akira, Technical Official of Ministry of

Commerce and Industry and concurrently Tech-

nical Official of Cabinet:

MATSUMOTO Yutaka, ditto:

SUGAYA Yasushi; Technical Official of Ministry of

Commerce and Industry and concurrently Tech-

nical Official of Ministry of Communications Tech-

nical Official of Cabinet:

SAEKI Sadao, Technical Official of Local Government

and concurrently Technical Official of Cabinet:

Relieved of principal office and solely appointed

Technical Official of Cabinet, respectively.

NAKAJIMA Yukiho, Secretary of Cabinet:

Granted No. 24 Salary.

OKUDA Takashi, ditto:

Granted No. 21 Salary.

OHATA Tetsuro, ditto:

Granted No. 19 Salary.

ISHII Shuhei, ditto:

Granted No. 18 Salary.

KAWAJIRI Katsunosuke, ditto:

Granted No. 14 Salary.

SUGAYA Yasushi, Technical Official of Cabinet:

Granted No. 24 Salary.

NAKAYAMA Akira, ditto:

SAEKI Sadao, ditto:

Granted No. 21 Salary, respectively.

TAKEDA Asao, ditto:

Granted No. 19 Salary.

OKA Noriaki, ditto:

Granted No. 17 Salary. ,

MATSUMOTO Yutaka, ditto:

Granted No. 16 Salary.

SATO Kiyomi, ditto:

Granted No. 15 Salary.

HOMMA Heiichi, ditto:

Granted No. 12 Salary.

SATO Taro:

ANDO Shoichiro:Respectively appointed Member of Board of Econo-

mic Stabilization.

SUZUKI Takashi, Chief of Court Clerk:

Relieved of office at his own request.SHIRAZAKI Fumio, Technical Officialof Ministry of

Communications and concurrently Educational Of-

ficialof Ministry of Education and Technical Of-

ficialof Ministry of Commerce and Industry:

Relieved of concurrent officeof Educational Official

of Ministry of Education.

TOCHIHARA Tomoyoshi, Secretary of Local Govern-

ment :KAWAMATA Kotaro, ditto:

UMETSU Torasuke, ditto:

TAKATSU Nobuhiko, ditto:

HANSAWA Ryunoshin, ditto:

AKAO Junzo, ditto:

IWATSUBO Hirohide, ditto:

TANAKA Takeo, ditto:

MIZUNO Hiroyuki, ditto:

HIGUCHI Ekinobu, ditto:

KOBE Hidehiko, ditto:

OSE Tomoo, Technical Officialof Local Government:

ONO Isokichi, ditto:

YOSHIDA Koji, ditto:

WATANABE Ichiro, ditto:

Relieved of officeat their own request, respectively,

March 29, 1947ANEHA Jumpei, Consul-General:

BABA Isamu, Secretary of Cabinet:

Relieved of officeat their own request, respectively.

HARIGAI Sen-ichi, ditto:

Granted No. 21 Salary,

Assigned to Cabinet Council Board of Cabinet


Appointed Member of Board of Economic Stabili-


TOYAMA Hiroshi, ditto:

Granted No. 10 Salary,

Assigned to Cabinet Council Board of Cabinet


Appointed Member of Board of Economic Stabili-


KARASAWA Shikao, ditto:

Granted No. 16 Salary,

Appointed Chief of Nagano Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

SAITO Kazuo, ditto:

Granted No. 16 Salary,

Appointed Chief of Okayama Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

SAKURAI Kurazo, ditto:

Granted No. 13 Salaly,

Appointed Chief of Chiba Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

N0NISHITadashi, ditto:

Granted No. 12 Salary,

Appointed Chief of Ehime Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

ISHII Katsura, Techinical OfficialOfficialof Cabinet:

Granted No. 25 Salary,

15 ―

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Appointed Chief of Tokyo Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

YAMAIvIOTO Katsuya, ditto:

Granted No. 21 Salary,

Appointed Chief of Ibaragi Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

SUZUKI Xazuo, ditto: <

Granted No. 20 Salary,

Appointed Chief of Shizuoka Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

TANAKA Keisaku, ditto:

Granted No. 20 Salary,

Appointed Chief of Fukushima Building Branch

Office, Board of Reconstruction.

MIYAZAVvA Masao, ditto:

Granted No. 18 Salary,

Assigned to Construction Works Section, Construc-

tion Division, Special Construction Bureau, Board

of Reconstruction.

OGURI Haruhei, ditto:

Granted No. 17 Salary,

Appointed Chief of Nagasaki Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

KONDO Takeo, ditto:

Granted No. 15 Salary,

Appointed Chief of Shimane Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

TOZAWA Makoto, ditto:

Granted No. 12 Salaty,

Appointed Chief of Yamagata Building Branch Office,

Board of Reconstruction.

TANIMOTO Shunzo, Secretary of Ministry forForeign


IKEMIZU Masaji, Secretary of Ministry of Agricul-

ture and Forestry:

UCHINOURA Shigenori, ditto:

KODERA Junoshin, ditto:

MAEDA Kiyoshi, Secretary of Ministry of Commerce

and Industry:

KAMEDA Rimpei, Suspended Secretary of Ministry

of Communications:YAMAGUCHI Ryukei, Technical Officialof Ministry

of Communications:

SHIRAI Matsusaburo, Secretary of Local Government:

KUEO Suehiro, ditto:

IWASAKI Shcgoro, ditto:

YUKIDA Itaru, ditto:

MORIKAWA Ryuichi, ditto:

MURANO Ren-ichi, Technical Officialof Local Govern-

ment:HASHIMOTO Mohei, ditto:

ARAGANE Rikita, Educational Official of Local


MIYAGAWA Jitsuo, ditto:

Relieved of office at their own request, respectively.

YAMACHI Hachiro, Secretaryof Local GovernmentConcurrentlynominated toChiefofMines Departmentof Hokkai Regional Commerce and Industry Office

IWASAKI Shigeitsu,ditto:

Granted No.'14 Salary,Assigned to Nagano-ken,Nominated to PoliceSuperintendent of Nagano-ken.

NANHO Ga, Technical Officialof Local Government:

Granted No. 20 Salary,Assigned to Yamagata-ken.

(March 7, Ministry for Home Affairs)

- TANAKA Kanjiro, Secretary of Local Government:

Granted No. 14 Salary,

Assigned to Kyoto-fu.

OMURA Kyuzo, ditto:

Granted No. 13 Salary,

Assigned to Kyoto-fu.

GOTO Masao, ditto:

Granted No. 10 Salary,

Assigned to Kyoto-fu.

YOSHIDA Masahiko, ditto:

Granted No. 7 Salary,

Assigned to Osaka-fu.

TABATA Masao, ditto:

Granted No. 14 Salary,

Assigned to Hyogo-ken.

TOGAWA Nobuaki, ditto:

Granted No. 13 Salary,

Assigned to Chiba-ken.

HOSHINO Seiichi,ditto:

Granted No. 12 Salary,

Assigned to Chiba-ken.

ONO, Katsuichi, ditto:

Granted No. 11 Salary,

Assigned to Chiba-ken.

SHIMIZU Sadao, ditto:

Granted No. 15 Salary,

Assigned to Gumma-ken.

YAMAZAKI Sakutaro, ditto:

MARUYAMA Seishiro, ditto:

Granted No. 14 Salary,

Assigned to Gumm-ken, respectively.

TAKAGI Tomeo, ditto:

Granted No. 12 Salary,

Assigned to Gumma-ken.

SHIRAI Isamu, ditto:

Granted No. 11 Salary,

Assigned to Wakayama-ken,

Nominated to Police Superintendent of Wakayama-


NAKAGAWA Einoshin, ditto:

TSUDA Ryokichi, ditto:

Granted No. 10 Salary,

Assigned to Wakayama-ken, respectively.

KODAMA Shinkan, ditto:

SHIGEMATSU Giichi, ditto:

.Granted No. 16 Salary,

Assigned to Ehime-ken, respectively.

KAWANO Jiro, ditto:

Granted No. 14 Salary,

Assigned to Ehime-ken.

MATSUMURA Yakunosuke, ditto:

Granted No. 11 Salary,

Assigned to Kochi-ken,

Nominated to Police Superintendent of Kochi-ken.

KAWAMURA Yukishige, ditto:

Granted No. 10 Salary,

Assigned to Kochi-ken,

Nominated to Police Superintendent of Kochi-ken.

OGAWA Isao, ditto:

Nominated to Chief Hakodate Local Assistance


ODA Tatsuo, Technical Officialof Local Government:

Assigned to Kyoto-fu.

NISHIDA Koichi, ditto:

Granted No. 15 Salary,

Assigned to Osaka-fu.

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AMARI Kimio, ditto:

Granted No- 14 Salary,Assigned to Osaka-fu.

MORIMOTO Yoshiro,ditto:UCHIDA Tsunero, ditto:KANEDA Tanetaro, ditto:

Granted No. 13 Salary,

Assigned to Osaka-fu,respectively.MIYAMOTO Masaji,ditto:

Granted No. 12 Salary,Assigned to Osaka-fu.

YAMADA Shinjiro,ditto:Granted No. 13 Salary,Assigned to Hyogo-ken.

IEDA Yukiyoshi,ditto:HAYASHI Togo, ditto:Assigned to Niigata-ken,respectively.

KOIKE Keiichi,ditto:

Granted No. 15 Salary,Assigned to Gumma-ken.

OTANI Akira,ditto:Granted No. 14 Salary,Assigned to Gumma-ken.

ENOMOTO Fumikichi,ditto:Granted No. 17 Salary,Assigned to Chiba-ken.

AIBA Shigeo,ditto:Granted No. 12 Salary,Assigned to Shiga-ken.

SHIMIZU Takeo, ditto:Assigned to Shiga-ken. ・

KAMEYAMA Kazuo, ditto:Granted No. 14 Salary,Assigned to Miyagi-ken.

HONGO Ryosaku, ditto:

Granted No. 14 Salary,Assigned to Toyama-ken.

TONAMI Seiichi,ditto:Assigned to Toyama-ken.

NAKAMURA Keisuke, ditto:Granted No. 16 Salary,Assigned to Wakayama-ken.

TANAKA Takeshi,ditto:Granted No. 13 Salary,Assigned to Wakayama-ken.

KUJIME Masao, ditto:Assigned to Tokushima-ken.

NISHIOKA Sakae,ditto:Assigned to Ehime-ken.

TANAKA Takao, ditto:

Granted No. 11 Salary,Assigned to Fukuoka-ken.

KAWAI Shochi, Governor of Shizuoka-ken:Granted No. 26 Salary.

YAGI Yoshinobu, Governor of Mie-ken:NAGASE Eiichi,Governor of Kagawa-ken:Granted No. 25 Salary,respectively.

(March 8, dittc

MUTO Shunnesuke, Educational Official of Ministry

of Education:

Concurrently nominated to Professor of Kyushu Im-

perial University,

Assigned to Faculty of Science.

(December 6, 1946, Ministry of Education)

HORIE Yasuzo, ditto: ・

Ordered to be Councillor of Kyoto Imperial University.

(February 19, ditto)

SHIRAISHI Toshisada, Secretary of Ministry of Edu-


Granted No. 19 Salary,

Assigned to Fukuoka Second Normal School.

(February 24, ditto)

OHO Fujio, Educational Officialof Ministry of Edu-

cation:Ordered to be Councillor of Kyoto Imperial University.

OSUMI Ken-ichiro, ditto:

Relieved of Councillor of Kyoto Imperial University

at his own request.(February 26, ditto)

YAMABE Rokuro, ditto:

Nominated to Professor of Special Department of

Management attached to Kobe University of


Granted No. 21 Salary.

MIWATARI Yukio, ditto:

Nominated to Professor of Hiroshima Higher Nor-

mal School,

Granted No. 16 Salary.

YOSHIKURA Makoto, ditto:

Nominated to Professor of Knmamoto Normal School,

Granted No. 16 Salary.

OMORI Kyosuke, ditto:

Nominated to Chief of Wood Research Institute of

Kyushu Imperial' University.

KURIYAMA Sutezo, ditto:

Relieved of Chief of Wood Research Institute of

Kyushu Imperial University at his own request.

(February 28, ditto)

SANEYOSHI Hayao. ditto:

Nominated to Professor of Metropolitan Women's

College.s- (March 11, ditto)

HATTORI Sadao, ditto:

Nominated to Professor of Aichi First Normal School,

Granted No. 13 Salary.

NISHIZAWA Kazutoshi, ditto:

Nominated to Professor of Ueda Textile Technical


Granted No. 13 Salary.

TEMPAKU Kazuma, ditto:

Nominated to Professor of Ueda Textile Technical


Granted No. 12 Salary.

(March 14, ditto)

TOKUMARU Moichi, Educational Official of Local


Suspended from service in accordance with the Or-

dinance relating to the Status of Civil Officials,

Article 11, paragragh 1, item 4.

(March 16, ditto)

HAGIHARA Iwao, Educational Officialof Ministry of


Nominated to Professor of Hokkaido Imperial Uni-versity

Assigned to Faculty of Engineering,

Ordered to be charged with Third Chair of Pro-

ductive Metallurgy.

KASAI Yoshio, ditto:

Nominated to Assistant Professor of Hokkaido Im-

perial University,

Assigned to Faculty of Medicine.

(March 17, ditto)NAKAJIMA Yoshisada, ditto:

Granted No. 27 Salary.

(March 18, ditto)

17 ―


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Revision of the Regulations governing Depart-

mental Organization of the Ministry ofCommerce and Industry

The followingamendments shallbe made to theRegulations governing Departmental Organization ofthe Ministry of Commerce and Industry, effectiveas

from April 1, 1947:In Article13. the words " Wire Telegraph Section,

Wireless Telegraph Section" shallbe deleted.

In item 1 of Article 16, the words, "exclusivecommunication equipments" shallbe, added next to

"electricalarticles."Article16-2 and Article16-3 shallbe deleted.Article 18-2. In the ElectricalCommunication

Machinery Bureau,Regulation Section,Wire Communi-

cation Section and Wireless Communication Section

shallbe set up.Article18-3. The Regulation Sectionof the Elec-

tricalCommunication Machinery Bureau shall takecharge of the matters pertainingto the following:

1. Coordinating businesswithin the said Bureau.

2. Storage battery,meter and generating machi-nery for electriccommunications.

3. Matters not coming under the iurisdictionof

Name cfcandidate







・OSAWA Sukeji








he or shebelongs to

Social Party


Staffmember ofTrade Union

Citizen President of

Association BacteriamResearch

Institute of


independent public-works


People Co-operative



Social Party


Chief of General

Affairs Division,

all Japan



member of the

House of Peers



Social Party Commissioner ofOsaka Military


other Sections.Article 18-4. The Wire Communication Section of

the Electrical Communication Machinery Bureau shall

take charge of the matters pertaining to wire electrical

communication machinery, apparatus and equipment.

Article 18-5. The Wireless Communication Sec-

tion of the Electrical Communication Machinery

Bureau shall take charge of the matters per.tainingto

wireless electricalcommunication machinery, apparatus

and equipment.


Notification No. 21 the Electoral Administrative

Committee for Members of the House of

Councillors from National Constituency

April 2, 1947

Those persons who filed the notice of candidacy

or the notice of recommendation of a candidate of the

members of the House of Councillors on March 29,

1947 are as follows:

Presiding Officerof Election of Members

of the House of Councillors from

the National Constituency


No. 609, Ikejiri, Kawa-

saki-machi ,Tagawa-gun,

Fukuoka Pref.

No. 15, Ichirizuka, Goke-

nosho, Higashi-uji-ma-

chi, Uji-gun, Kyoto


No. 1816, Uruno, Ueno-

mura, Naka-gun, Ibaragi


No. 131, 3-chome, Sagino-

miya, Nakano Ward,


No. 92, Hayashi-cho, Koi-

shikawa, Bunkyo Ward,


clerk of company Ro-2529, i Sawara-machi,

Katori-gun, Chiba Pref.

No. 415, Miyazawa, Sh6-wa-machi, Kitatama-

gun, Tokyo

No. 17, 3-chome, Iogi,Suginam Ward, Tokyo

No. 2435-2, Nakafuri,Maikata-machi, Kita-

Kawachi-gun, OsakaPref.

18 ―

Name of,

/-, - , person who filed

Date of birthp

nQtice ofrecommendation

Aug. 6, 24th

year of Meiji

Dec. 15, 29th

year of Meiji

March 10,26th

year of Meiji

July 7, 34th

year of Meiji

May 31, 30thyear of Meiji

April 26, 21st

year of Meiji

March 11,37thyear of Meiji

May 13, 30thyear of Meiji

May 23, 7th

year of Meiji

Page 19: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

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Page 20: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu


April 2, 1947

Whereas Hirohata Kinzoku Kogyo K.K., No. 1,

3-chome, Kita-togo-cho, Himeji, has applied for re-

gistration of preservation of ownership of the buildings,

machinery and tools belonging to the said company's

factory located at No. 59 and house No. 38 of the

same place for the purpose of creating a factory

foundation, any person who has a claim over the

movable property that is to be included in the said

foundation or any claimant of seizure, provisional

seizure or provisional disposition shall file his claim

■withthis Court within 32 days from the day of publi-cation of this notice.

This inventory of the said factory foundation is

available ar this Court for the inspection of the in-

terested parties.Himeji Local Court


April,1947Following amalgamation of ward area and altera-

tion of street names were made in the MetropolitanArea and put into force as from March 15, 1947:

Tokyo Metropolis1. Two wards of Kojimachi and Kanda were amalga-

mated and Chiyoda Ward was newly established.

The street names in the area of former KandaWard were added with the former ward name of"Kanda" except Nishi-kanda 1-chome, 2-chomeand Higashi-kanda.

1. Two wards of Nihombashi and Kyobashi wereamalgamated and Chuo Ward was newly established.The streetnames in the area of former Nihom-bashi Ward were added with the former ward name

of " Nihombashi " respectively.

1. Three wards of Shiba, Azabu, and Akasaka were

amalgamated and Minato Ward was newly estab-lished. The street names in the area of formerShiba Ward were added with the former ward name■of "Shiba" except Shiba-koenchi,Honshiba 1-chome, 2-chome, 3-chome, 4-chome, Honshiba-iriyokocho, Honshiba-zaimoku-cho, Honshiba-

shita-machi,Shibaura 1-chome, 2-chome, 3-chome,4-chome, Nishishibaura1-chome,2-chome, 3-chome,

and 4-chome.The streetnames in the areaof former Azabu

Ward were added with the former ward name of"Azabu."

The street names in the area of former Aka-sakaWard were added with the former ward nameof "Akasaka" except Moto-akasaka-cho.

1. Three Wards of Yotsuya,Ushigome and Yodobashi

were amalgamated and Shinjuku Ward wss newly




Two wards of Koishikawa and Hongo were amal-gamated and Bunkyo Ward is newly established.Two wards of Shitaya and Asakusa were amalga-mated and Daito Ward was newly established.

The streetnames in the area of former AsakusaWard were added with the former ward name

of "Asakusa" except Asakusa-koenchi,Asakusa-bashi 1-chome, 2-chome, 3-chome, Ryusenji-cho,Nagasumi-cho, Matsuba-cho, Kogetsu-cho,Minami-

cho and Inari-cho.'Two wards of Honjo and Mukojima were amalga-





mated and Sumida Ward was newly established.

Two wards of Fukagawa and Joto were amalgamat-

ed and Koto Ward was newly established. The

street names in the area of former Fukagawa

Ward were added with the former ward name

of "Fukagawa" except Fukagawa 1-chome and


Two wards of Shinagawa and Ebara were amalga-

mated and Shinagawa ward was newly established.

Two wards of Omori and Kamata were amalga-

mated and Ota Ward was newly established.

Two wards of Takinogawa and Oji were amal-

gamated and Kita Ward was newly established.


Announcement of Redemption of Chiba-ken

Public Loans

As a result of lotteries having been drawn for the

Chiba-ken Bonds that are to be redeemed on March

31, 1947, the following numbers have won prizes:

1. The 2nd "NU"-go (appropriated to rehabilitation


\ 1,000 Bond Nos. 41, 60, 75.

\ 100 Bond Nos. 6, 29, 34, 75, 89, 124.

2. The 2nd " NO "-go (appropriated to the expenses

for rood repairs and improvement and others):\ 5,000 Eond Nos. 10, 28, 35

\ 1,000 Bond Nos. 12, 26, 55

\ 100 Bond Nos. 16, 44, 61

57, 113.


87, 106, 115.3

The 2nd "SE"-go (appropriated to the expenses^

for the 2nd rood repair and improvement and others):

\ 5,000 Bond Nos. 53, 69, 83.

\ 1,000 Bond Nos. 11, 45.

\ 100 Bond Nos. 7, 33, 34, 40, 41, 85.

4. The 3rd Water-Works Bond:

\ 5,000 Bond Nos. 23, 61, 86.

\ 1,000 Bond No. 31.

\ 100 Bond Nos. 24, 81, 33, 93, 112

5. The 4th Water-Works Bond:

\ 5,000 Bond No. 13.

6. The 5th Water-Works Bond:

\1,000'Bond Nos. 16, 92, 118.

\ 100 Bond Nos. 25, 29, 33, 45, 54.



October 15, 1946The Missing: Iwakichi Miyazaki

Domicile and Last Residence: No. 1342, Tsuneishi,

Chitose-mura, Numakuma-gun, Hiroshima-ken

Date of Birth: August 10, 1355

Whereas, with reference to the abovementioned

missing person, the interested party, Saburo Miyazaki

has filedrepresentations calling for the adjudication of

disappearance, the missing person shall notify this

Court of his subsistence not later than 10.00 a.m.,July 18, 1947.

If he failsto do so, the adjudication of disappear-

ance may be pronounced upon him. Any person who

knows if he is alive or dead must also report to this

Court by the abovementioned date.

Fukuyama Local Court

The Missing: TakejiroKitamura

― 20 ―

October 15, 1946

Page 21: OFFICIAL GAZETTE - Nagoya · YamanashiPrefectureLiq- Kofu uor SaleCo.,Ltd. ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu

'Domicile and Last Residence: No. 216, Notohara,

Chitose-mura, Numakuma-gun, Hiroshima-ken

Date of Birth: May 10, 1858

Whereas, with reference to the abovementioned

missing person, the interested party, Zu Kitamura, has

filed representations calling for the adjudication of

disappearance, the missing person shall notify this Court

of his subsistence not later than 10.00 a.m., July 18,


If he fails to do so, the adjudication of disappear-

ance may be pronounced upon him. Any person who

knows if he is alive or dead must also report to this

Court by the abovementioned date.

Fukuyama Local Court

October 23, 1946

The Missing: Asaichi Nakano

Domicile and Last Residence: No. 287, Ogushi, Ube-

shi, Yamaguchi-ken

Date of Birth: February 6, 1899

Whereas, with reference to the abovementioned

missing person, the interested party, Yutaka Nakano,

has filed representations calling for the adjudication of

disappearance, the missing person shall notify this

Court of his subsistence not later than 9.00 a.m.,

October 10, 1947.

If he fails to do so, the adjudication of disap-

pearance may be pronounced upon him. Any person ・

who knows that the said missing person is alive or

dead must also report to this Court by the above-

mentioned date.Funaki Local Court

October 23, 1946

The Missing: Ichiro Ofuji

Domicile and Last Residence: No. 93-2, Asa, Asa-

machi, Asa-gun, Yamaguchi-ken

Date of Birth: January 6, 1912

Whereas, with reference to the abovementioned

missing person, the interested party, Yuku Ofuji, has

filed representations calling for the adjudication of

disappearance, the missing person shall notify this

Court of his subsistence not later than 9.00 a.m.,

October 10, 1947. '

If he failsto do so, the adjudication of disappearance

may be pronounced upon him. Any person who knows

that the said missing person is alive or dead must

also report to this Court by the abovementioned date.

Funaki Local Court

October 25, 1946

The Missing: Hayataro Ohashi

Domicile and Last Residence: No. 470, Nishiune,

Kojo-mura, Kojima-gun, Okayama-ken

Date of Birth: January 1, 1871

Whereas, with reference to the abovementioned

missing person, the interested party, Sayo Ohashi, has

filed representations calling for the adjudication of

disappearance, the missing person shall notify this

Court of his subsistence not later than 9.00 a.m.,

July 7, 1947.

If he fails to do so, the adjudication of dii.ippear-

ance may be pronounced upon him. Any person who

knows that the said missing person is alive or dead

must also report to this Court by the abovemsntion-

ed date.-Okavama I^oca! Court

December 20, 1946

The Missing: Kameichi BonkoharaDomicile and Last Residence: No. 320, Waki, Gotsu-

machi, Naka-gun, Shimane-ken

Date of Birth: December 2, 1881

Whereas, with reference to the abovementioned

missing person, the interested party, Risa Bonkohara,

has filedrepresentations calling for the adjudication of

disappearance, the missing person shall notify this

Court of his subsistence not later than .9.00 a.m.,

July 28," 1947.If he failsto do so, the adjudication of disappear-

ance may be pronounced upon him. Any person who

knows if he is alive or dead must also report to this

Court by the abovementioned date.HamnHa T.nrs! Court

October 18, 1946

The Missing: Sadao Iwanaga

Domicile and Last Residence: No. 668, Suv.a-go,

Omura-shi, Nagasaki-ken

Date of Birth: October 23, 1890

Whereas; with reference to the abovementioned

missing person, the interested party, Ycshie Iwanaga,

has filed representations calling for the adjudication of

disappearance, the missing person shall notify this

Court of his subsistence not later than 9.00 a.m.,

June 15, 1947. '

If he fails to do so, the adjudication of disappear-

ance may be pronounced upon him. Any person who

knows that the said missing person is alive or dead

must also report to this Court by the abovementioned


Omura Local Court

October 3, 1946The Missing: Mori Shibata

Domicile and Last Residence: No. K6 354S, Aino-

mura, Minami-takaki-gun, Nagasaki-ken

Date of Birth: November 15, 1884

Whereas, with reference to the abovementioned

missing person, the interested party, Akishichi Shibata,

has filed representations calling for the adjudication

of disappearance, the missing person shall notify this

Court of his subsistence not later than 9.00 a.m.,

May 28, 1947.

If she failsto do so, the adjudication cf disappear-

ance may be pronounced upon her. Any person who

knows that the said missing person is alive or dead

must also report to this Court by the abovementioneddate.

Shimabara Local Court

21 ―