Download - Odysseus's Journey

  • 1. The long road home

To see the shoreline calling your name
3. You have to win the war.
With the help of the Gods
4. Give thanks to Poseidon
Or face his wrath!
5. But Odysseus did not show respect for Poseidon, who had helped him.
6. Poseidon told Odysseus he would roam the sea forever and never see Ithaca again.
7. Calypso
8. Island of Calypso
She was the most beautiful god ever
9. And she loved Odysseus very much
10. Athena
11. Asked her father, Zeus, to break Calypsos spell
12. Freeing Odysseus from Calypsos Island
13. Zeus Agreed
He ordered Calypso
set him free.
14. Calypso loved him
15. Enough to let him go..
16. Out to sea he went..
17. After 7 years with Calypso, finally to his home in Ithaca..
18. Back to his loving wife, Penelope
19. His son Telemachus prays for his return..
20. But Poseidon was still angry andhad other plans.
21. It would be many years before Odysseus retuned home
22. But he would find his way...