Download - OF A COLLECTION OF ~®


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~®<DAlli ~ il~l~~JlllJIW!!~~lli




And Spanislt Guitars,


By CLEMENTI, A Ditto, Square, witk Four Pedals,



dllltt u.m


At the Mart, Bartholurnew Lane, Bank,

On Thursday February 18th, 1836 AND FOLLOWING D4 Y, AT 11 o 'CLO.CK.

--ooo--May lae "Jl'incul the .iJI <>rning of Sak, Catalogues had at tlu M:rrt, curd at Mr. Watson's Oalces, 7g, Cheapside


TJI,e Lotll are BPW .wi&J1 alll"auuttl aud Brront oC e.e1'7 uMriptloD, ~cl are te be Bfnno.ed on Satnrda7 the ~ bln-Jil'a7D'~ of dae l'w-chase-•01Ut7 being &r&c made.

•. -...

,:·:-· .~

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Thursday 18th February, 1836. -~~

.At Eleven for Tn·elve o' Clock. precisely.

1 Collection of Sonatas, Capriccios, Divertimentos, &c. by Haydn, Clementi, Pleyel and others, 2vols.

2 Ditto by Kozeluch, H ullmandel, &c. 2 vols. 3 Edelmann, Ops. 4, 5, 6, 1 and S; and 2 vols. of

Di,·ertimentos, Overtures, &c. 4 Sonatas by Schobert, &c. with Violin accpt. 2 books 5 Arnold's Progressive Lessons, 2 sets ; PF. Sonatas,

&c. by Haydn, Mozart, Cramer, Mehul, &c. 3 vols 6 Overtures, Sonatas, &c. a collection of 2 vols. 7 Sonatas by Bach, ClemPnti. rauunll, Rnrl0n, &c. ~ .C:,hol...cJ·rs Compositions for the PF. a choice col­

lection of ; other pieces by Haydn, Handel, &c. 2 vols.

9 Haydn, Op. 14, 17, 35, with various pieces, 2 vols. 10 Overtures, &.c. 2t1 various by Haydn, Gluck,

Presiello, &c. 11 Marches, Waltzes, Minuets, Sonatas, &c. a parcel 12 Seventeen Sonatas, &c. by Pleyel, Kreusser, &c. 13 PF. ?tlusic, by Kozeluch, Sterkel, Stamitz, &c.

2 vols. 14 Croft's Musicus Apparatus Academicus; The German

Erato, 2 books, ·and various English and Italian vocal pieces

15 Italian Vocal Music, by Sarti, M~ Millico, &c • . 16 Lully, T ragedie, Amadis; et Armide 2 vols. bound

fine copies, Pam 17 Ditto, Tbesee ; et Acis et Galatea, 2 vols. Ditto 18 et Colasse, Tragedie, Achille et P olixene;

Hessione, par Campra; and piccini·s La Schiava

At Blere11}or Ttcelve o'Clock, preaise/9 • 3

19 Rose et Colas ; and 5 collections of F avorite Airs from French Operas. 3 vols.

20 Favart, Ninette a La Cour and 4 others 21 Bishop's Opera, T he Maniac (wants last sheet) The

Bedouins, Sir S. Stevenson; and the Exile, Maz­zinghi

22 Lays of the German Minstrels; German Melodies, 20 Nos.; and 9 pieces from Der Freischutz

23 Ditto and various pieces from Der Frei.schutz, and German Me-lodies

24 Twenty-two pieces, various by Meyerbeer, W eber, &c.

25 German National Melodies, &c. 14 Nos. ; and 10 Nos. from Der Freischutz

26 Meyerbeer's II Crociato, pieces from, 17 Nos. and 7 others

27 T wenty pieces for the PF. by Moscheles, Gelinek, &c. -

iS Nine ditto for PF. and Violco. &c. by R~. Dnssek, Gmnd, &c.

29 German Nationall\Jelodies, 15 Nos. and 3 others 30 Weber's F reischutz, 8 No's. & Melodies, &c. l 6Nos. 31 Overtures, Marches, Waltzes, &c. 25, by eminent

masters 32 Flute Solos, Duets, &c. 12 various, by Kuffner,

Kohler, &c. 33 National Melodies accpt. PF. or Guitar, 1 vol; and

18 pieces various 34 Handel, Anthem, " As pants the Hart " score and

parts MS. 35 W esley, [0.] Organ Concertos in score, MS. 36 Handel, Anthems, Gloria Patri, in parts; Motet by

Mozart, ditto ; and various 37 Salomon's Canzonets, 2 sets; Camidge' s Glees,

and various 38 Haydn, the Seven Last Words, in parts, MS, and va­

rious music


4 At Elevettfor Tteelve o'Clock precisely.

39 Colonna, Domine ad Adjuvandnm; Carissimi, 'Beatus vir,' score and parts ; Morales, Motetts ; a compo­sition presumed to be by Steffimi, and one other

40 W esley's (C) Compositions in score llarge vol MS 41 PuRCELL, ORPHEUS BRITANNICus, fine portrait, 2

vols in one, 8carce 1692--1702 42 Views in Nice, with descriptions 43 Colnaghi's Views in London 1 vol 44 Full fathom Five, a Glee by Jackson 6 copies 46 Handel, Oratorio, Athalia, LP · Arnold 46 .. Dettingen te Deum, and Triumph and Truth 47 Engli8h Opera8 (22) by Shield, Arnold, Kelly, Sto­

race, Arne, Dibdin, &c. 48 Vauxhall Songs, 8 sets; and J ackson and Storace's


49 Hague's Installation Ode ; Orsm Pieces, 2 sets; ~~~- .­~Nii~M;mo~Jf.!! ..... ~ ..,..:sell~- '* ' ~.......,. . . 5~~~;'1 QUaJ~tts, Quintetts, &c. by Nuske,

l•'iorillo. Haydn, &c. 9 sets :n Musical Magazine, voll; a vol ofltalian Songs; and . .

mus1c vanous 52 Overtures and Violoncello Concertos in parts, 10 sets

by Trickier, Duport, Pleyel, &c. 53 Handel's Bass S ongs,; Dryden's Ode and varioW! 54 Concertos (3) Flute principal, by Hugot and Danzi,

inparls 55 ~eridge'a, 2books, trery8C4f'Ce, The Banquet

of Music, with others in 1 vol. bound 56 Borghi, Salmo, I.audate Pueri; and Teramintas,

Stanley, 2 books MS. 57 The Beggar's Opeza;.~'s Romances, 3 books,

~. . -58 Paer Opera, Sophonisbe,-v-9C81 score, ,2 books 59 Violoncello Music, &c. by Reicha and others • 60 PF. and FL Music, &c. by Beethoven, Fur.stenau,

llies. &c. 61 Correlli, Sonatas in score, H andel's Organ Concertos;­

Greene's Lessons, &c.

At Eleven j(Jr Tu·elve o'Clock precisely. -.)

62 Chorusses, &c. in sr.ore, MS.

63 Th3e6

H(armo!licoNn Mag2





N) 2o2s.Nl to \.6..

, wantmg os. to , 4, , an os. J \ 64 Tne Cadeau, Music by Newland, Poetry by Bayley, 65 Ditto ditto 66 Ditto ditto 67 Ditto ditto 68 Ditto ditto 69 The Cadeau, Poetry by Sforza, &c. Music hy Weber,

Neukomm, &c. 70 Ditto ditto 71 Ditto ditto 72 Ditto ditto

,.4 a., .. Ditto ditto .. . . . .. . : . . fi,~,. ...... :.

7 4 Thirty pie<:es of modern Vocal ·ltn'd · ·Jnstrnmen1~tr Music

75 Thirty ditto 76 Thirty ditto

77 Thirty ditto 78 Thirty ditto 79 Thirty ditto 80 Thirty ditto 81 Over~es to Freischutz as Fl Duets, 28 copies; ditto

to Preciosa 4 copies; Keller's Solos, 5 copies 82 Music various, a parcel 83 Six pieces for PF and Fl ; and 6 for PF and Vio. by

Mehul, Clementi, Mozart, Ries, Dressler, &c. 84 Ricciotti, Concerti Armonici; and Scarlatti's Con-

certos; in parts 85 A Porcelain Transparency 86 Ditto 81 Ditto 88 Twenty-six pieces by Weber, Mozart, Spohr, &c. 89 Twenty-five ditto by Salieri Spontini, &c. 90 Guitar Music, &c. 19 pieces by Kreutzer, Horetz­

ky, Derwort, &c.

To Be Re-scanned



113 114


116 117

118 119 120

121 . . .


At Eleven for Twel·ve a~ Clock precisely. 1 '

Marcello's P salms, vols 2 and 4 [wanting 1st sheet] Couperin l'art de toucher le· Clavecin, and 3 other vols

Boyce's 12 Overtures, 'Oer!J scarce; and 8 each by Martini and Arne in parts

Haydn's Quartetts, Ops -65, 76 (2 bks), and 100 Geminiani, Concerti Grossi, Ops 2, 3, 4 & 7, in parts

scarce Music various by Beethoven, Giordani, &c. · The Cadeau, with engravings Boyce's Chaplet; Hasse, Oi>era Tisbe e Piramo; &

Blandford's Sonatines . . . Sonatas, &c: for the PF by Boccherini, Haydq, Bach , Garth, &c 2 vols bounrl, with 4 books of ~ accpts

Riley's Duets for 2 F lutes, with bass part to form Trioo 3boob

123 Barthelomon's Violin Duets and vario~ .

·-l24. ... ~~<Duets"' 10 sets ; .~d various · ·-....../ 125 ., Duets for Violins, ViO~& Violco, &c. 12 sets by Bar- "'-.

thelemon, Boccherini, &c · 2 voltf l 126 P epusch, Sonatas ; and 2 boob 127 Sonatas by Clementi, Pleyel and Staes, one vol, 2

books of accpts 1~ PF Music by Pleyel, Clementi, Mazzinghi, Koze-

luch, &c 5 boob 129 Carelli, Sonatas-Trios; his PosthumOU8 Work; and

11 sets by various authors, fine ct>pies in 4 vols bound 130 Quartetts and Trios, 15 sets by Haydn, ~cherini,

Stamitz, &c. . 4 vols 131 Music by various authors · 4 vols 132 Storace'• Collection of Harpsiclwrd Mr#ic, 2 vols

witlt'~ -fl9oks of accpts -,_ 133 Symphonies, ·&c. in parts, 9 vols· by Haydn, De­

·vaux, and others - • 134 Porcelain Transparency

130 Ditto · · •

8 At Eleven for 1 'welve o ·Clock precisel!J.

136 Porcelain Transparency 137 Marches, Waltzes, Melodies, &c. 138 German Minstrel Melodies, &c.

40 pieces 20 piecei

23 ditto 139 Ditto ditto 140

141 142 143 144

145 146

147 148 149 150

I 0

- ' I

Airs with variations, &c. for PF by Beethoven, Hummel, Gelinek, &c.

Twenty-four pieces of Music ••

Eighteen ditto T.M.enty-five ditto by Meyerbeer, Weber, &c W eber's Freischutz, 9 numbers; and Melodies, &c. 15 nos.

Melodies, &c. 20 nos. and 10 others Lays of the German Minstrels ; and various other

p1eces German.Nationlll Melodies,. one vol; and· ditto . . . Twenty-five pieces, vocal and instrumental Twenty-five ditto, ditto

Thirty ditto · · · · ditto · ' ~ - · •

• ·=-=~-= • ( . , ~ • - . . -

• •

' • -"nJJ of Stwt .IJal't · . .

• •


,. • 1


t'l76 177

At Eleve1t f()r T-welve o ·Clock precisely.

Corelli' s Sonatas and Concertos, adapted for Organ or PF 2 vols bound

Abel, 18 Syl!lphonies in score, 1 vol. and 1 other MS

178 Handel, Sonatas, Trios, 2 sets ; Stanley's Volun-taries 3 sets ; and 2 others

179 Anecdotes of Handel and Smith, Portraits, bound 180 Shield's Introduction to Harmony, 181 Mozart's Requiem, vocal score


182 Antoniotto, L'Arte Armonica, or Treatise on Music, bound

183 Geminiani, Art of Accompaniment; and Diction-naire Harmonique 2 books

184 ~ 185 ~~

186 187

Handel, Oratorio, Theodora, bound, Am ---, C~lebrated Chorusses: (147) arranged

Organ or P F, io,. one vot,"botu¥~ Corelli's Concertos, in score, Pepusch's Editi Overtures for PF by Haydn, P~eyel, &c. 1 vol. Haydn, Omtmo, The~~ adapte<loY:Ctemim-

2 vol.s bound ·.., " .

ti; TheSea80R8, Ballads, Canzonets, 3 sets, &c.~·

189 T rios, by Abel, Arne, &c. 3 vols bound -u

190 Hayda's Compositions for the P ia'TUJfarte, a choice ~;;;·""· ·~.p>llection of, 4,.!~lsJ?o~t!.wJtb .. twg...2f ,accpts. V " 3 vols with 2 'of accpts. z '" ..«'l .. ( .. · ~•-... ~

Pleyel's Quartett's, aS Tno:s;· ·hY.--lbachillF, aRQI Clementi, 4 vols bo-end 1.'\

193 Ten Overtures in ~by Winter, Paer,.§t.£_ . - ~ -. -

194 snerture b;y,Spoh;a ,, A. Romberg; . ,- • , a ditto by "Pieyet ; ~ , -~!' 195 Overtures by Weber·:'~

.? ._..--- Duets. _. 196 by Beethoven, Me~ul, Paer, RossU¥t~~: as

ditto · "· ·12~vanous I '

197 H aydt1 and Mozart' s Symphonies arranged .(or fF accpt-Fl, Vio & Violco, by Rimbault 3 .'DOS. each . ' ,._

198 Pleyers ditto, Nos. 2, 3' and 4 ;- and' Baydn'No. 16 199 SJiield's Pantomimes, a collection of, in 1 volscan:e ' ... .,~, -

( ~,C ~.. J.- I ...,. ' -

200 201 202 203

At Elevenfor TweltJe o'Clock precisely. ll

English Operas by Linley, 7 various in 2 vols .bouri<t-.1 . -- by Arnold and Kelly 1 vol r -- the Devil' s Bridge ; and Family Quarrels 2 vols -- Friend in Need, Blue Beard, Feudal Times,

Castle Sceptre, Kelly ; and Captive of Spilberg, Dussek l vol

204 D1bclin 's Operas, a very fine Cullectaon of, i11 3 vols bound, scarce

205 Old English Operas, a scarce Collection of, 3 vols bound


201 208

'(1209 1'1.10

'i2ll 212 213 214

~215 .,..,.216

217 218

220 . ~

Auber, Opera Der Schnee, arranged for PF Wien --La Muette de Portici, vocal score Leipsic -- La Niege, ditto Bonn ~ Rossini, Otello ditto '-Winter, le Sacrifice lnterromptu• ilitto Schlesin~}t'~ ~-~ -- Timotheus fnll scor~- . . . . Leipstc ~ , ) Meyerbeer, Il Crociato in Egitto, v~al ·score Bonn

ditto ditto Spontini, La Vestale, vocal score, 3 acts Mozart, Don Juan ditto

Boildieu, la Dame Blanche, vocal score Weigl, Die Uniform; and Das Waisenhaus

m •

Italian and.others ,

Twenty-three. Songs, Ballads, &c. by W elsh, Hawes, Severn, &.c. ·

Twenty-five ditto by Weber, Beale, A . Lee, &c. Twenty-eight ditto by Horn, Mrs. Kerr, Weber, &c

12 .A.t Elevenfor Twelve v'Ctock precisel!J.

Favorite Airs from the Operas of R ossini, Weber, Mercadante, &c. for PF 10 books

228 --Herold, Weber, Paer, &c. as PF Duets 9 bks X- 229 PF Duets, 10 various by Beethoven, Mozart, &c

--~wo!mtr===-iuiddiit'tt~o;-b~y-Mozart, H erz, N uske, &c 231 Flute, and Fl &. PF Music, 16 pieces by Berbiguier

Saust, Nicholson, etc . 232


238 239 240


i43 244 ~

246 247 248


-- Duets and Trios, 10 sets by Gabril:llsky, Weiss, &c

PF and Flute Music, 21 pieces by Moscheles, Ber­biguier, Tulou, &c

PF and Violin Music, 12 ditto by Mozart, Hummel, Cherubini, &c

Fifteen sets of Quadrilles by Musard and others Sixteen ditto by Paine and Weippert Twenty-four pieces for the PF by Mozart, Mosche-les, Clementi, &c

Twenty ditto by Beethoven, Hummel, Rawlings, &c Fighteen ditto by Moscheles, Pixis, Czerny, & others Twenty-one ditto by Beethoven, Mozart, Chaulieu,

Moscheles, &c Twenty-one ditto by Pixis, Czerny, Dussek, Ries,

&c. Twenty-blr ditto by Hummel, Chaulieu, Kirmair,

&c Twenty-Jive ditto by Herold, Ling, Kalkbrenner, &c Twenty-three ditto by Ries, Bunten, Herold, &c Eighteen ditto by Cr.uner, Chaulieu, Rawlings, &c Eighteen ditto b:y'Hetz, Rawlings, &c

• Twenty-four ditto by Clementi, Hea, Kinnair, &c Morky's Ccmzoruts for 3 and 4 wices Hollmtd' 4- Cooie 's


HAYDN, 66 QuARTET'I'S 4 ve~, boards The Commandments in ten Canons, br 3, 4, and 5 voices, by Haydn

Corelli's Concertos in score, P epusch's Edition, fine copy

Bruni, Methode pour le Violin, Pam

. . . •

At Eleven for Ttrelee o'Clock precisely. 13

Bochsa, Methode po11r Ia Harpe, boards. Moore's Irish Melodies, 2 Nos The HARMONICON MAGAZINE & REviEw, 60 Nos. CO~IPLETE

256 Apollo's Gift, a Musical Souvenir, plates; and Turnbull's Highland Melodies

257 258 259 260


261 An excellent Violin, with bow 262 A Spanish Guitar, wit/1 .!Jiachine ltea<l

263 A Bassoon 264 A Box Concert Fltde, 6 Silver lleys, Ivery Tipt, Pate-~tt

Head, in Fren~h poluhed Rosewood case

265 An excellent Violin 266 A FINE TONED TENOR, by KLOTZ 267 A Tenor Room 268 An Octave Bassoon 269 A Royal Kent Bugle, 6 keys, Harper's Improved 270 A CABINET PIANOFORTE OF SIX OCTAVES in ma-

hogany case, green silk front, brass ornaments, &c by CLEMENTI, & Co.

271 A GERMAN SERAPHINE, in mahogany case 272 A FINE ToKED VIoLIN, by FoRSTER 273 DITTO by p AMPHILION 274 A Flageolet, Ivory tipt, 4 Silver keys; a Violin; an

F Clarinet . 275 SQUARE PIANOFORTE of siX ocTAVES, with 4

pedals, in French polished mahogany case 276 A Cocoa Concert FZ.t~. 7 Silver lceys, Ivory tipl, Patent

Aead, f}o. by Clementi, in Ro&eu;O(}(/ case.

271 Fine Toned Violin, with Bow in case 278 Spanish Guitar, with Machine head

·- ..- .

. I

14 At Eleve'~ far T 'welve o'Clock precise!!}.

281 Smith·s [I. S.J Anthems and choir Service 282 Sonatas, Concertos, &c. by Haydn, Pleyel, Cr&mer,



Haydn, 4 sets of Quartetts, and 1 Quartett P F Music by Beethoven, Clementi, &c; Songste»'s Preceptor; MS Music and various

Hf1ndel's Vocal 1-Vorks, Dr. L Clarke's Edition, Nos. 1 to 31, both it~clusive, L arg e Papt>:r

Judas Maccabeus, Portrait, Randall Esther Arnold

Mace's Musicks Monument, fine copy, scarce Purcell's Orpheus Britannicus, 2nd book; Per­golese's Stabat Mater, and 1 Qther

290 PF Preceptor; Miller's Institutes; Dictionary to 1\lusic, 1st part and various

291 -~?<folp~e, Solfeges, l vol boards 292 Antoniotto L 'Arte Armonica, or Treatise on

Music, bound · 293 Bemetzrieder's General Instructions in Music 294 Solfeges D'Italie par Leo, Hasse, Durante, &c 295 Vanderhagen, Nouvelle Methode de Flute, and 3

others 296 Journal de Flute, or Flautist's Manual, 1 vol 297 Correlli's Sonatas, Trios, with Organ part, 4 vols

Walsh 298 Pleyel' s Quartetts for Tenor and Violco, 4 vols 299 Handel, Oratorio, Messiah; and Judas Maccabeus,

Harrisons' s Edition, 2 vols 300 Songs, with Frontispiece, l vol 301 Corelli's in score, Dr. PepU$Ch's Edition 302 Just in time, Agreeable Surprise, and various Les-

sons, Sonatas, &c. 2 vols 303 Beauties of Melody edited by Plumstead 304 Haydn, 12 Symphonies for afoli band 10 boolcs

305 Quartetts by Haydn, Boccherini, Abel, &c 4 vols 306 P P MWlic, with accompts: a choice collection of,

3 vols

At Eleven for T'l!Jelve~o 'Ciock ·preciS.ely • . 15

307 Sonatas-Trios, a very fine· collection, by Haydn, Mozart, Pleyel. Kozeluch, Mazzinghi, &c. 4 vols. bound

308 PF and Violin Music by Beethoven, Mozart, Pleyel, &c. 2 books

309 PF and Flute Music by Gianella,- Nicholson, &c. bound · ·

310 Flute Duets by Pleyel, Hoffmeister, Devienne, &c. 2 books

311 Sonatas Trios, 2 Violins and Bass, &c. by Mozart, Breval, Pleyel, &c. 3 vols. bound

3-12 HAYDN'S QUARTETTS, COMPLETE, 4 VOls. boards 313 Sixteen pieces for the PF by Pixis, Pleyel,

Schunke, &c. 314 Twenty ditto by Czerny, Kuhlau, &c. 315 Eighteen ditto by Hummel, Mozart, ~e. 316 Seventeen ditto by Hunter, Kalkbrenner, &c. 317 Fifte~n ditto by Czemy, P~achy, Pixis, &c

' .. 318 Eighte~n ditto by Hummel, Herz, and others 319 Nineteen ditto by Czerny, Kuhlau, &c. 320 Eighteen ditto by Schunke, Mereaux, Pixis, &c. 321 Twenty-six pieces for Italian Vocal Music by·

Rossini, and others 322 Twenty-seven ditto by Rossini, Vaccaj, &c. 323 Masses in parts, MS

324 Motett ' Lord have mercy' and other music 325 Symphonies by Muntzberger, and odd.;parts 326 Sonatas by_i>ussek, _with accompts •

• 327 -- by Mozart, &c. ditto 328 .. Organ Con~ertos by Rameau, &c; 329 Plates of Heather's Soulagement de Studio 330. Concertos by Griffin, &c. with accpts 331 Lo( pf Bridges, Strings, and Sundries

<to ..... ~~ • •

332 Sixteen pieces foT PF by Pixis, Plachy, Pleyel, &c. 333 N~eteen by Qherubini, Czerny, Diabelli, &c. 334 Eighteen by Czerny ~ Moscheles, &c.

. .

\ .-.. / ', "\


. ~

16 At Eleven for Twelve o'Clock p1·ecisely.

330 Seventeen by Pixis, Pleyel, Schunke, &c. 336"· ~Twenty-two by Czerny, Hummel, &e. 331 Eighteen by Pixis, Pleyel, Schunke, &c. .

338 Nineteen by Czerny, Herz, &c. ; :·_ .; .. y, 339 Eighteen by Rossini, Moscheles, &c. . . . . -,~r 340 ~~~-QC~W!ic 'by ~pohr ... Scbn)~,~c. f ·c.~ 341 . Thirty ditto - ditto

SU Thirty ditto ditto 343 'Tis a pleasure, 35 cop ; Fantasia, 10 c ; and Pot

Pourri, 7 c. ... 344 War Song, 148 cop; Rose of Honor, 50 c; Devo­

tion, 48 c ; and set of Quadrjlles, 48 c 345 Thine Eyes so bright, 30 c ; Rhine, 48 c ; & Sere­

nade, 50 c 346 German Aeoliana, music for a parcel

.. .. ....- · ·~·'

' . ·r