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  • 7/30/2019 OCR Media Studies Textbook


    OCR Media Studies Textbook

    Representation - Representations within media are when a media station such as ITV or BBCrepresents footage or a dialogue. This means that instead of it being live youre seeing aconstructed re-presentation of the actual situation. Sometimes a representation of something

    can be influenced on definite factors which would show to people its certainly for them or itmay even be stereotypically made. For example, colours can influence things for both genders.Such as pink is a typical female colour so pink items within the media would be associated withfemales. Therefore, males would be connected with colours like blue and red. As red signifiesdanger and therefore more risks would be taken.

    Verisimilitude - Verisimilitude allows the viewers to relate to the character by the costume orby the set within the drama they are showing. For example, clothing helps to visualise andunderstand the TV drama by the generation or time period the media is set. This would be likehaving the characters of the show Downton Abbey wearing tracksuits and trainers. Thiswouldnt allow us to relate to the time period it was set. We would expect very posh and classy

    dresses showing their class immediately when they appear.

    Teen Drama - Teen drama is a collection of programmes to make a series which will not onlyentertain the viewers, but will also relate to problems that are occurring in everyday life with theproposed help that the age group can come across. For example, Waterloo Road would beteen dramas as it shows all the problems such as knife crime, underage drinking and then alsothe behaviour within a school community. This then illustrates to the younger generation thatwould be watching the programme, that all this crime is wrong and they can relate to certaincharacters behaving like them and can build respect for them.

    Soap Operas - Soap Operas are usually shown throughout the week often to carry on aproblem. For example, in EastEnders if someone was having an affair you wont find out untilmaybe 8 weeks later. This builds the viewers to wonder what is happening and guess mysterypartners characters might be with. All the soap operas are based around a certain set whichwill stay for the whole programmes existent. Coronation Street has one street where everythingis based and happens. This allows the viewers to relate that street to the programme andunderstand exactly what is happening. Soaps tend to always finish with cliff hangers leavingsuspense and a build up to the next episode. This however is made to look like its real timetherefore it change in lighting or change in costume may be present.

    Period Drama - Period Dramas are usually based on a piece of literature or a true story. This

    type of media based on fiction however, causes a huge economic demand. This is because ofthe set needed. For example, Downton Abbey uses a large mansion which would have beenowned by the upper class in previous years. The production team would then have to rent outthe mansion to make the period drama look authentic and sophisticated. Coincidently, thecharacters will need the right time associated clothing to present them from that time period. Ifthis is not done then the programme would look as refined as the viewers would have hopedand wanted to see. This will be the same with transport if they show any parts of transport thenit will have to be the old vintage motors not a brand new car. This will build to the atmosphereand the surroundings. Also, the actors will be called from over the world to play in perioddramas as you have to have the right actor/actress otherwise the accent and voice wont be thesame and create the historic fill.

    Hospital Drama - Hospital drama addresses two ways of being interpreted. Firstly a hospitaldrama will need to show patients seeking medical support with illnesses and injuries. This willbe done in a hospital itself as it will hold all the vital machinery that will make it look realistic.

  • 7/30/2019 OCR Media Studies Textbook


    Also, hospital drama needs to show it from the employees side. This means showing theirreactions towards certain processes or injuries. This drama will also portray what happensbehind closed doors in a hospital allowing the viewers to increase more respect for the staff atthe hospitals.

    Crime Drama - Crime drama is a lot like hospital drama and has to show the both sides of thecrimes. However there are two types of crime drama. There is a one-off crime drama which willshow main important evidence and is usually based on a certain historic element such as themurder or a drug deal. On the other hand there are long-running crime dramas which will last avast period of drama which will have a variety of sub-plots that help build up more sustainedaudience interest in the relationships characters. An example of a crime drama is The Bill.This used to show you what would happen in a situation like that and the processes used. Thiswould build respect from the viewer and people would look forward to the programme the nextepisode. Also, the viewers got to see car chases which builds up the excitement the anxietyand makes the viewer feel the tension.

    Shared Conventions -Characterswho offer shorthand representations of real types of people (or stereotypes).Narrative which is visually presented and demands high level of active audienceunderstanding.Mise en scne this would involve props, costume, set, make up, lighting. Anything that canimmediately create an atmosphere will cause the viewer feel the directors intention. Camerworkthat ensures continuity and creates drama through visual conventions

    Conventions -conventions are usually described as the ingredients of a particular form orgenre. For example, if you make a news bulletin, you would need to observe a range of rulesof engagement for news broadcasts.

    Connotations - connotation is an association or idea suggested by word or phrase. This mightbe when your name is said people will think of you not something else. If someone says acolour people will think of something associated with that colour. For example, blue peoplewould think of the sky or the sea.

    TV Drama - can be a one episode programme or a seven week drama. This will be based on aplot that they will keep going for the whole of the drama keeping most characters, killing someoff and then introducing a few more. These are usually shown once a week and attract a lot ofviewers. TV Dramas traditionally end in a cliff hanger causing the viewers to tune in the

    following week. These can be known as being over dramatic but are full of different emotionscreating different atmospheres.

    The television views were at a staggering 12 million when the concert was broadcasted forPrincess Diane. This shows that television is the main way we spend our free time watchingdifferent programmes that interests us the most. For example, students tend to relax watchingcomic programmes on the television before they go to revise or start homework as it puts themin a good mood and creates a relaxed atmosphere before they start. There are many types ofdrama on the television at the moment if it is by old Victorian themed drama to the modern daycrime of today. This allows many people to interact with programmes making sure they canwatch whatever is there favourite, whether it Paradise (BBC 1 Victorian styled department

    store) or if its Waterloo Road (BBC 1 teen drama set in a school)