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OctoUML: An Environment for Exploratory andCollaborative Software Design

Rodi Jolak, Boban Vesin and Michel R. V. ChaudronJoint Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg UniversityGothenburg, Sweden


Abstract—Software architects seek efficient support for plan-ning and designing models at multiple levels of abstraction andfrom different perspectives. For this it is desirable that softwaredesign tools support both informal and formal representation ofdesign, and also support their combination and the transitionbetween them. Furthermore, software design tools should beable to provide features for collaborative work on the design.OctoUML supports the creation of software models at variouslevels of formality, collaborative software design, and multi-modalinteraction methods. By combining these features, OctoUML isa prototype of a new generation software design environmentthat aims to better supports software architects in their actualsoftware design and modelling processes.Demo video: Project:

Keywords-software design; modelling notations; multi-modalinteraction; collaborative design; user experience; UML


Designing software consists of exploring design problems,discussing solutions and creating software models as designartifacts. Such artifacts provide a bridge between problemand software implementation by describing user’s needs aswell as the product to be developed. As software systems aregaining increased complexity, the importance of efficient soft-ware design tools is also increasing. Software models changefrequently and are quite often updated by many designerssimultaneously [2]. These models should present a descriptionof complex systems at multiple levels of abstraction and froma different perspectives. Therefore, it is crucial to providesoftware design tools that give possibilities for efficient andcollaborative development as well as options for multi-modalinteraction.

Modelling tools can be classified into two groups: informaland formal [3]. We mean by informal any tool that supportsinformal design in the sense that it does not constrain thenotation used. Indeed, informal tools are preferred for theirflexibility as well as the role that they play in unleashingdesigners’ expressiveness. Examples of such tools are white-boards, paper and pencil. While we mean by formal anytool that support one or few formalized notations. Typicalexamples are UML CASE-tools (e.g. Rational Rose, EnterpriseArchitect, Papyrus, StarUML, etc.). Formal tools are usuallyused for code-generation and/or documenting purposes.

During early design phases, software designers often useinformal tools (e.g. whiteboards) to sketch their thoughtsand compare design ideas. Once the designers settle on onepossible solution, they proceed to create a formal version of thesketchy design. In particular, they move from the whiteboard,start-up the computers, run a formal tool (a CASE-tool), andre-enter the solution that has been created previously duringthe early design phase. So there is a gap between informaldesigning in early software design phases and formal designand documentation practices in subsequent development. Tobridge this gap, we present OctoUML, a software designenvironment that supports exploratory and collaborative designmeetings. OctoUML provides means to allow the creationof both sketchy hand-drawn elements and formal notationssimultaneously. Moreover, it allows the transformation ofsketchy designs into formal notations.

Oviatt and Cohen [9] illustrated the importance of multi-modal systems in reshaping daily computing tasks and pre-dicted their future role in shifting the balance of human-computer interaction much closer to the human. We enabledOctoUML to support multiple modes of interaction includingmouse, keyboard, touch/multi-touch using fingers and styluses,sketching, and voice modality.

More often than not, the process of software design involvesseveral designers working on the same project simultaneously.This could also occur in user-centered design situations whereusers are involved in the design process. We implemented Oc-toUML to support design collaborative sessions, both in-situ(via the adoption of multi-touch technique) and at a distance“remotely” (by using a client-server paradigm). OctoUMLcan be run using a number of input devices ranging fromdesktop computers over large touch screens to large interactivewhiteboards.

The paper is organised as follows: the related work ispresented in section two. Further information on OctoUML,its architecture and features, and the performed evaluation arereported in section three. The future objectives and concludingremarks are presented in the last section (section four).


Several studies proposed different approaches to enhancethe software design process. Mangano et al. [8] identified somebehaviors that occur during informal design. In particular,

designers sketch different kind of diagrams (e.g. box and arrowdiagrams, UI mock-ups, generic plots, flowcharts, etc.) and useimpromptu notations. The authors implemented an interactivewhiteboard system (called Calico) to support these behaviorsand identified some ways where interactive whiteboards canenable designers to work more effectively.

Wuest et al. [12] stated that software engineers often usepaper and pencil to sketch ideas when gathering requirementsfrom stakeholders, but such sketches on paper often need tobe modelled again for further processing. A tool, FlexiSketch,was prototyped by them to combine free-form sketchingwith the ability to annotate the sketches interactively for anincremental transformation into semi-formal models. The usersof FlexiSketch were able to draw UML-like diagrams andintroduced their own notation. They were also able to assigntypes to drawn symbols. Users liked the informality providedby the tool, and had the will to adopt it in practice.

Magin and Kopf [7] created a multi-touch based system al-lowing users to collaboratively design UML class diagrams ontouch-screens. They have also implemented a new algorithmto recognize the gestures drawn by the users and to improvethe layout of the diagrams. However, their tool does not allowfor informal freehand sketching of arbitrary notations.

Lahtinen and Peltonen [6] presented an approach to buildspeech interfaces to UML tools. The authors set up a spokenlanguage to manipulate the UML models, and built a speechcontrol system (VoCoTo) integrated with a CASE-tool (Ratio-nal Rose). They stated that speech recognition is applicable tobe used to enhance the interaction with UML tools.

Table I summarizes the main supported functionalities byOctoUML and illustrates the differences to the related work.

Related Work Informal & formal notations Interaction Modalities (MT,RC*)Calico informal hand-drawn notations mouse, keyboard and touch (no, no)

Flexisketch informal hand-drawn notations mouse, keyboard and touch (no, no)Magin&Kopf formal notations creation via

gesturestouch-based (yes, no)

VoCoTo formal notations mouse, keyboard and voice (no, no)OctoUML creation and mix of informal

and formal notations simulta-neously

mouse, keyboard, singletouch, multi-touch, andvoice

(yes, yes)




In a previous work [3], we presented our vision for a newgeneration software design environment. To realize our vision,we developed a prototype called OctoUML [5]. OctoUML isa software design environment that supports exploratory andcollaborative software design. It is used to create and organizediagrams as well as supports their modification and evolution.Firstly, we illustrate the architecture of OctoUML. Secondly,we describe the main functionalities that are supported byOctoUML (sections B and C). Later on, we provide a scenarioshowing how such functionalities could support the design pro-cess. Lastly, we provide some details on OctoUML evaluation.

Fig. 1. Architectural Components of OctoUML

A. OctoUML Architecture

The key architectural components of OctoUML are pre-sented in Figure 1. The environment contains three majorcomponents: UI component, Data component and Services.The current version of the system offers only the UI and Datacomponents. Additional services will be added during futuredevelopment. The UI component consists of: Presentationmanager and Input unit. The Presentation manager providesmeans for performing stylus or touch-based input commandson devices being used. Drawing layers include support forboth informal and formal modelling layers. The Commandtools are responsible for transferring the inputs from users todifferent controllers. The Graph controller allows switchingbetween different input techniques with combining of multiplelayers. The Input unit is responsible for processing differentinputs. In particular, a Sketch recognizer is provided to rec-ognize and transform informal models into formal concepts,and hence allows to maintain and transfer the designs forfurther processing tasks. A Multi-touch controller capturesand coordinates the inputs from different touch-points. All theprogram data are saved and stored in the Data component.Our tool uses a set of data structures to manage and maintainthe sketched elements and formalized designs.

B. Informal and Formal Notation

Whiteboards (or any informal tools e.g. paper and pen) areused during early software design phases because of their flex-ibility and immediacy, but also becuase they do not constrainthe notation being used. Informal notations (e.g. sketches) canbe used to express abstract ideas representationally, to allowchecking the entirety and the internal consistency of an ideaas well as to facilitate development of new ideas [11]. Fur-thermore, informal notations can have a very close mappingto the problem domain. However, the informal notations oftenneed to be formalized in order to allow their manipulation andprocess e.g. sharing, code generation or documentation.

Modelling tools should not constrain designers to createonly some specific notations. Furthermore, they should main-tain the characteristics of formal tools in their support ofdesign transfer and persistence [3].

Fig. 2. Combination of different notations on the same canvas

OctoUML allows the creation of both hand-drawn informalsketches and computer-drawn formal elements (currently UMLclass and sequence models) on the same canvas simultaneously(Figure 2). OctoUML bridges the gap between early softwaredesign process, when informal tools are typically used, andlater documentation and formalization process, when formaltools are used. Beside supporting the creation of software mod-els at different levels of formality, OctoUML is equipped witha Sketch recognition unit which enables sketch formalization.In particular, OctoUML allows the transformation of modelsfrom informal to formal and vice versa at any time duringthe modelling session. Furthermore, we adopted a layeringtechnique by which the informal notations belong to one layerthat we call the informal layer, and the formal notations belongto another layer that we call the formal layer. The user canthen select to see the layers in combination or isolation.

C. Interaction Modes and CollaborationThe usability of current CASE tools is a common source

of criticism [4]. The interaction with such tools is oftenbased on using the mouse and keyboard. Other modes ofinteraction (e.g. touch, gesture and voice) could be morenatural and intuitive. In order to improve the user experienceof OctoUML and increase its accessibility, the interactionmodalities of OctoUML are enriched by providing a voice-commands recognition component capable of transformingdesigners’ voice-commands into control actions.

The process of software design often involves more thanone designer working on the same project simultaneously.OctoUML promotes collaborative design by adopting a multi-touch technique and supporting remote collaboration. Next,we provide more details on the supported functionalities:

• Multi-touch is an interaction technique that permits themanipulation of graphical entities by more users at thesame time. Our tool allows multiple users to designdiagrams simultaneously by performing simple touchgestures.

• In order to improve the user experience, we integrateda voice-commands control component within the Inputunit. The component is capable of handling the mostcommonly used functions during the design process.Thus, users can use voice commands in order to createand edit elements of software diagrams.

• To open up new opportunities for interactive collaborativedesign, our tool supports remote collaborative sessionsbetween geographically distributed teams. One team ofdesigners can run a server instance of OctoUML, whereasanother team can join the session as client connectingto the server. Video calls and chatting tools will beintegrated in order to support the joint design sessions.

D. Design process in UctoUML: A Scenario

Figure 3 illustrate the design process in OctoUML. Activi-ties that are currently supported by OctoUML are distinct ingreen. Let us think about the following scenario: a group ofsoftware designers meet to explore and discuss design ideasof a specific software product. The designers start with thecreation of some informal sketchy designs using OctoUMLbeing deployed on a large interactive whiteboard. After that,the designers proceed with a selective transformation of someinformal sketches into a formal model. Later on, the createdmodel is analyzed to check possible flaws and performancebottlenecks. Finally, the model is saved and uploaded to aversion control repository. The designers meet again (on-siteor from different locations) when new requirements come outor having earlier requirements exposed to changes. They fetchthe design that was previously shared on the version repository,update the design, and commit a new version that is nowcompliant to the new requirements.

E. Evaluation

Two user studies were performed to evaluate OctoUML.In both studies, the participants had to do a modelling taskusing OctoUML, answer a System Usability Scale (SUS)questionnaire [1], and participate into semi-structured inter-views. The first study involved fourteen software engineeringstudents (ten PhD and four M.Sc. students) and two post-doc researchers. The main purpose of the first study was toevaluate the usability of OctoUML as well as to investigatewhether supporting the mix of informal and formal notationcould support the design process. OctoUML got an averageSUS-score of 78.75 which is a high usability score accordingto [10]. The participants stated that informal notations could bevaluable artifacts beyond being just explorative means. Theyalso stated that such notations support designers’ activities inunderstanding the problems and communicating ideas. Figure4 shows the feedback from the participants regarding the useof informal and formal notations within OctoUML.

Fig. 3. Design process in OctoUML

Fig. 4. User study I: informal vs. formal notations

Fig. 5. User study II: usability and learnability of OctoUML

The second study involved fourteen participants (three PhDand eleven M.Sc. software engineering students). The mainpurpose was to evaluate the learnability and usability ofOctoUML as well as the role of the voice interaction modalityin enhancing the user experience and supporting the softwaredesign process. OctoUML got a SUS-score of 74.6 which canbe considered a quite good usability score [10]. The majorityof the participants stated that it was easy to learn and usethe different functionalities of OctoUML (including the voiceinteraction modality), see Figure 5. Furthermore, the voiceinteraction modality was perceived helpful in overcoming non-ergonomic tasks e.g. typing via a keyboard.


In this paper we presented OctoUML, a prototype of anew generation software design environment for collaborativesoftware design. It provides support for mixing informal hand-drawn elements with formal notations. Moreover, it supportsdifferent input methods and interaction modalities.

OctoUML combines the advantages of both informal toolse.g. interactive whiteboards and formal tools e.g. CASE tools,and therefore is able to bridge the gap between early softwaredesign process (when designers often sketch their ideas) andformalisation/documentation process. OctoUML was evalu-ated by conducting two user studies and involving thirtyparticipants in total. The main goal was to get feedback onthe viability and usability of OctoUML. The results show thatthe participants enjoyed their experience with OctoUML andhad a positive perception regarding its usability.

The current architecture of OctoUML allows future expan-sions of the system with additional functionalities. The goalis to implement and incorporate additional features in thesubsequent versions of the system:

– Analysis component. It will perform software model anal-ysis. This tool will be used to automatically evaluate thecreated software models to detect general design flaws,security flaws and performance bottlenecks.

– Versioning component. The purpose is to provide a repos-itory for keeping track of the version history of storedmodels, and the ability to observe changes that are madeto specific artifacts in the environment. The system shouldalso be able to resolve conflicts when two users changethe same model data. Such component would increasethe potential for parallel and distributed work, improvethe ability to track and merge changes over time, andautomate management of revision history. It would alsoallow multiple designers to work concurrently, supportingtight collaboration and a fast feedback loop.

– Code management. Models and code must be combinedthroughout the development process. Users will be ableto generate code from formalized UML class diagramsas well as view models and codes side by side and jumpbetween editing one and keeping the other synchronized.


We would like to thank Marcus Isaksson, Johan Hermans-son, Emil Sundklev and Christophe Van Baalen for their helpin the development and evaluation of OctoUML.


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