Download - .. Ü E.~ · 2017-12-20 · -.cctore of Chnt-lt-H .amcr«, E*q. before the Bostou I^yccMiu-Fnir at A_iory jä

Page 1: .. Ü E.~ · 2017-12-20 · -.cctore of Chnt-lt-H .amcr«, E*q. before the Bostou I^yccMiu-Fnir at A_iory jä


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¿rtlit.s. 25 coats.

'j-7 THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a very large paper,¿y.fcGouutry.ts published every Satardav morn.. atg low price ot 92 per anncm. in advance. "

|frHE TR1BÜNE.~the \^===--__-=_=rr._.


-.cctore of Chnt-lt-H .amcr«, E*q. beforethe Bostou I^yccMiu-Fnir at A_ioryjä<_i-_»-lii_i*r Petition-«- <3kc.

Corresponden.; ot The Tribune.¦e is«-VBad111;-to*»-S*.eofthenr.

, Boston, December £3,12.2.Tl.e Lecture of Charles Lames, Esq. of your

fity, before the Boston Lyceum, last evening, af-yrried a high degree of pleasure and satisfaction¡»a «.un-rous audience. His subject was The'lodern Commercial tíyslem. Thé principal idea¡¡ich Mr. E. sought to illustrate and enforce was,Jaithe Commercial System ot* the present dav is

itnigbty instrument in the hands of Providence.5. tho cüfranchtserneüt and moral elevation of theit- .

The Abolitionists opened a really splendid Fair».An-ory Hall on Tuesday, which will not close...jj after Christmas. It attracts crowds of vis-30 and purchasers from the wealthy aud fash-¿.ible circles, end the sales already amount to

¡pmxd of $1,200. Besides the articles furnishedif tie ai-i-slavery women of Massachusetts, thereg large and magnificent assortment from Eng-

;e St-, lieland and Scotland; ai.d in addition to

£f L-most infinite variety of things usual on such

.. f<c*°'i>"s> l*'ero li a .¦.»>«»<. splendid assortment ofr.t fciiatic«ji«, (the gift uf a wealthy connoisseur,) in-e* |a.itig a faithful picture of Ckanning, and apro-.w iction of Vandyke, vnlued at $11,000. On tBfiny ^ok-tabic is a beautiful annual, " The iibertyor M, by Frienda of Fn-erlom," in which 1 noticed'Jt krtic.cs.frorn the pena uf Lord Mórpeth, Dr. Bow-

' Rig, rienry Morickton Milnes, H.,Bob) Picrpoht, «Mrs. Child, »iam.-s It. Lowell, «&c.

r- JTbe hull i< tiitefully decorated with evergreen,'.cidin the entab!attires arc plarad appropriate mot-

A.«ÎO-at.ed,.'.-1E :.-¦«I.V.insro-tcd


ornl ¡im in .vario.m ¡angu-iges, which give tho whole

exceedingly fine effect.I havb given you heretofore a pretty full account

tftlte celebrated Larimer slavo case. There is one

Dtaiure, however, of great public importance,«rowing out of that case, to which, I believe, I havefa hitherto nlluded. I mean the petitions to

Coci-ress and the Slate Legislature, which are nowiacirculution in every part of tho Commonwealth,..tying for fruch action *- as shall forever separatethe people of Massachusetts from all connection.ii alaveiy." li these petitions received only theti|_ttui-es usually aftixc_ to abolition memorials,lie) might he passed over ns of comparativelyi.JI importance. But the fuot is otherwise. They.signed by many of out most distinguished citi

)f -'. cl^gyrhen, politicians, .c..and, in some

fan, (in Ndntucketj for example,) by almo, theretins Bdult population', malo and female. Thai

«jar readers, _urih und Sotlth, muy be furnish»-)»itbpreciso information as to the object sought byt.cpetitions, 1 hi-rc insert them :

(?REAT rPTiTION TO CONGRESS."t tie Stnute und House of Rcpretentatixcs of the United

States of America:Tue uadcr-cncd, citizens of the .Stale of Massachusetts,.ritly desiring to free this Commonwealth and the »;-

.from ;! connection with domestic slavery, and lo»«.reihe citir-nsof theirSiatefrom the danger of enslave-,re*;*e*-Hu!ly pray y.»Ur honorable bod> ,

k.. pasa tí-.ich lawK. und propose such amendments lo theif M.iluli.i of the United S.les, as »hall forever separate

Itfrt-opleof .H«.ichu«eltsfroin all connection wi'.li slaver«,'.C REAT «MASSVCHU.SE ITS PETITION,

fitóe 5»ii.e and House of Representatives of theState ofTàî'issavhiitetts :

The undersigned, Citizens ot the State of Massachusetts,...illy de.-»inng to free this Commonwealth and them-fit»! nom ail connection with domestic slavery, and tomre the cit'zensof this State from the danger of enslave-Ml,respvetfully pray your honorable body,IToforbiii all per-oni holding otlice under any law of¡.sStste, from in any way, or uuder color ol-iw, aiding or ah.Img'the nrrrst or detention of any per--«claimed a» n fugitive from slavery.I Totbrhi«! the use of our jiil.»or public property of anyteip'.ioo whatever, within the Comnionwenltl), iu the de-fc-aof anv alleged fujílttve from slaveiy..iTo pr»iK«sa such'amendments lo the Constitution of¡tel'Oiled States, a« shall forevr-r r«epdnitb the people olSit.buseits from all connection with slavery.The intention is, J am tuld, to append all the

»'.natures to one and the same copy of these peti-»i., and present them in this form to Congressmd the State Legislature. They will no doubt befelted by a greater nu.mber of signatures than waswer appended to any-petition presented to eitherof-osc bodies. What measures, if any, will grow«lof them, it is impossible tó foresee.

Yours, truly, Rkvilo.

Britith -icr.iner«».WV»t Indies..'o_t-ninrc, «Sec.

Correspondence of The Tribune.St. Thomas, Nov. 25,1342.

Tbe Wen India steamers leave Southampton the lsi and1-of every month for St Thomas, touching al Comuna in

«?_, sod at Madeira. The pa-sage is 20 days. On arriv-*l Thorn.u, four smaller «learners take the» Demerara, touching at all the windwprd islands ; a

.**»-! :or Jamaica, touching at all the leeward islands i a

--- for Bermuda, and the lourth for Havana. On tbe-if day of the arrival of the English mails, a return

W-sier leaves St. Thomas for England.-e.¦ steamers aie a mercantile »peculation, receiving

«¦so Government a iaryebum for liai_pouing the mails,.*tBi-er their present arrangement they cun never sue*

rL The Company run them at too great expense« Theycoaituamted by half-pay officers, or those who have

-**jiu navnl service, and they bave under them, at hii;h.*-ici, aln-.osl as othcers.:s a nian-ol-war. All aie

«-led oui with as mach gilt and glitter a Spani»h*-»kineliilVdulv, and ibu» wearing the livery of the Roijal-..r»Lt /)¦'.-: 7»»_u Steam Packet Company, tl.ey lire .juile-t^N.ant characters, iu iheirown e»ttnmi'ion, as it in ber

.ruly's server*. On shore here they have a Superinten---luitamis be-des the i', an agent to supply.--. Mt-rt s, a!thottgh-lh- cap. iu of ev.iry Ailamic steainer in harbor lor 22 days, and a banker, in a.idumn to

-FUis<ritiat every stetuntr has. Thus you see threeP«!««i» permanently residiPg here, at large salaries,doing«-k-itaiivaciive cou.m« retal cap .in ot iaitlitgence inter-

ts^c m'his vessel would do tusl tmnselL .-ihousb tbe

^t-nvj in London buili ihesc steamers to make nionev byi*--m. iuev are to i-'noiaui of Hie manner in whicn they«.(¦uiu tx» c.Jucied, ibat Ibey" are daily sinking tbrir

.».«al. Jî»erv «atiuuat man sees that until they appoint a

-*»i-iercii»l captain, who will oitmd to hWbUsines*.id lerl".'««Ud therein, and think more of concdiaung the ginwl*ui of travelers lh»n oi his gltitermg epaulettes und «>r¡gt-«h-tS«iid br rest-in' tide lor every tiling, lh« Company*Uf «fvtr n»a!.e a divithnd. The fear s that they wdl« -«¦ iuuiiiue tlie'tr line boals in despair. The pnce o vas-

f-ieu^lo, ¡md those who ha made it, complain ot iue.t..lent it««. .alile.-oisijay n oeautiiul steamer came In fuDy manoe<l »iid

-««Eti«:, ..i ofa t irt;e cl_s it was the Moinezutaa.on h-r

*|-y m V»-ra cr-jz, l»»r -».:1a Ana lo opérait: with agai.t.tu«, Ti.e office.«* and ciew were English,bat siitd ihi-y-»only ei !*4«.ed lo take «.he vessel tu Mt-xlco.St. 'i bora«. i» a »-. port, ami -urttil recer.tlv no Consuls

-".reheie it indict _tar-*esi on vt.ets touehing lor i.ews.-..i orders liut uow the Spautsh U«.vvnmie.t has a Con-»nlin port, aud tvery ve-»el tli&l comes to anchor mast, if,**. u is ic«.«ernHy Ibe cast. slie is On lici way t»> furrio Rico«¦""Cm-a, pay him six dollar*., and this even it she does not*>i-ch-ge or tike in car-»©. Tbe United St»le» now bave aCo_m hrre, «ud if tl -« a« American v-*e_l, ami it *;ene.»*% is, he Atut also be paid. V-.«els coming for orders* must, as is easily aid safely doue, lay od'¡_U ou und»*-.i m a íx>., and then there is no charge,Mitbin lue pasl jear nu excellent marine railway has

t-n neatly con»j»l- fd, and some sbipi ol the brRt-t cl*t-««.o be laken up. _>«»»'«y »__.«M. now in pon, _k1 pro*

|.coce ot .- Slates U oull of>.e. Tbe «yop in Tueriu itico«^ -d St Ctoix will be late, hinvhig been retarded by dry

-»eattver. ... , ....

There han Athenaeum here, at which are fonnd all theReviews, me towlgn _.«**»pap*«rs. and Uie _*_m_t>.laO.of», «.ery .j.ooû iu»r.y. Thtire B »hou g*:.I hotel, with good.»rjte clean »i>y room», and etccllcutublts, uni a hue pros-Per', of toe I.i> «_.». hai _>r. A. C.

£_ Doctor ..aráucr-'-e a-»«ectn_C8..The secondMition of Doctor Lardnttr's complete Course of Lecture»« in the Ciiy of Kew-Yorh is published and for sale--üiisoftice. Price 35 cenis The subject* embraceit in.he Lecture?« are : Electricity.The Sun.Gtlvaabtri.TheKted star».M.^nrtic Needle.L-Utude and Loncfitude.-lie«chin?, T-mt-inf*.Popular Fullncies-Ligbi-Pallmg8t*rs.TeniporMry Star».lit.orical Sketch of As-ironomy-.Dew.Science aule«l l,y Art.Scient ifi« Dis«-tv*^i«*s.-S.>und-*V¡0rai_.ns of ihe Keima; Voltaic öatterj'.StfMm Engine«¦fUreal Bntam and America..p*C5ot-l B«_Ur_and o»r«-.«aaT_o«-j_ cms .-obtained

.*-N__c«_-_rç-, (S)ai*tf


VOL,. If. flfiö. »222.

Ldctlla ontke Reading or the Scriptures, from th.French -*r A. Monod. Kobert Carter, 58 Canal st.This work has been recently published in France

where it has been received by the friends of learning and piety with very general and decided favor,Its principal purpose is to show and insist uporthe inspiration ¿f the Bible ; and it is intended tcexert an influence alike against prevalent Frencl:infidelity, and the spirit of Romanism, which ob¬jects tn the general perusal and private interpreta¬tion of the Scriptures. It is written in the form olletters, and in a very smooth and pleasing stvle.

More of the Gale..The following namedpersons, cunsv.i.-tin-- tho crew of the schoonerLaguire, are believed to have been lost during therate gale on Lake Erie, viz : Daniel N. Smith,acting master ; Charles Cox, mate ; James Reed.Wm. Sttm-cll and John Wallace, d»;-ck hands. Novestige of the vessel has yet been found, however;but a quantity of flour, known to have been en

board, ban been found on the coast near Point Al¬bino.a feet which can leave no doubt of the f-iteof the vessel. The inh-ibitunts of the neighbor¬hoods of Point Abino and Windmill Point, are

feasting upon the provisions which have washedashore from the différent wrecked vessels.

[R'vhestcr Dem.

Misino in Mai*--*;..I'rop;, ration»; are bringmade and «early compk'terl by a gentlemen iu thiscity to work the extensive iron mine in Williamsbur*,h about 4U miles north ofthis city. The furnacewiil soon b«i in fall blast] and from what we canlearn of the advantages of the location, and knowof th« enterprise and ability of the men engn<-ed.we may reasonably expect'that 'his will be an im¬portant branch of industry 10 that section of thecountry. [Brtngor Whig.A Pt;,'L..We understand that a duel was

fought in Anson bounty; in this Htate, a few daysag«-*; between .J. F. Mittag and Hen-ck-l Massey,nf Lancaster; S. C. At the second lire, »Mr. Mil-tag,.was wounded in the thigh, and lbe: affair end-«.d. 1 hey were oppoaing candidates for the Le¬gislatuto, at the late election. [Raleigh N.C. Lieg.Pork..The Alton Telegraph of'Satorday say-*:

"Owing to the heavy rains that have fallen thisweek, but. little has been done in packing. Some000(1 have been cut up at the different house**.--.The pricos paid during this week, vary from $1 ¿0to $1 75.KJ* The Miramich N. B. Gleaner, state« that

the snow there is six feet deep.ihe mail four daysbehind, and the neighbors unable to visit eachoilier. In the forest north of this city ihe snow isfrom two to ihiee feet deep. It is about twentyinches deep in this vicinity. [Bangor Whig.The Right Perlino..Gov. Sewaid and Gov.

Bouck interchanged civilities on Monday, took a

.»leigh ride in Gov. B.'s new and splendid estab¬lishment, taike«! politics, ciacked jokes, visited'be State Geological Rooms and the various StateDepartments. This is as it should be.

[Albany Citizen.

Cheap Publications.THE LAST OF THE BARON'S, By Bui.wer, will

probably ue publiM-ed the latter p=irt of ihe present we? k.

Agents ca»i lie (.ojiplicii at tills Olhce on the same ttrcis as

from ihe PuhlUhers.XT The follovrin*-- Publication* ure for sale

al the office of The Tribun«*, fta-vsan-s.tre.jt, opposite UicCity Ili-.ll:ALISON'S SPLENDID HISTORY OF EUROPE

in 16 Number*. Th«.* first No. U ready.25cents.THE TWO ADMIRALS,2v!s.. «.uniformed")THE SPY-2vls.< lion of !» -St» "

SV1NG ANO WlNO,2vl5.( Cooper's ) «-ach.OLIVER TWIST, hyßoz.25 "





PAULINE, aTaleol Nonnandie.12i -

WESTERN CAPTIVE, or Times of Teconiseh.18} "

UNITED IRISHMEN, Their Lives and Time*..25 "




PHANTOM SHIP, or Talcsof the Sea, by Marry-alt.12i u

THE BACHELOR AND OTHER TALES, bythe late Samuel L. Knapp.25 "

THE NEIGHBORS, a Tale of Evcry-day Life.. 13J "


FRANKLIN EVANS, or the Inebriate. Price..I2J '.

ENCY'CLOP.-EDIA, (Bmnde's) Nos. 1 and2.25 "



pajres each.first ->«rt.1 00

HECTOR O'HALLORAN and His Man AntonyO'Toole.7 numbers now ready, each No..l?"; "





SELF-DEVOTION', or Katharine Randolph....25 "

NABOB AT HOME, or The Return to England..25 "





GUY MANNER1NG."I Beaoljfol 1

THE ANTIQUAR*r¡.i umhiriiiII«,BROY.L Edition Leach.25HEART OF MID-l.O PHIAN, ; ot |BRIDE OF LÄMMER.1O01..I Sc.'U'*,.KEN1LWORT1I.J JVENETIA, by D'I»m..*!i.25 "



TOM JONES..**. "

JACK H1NTON.3'i **


HANDY ANDY, with p'aie».125 "











THE DAILY TRIBUN«*', Vol.I.$¿ 00 "


THE NEW-YORKER. VolisXandXI.$3 00 "

THE LOG CABIN, complete, both sent*!*.$2 50 "

Discounts to Ag-ents, lVd«Her**. and others on all the above

XT"'* 1*l»i*cl:iri.¦._¦*, or The UNIVERSEIN MOTION .Tiii» MAGNIFICENT and l7Kl_3u_-

LELKD piece of scient'fic »nechautsm, which represents our

solar'.NVMetnii« all its imeresUn»* varieties, onderthe lar--e»t

propoñioiw ever acccoipl she«!, and the variedI motions o

Zularte« with saco a thro **£*^PA^SÍ

s^JSSSifgfeftia fogsass^-

chUdren) to adtn ssior. at half pnce.liORDON Y. LEED.S,Rec.î-ecrrttirT

Anv-ncan l;»uiule.RUSSEL'S PLANETARIUM.

A synthetic or general Lecture on Astronomy, ..lustra.-«

lance S7» cents. A sentleroan with iwo ladies, 71 cents.Two aualyticcour»».*,« of Lectures ove on Practica- i *m-

sc-yiUentíí; andauoihar on Popular AstrorKimy, illustratedwith the Plu*-etari»»rn. Ttlescop-s, «nrnerous transparenciesao«l diftj-rams, repret.emiri-' all tiie inieieslin»* particulari¬ties of die Uuiversal System, will ai>o be delivered by Prol.F. Fauvel Gourand, 10 snti««crtbi»»**; classes, either in theFrench, English or Span .*-hiar*{-;a-*e, as may »ait '.hetriM*of the iul>scrib**r!».N. B..The Synthetic cr jjenend çkoîi_«xn Lecture, Ulus

iretive of the Planetarium, will be d*-liver**»»l on Saturda)La thtt Frtn-ih lacgoag«. d81 in


1-J3W-YOJRÎ., ]_0!Vg>Ä_ _-OF

Bankrupt-«._ ua. 31 .

John L. BurtselUstaüoner,N. Y.. .arn.duke Osbonie, hat .ancftclurer, N. Y.John C. Robertson, blacksmith. N. Y.A. V. Hani.and, merchant, N. Y.J .m B. Snoch, of laie firm of Beer k Snook, carpenter,. Y.David Anderson, »tone entier, Brooklyn.\V.. J. Coggev, çrocer. Yorkville.John A. Manning. X. Y.Thomnj Andrews, merchant, N. ï".Charl»-« (kilgate. Br*xlilynN. H. B.bcock, hatter, N. Y.

- December 2hHenry VV. Haven?,counsellor .it law, N. Y./"- Illak»-, miroanî. Brc.klj-n.lia .d Thomson, hair-cloth __iai«ictarer, N- Y.Alex. Thon-ton. do. do. do.Isaac P. .a_e!l, Rhinebeck.Krai.» i« J. Loui.», »V .Martin. j«*w«-ll-;r, N. Y.George Sf. Perrj*, N Y.Andrew J. McLaughlin, «*i*ever_nk.Jo»ep!i C îlu-tfri, rnercîisnLWilliam R. Pr»nce. Flu-.hir.t-. L. I.John Mills, jr. N. Y.Jiseph Smaller, iron railing maker, N*. Y.J«.n M.-.ckey, f.rtner. Wenciiester.J'.tm Fowler, tail.' r. Ñ. fl'in.-rvjrt, Hemp»._1, h. II. While, of hue f:rm of W. f\ Todi! Je Co.J imc* Vy-rs ami N. Svrighf, »aie firm of Jamci Myers,


Satt.:k:DAT, December 24.

Lawrers' Diary.-Thi.» Day, December .6..The Circuit Court an.l Court of Over end Terminer cora¬

ra».ice die Derenib-r Term?.SD-6R10K ' oi'P.T .No*. t>3. 116. 26, 51, Cl, S3, CO, 56, Go,

19, -'¦ ! II. U', fl, 13, 1 ',. 16,21 24, 25.Cc«mmon lkAs.Nos. 6 !, 6*3, ¡o, «3,72, 7-t, 76.78, to.

IL S. DisTtttcT GotritT..In Bankruptcy.Be-for» Jii*i~-e Bets.Edward H. Ludluv; .The assignee set apart, for the n«e

of the petitioner, certain household furniture, also cluck,de.'k-, auction flnj, and stand, in hit» office, together with a

fowling-plei.-, pistol,fiihing-t.ckle, «ind some psintifitrs.the whole not eiceedin^ i»i value $SQQ. He n!»o perminedhim to keep I;;.» watch and breast bin, a* a portion of biswearing apparel. Hi» lady was allowed. agreeably to thedecision of the Court in the case of .tusón, to retain thei'-.v.dry owned by her previou» lo mart iage, valued at $137;al.«o their wearing npp*»rel,_pennitiedhy the act. Excep¬tions were taken ¡>y credit >r*-. and the subject it-ferred t<> a

c>nmi;?..s:.iii«yr- The reporls;.of: tie and commls-kiont r are now brought up for the ppiuton of the Court.

Ju:l_-e Belt*, n.-'-i!:i;;i niit-ii l-y el« qucut rt-maiks, said he;«:¡ll held to ti:- oí-i.,.-!! inn*, articles of ornament pcirseusedami-worn by the .wife which were ante-nopti. gifts, alsomoorning rin¡;-, menicntosoí aiTtction, -c. given i-» bei byparents and such after i_*_-nage, and abo ornaments give n

to h r by her husband '.«hen in good circamstances,andsuitable lo their condition in life, --»<:redly belonged ;o her.This i: conformably t » the laws of New-York, and to theRan»»nipt Act. Idr¿. is therefore permitted to retain thejewelry;setapart for ber; aho a,diamond ring and chain,valued at -f 21, given to lier by her husband when in a situa¬tion warranting him to do «¡o. As to the other matter?, theBankrupt Act-permit* the General Assignee to set,besides wearing apparel, .necessary1' furniture, and oilierarti,.;».>, ' not exceeding . in vilue .¡no. The Court consid¬ers tbe meaning ofthe ttatnté lo he that description of pro¬perly which is palpably ofimmediate necessity to the ban!»raptor hhrfamily. Tin« te m 'otli-r ar:i--!rs' it views as

alla'tintr to provisions in the bouse,and tliecvrnmon imple¬ments oi tools of trade by which a daily snpport ¡. ?ai.;c-:l.! nier ihis view the Court decide.hat the an.tton sta-dnnd flag can be retained by the pet-tinner, hnt no: the clock,i!r«.k5, «cc. in lii»ri:IJoe ; neither can the fowfin-j-piece, pistol,fishing-tackle aru\ painting« be retained by iiirn. they notcoming un-ler the dénomination of'.necessary' nrti.-1- >.

The Court decs not consider the watch and hre.i-.tpin of a

petitioner a portIon of we?irinjr apparel. Ordertçd to t.iseffect.Amorti «V freed?..Tl.e ptnit-s, after pet ilion inr, ami pre¬

vious to decree, as-igred all their property to the GeneralA_ignee, in trust to tb-ir c-editors. The creditors »lenythe po7»pr ef the General A-dgiiee ta mîke a report underit. Tue Court decided thai the petitioners bare »riven upall their property, which reverts to the General A*si*»t«ee,as such, on a decree bein-.' allowed. Ordered, tbnithe sp«>-cial report of the Assi*rnrc is sufficient, und-r rule 61.

Israel Kinsman..Ohjeclicn is to his peliti juin-j inthis District, he being a citizen of Ehlladelpbia, residingthere for several year?, and now hayinf; a family there, liecame to New-York in the early p-irt pf Blarcb, put cp at a

public hou«e, an«l petitioned about a fortnight afterwardsa» a ciizeu of New-York, styliog himself " aLTT-tof a ma¬

chinist." IT.: Court held that be bad not«*.ttained a resi¬dence here of n character to permit his petitioning in thisÜ:strici. Objection allow« d.

lÜeierreíL).Eriday, Dec. 23.Court ot Common Pj.eas..Conrad Abelman

vs. .. ,1J. Duckte.The i>l_ ntid" i«, proprietor of a celebra¬ted German puhl.c heure in Pearl-street, Centre. Thedefendant (nUo a German) if a wholésaleglbcier-. The pre¬sent action is far damages.laid at $5,' 00-.fot creating ditii-culty, breaking tuuihler», plates, »i.e., at a ball in Nov. 1841,at plaintiff's house; and also coming there in April, whenthere was a ball, and committing excesses. Mr. Duckt-rwas one of the manag.s of the hall in November. Thecharge i» that he would not permit tie supper table to becleared away so that the company rould proceed, but sat

upon it, called for champagne', kn».ked of! the necks of thebottles with a knife, and sent bottles, champagne and all,h_.¡j.« amongtbe ladies' feet* alsc> that be repeatedly calledfor hot coiTei-, which, with the cups, shared the same fate.The table was finally ups»-t, an«l pinte«» tumblers, «fcc. bro¬ken, a ul the chars c ter of die house much injured by theseand also by other excesses he comantttd is April. The dofendnnt denies having.done so. He «as somewhat elatednn«l happy,hut did very lit:! .n comparison with what heis charged as having «lone, «-lèverai witnesses, maie asdfemale, gave testimony. The summing up of the case, as

a'so that «. f Force vs. Sise, will Like place on TuesJay next.

Superior Court..George Röthery vs. TheNorth River lis. Co .The plain iff had a factory at theCorner of Clay und Spring streets, Newark, the stock in

which was insured by the North Hiver C<>.pany for $2,500.It was burned in February list. The Company reim.e»

Dfivrueul, rntl action is bicujjht. A witness named Hah«testified to bavin)* been in plaialifl'*» empl'jymcut, and alsoan cudoiser tor him u> the extentof «ÎOJ or $-.. In Janu¬

ary plaintilTmado a proposition :o witness to ¡ire the bu-ki-

iii;:, s.t\iri£ li m he was a ruined man unless he could raisefund», and that witness alió would be it-jared on tiie en-

«.ors.-ment. The plan laid down was for plaint.T be

away at Patter*.»i» ui another factory be had thct?, (for tbe

ninki-iî; of _eel tiles,) and that wniiess was to thrust »ed-hotiKirvri» or irons into the cuuic-al, un«i leave them there ot»

¦»hatting up; and ihat ite *-_itttis ba-1 been n_de tigbtisothai the are couUl not he seen lr.:ci the .reel. Witntaa rt-

fused; but the fire occnrr_l under precisely smiil.' circum-».ances in February, and a man named i*íerce, who bad

also been in plaintiff's employ.eel, left Newark next morn¬

ing, .id never relumed. The counscI on the oppositeside urged, in dtf-uce, the improbability o! the story. The

jurv found for phiiUiff, St «-53-jas. and John A Harriott vs. Alfred Col-ill, ffilliam M.

Ci.iik.eand Corse C. Thorn¦ts..AC.'v9n to recover *f6,{-00for Uie ni.on wo: k iu bui!_n--* three stores in Anr.-street

(atijoiiin-i lb«.* engiu«ï-house near \V'_iaa**-si_-et) in Dtcem-ber, li...The land opersticBI of CUrke andTiioinis ruined them, aud they hare been compelled lo

petition in bankruptcy. Mr. Cohril1 den:»?» having heen a

pnrty m the contract and iefcads a-» re^nrds h.m-.eif. Tbe

plaintiffs declare that Mr. Colvli was luiiy a piny, hot he¬

ir-; Cashier of a Bank (the Lafayette} he did not wish to

appear as Sii«*h, hui wou!:l caih lbe noiM and .»ee that c

price r.«ire«.d apon rfuJuW be pzi.U J?r. Thomas was cf-tered by ptaiti'iffs as a will._,on the ground taal havingreceived a <li«cl.r¡_ in bankruptcy be wa< compe:-n:.Tne Coarl w«»old not permit it- Finally a wn*__ csct.i.«i, .»¡»own v'«vh ch the plaintif. siy lliry were iguorant ofhaving £!.«-») ík Which the signalai es of the oiher paiüit?,but not'ofMr. Colvtll, appear..A nossuil w_ ordere».

XT The AYh'g Almaaac aud United States l-g¡»t«r for

1813, for sale at ibis ci5ce. Single copi- 12* cents, $1 perdozen, $7 per 10d. ~_XT J. Fen:_sor«» Cooperrr. Hornee Gr-rr-fT

and T_«»i-_!* iWcEintth..The sreat demiod forÜ;-.- liepen. o! .___b**_t. Libel Sail has iuouced iheus-«tersirrned to pobíisli it iu a more t-onvenieal and durabletorn» than a newsoaper, aad they ihtrelbre aonoi-ic-t.lhataPamphlet edition^ con'..\iriag some addition-, anc m-»Dy cor¬

rect i.«ns, L< now pubii*..««*! ucd lor sale, fiice 6. et*-«--«-

or ii for one hundred ..»rie*. Ordt-rsmn.s« he accoroplaiedwith the c_h- GRKELEV k .McKLHATH,

¿is Tribam*. BniSdinss. lô-t Nass.u-streeL.

3_" STeai.« of «air.--- C BARRY,Artist in Haif,from i.undoa .'i be reíd lleatis of Hair sill il_id pre-erru-uent above all others. Tlieir peca'iarly light, fvsvuaaand ventilating character, tlieir »ting -íaped cxact!>* a» i«'

natural ha'.r ütows, their elasticity and tli-r snp«-*r*pr ma-

«-tial and workmanship, ¡ts well as itw-irstyle "t am*. nnpans» .men«, ail con»l»me to form such p«.«.J. ht-ads ol hair

that ihfv mu.l be seen lo be fully appreciated. _

.\ nc.v system of the art of Wie Making lausht in tiveje**-s.m< See a specimen ot Barry's Wi^s and Scalps wbi<_i

1 will'satisfv die mo« f.«-.<lior_ that he a tbe tiest and cbeap-I _t maker in .eci'v-I- Broadway, cotu-f of LiHerry-



¿MING, DECEMBER 26. ï.843.

Xj' íspcnc-er am-ounces to g-rnueaien that his -uran**»*-

merits are now completed for supply in*»; accordin-» to pr»»-yioc«; intimation, _ fine Fm Hat at a pnce iS3 ïi5)which shall render it emnbauraliy the cheapest as well aslowest priced Gentlemen's Fur Hat ever on sale In ihiacity. It :* prepared in the saaie style which characteri-.esour nnvst anicie, and hke ihat article is »tiered at a pnce atwhich it can-ict he continued withnut an uniuuaily rapid»*!-.. Tue unaer»»i»-s*.d v-tth all «-oafioence af-rio-* it to tie(ot the gentitnian aad eo*nomist tlie nrost desirable FurUal ye: oáéred. 'o2-.';Q SPENCER, 245 Broadway.XT Orla tí. «lo "£?i««h, F_-_ioi**ble Hatter, 1CT Brad

wr.y, woaul ¡Qlbrtn the penile.,ten of New-York that lusFall and V« ister style of Hals :s now ready ;*>r their tn»pec*lion ucd criUt-.-ii judgement. Cl_ii_ia¡- tu«* d.-lincuon ol

having- bren lite lira to project .¡d abide by a sirictiy.America»« style of Hau. :n»tend of servilely copying theFaihions of Europe, which are often ansntled to oar tí¬male and »iianncr», be rejo«c«_ to perceive taai others haveseco fit to folio. his 'end, and "that now the followinc- ofBoropean Fashions in Hats is ahaust entirely abandoned bythe leasiin*; manufacturers.He ofTt-r.» a Winter style of Gentlemen's Nutria Hats at

$»1 5o. and ..¦¦-\rraiiis them ¡equal in material, finish, fasbwoand dorabflny to any ïî.-t sold an low as $4 in the c'ty.But he wish«*-. Lt distinct"}- niiderstood tiiat his best Hats arenot »Id nt thb price, hat at SI 5>\ The»«» he recommendsas "«-en! to any hat sold in New-York at $5 or under, andchaüf nt-e.» for them a comp-iris'.u with any .v.hcr.

fSentiemen visitin*- our city ar»» rrspectfcllv invited torail and «*xar.iine i»Ls »tock o; Winter hats and imlr-e oft.Vir quality. He is rnnñ'rnt that, whether the chenperí orthe best Hat is de«ir-*d, the ::iqain*r will here he laithfied.Try htm.___í_0_o. FISH. IS? Broadway.

GENTLEM uN nud his *ivife"^aiTbe_ accoroTTKxlat-d .. -'th board ami r».n anfurnished room

?nl tie-i-r-i-in un i.xxlei.ite term*:, in th<* bODM No. Ill)Eldridí-e-ítreet. iücaiiou is pleasant and there are no

chil-ln-n._«¡24 tit*

A FRONT PARLOR TO LET, mth_7_L I.c-ii-:!, on the fir»t tl.ior, sa ¡table foc a Genüeman.khi Lady or two Gentlemen. Also,several apartments fotSínzle Gentlemen. LocationSvitbin one minute"* walk ofthe Post-Officeor ibe Bark. Apply niNo. la City Hai.lPlací.. d_2 2.V*

OARDING.-A respectable privatefamily, occupj'in*»; a bandvnne bonce, can aceommn-

date with board 2 gentlemen and their wiv**s,al**o a fewsingle eetitléinén, with pleat-ant room» 0:1 the second arid;li id fl-jors, iuriii»li.-il « r anfurni-«be I, on very m ¡derate!-rii¡.». The family ¡.re plain,quiet and aérerai»!«*. Thosewho may wish the cointórts ol ho*.s nuy npplv at "D3Greeiiwiçh-street, cor. o« ach st. d_2 Iw*

BOAHi)..The best and at-the lowestprier, at BROWN'S. 68.DnaiH.-3fc ti 10 lm*

BOaROING.A gentleman and wif«.*.01 1 few hin ¦:'', can find board with ;i pri«

¡rule family, or where there are hut a ft*w"'ho*rÜers,iniai*«*:it"c! h. i»**, .¡n! price low to suit the times. Referencer-qoi ed. Apply at No. 9 Dover-street, a lew doom fromFranklin-sqatlrt*. d7 lm*

A III TIGHT STOVE&.The greatest.ZU, variety and ch'-np«*st article in this city lined withc;«»i Iroo, and constructed with a »;«f«-*.y *.niv«* (on ihe I>o»tr"nplat) uuy tie toiir.d at Nu. 211 Water street, -it «iixir fn»m15-ekr-an ?.!«-et. Just received iron« Boston a »upenor arti¬cle with nu oven. Plea« «-..«Il and jud^'>* for yourselves be-lore pCrchRsing. No. 231 Water Itreet, id diwr from Reek-

man. d2t 1 til*

II. LOCgCWÖOn, 104 Kultou-jtreet,

_very d<**cription oífine Jewelry and **¡¡v«-r W.«r.*. Old Gold and Silver taUeuIn'exchange. W..ich«-s :>rnl J»*-.v»,!ry r»*p3ir»"il. «tl lm*

îttERICAÑ LUÑ CTl\~i^"~Chatham,corner of Ro«evpli itreet..¦Dinners fiom 12to 4o'clock

every «luv. Al.^», Oyatera in evt*ry *4yle.fri-.d *_>c«:u*w;slewed I2t cents pít plato, ai ail hour-».


Ï. others.. Warranted cnn bteel eitj»;'* Tools may lie hadal ihesuliícriher'*! o'd estaWIi>bnient, 3'1 Aliorney-»*,, or atOeó'rj*"e üriircs k Co.'s, 115 Maiden-lane, New-York, at re«duced price.s lo suit the tiiuts. 10 per cent t-» «lealtrs.ii2i-i3ni* _JOHN CONO EN.

RÖFTORli'S AIRTIGHT öl^ÜVF.The undersigned are the only agents fur vendingand

.K-lfin*-; the nl»ov<» article in lite City of New-York- Oflheirutility stntt superior »xcetlence certIdc*»:«-» from persona olthe tfrst respectability ma^,' he seen at the store. We gnnr.antee n;raLn«.t any explosions if put up «ccordinr* to ourdirections. Wo have also an iiiiprov.d Airti-rhtStove.

I. HILL,ol 3m »-». IL FRAZIF.R. 250 W.-.ter ftreeU

TÏ1 REE : DOLLARr ja__TS.~Just finrUbed, the splendid article ever ofTerrcf to the

piil»l!e. Moleskin Hats at the low price of *3»1..Alsoan article ai$-50, equal in durability hi. 1 Icutie toth- ->¦ «.'!.' by ctiieis at -f.». Fiüe >. utrias i-ï 50.d3 lii* BROtVN; Practical Hat'.r-r. 143 Cannl-st.

XTAIR COLORING.-Jacob IU_l>y_¿J__J¿_ .¦.«luId inform his old customers, and nil those svhnwish to have B beautiful head of hair, that lie manufacturesand ha.', for sale at 252 Sroome st. his celebrated Essence ofTvre, which havint* iafly improved, he j-uarantees will het-iTi-i-tual in permanently «»r»/r.mífredorg-niy hair to abcaa-utui brown or hlBclt. PerJO..can have it applied a this orliieir resiüeiice, and if not satisfied tiieir money will he r«--turned. n30 lm'

ROLLED GERALANSÎLVER.~-JAS;G. MOFFETT, J_! Prince-*flrect, near Woo.ner,

tvenld p¿rticnlariy call the-».ttentir.n of Hardware Dealersand Manufacturers to h¡a superior article ot German Silver,which he ofikra for sale wholesale and retail, of all »kick«ner»sfs, and warmits it equal 10 n»iy, either Foreign or Dc«.»» « .or naU »».-: .i»-j. «79 ¡'

fàA o)Z.COA~L, COAL.From the©.*~jb 'oir'lJ. ."es.*-.-!, ben quality Peach Orchard RedAih 1'«><*«I tresti from the mineJ, at the foliowinf" low -.rices.

:-..¦ - ami Broken.'/ -n.

í*íw*fc,l-.r-/e.,.525Nut.5 00

double s;ref ii-'d and c'.iiverc»! any part of the cuy, weighedby a city weirfaer. Y~*d corner Christopht-r and Green¬wich streets. JAS. FKRGUSONN B.1W0 trms Pea and Dnsl cheap. a_jtf_

¿h r i\i -i.COAL » COAL ! .'.The real»Tp./ .

* f\'t Peach Orchnrd Red Ash, now sellins- fromtti«* yard 5t*4 Washington-btreet, Iw.o door«) above Sprin*/,broken from clean lump, «ioubly screened, and deliveredfree ofcartage, and weighed by a City Weither, at the fol-lowinij prices :

Larce Nut.*..$5OCStove. 5 25Broken or Egg. 5 501>!V*-;;.*«;<.'I Screened. 3 00N.B..All orders to be left at the Yard. No

commission. The Imver receives tue benefit.r'I.ehiebNnt,$5ó0.oI«tf



Li VERPÖOL~"COAL..The under-*«: rned is l»OW ili-Miar-riD*-- a very fire car**o of Liver-

pool C.;»l Ihat burns tree, bright and clean, at the low pr.eeof $ra, delivered free of cartaire at any part of the city. Afew ebald*-r*Î3*y*t unsold. Those wanting- the article hadbetter «end in tfu'ir orders without delay, at the Y*rd No.73 Tlionipson slrset, tie_r Sprin-j, or al the otñce No. 11«'Na»¿tu *rtreet

P. S..It will be delivered at Brooklyn al the same pricethe ierr-«(-e added. JOSEPH P. SIMPSON*. ol2 tf

^h r.COAL! COAL ! !.The real i'each5^-yOrcha-d Red A«h Broken Coal, from the schoonerO^den. at '.be fo».t of Kini,r-»treet, will commence unloadin>r on Tuesday or We-Ioesday, atlheab»»ve price. tcre«*:.cdand delivered ttee <*f cirta?-. Aanlv on hoard, or to

ü24 3t- MKSLER __VVESTERV'ELT, 71 King^t.

(~S"oXl7! COAL ! C(JÄL!.The aub-cnJ ber hdviai- taken »lie yard iouihwe.*t corr«er of Kin-r

and Greenwkh-streeL». is now receiving a full supply ofS liuvkü: an Peach Orchard sslecti*d from tii? bestveins", which heotler.» at the followinj* re:íace'í prices,viz:From the yard, 1st qnalny, broken ami screerit-d, Ç5 -Wp ton.

Eg-size. .« 5 50 *.

*. " Stove, " 5 25 "

- " Nat, " 5 CO "

Deli?ere± free of cartage.C-*Clm* JAMES DOWNEY.

CC>aL^.First quality Feach OrchardCoal, broken e-rrr. stove ami nut sizes; Live*-p»>ol,

Orreland SchnyI-till,'Wnite Asti Coals fer stove*« and fur-c-tces, lor sale at the market price».

ALFRED ASHFIEtD. 415 Grander. orRidt-e-st.in_ Sonil* st- cr. of Mont'-«.-n-'*-y.

OrdtT-'left as abe-re oe at 233 William-st- or t_rou--h ihep.ari Office promptly atteo»le<l t<%_dritfP"BÄCH ORCHARD Breken Coal..

Ai-o L»*hish. Liverp«ol, Newrastle, Sydney and Vir«"liiia Coal, alway» oa hand, and for «a*** at the lowest mar-

get prices,by WARD k SP.OWNE.,;3 411 Wasbin-jion-»!. f._*. of L»i*-*h'_

""aKD-WARE PAPER.6.00 reams,_ different s.zes, 35 by 40 to 21 by 27; a*50.50 trams

t-^.'fTlnpe.i-^) r»*-o_ Bonne": Board*. t**r fie at raanufac-wrers' prices, by GAUNT k DEAHÏCKSON,

153 SoBtli-p'retl-

PERM OIL..1,000 gallon* Winters Sperm Oil; 1,000 do- bieached do. do. Also a good

«.isiirtmetr. of Sperm Candles, for «ale byC.3.. F. F. £DDY. 24 Old Slip.

TTNION DOOR SPRINGS.These are\J th- brst Sprir-es ever o*3ere*i to the public, and theirsuperiority is faliv attested by all who have used thr-ni.Perrons w'lshi««*; the anide, can procure and have thera ad-

¡a**«*»' hv It-ffvtig an order at M Jf>l*n-*.t _rBrtf

SKATES..A full assortment of Skates,rtr^pped and unstrapped, at wholesale and reUil, by

«all 2w- 05BOKN k UTTLB, S3 F?ltoc-»*jr*î-;t,



\*H «*>_._- IM). 534

TO THE AMERICAN1 PUBLIC.Improv**.ent in whatever reg.i.*_ '.he happiness and weî

fare of our race is «-«-is.ntly ._i ihe march to perf^«*.«*n, andwith _ch succeeding day mhi*. new problem is solved, orsome pi ti.»un»i secret revealed, having an imports,at anddirect bearing over man's highest destinies. If we take n

retrospective view over the p_l twenty year«., how is ihemind »truck woh -«roule*. What rapid stride» has »ciercv

made ia every department of «.ivit.zed life! panicaJaiiy Lthat _hi<.i rtiar. .to the kuciW.¿g« of ihe humnnsy«t« I »:i.a-.*. How -doable and in-iispen*.able aretii*: curaiive aieaios recently d_covered ihre; ihe *.get.>_*c_.i-stryi How Joes th imaginât on kindle and our ad¬miration ¿*!ow at tlie lagertatty, th- near -«.»preach to thestandard of perfection. of the pre. tira*-! Threlo^h t_elaborate ia«.«sagatí _»s of Physiology, or the sciesc«. otLire, and the Pathology ol prevalent distas., much vnica-b!e practical knowledge h_ been gaine»- In con_qu.-r.eeofbecoming .acquainted with theorganiztiio.,the «tíet«erasof the variooi tissues and _lruciares of ihe system, r_a_l«_have been sought after and discovered exactly adapted to

combine with, neutralize and expel mm bin* matter, theCause of distase, and suosti*.uie healthy action in ¡is place.The beaut.ill simplicity of uns U.Hie of tre-ttuieui is noi

only suggested by the pathology of di .«as., not only grate¬ful to the ..ufl'errr.but perfectly in consonance with the Op.*.ationsof »Nature, and sjtislactury to the viewsi aud re«SOnmg«.of every intelligent, reflecting miad. Il ¡»t: u.« thati»ASD>'s*«:ARs.'.rARiLi.A,a«cituiiticcomiiinaiioniife*.sert»a princip e*

ot tlie most valuable vegetable subsiauct-s, operates uponill»» system. The Sarsapanlla is comhlned with ihe moste:;ec.i;«l aids, the most salutary product:«.n», the most po¬tent simple»» of the vegetable kingdom* and its unptece*dent«d success n the r«_l ruti m to health of those who had

i long pi .d nmler the most «Ii«tressi*-.g chronic m«la.iies,!.;*»given It an exalted charaicVet-, funllshIng as u docs evidenceof it»' own intrinsic value, and recommending it to ihç ai-

dictt.t in term» the atî!icie«i only know. It has longîieen a most important desideratum in the practice of medi¬cine to obtain a remedy similar to Un».orto liiat wouldact on the liver, .nacb and bowels with all ihe pr-.tsioaand potency of mineral preparation.8,yet without any o:th.r deleitrious effect*» upon the viia1 powers of ihe system

The attention of the r_..' i-" respecifnlly called to thefollowing certificates. However great achievtmeiiis bavebei.oforé teen madeby Iheuse ot ihi> invaluable medic ioe,yet daily experiencei shows results still more reinuik.»hie.The proprietors here avail themselvesol the opportunity ot

saying it is a source of cot-stant sati»inction »hat they aremade ihe mi aus ol reneviiir *>ui l» an amouoi »>i suffeni ..

.'bwakic, N, J. Dec. iJ. :.'-.',¿Messrs. Sands: Gent.Winds caunat exp__ tlie

tnde 1 feel for yóur trealnient to me, a straogtr suflet.gundi r one n lb« uibM loathsome dise-às« s that nk we it, ca-'pable of bearing, ii.e disease with which t ivas afflictedcommenc«.I with int)ammatfen of the eyes, i the «/«.ir 13_*,which caused almost toi d bliudi.« .-.». r or this 1 w...« treatedand finally relievert, but the reuiedii-s wi re sueJi -.- tocnuseihedeveJopei.»«uioi.iscroiuious t»li'_Xioti ou .»»y ¡s:t the eibow,

.. The pain extended from the shoulder to of myfingers, and ¡or two years my sufl'enugs were beyond «ii>-cripiiou, I tried varions rein*.lies and consuded di_etentPhysicians i i. New-York and among. them the täte Dr.Bushe, who told mc ihe disease ol tlie arm was caused i.yiwe lar-;e quantity t ! mercury taken to «Ore the .¡.ant.:,;.-

lion oi my eyes.My sût.rings continued, the arm enlarged, tumours

formed in different ¡»lace«, and in a few minims »¡¡»charged,making ten runntog ulcers at one time, some above andsome below the elbow, and ihe discharge was so offensiveibaino person couut bear to tie in the room where 1 rç_ .I then applied lo another distinguished Physician win» toldme ampDiationoftl. arm was me only iiiim. mat coul-isaveu»y lite,as it wasimpo.ible locuresodreamuludisiiue ; bula» I was unwilling lb cons».it to it he recommended metoute .«jwaiiii's Panacea freely," which I didwithout.cri .ogboilittle benefit. '* for three years I was unable to raiseuiy band to my head ar comb my bin-, and the scrofula nowmode iu appearance on my hend, destroying the hone indifferent places,'»*aus.gexienslve ulceralioii-s a-»I If arëdii might reach mid «..rey til»? brain.ihe bead -»welled verymach, accompauied with violerai pala, numerous externuiremedies were recommended'^ bat they »lid n-> good..About u year since I w_ taken M-vereiv ill with »i «<* eUingof the body from head to loot, so that I was entirely n_pleas,the Doctor advised me to g<» 10 tlie Hospii.. for h»« diil notunderstand my i;a«»e ; for the hist few nioiillit I hud Utmiifllicied with a severe pain in nolti sides, at limessj barn Ifou!'! s<.irc--»y gtt my breath. A hacXingcoughconstantlyannoyed me, and this combined wuli my oilier maladies,tendered me truly miserable. Siich, gentleri.tti, bad beenmy siiuation for »even yeais of my Ule when 1 commet redthe use of your öarsapatilla, but as my case was considered¡Hijiel.-.v an«! tbe ninr proupcct of a speedy tt_iolutni>nKcenied inevitat»le, J felt but lull«; eovGurngeuieni to p. rse-

vete. The persuasion of trientIs induced in« to try yourmedicine, which in a few »lays produced a great Change mmy system generally, by causing an appetite, relieving thepains, and-giving-mestrength; as success insphes confid¬ence, 1 was encouraged topersevere, my pains grew easier,my ttrengtli retorhed, loo.t relished, tne ulcels healed, newtie«h forme«!, and 1 once isore felt within medial 1 mightgti well. I have now used the aaxsapariila auout twomonths and am like a «liflVrenl being. 'I h«r arm Ihat vxis tobe amputated lias (.ittirely healed, a thing thai seemed tui-

possthi. lean »carcely believe ihe evidence of rhy owneyes, bat.icnis.tlie fact; aodit is u»>wasu***tu|.'<s nianyperiod <.*roy life, and my general health is bttier than nhas been lor years past.Health; what magic in the word! how m¡my ibousa d-Js

have .»ought ¡t in -reign land.» and sunny choie», und havesought in vain! Yetitcaine lo rue When I had given nu iodie, and as I feel Ihe pulsations of bcattb coursing thioughmy vt-iiis, my whole beorí and soul go <«jrth in lervenigratiiu'ie t» die author of nil our suie mercies, th.»i hehas b««en graciously pleased to bless the means madease of. .* Truly have jou proved yourself the goodSamaritan to the afflict<_I, for next lo my Creator my hie i»indebted to you (or rather) the use ofyour invaluable Sarsa-parilla. The v-u«: oi such a medicine is countle. beyoudpnce, money cannot pay for it. 1 luve been raised fromdeath, I may say,for my friends and myself thought it im¬possible I could reover. Aud now geuikmen sutler metoadd another proof certified too by my frier.ds and o: the «firmes ofyour iiealtb re¬

storing Sarsapanlla. Thai ihe afflicted may nl. osé il andenjoy the benefit-, it alone can comer, is the hear tlelt, ferventwh»U o; their and sour iriend.


I know Martha Cot¡lin and believe what »he state* in '.hisdocument to he perfectly tru-. JOliN PQ.WEB,

vicar or New-York,Hector of St. Peter's Church.

Given at New York ibis 1-l.b day of December, 13-1..

I know Martha Conlln, and have known of ber sufferingillness. t JOHN DUBOIS, Bishop ol* New-York.

I plac*? fall confidence in the statement made by JJanbaConlin, having known her the past twenty year.*-. 1 willcheerfully give any particulars io relation to her casetoih.»>«! who may wish further unonnation .

Sr. -LIZABETII.Superior of the Roman Cathol.c Orphau Asyluai, 1'rince-

strett, N. Y. Dec 14,1__

I hive confidence in the represen'.tiens made by MarthaCoulm, aud have full knowtedg«* of her cas-,

-LÜAU F. PUROY.Alderman loth Ward of the Cityot New-York.

Dec. 14, i___Martha Coni-n tin-? lived in my family the last 13 yeans,

and I herehv certify the ¡oreiroingsiatcmeut made by her¬self is correct- Mr- MARY tí. LLOYD,

No. Ml Broad it. Newark, N.J.

The following certificate is from a gentleman who lostthe wboie of his nose Irom a severe Scrofulous disease. Itspeaks for itself.

Brooklyn. Nov. 25, 18-IZMewrs. Sands : Gent.Although 1 ¿.m disfigured and de-

forro-l for life, I have not-, my recoil .ti.ii¡ ar,d iirver,while I exist, shall I cease to feel ¡*rateful for fcen**fits ron-

ferred, dirou-.h ihe use of your mvalntb.e S_m parilla. iwas attacked in the year 1838 with a .ro:aloasaiî«ct:nn on

tbe ecd of my nose, commencing with a *»:u.I red »pot, a»-

Unded witii itching and burning se»isatiocs. This in-tucedrubbing, and cow commenc.t »he ravages of a disease-.vuicli progres*«.d as follow«; tbe left ... ten was firs*(tt-»troye»l, and, continuing npv.-'trds, it crossed tlie bridgeof tlie n-se.and, seizing upon the right í.i«l«**, d-stroy«-d th«rcartilage, bone and all the -.rounding parts, until, fa-rally,the nose was entiiely eaten otT: he pa_sge for cjßvc7icgtears from the eve to the nose ¡»hiiterated, which caused a

ce>it.ual t.»w of tears. Tbe disease now se.. d upon lb»

upper lip. extending to tbe right cheek, ant my f-eiiag«andiu.Termgs^^were such as_-b_i_- be iai-tginedibandescriln-d. jI am a n-ative of XoUin.a«,in Krgt-ir, '. «atvi etv -*_.* it .

weil known there. The firs'. Pii*.«-c_.»s in ihe -_i¿«.m jprescrit.«-«; for tae. hut with liitle bet-fit Ai o;;¡; lime I jwas directe! to take «33 drops of die " Tincture ol Inline " |ihrer tina a day. whicii I ewinnard for six mi.>(_. it suc-

c- -ion. A: ano\h-r rime I npplied Oil of Vitriol U ::ie parts.Aller t'ai» used a pr«-** iption ol ^r A»ttey Cojpei'^, butad

proved ia vain. I coa;__d logrow worfe,andasa«irown-mg man will catch at a straw, I user! e .ery remvd> I cou»«ihear of tb_ was coasi-Jered applirab'.« lo my case, until1 became disgusted widtti.e ueaunent, and rei....i«urd all

hopeore-rergeitiigwelLMany pronounced the dis*'.« a Can«r, bat Dr. .«»-, who-.e t'eamient I was, cor_«iered il ScrofuiousLupus, atui this is the name given it by metHeal men. Asa last resort I was rccommende.i to try ehaagp of air andan Atlantic voyage, and m April last 1 ssilecf for America,and arrive« t here to ihe month of May. Tu*, disease con-tinned gradual¡y to increase, «.xtending upwards and ha«*'.-wards, liaving certroyed the enñre nose, and fast vergingtowa_is the f.tat. bone, itse.zed upon the upperjaw aadsurr-sunding part-While cro*s¡ng on the F«*rr».*-_-: from Brrtchlya to New-

Y'crk.a ¡reuüeman was attra.-ted by my apr«_u*iitice andUi_ accus.ii me; '. *^y frwnd. h.e you n»_1 the Sarsapa- jniia.-"' Ye«, replied I. various kinds, and every thing theI could hear of; bai, said be, " I mean Saruls"» S-»_»apa-rilia." No, I r«**pd_l- u Tlien ci«; it, for 1 l>eli»rve it willcure you." Being thus addressed by a st_tng«?r I was in- jduced to make ui. of a i*_(_ciue be so highly rteom-ir.e.led.I purchased one bottle, which gave son.- rel-f, and

won.lerful to .litañer usiug your Sar_paril_ less than two

...lull;», I feet within me wetL The disease is stopped in itsravage», all .._«- raeMng and f*»'meatirig pains are gone,my Ibod relisi.a,my d-g_rion is good, ar.d 111«, p well;and, under the b'.. sing of Divine Pr«iv:denc«*, 1 «»-ri^ute

s thi r-aalt coiirely to \be «. oí Sands'« 8«_wp-_.- .«"-


lM-tMBBB_W_--j_-W-_^a dfaire that the stHicteti may no locger delay, bot ase Uvaright m«*_-_ine an.; gel cored,

Iraaain, with feelinssoi lai-ting graüit-tie"kcnr frit-nd, TRí-Mas LLOYD,Nutria Alley, Pç-^-ureet.

.nrt,s-.7*vV^w .*""««*-** Ui* «*»*-.»'. ..."" ..*»So*»*r paper,«ui». Uat b-t cxevuitd the same.HENRY C MT7RPHY,

«,.»..<». e.-L_ . Mavor ol the Cisy of Broc.!*-*._.!?l**S_>.*!?*li1-^ "-»Bl also remove y,-.'. -*»-r-aai»»-ni|-/f?.?**?? .'*¦..*'.'«heir«*-»»-« ij, an impar»* »ta'e of thebfooiJ and «lepra*-,.i conda^mol |be ^.¿i ovtitntwn,m: S»*ro,ui*t or km« ». E*nl. ¡n ¡_ rar%us form»; Kfarnm«.d^cbgii-atrc-iianeoib Er-viptio«-, Blo-.che«», Biles. Pim-piesor P^ul»- g the »»<*, cnr-wix: 8or-« fiyfS Uu-gw-xmor Tetter, Scald Head enlargement. __i pi. c* t_¿So*51and jomts stab.*»-» L leers. >y phi ¡nie w«Mpeuuu di»»e_s*»-*ri»»iog ô*om an lujudicio-i-. o*e of Me"XurV,.Vm*le\*era.l¦-e-.lîie-^¦».. and other » complaint-».Prepared and sold at wl-o'es-ile and T»et»U, and for export¬

ation, l.y A. B. Sands k Co. No. £73 Brx»-»dw-»y, (Graou-»Bcddmff*»,} comer of Chambers street. New York. AUo »oldby A. B A» D. Sxs-b, Drogeist», No 7? and loo Kclto«*,-». ;Davkl Sands i. Co. No. 77 East ttn-adway, «-»*. u r o; Mïr-:»-*»-«iret-t ; and by Dra^üiíts generally throuj;bout *_eUnited Stites. Price $1 per bottle, sit boutes .«r $_Note.The crismal documents may be »peen by calll-iir at

nj¡ st.-re, No» ¿73 Broad-.vay. _d2**

EÇOKOWY IN DRESS..Extensîvoa-.4on.mert of Ri»b. fWi"oüable and elej-aut ¡çoot-s fot

winter wear. WM. T. JENNINGS, No. **_*) Bi-oadwaj-Atserican Hcu.l, offers urtbe inspecüon of the publr. an.. tit*, isijre a-»»ortrvn; of !<-*asü**áb'«* goo«!», comprising Beé-rer and Miile<l Clmb«, for Sanouls, Sacks Frocks «*."-.The Sack Overcoat**, (*o mach in vogae,) aflbiiied

ton-teen «loiters, cat and Uimmed in first »tyle, will be !«***nworthy the atteution of the economi*-*.

Ca»-iitieres in a j-rrat variety of styles for P ¦ntal.xm.*'.Froi» «hose who have found any dillkulty myetuog suited

a: thfat article, a trial is *ol;»»ited.Rich Bn»ca«le **iik an«l .-*attn Verting**, feotirencw «yles)

:'.>r b-IK part e.s, itc Merinos, Veiveis, plain SUks, Salinaand», n'l of which will he made up to <>rder un¬der the »up»ir'_ieii.'euce of a«. efficient cutter« a* oats befound in Uie country, at pne«-*» to >.jit the times tor re»«lymoney._«17 «Ht

1A Principle made pr**ciicab?e is a Principle ruade ntefal.*IVTKW-YORK CASH TAILORINGJ-NI ESTA3LKSHMENT, Fulton-*., New-York.Tlie ut-ientgacd. in tUtaooncing to their patron.» their dc-

termination to .««there strictly to t!*e principle of cash deal.log in their busin«--,-.. would take occa.ion to sny that theyhave become well saUti*-«« of the practicaoiiiiy and u¿efal-nessof *»acb a plan by the uniform iuccc-m« which ha«, ci-lended it* operation in their house front the commencement.The »«Waul*»«*-*», derived hy ihe curtonier fiom the adop¬

tion of this sjstem.then by reahtiuj- .« gain or 30 p«*r centupon credit price«».they conceive perfectly obvious, undtherefore rieed no comment. Of Ihe merit» of their houseend the facifiiies with which they are invested of furnishinga el-.enp a».d rich garment, ihey will not uitato.fully as-

-ured p.s they are that this simple fact is loo w*!l knowntheir celebrity loo well establtshe«!. to re«»uire further rt*-aiark. And in calling the attention of* the Rectkineii of th-*Pn*t«*.l States and New-York in particular, to their ¦__-*!¦btencofchoic** (*y**o«Js, they will merely ob«*er**e that unite-vi iiiiig p'i'ictailitv ai*.d«li>patc!t;r. suiweringthecommnmli"ttlifir iiieud« is as mu-ti a part of t'ieir .*v»t»-tu as cat»_lynien». iiSO i*;f J. C. BOU't'H k CO.

OÁ *?. îÍOÑA l'A. Ë Sf*5C KSíSeAKFB1 (It.VVATS. OLÍIVES. 3»c.-0ld EMaMWitneii!--f*.R.Si:LL.S_ A-..A'1'K. .M.*l,¡!,l¡-.*.t in ItUa.-Iu aitditwuto lt'i-ir extensive a.-M>rtment of FnKhiat-ahle Owds, the sub«rcribers are re»-«ivmg hy every arrival Iron L«.n»ton andi'.»»-i*,a freso supply of fn-hinuahle Si*.'.rf* aiirl Craviit»...Thfir ai-iiirtnieiii of fashionable Stock»-, S.-.arfs, Cravate,ready made Linen, (tor which the lirst premium was nward--¦ I them nt the late fair of the American Institute) Glove»,Scpemiers. hosiery, Silk, Merino, lambswool and buckskinShirt"! and Drawers, and all urticles appertniuiug to a cen-lleman's-vardrohle are rich and varied. Gentlemen callingat the ol. estatlUhiueiu may depeiul ou being furnish»*«!with ihe hi**l an«I laif*t fasbtonJ at mir and mcdttnito price.

l'ARSELLS k AGATE, -41 Broadway,between Park place and Murray street.

P. i; A. continue the manufacture of their celebratedShoultt« r Hi¦!..>.-. and geutieiuetk Russia^.iiling Belts.«1131m*

NEW-YEAR'S CAKE.Be»t Plum Cn!«e U4d per lb.N'e\»*-Y«-ar's Caiie U<1 do.Fruit an«! fount! Cake Is 4d per lb.

PARR'S 0"ei*r* Cracker Bakery.TS Moit-Mrcet, near Wal¬ker, and 121 Cberry-Sl, near Catherine Market. d23 tSl-

TVi^. MILLER.NOT VSED U.'.." AX? i. refutation of Downlng's Reply to »Milter on iheSecond Cottflng of Christ in IH'i, by Josiah Litch," Is forsaie ai »»fi l'ai I» Raw. The «Midnight Cry, (daily) compris-ing the lecmreso! Mr. Muter, th«: writiti*--;«.! Charle«. Kiich,Lewi» Ht-rfpy. Josi-ib Lilcl), und tunny origin-»! articles, lanow done up in a neat pamphlet form. For vale as above.The W«rkly Midnight Cry, IS double number*, for 50cent», Is now i*>«ued. ._ _

d**3 4l*

il'TY^DOLLAtRS REWÄRD.---_rhö«itlice of ihe »tilwcrihcr, fool of Twentleth-Slreet,

¡\o th Hiver, \va< rmbed This Afletimon. between thononnol lia'fj»a»t I and quarter past 2, of Two Hundred,aii-l Thirteen Dollars,or thereabout»».ihirty in five and ten«loll-r noieion theSt. Alhans Bank. The above rewardtvlll be paid fir th« recovery of the above and detection ofthe Ihief, or in proportion for u-y »art iif It.

A.A. DEN»MAN, Lime Yard,loot of Twentieth-street, N. R.

New-York,Drc.22,1CJ2. d_l 3t*P.v P. Collón It. Co.

PUBLIC AÜMINISTHATOR'S Sale.R/ order of the .Surrngate, the l'uhüc Aduilnistrator

will¿ell i-.t auction on Monday next, D«-e«*niher Sfith at 12o'cl.wk M. at the wharf foot of Pilte street E. R. the interestot John M. Sloan, deceased, in the brig Órenles.her lack le,apparel and luniitur».', being a shine of one-eightl. therein.

1.23 ¿t'_ivDlA KJJßßER SHOES at 53 MaiT-en lane, N. York .B-UTCHINSON k RÜNYON havn

opened a »lore atthe alxive place for the »ale of India llab-her Shoes, Cloth, kc- from Iheir well known «Mauulnctorynt New Brunswick, N. J , at wholesale and reiait, to wbicr»tiie Rttemion of Die public and trade is particoiu-.y invited«and where may be lomid

Gente* India, Rubber Over-ShociLadies' do do da both of cloth and sheet

Rubber,do do do do Grecian-, bounddo do do do Grecian fur trimmed

Also, India Robb-T Cloth for Carriage Tops, ice.Call and see for yourselves and don't forget the number.

53 Maiden Lane. n28 Im*

RKSS B00TS.Late8t French style.The subucriber respectfully invites the clthrns of

New.York, and stmngess vwiiing the city, to call at ill Fut-ion-street, and examine a large ássortmeiu of Dress Boois,made in the latest Spring fashion, and of the finest French.Calf-Skin.Gentlemen can hnveBtrrtsmade to order in the best man¬

ner at six dnliars per pair, warraated equal to any made at-even dollars anil a half, aod as the undernlgnei ta^ of the feet and keeps lasts lor each customer, he can in*sure an ensy yet handsome fit.

C«*uM.».!itly «:n hand, FtuhlonbleBoots,kc, at the followlog reduced price*}:

Senl-Skin Boots.from «J2 60 to $2 75Calf - u. " 4 00 to OwOHaifBoots.3 0"-Gaiti-TS.2 2a

Shoes.from 1 «50 to 2 00Pomps and Slippers, kc _c. prnportioimbly Low.Term«, Cash on Delivery. JOHN L. WATKINS,mvlO IM Pu.tonnt, between N.wiu and Dutch.

J^HE ÖübäCRlBER having pur-. chased the business of Jno. S. Summers, v/ll¡ »v-ntinue

it at 272 Pearl-si. and oßers the following Goods ibr tale atvery ow prices:

Steel, plated, brass and Japened BitsSteel, plated and brats StirrupsPlate«! brass and Japaned ním«íSPlated brass and Japaned K&oba and Lamp«English Bridles an<i Martir.-ralt-tîWhalebone Ro»*-ts.Ivory UlngHCoach lane Hpr.n?*,. AxUs, Hub«Patent Ivather, Top LeatherWhip«, Tacks, Webbing, "u.c. and every a/ticlo in th»

Coach, Harn*_4 or Saddling line._dUf__ttÜGH HUGHES,272Peart^it

GELATINE TURKEYS an-l'"PIOK-TlBD OY.STERS..As the f-isMon of having these ar¬

ticles on ihe occasion of theN»*w-Year'sc"ngratuiatory visithas yearly increased, I have, in anticipation of. ihe custom-hal broogbt me a large and choice lot of Oy»*.'n,whi-'b Iam Piekling expressly for the in n peculiar and tupe.rí-*r »tyl*. and it is horett thai In the desire to havewme«tbiag nice for lb*? the occasion wiy cirruiar will not be for»g0t.° The Boned Turkeys will lie Jellied and de«-/>rated inthe most ornamental style ami «mnet-a.ed <**.Io*s

GEOROE T. DOWNING,320 Frso.-tl.-street, 2 door-» Eist of Broadway.

N. B.. For ihe convenience of f*t_iln s-residing ot differ¬ent pins of the city, orders will be re-e.ved np to tlfe S*8ih,at Mr. Howe's Bakery, corn-r of Eighth Avenue and Se-v-en*»eenth-street; Bernau it Co's. (Siocttry, 1.1 Ea»i B.oad-v*av.f.'>ri*»-rof Pike-street, and at Mr.. Steward's Ageocy«!dice, 73 Fulton-st, Brooklyu._c23.2Qüi,2t:b,23lb

EVV ü'olJIT'Sr.China Dinner Sets,Silver and Plated Ware, _a, at GsaciNea's nsw

F"nrnl*îilog Wart-hotise,No. 21 John-street, between Broad¬way and Nast-to-st.The subscriber offers for sal«**, at the very lowest pricer¿

a choii-t av. <r:.-*:«-*i»t of new and mon desirable (ioods in bisusual Hr.i-iF-.-F.-n.Nism.Nc Br-schcs, embracing

SbeffieW a:,-.l Birmingham Plated Ware;J '*:.-»; ;.<-r-- : Britannia and B lock Tin Wares ;Superior r.-iry-handie Table Cutlery ;China, G'---s ami Ear.hen W'are ;Lamp*. Cijandeliers aad Gir^ui-JoU-f ;Silver Ware, iic. kc kZ. GARDINFR,

d_n Steod* No. 2-1 Jobn-st.

ï^jllAJÊls'hercby given, pursuant to-L1 the Articles of AgreeaenC that a tneevxe of theShare-l-inlders of the v. aier Rij-bi -'-^'i-^Vwi- -,££at the rffice of Mr Raiherîord. SI Saamt-olreetJf^r-Witon Wednesday the 'th day of January ncxl, at d o-cioc».

Sy ortb;r of Uie Trastees. ^___ _,.,.«, r m^,22dDec- mz dU lOT_-.__£H" RL8Sl!-LL* B*c-

OTpCE._The subscribers have thisdir,er_ered into co-f»rtotr-hin for lite jmrppt* of

toi*«CHAULES H. -*gg£|S iV&LLOGO.n^ o 1342 ROBINS C. BLACKBURN g.Sí£f«2* »F-rrry-street. _¦*»»-">Yy~ÔU^ÊDAlîb FLATEÜ RRASö^-ír» A li-it raie article of Rolli-d and Plated Brasa, canÄays be fonc-J«JAMES G. MOFFETT, 123 Prince «.,Iris 'Vioosxer, at the lowest market pricts. Likewise a veryiiipcrlor artic»*: of Coopcfs Brraa. »S3 .