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Observing Facial Expression for Marketing Strategies

Page 1 © Human Behaviour Academy

Observing Facial Expression:

Marketing Strategies


Kok Yunthye


Leow Chee Seng

Published By

Human Behaviour Academy

Page 2: Observing Facial Expression: Marketing Strategies

Observing Facial Expression for Marketing Strategies

Page 2 © Human Behaviour Academy

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First Edition October 2014

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publishing Data

Yunthye, Kok,; Chee Seng, Leow


1. Body Language 2. Non Verbal 3. Communication 4. Gesture 5. Business

6. Consumer Behaviour

BF 637 N66

Page 3: Observing Facial Expression: Marketing Strategies

Observing Facial Expression for Marketing Strategies

Page 3 © Human Behaviour Academy


Before starting Reading This Article, you should

watch the following Video

Video 1. Ah Wing Malaysia’s Number 1 Salesman

Video 2.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory trailer

Video 3.DMX Buying A Lamborghini (Scene From Exit Wounds)


Video 4.Hannah Montana The Movie-- Shoe Fight Scene with

Tyra Banks

Video 5.The Ugly Truth - 4 Rules for Women – HD

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Observing Facial Expression for Marketing Strategies

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Facial expressions are one of the nonverbal communications. According to Darwin

(1872/1962), facial expressions of emotion eventually came to convey information not only

about an expresser's affective state, but also about his or her interpersonal intent.

We can observe messages that from a person face. The commentary and illustration about

verbal communications are significant in themselves will be provided. The hidden emotional

and thinking of the inner person, a side which may not be reachable in the way of

verbalizations and related to emotion can reveal part of the feeling side of a person's true

feeling. Therefore, Facial expressions and the ability to understand them are important for

successful interpersonal relations.

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Observing Facial Expression for Marketing Strategies

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Application 1


Eyebrows and forehead : Lowered Eyebrows

Eyes and eyelids : Glancing

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Licking the lips

Situation Analysis

This short video is recoded in a shopping mall. A Chinese guy lingering outside the

shop and looking for the camera that display in the glass window alone. He stop quite a while

and searching for promoter for more information. It is a camera shop with half body height

glass window without a door entrance.

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Observing Facial Expression for Marketing Strategies

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From the picture, we can see that the customer lowered his eyebrows, glancing the

products and licking his lips. This type of customer is The Revealer Style. He is showing all

his emotion on his face.

It is not only one expression on his face (Affect Blends). He lowered his eyebrows

mean he is concentrating browsing the products in the display. At the same time, he is licking

his lips mean that his lips is dry and he is nervous.

The sales and marketer strategies

First of all, marketer can advertise the products in to a booklet or brochure. It is easier

for customer to read through the feature or the function of the products. Sometimes, some

customer will do research on the website or go to the shop visit before they buy the products.

It is easier for them to compare the price and feature with another shop.

Besides that, marketer may offer 30 minutes free class to teach customer to use the

product after they purchase the produce. The customer might be the beginner of using the

products, after sells service might increase their intention to buy the product.

Furthermore, marketer may create a blog to let the user share the experience or the

comment regarding the products their use. It is helpful for the following potential customer as

reference and promotes the company through words of mouth.

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Application 2


Eyebrows and forehead : Eyebrows pull together

Eyes and eyelids : Narrow eyes

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Lips tighten and disappear

Situation Analysis

After knowing the request of the customer, the promoter explain the benefit the products to

the customer. The customer required for the price. After the promoter showed price to the

customer, the customer requesting the lower price. The price given is RM4950.


From the picture, we can see that the customer pulls his eyebrows together, his eyes

become narrow and his lips tighten and disappear. This type of customer is The Revealer

Style. He is showing all his emotion on his face.

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After the promoter show him the price, he pulls his eyebrows together and narrow

eyes mean him feeling sad or disgust. Besides that, tightened lips mean he have negative

emotion such as anger and annoyance. Those emotional are one of the innate from the day we

are born. He properly unsatisfied with the price given.

The sales and marketer strategies

Marketer can organize or join a camera fair. As human’s nature, we like free or

discount item. During the camera fair, the customer may have a lot of chooses and they can

buy the same product with lower price. Besides that, they can received others free accessory

like camera cover, screen protector or memory card.

Second, marketer can organize an online photo contest to public. The picture must be

taken by the contester them self. The prices of the context winner are cameras, camera case,

an extra lens cap or cash voucher. The winner’s photo will exhibit in the photo xhibition in

the shopping mall and social media webpage. Through the context, the brand or product can

promoted through words of mouths.

Furthermore, the marketer also can use ambassador strategic. Different regions have

different ambassadors. The advertisement that make shall put the right channel for example

social media, the cinema (before the movie start) and YouTube.

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Application 3


Eyebrows and forehead : Eyebrows pull together

Eyes and eyelids : Eyes narrow, inner corner going down

toward the nose.

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Scrunched nose, raised cheeks and open


Situation Analysis

After noted the actual price form the customer requested discount from the promoter.

However, the promoter only gives RM10 for discount after consideration. The price is RM

4940 after the discount. Finally, the customer rejects to buy the camera and go to another

camera shop.

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From the picture, we can see that the customer’s eyebrows pulled down together, eyes

narrow, inner corner going down toward the nose and scrunched nose, raised cheeks and open

mouth. These expressions show the intensification of anger.

According to the analysis, the customer still unsatisfied after the promoter gives discount to

him. He might anger because the discount given from the promoter only RM10.

The sales and marketer strategies

Marketer can come out an installment plan for the products. Some customer they

would like to buy products with zero interest installment plan because they are unwilling to

pay will full amount (Normally DSLR are more expensive). The same amount but buy with

install or one or two year will let the customer fell more worth and cheaper because they only

pay small amount monthly.

Besides that, marketer can use ambassador in the products. The customer will influent

by the ambassador and buy the products because the ambassador is their idol. The

ambassador represents the brand image. Marketer may invite the ambassador to the launch

event and let the ambassador to share the experience of using the products. For those who

join the event can get the special signature or the limited addition gift from the ambassador.

Sponsorship is one of the marketing strategic for the marketer. For example, sponsor

the concert that organize in Genting or Bukit Jalih, count down event, Jom Heboh!, Hot

balloon event in Putrajaya and etc. It can help to increase exposures of the brand to the public

and at the same time increase brand image as well.

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Application 4


Eyebrows and forehead : Furrowed Forehead

Eyes and eyelids : Eyes looking up

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Lips tighten, disappear and use his hand to

cover his mouth.

Situation Analysis

The customer has been to 3 different camera shops to compare the price of the camera.

Before he makes decision to buy the camera, he saw another customer bought the same

camera that he wishes to buy without hesitate. Besides that, the promoter told the customer

the modal he wanted only left one in their shop. Since the price is almost the same after

compare, therefore he decided to buy the camera.


From the picture, we can see that the furrowed forehead, eyes looking up, lips tighten and he

use his hand to cover his mouth. Furrowed forehead meaning the customer are concentrating,

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looking up mean he is thinking or try to recall some fact and information. At the same time,

he use his hand to cover his tighten mouth. From here we can know that he trying to cover his

anxious and tense.

The customer is in the thinking process. However, he doesn’t want to let the promoter know

what he is thinking. He is trying to reduce intensity of his face (Deintensification) by

covering his mouth

The sales and marketer strategies

Marketer can give loyalty card to this customer to attract his interest to buy. The

prices that offer by each camera shop are almost the same. With the loyalty, the customer can

get discount when he do the next purchase or buy others accessory in the shop. Besides that,

if purchase more than RM 1000 above, with the loyalty card customer can get the umbrella,

tripod, camera cover and etc.

Besides loyalty card, marketer may give voucher if the customer purchases more than

RM1000. For example, RM 10 for the next purchase item. It can encourage the customer to

come back to purchase for other products as well. The vouchers that given to customers must

be include term and condition and the date line. The vouchers cannot change it to cash.

A lucky draw contest that can win an Apple I-phone or I-pad also may attract the

customer to purchase the products from your shop rather than your competitors. Publish the

winner picture in the website or print it out in the shop to show the validity of the promotion.

Marketer should prints out the contest and put it in notice board in front of the shop.

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Application 5


Eyebrows and forehead : Raised eyebrows

Eyes and eyelids : Widen Eyes

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Open mouth

Situation Analysis

There are a lot of people buying the chocolate in the shop. All of the customers are

wish to get the entrance ticket to the chocolate factory. A boy went to the shop alone. He is

very lucky, after he bought the chocolate; he saw a golden ticket inside. The staff in the shop

f e l t h a p p y f o r h i m a s w e l l .


From the picture, we can see the customer open his eye and mouth widely. That mean

the customer are concentrated on the visitor pass that on his hand and full with surprise (open

mouth). Compare with children, adult are better in the masking to control their emotion. This

customer is The Revealer Style because he shows all his emotion on his face.

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The sales and marketer strategies

If their target market is children, Marketer can put those chocolate products on the

lower level of the cabinet in the market. Therefore, when the parent brings those children to

shopping, the product is on the children eyes level and easy for them to take. Besides that, put

the chocolate beside the counter also one of the strategic. It can attract the customer to buy

while waiting and line up to pay.

The marketer may associate with Toys Company to come out special toys for kids or

small gift together with the products to attract customer’s intention to purchase the products.

For example, before the Valentine's Day, for those who purchase the chocolate, they will

receive a rose for their love one.

Furthermore, marketer may organize a contest like giving out flight ticket for the best

winners that give the best reason that why they need the flight ticket. Marketer may record it

as an advertisement and put it in as the TV or the online advertisement. It can increase the

brand image and recall the customer memory regarding this brand.

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Application 6


Eyebrows and forehead : -

Eyes and eyelids : Eyes open and fix on the subject

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Lips relax

Situation Analysis

Two prospect walking in the car shows room, both of them are black guys. There are

two promoters saw them. One of the prospect stop in front of the car and said: “The car color

is very nice.” One of the promoters voluntary to approached the prospect. There are few

others prospect in the car show room.

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From the picture, we can see the customer’s eyes open and fix on the subject and lips

are relaxed. The customer is showing interest on the car. This type of person tries to use

neutralisation to avoid revealing their emotion. (The Withholder Style). We note that he is

showing interest but doesn’t know his exactly feeling regarding the car.

The sales and marketer strategies

Test drive is the one of the marketing strategic to attract customer interest on the

products. It is a traditional and most effective way. Customer would like to touch and try the

function of the car. For example,” The best test drive ever” campaign. The marketer can

encourage consumers to describe in six words a fantasy test drive of the car.

Besides that, the marketer can create a charity event together with the car show.

Public that wishes to take a ride with the limited addition sport car for 15 minutes; they will

need to pay RM 50 to RM100. The money they paid will donate to the certain NGO. It can

increase the exposure of the products to the public and increase the image of the brand.

Create contest in Social Media also can help to promote the brand. For example, the

user of the car can make a creative advertisement regarding the car and put it into You Tube

or Facebook page.

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Application 7


Eyebrows and forehead : Eyebrows going down

Eyes and eyelids : Eyes narrow

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : The buccinators muscle contracts to draw

the lips’ corner side wards toward the ears.

Situational Analysis

The prospect are excited when saw some of his favor car. The promoter is explaining

the car feature to the prospect. The prospect stop few second to listen, but not wait until the

promoter finish his word, he chance his attention to another car.

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From the picture, we can see the customer’s eyebrows going down, and eyes narrow.

Besides that, his buccinators mscle contracts to draw the lips’ corner sideward toward the

ears (The Sneer).

This customer has distinct sign of disrespect or contempt to the sell man because from

the beginning until the end the sell man seem like look down of him. He tries to reduce the

intensity of his facial expression (Deintensification). Besides that, he is the Ever- effect

Expressor type. Which he will responds with a smile in all situations and more revealing

expression appears after a while.

The sales and marketer strategies

Car exhibition or car shows are the one of the strategic that using by marketer. When

launching a car, marketer can advertise the new feature and functions in the big LED screen

in the show room. It can increase the awareness of the potential customer.

Furthermore, the invitation card shall send to the target market that interested and

preregister in the website. Print advertisement shall put in the business magazine or any

related magazine that reach the target customer.

Marketer may advertise the feature to the professional car’s magazine. Therefore, the

prospect that interested may read the feature and the design of the car before they visit the

show room.

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Application 8


Eyebrows and forehead : Eyebrows pull together

Eyes and eyelids : Eyes staring

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Loose Lips, scrunched nose

Situation Analysis

The prospect is interested for the test drive. He sits in the car and asks the promoter

for the key. However the promoter rejected his requested for a reason that their company

policy not allow for test drive.


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From the picture, we can see the customer pull his eyebrows together, eyes staring at

the staff, and his lips is loose. Observed his eyebrows and forehead, eyes and eyelids level,

the customer is showing disgust and contempt. This type of person is The Withholder Style.

He tries to inhibit his expressions and actual feeling. In addition, the customer scrunched nose

and loose lips showing the depressed or sad emotion. The customer may not want to argue

with the staff.

The sales and marketer strategies

The marketer may come out loyalty card strategy. The customer may get additional

maintenance service or free car accessory if they purchase the car. Besides that, the marketer

may associate with a club or golf club. The customer can join the club as member for free (3

months enjoy the services in the club).

Trade in program is another strategic that use by marketer. Some of the customer may

felt that dueling with the change car process is wasting time even though they would like to

change their car. If the company provides this program, the customer can settle all the

procedure in one stop central. Besides that, the previous user of the brand will be invited to

the new car launching.

Besides that, the customer relationship management must be done. For example, get

the customer feedback through calling. Furthermore, the marketer may give birthday card to

the customer. If there are any events for the car launching, the customer must be invited.

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Application 9


Eyebrows and forehead : Eyebrows raised

Eyes and eyelids : Eyes open

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Open mouth

Situation Analysis

The prospect is a celebrity, she siting down in the middle of the promoters. Everyone

showing her the products, included shoes, watches, cloths, fashion accessories and etc. The

manager of the shop hope she can buy more, since the prospects said she can’t decide. One of

the promoters gives her a cup of tea.

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From the picture, we can see the customer raised her eyebrows and open her eyes

widely. That’s mean that something get her attention. It is accompanied by a slight smirk.

These expression showing us this customer are surprise and happy. (Mixture of emotional,

Affect Blends). At the same time, we can categories this type of person is The Revealer Style.

She displayed all her emotional on her face.

The sales and marketer strategies

The marketer may market their products at a very high level. Besides that, the

products will not be sold in department stores but in those establishes individual high-end

stores. Their decision to limit its distribution channel is to make consumers feel that this

product is such a valuable product. Buying the products is as same as buying the status.

Besides that, marketer may mainly consist of celebrities. This strategic can be done in

order to target the affective component of consumers’ behaviour by allowing them to feel an

emotional connection. The customer may fell that they are part of a group of celebrities

through the social reference group perception that insert by marketer.

VVIP may be given to those celebrities as one of the marketing strategic. When these

celebrities come in the shop, the staff shall serves tea in order to let them feel comfortable

and willing to stay longer. With a VVIP card, they might feel themselves are difference with


The marketer may outcome limited addition’s products in certain festival or period.

This strategic has a positive direct impact on brand profits through the increased willingness

of consumers to pay for these products. When it is only few number of the products, customer

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will feel it is special. Furthermore, some of the loyalty fans are willing to line up in front of

the store to purchase it before the store open.

Fashion show is one of the marketing strategic as well. When changing the new

season of the shoe or cloths, a fashion show may attract customer interest to buy the products.

Besides that, the fashion show’s products may come out in the magazine and TV show to

increase exposure of the new products. The marketing may sponsor the celebrities when they

have event or in the TV shows.

Application 10


Eyebrows and forehead : Eyebrows going down

Eyes and eyelids : Eyes open and looking to the left

Lower face cheeks, nose, and mouth : Tight-lipped Smile

Situation Analysis

The customer walk in a butik with her friend, her friend is trying to choose some

cloths for her. There is a promoter keep give suggestion to her. There are others customer in

the shop as well. She has tried few dresses and choosing tight jean with her friend.

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From the picture, we can see that the customer‘s eyebrows going down, eyes open and

looking to the left, and she having a tight-lipped smile. The customer look sideways is a

negative action. Or she might feel buying a jean is bored Besides that, when she smile when

the lips are stretched without teeth means the person may indicate the harbouring of secrets,

concealment of thoughts and refraining of attitudes. Most of the time, women show this

expression as the signal of rejection.

The sales and marketer strategies

The marketer shall employee promoter that suitable with the product image. For

example, bra companies always employ staffs that look more mature and professional,

because when they giving advice, customer will feel more liable and acceptable.

Besides that, marketer shall ask their own staff to use or wear the company own

products as well. From here, it can increase the confident level of the customer towards a

products or service. For example, during the buying process’s conversation, most of the time

the customer would like to hears advice from the promoter itself when they can’t make the

decision. If the promoter doesn’t use or try the products or service before, they would not

able to convince the customer to buy their products.

Free tailor alteration may be another strategic for the marketer. Sometimes, the cloths

that we bought are not suit with our size. Therefore, we need to take bring to the tailor or we

will just give up and buy others cloths. However, this service may attract the customer to buy

because the cloths adjustment might be small and it is more convenient for customer.


Leow Chee Seng, Vincent Leong, Atikah Adom. (2013). Body Language Exposed. Find Out

How Your Body Can Betray You. (1st Edition). UK

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Darwin, C. (1962). The expression of the emotions in man and anirnals. London: John


David, F (2009). Strategic Management: Concept and Cases (9th

Edition). New York:

Prentice Hall.