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In a solid, particles are packed tightly together so they are unable to move about very much. Particles of a

solid have very low kinetic energy. The electrons of each atom are in motion, so the atoms have a small

vibration, but they are fixed in their position. Solids have a definite shape. They do not conform to the

shape of the container in which they are placed. They also have a definite volume. The particles of a solid

are already so tightly packed together that increasing pressure will not compress the solid to a smaller



In the liquid phase, the particles of a substance have more kinetic energy than those in a solid. The liquid

particles are not held in a regular arrangement, but are still very close to each other so liquids have a

definite volume. Liquids, like solids, cannot be compressed. Particles of a liquid have just enough room to

flow around each other, so liquids have an indefinite shape. A liquid will change shape to conform to its

container. Force is spread evenly throughout the liquid, so when an object is placed in a liquid, the liquid

particles are displaced by the object.

The magnitude of the upward buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

When the buoyant force is equal to the force of gravity pulling down on the object’s mass, the object will

float. This principle of buoyancy was discovered by the Greek mathematician Archimedes who, according

to legend, sprang from his bath and ran naked through the streets shouting "Eureka!"

Particles of a liquid tend to be held by weak intermolecular attraction rather than moving freely as the

particles of a gas will. This cohesive force pulls the particles together to form drops or streams.


Gas particles have a great deal of space between them and have high kinetic energy. If unconfined, the

particles of a gas will spread out indefinitely; if confined, the gas will expand to fill its container. When a gas

is put under pressure by reducing the volume of the container, the space between particles is reduced, and

the pressure exerted by their collisions increases. If the volume of the container is held constant, but the

temperature of the gas increases, then the pressure will also increase. Gas particles have enough kinetic

energy to overcome intermolecular forces that hold solids and liquids together, thus a gas has no definite

volume and no definite shape.


Plasma is not a common state of matter here on Earth, but may be the most common state of matter in

the universe. Plasma consists of highly charged particles with extremely high kinetic energy. The noble

gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon) are often used to make glowing signs by using

electricity to ionize them to the plasma state. Stars are essentially superheated balls of plasma.

Bose-Einstein condensates

In 1995, technology enabled scientists to create a new state of matter, the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC).

Using a combination of lasers and magnets, Eric Cornell and Carl Weiman cooled a sample of rubidium to

within a few degrees of absolute zero. At this extremely low temperature, molecular motion comes very

close to stopping altogether. Since there is almost no kinetic energy being transferred from one atom to

another, the atoms begin to clump together. There are no longer thousands of separate atoms, just one

“super atom.” A BEC is used to study quantum mechanics on a macroscopic level. Light appears to slow

down as it passes through a BEC, allowing study of the particle/wave paradox. A BEC also has many of the

properties of a superfluid — flowing without friction. BECs are also used to simulate conditions that might

apply in black holes.

Question: Psychologist vs. psychiatrist? What is the difference between these two?Answer:

The simplest way to describe the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist when it

comes to treating depression is that one is a medical doctor, while the other is not.

A psychologist primarily aids the depressed patient through counseling and psychotherapy. He

may hold a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) and be called "doctor," but is not a medical doctor (M.D.).

Psychology is the systematic investigation of the human mind, including behavior and cognition. It thus encompasses both normal and abnormal behavior. On the other hand, psychiatry is a branch of medicine dealing with mental illness.

Comparison chart

Psychiatry Psychology

Practitioner Psychiatrist Psychologist

Practitioner's Nature Physician Scientist or Clinician

Objective of the study To treat mental illnessto systematically investigate the human mind, including behavior and cognition

Major fields of studyPsychiatric medication & Tomography

Clinical psychology & Research Psychology

Licensed Practioners MD or DO PhD, PsyD or EdD

Name Developed by Johann Christian Reil Rudolp Gockel

History of psychology vs. psychiatry

Origins of psychiatry and psychology

Psychology (from Greek: ψυχή, psukhē, "spirit, soul"; and λόγος, logos, "knowledge") is both an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. The word 'psychiatry'derives from the Greek for "healer of the spirit" (ψυχ- (spirit) + ιατρος (physician)). Psychiatry is a branch of medicine dealing with the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of the mind and mental illness.


Differences in nature of work

Psychologists are usually categorized under a number of different fields, the most well-recognized being clinical psychologists, who provide mental health care, and research psychologists, who conduct substantiveand applied research. As part of their evaluation of the patient, psychiatrists are one of only a few mental health professionals who may prescribe psychiatric medication, conduct physical examinations, order and interpret laboratory tests and electroencephalograms, and may order brain imaging studies such as [computed tomography or computed axial tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomographyscanning.

Differences in topics studied

Psychologists study such phenomena as perception, cognition, emotion, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Psychology also refers to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity, including issues related to daily life—e.g. family, education, and work—and the treatment of mental health problems. Psychology is one of the behavioral sciences--a broad field that spans the social and natural sciences. Psychology attempts to understand the role human behavior plays in social dynamics while incorporating physiological and neurological processes into its conceptions of mental functioning. Psychology includes many sub-fields of study and application concerned with such areas as human development, sports, health,industry, law, and spirituality. Its primary goal is the relief of mental suffering associated with symptoms of disorder and improvement of mental well-being. This may be based in hospitals or in the community and patients may be voluntary or involuntary. Psychiatry adopts a medical approach but may take into account biological, psychological, and social/cultural perspectives. Treatment by medication in conjunction with various forms of psychotherapy may be undertaken and has proved most effective in successful treatment.


Most psychiatric illnesses cannot currently be cured, although recovery may occur. While some have short time courses and only minor symptoms, many are chronicconditions which can have a significant impact ona patients' quality of life and even life expectancy, and as such may be thought to require long-term or life-long treatment. Effectiveness of treatment for any given condition is also variable from individual to individual. For many conditions, psychological care complementspsychiatric care and vice versa.

Differences in license to practice

In the U.S., licensed psychologists hold a doctorate in their field, while licensed psychiatrists hold a medical degree with a specialty in psychiatry. Psychiatrists arephysicians who have earned an MD or a DO, whereas psychologists have earned aPhD, PsyD, or EdD. Psychiatrists generally spend shorter periods of contact time with clients/patients, and the principal method of treatment is psychopharmacology. Conversely, clinical psychologists generally rely upon psychological assessment and the use of psychotherapy to relieve psychological distress. It is not uncommon for people suffering from mental illness to combine these services to maximize their impact.

James McKeen Cattell Is Best Known For:

•First U.S. psychology professor

•Helped establish psychology as a legitimate science

Birth and Death:James McKeen Cattell was born May 25, 1860 in Easton, Pennsylvania.He died

January 20, 1944

Early Life:James McKeen Cattell was the oldest child born to a wealthy family in Pennsylvania.

His father, William, was a Presbyterian minister who later became the president of Easton College.

His uncle was Alexander Gilmore Cattell, a U.S. Senator for New Jersey. Cattell attended Lafayette

College starting at age 16 where he studied English literature. He later graduated with a M.A.


After visiting Germany for graduate study, Cattell met Wilhelm Wundt and developed an interest in

psychology. After a brief stint studying at John Hopkins University, Cattell returned to Germany to

serve as Wundt's assistant. Cattell went on to publish the first psychology dissertation by an


Career:Cattell was awarded his Ph.D. in 1886 and became a lecturer at the University of

Cambridge. He returned to the United States to teach psychology at the University of Pennsylvania

and later at Columbia University. In 1895, he became the President of theAmerican Psychological


Contributions to Psychology:Cattell is an important figure in psychology thanks to his work in

intelligence, his use of quantitative methods and his focus on establishing psychology as a

legitimate science. Early in its history, psychology was often viewed as a lesser science or even a

pseudoscience. As Cattell explained in his 1895 APA address:"In the struggle for existence that

obtains among the sciences psychology is continually gaining ground.... The academic growth of

psychology in American during the past few years is almost without precedent.... Psychology is a

required subject in the undergraduate curriculum ..., and among university courses psychology

now rivals the other leading sciences in the number of students attracted and in the amount of

original work accomplished."

Cattell was also fundamental in establishing several major psychology journals includingThe

Psychological Review, the Journal of Science and Popular Science Monthly, which later went on to

become Popular Science.