Download - OER Overview (College Of The Canyons)

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Expanding Access: The Case for

Open Educational Resources

FLEX Workshop #4F

James Glapa-Grossklag and John Makevich

August 17, 2009

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Topics What are Open

Educational Resources? Benefits and Challenges COC’s Repository What Can You Do?

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What Are Open Educational Resources?

Digitized Content Teaching & Learning Materials Readily Available Usable and re-usable Low-Cost or No-Cost Public Domain/Open Source/

Creative Commons

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What Drives OER? Innovation by faculty Ease of access by faculty and students Reduced cost of materials to students Legal requirements Survey results

92% of 48 responding said they are likely or very likely to use OER if such materials were readily accessible.

72% of 48 responding said they are interested in helping to produce or identify OER

--Spring 2007 Survey of COC faculty

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Lower Barriers to Education

Expand Access

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Gives faculty tools for freedom from

publishers’ dictates about learning

content and delivery

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Resistance to change Limited supply of high

quality content in some disciplines

Digital DivideWorkload

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Current Projects University Transfer Planning (Michelle LaBrie) Land Surveying (Regina Blasberg) Physical Geography (Vincent Devlahovich) Introduction to Library Media Tech, video podcast (Ron

Karlin) Welding Lab photos (Tim Baber) Oceanography and Geology, audio podcasts (John Makevich) Distance Learning orientation, video podcasts (Michelle

LaBrie, John Makevich, and Renee Drake)

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Implementation: Equella Content-management system Stores all file types Federated searches Can customize sorting and organization of

materials Photo library “Playlists” of content General subject search

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The grand tour

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What Can You Do? Learn More at Workshops and Roundtables Contribute Content Adopt Content Create Content

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For More Information• See COC Library’s OER website:

• See COC’s OER repository:

• Contact: Leslie Bretall, James Glapa-Grossklag,or John Makevich

• Thanks to Dr. Van Hook, Jim Temple, Mike Gunther,Chad Estrella, and the pilot faculty user group