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  • 7/29/2019 Observed Experience: Thoughts on Developing the REI 1440 Project User Experience





    ObservedExperience:ThoughtsbyHarleyJebensJANUARY 24, 2013The REI 1440 Project: Reflectionson developing the user experience

    I wanted to take some time to discuss a project that I worked on and am particularly proud of: The

    REI 1440 Project.

    Outdoor clothing and gear retailer REI is one of our clients at the ad agency where I serve as a UX

    strategist: BBDO Atlanta. The 1440 Project is a desktop, mobile and social experience that we helped

    conceive and build for REI. It launched on November 26, 2012.

    What is the 1440 Project?

    Its a community celebration of every single minute spent outside, a minute-by-minute photo-

    based 24-hour timeline. Outdoor enthusiasts are invited to help fill each and every minute of this

    Virtual Day (all 1440 of them) with photography representing their collective passion for theoutdoors. Submitted photos are placed in the timeline based on the time of day they were taken.

    Some of the cool features of the experience:

    The site reads a photos metadata to ascertain what time it was taken and where. The photo isthen placed into the timeline accordingly.

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    Users can create a profile and can personalize their own timeline of photos to share on thesite.

    The site also facilitates the creation of customized timelines based on location (forinstance, Mount Rainier National Park, orAnchorage, Alaska), activity (like, say, canoeing

    and kayaking) and description (waterfall photos anyone?) tags.

    The UX thinking behind the 1440 Project

    There were a couple insights that led us to the 1440 concept:

    1. REI members love taking and posting photos of themselves enjoying the outdoor activitiesthey love.

    2. When most recent digital devices are used to take a photo, more than just that photo iscaptured as stored - along with the image, most digital devices also store information about

    the device used to take the image, when that image was taken, where it was taken, etc. The

    information is (in most/many instances) passed along with the digital image itself when that

    image is copied, shared, posted to a website, etc.

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    Those two thoughts got us thinking

    What if we COULD create a virtual day showing, minute by minute, how REI fans and other

    outdoor enthusiasts enjoyed and expressed and captured their love of outdoors?

    With the 1440 Project, thats what we set out to do.

    User Experiences considerations and challenges

    One of the interesting challenges we had to address was the fact that the meta data that is stored

    along with a photo differs, depending upon the equipment used to snap the photo, and how a photo

    is stored or uploaded online. For instance, if you take a photo with your iphone, then the time and

    location (lat-long) where that photo was taken IS recorded. (Nondigital devices, of course, do not

    record this data.) If you upload your photos to iPhoto or Windows Live, that meta data is preserved,

    but if you upload your photos to, for instance, Facebook, then (although you can manually enter the

    time and data of photo capture as youre uploading) Facebook records as meta data the time the

    photo was uploaded to Facebook, not necessarily the time when that photo was taken.

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    It can get tricky. And part of the challenge on the back-end side of this projects development, was

    figuring out how to read as much meta data as we could - and ensure its accuracy - in all of the

    different ways we wanted to allow people to contribute photos.

    And we wanted to allow people to contribute photos to the site in as many different ways as possible.

    We wanted to incorporate ways that people were ALREADY sharing photos online, and make the

    1440 Project experience as simple and enjoyable as possible.

    And those were the user experience considerations that drove our thinking.

    Simplicity- We wanted it to be easy for users to grasp what this project is, easy for them to

    find and view photos, easy for them to submit their own photos. We wanted the steps to be

    simple enough as to not feel like steps and an experience that would guide a user through

    itself without feeling obtrusive or heavy handed. We wanted shorten load times as much as

    possible, while still delivering an experience that displayed the breadth of photography and

    images that this project lent itself to.

    Flexibility- We wanted an experience that users could explore and enjoy however they

    wished, wherever they wished - on a destination microsite, on their mobile device, or in the

    social space. We wanted to provide as many ways as possible for people to contribute their

    own photos, and to share out images and collections of images.

    To that end, photos can be uploaded to the site:

    A) via Facebook

    B) directly from your desktop, mobile phone or tablet or

    C) by adjusting your settings to sync your Instagram account and tagging photos with our

    official#REI 1440Project hashtag.

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    The 1440 Project mobile experience

    And users can share the site or images from it using

    A) Facebook

    B) Twitter

    C) Google+

    D) Pinterest

    E) Tumblr

    F) Via Email

    G) Via a direct link

    Enjoyable - We wanted the site to be easy to search and navigate. We wanted to capture asmuch data (time, location, etc.) as possible from each photo submitted, and then reveal that

    data to the user as the photo was being added, allowing you to change or edit any piece of

    data along the way, and add more information to flesh out the photos story, should you wish.

    We wanted to be as transparent with users data as possible, but we also wanted to construct

    the experience so the process of adding a photo was as much no more about discovering

    facets of that photos story as it was about the mechanics of uploading a photo.

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    Natural - We wanted to incorporate behaviors that users were already exhibiting online,and let users search for, view, like, share and submit images (and collections of images,

    which weve taken to calling timelines) in ways that they were used to. We wanted people to

    be able to participate in this experience without thinking about what they were doing. Ideally,

    the site would be about viewing these amazing photos and submitting your own, not about

    theprocess you were going through while you were viewing and submitting photos.

    Adding an image to the 1440 Project

    Social by Design -We wanted to make sure the experience took into account how userswere already sharing and commenting on images in the social space, and allow users to share

    images and timelines however they were most comfortable. Our first reaction on seeing

    photos taken by REI members and employees was to show them to someone else (The you

    have to see this effect) and we wanted to make sure the 1440 Project experience facilitated

    that reaction.

    We also wanted to make sure that this experience took into account REIs existing social

    media channels - The REIFacebookpage and Pinterest boards not the least of those - and

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    provide something that followers and fans of those channels would want to see (and share) as


    1440 Project shares on Pinterest

    Beautiful - We already knew that REI employees and members were taking some amazingphotographs of their experiences, and a challenge from the design end of the UX design

    spectrum was how to do that photography justice and create an experience that worked as a

    great canvas for all of this magnificent images.

    Theres a lot going on with this site, and, in my opinion we got a lot of things right.

    All of the user experience considerations we worked through helped us arrive at an experience that

    is beautiful, enjoyable, simple, social by design, etc.

    And a large part of the credit for that needs to go to our design and development partners on the

    project: BBDO Atlanta worked with digital design firm Resn to design and develop the site.

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    One of the things that was interesting to me about working with Resn on this project was that the

    lead designer and the UX person working on this project was the same person - Resn lead

    design Franc Cheetham.

    I started wondering how much of an impact that fact alone - the ux designer and the design designer

    being the same person - might have impacted the success of the site. A good part of my job is

    listening to and taking with designers, and communicating or working through user

    experience/interaction concepts to design teams. What if - I wondered all of that communication

    took place inside the same persons head? It was thoughts like that that prompted an email exchange

    between myself and Franc - an email exchange Im excerpting a bit of here

    To: Franc

    I just wanted to say Kudos and thanks for all the UX and design thought you put into the 1440

    site. The site has certainly met and exceeded our expectations.

    The site works well - its engaging; its easy to use; its compelling; there are some AMAZING photos

    that have been contributed. And I think that a lot of the credit for that is due to the care and

    attention paid to the UX of the site - and how the UX and design of the site work together.

    I was thinking about that, and I was talking to one of our designers here, and got to thinking how

    hard that hand-off from UX person to designer can sometimes be - you try to include everything in

    the documentation your prepare, you try to walk them through the decisions that were made and

    why, but theres always that your vision/their vision gap that exists, no matter what you do. Im

    thinking that one of the reasons that 1440 works as well as it does is, perhaps, that our UX designer

    and our designer-designer were the same person.

    Im always trying to think of ways that conversation/hand-off can be better or made more seamless,

    and so I wanted to ask you - are there conversations that your UX self has with your design self?

    What are the ways that your UX thinking informs your design thinking? Any tips for how I might

    communicate UX thoughts or principals to our designers?

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    FROM: Franc

    Hey Harley!

    Yes - weve also been pretty surprised at the results. I think the attention we put into the uploadprocess has really paid off, the ease of adding photos has made it so addictive to use. I think

    everyone should be commended on this, it was truly a team effort.

    So, yes! Were also really familiar with that question you mentioned with the IA to design


    In my experience the biggest gap is like you said, making sure that all team members (IA,

    design, producer, strategist and developer) share the same objective and vision. How thats

    translated is usually throughclear goals and objectivesbacked up withbenchmark examplesof

    other experiences that do it well andinsightsandbest practice.

    In saying this we often come to terms with a lot of the issues as the project progresses in to the

    design and development stages. Its still surprising at how many times major decisions are made

    late in the development stage. Either through client request or technical reasons.

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    Therefore the designer takes over the role of an information architect or experience designer as

    the project progresses. So in my view you need toprovide as much information and tools forthe designer to carry out this into development as you can.While checking in and providing

    feedback as the project moves through. Its really important that the designer has a strong

    understanding of all the objectives and behaviors of the site from every aspect. It is

    definitely 2 hats like you say. As a designer, I consciously challengethe IA and look at ways to

    improve and optimise the experience while still keeping to those main objectives.

    At Resn, I try and get all our designers to produce the IA, this is usually great for small scale

    projects. There are some areas I think that this falls down. ie: When you have a complex loginsystem and need to cover off different user profiles. Designers tend to keep a distance to details

    such as these. We try and look for designers who have had development experience when we

    hire, this is super important when it comes down to building something that works well.

    So with that said:

    Try and bring your designer in to the early stages and work through some of the

    initial objectives together.

    Provide clear userflows and cover off all user profile scenarios so your designer can

    see every possible state of the site.

    This may even involve your designer mocking up some key screens or showing some


    Make sure you provide clear and meticulous wireframes, every element is present on

    the page. Therefore leaving it to the designer to improve and optimise.

    Keep in the loop and support your designer throughout.

    Keep the project focused and not introducing new features that dont support the key

    objectives and concept of the site.

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    Offer ways to improve the designers developments.

    Question every interactionI hope that helps.


    A timeline of my favorite photos -

    Jebens, Harley replied:


    This was great insight. I want to share some of this thinking with members of our design and

    development teams. Some of the things I want to start beefing up as part of the UX/IA practive

    here are:

    Doing some sort of thorough benchmark best practice review in conjunction with thecreatives working on the project, maybe even blowing that out into examples of

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    specific functionalities (practices to keep in mind with creating an account, logging

    in, sharing, etc.) trying to think of ways to impart/reinforce that interaction design-

    thinking with creatives who more often are thinking either big picture/idea and/or

    look and feel.

    Still thinking through this idea and what it might be, and whatever I am thinking now

    is certain to evolve as we get into the demands of the next project and I think I may

    try to chat with Chris Cavalieri and Cabot Norton (the art director and ECD,

    respectvely, at BBDO who worked on this project) about this idea, as I know you

    bounced a lot of site examples back and forth to each other as this project was kicking

    off. Ill be happy to share with you whatever I come up with here, once I come up with


    I think we need to beef up our user profiles and scenarios something we can always

    come back and benchmark our designs against. We do a bit of this, but Im thinking

    this should be as much a part of our UX deliverable process as site maps and

    wireframes currently it is not.


    Franc Cheetham replied:

    Hey Harley,

    This is all great stuff, keep me in the loop with developments. Im

    pushingprototypingandprevisinga lot more at present. For a recent pitch we sat as a small

    team and sketched out the entire site experience and mechanic and then designed static screens, aworking prototype and animated previs all in one day. It was a a great first pass at a site and it

    was really helped by having all key team members sitting around discussing the project from

    strategy to build.

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    Theres definitely no replacement for having team sit around a table to bash out ideas. At least as

    a starting point as the project will evolve with a more informed path of decision making. I thinkthat considering the mandatory sign in and share components are really important to support the

    big picture idea of the site.

    For REI it was more: how can we make it as simple as possible to sign up and add/share photos.

    We always referenced back to this mantra throughout. Not putting these into the picture early on

    can really let down a sites potential. Anyhow, let me know if I can add anything else to your




    Another favorite image from the site.

    I love this site, and am really pleased that it has come together as well as it has. Internally, were

    very proud of it. The client is pleased as well.

    And users are also having a lot of fun with the site.

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    Ive been sharing the 1440 Project with lots of folks in my network people I know who are into

    the outdoors or photography or both. Heres one of the comments I received back

    The REI site. Awesome (with way too many exclamation points!)!!!!!!!! As you may or may

    not remember, Im more of an indoor girl. I like to view beautiful scenery from the couch

    looking out through a large plate glass window. And when I do venture out, I likes me some

    cement. But looking at all these magnificent photos, taken every minute in spectacular settings

    by people looking like they are having so much fun, is by far the most compelling reason Ive

    ever seen to get out off the beaten path and explore some real Mother-nature-made nature. Wow

    - great job, all!

    That was nice to hear.

    Its also nice that the site has started to pick up some industry accolades as well.

    The FWA Site of the Day - January 29, 2013

    The FWA Mobile of the Day - January 29, 2013

    Smashing Awards Designs of the Week - January 20, 2013

    Awwwards Site of the Day on January 7, 2013

    Fast Company - How REI Put a Bow on Social Marketing and Wowed Customers- January 4,


    Design Links Site of the Day- January 1, 2013

    CSS Awards Site of the Day- December 20, 2013

    Check out the site and please, let me know what you think.

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    9:00AM | URL:

    FILED UNDER: REI photography Resn user experience planning design meta data Cabot Norton Matt Silliman Chris Cavalieri Franc

    Cheetham social by design