Download - Ode to Elmer Portfolio


ode toe l m e rw w w . o d eto e l m e r . c o m

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“ Ode to Elmer’s design and brand are appealing to university students because our brand aligns with the unique expression of their

personal brand in the IRL (in real life i.e.: in person) and URL (unreal life, i.e.: internet) setting.”

Collegiate merchandise for sale is habitually designed with the typical university insignia or acronym in a standard fonts and colors. 7KHVH�SURGXFWV�DUH�DOO�WRR�VLPLODU�DQG�RQO\�WUDQVODWH�WR�ORXQJH�RU�¿WQHVV�wear. Students are looking to represent their alma mater in a stylish manner in their everyday fashions.

Millennials are the current and upcoming college students study-ing at universities. Across campuses students are documenting their experience at college and displaying it via social media and creating their “personal brand.” The images, words and brands they associate themselves with are curated and intentional to express who they are and the particular image they align themselves with.



Ode to Elmer is an ecommerce retail business focused on fashionable collegiate accessories and merchandise that aligns with the FXUUHQW�FROOHJH�VWXGHQW�DHVWKHWLF�DQG�VW\OH��:H�DUH�WKH�¿UVW�WR�UHFRJQL]H�D�FRPPRQ�V\PERO��1<8�%REVW�/LEUDU\¶V�ÀRRU�GHVLJQ��ZLWK�RXU�SURGXFW�WKH�&ODVVLF�7RWH��:H�KDYH�DGDSWHG�WKLV�LPDJH��ZKLFK�LV�LGHQWL¿DEOH�WR�NYU students and translated it into a functional and fashionable piece RI�DFFHVVRU\�WKDW�DOOXGHV�WR�RQH¶V�DI¿OLDWLRQ�DQG�DIIHFWLRQ�WR�1<8�(OPHU�H. Bobst Library and the university at large.



n y ustudentsasthetic

Standardschool appareldoes not equate

with thecurrent trends and fashions of

Millennial college


the inspiration

NYU’s Elmer H. Bobst library is an iconic landmark at the heart of the Nyu community. Inside its huge exterior is the sprawling geometric marble floor that all nyustudents have passed over during their college career.

inspired by the many hoursnyu scholars spend inside this building

ode to elmer was born.

THE bag

w w w . o d e to e l m e r . c o m

The classic tote is available for purchase onthe independently designed ecommerce website

for $14.00 plus tax and shipping.

promotional m a t e r i a l


featured on NYU SNAPS page which has over 14,000 followers

F A N Instagrams

Thank you.