Download - OCDSB JESC Meeting Minutes · 2017/4/19 · Daymond and she will pass on the information to our Super Intendent, Shawn Lehman. Connie has made request for speed limit changes, needs


Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

1 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Jockvale Elementary School Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2017 5:48 pm

In the Chair Rotem Brajtman – Vice Chair, current acting chair Meeting Participants

Attendees Unable to Attend Executive Members Rotem Brajtman Melissa Keown Denise Vranas Krista MacIsaac Joe Allan Azra Temple Crystal Logan Parent Members Jane de Laat Kelly & Andrew Stanzel Debbie Hameluck Irene Agouzal School Administration Beatrice Ocquaye – Vice Principal Connie Daymond – Principal Lisa Levitan – Staff representative, teacher Brenda Fedlbruegge – Office Administrator Shawn Lehman - Superintendent Donna Blackburn – School board trustee Other Parents Cathy Legrand Dru Mennie Christina Mennie Community Members Karen Adelberg Barb O’Connor

Executive Members Parent Members Peter de Laat School Administration

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

2 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Dave Wright Sun reporter – Andrew Seymore Approval of Agenda MOTION: To accept the agenda. Joe 1st, Jane 2nd, all in agreement. OCDSB Audit / Review and Q&A Circulated documentation of review of Q&A from school regarding Corrinne Reynolds / Middleton, See Appendix A. Mr. Lehman apologized for the materials being one week late on circulation. Review included Financial School Council generated funds, school generated funds review, and next steps and lessons learned. Scope of review: current practices related to school practices and Board policies and procedures related to when school Council funds go missing. Mr. Lehman thanks the JESC for cooperating with the review team. Audits are completed at schools when a new principal takes over. Leslie Park School Council(LPSC) Chair – as per Superintendant Frank Wylie direction LPSC filed the police report. During the investigation Frank Wylie took over at the point when action was about to be taken, the school Board was required to take over as the legal entity. This left confusion with Leslie Park school Council. Recommendation by Donna Blackburn for Leslie Park Council members to attend the oard meeting and address the Board. In the future for filing police reports, who should be the point of contact? It should be the school as the legal entity. LPSC at the end of an investigation information should be shared, needs to come from the legal entity. If Ottawa Police Service(OPS) doesn’t charge someone the report would have limited public information. Banking practices are being reviewed and our district is one of the few offering the option for the school to manage their own bank accounts. The Board would make the decision. This will add additional demands on office staff in the schools. SchoolCashnet online is going to be going live in May with 25 test schools. Jockvale will be one of the 25 schools selected.

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

3 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Donna Blackburn commented on how any money going missing at any school is very upsetting. There will be efforts to put into place policies and procedures to stop future money going missing. Parent Questions: Will there be a way to screen volunteers? It is currently up to the discretion of the principal to check volunteers. This will be added to the list of items to be reviewed. In this particular case this may not have made any difference. OCASC Rep – assembly of all school Councils meeting There is already a limited number of volunteers to begin with. This may hinder people who want to come out and volunteer. It only shows guilty charges. Could the district not asked the individual in question to ask them to abstain from volunteering at any future schools until after the investigation was over? There clearly is a need to create a checklist to guide issues like these this has been identified in the lessons learned. School Resource Officer (SRO) was supposed to communicate with the JES principal however this did not occur. What is stopping individuals who have been investigating from volunteering at other schools? Processes are being updated to inform school communities of these information. Please put the focus on mitigation and security practices to stop this from happening instead of focusing on the who and the past. What is the timeline for the recommendations/lessons learned? There will be consultation for policy and procedures, these things take time. Kevin Gardner could come and speak with us about NFP status and the challenges around JESC loosing this and having our banking combined with the JES. Please feel free to send any additional questions to Rotem [email protected] or Donna [email protected] . Approval of Previous Minutes MOTION: To accept minutes from March 22nd meeting. Krista 1st, Azra 2nd, all in agreement.

New and Continuing Business

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

4 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

None Chair’s Report

There are positions open and available, Chair and parent at large. Debbie Hammond self-nomination, 2nd Krista Irene Agouzal self-nomination, 2nd Krista Rotem Brajtman for Chair 1st Melissa, 2nd Crystal It is not standard practice or policy for students to receive FREE food programs when a parent volunteers. Additional food from any food program is to be used by the administration at their discretion. School Council will work with the school to document use of additional food. Principal’s Report. Staffing: We will be down in staff this coming year. The exact number is .68 in French, and .6 in English, at this point. This means that teachers may be assigned a job at a grade level that is not typically one they have been teaching. This often causes a ripple effect in movement out of the school. First vacancy list will come out on Tuesday. Equipment: We have ordered the chrome books and tech tubs and are now looking at ordering another IPad for each primary class if we have the money. Thank you to JESC for purchasing the chrome books and tech tubs. We are placing a large order for gym equipment (both outdoor and indoor). Each class is scheduled to have gym every day (either inside or outside). One of these days is then dedicated to health and on that day, the teacher is expected to do at least 20 minutes of DPA. We are looking at supplying each classroom with outdoor gym equipment to use for gym time only. Teachers can just go directly outside from their classroom which will save time. This purchase will be made using the money raised from the pizza program as well as some additional money provided by JESC. We will continue to have a sign out at recess for outdoor gym equipment that the junior students will be organizing and maintaining. Summary of equipment to be provided at the next meeting. Busing:

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

5 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Barrhaven Grades 4-6 1.6km away across from Greenbank Road busing concerns. It was already deemed unsafe for Grades 1-3. Please forward any concerns directly to Mae Wilson([email protected]) and CC: Connie Daymond and she will pass on the information to our Super Intendent, Shawn Lehman. Connie has made request for speed limit changes, needs for crossing guards, no right turn on red light. Waiting on a response from the city. Applying for empty seats doesn’t occur until October 5th. All parents with concerns should write Connie a letter. Request SRO to get accident data. 1.6km away from school for grades 1 – 6. Concept of a walking school bus was discussed. Need support of parent Council to make this happen. This could employ someone in the neighbourhood. Could there be an opportunity for John McCrae students here? New sidewalks are going to be put in on Malvern on the south side. Connie requested city to complete this work during the summer months. UPDATE at time of minute review the OSTA has made the Greenbank Road a permanent hazard which means all students will continued to be bused. Fundraisers by the school: Spring Basket Raffle will run from April 18 and run until the draw on May 18. Funds will be used for tech. Concerns voiced over the encouragement of “stuff” and the opportunity for winning is for students who have money. School is always open to having volunteer parents for any classroom not just their own child’s classroom. Girl’s Conference Was held at the school on Thursday, April 6. This was organized and facilitated by Beatrice. There were girls from Jockvale, Barrhaven Public School and Regina P. S. EQAO testing in May We will be finishing our lockdowns and fire drills for the rest of the year. You will not be notified as to the next lockdown. Education Week runs from May 1 to May 5. Potluck dinner will be held on Thursday, May 4 in the gym from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Bring enough food to feed your own family. Bring your own plates, cutlery etc. Culture opportunities and art display to be curated from the students and families. Connie suggested that HMB and BPS and JES Councils connect to coordinate events. Parking and ‘kiss and ride’, this is occurring morning and afternoon. By-law and SRO have been contacted. Reminder of times for no-entry: 8:00 - 9:00 / 2:30 - 3:30

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

6 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Pilot project for school funds will be starting in May. School Council as a charitable organization and following OCDSB policies and procedures (Procedure PR.580.3.4 b FIN). The role of School Councils (policy P.014.SCO) School climate survey. Grades 1 – 4, should only take 15 minutes. Connie is retiring on June 30th. New principal search will be complete and name will be assigned in the next few weeks, there are 5 principals at schools who are closing. Principal profile is to be completed by JESC to list the qualities in a principal for their school.

Teacher’s Report Thank you very much for our 5 new Chromebooks. Our primary request continues to be purchasing more Chromebooks for Jockvale. Thank you in advance for your generosity. We’d love more chromebooks. It would be awesome for all students to have access to one. Potentially ipads for kinders. FIELD TRIP: May 16 for Grades 1-6 (to celebrate Canada 150) Jockvale students have a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Canada’s 150 th birthday in a very special way. On Tuesday May 16th, Grade 1-6 classes will be going on an exciting field trip to experience the Rhythm of Canada and the Rhyme of History. Canada Speaks & Canada Roars features a unique musical experience, including world champion performers from Aboriginal roots to modern hits celebrating our Canadian diversity and identity. A unbelievable blend of musical history showcases key social and cultural transformations in the making of modern Canada including drum beats, voices, authentic regalia, and dancing of First Peoples to traditional Québécois, Métis, Celtic and Acadien songs and dances; from classical music and opera to military music, Jazz, Country, Folk, Rock & Roll and Canada’s contribution to television, film, and the world’s stage to the marches of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. This bilingual and unique educational musical history showcases the last 100 years of Canadian pop and rock from coast to coast to coast! This performance demonstrates how music can stimulate, inspire, and inform an audience about key social and cultural transformations in the making of modern Canada. Students will also be participating in Canada Speaks. This includes a historical flashback experience, as students engage with actors portraying key historical figures and scenes from the early explorers and coureurs de bois, to the characters of the War of 1812, Confederation, and modern day adventures. Jockvale students and staff are reminded to please wear their blue Jockvale shirts so we are easily visible. For more information, please visit

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

7 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Wear their Jockvale spirit wear. Algonquin college. $12 / student. BUTTERFLY GARDEN We’re hoping to create a butterfly garden at Jockvale. We have some sticks in the fire so to speak and will be partnering with the Barrhaven Gardeners (a local gardening club) to see this garden come to life. It might be a long term project that starts in the planning phase this year, and the construction phase next year. If there are any avid gardeners on the School Council who would be interested in helping, please let Mme Levitan know and she will pass on the information. JOHN MCRAE John McCrae and Jockvale have developed a partnership this year. Some of the students from the Leadership program at J.M. came to Jockvale in the Fall to work on the LEADS program (a continuation of the WITS program) with the grade 5/6 students. As a result, we have continued the partnership with J.M. students volunteering with the grade 1 students during skating. The students also put together a grant proposal and put the funds they received towards purchasing a Kin Ball (a giant ball that is great for co-operative games) for the entire school to share and some pinnies for the LEADS club students to wear outside at recess when they are leading activities. We’re all very happy with how the partnership is working out so far. TECH BUDDIES Mme Khemani’s grade 3/4 students are working as Tech Buddies with Mme Phillips grade 1 students showing them how to log in to the Chromebooks, experimenting with computer programming, and showing them how to troubleshoot. SPRING BASKET RAFFLE Began this week. A letter with each classes theme was sent home last week. Each homeroom class chose a theme (e.g., fun in the sun) to fill their basket, and through student gift donations, items will be brought in. In May, students will have the chance to purchase tickets towards winning one of the baskets. WE CLUB Bake Sale raised $274 for World Wildlife Fund. Treasurer’s Report Still to come the profit/loss summary to be shared with Council in the coming weeks for all our programs from 2016/17.

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

8 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Bank balance at end of March $11,201.37, available funds ~$8,000. Financial report not presented.

OCASC Report

Next meeting is tomorrow, April 20th. Items brought up at the last meeting is there any recourse for parents to able to remove someone removed from a bus run who shouldn’t be driving. Groups to speak to are OSTA, then next Ontario Ombudsman. Changes to East West Schools approved. Leslie Park discussed issues regarding the loss of funds and answers. Fundraising/Events Report Movie Nights: Our next movie night is scheduled for April 28, Monster Trucks. The students are once again selecting the movie. They selected between Moana, Monster Trucks, Trolls and BFG. The vote but that information should be available prior to the meeting. I will make a motion for $300 to cover supplies for movie night. The last movie night was March 31. Expenses totaled approximately $286 and the profit was approximately $454.70. During the movie night we had problems with our large popcorn maker. Initially there was just a problem with the handle not properly tipping out the popped popcorn but it ended up shorting out the circuit when turned on and shooting sparks. It may be time to replace this machine, which will cost between $600 and $800. Given a new machine will not be available for the April movie night the movie committee is thinking of other food options. The small machine is still working fine it just does not produce enough volume for what we need. MOTION: For $300 to cover supplies for movie night including movie, pizza, popcorn, etc. receipts to follow 1st Krista, 2ndJoe all in favour. MOTION: To have $1000 to replace the popcorn maker. 1st Melissa, 2nd Krista, Crystal opposed, Denise abstained. Read-a-Thon: In total 49 students participated in the read-a-thon by reading and submitting their reading logs. This is only about 13% of the school population, which is not a great participation rate. The total funds raised was $1547.45 and 1071 units read, which is great given the number of students who participated. There were a total of 14 prizes given out (gift basket from A Gym Tale, 3 toys from mastermind, 4 $5 gift cards from Dairy Queen and 6 free yogurt coupons from Menchies). Students received 1 ballot into the draw for each unit of time they spend reading. Prizes and thank you notes were distributed at the start of April. Each

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

9 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

student in the school was given a book mark, which were purchased by Council. The cost was $93.80.

Boston Pizza Night: Participation and enthusiasm for this event was much lower than last year. We did meet our minimum number of reservations to get 10% off all the dining room receipts from 5 to 8 pm. This amounted to $294.97. The silent auction was also not as popular as I would have liked. There were 26 items, 14 of which were bid on and won by someone. The proceeds total $232. We need to decide what to do with the remaining 12 items. These could be put up for auction on facebook or possibly displayed during the school potluck. Funds from the Boston Pizza night were promoted as going towards technology. This totals $526.97.

I also asked Boston Pizza to cash out what we currently have from the receipt box. This will provide an additional $285.03 to the Council. We have not yet received the cheque from Boston Pizza. I will follow up in a couple of weeks if I still have not heard anything from them.

Suggestion to get teachers signed up before we send the information home. Do a schedule for the teachers and share this with the parents.

SILENT AUCTION: Have remainder of the items at the school potluck on May 4th.

Vesey Bulbs: This fundraiser raised $1205.50 for Council, with orders from approximately 32 students and staff (many students have orders for multiple people). The bulbs will be delivered sometime in May. These funds were promoted as going towards and outdoor feature for the school yard. Thank you to Rotem for all of her work on this initiative. Rotem will also run this fundraiser in the fall with order catalog going home at the very start of the school year. Spring Fling: The committee with the help of Crystal distributed an online questionnaire about what entertainment / activities people would like for the spring fling. The committee members have been gathering price quotes for various different vendors and will meet in the next week or so to decide what entertainers we would like to book for this year. I should be able to provide more details at the meeting in May. We will also start promoting the event on facebook so we can encourage a lot of people to attend. We will have the following food trucks: Merry Dairy, Big D's doghouse (hot dogs and fries / poutine), Pizza All'Antica (wood fired pizza). Still open to having more committee members join.

Food Programs Pita Pit: We should receive a cheque for term 2 of Pita Pit (January to March break) soon. I'm not sure of the exact amount but it will be smaller than the second term as there were 15-20 orders weekly during this period. Hot Dogs: There were orders for 100 beef hot dogs and 2 veggie dogs for term 3 (please not this may be higher as I last received numbers just after the order deadline and late orders are often added). At the request of the hot dog volunteers an extra package of hot dogs and buns

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

10 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

were purchased for the first week of the program. This is to account for children whose parents had not provided lunch for them because they did not realize the previous term has ended. The decision to purchase these extra supplies (approximate cost of $10) was made by Rotem,

A mistake was also made during the counting of the funds / orders and the money is $22 short and we are not sure which family did not submit the correct amount. The volunteer who counted the money has offered to repay the missing funds out of pocket. Council will take the loss as it was an honest mistake and we will do our best to ensure the same mistake is not made again.

Subway: There are about 70 (or 72) sub orders per week. Denise is running this program and can provide more information. Denise was coordinating payment with Subway so we can confirm the amount that we will earn from this fundraiser. Denise is currently revising the forms for term two of subway which will run from May to June. Term two forms will be rolling out shortly. Only one complaint has been reported.

Allocation Procedure and accountability Postponed to May meeting. Planning for next year Dates: See Appendix C. Please note there is a mistake in the list of proposed dates for next year. The purpose of the gym booking on December 13 was to allow for set-up for Jingle Jangle not spring fling. I believe this years’ organizing committee would have benefited from setting up the gym the night before the event rather than rushing to do that in the morning. Should we consider hosting on another night other than Friday.

Suggest booking the Council elections 3rd week of Sept 20th.

Food Programs: Parent(Christina Mennie) – Hot dog sales to students should be halted. As the school is teaching our children all aspects of life. We are conscious of what we feed our children mentally and what we have our children do in physical activity. Hot dogs do not provide nutritional value. Hot dogs cause cancer due to nitrates. Consider other areas where we are providing children food to children where food colouring. Exercise in the classroom: Postponed until next meeting. Grants:

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

11 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Krista would like to work on submitting a Parents Reaching Out (PRO) grant in collaboration with Half Moon Bay and Barrhaven public schools. The purpose of these grants are to engage parents in their child's education and they are commonly used for parent information nights. This year we used the funds for our Jump2Math night. With approval of Council I would like to approach the other school SchoolCashnet online is going to be going live in May with 25 test schools. Jockvale will be one of the 25 schools selected and see if they would be interested in submitting joint grant proposal for 3 information sessions, 1 to be held at each school. The grants are for up to $1000 and if they are submitted jointly each school can apply for $1000. My thought is to focus on information sessions for parents about the curriculum and how we can help our children at home. Beatrice has given me a couple of suggestions for guest speakers that would help parents learn about how math is being taught in school and what we can do to help our kids, which is in line with our school's learning plan. Ideas: bullying, resiliency, nutrition, how to help child succeed in school, etc. Suggest doing a survey to parents and teachers. Allocation of funds MOTION: $50 for childcare for this evening. 1st Andrew, 2nd Joe. MOTION: Provide each teaching staff up to $100 reimbursed for costs in their classroom, receipts must be provided up to a maximum of $3500 by May 17th.1st Krista, 2nd Jane. Joe & Denise Abstained MOTION: For up to $2000 for 5 chromebooks and tech tubs, 1st Krista, 2nd Irene, all in favour. Adjournment MOTION: To adjourn by 1st Melissa, 2nd Joe. Meeting adjourned: 8:54pm.

Next Meeting Date: May 17 (6:30 – 8:30pm) Agenda: To be set by Chair

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

12 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Appendix A – Q&A

Meeting Location: JES LibrarySchool District: OCDSB

13 Visit: Jockvale Elementary School Council APPROVED – May 17th, 2017

JESC Meeting Minutes

Appendix C – Dates for 2017/18

Jockvale Elementary School Council Gym Bookings for 2017/18

Gym Dates October 27 Halloween Dance November 17 Movie Night December 8 Movie Night December 13 Prep for Spring Fling January 19 Movie Night February 23 Winter Dance March 23 Movie Night April 20 Movie Night May 25 Movie Night June 6 Spring Fling back-up

Notes: Activities are only suggestions and could be switched to another activity. I think more variety would be a great idea. Spring Fling could be moved a week later to the 13th November 17th may be close to parent teacher interviews.