Download - OCR AS Biology Unit 2 Module 3 Extinction + Conservation

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Extinction and Loss of Biodiversity By Iris and C-J

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Why it happens

‘good’ extinctions

Loss of biodiversity

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Extinction is when a species ceases to exist.

Bye Bye!!!

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Why extinction happens

Genes can affect extinction

Harmful human activities


Habitat degradation

‘alien’ organisms creating competition

Connected extinction

Natural phenomena (dinosaurs)

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Not all extinctions are bad…

Extinction of bacteris

E.g. smallpox

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Loss of Biodiversity

When a species becomes extinct the niche it lives in has biodiversity. Biodiversity is the variation of life within a certain ecosystem.

Harmful human activities

Increase in human population – increased use of land for homes and growing food crops


Global warming

Extinction of species

Damage to natural ecosystem

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Why Conserve?

By Iris and C-J

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Why conserve biodiversity / species

Economical + Ecological reasons

Ethical + Aesthetic reasons

Agricultural reasons

Medical reasons

Ways to help conserving

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Why conserve biodiversity / species (in general)?

Human activities are causing a loss of biodiversity

Loss of biodiversity is causing a decrease in the gene pool

For survival of humans


Fresh water

Removing our waste

Balance of global ecosystems

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Economic + Ecological reasons

Keystone species are important in regulating ecosystems

A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment relative to its abundance (Wikipedia)

E.g. sea stars, elephants in the African savanna (grassland)

Evolution as our problem-solving tool

Soil becoming infertile

Creating food shortages and elevation of staple crops’ prices

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Ethical + Aesthetic reasons

Species having public appeal

Loss of habitat

People enjoy observing wildlife

E.g. chalk down land + heath land

For personal wellbeing

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Agricultural reasons

Reserving gene information

E.g. of wheat, rice and maize

Selective breeding causing lost of genes of naturally adapted animals and crops

Research into new crop varieties

Spreading of diseases in crops

Fungal pathogen of wheat plant

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Medical reasons

Plants have complex metabolisms

E.g. vinblastine – treating breast cancer, some lung cancer and testicular cancer

E.g. TAXOLTM (paclitaxel) – treating lung, ovarian and breast cancer

Traditional Chinese medicine


E.g. Pei Pa Koa –relief cough, sooth sore throat and remove phlegm

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Help conserve species Don't buy imported exotic species for pets (parrots, frogs, lizards, fish, etc.).

Support responsible ecotourism and conservation programs.

Watch where you step – not on rare plants

Drive slowly and attentively in wildlife areas.

Shop smart/shop green

Use less
