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Objectives of LDFA 2013Objectives of LDFA 2013

Presented by Presented by Muhammad Riazuddin

Director General

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• Showcase and Signature Event of SBI• It proudly displays the best Sindh has

to offer in these sectorsto offer in these sectors• Announces Sindh vibrant economy

has come of age• Promotes Upstream and Downstream


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Objectives (cont’d)

• Promote value addition• Utilize untapped potential• Highlighting investment• Highlighting investment

opportunities• Providing Solutions for investors

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Objectives (cont’d)

• Bring the Government of Sindh andinvestors on single platform

• Introducing new technologies and• Introducing new technologies andinnovations

• Magnified focus on export potential• Identify the shortcomings and provide


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Objectives (cont’d)

• Bringing together all the stakeholdersfor better exploring the internationalmarketsmarkets

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About SBI

• Sindh Board of Investment (SBI) created in 2008 as sole investmentpromotion agency (IPA) of Sindh province.

• Acts as the Focal Point for all investment related activities in the Province.

• Provides Framework for implementation of Investment Policy.• Provides Framework for implementation of Investment Policy.

• Ensures investment protection by looking after legitimate interests ofinvestors community

• Provides One–Window System at the provincial level for facilitation ofdomestic and foreign investors seeking land, approvals, concessions,facilities and support from the Provincial Departments and authorities.

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• Modernized Rice Mills

• Rice Mill Manufacturing Plants

• Rice Bran Oil Extraction

Investment Opportunities

• Rice Bran Oil Extraction

• Collaboration on Cottonseed Development

• Modernized Ginning Plant

• Cotton Delinting Plant

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• Cotton Textiles

• Dates Dehydration Chambers

• Dates Processing Plants

Investment Opportunities

• Dates Processing Plants

• Mango Treatment Plants

• Mango Pulping Plants

• Mango Drying Units

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• Chilli Dehydration Plant

• Pulping Plants for Mango, Guava, and Banana

• Basic Processing Plant for Banana with Packing House

Investment Opportunities

• Basic Processing Plant for Banana with Packing House

• Cold Stores

• Livestock Farms

• Modernized Slaughterhouses

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• Collaboration on Fisheries Infrastructure Development

• Mariculture, Shrimp, and Fish farming

• Ostrich Breeding and Farming

Investment Opportunities

• Ostrich Breeding and Farming

• Investment in Khairpur Special Economic Zone

• Investment in Khairpur Khajoor Mandi

• Investment in Bhambhore Dairy and Livestock Village

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• Meat Processing Plants

• Modernized Dairy Farms

• Milk Processing Plants

Investment Opportunities

• Milk Processing Plants

• Silage Plants

• Controlled-Atmosphere Poultry Farms

• Feed Mills and Hatcheries

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Thank youThank youThank youThank you

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World Bank Ranking –Ease of Doing Business, 2012

As per WB’s Ease of Doing Business Report, 2012 Pakistan is thirdranking among the Asian countries and 2nd best in the region interms of trading across borders, getting credit and in protectinginvestors.



89 91105


Sri Lanka China Pakistan Bangladesh India Iran

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At the Center of Asian GrowthAt the Center of Asian GrowthPakistan is Asia’s trade, energy and transport corridorPakistan is Asia’s trade, energy and transport corridor



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Agrarian Power of Sindh

• Contributes 23% to the country's GDP.

• Resources available– 5.4 million hectares of fertile land– Centuries-old irrigation system– Skilled work force– Skilled work force

• Modern technology, efficient irrigation systems, and qualityneeded.

• Huge gap between potential and actual productionpresents opportunities.

• Sindh can become breadbasket of the region

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Cotton in Sindh• One of the four major crops of Pakistan accounting for 8% of the

value-added in agriculture 2%.

• Pakistan is key textile manufacturer in the world.

• Two popular varieties NIAB nd newly introduced GM Bt.• Two popular varieties NIAB nd newly introduced GM Bt.

• Cotton staple in Sindh is medium length and medium-long although medium staple is more widespread.

• Over 350 ginning mills in Sindh produce on average 3 – 4 million bales of raw cotton.

• Export of raw cotton bales fetches10 times less export price.

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Date Palm in Sindh

• Dates - an iconic part of Muslim world and Muslim culture

• Pakistan is 5th largest producer in the world

– Annual production 650,000 tons in the form of over 300 varieties– Aseel, Karblain, and Kupro are considered the best varieties of Sindh.– Aseel, Karblain, and Kupro are considered the best varieties of Sindh.

• Sindh alone contributes over 55% pff the total dates production inPakistan and the share is on the rise.

• The highest concentration of date palm is in Khairpur district with90% produce of the province.

• Pakistani dates are considered industrial quality fetch only one-third the price of processed dates at only $ 600 per ton

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• Sindh is largest producer of red chillies with annual production at85,000 tons - 85% of country’s produce.

• Sindh also remains undisputed leader in banana production.

• Annual production of banana is at around 140,000 tons out of

Red Chillies, Guava, and Banana in Sindh

• Annual production of banana is at around 140,000 tons out ofwhich 85% produce is contributed by Sindh alone.

• Guava considered an exotic fruit in Europe, in South Asia it is acommon man's fruit.

• Pakistan being the second largest producer of guava in the world.

• Pakistan produces around 560,000 tons guava annually. Sindh is2nd largest producer at 71,000 tons (12-13% of total produce).

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• An important component of rural agriculture in Pakistan– Animals used for ploughing, transport, and as a source of dairy and

meat– A safety net in case of crop failures.

• Contributed 11.6% to GDP and provided 55.1% of value addition inagriculture sector during 2011-12.

Livestock in Sindh

• Livestock sector continues to register an optimistic real growth rateof 4% annually.

• Certain factors make the prospects especially favorable:– large cattle population,– abundant agricultural inputs to be used as fodder– and seasonal cross-border movement of large number of cattle.

• Livestock population comprises cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats,camels and poultry.

• Quality livestock gene pool in the form of Nili-Ravi and Kundibreeds of buffalos, Red Sindhi and Thari breeds of cows.

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Mango in Sindh• Mango – “King of Fruits” is one of most delicious and admired tropical

fruits. Pakistan is the 6th largest producer.

• Around 1.6 - 1.8 million tons production out of which 0.6 - 0.7 million tonsfrom Sindh (40%).

• A large number of varieies in Sindh including Sindhri, Saroli, Dasehri,• A large number of varieies in Sindh including Sindhri, Saroli, Dasehri,Sunehra and so on.

• Sindhri considered “King of Mangoes” comprises 70% of total production.

• By all standards of colour, size, sweetness level, peel thickness and taste,Sindhri is arguably the best mango variety in the world.

• Usual problems: (1) low productivity at farm level and (2) poor post-harvest processing.

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• Pakistan 4th largest producer with annual production of 35 billion litres ofmilk.

• 70% is rural-based and 30% occurs in urban areas.

• The main dairy breeds are Kundi buffalo and Red Sindhi and Thari cows.

Dairy in Sindh

• Bulk is consumed by the local population in the form of raw, unprocessedmilk. Only 3-5% of milk processed.

• Domestically, buffalo milk is preferred while across the world cow milk ispreferred.

• Seasonal variations. Production falls in summer and rises in winter.

• Government of Pakistan envisages end to sale of raw unprocessed milk starting from large urban centres.

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• Poultry is arguably most important subsector as a cheap source ofanimal protein.

• One of most well-developed segments economy growing at a robust8-10% annually.

Poultry in Sindh

• Poultry sector provides direct and indirect employment to 1.5 millionpeople in Pakistan.

• Poultry meat contributes 25.8% of overall meat production in thecountry and the share is increasing.

• Annual production is 834,000 tons of meat with 3809 million tons of eggs.

• In Sindh, over 5,200 poultry farms. A large supply-demand gap exists.

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• Sindh has vast fisheries resources with a coastline of 352 kmcontaining 71% of Pakistan’s fisheries resources.

• The coastal waters well-suited for fisheries production with just theright salinity and temperature characteristics.

• Indus Delta spread over 40,000 hectares consists of 18 major naturalcreeks with numerous smaller creeks, backwaters, and mudflats

Fisheries in Sindh

Indus Delta spread over 40,000 hectares consists of 18 major naturalcreeks with numerous smaller creeks, backwaters, and mudflatsnaturally suited.

• Contribution to GDP is a mere 1% but provides livelihood to 1mpeople.

• The coastal belt of Sindh has over 40 species of fish and shellfish and15 species of shrimp.

• Annual production is merely 0.7 million tons valued at $300 million.• The annual growth rate of fisheries in 2010-11 was a meagre 1.9%.

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• Ostrich farming is a new investment avenue in Sindh, whichpromises a brave new world for the prospective investors.

• Native to Africa, it is a hardy creature can live intemperatures fom -20 to 56 degrees with a life span canrange from 30 to 70 years.

• A rich source of a wide range of derivatives – meat, leather,

Ostrich Farming Potential in Sindh

• A rich source of a wide range of derivatives – meat, leather,feathers, oil and so on.

• A full-grown ostrich can weigh up to 160 kg and yield up to80 to 100 kg of fat-free and low-cholesterol red meat.

• Ostrich leather is thick, durable and soft with a texture.• It also yields feathers, which have a number of high-end

uses.• Production of large-sized eggs by females at an average

weight of 1.5 to 3 kg is also prolific.

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• Investment in B

Investment Opportunities

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Sri Lanka
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Sri Lanka 89
China 91
Pakistan 105
Bangladesh 122
India 132
Iran 144