Download - oculus rift


Oculus RiftVirtual Reality Gaming.


• Introduction to Oculus

• Advantages

• Working:

Immersive stereoscopic 3D rendering

Ultra low latency positional tracking and low persistence

Field view and image synthesis

• Adoption

• Comparison

• Conclusion

Introduction to Oculus

• Oculus Rift was invented by a virtual reality enthusiast named Palmer Luckey.

• The Oculus Rift is an upcoming virtual reality head mounted display, being developed by Oculus VR, a division of Facebook.

• The Oculus Rift delivers a high-end virtual reality experience at an affordableprice. The Rift is also designed to be as comfortable and lightweight as possible for long play sessions. The current Oculus Rift development kit is 369g.

• Creates an impression of immense environment with a small physical place –large field view.

• Visual instinctive gameplay whereby enabling perspective base on head motion.

• Immersive virtual reality gameplay takes help of our brain’s sensor fusion, in order to provide both realism and presence.

• Low Persistence

• Stable image as you turn - no motion blur

• Rolling shutter latency – Right-to-left – 3ms band of light – Eyes offset temporally

• Positional Tracking


The Oculus VR provides Immersive stereoscopic 3D rendering enabling higher rate of depth into the virtual environment.

Extended diagonal field view of 110degrees provides the realism and presence into the virtual environment.

The latency and 360 degrees head tracking mechanism enables moving through rather than tracking dependent upon head gestures.

Refresh rate of 75Hz along with low persistence OLED display, eliminate motion blur and judder, two of the biggest contributor to simulator sickness.

The affordability plays a major role, the console is offered at 350$ higher variance.

Immersive stereoscopic 3D rendering:


• It uses a 7 inch LCD display screen with a resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels.

• Screen is divided into 640 by 800 pixels per eye, with a fixed distance between lens centers.[3]

• User can view the screen through two lens cup.[4]

• A control box is used to hook the headset up to your computer.

• Control box includes HDMI port, mini USB port, DVI pot and DC power connection port.

• Control box also contains five buttons for controlling contrast, brightness and power.[3]

Control Box

• The Stereoscopic 3D view is a technique for creating the illusion of depth in an image.

• The Oculus Rift uses Stereoscopic 3D view and allows you to see excellent depth, scale, and parallax.

• It is achieved by presenting unique and parallel images for each eye, creating a much more realistic experience ("Next-Gen virtual reality,").

• The Stereoscopic 3D rendering that is equipped on the Oculus Rift allows you to feel that you are in the virtual world.

Ultra low latency positional tracking and low persistance:

• In order for the consumer to completely feel as if they are in the virtual world, the Oculus Rift uses a custom tracking technology to provide low latency 360 degrees head tracking.

• This allows the consumer to look around the game as if he is in real life. With every movement of the gamer’s head; it is tracked by the use of sensors into the game and makes the virtual game feel natural.

• Every movement that the consumers head makes it is tracked in real time and changes the orientation of the observer. This creates the most natural experience a gamer can have with a headset.

• Low persistence provides rolling shutter( – Right-to-left – 3ms band of light – Eyes offset temporally)

Field view and image synthesis:


• Several titles are playable on the Rift.

• Games currently with full or partial support include:

• Skyrim

• Portal 2

• Half Life 2

• Bioshock




Used a 5.6 inch screen. Used a 7 inch screen. 7 inch screen.

Resolution 1280x800 Resolution 960x1080 Resolution 1920x1080

250 Hz reality tracker 1000 Hz reality tracker 1000 Hz reality tracker

Weight: 289 g Weight: 379 g

High persistence Low persistence Low persistence

High Latency Low latency Low latency

LCD display OLED display


• Every gaming company creates a game that will allow the consumer to feel as if they are in the game.

• Companies try to make the gamer more involved in the game by creating inventions such as the Wii, PlayStation Move, and Xbox Kinect.

• The Oculus Rift has become very interesting to with its different features, creating the most possible natural experience for the virtual world

• The Oculus Rift has become an interesting trend in 2013 because of its capability. There are no other headsets that feature an amazing immersive stereoscopic 3D rendering, a massive field of view, and a low latency 360-degree head tracking. The Oculus Rift allows you to experience the virtual world from your own living room.