Download - OFFF 2011 Barcelona “Year Zero” (2011)




By Usama Niazi


What I find really interesting in this opening sequence is the use of costume, we notice many characters wearing masks, suggesting they have something to hide or even are hiding from something. Also, through the use of costumes we are immediately exposed to the antagonists, which would be the characters dressed in all black as the colour black has connotations of darkness and evil. Furthermore, the colour of the opening sequence is overall grey. This could be illustrating many problems that question the survival of humanity, but most likely there is a disease being spread through the air, hence the face masks.


A wide variety of shots are used within this opening sequence, but one which caught my attention personally, is an extreme close up of a group of maggots. This one shot gives such a big clue to the audience as to what this movie will be about, because maggots are usually found under decomposing flesh therefore there is some sort of disease being spread which is rotting away human flesh. If that was not enough the close up of a woman's face removes any shadow of doubt that the human race is in danger. Moreover, the change from a close up to mid shot after a piece of flesh is being tattooed is really effective as it implies to the audience things aren't always what they seem like and only once you grasp the full picture you will understand what is going on.


Majority of the editing is discontinuity editing as there are random cuts and no real sense of flow or time phase. This constantly leaves the audience uncomfortable and almost puts them in the shoes of the characters as they too wont have a sense of time, they won’t know if a month has passed or a week like the audience. Also there is a constant cut to microscope like recordings, which suggests that science may have a part to play in this highly infectious disease. Therefore, we can assume that the movie will not dwell deep into religion or philosophy as most scientists believe in the big bang theory and are therefore atheists. In addition, fast paced editing gives the feeling of constantly being on the run and a high action packed movie.

Slow paced non diegetic score starts off the opening sequence, but is then interrupted by a change in frequency type of sound suggesting that something is about to change and every time this sound occurs the time phase changes and even the location. We hear diegetic sound when were in the home of the man who is fighting with his wife or girlfriend, but we can only hear the television. This use of hyperbolic sound emphasises that in the midst of humanities downfall there are still people calm and enjoying life by watching television.
