Download - of iiOlddAft A STOVE STORES T f A B L - 24/Rondout NY Freeman/Rondout NY...hoarseness, debility. 8 Cures nervous affections. 29 Cares sore


**Copyright 2017 T.M Tryniski**

9MtebutfJtott«wr8, ftr.

DR. LA CROIX’S/LIST orDr. Gifford's Homoopathio Curatives

■1* } I PHILIP US®, PROPRIETOR, f Dxfot, Ko. 136 Wiluam Street, New-Youe.

No. 1 Cures lover, Cob- 24 Cub general debil-gestion aad Iuflamatioa. »y

2 Com worm favor. 26 Cure* dropsy.3 Cam colic, teothing, 26 Cores vertigo, xutwea

stow growth, and freble- vomitag.bow ef infants. 27 Caros urinary disease;

4 Cures diarrhea. 28 Cores seminal emis-6 Cures dysentery. sloes, involuntary dto-6 Cures eholer* morbus. charges, and eonse-7 Cures coughs, colds, ‘ auent prostration and

hoarseness, debility.8 Cures nervous affections. 29 Cares sore month,9 Cures headache. 30 Cures uniary inconti-10 Cores dyspepsia, heart' none*, wetting the bed

burn, acidity, and weak 31 Cures painful manses stomach. 32 Cures heart disease,

11 Cures suppressed men- palpitation, iiiervlarf-sea. ties, flushes of heat,

12 Cures leueorrhea, or sufferings at change oiwhites life.

13 Cure croup. 33 Cures convulsions, or14 Cures salt rheum. spasms of infants or15 Cures rheumatism. adults.16 Cures fever and ague. 34 Cures bilHousness, as17 Cures piles, internal or want ef appetite, low-

external. ness of spirits, JaundiceI18 Cures ophthalmia,week constipation, and liver

or inttaiued eyes or eye- complaints,lids. 35 Cures boils, carbun-

19 Cures catarrh, acute or eles.chronic, dry or flowing, 36 Cures all acute skineold in the bead, iaflu- . eruptions.ensa. 37 Cures chronic coughs

20 Cores whooping oougb. 38 Cures snuffles, or ca-21 Cures astbsn*. tarrh in the head of22 Cures ear discharges, infants

noise in the head, im- 39 Cures constitutional paired hearing. disposition to fre-

23 Cures scrofula, an- quant attacks of heod- tiTged glands and ton- acheails. 40 Cures constitutional

disposition to asthmaThe ffcrees are ffeatfy put up, and contain about

sixty large Medicated Sugar Pills, with full direc­tions for taking accompanying thorn, price 23 cents. Vial Cases, which are of Morrocco, contain 15, 20, 30, or 40 Vials, prices of which are given below.

The symtoms of disease and method of Treatment, are given in a Manual accompanying the medicine, or which will be turnuhed Pkek on application.

Prices are ns follows ICase of forty vials with Single boxes, any wura-

book, - - - 86 00 ber, directions in-Case of thirty rials, with side, - - - - * . 25

book, - - - 97 00 Five boxes, with book ofCase of twenty vials,with directions, - fll 00

hook, - - - 95 00 Twelve bores with bookCase of fifteen vials, with of directions, - 82 00

book, - - - 4 00Address all orders te Lax, 136 William

street, New York, inclosing the price, in bank-note or postage stamps, and the curatives will be sent to any part of the country, fret of charge. Or they can be had of

VAN DKUSEN BROTHERS,Agents at Rondout, and at Kingston, at the above prices. Iyl48

DR. V. SHERl J- »- • 8K TH1

Physlslsglea! Tire sf Eanfcqe.PAGES and I8O ENGRAVINGS. Prim

*vV ealy twbdtt-eiyb cuwre. Bast free ef portage to all parts of the Futon. On th* infirmities of youth and maturity, dtoefaring tke secretfell in of both sexes ef all ages, snaring deMlitv. -im r—


and intermediate places or the line oi toe Canal and atoo to New York, nod other phew on the North River.

The rate of frmght for boats making trips from Roodoot to Hones Into, and returning laden with Coal, will bodurine tire seaseuof 1862, TO cents per gross ton, and in proportion for lean distance*. All full tripu ending at Roodoot. The Boats to be unloaded by the company or eotuignee, without charge to the Boatmen. The Boatmen, however, to trim the boat, tend guy, Ac., as

Demurrage at the rate of S3 per day will he paid for all detention, beyond the control of the boatmen, of ove^ two full working days in loading at Honesdale. and also iu unloading m JEloodoute

An installment of 820 will be reserved from the freight on each trip toward the payment of the Boat.

There will also be reserved ®7 and the frac­tion of a dollar, out of the freight of each trip, until the close of the season, as per contract.

The River freight from Rondout to New York will be 17 cento per gross ton, reserving therefrom 86 per trip towards the payment of the beat. The freight and installments to be in proportion for less distances.

Demurrage at the rate of 83 par day will bo paid far all absence from Rondout beyond the eontrol of the boatmen, of over three full working days, on River trips to Now York.

Tewing and-Wharfage free.The Company have several new Boats and

Scows, and rebuilt Boats to be used the com­ing season, on which $50 will bo required to bo paid in cash by tho party agreeing to pur­chase, at the time of making such agreement

Applications for Boats to be made personal - lyorby letter to the undersigned, at the of­fice of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.. Rondout, Ulster County. N. Y.; to R. P. Lord, Esq., Honesdale, Pa., or to the Super­intendent* on the lino of the Canal.

L. A. SYKES, Agent.Rondout, March 11, 1862. 8wl51

And tke CHEAPEST and BEST Stationery, is at Mo. A Wbaukon Boom Building,


RESPECTFULLY mmonneee to the pahUe in gen eral, and the reading world in particular, that

he has opened a tret class NEWS OFFICE and STA­TIONERY 8T#>BE, at the above number.

ALL THEDaily and Weekly

PAPERS ON HAND.Song Book* f the meet pupwfetr JVbmfa qf the day

Writing Paper and Pena ; Magazinee, Enrclopee, Picture*, $«., qc-

fflW Orders taken far Magaunss, Books, back numbers of Papers, kc. _ .

A share of the public patfifffllgo is solicited. Readout. Maroa 19. 1991. 99-3m


and privilegesdollar eaa get n toefa» W t ■"W'-

REFERENCES IN RONDOUT Major G. P. von Seek 5 Jansen HaaBrouvk Eeq.,

President sf Rondout Bank 1 Richard ElUng, M. D. $ W. C. MorO; Hiram Seboeumaker ? William Lawton, Bsq.; J. D. HasBrouek, Esq.; O. W. Duaa; Wil­liam Sima, and others.

IN THE CITY OF NEW TORE.A. D. Clemente. X. D | Joel Fqster, X. D.; T.

H. Burras, M. D., Dentist 1 W. H. Eaatan, X. D., Dentist;-J. C. Coffee, Bsq.; 8. J. Strong, Bsq.

In .Newfoundland, Bdward, Bishop of Newfound­land tad the Bermuda Islands; X. H. Bridge, Arch Deacon of Newfoundland, aad Bettor ef 8». Johns j Marius MeKen, M. D-t James Fraser, M. D.; Gov- truer Darling aad his Secretary j Horatio* Salters,

which are dizziness, pates, forgetfelniue, sometimes a ringing of the earn, weak eyes, weakness sf tbs bask and lower extremities, esafwtoa sf ideas, less of memory, with melancholy, may ha eared by tke author’s now Paris aad London treatment.

We have, for the greater part ef the past year, de­voted our time fa visiting the Europesn ksephais? availing ourselves of the knowledge and researeke. of the meet shilled Physicians and ffurgsnan te Europe aad oa the Continent. The** whe ylaee themselves under ear ear* will now hare the fall benefit sf the many bow and ufleaeious nmsfiis which we are enabled to fatredaee into our pretties and the public may rest assured sf the nut seal assiduity, seerecy and attention being paid to Asrr eases, which has so saorsmlblij distingnisfaed us heretofore, as * Physfauw fa oar peealfar department of professional praeties./er the poet twsady-JUe yea-re.

FuE.vew Fkvalb Pills— Ladies who wish for Medicine, the effleaey ef which has boon tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to offset speedy cures without any bad resalt, will nee anus but Dr. DeLaney’s Female Periodical Pills. The only pre­caution necessary to be observed Is, ladies should not take them if they have reasen te beltove they are in eartain aituatiotu (tbs particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying eaeh box,) through always safe and healthy, ta ffsntie, yet so active are they.

Price 91 per box. Thoy eaa be mailed to any part of the United 8tato«.

TO TUB LADIES—Who need a eo»yW«n/w.’ medical adviser with regard te anjs ef theee iaterss- ting oemplaints to which their delicate organisation renders them liable, ais particularly invited to eoa-

Tue “ Elkctuo-Galtanic Pbotectivu.”—For married ladies where health will not admit, sr who have ns desire te iaersaee their families, may b* obtained ns above. It is porfootly safe, sad as boon extensively used during the last sight yean. Pries reduced to 910.

Attendance dally, from 9 fa the morning till 9 at night, and Cta Pandays from 2 till 6 r w.

Medicines with frA directions sent to any pari of, the United States or CsCAndns. by patients com ma a 1 sating their symptoms by faltST, Business eorrsspon dance strictly confidential.

gfSTDr. L’s Office is still located as established, under the name of DR. LA CROIX, at Ns. 3) Maiden Lane, Albany. N. Y.

July, 9. 1861. 115-ly


Usaof thsSKAT OP WAR. being a bird’s riew, by Sehondler, of tho Mississippi River and mut States, from Cairo to New Orleans, Gal- THK subscriber is bow prepare*! to ma«u

foetnre te order at his new and extensive eetablMt en e, situated at tide water, Uondout.

8TSAM ENGINES,High end Low Pressure, Stationary and FortaWr, Herb sontal, Beam, and OacllHuting.

MILL GBABIKG, of all desertpttena, for Cement, Paper, Grist, and Saw Mttla, Tanners, foe., foe., and «v«. ry variety if Bit A 88 and COMPOSITION CAST­INGS. Particular attentlou paid to REPAIRS OF STEAMBOATS AND STATIONARY ENGINES.

BOILERS,of ovary description, made to order andrepaired^

Rondout, June 27, 1861. 113-y

DENTAL ROOMS,(Over C. J. Tovrauen4*s Store,)

WHERE all the various operations te Dental Surgery, or Mechanical Dentistry are par-

farmed with care, skill aad dispatch.Nerves killed and teeth extracted without pain.

Dr. E. ■. VARY.


A FELICITOUS study ef morning clouds, where- CX fa the sunlit vapors of the dawn and the lin­gering stars in the firmament wear the aspect of Our Banner fa the Sky.” Just published aud for aio at WYNKOOP’S Bookstore.

Kingston, July 28, 1861.

Publication* for the Times-T II ESTAR SPANGLED BANNER

A BEAUTIFUL partor-taklo edition of “ Tht Star Spangled Ndstner,” exquisitely ill Batra­

ted by F O. C. Dariey, with an Illuminated Cover bv John A. nows, containing the music, adapted by Francis H Browu.

The Great leeues before the Country.

AN ORATION. By Erwamd Bvxbbtt. Deliv­ered at the New York Academy of Muaic, Ju­

ly 4th, 1861.

The Causes ef the Civil War.

BY Job* Loraaor Motlbt, L. L. D, D. C. L., au­thor of “The Rise «f the Dutch Republic,” Ac.,

12mo. For sale at WYNKOOP’S Bookstore.


So. 2 Garden St., Rondout,f?ver grateful for tho kind aad oeafidential patron-

b are so liberally bestowed upon him by the citi­zens of Rondout and vicinity, takes especial pleasure

a giving notice that be has greatly increased his facilit ies for making all of tho various kinds of teeth known to the profession, and can furnish theee in want of teeth at the following reduced priceyWhole upper and under ease* on Vnloan its Baa* |1S 00

u “ “ on Amber Ik 00“ “ “ on Silver U 00

Whole eases on fine sold SO 00“ us Plotiua 30 00

Old cases repaired, and iuL«forn»ed ones readjusted so a* to fit properly, at the shortest aotioa, and at reasonable priooe.

Particular attention paid to regulating, cleaning and filling teeth so as to make them last for thelongest possible time.

All operations wareanted to give satisfaction or money refunded.

Nerves killed and teeth extracted without pain. Hefereaees.

Hon. James Maxbktt, Mabbctterillc, DutcheM Co.Dr. J. S. Tuouwu, Washington, ” “J. H. Coli.ixs, Eeq , Northeast, “Dr. S. G Cook, Stanford, “ “E. W. Ilnnvo!*, Esq., Beckman, “ “Dr. A. Foxda, Po’keepsio.

Roxnorr, March 7 th, 1861. 98

THE subscribers would most respectfully call the attention of their eustomers and the publis

generally of Rondout, and vicinity, to their large and assorted stock of goods, which they would like examined, comprising in part of

Coedinff, Parlor, H'dl and Office STOVES,

of tho newest styles and latest improvements. A fall assortment of7’tn, Copper, Sheet Iron and IIollov Ware,may always be found on hand at Wholesale and Rstsil. j

STOBES:Division St near Ferry,

Rondout; and Eddyville,Next to REQUA’S CORNER.

Fancy and Japansd Tin Ware. Karoseno and Fluid Lamps, Lamp Trimmings, Glass, Wick,

Chimney Brushes, Shades, Ac., Ac. Kero­sene, Coal Oil, Signal Oil and Burning

Fluid of the beet quality, and at the lowest market prices.

LAMPSof all kinds repaired and altered to burn Kerosens; glass put fa globe lanterns.

■^“Particular attention given to

Ship and Steamboat Work,Signal lights, Globs Lamps, Pumps, Ac. Galleys fitted out with all the necessaries oonducive to the comfort of BOATMEN. All orders for JOBBING atiendod to with despatch and executed with neat ness. Tin roofing put on and WARRANTED. Gut- i tore, Leaden, Ac., made and repaired. Having constantly on hand the most varied assortment of goods (which we find no trouble to show) we shall offer them at prices to suit the times.

The business is under tho immediate supervision of the Proprietors, who willspure no efforts to have it maintain the enviable reputation of being equalled by few and surpassed by none.

IUKER A ST IMIS.Rondout, Sept. 24, 1861. V l?f»tf


TAILORING.JAMES HENRY eontinuos tho business which

• he has carried on in Rondout several years at No. 5, MANSION HOUSE,

Division Street.Orders for anything in his tins will be promptly

sxeeutod, and in the most workmanlike style. Di­rections clscely followed fa all cases; aad customers may rely upon any desired variations from prevalent fashioM which they may direct Those wishing to aasuha**P. , Bona-fide Material,

at fqir prices, selected with care by sac who knows what be bays, esua bare their choice from a fair as­sortment at

Cloths, Caselmerea, Vestings and Summer Good*.

Tho usual variety of all articles of Gentlemen’s Dreas-Goods

always on hand.Particalar attention paid t* CUTTING gar­

ments.Ron lout Map 1, I860. Iy53

Seh&H’s Map tke Seat ef Wars

LARGE and carefully prepared, giving a bird’s aye vis* off Virginia, Maryland and Dela­

ware, and tho District of Columbia, showing th* Forte, Positions, Rivers, Mountains, Railroads, and enabling any one to follow tho military operations of the two armies. ?iss 30 by 36 inches. Just pub­lished and for sale at WYNKOOP’S Bookstore.

Kingston, July 25, 1961.

AN ACT OF GRATITUDE.20,000 Conn or s Mkdical Book fob Gjuto

Ivors CmcrLATiow—by a niffierer, who has been effectually cured of nervous debility, lees of momory, and dimness of sight, resulting from early errors, by following the instructions given in a medical work, considers it his duty, in gratitude to tbs author, and for the benefit of Consumptive and Nervous suffer­ers, te publish tbs means used. He will therefore, send free, to any address, on receipt of two stamps, a copy of the work containing every information required. Address, Box 579, P. 0., Albany. N. T.

July, 9, 1861. 115-ly

JL OJLRn,TO tbs Ladies of Rondout and Dutches Co., who

are compelled to send to N. Y. for their fine BOOTS A SHOES—to tke fact that they can at all

times find at DAY’S SEW SHOE STORE, in Kingston, a splendid assortment ef all the differ­ent styles of Ladies, Children's and Misses’ fine Boots and Shoes made, and at much ss prices than can be bought fa N. Y. These goods are made on purpose tot my own trade, all of which are warranted. In oonneotien with the above I keep the largest and most varied assortment ef good made Boot* A Shoes to be found at my place, this side of New York.—

Confining myself to one legitimate business, in­stead of dealing in dry-goods, groceries, snd a gen­eral business, it b ap'iareot to every one that I can buy a better article and sell cheaper than those pet­ty junk shops that infest Rondout. whose dealers know no more about the making of Boots A Shoes than a child. I simply ask, then, what seeority have people in buying at such places in case the shoes Rip, (as most likely thoy will, as such dealers buy our refuse goods.) You cannot get them re­paired without taking them te a Shoe Maker, when if von buy your Boots and Shoes at such a store as DAY’S, you are seeura against all charges when the shoes give out fa any manner whatever. As the above facts are too plain to he contradicted, you are respectfully invited to call aad examine for your­selves, when in want ef Boats A Shoes and Rubbers, when you will be oonvinoed that the only place in Ulster Co., where you eaa hay good Boots A Shoes and Rubbers cheap is at DAY'S Mammoth Shoe Store, 78 North Front St., KIngstoB.



SUCCESSOR TO S. VAN KAMKE, offers bis pro­fessional services to all who may need Dental


Artificial Teeth,In the most approved stylo, and at such prices as shall please all.

Teeth pilled and Extracted in the moet careful manner.

The best and most reliable material used in all ea­ses.

Referf.nprs.—Judge Carr, New York city;Judge Kirkpatrick, Newark, N. J.; J. W. Riggs, M. D., New York eity; Rev. J. Stockbridge, Chaplain U.S. N Geo. N. Van Deusen, Kingston; Wm. F. Romer, Rondout.

837“ Having disposed of my Dental business faKingston, to Dr. M X. Frisrello, it gises me pleas­ure, with my knowledge of his professional ability, to recommend kirn to ell who may desire the servi­ces of a scientific snd practical dentist.

S. S. VAN NAMES. Office at the eM stand. No. 12 Wall Street Kingston, Aug. 13, 1861. 120-ly

Ladies’ Parlor Skates,HEALTH RESTORERS

Pleasant Pastime Associates,And Fashionable Recreative Companteus,

Call and see them at72 WM. C. MORE A Co’s., Rondout

SAMMY BBEKMAN’SIce Cream, Oyster and Confectionery Setloon.

MY friends and numerous customers will at all limos fled at my Saloon, In Kingston, in tbs buitdiug

occupied by the late Mrs. Merritt. OYSTERS of thv koset Kind ; ICE CRE AM, pure and of rood flavor,and alargeaeaortnnoot of CONFECTIONERY of every dee


TO ladles of delicate health or im pared organiza­tion, or te these by whom an increase ef family te from any reason sbjectlsuabls, tbs undereixned would

offer a prescription which isperfoatiy reliabla and safe, and which has -been prescribed in various parts ef th* old world for the past eentary. Although the article is very cheap and sintpla, yet it has bean put ep is half pint bottles and sold very extensively at tbs exborbl- tant price of par bottle, tbs nndcrelgned propaaas te furnish the recipe for tbs small sum at fil,hy the possession of which every lady ean supply herself with a perfect safeguard, at any drug store, for tbs trifling sura of * cents per year. Any phystaan ur druggist will tall you It Is parfoetley harmless, and tbuusar.ds of testimonials can be procured uf its efficacy. Sant to



LUMBER-YARD,formerly kept by B. Hudlar, and win keep constant­ly uu hand affanaral aasfttment af Lamia r in connection with their business in Flovb, Oats, Fred, Buttbb, Cheese, Pome,

And BOYD’S Celebrated Albany AU. K7”The above articles are all of the First Quali­

ty, and will be sold at the------LOWEST CASH PRICES.------

DERRBNBACHER A STEPHAN, Corner of Abeel aad Ravine Streets, Rondout.OeL 28,1861. yx.131

|0TFhe host family Flour, at

Freeman OfficeMip building

DAY’S BULLETIN.ADIES’ Congress Heel Gaiters far 91 a pair,

1 At DAY’S, KingstonADIES* Heel Morocco Boots for 75 Cte.,

1 At DAY’S, Kingston.ADIE6’ Morocco Boots, eity made, for 75 Cte.,

At DAY’SPrunell Congress GaUen, for 71 Cts.,

At DAY’SCongress Gaiters, for 81,

At DAY’SID.' Mat Gaiters for 50 Cts.,

At DAY’S, Kingzton^OmfepiifcgreM Gaiter., for *1,25, EMKK. At DAY’S, KingstonHHHHKias, for 75 Cts.,

At DAY’S, Kingston«rtr|W»)r 81,50,MMMi At DAY’S Shoe Store

75 Cts.,'■ At DAY’S.-

nTCltlbnti, in great varietia*. at PAY’S. ’""PA’fflrr* ' “ “ “ at DAY’S.

« .« M M •tDAY’fi.|FS SHOE STORE, b Na. 78 Nerth Trent BjUagston. 73-ly





Neatly exeeuted, and at prices which defy com­petition.

■^BRONZED WORKexeeutod with neat- ness. I^^Jobe printed in colors, to suit the taste

Marine Railway and Sectional

MORGAN EVERSON would respectfully b form the Owners and MwimHtataHMM|

he is now ready toBl'11.0, 0\ ERH U

Comer of Division and Lackarcanna Siredt,Rondout, N. ¥•

THIS Neer ami Elegant Hotel, standing of X the site of the former Mansion Iloass, offer, ts

the travsilte«,pabne and to those dselrou. of aCOMFORTABLE AND AGREEABLE

RESIDENCE.advantages entirely unequallad ia this regfon. The house, beiug lately completed, is fresh, sisaa aad at- tractive throughout. The rooms are

LARGE, AIRY, fa WELL FCBNISHED.aad th* tabtes always provided with the

Dslisnviss of ths Satiet,ta addition to the more .ohetaatlal tiemeats ef fore. — The RAR I* foreiehed urtth the ehuteeet

X<f«er* «•<! 8«ff«r*.AH the ttegss ruantag te and from tUe Milage step *

this house, aad an hourly eouaerta It with the vfUegr o Khwstan. «. ff. VOV BBCK, Ifreprieler.

jCiwiU Jtstbs



THE suheerthera, with pleasure, eall the attention of the travelltngpubito to their Livery Stock of

HOMES, CARRIAGES, Sue. We ean aooommodato aur patrons with



E. SAMPSON or riding or driving; with CARRIAGES, more hersea, ef the beat style.

PIO-MIC, EXCURSION,and other parties, desiring trusty teams, to out driven, wtllbe provided for at short truth, we keep a FIRST CLASS LIVERY sphere the public oan haws th* bast of aseomi and ws desire a share af pobilo patronage.

•SB iff* FEE* STORE!

Dtvmios to Camai 8t*.B.BAMPS0N

18*2. 149tfFirst *wnlktj—NM-ExplMtYe !

KER3SENR!!For 49 Cts, a Gallon I |



GIFT BOOKS ! a.s r,,e



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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069