Download - October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.

Page 1: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.

October 25 - 31 , 2015

“If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because

of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.”

(Ezekiel 33:6, New International Version)

Weekly World Watch

Andy Walton’s

To skip the introductory slides and go straight to this weeks developments click here.


Page 2: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.

What is a Weekly World Watch?

• Israel: The continuing conflict in the Middle East and focus on Jerusalem.

• Europe: Its developing union, both political and religious.

• Russia: Its return to anti-Western ways as Bible prophecy’s “king of the north.”

• The UK and the US: Bible prophecy’s “king of the south.”

• Moral standards in decline and violence on the increase.

WWW presentations in PowerPoint can be ordered as audio/visual CDs by clicking here. Move your mouse to place the cursor on the blue link and click.

The idea is simple. It is to look at current events and compare them to events spoken of in the Bible. .

I hope to build up a picture of God’s hand working in the affairs of this world. God is bringing about a day when all nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle. At that time God will send His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, back to this earth. Jesus will then establish God’s kingdom on earth.

This kingdom will last for ever. This is our hope and the reason we watch.

• Increasing natural disasters: including earthquake, famine etc

The following six themes will appear repeatedly in WWW:

Page 3: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.




News Photo

The source of the headline and the date are included.

Each WWW looks at a few key developments that have happened during the past week. It is in no way meant to be exhaustive – just a look at those events I saw as significant from a Biblical point of view.

What is in a Weekly World Watch?


This is normally one verse which backs up why the event that has occurred is interesting from a Biblical perspective. Please read in its context. Unless stated otherwise, all quotes are from the King James Version. (Book, chapter, and verse)

This is straight from a news report that caught my eye because it looked significant from a Biblical perspective, usually that of prophecy.

Every WWW event slide has the following format. To reveal each block of text just left click your mouse or press the space bar. You control when it appears.

This is the reporter’s description of the event. It is always a direct quotation from the news report and reflects the understanding of the reporter and editors.

This is my comment on why the event is interesting to a Bible student. The intention of the WWW is to offer brief Biblical perspectives without going into detail. If more detail is desired, please e-mail me: ([email protected]). Please note that these are personal thoughts and the aim is purely to stimulate Bible study.

Page 4: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.

This Week’s Developments

To print any of the event slides that follow, click the picture on the upper rightPRESS SPACE BAR TO CONTINUE

• Syria conflict: Russia warns US of 'proxy war risk'

• US and Russia agree to work for 'nationwide ceasefire’

• Syria mission demonstrates Russia's new prowess

• Russia: Key reserve fund to run dry by end of 2016

• Rift on refugees spurs risk to Europe's unity

October 25 - 31, 2015

• Oxygen discovered on comet, stunning scientists

Page 5: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.


US and Russia agree to work for 'nationwide ceasefire’

America and Russia agreed to work towards a “nationwide ceasefire” between Syria's regime and opposition groups on Friday when every foreign power with any involvement in the civil war met for the first time. The talks in Vienna drew together implacable enemies on opposing sides of Syria’s conflict, notably Saudi Arabia and Iran. The 17 countries represented around the table included allies of Bashar al-Assad – and supporters of the rebels fighting to bring him down. On Friday, John Kerry, the US secretary of state, was positioned at the head of the negotiating table alongside Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister. After eight hours of talks – four more than scheduled – all the parties agreed to ask the United Nations to “explore modalities for, and implementation of, a nationwide ceasefire”. The countries also agreed that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) "must be defeated". How this would be compatible with a "nationwide ceasefire" was left unexplained.

Daily Telegraph, October 30, 2015



The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid. The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus,


(Isaiah 17:1-3)

There were two groups at this meeting. The one group wants Assad gone. The does does not. What is amazing is how these two groups line up. They are almost exactly lined up as Ezekiel 38 prophesied they would. On the one hand there is Russia and Iran who want Assad to stay. On the other hand there is the US, UK, Saudi Arabia who want Assad gone. Ezekiel 38 puts Russia and Iran together. Ezekiel also details the opposing force as US / UK and the gulf states including Saudi Arabia.

These talks are a last ditch desperate attempt to try to draw a line under the ever increasing conflict in Syria that has cost the lives of 250,000 people and displaced millions. We know with Bible in hand the future for Syria is that it will completely fail as

a nation and Damascus will cease to be a city. This time is FAST approaching…

Page 6: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.

Russia has warned of the risk of a "proxy war" in the Middle East after the US said it would send special forces to Syria. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said this increased the need for co-operation between the US and Russia. US officials said "fewer than 50" troops would "train, advise and assist" vetted opposition forces in fighting the so-called Islamic State (IS). It will be the first time that US troops operate openly in Syria. Mr Lavrov said the US had decided on its move "unilaterally and without any reference to the Syrian leadership”. He added: "I am convinced that neither the United States nor Russia of course want any kind of slide into a so-called proxy war. But to me it is obvious that this situation makes the task of co-operation between the militaries even more relevant.” He was speaking after talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura in Vienna.

BBC online, October 31, 2015



And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean. And it shall be as when the harvestman gathereth the corn, and reapeth the ears with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim. Notice that Israel is made thin / lean in the day that Syria fails as a nation. This is still to happen.


The day after the talks both sides showed that they were determined to fight on.America announced it would be sending special forces into Syria to help the rebels. Russia then warned of a “proxy war”. Russia is saying that America and Russia could end up being at war with each other through the different armed forces they are supporting in Syria. The real point is that a proxy war is underway right now.America is pushing back at Russia’s recent involvement in Syria. Although it is a small step it is supposed to send a reassuring message to America’s unsettled allies and show Russia they are not going to back down.Events in Syria are reaching a critical stage. Something will happen to drag Israel into this conflict. Isaiah 17 says this clearly. The removal of Syria as a nation will create the vacuum into which Russia will descend. Ezekiel 38 comes after Isaiah 17 v 1-5.

Syria conflict: Russia warns US of 'proxy war risk'

(Isaiah 17:4)

Page 7: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.

Syria mission demonstrates Russia's new prowess

Sleek combat jets loaded with precision bunker-buster bombs roar into the skies as soldiers in desert-style uniforms march past rows of neat housing at this Russian military base at one of Syria’s largest airports. The air campaign in Syria, Russia’s first military action outside the former Soviet Union since the war in Afghanistan, shows a revamped Russian military, which sharply differs in both capability and mindset from the old, Soviet-style force. It is capable of quickly projecting power far from Russian borders, widely uses drones and precision weapons, and cares about soldiers’ comfort.As part of President Vladimir Putin’s sweeping military modernization program, the air force received hundreds of new and modernized aircraft, all equipped with state-of-the art electronics on a par with U.S. and NATO jets. “All aircraft here at the base are equipped with targeting systems that allow hitting targets with pinpoint precision,” said Defense Ministry spokesman Maj.-Gen. Igor Konashenkov.

Associated Press, October 24,2015



“‘Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, God is talking to Gog – Russia leader (Putin) – and telling him to get ready and be prepared!

The West has been amazed at how Russia has improved its military know-how. Russia is demonstrating for the first time how far they have come in terms of technology and skill. Putin has invested billions into the army, navy and air force of Russia which enables him now to project force into the Middle East with ease. One headline this week said “Russia’s naval encirclement of Syria”. The report went on to detail how Russia has surrounded Syria with high tech warships - some of which launched cruise missiles hitting pin point targets 1500km away in Syria. The Bible said that the Russian leader (Gog) would prepare a vast army. The preparation has gone on in earnest for a decade. Russia is now showing the world what it can do. There is more to come.


(Ezekiel 38:7-8 NIV)

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Russia: Key reserve fund to run dry by end of 2016

Russia says it will likely deplete one of its two rainy day funds by the end of next year as it tries to plug the state deficit amid the economic downturn. The economy fell into recession this year for the first time since 2009 due to Western sanctions and a drop in prices for the country's crucial energy exports. Personal incomes have fallen for the first time since President Vladimir Putin came to power 15 years ago.Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told the parliament on Tuesday that the Reserve Fund, which holds 4.7 trillion rubles ($74 billion), is likely to halve by the end of the year with oil prices as low as they are. "This means that 2016 could be the last year when we have these reserves to spend," Siluanov said. "From then on, we will have no resources like this.” As oil prices began to climb in the mid-2000s, Russia decided to set aside some profits from oil exports into two rainy day funds.

Associated Press, October 27, 2015



The end of all things is at hand. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.BIBLE


It’s quite incredible that over 150 years ago the pioneer Christadelphian – Dr John Thomas wrote a book called “Elpis Israel”. In the book he said Russia would become bankrupt. He also said that Russia would make a grand move to rebuild an empire.“Let the Russian treasury be as empty as it is said to be, and its expenditure exceed its revenue by double the alleged deficit, it will only operate as a pressure from within, causing her Autocrat to "enter into the countries and to overflow and pass over," and to enrich himself with the spoil of those he is destined to subdue.” and “When Russia makes its grand move for the building-up of its Image-empire, then let the reader know that the end of all things, as at present constituted, is at hand. The long-expected, but stealthy advent of the King of Israel, will be on the eve of becoming a fact ...”. The headline above covers the bankruptcy. The previous headlines cover the grand move.

(1 Peter 4:7-8 NIV)

Page 9: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.

Rift on refugees spurs risk to Europe's unity

A rift over Europe's response to the sudden arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees is leading some in Brussels to voice fears for the future of the European Union. The 28-nation bloc is torn between solidarity and security as governments struggle to cope with an influx of people fleeing war and oppression in Syria, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa, which is fuelling a political backlash in many countries. "What was unimaginable before is possible today - that is the disintegration of the European project," Frans Timmermans, the European Commission vice-president coordinating EU action on the migration crisis, told the Friends of Europe think-tank.Mutual mistrust among EU governments has reached alarming levels, say old Brussels hands who are used to frequent past crises.

Reuters, October 25, 2015



“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.


(Revelation 17:12-13)

The Syrian crisis is not only destabilising the Middle East. It is not only bringing the two super powers into a proxy war. It is not only polarising the hatred of Saudi Arabia and Iran. It is also causing crisis and division within Europe. It is doing so because of the millions of refugees that have been caused primarily due to the Syrian conflict.There are poor nations within Europe that just do not want to take these refugees in. There are other nations who are insisting they must. The whole European project as we know it today is shaking because of this crisis. The fear is that the Russian involvement in Syria will actually only make the refugee crisis worse.The Bible says that 10 nations will come together at the end and give their sovereign power to what was once the Holy Roman Empire. This crisis may bring this about.

Page 10: October 25 - 31, 2015 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of.

Oxygen discovered on comet, stunning scientists

The Rosetta spacecraft has discovered molecular oxygen in the cloud of gas surrounding the comet it is tracking.The discovery has come as a complete surprise to scientists who thought that oxygen would have reacted with other elements as planets were forming.The results indicate that current ideas about how our Solar System formed may be wrong. One of the scientists involved, Professor Kathrin Altwegg of Bern University said that the scientists involved in the study thought the result was a mistake when they first saw the data. "When we first saw it, we went a little bit into denial because it is not what you would expect to find on a comet," she said.That is because oxygen reacts very easily with other elements to form compounds, rather than stay in its unique form.

BBC online, October 28, 2015



For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: CLICK HERE to watch a YouTube on how God created everythingExam question: What did God make in 6 days? Answer: He made EVERTHING including heaven and earth. Therefore the universe (heaven) and the earth were made on Day 1 – 6000 years ago.


(Exodus 20:11)

The discovery of oxygen surrounding the comet was so “unbelievable” for the scientists that they have kept it secret for months! They almost went into denial. It could not / or should not be there! Professor Kathrin Altwegg, project leader for Rosetta's Rosina mass spectrometer instrument, said: 'We had never thought that oxygen could 'survive' for billions of years.’ Every computer model says that all the oxygen on the comet should have been reprocessed after 4.5bn years. But it is there. It literally means that text books that supposedly tell us how the solar system formed will need to be rewritten. OR what mankind could do is believe God. He tells us that he made the universe and everything in it in 6 days. And those 6 days were only 6000 years ago. Once more scientists are confounded and we have proof that God’s word is true!

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Please take a look at this excellent Christadelphian Prophecy website

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WWW will be e-mailed to you each week.

If you think others may find the WWW helpful please direct them to the website

They can register on the sitePLEASE NOTE: The Weekly World Watch is written and sent by myself – it is my take on events and I accept that on occasions I will miss significant events

and also misinterpret them as well. However I will endeavour to be faithful to the scriptures and hope that it will be of benefit to both of us.

Weekly World Watch

The end of this week’s