Download - Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Page 1: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge

Sylvia Nagl PhD

Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics

UCL London

Page 2: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

caOBNET: Overview

Knowledge integration by objective Bayesian networks (obNETS)

Maximum entropy method

An integrated clinico-genomic obNET for breast cancer


Page 3: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Bayesian networks

Graphical models • directed and acyclic graph (DAG)

Joint multivariate probability distribution

• with conditional independencies between variables

Given the data, optimal network topology can be estimated

• heuristic search algorithms and scoring criteria

Statistical significance of edge strengths

• Bayesian methods bootstrapping

Apolipoprotein E gene SNPs and plasma apoE level

Rodin & Boerwinkle 2005

Page 4: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Knowledge integration

Cancer treatment decisions should be based on all available knowledge

Knowledge is complex and varied: Patient's symptoms, expert knowledge, clinical databases relating to past patients, molecular databases, scientific papers, medical informatics systems

Generated by independent studies withdiverse protocols

Page 5: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Knowledge integration

Diverse data typesGenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, SNPs, tissue microarray, histopathology, clinical etc.

New data types, e.g., epigenetic data

All data types capture different characteristics of a dynamic complex system At different spatial and temporal scales Cell, tumour, patient, and therapeutic system of patient-

therapy interactions

How can this disparate data be used for an integrated understanding on which to base our actions?

Page 6: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Objective Bayesianism

Data and knowledge impinge on belief – we try to find a coherent set of beliefs with best fit Beliefs based on undefeated items of knowledge In case of conflict, try to find compromise beliefs

Objective Bayesianism offers a formalism for determining the beliefs that best fit background knowledge

Applying Bayesian theory, an agent’s degree of belief should be representable by a probability function p

Empirical knowledge imposes quantitative constraints on p

Represented in an obNET (learnt from database)

Page 7: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

obNETS for prediction

Standard algorithms can be used to calculate the probability of a specific outcome

A direct link between variables may suggest a causal connection

Page 8: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Bayesian networks

Can BNs be integrated?

Spanning genetic/molecular and clinical levels

obNETS offer a principled path to knowledge integration

Page 9: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Maximum entropy principle

Adopt p, from all those that satisfy the constraints, that are maximally equivocal

Williamson, J.(2002) Maximising Entropy Efficiently. Williamson, J. (2005a): Bayesian Nets and Causality. Williamson, J. (2005b): Objective Bayesian nets.

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Two items of empirical knowledge may conflict:

Study 1: Cancer will recur in 50% of patients with given set of characteristics

Degree of belief in recurrence in individual patient = 0.5 Study 2: Frequency of recurrence is 30%

Degree of belief will be constrained to closed interval [0.3,0.5]

In general: Belief function will lie within a closed set of probability

functions There will be a unique function that maximises entropy

Page 11: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

obNet integration

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obNet integration

Original obNETs provide probability distributions

Page 13: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

obNET integration

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obNET integration

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obNET integration

n number of nets

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obNET integration

Maximum entropy principle

If CPTs for merged nodes disagree on probabilities,

assign closed interval and take least committal value in that range

Page 17: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

obNET integration: Proof of principle

Two obNETs from breast cancer knowledge domain

Genomic: Comparative genome hybridisation (CGH) data - progenetix database Subset of bands with 3 or more genes implicated in tumour

progression and response to cytotoxic therapies (28 bands)

Clinical: American Surveillance, Epidemiology and End results (SEER) database

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Clinical and genomic nets (Hugin 6.6)

SEER database 4731 cases

progenetix database 28 bands/502 cases


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obNet integration

obNet learnt from 2nd progenetix dataset - 119 cases with clinical annotation (lymph node status, tumour size, grade)

22q12: -1 0 1LN:0 0.148 0.5 0.148 1 0.852 0.5 0.852


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Additional empirical knowledge

Fridlyand et al. 2006

chr. 22

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obNet integration

Fridlyand et al. 2006

chr. 22


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obNet integration

Fridlyand et al. 2006

chr. 22


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Metastasis-associated genes

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Howard et al., 2003

Biological knowledge suggests possible causal link

(in context of whole obNET – HR status!)

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Molecular profiling of tumours

Cancer clinical data & epidemiology

Translation of clinical data to genomics research




e ob



Predictive markers

Knowledge integration

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Jon Williamson (Philosophy, Unversity of Kent)

Matt Williams (Cancer Research UK) Nadjet El-Mehidi (Cancer Systems Biology, UCL) Vivek Patkar (Cancer Research UK)

Contact: [email protected]

Page 27: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

obNET integration: Proof of principle

Two obNETs Non-independent rearrangements at chromosomal

locations in breast cancer from comparative genome hybridisation (CGH) data - progenetix database Subset of bands with 3 or more genes implicated in tumour

progression and response to cytotoxic therapies (28 bands)

Probabilistic dependencies between clinical parameters from the American Surveillance, Epidemiology and End results (SEER) database

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HR status link

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Genomic systems

Genomes are dynamic molecular systems Selection acts on unstable cancer genomes as integrated

wholes, not just on individual oncogenes or tumour suppressors.

A multitude of ways to ‘solve the problems’ of achieving a survival advantage in cancer cells: Irreversible evolutionary processes Randomness of mutation Modularity and redundancy of complex systems

Page 30: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Genome-wide rearrangements

Can we identify probabilistic dependency networks in large sample sets of genomic data from individual tumours?

If so, under which conditions may these be interpreted as causal networks?

Can we identify probabilistic dependency networks involving molecular and clinical levels?

Page 31: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Systems Biology and Causation

Profound conceptual challenge regarding physical causation in complex biological systems

Mutual dependence of physical causes

The biological relevance of any factor, and therefore “the information” it conveys, is jointly determined, frequently in a statistically interactive fashion, by that factor and the system state (Susan Oyama, The Ontogeny of Information, 2000)

The influence of a gene, or a genetic mutation, depends on the context, such as availability of other molecular agents and the state of the biological system, including the rest of the genome

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Cell networks are dynamically instantiated – genes for components are switched on or off in response to signals and cell state

System state


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Cell networks are reconfigured in response to changes in environment or cell’s internal state

System state

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Cell computation networks are reconfigured in response to changes in environment or cell’s internal state

System state

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Cancer: Genome instability re-programs cell networks

Selection for increased proliferation, resistance, invasiveness etc.Driven by tumour cell – tissue interactions

Page 36: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge Sylvia Nagl PhD Cancer Systems Biology & Biomedical Informatics UCL London.

Genome-wide rearrangements

Can we identify probabilistic dependency networks in large sample sets of genomic data from individual tumours?

Can we identify probabilistic dependency networks involving molecular and clinical levels?

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Proof of principle

Screen the whole genome for chromosomal abnormalities in one experiment


Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and multicolour

fluorescence in situ hybridization (MFISH) Detection of allelic instabilities, loss of heterozygosity (LOH)