Download - of tt...ther, to bear from bis lips that he ,aD- sides into a life of failure. ADd so babits, however, are only secured by ati/llUlllS to nuble BctiOD, Rta,i1d, cepted ~he /Sacrifice,"

Page 1: of tt...ther, to bear from bis lips that he ,aD- sides into a life of failure. ADd so babits, however, are only secured by ati/llUlllS to nuble BctiOD, Rta,i1d, cepted ~he /Sacrifice,"


L1nlB . ItlOO I. lb. Album or )lllIIl )lar, 'I'r_, .......

W~I. for ber mother, lira H. L Truman, lily Rev" B. H. Carrier


Fnrewell, my dau~bter dear r 'Tis bard to MY. 'arewen ;

HoW can I stay tho famnll tear, Or half my !\nHnf~h tell'

it. j

E'Ar smee of thee bereft, or thy fair form-denied,

J'~e fOWld It lol,l8lb Yln,t().f~~~' Wilbout thee y ',8Iae:.


Dut Is It rigbt to moum ' As tbough " 110 hope" 1 hlld!

'fo feel thus gloom)' and furtQm~ Thus eomlorlless and sad? ,

IV, Ails., my soul t reIOI~e!

Yea, smUe II' .,.e 1 a~:,~ePI 1I.lrk I ye dot my ary's volC!l,

In tnue wah &Dpl, h.ilp· v.· 1

HOlle from a world of WO&~ 'to one so pure ",n.ridn~,

Why should \DY teRrs like founll/oln8 Beciluse I've lost my c~tld!


II J.ost," did 193.Y ? ...... O, no-' II Not lost, but gODe hefore iH

(lone but tbe woly Ihat r Must go, 'Iv hen deJllh 8(l\n~ al .. y.d~l". , '

lVlI• '

TheBe reet hQr path shall tfead, These 81e" her b.\\i\ty aee;

I TheAll 1U'1D8 ber fQl\cIllDIl (orm em brace, ~ When God shall call I'or rue. "

", '"Iu. Then, td.l~ time shan come,

lIaY 1 \liDce' rest, ' , And feMrmtp ~1Il', " ,hy will be done "­" Thylw,tII)" not mlnG, I. best. .

. Poor 81av~ 1 must the poor, igno- words no bones," the"t t'f!' . hie' I, 8 I e It Wit UllSlUesa \lares or mean II belier in the raut, degraded, trodden-down slave proverb. An they break 110 Rpirit worldly pleasures, flut in every 1uil Christ," aDd in that hUimanity! be deprived of all bope of beaven, on that is not of the feeblest. The world of the great Babel be will hear that which he was the perfcct .aceO\\~t i9t'1Jb~ lia.rdLUiiige may laugh at your failures-what home voice, like' the song of the 'Sea- lief in hnman progres~, master? No I neyer. Christ, by the theu? Try again, and perhaps they shell, singing ,its quiet tune ill his mate triumph of tbe rlight grace of God, has tasted "for will not laugh. Try ouce more and heart. not only in the golden Elvery man," and can have compas- perhaps it will be your turn to I~ugh. Man has been. described aB a bun· "all men~s .good shall be each sion on tbe ignoraut, and OD those "He who wiDS may laugh," saitn a.u· d~ of iJab,il.sC an~ il:\ c~ bjl" ljtJt!I r~e," bot in the who are out of tbe way. If little other proverb. If yon bave the right QOU ht tliat they do go far toward to aid and basten its In~c:~~~~~~ ignorant children may be, the SDb· stuff in YOD, you will not be put maki,ng or marring the active yet In- are great or little as they jectli for heaven, why not the iguo- down. If we have the right stuff in viSible farce which we call manhood. lack.thil! faith. With it a.ti,im-ple rant slue? us, these failures atl the outset are They seize upon our actione, motioDs, dA!r iu the 1st Regiment iBolitlid

Third. That Jesus twice ascended graud materials of success. To the amusemllnts, language, e.venour,very Oa~olinll Volul1teers ie a giant to his Father, (page 73, 74.) That feeble, they are, of course, stumbliDg- thoughts-sometimes \lur devotions. out it II. .lDall is a aftet fle appeared to Mary, she saY8, hlocks. The wretch.ed weakling goes Virtues and vices are notpiDg but sit on the tbrone .. Jesns quickly aRcended to his Fa- no further; he lags behind aud su Ir good and'evil becoibe habitual. Good Faithless meD, destit-ute ther, to bear from bis lips that he ,aD- sides into a life of failure. ADd so babits, however, are only secured by ati/llUlllS to nuble BctiOD, Rta,i1d, cepted ~he /Sacrifice," &c. ADd tbat by tbi8 great winDowing process, long and arduous labor, and here WIJ blocks in the way of humlln'p'roJ~i18Si "tbe same-day he returned, and sbow- the Dnmber of a.thletes in the gaat are takeD advantage of by evil hair and though borne ll",wa,'1l

~_~~t:',; t! i ~. L r

himself to his disciples. If) suf· Olympic of life is restric~d to. a re:"". its which intrude themselves; but sisticss force of events, fered them then to touch hifl:' for be and there is clear space in the arena. though the latter are so ready to ging tbeiJ' beadlj. &nd had :allcended to bis Father, and bad ~bere is scarcely aD old man among come, it Is not 80 ea~y to get rid of martyrs, !Ia1iJ;lg, "They ing, my yQUng man re.ceived power." But our book saYII, us-an old and successful man-who them, while we ueTer knew a man to God; let hiw deliver them youth. in ,a low tone alld bl~18hiing"l He .. went with" two Qf his disci- will not willingly adtnit that he waS be so firmly tied up W Il good will h",ye t\;lem." 4h, men ~&~n"n. replied, ' "¥ornin' sir." II A~e Plt:B, OD tbat d"I, to the village of made by his failuree, and that what that he oouId uot break off' what Ihough "ou are crucilic4 Pef,re the boy who has come to live "":,'"., E 0 'hS d"9 he a tho hth' h d"t ... · h ffi "'ielie'i- Mr. - the' .... n .. er .. 11 "Y"", mmaue. n page- I 'a~ I, S nce ug IS ar ,a e, .. as, In muc e ort. the right prevails I Abrahl\m. ... u. "" ~~:::t~~~~h:~i:s~~asceD8ion ,agaiD, when reality, hie good fortuue. ~d thou, OccasioDally we see a man brought ed God, &nd it was counted. II What ii y01l1' first name 7" II

tl II two G1!Yels clothed .my briglit.witted child, who thinkest under the domiDion of some master- for rjghtequellllBII, Shall not thaniel, sir." .. Your pal1lDUI are not But in our book we tliat thou caust carry Parnassus by ful vice that, like .the Old Man of the the 19th ceptql'Y un tl)e shores living, I belie~e." II My, ratber ~

two men in white apparel," storm, learn to possess thy 80nl in Sea, rides him to death, or, after shat- Atlantic receive ite I;eward 118 dead, sir, and my mother is married. ~~:~t!~~~~!! as witnesseS'. Acts 1 : 10. But of patience If suocess were to crown teriDg mind and body, sends him as ou the plaiJ)s of Mamre? to anoth~t' man, and 1 did not like' his fitlit ~scension, which she 8peakB Jhine efforts now) where would be el d I is dr, d h th bim vtYty well; and 110 I have ootue to . I I. ays mama . 0118e or e So the man is built, Lut II've with my uncle," of, we have only sister White for a the great success of the hereafter? rnebrlate asylum Th(>se cases are d L'1re hi' I d

I • h t.... I' 'd b' . . . ay, 1 t e cora IS an , " You are goill"", to learn 'a witness. I fi!l4 but one ascenllioD of tiS t e u.l'ave reso 11tlOn to I 0 et- rare, lind do not fall to eXCite accretl'OIJ 'of years. " Ciire:unlstaDioos f ' OJ' Y

. h 8 . t J b 16 t t t·... "th t I th b t t M 0 hIm, are you'" II es, sir." 8.t m t e crlp ures, as 0 n : er nex hue, a ays e su 5 ra a ./)ijt men are the slafes of . make meD." is of1el1 said. It 'b Mark 15: 29, Luke 24: 51, Acts {)f all real greatness. !lbu)' a prom- vlce.s .W.e .hold by every eVil true. CU;' Cll~.+\\lIce,;a bu+ bope you will learn it well, &nd e·

: 9, 10, 11, Eph. 4: 8, &c. A~ ising reputation has been premature· b b t f t h th ......... ... •• come II. first-rate workmaD. What Ii' rd

. h' d . f I d ed b I Tb·a I -:-1 I IS !lot. lIlg more au pnt- stone bf manhootl, ntlt itllelt.: worth dOI'Dg a~ all I'S -orth c""omr'[ co lilg to t elr octrme 0 two as- y estroy 1, ear y success. e tlng hiS bal ds In liS pockets a man's' h I' , h .• - u . f eh . b th t" h L' I • I . - IS t ere any po ItIcal c art well. We are going to form a censlOns 0 rlst, w at Can fly sap r~nB ou ,rom t e truu .. ~nto power and effiCle.ncy 18 Sf} m, ucb wea· wherein the oceau of society is 'bu:ild- hId

for, DOW, but f{)r his third com· offshoots of Buckers. Tbe harJi k d A t 11 11 sc 00, aD you must certainly d. . I' r h k 'f< • rene. man IS I~O P Yl'lca y per- ing the man who is n I·t." "What I'S that'" "It I'~

ISClP IDe 0 t tl Dl e IS wanted. f, t h hIt I I ttl fi It • • Wrllton 'or lb. a'bbalb D---rder. 'f' th k I 't t 1'IlIleat, tb t 't . t I b cc w 0 as oS lIS I tl nger. wreck the ship of state .bellrinl:r a school to study the BI'bIe and the " ~ ~ ur er remar B oml a pre- •. a I IS no peasant; lit· t th t h .

TO E' LD '>T V HULL sent Ie t I . t' Wb t' -:vlhpn Ii I h h IS uo au~wer 0 say a sue a maD hopes of a great people Catechl'sm', you come and see." L .... TTER ~ , s tlre your pa leDce. a L' ee est t e s arpn!:" of d thO II rt' :~t!~~~~~J~~~~:~~~~~~!!~

RWUBUllG, N. 'Y.

" ' , 'I ' tli ? 8h II h b h d can 0 many IDgs as we a er as more fortunate shall be a "!II~ge .. Wbere shall I come'" The ml·DI·a ...

B h It t th t en a we t row away t ese 1 e e ge, think that a1\ who have b Ii hi '1' C h d ,.. 1 g Dear rot er,- ~U8 a wtl b.ethre b f • tak? b Ii th h hIe ore. s mutl atlOu. an e 0 ev· asylum where liberty, et -'_,.u,c,' ter gave the lad tbe 'u'me and plano . , S tli d Ad t"· n, eoouse 0 sorne 0018 es come e ore ee ave "een acerated h 111 S b d h ... ~ Tc~lly love our ' even . ay veu NIh ery t IDg as we () every a aU" et o1to shall raise IInew f th . d h' I'

brethren; • and especially lIO ~ar ~8 0 not more t an we would throw in like manner.- Thackeray. it cripplcs ID kind, though not iD de. he!'" shattered te.m-nle. 0 e appoIDte gat enDg'. to <J. him h

Id t of away Simon Peter for deDying( his d he h .. he should expect to see him, bade MID they teacb It e .. comn,au meD s Mast"r. nTe are all II'able to ..... I.S. gree, aD w n t ey are Dumerous every man so huild himself that od • d b Ii

f . h f J "Re ".. "" T ..L.. h h II' d . 1 • go mOrDmg, IJ.n ot went on God and the alt 0 eSlla - 1! .• ~ 'I " • HE BONlllE EYE OF BLUJ:;. enoug ,HUC Bma ViceS epnve us shall be no fear of the first aud h 1'. ' But there are' 80llle tbing," ill .1\ ... e8. cau uow lind mistaket in of II . bl We m j t eir waYIl. • the first book I published, forty years There is a.n eye whose flashes spe'ak, pprecla e power. reme • need of the nst.-Independent. 1:'j'he interview did nGt hindereitiMIl' their doctriue W;\,¥'lJ anpear so much As proudly from the rosy obeek ber' that Gulliver was effectually II'ke "aDotller gospel,'\ th .. t I thi·"-!. (which c{)ntained "the third It turns Its lashes baek- bo d d d I I I b th L'I mau or boy above two minutes, bot u I' " . d P or wit, of worth, of ardent ftre, un an rna e le p ess y e I· . . d f' dsh' b they ought to be exposed. ' , IIJIge II me8sage.) It 18 sai, rov. Of energetlcJoy-deslre, liputians, tbough every cable used LAST HOITBS OF DR. It commence & llen Ip etween

Firs/, III tbeir hook of vision~, 10: 12, '" Love covereth all siDs." The ";pl\rklIng eye of black! was but a thread. BY)lR$. E, B. STOWE, HIS lt~emfor life. The minibster was no called "I'l1e G'reat ContrOfersy}' by We nAl'e' m'ch hope for these breth· There Is jln eye whose glaDces tell It would be very difficult to tell onger regarded by t e boy as a Eller> il, Wbite,' (wbose ~isi,?DS aoo ren, for tile love which they have for Of dl\tle~ done, and done fnll well, J'ust what part the Bunlight performs For the lllat year of bislife, stranger to be shunDed, but as a pas-

f l.__ .. the cO""man"-ents of God." Performed from day to da.r; f . t' d t'"r t be 10 ed rnoeived by a g~!l~~ PlI,I't 0 .~...,... 1\11 .... "'" or calm contentment and repose, in the ecoDomy of vegetable nature, 0 commllDlca IOn aD .. 0 v. the :WOld of God,) on page 61, si¥l Yours ill hopt>~f_tbe coming king- Of rest, that virtue only knows, yet everybody knows wbat a poor, the outer world That boy is now a Governor. From saY8, " For the si~s:rr tno!!\! wb,o' are dom, ~ENJAYIN' CLARK. The sober eye of gray t shriveled, uaeless thing: a sunless His utteraDce was tbat time to the preseDt be baa·a!-redeemed by the blood OFCbrisi, alltl But, d.arer fSor to me th&n theBe, plant is. So we cannot aSQign to so- Bme uniDtelligible sounds, wi ways been conDected with the Sab:-

1 ;0._, Than mt, than worth. than quiet ease, Y h' tell d h b th b 1 H' d II overcome, at\ast will' .... rolted balilt THE GUBS ~LAT. In JOY as sorrow true- ciety itl< particolar fu~ctione iu the s or. SDa es an p rases, a ·sc 00 . e IS a goo all we upon tbe origiuator of ain, tbil devil, A I .. t' t t, The gentle, mfJtlug, lovmg eye, , bUlldin,,"" of a man', bui from Ca<mar wbicb could be gathered that the as a. great man; and he says that the

allY wen ID 0 a suoo store to Pur. In Its ~end.r constancy, ~r. te I t'll fi d t" t f II b' . I'fe lind be will have to bear their sius, get a of shoee, ord~d there The bO$me eye of blne! Hauser we have learued how weak rna current s lowe . urDlng'polD 0 a 18 sncccss ID I while those who do 110t accept sal v~. b l' Wh'l .1 and sickly is hnman gro'WdJ wlieu eye remained lumiDous, ~a8 bis meeting with the minister at

sume e,ore, 1 e waiting TM eye whose language needs no vOice ~ ... n f h' r ce b the corner of the street wheD he was tion through Jellus will bear their th b b ht' h' To soothe, to soften, to reJoice, deprived of that uecessary s p.eoslo 0 IS ,a ,wen

d "t" em e roug !D, er eyes With e'l!ery wmnlng .. rt-· mArked both by strength and t,,:el .. e years of age. own ~in8." ,On page 199 an "I', l,re,stEld: a bel\outiful grass plat, Whos91east, whose shgbtestglance can brmg mg. 0 ':.11 fl h "f h' are word8 to the same effect. Also, through tte open window Fresh comfort to the wavenng, The state of society, the forms ness. cea810n' y, a as " 18 ,\ writer in the kelllew anll Her~. in the re [of tlie shop, Fresh '\iIl.hiDe to the 'heart. civil and chnrch government, exer· quick humor would light up bis THE LAH1I THAT BUJ!.TA OOLLEGB, Dec. 30, 1862, tries to prMie the ,liMe Ana she to th Iwoman wait- Yes! dimmed lD sorrow, Bunned in JOY eise a powerful influence on maD, but ~nd a quick reply would break " What a beautiful building t" slIid thing. ' " , . ,iug upon tlle store, \ "thur yard looks 8l!oUI~/;,~~fS, should hopes our thoughts em they determine the national chane- ~t the most unexp~cted mann.erd· aul~h. I, as we paused, my friend and I, in

I obj~ct that the de.vil should hll¥6 Tery pretty)!' it makes one feel cool To death remamlDg true, ter rather than-the individual. What ay, as he lay ~D the so~a, IllS. (Iur walk uuder the trees in the col· the gl ry of qearing a.'wa~' our '~~ . h d" A f\ There shmes one star through all Our tears we are now seeking is, those social b!m brushmg bls lege grounds, and looked at a new

o I, • / ~tt r ' • \{)o see 1t, t ~ Warm ay. ush ihro' youth's sweet hours, thTo' manbOQd1S I'nflunnces whl'ch determl'ne the mau. white. half j hIS eyeR were fixed I'e.ter 8al'S III Ohr.l,ll~~ ~, o,hil! 0 n o£\pleasure passed over the woman's years, ~ d d he h I building, just fiDished. It was haDd· sel, w.o, :'CluJ' SfII. lIilllS ow.n tiIJdy D (ace as she replied, .. Just step into Tn 00""111 JOn I>r nUl! .or the8e tl>& ...- ;mpQd9nt.ara WID ow, all two e expje,s, some and uBeful, and will probably the tree, \hat w.e, bein~ deaa to si~s, b k' Mends.~ books. oJ' his face was pe,euliar·ly.l!elrPnJ3' stand there for generations to oome. m.,; ... ,tin

I Id I· r t {' "'-A" n Ii ac room,1 and Y011 can see it Next I·n ml·sery to a mon "I'thout an I h.umorous., . " 1ld SIOU IVll.,ono.~gQ""iuusn'i'sllj uy I told"'· h It!· td' BUILDING A VIV ~...... "Thatbllilding," said my 1rie , whose strIpes ye wIRe healea."- "Om e cou JUs Ig m.JUl. God in the world, is one withaut sl,u saId, strokrug IllS "was built by a little lamb I" 1 Pet, 2: 24. "Chriitt Wall once Qr. "''P and rake it down iii b~t. aDd Pllt BY PROF. WARRING 'fiLKfNIION. frieDds j aud that mau is indeed pit. area very h.aDdsomee ~~!~[~~:I~~ " Do explaiD yourself I" Iered to bear the sins of many."-r- little seed in, aud it would look 80 Beneath the blne waves of the tro- iable, Christlike" in his Buffering, wtJO 1ns~ntl~ hiS eyes t1 " Well, many years ago, there was He~. 9: 2B. "He phal1 for UB al1snmmer. Tom thou~ht sea, thelia is a,. work going on has not wbere to lay his 'heart rogUIsh hgbt, and hll ~nswered qniek. a poor boy wbo lived in the south f.l' he shall bear tbeir l~opld i~ thi h?dUSh~ mihght glve where, like8010mon's ~emple, no ham- Friendship is a necessity of ly, "Tell me somet!llng , part of the COUDty. He wall a mo-and he bear the sillS /.If ,IIllIW!IYj a.n; ut to 1m t ey were mer nor tool of irou is heard, and so lure. .l):very sohool·boy, In another mood, as he sat ".'''In'' therless boy, his mother having dilid made illterce~I'on 'or the orderlY. people, but didn't care , t'bl th t t' f cl~ssic story, lougs for hl's apparently into .vacaucy, a :tr,;>nrl h Id H " I' I' nor anything 1ike that, Impercep I y, a a genera ltm 0 ~ d d when he was four mont so. e 8ors. _ sa. 5 . and it make tbem feel happy men can scarcely mark its-progress. and revels in the thougbt of rew near, an began to was liviDg with a married sister,'at

Now, the lamb I was to be and cheerylike,'and teach them bow fouDdations are laid on tbe ocean for his frieud, while there are to him a. little articla the age of twelve years, when a from the sheep orl from the flowers and grass are j so ' aDd slowly through couDtless meu who have not joined in the pape~s.' called" The W·,,·I~;'i,.. young law student agreed with him (Ex. 12: 5, Num. 29: 5,) it &:11 myself, :aDd when I centuries it rises, pusbingits.way to· lameut of ,David-HI am the WaltlUg 8ervl!-nt." He that jf he wbuld catch' and put out case two kids of th~ ,goatll! ~ ~w 9lueb the good God bas done ward the light. The materials are dIstressed fur thee, my brother J oDa· uearer and Dearer, hstened his horse for a given length of time. t,CI<Ollm.: ..

be takeD for a sin o1!'eriug, for IDe- in making the seeds come up from the White Hillil of New than i ver;! pleasant hast thou been attentiou, and fiually cm'erf!d he might ride hie horse tu see his i~~~~~~~~;~ olle of wh\ch be 80 q' uick and beautiful, and in giviDg Hampshlrll', the MouDtains of Ore· to me; !hy love to me was wODder- eleB with hIs Bngers, an~ the friends at thaDksgiving, 80 they .~ alive, bofore tli ., t' th r- ht t' I th' k, gon, the Hemt of-tbe andes, and, fnl, psssmg the love of woman." , Silently coorsed d@wn bls ch(*ks. mi!.de· the bargain, Ip the same atonement, ~ e"~blltl JU811 Ibn ;,ed~e tlhme'l'ttl m l Boated in every dr.op.:lhitJ~oo.ri.into Friends take hold upon the iDner ".How could you know that spriDg there wall a beautiful lamb

" x milS we avo un e 1 e ., ed d d L'r t· t . -" h tIed d 1" b 'd " d' h hill goat, " fot the It' d the are prCQI{lltat an milo e lie j eD er lU 0 our JOYs a~ BurrOW8' wane e e sal . born, an sportmg on t e 8 ne.T lJauds Miw I likfoe ~i~; a~r:; ~:n the strange algbemy . "participes c!,trarUlll," in. the beauti: that, a1)d read it to ~e often." by. When thanksgiving. had artiv~ and it ;'~d enFf it as lJI~ch as coral insect, The archt,tect,s fur ~araphase. of the Lali,!! 8p.~e,cb j At anoth~r time" whep she ed, and young NathaD, tb.e boy, WAS tifB ·but not quite 80 much either wondroue str?cture are ludeed a thus a~mltted to tlie spting~ of composed blm to ~IS mounted fpr his journey, his friend, their that doe8 tbe work know~ folk," but lDdustry )lild UUIB' the heart, If raIse, lbey ma.y pOison ebe ll\\med Qver to hIm tbe narn~ the student, calls to him, • Nathan, shall worth of the flower m,~te thaD atone for~ littlene88. Above' it, .at the Souro.e an~ one's outer life. J.II bls ol~ friends-Taylor, have yOll IIny money to epeDd, if you ties tbl\ot" stately sb~p!l gt! .on, and yet no exprel'l~ed elt~er !D thougbt or ~ctIO\l. OorDehus, c.te. II Ob I I need f' •

he~ stor the hotl- tells of the hIdden reef. By- There IS a prIDClple of selectIOn by all," he saId. Then, iu a m(lmlimt.i I have three nine-wu· 6nwjisQI~mEl(aln returD~d to her aud·by, in s?me. great sl?rm, when whwh UleD g.r:.vitate t?ward. each with an effort at 'utteraoce, ' ,littre thiukiDg of the be. wavCII roll high, 1b the deepest t~oug~ . and whlC? has g~ven rise to more thing let me say-they

ne'''ol~lcejof;hei dairy life' for one of the se. ~ dark mws ot fQClna:dls- the trite adage, • A man 18 known by gODe! I am left alol1e !" plaut ~ and flowct'S \:Overed, which. some ages benQe: abo tbe cD~pany ~e ke~ps:" Montaigne ·Dec. ~Oth.-The vail was

other ~iDlI a leli'ol WIth the oGean. Float- .re,:"gDlzed thl" prlDclple wbe~, 011 a few hours, aud tbe vision of, trll,Ds,·>1 1I0t IDg weeds and grasses now stand berng asked wby he loved Estlcu~e figu~ati<;ln wa~ vouchsa.fed. Hf\il~l!led,1 of it; the ceaseless attritiou of de III. Boetie, he repliee, " Beea'lse it "Mother mother come sit

that woman nirlllg forms a sand to fill np its hal· was ~e, because it was I." me; I h~ve had ~ glorious v;~itilii o1l'l~"ui'lI!ilt I Slie bad not wealth j strange seeds from afar;.otf Fliends do m.u,·h to adorn aDi! beaven!' His cOllnteuane"'T~.'. lellr.iole.: Dor genia, none of th~ . catch aud ger",liDate in its beautify or to dlsfignre th~ charac- nous, bis utteralJce fnll and '8tl·lIl1.rr,

blessiogll of life, only sml; fJowe~s that seew 1.lke the br8l!-th ,ter; th~~ef~re have good friends, or as in his beet days. He .con\.illiued, ICqQd.,hEli~ .. te.d!~~Bls, ~nd with it a.lone of GO,d sprlDg up, aDd d!ffuse tbrongh none. It IS unn~tu~al fo~, a lOaD to "I think I have begun to

disseminate happ;- tbe ,air a:k~agrance whICh the bUds court a?d hug sohlan!lesB, says Dr. such SCeD(!S as I have been np"m;~.t",il ,H.I.i' , ... ;1 m'l~ circle. How many, aS8Imi1~tA! IDto_1:lolor and SODg. ThUB Fuller,' a desert IS bette!'" thA11 a to behold. I 'have Been the

-Iro'l1ld do greJ't good .coral )aland 18 bmoo. I companion}' Glory \um .. "U--bl.sned God .Db,ere of U8elUI.oo"; fA ~a!l jj! ,milt very muQl!. in tile Nearly all we have said of f~iend8 vealing thysel£ I 1 di-d not ',·thiihlr'

'oP,enfld btefolril might same way. F,?r Sf!.3XS. ~.,.,~m tM tbeir influeuce will appl,y coulq /JeilOld such glory w.bit~ nQli)le,leJ~o!u ~t:oml\tDIIS,,,)umble wo- surfac,e of SOCial ,Me, an~ h~e the equal (orce to books, with tnis flesh.~' He prayed ilt au ;'. ,.rii.".!

coral In!lect, obeylllg au lOstlnct of tion? tbat whereM in society a manner (or some time and its Datura, a child i8 gathetiug un· can only have tbe compankmship' Uloqu.ized,'" Until thi~' eiEmiIlm.i;i;'; \agrEled COllsciOClsly to itself, an4 too often tbe living, in bill r .. tlilg he ma,- .... - bDp8- wjle a conditio'llal OIIe :

to ,o~h,rl1, the \Ull-te- wi~h the virtuolll' or IlebjLsed ill full, frlle, entire, Oh I the future. man. For tl,is Qod !"

Inrj;,",,~ .. norhing is r~jected; nUI'se- -I asked ,I H~e you any 15ftnshioe aOO shOwet, S.m- .. No ' ~oDe at all; and

Hill,lz'-J-ilds; liites, a.ud baU~ll1bs, book:s woUde;ful,' I ha~e no pain i>itili",'"

anel pl,"Jlna,:~s. PJl"en~1 paMin~ n hand -O~ hill a~l~h~;':!~~~:~J!I,D..i~}J,,~r, '',ol'la1llui " 1 J;re-"II1~t('med ,;; c" , ".,,».,.l .. awAI>e.jB ~~::~:~Wrt~ ],j1f1ll"~~;I1~~*::;.~::!t:t:/ IfIII~MJ

'. , ,j! k • , . I .r


Page 2: of tt...ther, to bear from bis lips that he ,aD- sides into a life of failure. ADd so babits, however, are only secured by ati/llUlllS to nuble BctiOD, Rta,i1d, cepted ~he /Sacrifice,"


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54 THE "

. repeatedly and again I to the: worlf those in New York or Brooklyo, bul mOJlll onr country. be 'fVtQlJg; I mq be in committed to, 'our tgMt; than one-Iialf were se.nt to Ohio and coantry

my calcolations ; 'I may be ill with myself a mutter of' m • 8 h r 'ty f th ailt, whose government, the commencement of tile date; I thought aud anxiety for past month!!, "U to t e na IVI 0 ese may be 80 in the assignment of its and I may say tears. And in addi. bnt little is known, and a separate them, of ing~to !>~.a~ . .£~~~ _~ith_, <:!PrsJ Oeo. D. Utter, Editor., =: 72 : :=;;:'"'t~ __ . t : cla!le.' • . , : ... to tlie inqull'yyou arfmaiing, I greater degree-of ignorance ex- action in both." I reality carrying on a clandestina

'~ The great epoeb of 1260 years ,on the point of PrOPOSing, ists\respecting their parentage, two- tlian that the ndt covert war for the destruct10n of ~11l1~\~ /J 'I_~ 11i~ l'BO!JLAlUTIOlf: begin at A. D. 532, ending it throagh the columns-of our denomi· thirds, at least, being unable to tell agree. One says that Union, he spoke with great force and

If ma P&UID1liT OP Tn 11NITKD at 1792; adding the other periods of national paper, the propriety of our b 'h t h' t 't d thO effect, exposing the hollowness • AdRIOA. Daniel, ending in 1861. Others be· a commentary on at leas,t w e. er or no t Clr paren 8 were can 0 a~ 109

1~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~1 n the same great period in the IilVing. L The society· bas, expended outer. Iilan, and the other, her pretext of neutrality, and rec~ml"l ~rk,.able fa:ct MPs,)n t4e 8tyle of Barpes' $140,000. and beside pro- and will. reWiaUop byt~Eb~_INet~'~'~._""'~.~_li~. b~oili-Y;I;'oilt IS not that,the This sbould be for the use vidiog homes for so large a number, Bro. "Nile" to get br,e~king off comm~rcial interc(!)Ufse

is to 1867,-whic1> I '1Ie:IkI' pro· Classes, Sabbatb Scbools, and more' 1138 Ced and clothed thousands of is to suppose that Paul w)tli that couutry. ' . I, relrMId' phesied anywhere; nor that the world particularly for the use of families, as is to close its present state at who are very destitute of reading childreu, thus sensibly .reducing the same dilemma that he, I " • I

year,; but .that great ilhronological this character, which should be in the volume of distress and crime among and Christ were, to wit, THE OJIDiOa IN O~~BD, PA,

and intersect each other at that year; nearly all the families among us f ' , d To lb. E<lllor iK _.lor ,I I d d h be iog. eoce 0 phrenology un er- Vh " < an strange to say, men that begin woul pure ase one, and I Heve it , en peop1e are ID trouble, ,they

these dates l at different periods, on could be made to pay financially 'f THE IDER AND THE OUTER:MAli. s~\lod as "t the present day." He \ k r alide, II If'it had ooen, donhtl,e88 soule usually 00 about lor a comforter, ditrerent grounds; find them . and I suggest that a move 8hould be In the ltEcORDEII of April 2d, there d t t fi d ih .

about 1867, as the termination made in this direction very 1Io0n, 3S other words would have be~n uS'ed." an expec o. a one among lilt he II is a communication signed" Nile," learwst "I.;"nds Tbe Chrl·.tl·on 100'--t m a. But what is immediately we are DIlW in the pos8CssiOlI I cOnfess that I am not: mclined to 1 ~ 1,...... • _ ....

to succe~d, I cannot say." means and men that may oot-eontio with the above heading, which con- keep IIp witb the ," prese;qt'day." I lookstir,st to, ~o~ ; ahusband look/! to

~~FJ:~~i~~~:l~*:~:I long. The frnitful and elastic mind tains a few things that are qnite ob- thiok that modesty is an ,excellent his wife, ~nd ~ wife to the h~8~and, ~""",.,. ""'VEVTmr-DAY B··"DII1IST LITE"D', o.f Eld. Wm. B. Maxson would be a J'ectiouabl.e, because denying to man Ifld to the t &c ,B' -b t

..... ..., A.... JU A JW1- h t b Ii d I grace" that might well Le cultivated a c I pareq , ., l ~ .. r' 110 .. ~!!~~:fr~[i:l~~:~~~i;j~~~~;~~ 111t"n>... TIC reaSUl'e, to 0 oun n that spirit entity which is the subiect h th' to d 'th "'b , .... <l..~ to H",w •• ,'1 .LUAl>: such an enterprise, I have I!een "" J "at the present day."' as IS 0 WI wrhl g:.'l"'~ , TotheEditoroftbe&bbalhReoorder wondering, for several years, why of rege~atwn. Cbrlst says" That But this is not the end IOf Paul's the 'RECORDE~? If yOil. "'ill,' 00

RELIGIOUB The will of

Iu the foll<:Jwing. 'commuuication God has kept him so youthful BO long. which IS born of the Hesh IS Hesh, controversy with our essayist. see !ient with me, I will try to e~plain, from }!llo:l. O. P. Hul~ are subjects The dose application of the mind of and that which is born of the spirit 2 Cor. 12 : 1-" It is nQt ex~dient I.n mftawkward way, what I am com- Board,of COllDmli8si~perll

rtb th 'd t' f th d Eld, T. B. Brown should not be lost is spirit." "Nile" .nakes mao to t MillBioolJ, the IIUlll1:l. wo y e COO8I era Ion 0 e e- h d " h Id for me, doubtles8, to glor"'. I will 109. a , . . . W to t e enomlOatlOn, Dor to t e wor • consist of mere matter and breath or J to the Ametican

late of Wes~ Ne,l\'~n, seoted forprtlbal[e.

nomlOatlon, e are conservators when he passes away j and a host of . , .' come to visions and revelatibns of tbe I Nearly a year ago, bemg tbe 18t oC important trnths" the defense others, wh() 00 some questions are, all' I know that there IS ambIguous Lord. I knew a man in Ohrist, about _April, 1862. I moved into this pnace, Society, 'i,Ooo ; which devoives au liS. Gelleration from the' controversies of this fruit- langnage in ·the essay, by which the fourteen yeaI'll ago, (wbether in the ca!led th~ BllrJick ,Settlement, in Female Moral R".,forin ~!ocietY"2i,OOO after generation is passing. o."'ay, ful age, of the agitation of impo\"" uninitiated'lnio>ht be blinded, but let body I cannot\ tell or whether out of Clitrord, Susq\lehanna. County" Pa., To tbe cbi/drel:.

d Inb e. d d' °ecor tant subjects, rendered strong. And us look at it iu" his own language. '.1 f o' h I h-" . I ""vee-tbe incomei.f'iI'."'l an our w Ofll are xp II c m a - I ~ 'bl . d th t the body I cannot tell, God Knoweth,' on a arm W IC .... prevlDus y e' • th' t f h t t' am very orCI y ImpreS8e, a .. Th . h II c II tbe "') 1 American Board IIlg e Interel! BOt c presen Ime, such a rare opportunity for suc'h an .e Inner m~n we sa. a caught up to tbe' third hea~n. And bo~gbt, :and .went to wor~ to tty 10

without any genllral efforts to re- importllnt work should not be neg- Teasomng facnltles, emanatmg from I knew 8uch a Al;3n (wh!lt~r in the ralSlj lIomethmg to suatam me and for Foreign In .. il~lls reo lieve ourselves of our dependenell ou lected. And I wish it be tlie brain, (mark that-U emanating body, or out of the body, ~I canoot my famil!, w:i~ollt taki~g much heed duary legatees, of other denominations, or to transmit a matter of cons.ideratiOfl, .. from the brain,") or seat of intelli· tell,) how that he was caught up in- to th. e thlDgs that pettalD to the sal- A precious

t te 't h It fib before our comlDg ASSOCIatIOns, geuce' the outer man that which fiB h t d prDgre8s In IIa!nilllon o pos fI Y t e resu S 0 onr a ors aod onr General Coofereace next ' . " to paradise, and heard unspeakable vatlOn 0 m~ sou. nt, as t e . or 1

and researches. Onr literature is fall. Yours trnly, O. P. HUIJ.. presents Itself to VIew-the body, or words which it is not lawful for a I would have It, a protracted meetmg, ""IUV nearly or evanescent, and but partially ~upplies the frame through which the inuer ' as I't I'S st.vled was commAnced near dents nre i~lanlgil~g"la

mao to utter!' It is not said tbat this '" " the wants o£ the present i while we AGGRESSIVE SABBATH EFFORTS. man manifests itself toAhe world. man who was canght up to the third me, in what is called the Bu~dick the ext;enclillill'. possess meaDEI, and men of talent The two are so connected, that to h' . th b d" I't:.l School House and I went. land first indillatipn 6f !,~~I~il rEililriiona

III. eaven, was In e 0 Jo not S I sa", , " 't t 0 tn ~t~Id.I!,bt., and q uali6cations are among us, who \V e ought to be aggressive, be- separate them, destroys the power of th t h t f th ~ I.J 0 e thank the good Lord, be has put new 10 eres amo go e~, '"tI·m."1 • I I . . b th" a e was ou 0 e uouy. n , served sooo aftel'

aut,bOl",iI mIght not 01'1 y supp your cause of our present surroundings. actIOn 1D 0 . thing Paul knew, aud that ~as, that songs into my mo~th, even praises literature, for our present necessities, Within the past fifteen years, an· Agaiu he says, "Let us inquire this man, whoever it migh~ be, was to God. The meetmg was conduct. for CollegeR, and but trausmit it .to po~terity. But other people have sprung up, almost into the CI'eator's process in creating caught up to heaven. But as to the cd by one Johnson, of tbe sect answer to I!Il~ppll.i!C'.~io'l)~ they are fast passmg away, and the upon our own terriiory, who are most man. 'And the Lord God formed fact whether he was in the body or I Free Metbodist.I. He appeared to be people. next generation may only know, that successfully defending and enforcing man of the dust of the ground! Now out, he could not tell. It follows, I a very devoted man, and labored hard "t~~e O~er~trePt men of talents and attainments lived, tbis troth. Coming mostly from the we have the outer man, • And breath- then, that he might have beeu in, or I t:o peraulLde ~oulS to ~ee from the hilS been~' withollt being benefited by their la- ranks of non-Sabbat'h-keepers, Bnd ed into his nostrils the breath of life; he mi~t haye becn out. Now, if: to come, and qUIte a number Ib()11116 pqre.l&IlCd., bors. It is said ofthe art of printing, making the question of the Sabbath and he became a living 8001.''' He Paul' had field with Bro. ,Nile, he have considered their ways, aod tllk· ~t:~:~~~~::U~;sh,

[~.'s.] w:r~d~t!~~ thM it is II the art preservative of all a prominent one in their creed, press- then J.adds, "pow he becomes opera· would have been at no loss on this I en up with bis advice. 'Among DePp'lle ., T, "I LINCOIoN. arts." But the evanescent newspa, ing it unceaslagly,saying to men, "If tive." I understand him to say, that poiot for he says that "the two ate I them are some who Jove the Sabbath tab P,ossellBion

1J~~~:~~1~.uD' Seoretary of State. per literature, which disappears you kuow this truth, and will not the man made <1f the dust of the 80 co~nected, tbat to separate them I that was appointed of God f~~m the gible ,

:.' , 1.: \ ,; the passing hour, but poorly obey, you cannot be God's children." ground was simply animated by destroys the power of action' in both.": beginning, and not of lD~n: I!Y;~ ibe If'TBI'Q~T OOHSUDATIO:l." trates this II preserving art." It is They have come to nnmber already breath, and this completed the man But Paul thinks that the ioner man: seventh Day. ','oJ! . Atri()ti~ the numerous w~itera' on but transient, and thongh uBeful as a about twelve thousand c(jmmuni- and II he became operative." To me might have been caught up to the II And now, how "hall they hear wlth-

the,¥!tiflnniu;\,~ the Second CotOing present means, is lost to posterity. cants, have extensive pub'i8h~ng there s"ems s?me 10~8eaesB in.the third heaven and beard things that out a preacher? .1» .... is. the tro*ble o( ,O~tist, ~dkindred topics, no olle Had tbe protninent men of the cilities, and means to make them statement of hIS doctrine. I .thmk, it was not I~wful to utter. So yon I that I was hipl~ng at m the com-hll! commanded lIuch general respect century devoted themselves to their fective, and are coming to be thor- however, that 1 am correct ID the see this inner man when out of the I mencement of~bls letter. We are aael .~rent!oD as Rev. Dr. Cummings own times, regardless "Of the future, oughly organized, and heuce still view I take of ~is design; if not, he hOdY. can "hear," ~nd is the SUbjectf f,;ithout a 'pr~,(cher a great part of,thhe o~ hYO'D~O~,: ' ,Notwithstanding' the the l~s8 to, the world wonld have more effective. Now, whatever or will correct me. of moral government, for he "heard time. It1~ t.ue, we hav.e had preac _ n!t~Defls< rery small of, t~08e :who been IDcalculable. In our own de- wrong they may have incorporated My objection to this. doctrine is, things" that were not "lawful to, ing oCMslonaIly, by FIrst-day m~n. n~pt'bis teaQhi\lgll,\lItill.he~ns \jeen nomination, it was measl\rably so, into their sysLew, whatever of ranat- that it coutradicts inspiratioa. I un· utter." This inner man being the I Tbis Mr. Jo~n8onll' and a Mr. Elha, voun,ll'. able, by the force of a str\lng aod as, from the time of the Bampfields icism may have nmrked their former derstand the Scriptures to teach, that subject of moral government, is the have occas~ona y tho'rotIgbl:r educated mind, aud a fin· and· the Stennets, who furnished course, whatever may be their future man is a compound of matter and subject of Godhegenerating grace. little. churc or mb.le


ill~~d and eleg~nt, style df composi- mucl! .of our s'ubstantial literature, history, they have most certainly spirit. This material frame, or form, He tbat denies to mao this gpitit once m a great w I e a Oat,U.~:eel~ tion'~iId oratory, to draw to his churoh scafcely a pamphlet or a sermon can given the .sabbath question in tbis is the outer man, The inner man is b ' , man stabs Christian- ref would com,e along a.d speak to 1;;:1:~ tar"!;', ..udiences, and to find leaaerll b_~ found, to iIInstrate the t~, ents a 'spirit entity, capable of acting in 'tel~g °hr mner 't 'I us. This Mr. Ellis is a Flrst-day Dap-

It'" l country an impetus wbich will not I y III t e very VI a s. ' cb colllie~1 enpugh ,to ~~tifY tbe publication , our most eminent me.n. To ~he cir- 8to~ in a day. They have, too, or out of the .out:et man, and does so I do not desire to ha;e this subject I tist. . Tber~ has ~een a small chnr w~in~,fQln~""'~ motlt oC lifa lectures:,'J IU~ vol"mes eumstances of th? tImes. may be ae- agam the les80fl, that earnesine81! acd act. The follow~g' ~re Borne of my «metzmtiy in the RECORDER. I COll- oJ'ganlzed I n thiS p!aC6 tOf lIome "",.Hroou,w":::ft}iJl:!:-f". #'f';'''':'~'''~~ oil II Tl\o:' Tribul'tion," .and cribed much of thIS defiCIency. fearleBSnesl! are the main elements of reasons for so behevlug: 2 Cor. 4: fess that I have a very strong dislike year!!, as you are well aware j I!tart-: "~e,Gr~at ;Preparation,'} have l?elln God bas dealt more favorably with Buccess. From the whole movement 16-" For which cause we faint not; to it. Bnt if it 'must contiuue, tell orig~nally (rom/four famiJies­repubJisbe.d in this country, ,and ~"ead us. 'Ve have the men who are qual- comes a voice, bidding us be more bnt thongh our outward man perish, us plainly, do you believe that man Elias Bordick, Kendall Burdick, by nbt a,fewor our best 8cholarB' 'and ified, and if Eluitably encouraged, earnest and faithful. My brethren, yet the inward man is renewed day is simply a II13terial being 7 Is this Deacon B. Oardner and CHark Kenyon. thinkers, .AnC11;her of his works;bas might meet the wants of the present, are we uo longer God's chosen peo- by da.y." Here are several facts material fraDle or outer man respon. tbesefourffimiliestherearelow , ' .. t' ,{ f d f th . f d I tl f t k f I? I I t '-d F' t tb t d. ' , I fift h b erve the FERANCE delivered Jull a~'peare, Jom e presl.! 0 an secure to Ie u ure wor BOp e Is OUI' work done? Have we c ear y 8 a"". IrS , e on war BIble? I suppose I understand you near y y pel'dons woo B , .

Car~~ii,' i~ ~ e,. York, ~titled '!The relll merit, a8 standard works for our no mission in the world? Nay, man is a feeble,corruptible, periiJhable hut there are brethren who do not: Seventh,.day as their, Sabbath. lOot about, ~ I years GreaUloMbmmatioJ).-The Millennial people. We have the means, not verily! creatnre, and is tendiog to the dnst. ;00 you believe that there is a spirit these there are something near 006 co1)les have RelIt; Ot, The World liB it wi\! :be." haps In the hands of the Is1;loters, but Again, the rapid increase of the II Dust thou art, and to dust thou entity in mao, that can live indepen- professed Christians. Some to ID'~bis' wcirk, wbicli consists of clgh. by jud icious arrangments, a literature II no-law" doctrine, among non-Sab- shalt return." Second, the inner man dent of 'this materal frame? Speak arejoined ta gether in a church or gao- ~.itolr8blip 'tt¥.n)ec~uree, t~t,l Doctor en~ea~o~ fUlJ,d might be established for the en- bath·keepers, demands attention. is ~rowiug stronger, while the outer plainly, and II speak Il.O parable," and same are outside of the tu<",a, (~~lelbrl~UlI/l to depiot the glories of the MilI~n'i. ~ouragement of such works, and be Whenever the question is man is perishing, showing most dis- you will confet a favor on your friend, um, tbe de- a.,,:arded to the !aborers in producing men, failing to prove a divine chaoge, tinct11, tbat it is not dependent On the VARliUill HULL.

them, so that, in the defense of the flee tl> this as a last resort. Once outer man, and that "to separate , Seventh-~ay Baptist cause, we,might received, it soon works its legitimate them!' will not" destroy the power in GElI. BUTLER IIi HEW YORK.

on our. @.wn scholars, ~ather than results, and men lose theit religion both," as Nile thinks. Gen. Benj. F. Butler was welcomed litll$lllyl on the productions of our opposer&-a as well ~ their S'ahbath. This mus't Bnt let Us go a step farther. in a most l'nthnsiastic I m!loner a,t

1\lo,-·ldesirable support for the,presl>ni, ana ~reaBe, Men will ~ntinue to be, continning the same jeubject in the Cooper Institute, ia N6F York, on 'Ji!I~~11~m:t~ft~,~ ""'lll ... or:g!)lld a tower of strength for the (utu,re. disturbed, and /1>11 continually wiR re- fifth cbapter, chan~1f the form of Thursda): eveuillg of \.ast week. His

KThe n'egle,ct of those adva~tageB fQr sort to this a8 a defence of their expression, but preserves tbe idea. address on the occasion WIU very the benefit of the future, is no' all prllctice. .Under' its inilnence me.n In tl:ie 6th chapter he says, II For we lengtKy, very plain, and is "Considered

re- neglect that is' chargeable t(} Us. The will be tenfold h!l.l·der t" be won to know, that if our earthly house of an ample justiflcation'of ~he gratitude p~e'cI-:t' fact is, that the Ivery nursery of th~ trnth. This ca\ls for Dew earnest- this tabernacle were dissolved,.. we al)d trust with whfch he ds regarded I.-"W.'.

,,;&th::t church, the Si/'w\ath School, ill fllrn· ness o~ our pari. have a building of God, a house not .by the loyal millioos eve~where, and I'wan A!;~g~J ished with th.e llterature of,t~ose de- Our national troubles furnish a made witb hands; eternal in tlie for the high hopes cherisjled by them

~hoBe works arer op third unfavorable elelDent in our SUF- heaven~." Here we have a very of his fntm-e efficiency and. neefulnel'ls. posed to the t~uthl:wo;'l!lipport, and rdundiogs. We ate constantly in broad distinction. First, the outer They believe that I;", better than ,.~ __ , ...

'l>r$l~sl aritago~isttc to us: We may, it .is danger of ueiDg absorbed ill this man is called a houije. _,A hopse is most meu, com,prehends the despe· .B~!1t.k t!n~"guard, 't41l ,\W.ildr~h, fro,1Il those question, to t~ exclusion of ~u.· rf'o for one to live in. Second, it is call· rate and guilty ambition of the con­et~ors, chut onon !igious.obligations. But, worB~ of all, ed II a tabernacle." The tabernacle Bpil atora who precipitated ollr ooon- r&1 thing; hut wpuld do the best we success. ,Yet \here'llrlJ those' among war knows no Salibath. Our brothers was erected in the wilderness, and trf into the frightful calanii):ies of could to hell! \!ustaln a teachet til tlae us wh'o, mi~ht ~utni~h 'from' ~\1r, own and sons, and' ,neighbors, a~e beiil~ arler such a manner that it could be civi~ war, in defiance of th!! III!,Jority Lord. This is a time of volunteering

""I;ptil'j ~fesse~ the,d~J~ifedjl1venile li/eratuI(l; seve~ely traioea to, a·prflcliclll.wor'L jla\ljly taken down, and erected again, of her people at the South as IWtlll as cause'oC our oouutryj and now It:~~~~~:~,;::I~glrelil:.ti~lrtli~~III' In a form as useful,and attr:~ctive as ing ~ luf . the ;no-Sabbath AQctrinc. shu wing that the building in which at the North. j' and that he, better will volunteer to come and I be'1&iII~v ~~:::::.~~~t~li:'~:~~I:!!~,\~:~! "the Ohild, at, Home," or other pro- WQri J these 13haIl return 1 to our We liVe may easily be torn down'and thBn almost any other, is qualified to preaoh to the little Church in <JHr-

'1 duct'io~ of the' American Tract Sol ootaes, tliey muat bring 'witb the'm)ji reated- But still more-the ali-edt their milltary ehergies ford? " ciety. , But 'llo ,i~di\>idnaf can c6m· strbng inflaenc~ against Sabb,ath ob; inner man ~OWI3 that if U,Jis earthly war fpr the Uni~,u, in positions. of Thns I 'lJa~e 'Sta~d ~ur tronb!~.,

~i=~~;~~~~~;;~.,~';t!!'rr",.:_., petl:\ with those mammoth presses, and'r~igion gene~allJ:. If house (our botly) were dissolved,1IJe thll Vl\ry highest responsibility. beclI.use we thought_that the Dest : supported by public mun!.l\CCllce: not ~eet this with the.pnsiti"e have a bnildia§ oj God, II eternal in. In the' cQurse 'Of 'his' S:peeclr; Geo, place to 19R~ f~r, ~ori1,f9r,t and III:1sist-

Ift answer to Illy inquiries r!!spect· working power of truth," we Iba)' the heavens i" 'BO that if our earthly Butler "poke freel.r df tlle necessity ance waS to our chutch' .. g~o, tbe ing tlie wants .and wii! rtf. ~the easily foresee the re,sult. Although hO)lse,shonld be tom down, we would ofrep,lacing the ~ ~ib~ o~ a new, firm- SABBATH RECO~I!:R., It appe,ar~ to ,rn,e

;DiI1ilti)r C;~~~!.:~~I~J:j,1 cp,urches in this qi~ection, q!!~.n that what we have s.aid 9f the dangec of not be,t!1rned out of doors, but wO,qld er.and safer b.,sls, whIle wI' prejler,;ve to be a good tIme for I!uch a moveto OI~"tel.~~~~t ;i many afe .furnished wholly, ,or in absorp~ion in national affaiu is true, go Md inbabit our house that is eter- the cbnstitation as it is. He tejected be made, CQf a nUQlber of reuoaa. e:~,::~~,',:::~;~

pint, rrQm the American· Tract Socie.. yet, aS'the struggle contillUeIl, .... as it nal in the hea'Vens. Verse 2-" For in 'Ilod ,refuted 'ilie {waddlli which we One is, these yoUng con ... erla walit :tl ral:Jl~lr I ties in New ¥or.k and Boetbri,' and seems now it must-Lmerl 'wlJI 'grow ~his w~ groan, earnestly desiring to SOm!!tiqleS bear Itobut the conatnq- to be 1a~'en c~re of, .and no~ l~rt to else~lier,~ ; a~d ,w~ would ~9gS.~t., Dt?r~ thoaghtful, and ~!p~ fo~jt~e til- ~e clothed upon with our bouse which tional rights.. of tli~ rebers. show. wanqel' back 'into t'be wQ~I,d' ag~in' j that if B~qb ~pers Qnly, w\ih ~U, ceptlOn Of-truth; and' it I~ not ~i. I~ from heaven." Here the apostle ed ~t they b.a.'tf! vol taken and the old member.ueem to hemp-HI1lItrations,' are ;desirable, ionary 10 suppos,! ,that from fbis says the ioner man desires to leave upon themselves the of al- renewed in ,thJlir .Rpftlt8II,~.b,bi.f.h.&(1kt!rnPl~', +I',r ... ;,:".,..,,"'"

~"'A'" Bucb 'IdW rates; ~blllt. mea8'or~1t et11Jggle, may be born tlie 'plementa 'this 'fouter man," and go and inhabit ien enemies, and ibJl,t ,9the!' rea,?D8 ~hi~!II sh.n not en to eoab~e our'own Tr,act if 'ligbtly tieized 'Upon and 'a'Do~her place and hbt'tse. Verse 4- the North have not t~e I .space ~ere to, wentlon.r: I:b8iver~iill'ljIlIDti1",gs~d~~.~~Ii,l'~~;ii1}a .. ,~.r~:~

1Ilt1l.!·_I!'~iIIle i"l~o.cbdiiilio to. issq'e tte ~?rks, at a W;m,;tnafe,,'Ds ~ore wilIin,g to 1I,'For we, that. are in this tabernacle rea';on'fo{Compl~infng ! to;lieJieve that if 80me ~ltn P,~iI~~~II;'~ wlll ~mpet .. WIth otber and obey tru~h. . GLEANER. do 1 gruan" bemg burdened; not fur treated as such:. ,While in jlOIIle .here and tah .,hold of .P'I!U,Ir'~~,'!!~It'~,ul:"

Yours , J j we, w,Quld be unclothed, Ibnt against the gOvertlmeI!tj he sboWed earneatj there eoakU'e JOHN M~bN: TEN ;YEMS' R¥!RW OF A CHARITABLE clot bed upon, tHat mortality might that they are as m'hcb infru~et~"~pon churoh' "uBt up nDterI1!ltanll"!iIJD;t_i~Id" ,.,ioU~I.(IDe

SoCiETY.-Sioce the organizati0D of be swallowed up of-life," The apostle th'~ ~bit?,r .~u'f [l!p~bl~c, . a~~ ,~ 'b,e thOle ",:ho,'~~R,er~Q the Ohildren's Aid' SoCiety, ten }Er,&rs here saY8, that the inner man w~nts overijlrC}Wil; ~~ ejec~ bY'tiIQ ljaJJ\e no!" •. ~n~ ot ,oijiel'll'w,bO

"OI"N,¥A.x\!()lf-~h'ea,r.brNiI~r,':1 ago, 1,500 children; bave boon' , gath- get away frolil this O1Iter mao, 'and summ-,l mealll,l,ajllli ;J!~cts: al! balik, Qn j(cCOent oti.lack'ofliil~t"I"p,,!! "'~,S~I~$""IpjIII!9JI .. ,~ JrlBrCD 1at, ";&,, dtJIy e,~e? frOID' ,tbe strellts of,Ne~ .xork~ a better abode. Verse' ~ if the'Y were iii itlW"4~ 011 lour in. the ca!ile bY'tb4;i8e:"'1Ioltll'l!.

:=5;~t:~=~]~~~~t~~~{~ " ~~JL\ agitt,tion of'the $nd, linder, the aU8pices of tlie as8C- tdrberefore we ~re always conHd'elit ~hbres' fr~m lhJ,tonitjfell~," ~f I'Eut6P.e. to" :nph~ld tfiat ,UrUJII'llng, /lQr children . t" "t d' . , , , I" "L " -, ! ',[16 Ilf '.! I , ~ r~. C't'-' 'h'ld' ~~; I ;~!~;i~~r~:: reAliingJ'rom our own e&a lon, t' aCe ' IU cotnfortabh; blllnes, , while we at hOl¥-e i~ ma,spe<;ch wI¥' U\3IlP.l c~~rMf;'r ~Iid nIlWN~~ 1.1 ,(.,I!~ 1 c ! "re!\cl~I~'~"i~t:l~ij~lt~~I~l~~~~~~f~lrt~~:~~~ to"IiId'1ailli~'8i~I'fjf~1 ,a watter of much im, The entire olltlay on these !otijl!Cls or we are absent from the hope; he looked·.to,a,~r~IIIIl,kIJlQ\ph ~ k~p Flr~ay, a.w ~

~:,t';!~~!~:~J!_~ ~)nBI~tl,.'I llonBtantly keep before icclmIla,ssion, from· tbe oatset, has lIord; we - are confident, I ny, for the Un'ioui the total;erf,dicatio,ll or tie! arel that it th~r.i· .~. ;.:::t:~:J;lH~!~~;:~~;:~~;3~~a t.M ,trt,I,lOt.h

s .. e worksao deroga. amounted to $79, B06, or $11 ,40 per wiUinlr'rather to lie .ll8ent {rom the g-rea~'I!Vil"'1ii~'" 1iail'clioulled tb'e p(lone'illi"sttp,llIl'In)f tI ,mlJ~I[",a "as th:; ~~~ s.;;t1° ~ head. .The *'umber fbus'ptoVidell'for abd~to MJpreJ!ent with the bivillhr: the diMrlbutici~"or'aTar~e

I p .. !IiIi!t,jl,l o( 'tbe is to re,. last ye}l~ ~a~ t,'9J. ,?f ),!hoffi ~~~, W~ ,1Vbj'l'efq'1l' we la. pa~t ;;~t~e ~s~U~~gtlt~P. '~~}>ei ~)Y.'r,f-'!~~7~i~m~ rf~'!;:~l:~:n~::=~~::~~~ ~lll, ,30p )gjr1!" ~1}d, t~ '~lI,IaiJfJJM p",&eat or .h8ent, bolderl( amoll« ,.he .• fQt!ietll.ot ,the I'd~ iQ1 t.b~8. "Ittlk,.:'·:} v .. ," .... ,,' i;I~::~~=~~,:!=tt~~~;~;.

W7 JrT''''rlir .0 ,'t)la<imMI thiIJ'i8,ri1~1 adqlte. ,9tltaeBea'considetiable;Jtn'" may beJ~tedlof: him!' ' troion, tbe,t'$rn'cOIpeaoeJtlie ~l tlie iotib"bbe. drat ·.refthil~"D I' I""· ... , and to pro- ber sncceeded in finding situations Now let m~ qoote from tbe other all- eration of the South, and a glorioua aronnd us, and what a warfare

I r

, '

Page 3: of tt...ther, to bear from bis lips that he ,aD- sides into a life of failure. ADd so babits, however, are only secured by ati/llUlllS to nuble BctiOD, Rta,i1d, cepted ~he /Sacrifice,"

lI.UlP£R'~ t.cked th,e enemy in a strollg pOli. been completely ~nccesBful if is SOOR to strong drink, .lId the last Jlcene was Iprl! i: an ti'6n of bu, own ReJeotioD, defended e avalry had not been too ea.ger• Ferry for in the Police Gourt, where she stood

See~lover 8¥a9ic. Tlmothl' 11 ba.hel. Boaih'Flaxaeed 11 76fjJ1& lbel or 5& Ilia.

2Wlow-lllO· for 1~1 tot'Clty. Ilwa)M leadablo publicatlOll. by SIX cal\oon j fought him for five Surgeon Cbarles Johnson, of the wher a wreck of her former .self

mbcr con tams an account Irours, driving hini from one position let Middle Tennessee infantry, son drilled, ' )IU of Gov. Johnson, was thrown from persons. Several col. NrAG¥lA FALLS CANAL -The pro-lam ()halles Bald~ID, anotbdel' to anolher ; finally stormed his. posi. hiS horse, APfil 4th, and almost lU. in Ohio are already posed ship canal around Niagara

YABBDID, Petersburg, N. Y .lIlareh 24th, 1863 Hunter, profusely IUlly.trate ; A tion, whIpped him handsomely, and stanti, killed' and au effort IS now mak. Falls WIll be about seven miles JonK'

D ya 1U Moscow, also Illustrated j drove him iu oolifusion toward the Twenty of the Anderson cavalry to have them .and others enhst A canal two miles 10J).g was cut lIeve· A. W. Coon, JOSEPlI A GauK, oC ~~;;~;il ADJ.LINJ: LoUISJ. LEwIS. of the 1<

\;ldOW Thorne's First M~rriage river. HIS loss is over 300 in killed, were lately condemned to death for service lU the field ral years ago by two brothers by the lour chapters of Romola ; My wounded and prisoners. The enemy mutmy by court marhal Gen Rose- An Importnnt capture was made name of Porter. With the view of

plate. {n ~~!.~u,

Ing Fifth Avenue' I for outnnrnb'ered U8 two to one, aud were crans disapproved of the sentence, on the lower Potomac on Tuesday of turning this great water·tall to ae- WECl.V1Oll o;ti~;~~~r;~:~~!~~ gl\ , .... and the Dlen were ordered to return week It was a schooner, heavi. count for manufacturing purposes, for WOIse; A eQueen'. Day; cornm&nded by Pegram 1D person. to duty TheIr pardon IS conditIOnal With contraband goods thua leavIDg but 6ve mIles of canal Br~bt;~~o~~Rt~~~~~~~~~~~;1:·C,~j~QG8;il ":J",~qol. M>sterlOlls Fde; ,tbe Home and Night stopped the pursuit, whICh on their fnture good behaVIOr a large mall, contalDmg letters to be built to finish tbe connection 01 Go.. ·~IJi'i:ilrlJlliQlt'.'I" Flog, My SerJIlob berore • will be renewed in the morniug We male and female traitors at The commences at the foot of In New AlbloD<.:.Cattara1l4lUB Co., S.

.. lIlSilO\lI\I \" h d h Ab Grass Island above the F.al1s and ;reb 8th, 1863, by t<ld S. N. Warner, Mr. " Inc SuceS8wn teaderll " LoOls c .... tured two stands of culors Our U d d fA' 3.1 "as IDgton an ot er cItIes. out , , . IIEII L. Bucool:. of PersIa, lind HIiIi! O. ~O" It'''1' 11 el ate 0 prll u, Col Harn· 25 meu were captured on the schooner the proposed termlllUB IS near LeWIS' RICIl, of New Albion. poleon ; Vletol' ugo III Exde j in killed, wounded and missing. !fon, commanding at FayetteVille, Among the goods were very flCh pre- ton Horace H Day proposes to un. • Grand Ide I j a Gossip about wilT not e:x:ceed 3Q;. Scott's famous telegraphs that Capt J J: Worthmg. sents for Jeff DaVIS derla/te the Job, and liJ:iIsb It III three DIED, '"Itlen, the Master Key i ... u'Il'~lIiY'l rebel regiment was cut off from the ton, with, two compames of the 1st The U m~n League of Lancaster years, WIth a double row of locks In Albion, Wls ,March 2lBt,1863, Dea. Jo· n. Arkansas cavalry, returned tll day , Sucli a canal would be of IIIcalcula BEPIl A. POTTER, aged 69 years and 26 days. Record of Current Events rel/t nnd scattered II The pursllit Penns,) Ivama has resolved to erect • The subject of this notice was the lIfth son

Notices, Editor's was not renewed next day, the rebels kansas, after tour sklrmlsh"s With present tim" II g the West of In Petetsburgh, Bens.elaer Count", N. Y., ,1."',",1, •• . from a scout in Conway county, Ar· a monument ;n a pubhc square of the ble advantage to the country at the of Stepben and Sarah Potter. He was born .~:~~j~i~;i~li~~~~mi: . " town, " on whose marble pllnels shllll th ", re eVID Febrnary 23d, 1'1'94. He became a "Chrlstlan '.flrv1. tor's Drawer; a few having recrossed the Cumberland I tbe rebels 'Ve killed 22 and took he IDscnbed the name of every clti. e embr.rgo upo n their pro?ucts by when qUIte youn«. Wben about 33 yeara of i~~~~~~~~~I~~~~: lInd Fasluons for dUhng the Dlght and made theIr tall· 7 prisoners Capts Smith and Mc· of Lancaster county who ha the obstructIOns to naVigatIOn upon ~e, he made a publlo profeJ!l!lon of 1alth ID Warw"Ilr.

est speell toward Tennessee Later I Farland w~rtl kIlled, aud Capt Walk fallell, or may bereafter fall, tn th: <the MISSISSIPPI ~:~~~\h~y ~~Ws~dbh~:ChW;~t.d With the H~HIER'S PlOT<.lR[AL HISTQRY OF say that'Pe~am's loss iS I el IS a pnsoner OUf loss was OHe prosecutIOn of tbls war for the pre. HEAVY DEFALCATION _ John W. tbenmlmstered.tobyEld.JohnGreen

GRm REBELllON is no'iv being abou t 500 meu ~en Burnside IS man wounded, not dangerouslJ servatlOn of tue U Dlon nnd the con. Howland, of Pittsfield, Mass., recent. b~~~~ s0i\:~ ~~~~e~~~~g:I~~o\!'eed or:,che It.hed In Semi Monthly N advised that the entire rebel force Major Geueral CurtIs telegraphs stltntlOn of 0111 fathers" Iy appointed Commissary Subsist. town of Verona, N. Y In 1837. he 8IIsisted "ach unmoor ooutalOIDg 24 pages has been driven out of Oentral Ken· from St LOUIS, under date of April On the 1st of Apnl, the Treasury ence ID the army, has a With :::,&b1l~~~~~~';'';'ili':,~:a1~~r~V~{d~:~o~u~~~, " '--"J, and much of their plunder has 3d, that a band of guerrillas took the ment Signed the necessary reo $16,500 of gm CI nment , and Ing bls res,dence tbere; " period of "bout the SIze of Harper's Weekly recaptured Their leported I steamer Sam Gates and murdered for paying off all troops in a large amount of r!e1r:I!:~~~ ~':.~~y:~:h1~f,8.: ~M~:~ee,.d numbers arc to bc iasued about been greatly exaggerated, sevel a.1 soldIers and mne contrabands orth and South Carolma Th" Ar. were placed in hiS hands "ntb day Baptist Chu~h, and WIU! Soon cho 6rst and fifteenUI of every a8 th" amouut of plunder I Col King 18 in purSUIt, and had two my of the Pote,mac wlll'.e p"ld tl'l's mg as DIVISIOn 88n deacon, In wblcb 0lllC6 he contInued \0

'h 0 b h d fi ht th th II t t II U .. serve untIl called to his rest. Bro. Potter Inll the wOlk wlll probably ,em. \II men eave g s WI e gnerrl as, 0 a y week With these payments, tbe amount bas left to a bereaveil church and aD amlct

sp 11.11 tbrough routmg them. alld mortally wound· eutlre army WIll be paid to the 1st of said to ed famIly tbe bequest of a well-develol'8d ~~~~~~~i~~~5fie~~: :::~:ed:~~~;:t o;hey~:~:;r of C SO~(} reKbel guerriltllas intHikc~'ran I lUg their clnef March . paymendt bof th~1 ~~;~~ I~:~::·';;i ~n~, ~~It:d~r':Jd In:: oun"y, y, recen y at ac tlU a NEW Cj:lLEd.~S t\mong tbe lefuO'ecs who ap lied 'Stoppe I e WII and godly cenv3rsation " A.. B.II. ·:~~:ii~S.l([

unrnber, cuutaullut matter equi rallroad train near Mosoow, five miles I We have New Orleans dates to to 'come IUtO our flUes near ffnion Ga.mbling is sa,d h In Nile. N. Y., IrBreh Uth, 1863, of apo .6.·.6.'"" .1 I d li t.. CI t tJ. Th .J d 'f ' . h hid b' t hi hr plexy, 1irB. SULY WITRR, wile of Clarke "1~"6.~:0l~1L1~1'l1!: lent t(} 1\11 orumar vo fme. h, e vW . 1D 0 ey were pursue Jl arch 26th. Admiral Farragut s t.hlls, witll1n a day or two, was the vice w Ie e 1m In 0 B tJ· Witter, (formerly WIfe of Rowland COOD,) .

ty fi;'I' CI'lItS Nos. 1 an(J 2 and wblpped by Oapt LoomiS and I safety was fully known A number Wife of Jackson the Dlurdererof EII- aged 63 years. She was a faithful Chrl8Uand 100 Umon soldIers their leader was of women smugglers have rQcently tb Sh ' b' d" t t t": AN ACCIDENT happened Satur- havillg embraced religIOn In lier youth, an hrrn placed on our table, aod d b 20' h I wor e says 8 e IS es I u e, day aftelDoon to the 3 0' lock train enjoyed Its blessmgs through life. and was

c~pture , Wit ot ers, two were been captured A.ll the cargo and and nOlV COmes to us for charity to ' c • waiting her departure Wltl\.contldence In her a calefl11 e:x:amma.tion, we are killed and SIX wpunded As our I nearly all the baggage ou the BIO I sustllln hfe ! from WashIDgton ~o Baltlm6re, whICh dear Bedeemer. fled that the wOlk; will fully [Met men were returnwg, they were at· Blo was destroyed tbe malls and 1 T' "" [ran off tbe track III congeque~ce of In Rlcbburg, NY, March 8th, 1863. of ~ronl,se• Af the PrognActus,-and tacked by 500 rebels wbo were after d ' Th t he N ashVille ['/lIOn says that the sleet The 5 o'clock traIn not dll'btherla, FRJ.NCI8 A. WILLLUlS, 80D of C.

~ " ~t'v , , money were save ere IS grea rag pICkers al e now followmg the . Ii 1 h Lester and Judith C Wllll .... s, aged 8 rea ... I I a hard hand·tO'-hand 6ght completely scarolty of provIsions In some par. seemg t e sIgna It ran IDtO t e rear 9 months, and 19 days. He manifested faIth

~ the roost comp ete au( repulsed 35 killed aud; large num. Ishes tbe people havmg only Clack. armY!Dflgreat numbels, pICking .up car, smashing two or three can, in Chnst, and a hope of dweiUng With the rk of the kill"· I~iued • d d' k Th' every s ay rag that 18 seen Whl~h 'ng t tl t I redeemed III heaven.

W!) u. .. ber wounde an ta en e enttre cd corn for food h b ' "lone pasJenger 10S an y, mor a . I G N Y!II h 19th 1863 f c-'- U Dlon loss WIL.~ SIX killed and 31 ANew Orle;ns letter reports the t ed

y ndn g !Dh basketks to N ashVljle ~y mjurlng another, and w6undlng a ple~:t":'seeBE;SE; s~, reilct .;tEliFott RAIl-l\OAlJ; 'i'[IIE -A convention wounded f h f P I au Ben nart to rna elDto paper. I Gozen more SDlltb, aged 70 years. Shelhed and died In

rililroad officers met in New evacuatIOn 0 t e town 0 ensaco a, The mysterIOus disappearance Opl lbe faIth of the gospel. ~~~~~~~~~~I~;!~ I VICKSBURG AND PORr HUDSON a portIOn of the 28th MalDe bemg con d bl b r h h • BIDOURY or NEW)!. I In the townshIp of Akron, III., l(aroh 14th,

last week, h ~ree upon a Tl f \r k b (1" ~ sent to New Orleans and those left Sl era e Dum ers 0 orses e 1863, Of whooping cough and lung fever com h I Ie news rom 1C sur., IS 10ggy ID '. IlonglDg te the Guverl'ment has led Last Saturday, Charles Lewis, I bIDed, CRADLES WILLY, youngest "on of Wi!.

of time for, t e com ng s~asou, and unsatisfactory There IS reason gB0 ", g 1OIto the Navy Yard ana forts' l to IIIqulry whICh establIshes the fact to be oOe of the most impenitent ham and Naomi A. !;launders,ln the lith year mencing Apdl 20[h It was ,,, .. rppH elore eavlOg, many bouses were h ' I f h of hlB age .~~~B~~~~~ Ithat tranls shvuld leave New to fear that the Sunflower expeditIOn burnt by tbe soldlCrtl, but those of t at a regu ar orgaDizahon 0 618e· ever led to the scaffold, In the townsnip of Akron, III, Marcn 15th,p.

was a failure although some of the the arch traitors Mallory and Chase tillen'll eXIsts III tbe army was executed at Trenton, N J, for 1863. of JaundICe, R_sELJ.BIl HllB!!. forDler· 'U' .'."' ••

lU'otn(1' west, at '1 and 10 AM, I h d' h' If' d " 'Kansas has a dozen remments the &'urder of Mr James Rowand, 11 a reSIdent of Berlin, N. Y, aged 76 years. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~ " " ~ te egrap Ie lspatc es say It was not were e t uUIDJuie lUany CItizens I h fi "'fI d' I P' ttl th tb te th f N - ~~ , ,p M, reaching ChICago at I h who bad taken tbe oath of aile lan~e w Ite men, ve regiments 0 n laDS, n nnce n, on e lr en 0 o· - - • ~I alld 7 30 A. t.I From t e most probable report, It N 0 I g I and two regIments of negroes vember 1862 He was bung at 12 LETTERS.

see,ms that Admmli Porter succeeded I weTnht top I ell' r.~ansb~ I' (J Ilf pursliance of 1DstructlOns from 1·2 0'cI6Ck. and died in a.bout three :~~~~~]r~t:~~~~i~~U~~i~i.j lTl\llIS arA> to leave at 7 30 A M h h S I' d BI k e rO\08t lUars a S ouIt at . mlDutes From adm s wh ch h ., 15 I' M, I'eachlng New YOlk t roug tee e s an ac • I New Orleans has deCIded that tbe I the War Department, there Will be a . k b ISSlOn d l h e mgton,

B d d d fi I t filth t IS nown 10 ave made, an ot er WIlbur :i~r~~~jitj[~~~~;;; 8 ,r, P. '[ lind 10 15 A. M ayoUB, an procee e twenty· ve owners of slaves have no right to 1D I genera mus er 0 a e roops servo I hi . • L ., B '0 M BLat 'v 11 • I 109 1D tbe Arm of the Potomac on reconCl a e Circumstances In aWls 8 rlgga, axson, " on, , or tllllty !hIlls further ID Deer and fllCt upon them corporeal pUUlsh. h y career some persona believe that he Wheeler, D. B. Kenyon, JOS'Eh S.Rogerl.

I - TUE ELECTION IN RuoDE ISI.A.Nn, dn Rolhng FOlks, when he encountered ment If the darkles beco1De ob, t fl 10t~1 ~f Apnld a~~ the tm~s~r the murderer of t'lr Burdell in ~o 8;~n ~1'slB:~1s::h~r l Cr.:'na.I'& t~~i a small force 0\: rebels who compeU. streperons and won't work, they Arod's tWI t Ge Immle .. la eh

y sen f he 1857 ro~ whIiford. E. Burdick, H. A. Kull', Gell. I \VedllesdaJ of last week, resulted in r I must be dealt With by "due process JU an· en era .or t e use \) tel w Post -

I complete vlc,tory to the Republican him to await lIle Bl;rival uf infan· f I "TI I Provost·Marsbal in makulg dl'llfts to I ~Ile steamer McClellan, whICh ar. 1 REOEIPTB '1 I 0 aw Ie case was one w lere a I fill d "... . t th rived m N Y tl f N 0 I •

pal ty J ame~ Y. Smith was chosen try 11 eantlme 1>0' enemy obstruct· Mrs. O'Bnen com'-'amed of her slave up regllnents an ua"efles 0 e 1 recen y, rO.m ew r· All payments for the SUB.l.TK RECOKllEB are )~nt~·n, . r '·0 the chanllel, alll\ b-.qcrwlse annoy. girl tor commlttlDg an assault upon proper complement _ leans, brought as a pmtlOn of her I acknowledged from week. to week 1n the

Governor by [\ majority 0 2,1)" B . r I t th freight no less than SIX entirely thor. l'aper PerBons sending money, the te-all 'rboa 11. Jenc\c"B, of "i'c)viidetice, ed the gunboats. aod ~n our III' herself and dau&:hter In the course IIsmeS8 T 18 very Ive y a e oughbred horses of the hiO'hest blood celpt of wbloh is not duly acknowledged,

~ ~ fantry I\rrived the rebels hu. of the examinatIOn It came out that Brooklyn Navy Yard Over 4,500 d th' S th °t f' shO\lld gIve us early notice of tbe om".' h Rephesen+D't've to " ae"u· , 1 tl II d th an renowil on e ou ern ur VIZ: sion wa~ C osen • '1'"' I d h" ... the mistress was pUlllsbmg the gil names are on le pay ro ,an e I b d h .. p' " Paye to Vol No

gIOS• from the Eastel'n District, mu ate sue a lorce as to ren4.f \ h h d th b d d monthly dIsbursements are near ce e rate race orses amc, 8 A Cbamplm, Westerl" $2 00 19 , further progress extremely hazardous w en s e seize e room an llJlI e • 'Vest" n Frank Ch"atbam" BenJ F Cbester, Hopkmwn. 2 00 19

I Nathan F Dixon, of Westerly, 0 I th k' . h h h th .. assault The case was dismIssed $300,000 A BUleau of NaVIgatIOn 'B h th'" h Id It b' Eilza A Cbamplln, Potter H,II, 200 19

I ur oss 111 e s IrmlS mg W IC bas been established separately to I e emo , tree year l) co y Eh'ha Crandall, Waterford, Ct., 1 00 18 tl e Western District, by large took place ~efore the retreat was ten \(bCELLANEOUS [TEllS meet the iucreased wants of that "G~~y Medoe," anda filly by" Glen· Jobru Brlggs, Htgganum, Conn , 13 00 19

Jonhes or twelve kIlled and wounded T.b erA. man calYo.,,,, .. himself Wm Craw branch of tllC.service l coe A M.Knapp,Llttie Grant, W,s ,125 19 b II k A 1 • d "' d Asa BurdIck, West MIlton, Wts .• 2 00 19 re e 088 IS un nown a,er IS, lor , was arrelfl-l ill Philadelphia T ty 6 • II th There were 29 .f\mellCan merean A B Lawton, Edgerton, W18, 2 00 19

AORlCn:ruRAL COLLEGE8.-:Jtbode patch from GmClUnatl says that the on Wednesday, Ma,~ lst Fou; dWten vffe tbglleNITI ash II rew a tile sea.going craft durmg Joshua Wheeler, PlLr<\ee, Kausas,4 00 18 and, New Hampshire lind Maine expeditIOn has returned to cases of goods pbrchasea ... ), 111m to ;voo ~am ~ ; ~ VI e the patlt month Dan'l B Rogers, Plainfield, N. J ,2 00 19

Pomt. I be run, down to DIXie, were seIzed 1lI I doour mrtl es a ovAe r]8D2d 1D:"°hn b sing i~':iB~~a~IPh,:: ~ ~ 1: the ollly States which hive yet lLV .. ll··'· ... vu.... th Ad E ffi A I J uy .. ernoon, prl uJ. ey nrn· h David L no-dolph" 2 00 19 cd them~elVl of the government On the 25th of Marcb, the e ams xpress 0 ce ma.l ed the lOcomotive a~w() or three SIpS, Thomaa'SAU;'ertl:" 2 00 18

Lancaster and SWitzerland undertook ~hll~delphla" Copperheads," 'ay ... _allliJ, £]w"""",fo, Bllrtj>aBrand.DeWtcy.N' Y. i 00 U fel ~r IIInd or I'Ata!.llllhing to run past the batteries at Vicks- In (Jarohna bomls, and:1f, dift'nnoN" ""!"~ Cllutellurdlck,BrO\>tfteJd, ., 00 l~ t~ ",,,111 ~t ~ f d e d h ..... ~. , JOiel'h II Bo~rs, Oxford, 2 00 20 lI~l""J' o~ • hurl{. The Lancaster h8ll her ",uu,u,au un s, were 10lln on 18 Onr Government has information 1Ieq). Burdlbk .. South Brooklleld,2 00 19

h1ERN"'~ REVENUE --Tbe entire cmpts o'internal revenne tQ 1863 amount to twenty two IW'''lU,Ja of ,ollar~ Tbe .estimated recei !11 the year ale one hundred and nnlhons


shot aWIIY and Bunk, MlJIgt two of that live ptTfllerfnl I~ rams Jai'&d' G!'ee!t, "~~II, ')' ~ ~ t: ber crew escaping The-SWitzerland A soldier of the 22d Kenlttcky In now ~lDg built on We T\:iames {, 2 00 19 was disabled, but was towed off fly fantry gives aD acc~nt of how Bome I the Melsey' l I 2 00 19 the Albatross, which came up at the ()f our men, after belDg taken prison· I S' b th h ~ r t d th was i:l ~ ~ight btime. Rebel accounts sayers at Vickilburg durlllg tbeklallndd sam~\:~pae:; ~ ~=~::e:te~ Vt e . Bcons)ft, it .~nesee, ~ 0000 ~99 loUr oa\s undertook t~ pas8, tack some time SlDee, were ley I have all be n kllled'I!"'ffed ' , plre~ was ertle," aud • • that two of them were driven belOg fired upon by onr batteries /) W·: onll ;Qf.tl1B nlimes also of "i gg ~:

otber two disabled as above de· One Solomon Henshaw, a wealthy I Fort Pemberton, lOs I' is said to of Wales, the laUel plesented his BurdICk," 2 00 18

Scribed The Hartford and Albatross citizen of Fouutain County, Ind, be bmlt of 20,000 bales\of ootton. bride With a ring set With Jewels ex· ~~~m~~!O~~~~k~:W~li~'Va.5: t: found rebel batteries at Grand Gulf committed suiCide 011 Friday last, presBlve thereof ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.1 heaVier than those at Port Hudson because he had become a member of THE SUFFERINGS IN,TH£ SOUTH -The The editor of the 'Voonsocket Fa· SELECT FOR

vessels were considerably in· the Knights of the Golden Circle, and I NashvIlle Un ton of Marcb 28th, 8I1YS, tribt IS IOformed, on good authority, E S 011 tllB morning or Wedoesday, Ipnl 1st, tlJeril wal a cavalry skir· mlsh near Drainsville, between about I;"""'~U' 150 of the 1st Verillont Oaval.,., un·

the Hartford had three men their treasonable character so troub-.I 0'11 what it pronouoces undoubted that the amount of Internal Reveone him that he could not bear the I alftliority, that a few days ago twen. m Rhode Island Will be tlVo milhons

Aclmliralj.i:,di,um. of dollars per anoum ThiS IS pret-Oen BurnSide has 18sued an order 1 ty wowen in AtI~nta, Ga., maddened ty well for the smallest State ID the

der Capt Flint, and about an equal !l11mber of reber" pnder dapt. Mose· I.UI~rl!;"lp""'

deprIving the 27th New Jersey and wltb the sight of theIr starving Umoo. 46tb 'New York regiments of all fur· dren at home, collected 111 a body, In the populat braneh of the Mas. loughs and other priVileges for SIX and broke into and plundered several sachusetts Legislature, 8. bllt has months, for Irregular ~nd disgraceful groceries of meat and flour, 10 broad been reported, POOhlbltlDg married

1\, the man who todk Gen Stoughton prisoner. OUr side got the worst of

It~OaPt .Htin~ Wall kllled, and selle­rt\ prisoners were taken The ca l#n was serioiisly'WouDded loss\\h the sklrm~h 1>1 .al~ to

II o!li,cer~-aapt Fhnt and Lieut IJr,.rit

of tl)e' l.t l Viermont'.ca;v.3tJ.!'':

conduot m PIIl.eUlnatl a few days a women from formmg bUsllless copart. ago Canse-wbjsky daylIght. Deaths by starVl/otlOJl. are nerships

The Post·OfficeDepartmen' ISI!Jak· by no meaus uncommon In that In Boston, duriug the arrangement!! ~o lIectlfe the I glOn The whole couutry has been there were SIX cases

of them. "re 6"poQnd nHed (lanDon, prompt J)onvJ:!yanoo of lettere to and pidted baTe of everything edible by woman was married to a oOlorea. with ateel,polDted balls; also twenty from soidiID's ID the Army of the Po· the army and speculator&, who oper- liut not one of a marriage 'hAt.WI""" cannen that are 1118·pounders; aleo, tomaq alld t~e III the lHlIgbborhood ate ID connection With officers of the a white man and a cQlored WVUl"U.

we have forty siege gons" of Walliington ' Th T' add Tbe pubhc lands to be "lIll~,r.·,1U "·'ttlt1111 ", ..... ',v"'I.· • 1 d' b h . Id h N E army. e !.Inton s. - .<>. speCia Ispatc to t e There 18 a so ler at t e ew ng'" b summer embrace in W' shing:toi:\

pIlla BUllettn, from Cincinnati, land ROQID8, New tork, belonging Thes~:punle .. ents seem severe, rltory neally 3,000,000 ·.i'f:"M,ar.cb, '.JenkiDis'.,IAprJi 5tb, sayll the attack on in Mailsachuaettil, wliocJOit bQtb arms but :are they too severe f'lf people H6,OOO, :lnd,:}n ;¥icJii~lrt

Pemberton was reeommenced on tbe at the Fredericksbufg battIe. It Is W~0ta~~we~ thebmflelves to bet ~~e. 21th of Marcb, by tbe gunboats to lmagme one 1D a more (:11'1 lU 0 te e lun agaws e

he'iri61~t\i ~DarOD De Kalb and Ohillicothe. The condItIOn than Without arms? r beiltt~tbl:~~~~? W~ t!r;e~:et of IS Dot known stay thete has beell thej pDjj"e 1 tb~ tb I II ",ore aug "" 'IIOU ern poop e WI

The bombardment of Vicksburg by Xlse en, tn4SSe agawst theu Iyranls, l·llr'nw·n~l:L Grallt was have commenced I aoll lIW1ng them up t{) the first tree

llardi ~'itb, postponed 1 LetBhB liiIOuthern l)egr()o{)l~arcby be·

:1~X~~~~!~:'~~~lf~~fIJ~~~I~f;O;['UU~:JC~1tb ware of the while IDsllrrection which a~ arm ~t probahly 18 near at hand." obtaIned ilie I ·--'.-,!-I -';'~~"-+-_

saIJmlerg:eI1 .. 1 sanctioh- of l'\'lll!HlenC:. to clise a I 'Tm: Cm!lESE R~E~N --The-h~igad~ comp(lsed ormen tbrough jPing movement still evruces ~Isablllty are unfilled for aclive duty vltahty-the progress bf~fffiiUltel~d"·~"'h4 In the fi.e\<,i These tr~ops are to be Ilig In favor of the idftntl~en,t8.' 11'11 .... 0.1

b1i1t1:hle ~cl.l'rlllitIM t.l·u\l,tJ'i):li~~1 ~et1.&r prpllloo, garpllon I\nd hQspl' is eertamly a luge Impefls,1 jI~ltljlr~I,~l:~~ dirty. By tlm/. means. a. large tIte filM lutellded expre!lsly for ,e num of;' able.l)OdlM trObps per at10g against NlUlkmg Thllr

;a,~::i;~~~:~~~~I~~~:~.:;la.tgEur()rnltiJlr thn duty will be seut IUtO j would nave acted III concert l.~;i,d~~~~~~~d;'; g dlsolphued ,Qhmeile known «\lIT .... ,rl'".!

fedleral men, had not tbe citcu[J1stari(:es'''Dii~bl l:e8111tOO 10 tbe laspen.lOn of J.lUI''''''·'

llnd61~.1 Ward's successor, tTJhe'cTllipiilgs· are ,known

'n.". T.Wl\ at NanktDgI and ~in,~ln~';::,;i::,:r~ armed and proVided can

be dislodged by artil It thb! purpose that

of the fotal of :dil!Oi~llinled Burge.vine WIIB

Ih"n"~ it was that the UUlU..,

~ oJ'll4ih th.~" draft will sooo Ile of DOlgevine to made to,fi!&,alL the regimeots to their dltjQQ, caused pro.perttlndard., It i&I1otyet Irnowjn I.Ietween hiDl .. ndthe·AUl1lcJ.ui[IS,"~b!C:h

tJilt.l'l' it will roQuire, but proba· reeulted ... the catastrot'he that near 200 OpO dtiltM mep wUI lie .jjuspensWn I

a~tl)~n.~p.~ ..... c:~ptQre ::-"'I'"oint at@Ce'tolhereiimeW:-"---I"1 ,

Gen. llcOiellan',dUlIod:Df: A SAti CASE -The Boston ~~~J::ll¥~~!:~~[~~ battle (10, tbtI tell a lJlteouS story of MIl! .'1: mllD, fotmetly une10f thEr'"DlI08I,,:IlI·Ir. ~~~~r:~X8<lI:YI:~.ter:

.... )'\""j 1';£" liant in Bostoll lio(~iet:v. t ~(i8bIL.tidi l!windled the iEa@ltertl

C.Ymtill1ny lIS ~t~ TtG~1l8I1re!r;·'j~rld'}

CHRISTIAN PSALMODY', tlie Book UBed by tbe SeventlNiay Honu."

Churobes1suppJled a~ the following Bound In roan,"1~ .. ln'!~ill~s ....

" " H" nn,.nJ,al''lr,


Page 4: of tt...ther, to bear from bis lips that he ,aD- sides into a life of failure. ADd so babits, however, are only secured by ati/llUlllS to nuble BctiOD, Rta,i1d, cepted ~he /Sacrifice,"

( I

to e%ecute tbltd rank, of a graudee or of a !)xcitement on bontd. The triIinpet-shiijjed, tbe crystal be- mahdartn Accordtng to the ahcient I:bi'ilfiilil were qll~ly given and exe

emeraMII and law, the Dumber and height The crew were to.ld to load

by air-traps at cettaln dISi~-li.!l«(!s, the gaIlery is lighted

The exeoution of thiS i~~(!~~4t~:r,:t tem of sewers has coAt

be on&- hundred anti fifty dollar. a ,e.i InUead of ODe bondred dullars, • here(q; fore a~roprtated •

dtamomfs, With pink coral apartmentIJ, -tire lelrgth and heIght as rapidly as posSIble, and and ollental <]!ll8r.\). The shaft con a bUlldrng, are afl reguTlLtei'f with SI) as long as there was a of francs

gallery IS

An Act provIdmg fir the ,1II8ne of CUI, .. I

gTlImu Bonds tams/our p-\UIOOS of feathers com preCIsion, from the plam citIzen to gnn to fire After the or-~lPlu of \jtliliants, and undln each the mandarrn, and from tlie miuldsrm uer to abandon the Ship, the boats the 1etter "A" m rnblC~, also four up to lhe emperor hImself were lowered down, the four wound-

repeated, A. pty's~1 baU, SElt , ed men were put m first, and the rubles, termlllate!I ,the s~afll 01 AN mOIDENT OF THB WAR crew filled the boats ~Iany mAn

handle, and by an ipgeDlO1ls pleee of • overobard, expeotmg to sWIm mec'.lilntsW was 'nll.~e to'fly up, and Copie<l by Request from • Sout~.rl1 Paper, , Some of them were pIcked feTea~lIlg 'Uie,(Qll,r si.des, forms fOllr One oftlle most affectmg mClde'1ts thell own boats or boats from

nnrnlld tbe cen of the brrlhant and successful re-cap- and a few, It IS sllpposell, ter~Y'!8.liJ'~lrWi~;1ip;~nl~e~ the Prin- ture of Galveston by tbe forces un- were drowned Those who reached

Cloaca MaXima of ~"OI'11t.", 'w~lile style of COllstructlOn vastly ID ad'~aDlceof 1~heiRoijIa,n The Cloaca MaXima feet In height, but feet bl'ond, and IS SUIJpOl8ed have exceeded a thr,PI>f Band feet

moss}g;ro:'!7D.1 JTi~'''U was at' der Gen Magrpder, was tlle meetmg levee In the boats strolled along pearls and between MaJof Lea, of our army, rn straggling parties tIll they In the course of an

"""'1'.'", pearls to wear I!.nd hiS eldest lind fondly-loved son, opposite the fieet, when they the chIldren taught m nnlge[' ...... t~ Iy deltcate al- who was 1st LIeutenant at tbe Harriet for boats The Essex steamed Schools of onc uf

'~!¥~.;'do1}('r· being a small Lane The Honston Telegruph over and took off as many as fifty or in the borough of or~~C\[('rlll, stlir1~nrmlliii amones, mtroduced says: sixty men 8pectOi s put the

ornamentatIon Nearly t"" 0 years ago, the fatber, When the crew were all off the krnd ot a town IS R .. wf,r\rn

Itls enaeled by the G .... ral Aaoeinblyas tol ..... Section 1 The Geqer~ l'rea8urllr

hereby authortzed, b,y a!\d wl~b tha ad­,\,Ice of the Governor, to 188)le ilie Bonele ef the State, for aO amol1nt not exceedlDt; th~ee bundred \hOWland dollar., In elida I ~l\l'vJII~"t "(lUO!l~

sums as the Governor sbllL! lh~!lct. ilear- :~,:~~~~~~;:~~~t:~i:~~:~~~~~ log Interest not exceedmg 1iiJ: per cent per aUIlUlll, pay"ble m twenty ,eare ftOlll the mat day "f ApJ;iI, l863, ~hloh Bonds shall Dot be Isaned sold h.r General 'l'rea'Burer at les8 theil' vMne Intereat on aid tJOb<llIP111.lble

semi annually. aDd cOllJlOn. for I~;:~t;:~:~e~~: 1'I~aJt"~t~ ment of the same, Signed by the Gell~n;11 ,-Treasurerr ,- ahall be attached Bonds

..... vu~. hereby authorIZed shall 'sii?,oed tbe General " ~:~:.>~!;I "')\'"~U and regrstered by the 8, The wreaths q of the bnbesmalds then resldmg m Texas, had wntten "hiP, Captarn SmIth and Lieutenant short pause, an

were formed of blll8h roses, sham- repeatedly to the son, then on the DtJrby went around to see if thore whose eyes twmkled rocks and whIte beather, with long coast of Chrna, suggestm/f the prill were auy hvmg men among those wered, to the no I e;~muI~clrnent An Act III ame~ent of Chapter 190, cents SubSCribei'll ;Wlllb,_'g vetls of tulle fanmg from the hack of clples that should determine htIJ Iymg OD the deck, and then went the examIDel and Title XXVIILt of Revl86d Statutee their pape~s, must plIy the wreath The dresses of white cour1:1e m the then approachrng down and sprmkled turpentme m tbe paDled hIm, "Please, .. Of costs, dOIlJDle coata, double IDler: Dotlfy the publlaher Of~bt::~;~;~:~~P'~'~!II:~ tulle over white glace were trimmed gle between the North and the ward room, settmg It un fire The dIrty town" est aDd taxalr~n of coSt8," will be ~n the pa"!

As th~ old man sleeps in his easy chair to correspond • ~f the Untted States, and saying that f I " h Id d d It I. onaoted by t~o liener.1 Assembly as foUoWl!' &8 to 'nAic·te the ,. captam 0 t 1e lore 0 was or ere The manufacture J ..... A to which tbel PrIncess Christjhn of Denmark he could not dIctate to one so long t fi hi" d d th th S~ctlon 1 I all actlODII of the ....... '~<l'aOl", ,

~ 0 r~ t e s lip .orwar , an ey en wood IS not a lIew ' J d ,.- , . sanded Roor, glide,

IIUI~,"1tnllaX8n hair, lIIan's ald_

wOle 0. tram of roy"l blne obhgated to act on hiS own J'udg- "b d d h I th d d ,or s an erous words, that shall be (lOID-w '" .. an one er, eavmg e ea on Smithsonian Institute d S • trimmed With gold Il!.ce The petti ment; and that, deCIde as he mlgqt, d k Tb t d 1 t t mence [D any court iu thl8 tate, If tbe I· ... 'oont

h h ec e cap am an leu enan there IS a copy of a court or Jury shall 88se88 th~ dalll~"e8 coat of whIte a°tin trrmmed WIth sue was IS confidence 10 his high 11 d b t "or the E Th ,. ~ by tbe aDgry st~~,

to IllIuembiing !»fm, , .... pu e m a oa .' sse x e ments In makmg [D 8uch caSe at a lees aum thah Beven

of tol\e a&d gold blond conSCientIOusness, he would contrnue b d ed eh p was so n wr d d II h I a an \In I 0 appe materIals than rags, 0 ars, t e p amttff In 8uch Mse shall 'rlI-feathers, gold lap- to regard hIm With the respect of n. rn flalJle.s, and presently the fire reach- ed m Germany m 17 cover no more cOlta than damages.

a.:nU·0,I3WUillU ornaments gentlilman and the affectIOn of a fa- ed th bl th h Sectton 2 S h f nb •• 190 r h b b r h h Id 1 < e magazme, owmg up e s Ip 60 varieties of paper 0 muc 0 ~ ap",r , 0

Some 'rhe Princess Mary of CambrIdge t er, ut t at, I e s ou e ect .he With a tremendous explOSIon-and many different tbe ReVised Statntjls, to whICh tblJl \8 an Wnre a tram ef lilac silver moire, !nde of the enemy, they would proba. th t th I t f th U 't d St t amendment, as IS inconslsten' berewlth ,. to '" a was e as 0 e nr e a es sell 10 hiS work enu heteb" rep"aled_ " • -Pr r trimmed WIth whIte llQnHon lace, bly never meet on earth, unless pel" te f t M ' Q, the manilge illce 0 s am rlg.1 e ISSISSIPPI stauces Next to cotton

Petticoat of whtte slIhn, WIth Honi- chance they shonld meet rn battle It d th t I h II f An Act \0 d·"t to d t t We clip a few paragraphs IS sal a a C lance s e rom waIte. straw and ale the .. .,... IOn an amen meD 0 1.\orIY. ton lalla. tUUlC and bands o~ hlac vel- The father had served nearly eigh- the battenes passed over the most avatlable T,tle III 'j Chapter 12, of the Revl8ed

TilE lrtl,BBtAGE CEREMONY vet Diadem of dlamond8: teen months on the eastward SIde of and Fell m a crowd of saIlors on , I Statutes,' Of the Revenue ofthe~t)\t.e'''I~~~,o~~~~~~i~~~l:jj;;~t~ Took place In th~ chapel of UT::_,' ",.:,.h"" necklace and ellf-fmgs of dla- the MIBBI8SippI, and, through unsoltc- shore kllhng five or SIX outfight and A contented CItIzen of MIlan, who n" enacted by the General Assembly .. , follows BOr C8Itle. Af1;er the ~oyal monds Head dless, white feathers Ited orllers, amved at Honston, en woun'dmg one man, Wm, Hawkins had_ never passed beyoud Its walls II Section 1 Every}nsurance compan,Y ~'f.edi I'-Alban,'was snng, in tulle veil route for Slln AntoDlo, late at 1IIght Some of hiS comrades carru!d him durmg the COurSD of SIXty years, mcorporated ana domg bU8IDe8s m tlus ~enny Lind took pait As. The Duchess of Cambridge wore a of February 30th, when, hearmg mIles and then laid hIm m:mg ordered by the g6vemornotto 8ta~e sh,ill on the firet Mou!arhofJ:nel'j -n~--" ..... ded, tt..;. V\-olet velvet train, trimmed With er- tbe IDtended attack on the Harnet th I' A " 1 I stir beyond Its gate", ~came Imme- eac an every year, pay e nera ..... '" -" .o.. IK> on e evee .ew men wt>re d I bl d I Treasurer one cant nn each anc! every vln Ito the conllDunion milie Petticoat of wlllte 8atm, tTim Lane, aboard of which be had beard taken prisoners, when the,i. landed late y mlsera e, an ~e t so hqndred dollars, on the aInoont at nsk on

Primate the med WIth black lace, covered With a hiS 80n, also placed there SImply One wounded man (Fran't!is Reed) ful an mclmatlOn to d that which the thirty-first day of Dacember of each tunic of Homton lace, a tiara of the order of ProVIdence, he Bohclt- whose hand was shattered by a he had 80 long contente ly neglected, f year pearls and diamonds; necklace and permiSSIon to Jom the expedltlon, splmter walked five mIles before he that, on hiS apphcatlOn for a release I Sec 2 Every stock insurance com-stomacher to match rn expectatIOn of nursmg or burymg was taken off ID a boat from thIS restramt bemg refused, he I pany lDcorporated and dOlDg buerness in

The PrlllcesB Helena wore a tram hiS son, IWhOse coutage was hkely On hiS way down he met tw C _ became qUIte melancholy, and at thiS State, shall IIlInually pay to the Gen-f h'te Ik h b t f th t h f tall t th I ,0 on last died of "'ncf feral Treasurer, on the first Monday rn OWl Sl ,Wit ouque II 0 e 0 expose 1m a y 0 e equa federates In CItIzen s clothes; and e '. ~ _ June, twenty cents on each and every

tosc, shamrock and thIstle, tied With daring of our Texas boys Durmg they, seemg that be was wounded, An am,!srng InCIdent tI 3nsplred a hundred dollars of Ita C&pIW stock. pud SIlver cord, manufactured hy LeWIS the fight Major Lea was ordered by InVIted him to thelf honses, promls- few evenrngs smce, at Mancbester, In aud .AJlenby, ttlmmed wilh tulle, and the General to keep a good look-out mg him every cale and attention New Hampshire, In th Huntmg'ton, Sec 3 SectlOus 4 and 5, of T,t1e III, bonqnets of lilacs, wblte an.d hlac fIOm a house-top for all mo\'!ments Other men were met, and they stop- street Baptist church, 0 the occasllm Chapter 12, of tbe, ReVIsed Statutes, ate PettIcoat of white tul\e over white m the bay As soon ss ped and talked With the saIlors about of the magiC lantern e::dllb\tion 'l'he hereby repealed, glace, striped with ribbons of rose, enabled hIm to see that the the engagement, and then permitted scene of the children of Israel cross- An Act ID relatIon to :]'own Councils and shamrock and thIstle; bouquet of Ll!.ne had been captured, by permls them to pass, No less than thirty- mg the Red Sea was elthlblted, aud Courts of Probate, lilac Head~ress, wreath of hlacs, SlOn of the Generl!.l, who knew no- one of the crew walked down as far the small children were asked If they It 13 enacted by tho Goner.1 Assom\>ly as foUo..... '

boly,csioitel white feathers, and blond lappets; thing of the expected meeting, as the federal pickets on that SIde could ~II what It represented One Sectron 1 The Clerks of the Town dlatnond ornaments hastened aboard, when 110 was not Th d ed II d httle fellow ImmedIately It ut Councils aud Coum of Probate shall hAVe ey were etalll a mght an uug 0 : fnll "uthorlly to admInister oaths relating

io;l!epihe,dri. Prmces" Louise lind: Prmcess Bea- surprrsed to fiDd hIS 80n mortally t b b t B' to "Burnside crossmg the Dappahan U D • • ~ 0 n, were sen over y oa to ann. ' to any matter of whIch saId Conncilll or

trice, drefiB of white tulle over whIte wounded Wadmg through bloo , Rouge m the morulDg nock 11 COllrts of Probate have JurIsdICtion glace, striped with rIbbons of rose, amIdst the dymg and the dead, he lOn Sunday mornmg, the MISSISSlp-j The Bedomns, says Rlt~on, are a An Act In amendment Jf Chaptet !l3, Title shamrock aud thIStle, tied with SlIver reached the youth, pale and exhaust- pi'S ere t d th d k most alert "Dd mlllta " d "t w were mns ere on e ec w ry ra"e, an y" XV of the Revl.ed StatUetl, .. Of the cor~, tnmmed with bouquetsofhlacs cd, "Edward, 'tIS your father"" of the R~AI.-hnd d t t It IS ~n undoubteinct th"ttheq n' I ' " ''''I1WV ,an wele sen 0 ~ ~,,, ua - D,stramt of Am"",18 gomg at arge,' He d dress, wreaths of It lacs, whIte know you, father, but cannot move, B·ton Ro~e 0 th ReI h t ty of 'ood usna 'co ~ med b th

D n e lance, were I .' .. n,.u y e III. enacted by Ih. G..-ral ASiembly as follow. and hi lie , pearl orllaments he said, famtly " Are you mortally they met err comrades who had greatest part of them not ex- Sectron 1 .ny neat horse, neat cat-

The Duchess of Brabant wore a wonnded 1" "Badly, but I hope not walked down the nrght before I ceed SIX ounces a day or seven tie sheepoA'" hog, whIch shall f...,d IIr tram of blne mOire antlq lie, embl 01-1 fatally" "Do you suffer pam 7" Most of the crew have smce been dates soaked m melted serve I gr~ze Irllr upon any hIghway or Dom-dered WIth gold .. Cannot speak," he whispered A sent to New Orleans and SIXty-five a mlln a whole day and esteems mQ" sho.11 be deemed and held 10 be

stimulant was given him "How k II d d d 'k h If h b' I dd' tomg at large" wlthm the meanmlt THE BRIDAL PRESENTS I Ie, rowne or ta en prisoners, Imse appy w en Ie a" a r I!.nd mtenbon ofthe-act of wblch thl'a lIet

T " came you here, father?" When an are r ort d II t t f r a ~ he magnllicent bridal presents of Iswered, a gleam of surprise and sat ep e as ml~smg:. rl~tie Ja~r~/ JC: coarse "lIS an amendment Prlllce of Wales to the Prrncess IS factIOn passed over bls fine face An A t dd t t Till VIr Ch te

Alexandra are tbus described by the THE BEWE"S OF PA'DIS. A Dr Joseph recently I c ID a I Ion 0 e • ap r , He then expended nearly hiS last ....<U>o I f 30, of the ReVIsed Statues," or the L~?don Times words 10 makmg for The reader of Les Mtserables Will dIed at Kornenb~, e t powers of and of 8111t8 by and anlUBt

For the last day or two the es- his wounded comr"des I h d d a thousand Jlu,,;.<s to cat Towns" .. t bl h e t f M G Ii th Q a ways carry m IS mm a VIVI PIC- and canar.,. bIrd, and thou- It I. eJ..ted by ,~. General ' ___ Lly a. 'allow. a IS m n 0 essrs arrar, e knelt and bleAsed hIm, tnre of the sewers of PariS, In whICh d b d Th f th _. .'

Crown Jewelers, has be,en eagerly ashore for a htter, and returned Just f th f h san to IS og e 0 e Secllou 1 Hereafter the 8everal.o,.nol.1 ht b f h hI to one 0 ve nost marvellous 0 t e wbole IS to be reeel old autbonzedl to ral- and apt,ropTlate soug y as lona e VISI ra, anx, nfter II'e h.d fled rk bl < III!. -t th tl t ~.' ~ many rema a e even." gnerreo- servant, charged money, fOT the purpose of ren enn" re-

dl ..... _ ..... , .. ..:.> 0 see e cos y presen s manu- \Vbeu told by thc Burgeon that. ne typed lD tliat bOOk was en .. oted Yet "' • If" ... ,,'"'''' .. nu ',,:c:lurred for the Prmce of Wales as I d VHf _ 'I I anrm ... s 48 Boon Ie and a •• i.tance 10 the n/ledy and des

b II b P ", had but a few minutes to Ive, an !Ctor ngo gives, a ter w , on yan money lapses to the titnte famlhes or del'endenQ of tliOlle 1II!"trl)~ , t e i'mee ~~~;1~fs'!&.:;~ bride. Some of tOOT,D are asked to express hiS Wishes outhne of the vast artenal system heIr who have ormay be hereafter mutltared IT, -Nord for word, after exhlQlted j others wIll be answered confidmgly, .. My fath~r whIch 110 largely contflbntee to the mto the army or nay! of tbe United th~h ,llQw. shown III the course of thEl present here," and spoke not agam He was eanttary emmence of the bfllhant I A gentle?!!D StateII' from thIS State, to an amonnt not til Qf the we~k .. home 10 procession t" the grave capItal, treatmg Its resnlts cnlefly m Wife, says t would exceeedmg fOllr 1I0lla1'8 per week to the beardroe1y to answer "ConspIcuoUS among the beautl from the headquartels of Geu Ma- theIr economical bearmgs, and only lady were possessed of family of IIny one person bly, IU)~ her cheeks were ful objects now on view 18 a complete gruder, m company wltli hIS captam, IIlcidentallv touchmg upon the con- Bufficlent to secure Sec. 2 N OihlD~ contamed 10 WIth a crim8Qn flllllh, and she of dmmoDds and pearls, com- nnd they were bUfled together, WIth -,' I' d f cesslve grief, ID case ijball be construed to affect any CO[ltr~Ct very nervou& 'kl b h d w structrolC, pecu II!.f1tles an extent 0 currIn to her which h,as heretofore been made by

'fo tile ';\leet1on, "Who th, pnsl\lg aThnec akcle, a rooc an ear approprrate mlhtary honors, IU the the systell1 Itself The details on g towu With any person who bas been pre 'j. ~ IS rlUgs e nec ace IS composed of presence of mallY officers of both ar- these Il!.tter pomts, possessing an un BIrds bave often Vlously mnstered mto the servIce of the

• r ,"Woman to ~e m~rrled to eight clusters, With large pendants, mles aDd many geuerollR cltlz~n~, all donbted rnlerest, at least to all dwell- the messengers from Umted States the royal atber of the the center conSIsting of three of whom expressed their deep sympa- ers III CIties, are supphed ID an elabo- -charged With the Sec 3. No pel'llon lIhall be conSidered bowed and moved fi h dId d th d f De pear s ape pear rops, an e tby WIth the bereaved fu.ther, who work recently Issued from the gratttu e 0 nature, a pauper fQr havmg received UBIBlallce

who w,)\O\e being connccted WIth festoons BIIld the solemn servIce for the French press; and from this we the most eloquent of under thiS act, .u;;it~:;.~~~D~~;;;~~~~1t~;~:: of diamonds The brooch IS compos- copal Church for the bunal of group some cunous facts as to the to fulfill the mISSion Sec 4 The act at the AJlig\ll! 1

of splendid pel!.rls, surrounded dead, and then added tbls hrief ad- vastness and pecultantles of the An aCIdulous old :h:sR:~I~dDSt~~~~~8 IS ChaPt.!erePElaled>1 ,:-n" •• ",dlamonds, With other pearls as dress work acqnarntance says Sec 5 TillS act 8h~1I take

Il'heae jewels are all of the " My friends, the wIse man has saId The "first vaulted sewer in Paris a place called" after ltll passage qna11ty, and wdere manuheCaptured that there IS a time to rejoice and a wae constructed as early as 1314; Without thmkmg of thel An Act In amendment of the tiei!lgn an under t super time to mourn ~urely thiS 18 a time bnt so slow was the progress of the that there must be TiUe 'I, of the ReVIsed 'R~~~~~:~t!~I

in~~ndence of the PrInce when we may weep WIth those that ImroveI1¥lnt tbat the last uncovered Ooe always tJed, .. O( the electiQn u{-

Ghtterrng on eaeh Side of the weep Allow olle so SOlely tried, sewer only dhappeared ten years ing, 18 hke pve8 in Congress," valrm'e are ~wo brooches, entirely of In thIS, hlB wllhng saCrifice, to be- ago The present system of sewer. which It 13enaclfdpylheGoneralA"embly u follows dillm'IQIlt18,'forloed:.s? as to represent Beech you to beheve, whIlst we de- age was decreed on the 26th of March, £ ver remarns SectIOn 1 The terrrtpry embraced the Prmce of Wales s'feathers These fend our fights WIth strong arm, I!.nd 1852, and consIsts of SIX maIO gl!.lIe- h wlthm the towns of l''1wfm:k,et aod Eaat are of dlfferen t ~Izes, but both very hones:t hearts tbat those we I/Ieet III rles called collectors' fifteen secon- If t ere are Ptovldence shall be includeil ill'lt.n~ eon'



large 'd ' " h S' Yllrd, bow III It ehtnte a part of theJEutem Dletrlct for .. • dd' h' b f pattIe may also have hea'ts blave ary oues opeurng mto t e lormer, I;( be more than five tbe 6leotlon of Reprnent3t1'fM ~ the

lhe we mg rIng, w IC •• 0 and honest as onr own We have and themselves fed by a vast nnmber Oongress of thilllJlI1ud 8t~~ ~n4~:~~J~~~~~~~~ij~~~~~ , coufse, I~ of phulI, ~ld, IS telll3tKa- here buned two br~ve and honest of smaller ones mtersectlng the CI ty proVI81OO8 of Chapljer '£ille VI" ;:i!i~~~~~;;I~~~i~~~. bly maSSIve, and Its ac~ompanylng gentlemen Peace to theIr ashes I every direction Re'need Sta,~utes,.an4 ,ther .'1: !J~;~~!t~,,;Wl!l()DIJ~\lper,lsl!et :with 8lxprec)Ousstones, Tread lightly over their graves The smallest sewer IS some seven P .... d.ttMJannary latrng to the ele~ttr:~on~j~~~~~!~e~~;r;!nj~~l.J~~~

8fllected a.nd arranged so that the Inl- Amen" feet 13 heIght byli'onrtn breadth and AD Act to IUDlt;rJhe Oongress, shall ""'\"~'.

l)t~5~~~~~~;;~~;~i a tial letters of theIr names ehall form r I I b h j; , abon of tho 6IiIates, tbe ;!~~~~~~~~~~l~~~:: the word' Bertie,' l\JI affectlOuate va- DESTRlJOTION OP THE MISSISSIPPL t 10 argest a ont t lrteen eet In lies of the We'IIldent, In the same ID\MlMI' 1lS t of " "Ib t' '1'1<»'. f height by seventeen In breadth The Brown Unr~rtty, other town8 embraeed lDllald ";8tric.t,al~d·1 rra IOn \ll. er. '"OJ? s,QIIes 0 In the New Orleans Pwayune ~ i f d h d f .. ,

whIch thl8 happy COUibmatlon Is ef- the 23d of Marcil, we find the follow "ordmer 8 0 1 an OVOfjl s ape, aD dl\ IllS ell&cted by the Gen ... ,.. to the qnaliJllld elepI9r8 rdidlllg 10 ,~"'-, ".

£ t d be J raId ,or s Qomp e SpM6 or a man an a Section 1, The nornor ... "r." A A t d ~ th ';''a:l''meDh,ftll~ 'o'r~;t~~:~~l~~; ec e are.a ry; lin emil ,a IU- 1Dg intelestlDg partlcnlars oftha de' wbeelbarrow 'Fhe largest sewer IS lq n c to previ e or ep. 'ii by, a tnrquol8e, a JIIoc.ynth, m3noth, struotlOn of {he steam frJg'ite diVided mto three .partS', the Interest on the8ta,t.:lIJ01lId., .n,"JI!:··' er emerald :A plain gold ring has SISSlppl m the attempt to pass the onos formlDg foot .pavelnellts".1 It;lS enaeted by tbe General """" .. bly .. felloWs

hkewlse been made to tie ""om by bel battenes at Port Hudson: alld the middle one a gO'>hr Section 1 A tM: often clIl\ta on the Phnce hImself """ ooehllDdred uti ,ttluf::~~r~~ ;liOI,~,.., •. \;.nrlll1~.n 1:~~ilJitere8ted"1 "As tlfe preseW:fI for the brides There IS something almostrroman- fool' feet broad, On the real and np.r:Ann,,1 p

aCC:OUllt maids eight 1000lretli have been made tIC ID the 'recel1t destruction pavement a flerles of iron n.-..,j-a' ....

~'~il~=h~~l~;;~~~~p!~:'~t,:~ ~~}'~i~i4rj'~llIJ~f~~cofaJ to State8 Bteam ,f~Jgate llls8lS- port a water pipe, ., and The most 6xcltmg soones ID ter from three and a to two imHI" celltr4~lJ"!'" best Engtish and >8Ome.of the gallerIes tliere- is

hardly exceed III one ;.vater PIW To cleanse the d sCflptlOn, the .. 811111011 lllP't i~Dnlng oil. Iron tailsl·re·tai':ytller,eof. de(ll~ring or Bome of !-JIe,JIIetl who w~re along the bottom IS pushed {or-

~1~~~~'~~l~:.!~f~:"~~~~~~ boar4 the Missilj$lppl during the by two men; the front of this ~,.''''~, .. ;. l\'agelOODt berore the battenes prOVIded With a drop,plank,

Port Hudson ,hke a sort of slDlce, WhiCh, Th!J 'Was the last exactly closes the sec·

the and p\ls4°s ~11 the IiI4i\ tbe oort ad v ances

m':T!'l'':'l ;;~i:;-~~; the .grandeBt feature- of ;" Aln",,1I! n"'lnrl~e{)rfl~nr; sM,tslselver:l!re is a syphon

IOUIIC",at,p.rRof a large part ~Ity are carried nnder the bed

the &nne to a proper ontlet tliE~lervpllon ill an enormons pipe

Iron; havmg en luterior dl-I anleter ,of tbroo and a thIrd feef, and

SOlDO seven bundred teet In I",,,,d.h

~~;;~~~r¥:~~:~t~'~ll~ :f~~~~~~~t;'t~~ 1~'8t~bi~~!~~i~\g~,:a~}>te which 18 sunk seven'foot below " amlthlll' :p low-water mark, 'fbe genera'! col-

,.pElCtol', mtu whlch al\ the secondary

'~;~sQ;:f~~~1:;~:lrd~!:pol1r their aOOQ~, is a stupen-tI work, ~nd probablj WIthout a

parallel In the world It 18 Sixteen feet In b.y.mghteen in bread th, LCO>D8ilrt.~ii hlire.~ith

'8'·(IIIHaft~F11"0,tb~~ri·.'lVelre w:il~h a lengtb of llibo.ut eighteen tho us­forty-five feet In nearly

The foot pavements ~/Iiil..,il9!~e.n~e 8ubterranel'n aveDue

Vl;:~~:~~~!~I~:t~~~II:'~:~l:. feet, and tqe oonual :0 rJA.,rlvtl veafeet ID bleldjh, of five feet so l41rge, In

well-s\Zed IS kept pur,!'!l't~II,()1 "'''~UB og
