Download - Obama's Emerging Dictatorship rev 2.doc

  • 7/29/2019 Obama's Emerging Dictatorship rev 2.doc


    Obama's Emerging Dictatorship

    "The founders of the USA knew that government would always be the enemy of freedom.They knew that if it became easy to pass laws then the freedoms of the Constitution would becompletely undermined by an avalanche of restrictive laws. To avoid this fate, they installedchecks and balances in the Constitution..."

    Columnist Robert Eugene Simmons Jr. nailed what he calls "The Soft Dictatorship" graduallyovertaking our system of government.

    Our founding fathers knew first-hand what it meant to live in tyranny. They emigrated to avoidit and fought it when it reached our shores. They experienced how treacherous an out-of-control, unchecked government can become.

    In a scathing assessment of the overarching breach of power by our President, legislators andgovernment agencies, Simmons writes....

    "There is virtually nothing that the executive branch and regulatory agencies can't doanymore. In fact, some liberal talkers have outright called for Obama to rule by executiveorder and he is heeding their call. When the Cap and Trade bill became impossible to enact,Obama directed the EPA to implement provisions similar to the core thrust of the bill anyway."

    America isn't walking into a mine field; it is already deep within the field and inmortal peril of having freedom as we know it perish from the earth."

    The article sites many more examples of the emerging soft dictatorship duringObamas Imperial Presidency!!!


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    "Declaration of Independence 2011."

    When an abusive government refuses to change, refuses to listen to THE WILL OF THEPEOPLE, and indeed, when such a government insists on escalating its abuses against thePeople, demonstrating a clear intention of moving toward central control, even Despotism,then it is not only the Right of the People, but their Duty, to throw off such a government andappoint others devoted to serve as protectors of Liberty, Life, and the pursuit ofHappiness...

    For decades, and especially since 2006, the American people have suffered patiently underthe near-dictatorial rule of government officials and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., officialswho have abused their authority, trampling upon the rights and liberties of the People...

    The injuries inflicted upon the People of these United States by elitist politicians inWashington, and by the current occupant of the White House, are so numerous and sooutrageous as to warrant a recounting of their history, demonstrating the clear intention ofthis government to exert control over most aspects of American life, to the destruction of ourConstitution, our freedoms, and our God-given civil rights...

    So grievous have these abuses become, especially in the last two years, the People have

    concluded the usurpations of the federal government exceed those of the King of GreatBritain during the 18th century, abuses and deprivations causing the issuance of thefirst American Declaration of Independence, thus sparking the American Revolution."

    Simply put: In America, we do not suffer tyrants! It's time to demand ourrenewed independence from this tyranny!

    Government exists to secure all civil rights provided by God. Government canonly do its job if it first gets permission from the People. Government istherefore placed under the control of the People and exists to serve the interests

    of the People.

    Michael Savage on Obama Eliminating Term Limits!!

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    Obama's Fascist America in 10 Easy Steps1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

    Isn't that precisely what Occupy Wall Street has done with the banks and businesses? OWShas ties to Obama's friends in ACORN, as well as to SEIU. Isn't that what was done withWisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his attempts to save that state from bankruptcy? Isn'tthat what the EPA is doing with its endangerment finding claiming that carbon dioxide emittedby industry is going to cause catastrophic climate change? For that matter, isn't that

    precisely what was done by the Department of Homeland Security, whereby pro-life citizens,returning military, gun-owners, Ron Paul supporters, Christians, and just about everybody in"Red State America" falls under the category ofdomestic terrorist?

    2. Create a gulag

    FEMA is doing something that bears a disquieting resemblance toconcentration camps.

    And Madam Wolf worried about Guantnamo Bay, yet Mr. Obama has not closed it.

    3. Develop a thug caste

    At a town hall meeting in St. Louis held by Democrat Congressman Russ Carnahan, members

    of the Service Employees International Union(SEIU), representative of governmentemployees, beat a black man who was there selling flag pins. A woman was beaten up by anObama supporter in Minnesota. A man had his finger bitten offin an assault by an Obamasupporter at an anti-health care rally.

    And let's not forget the entire Occupy movement of the 99-centers; they have been camps fulloflawlessness, full of rapes and assaults. OWS was produced and organized by people closeto the Obama administration.

    4. Set up an internal surveillance system

    Obama has set up and is setting up a heavy internet surveillance.

    DHS has special spy technology capable of seeing through walls and has vans cruising citystreets, spyingon Americans indiscriminately.

    And don't forget Obama's "Truth Squad" in Missouri, where elected Democrats were cruisingthe internet looking for examples of "misrepresentations" and threatening to use legal meansto suppress opponent's "Lies."

    5. Harass citizens' groups

    What is the DHS domestic terrorist report but a tool to harass citizen's groups? What is OWSbut a way to harass businesses and citizens groups? What was the beating of KennethGladney but harassment of the Tea Party?

    6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

    Obama just signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law, a bill granting him thepower to detain for an unlimited time anyone he deems engaged in terrorism. Given the DHSdefinition of terrorism, that could be anybody. American citizens are not exempt, althoughObama promisesnot to use these new powers against them. (Step right up, folks! Great newbridge for sale!)

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    7. Target key individuals

    Shutting off the water to California's largely Republican Imperial Valley, ruining hisopponents. Refusing to send federal aid to fight the Texas wildfires because Texas is a loststate for Obama politically. Drowning some largely Republican Missouri farmland to save astaunchly Democratic town in Illinois during the 2011 floods. Ordering the DOJ to go afterWall Street execs for receiving bonuses. Firing the head of General Motors. Oh, and let's notforget the letter sent out by the DOJ to three climate bloggers where the Climategate II e-mailswere linked; the DOJ threatened them, and then British police seized the computers of oneblogger.

    8. Control the press

    Obama is the press.

    9. Dissent equals treason

    Just look at the "Missouri Truth Squad." How about the accusations made against the TeaParty , claiming they were inciting violence? How about the claim that Gabrielle Giffords wasshot because conservative criticisms of Obama have incited violence?

    10. Suspend the rule of law

    What did Obama do when he made recess appointments while Congress was still in session?What did he do with Fast and Furious? What did he do when he refused to enforce theDefense of Marriage Act in court, or when Eric Holder refused to prosecute the New BlackPanther Party for voter intimidation because they are black, or when he sent money to Kenyato promote the new, pro-abortion constitution in violation of U.S. law that does not allowAmerican aid to be spent for that?

    He also has stopped automatic deportation of illegal aliens, in violation of U.S. law.

    What did he do when he violated the War Powers Act, involving America in a war in Libyawithout getting congressional approval? What did he do with ObamaCare?

    By Naomi Wolfe''s own standards, Obama is busily turning America into a totalitarian state.

    And what dictatorship is complete without a youth squad? Germany had the Hitler Youth,Stalin the Young Pioneers, and what of Barack? Remember the song sung by schoolchildren"Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm"? What of Obama's recruitment of children toget their parents to vote for him?

    Frankly, in a saner world, if the GOP hadn't just impeached the last Democrat president, and ifthe matter of Obama's race were not an issue, this president would be facing forcible removalfrom office, and several of his cabinet would be facing jail time.

    Barack Obama is proposing eliminatinghalf a million U.S. military jobs, while at the same timecalling for asalary raisefor SEIU members of the bureaucracy. Interesting, that; the military

    tends to vote GOP, and the government workers are staunchly Democratic. Giving money tothe SEIU guarantees that said money ends in the pockets of the Obama re-election campaign,and taking bread from the mouths of the military means less for Republicans. It also means ahalf-million more people on unemployment. But there's more.

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    Early in the Obama tenure, Marxist Manuel Zelaya, President of Honduras, was ousted frompower by the Honduran military. Zelaya was attempting to subvert the Honduran Constitution,overturning the term-limit restrictions and making himself president for life. The HonduranCongress ordered him out, and the Honduran Supreme Court ruled that he had to step down.When he refused to do so, the military intervened and removed him from office, kicking himout of the country.

    The Obama administration was furious, demanding Zelaya's return to power. They eventuallygot a deal that allowed Zelaya to come back into the country (although he was not restored topower).

    "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectiveswe've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just asstrong, just as well-funded." -Barack Obama, July 2, 2008

    The U.S. military swears an oath not to its commander-in-chief, but to the U.S. Constitution.Should the president attempt to blatantly violate that Constitution, the military would be the

    ones to ultimately act against him on orders from the other branches of government. Couldthat be a reason why Mr. Obama wanted a personal, internal police that would be as well-armed and as large as the U.S. military? If George Bush had done such a thing, what wouldNaomi Wolfe say?

    One wonders why President Obama is so eager to make such major cuts in the U.S. armedforces at a time when war appears imminent and the economy cannot sustain a large influx ofnewly unemployed and right before an election he appears destined to lose, too!

    Notice any similarities here?Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state recognizes no limits toits authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.Totalitarian regimes stay in political power through an all-encompassing propaganda

    campaign, which is disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party thatis often marked by political repression, personality cultism, control over the economy,regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror.

    Obamanism (or Obama Presidential rule) is a political system where the federal governmentrecognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and privatelife wherever feasible. Obamanism stays in political power through an all-encompassingpropaganda campaign, which is disseminated through interest controlled mass media,suppressing a dual party system that is often marked by political stalemates, deceptivebargaining (special interests), control over the economy, regulation and restriction of basichuman rights (Obama Healthcare), mass surveillance (Internet) and widespread use of fear

    and deception(Terrorism).

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    5 Ways Obama Is A DictatorWhen power is placed in the hands of a usurper like Barack Obama, all thought of acceptingauthority from the other branches of government as delegated by the Constitution is rejected.Three years in office, we have seen Obama use the various agencies of the executive branchto break countless federal statutes, rob states of their legislative prerogatives, and flout theauthority of Congress and the courts.

    1) Obamas Department of Justice has actively prevented South Carolina, Arizona, Texas,and other states from implementing voter ID laws designed to prevent the widespreadincidents of fraud so instrumental to the success of the Democrat Party in elections forthe past 50 years. The Department has filed suit in federal court to preventimplementation of those state laws in spite of a 2008 Supreme Court ruling which foundConstitutional an Indiana voter ID law whose various requirements were mirrored in theTexas and Arizona legislation.

    2) The EPA imposed water quality rules in Florida which would have led to billions ofdollars in compliance costs, significant spikes in utility bills and the loss of thousandsof jobs. In February, the Florida Attorney General prevailed in a lawsuit against theEPA in which the presiding judge found the EPAs rules were not based on soundscience Moreover, the judge declared the EPA had even failed to prove its schemewould prevent any harm to the environment.

    3) Obamas National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) threatened suit against South Carolinafor guaranteeing a secret ballot in union elections. The NLRB eventually backeddown, but then turned its attention to the Boeing Company, telling Boeing it could notrelocate its plants. Once again, the Board backed down but only after the company andthe union worked through an agreement.

    4) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) demanded that the HosannaTabor Lutheran School rehire a minister discharged for her disagreement with thereligious doctrines of the church. So outrageous was EEOC involvement in this casethat the Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY found in favor of the School in a January 2012ruling.

    5) Health and Human Services mandated Jewish, Catholic, and Baptists schools andchurches provide abortion services to their employees. Seven state Attorneys Generalhave filed suit after Barack Obama made an accommodation in name only that requiredinsurance companiesprovide the services for free

    In the Constitution, the Founders created an overlap of authority, based on the view thatliberty can only be effectively preserved by having not only separate branches but also bymixing in each branch aspects of all the forms of power legislative, executive and judicialThe argument as to which branch the executive or the legislative has the final authority todeclare and engage in war, for example, has especially raged in recent years.

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    But Barack Obama and his thuggish Regime desire the exercise of absolute control over allaspects of existence in the United States. It is anathema to this would-be dictator thatauthority even be shared with the people he was elected to govern, much less that allauthority to govern be DERIVED of their consent. The system of federalism upon which thisnation and its Constitution are based is systematically being destroyed by a ManchurianCandidate bent on absolute rule over a free people.

    Any Questions? Operational Plan in Place


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    Is America Under Barry Becoming A Totalitarian State?July 11th 2012

    A Totalitarian state is one in which the leader, in this case Barry, has total control of theGovernment and the people. In practice, the term is used to describe a political situationwhere a small group of people (i.e. AG Eric Holder, Secretary Hilary Clinton, Secretary JanetNapolitano, and Secretary Leon Panetta) or an organization has total authority over a nation.As a point worth mentioning, in Hitlers Germany, there were many characteristics of a

    Totalitarian state. The Government ran and censored the media. All forms of communicationwere liable to interference from above and could and were heavily censored. This removesfreedom of speech, therefore enabling the government to influence popular opinion viapropaganda and false news messages.

    Why would a president who might have less than 121 days left in office, should he lose theelection, sign his most recent Executive Orderthat allows the Government under thepresidents control to take over all forms of communications should he deem that there is aneed to do so in a time of crisis? Lets not forget Barrys previous Chief of Staff RahmEmanuels most famous comment: you never want a serious crises go to waste.

    The next question that one might need to ask themselves is: what defines and/or determines acrisis, and how easy would it be for Barry to create a crisis that he feels is sufficient in natureto have him and his Administration take over all forms of communication? Take your pick.Would an uprising between blacks and whites be sufficient for him to demand the takeover ofall forms of communications? Or would an uprising as we had on Wall Street with the 99ersprotesting in the streets and parks against the 1% be sufficient for Obama to declare MartialLaw and take over all forms of communications? The truth is that under Barry and his chosenkey members of his Administration, the majority of all major enterprises are now virtuallycontrolled completely by our government.

    Under Barrys leadership (or dictatorship, depending on how one wants to view his actions),

    our government controls, as of the Supreme Courts most recent ruling, one-sixth of theAmerican economy by taking over healthcare alone. The government controls our militaryunder the leadership of Leon Panetta, who in his prior life was appointed by Bill Clinton asWhite House Chief of Staff. They also control the automotive industry, thanks to Barrystakeover of GM and Chrysler. The coal and oil industries, thanks to the EPAs strictregulations and Barrys will, are also all controlled by the government.

    The major news media is and has always been in support of Barry and his policies, except forFox News, and unfortunately, it appears that they too are beginning to buckle under the heelof Obama and his Administration. If one does some research, they will quickly learn that thereis absolutely no difference between a totalitarian state and a Muslim-run state; they are

    identical in that the opinion of the people does not matter. What does matter is the opinionand will of the leadership.

    What I find fascinating is that not one single member of Congress has questioned openlyBarrys eligibility in holding office. If one were to do so, he/she could demand that Obamarelease and produce original documents to prove that he is eligible to be president. BarrysOccidental College and Harvard University applications would be all that would be needed toend this farce since they would prove without a doubt that he attended those institutions as aforeign exchange student, something the new Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagen was and isfully aware of. Right, Supreme Court Justice Kagen?


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    The members of Congress are all in denial of the inevitable, as they remain silent for fear oflosing their elitist positions. However, what they all need to ask themselves is: does aMuslim-run or Totalitarian country have any group of individuals similar to those inCongress? That answer, of course, is no. In other words, by their inactions, in all probabilitythey themselves will be instrumental in eliminating their own cherished positions and allowingthe America that we once loved and knew to no longer exist.

    Once again, why would Barry sign an Executive Order to enable the government to controlall forms of communications with the presidential election less than 121 days away if he hadno intentions of remaining in power? (Not necessarily as president but more in line as adictator, which in reality is what he has been all along by disregarding not only theConstitution but by totally disregarding the will of the American people.)

    Unfortunately, the answer to that question is obvious; he has no intention of giving up thepower that he and his handlers have been able to take control of, and I fear that the end ofAmerica as we all once knew it will soon be gone forever.

    Obama Done With Fundamentally TransformingAmerica?

    July 15th 2012

    As Obamas recent slew of executive orders abound, it is not hard to see that he is puttingeverything in place for the forced takeover of the United States of America. Hetold us all fouryears agothat he was going to do it, but no one really paid attention.

    Ok, so lets take a look at where we are now, and we will see where we are headed. We willlook at some executive orders first.

    This one grants amnesty to illegal aliens.

    This one allows Obama to seize control of the communications infrastructure. This one allows Obama to take over all private property and control private industry.

    This one guts welfare reform by removing job search and work requirements, thusadding to the welfare roles.

    Obama ordersnine border crossing stations to be closed.

    Now lets take a look at the National Defense Authorization Acthere.

    Now lets look atwho Homeland Security considers to be terrorists.Dont forget that ourreturning vets are on this list as well.

    This could be the trigger to make everything come together.This information was leaked tothe Canada Free press by an informant deep inside homeland security.

    With Obama supposedly being a Constitutional scholar, you must know the document in orderto find ways to work around it. What we are seeing here is Obama working the Cloward-Pivenstrategy to overwhelm and collapse our system. He has also subscribed to Saul Alinskysrules for radicals in order to demonize and discredit his opposition. Remember, Saul Alinskysbook was dedicated to the first rebel known to man Lucifer. Alinsky also taught that the end

    justifies the means. As always, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.

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    Obama Will Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012August 27th 2012

    Igor Panarin, dean the Russian Foreign Ministry School for future diplomats, believes thatPresident Obama will announce martial law by the end of 2012. He explains: Theres a 55-45%chance right now that disintegration will occur.

    In 2009, Panarin lectured at the Diplomatic Academy where he said that he believes that theUS will begin to collapse in 2010. He compared America to Nazi Germany and blamed the USfor the global financial crisis that destroyed the Russian economy.

    Panarin said that American society is in decline, referencing school shootings like Columbine.Combined with the banker bailouts in 2008 as proof that the US is no longer the globaldominating economy, Paranrin believes that the American dream is over.

    He asserts that mass immigration, economic decline and moral degradation will plungeAmerica into a civil warthat will center on the collapse of the US dollar.


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    Panarin created a map of how he perceived the US would divide. He asserted that parts of theUS would be taken over by foreign interests.

    Considering the social climate emerging in America, Panarins words seem prophetic.

    Lubbock County Judge Tom Head said on a local FOX affiliate station that he is convincedthat Obamas re-election would spawn civil unrest which would justify the US governmentsuse ofmartial law to quell the public. Head is seeking an increase in local taxes to beef upthe Lubbock County Sheriffs office and district attorneys office.

    Head expressed concern that Obama would deploy UN NATO troops onto US soil should civil

    unrest be declared. Head said: Hes going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the U.S. tothe United Nations, whats going to happen when that happens? Im thinking worst casescenario. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybewere not just talking a few riots ordemonstrations.

    In March of 2012, Obama signed theNational Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP)executive order that declared peacetime marital law. Obama granted himself authority over alldomestic energy, production, transportation, food and water in the name of National Security.

    The NDRP has roots in theDefense Production Act of 1950wherein the US government wasempowered to dispense national resources in the event of a national emergency that woulddefine any or all Americans as a challenge to the government. Control over all US citizens

    would be required to maintain continuity of government. The president and advisors would beable to use this directive as they saw fit if the situation warranted.

    It was no mistake that theNational Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) declared the domesticUS a battlefield. The ability to detain any American citizen without charge or trial, solely onsuspicion is key to the power of the NDAA.

    As defined in the NDRP, the President allocated control over American resources to specificfederal agencies to oversee their dispensation.


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    The Secretary of Defense has poweroverall water resources

    The Secretary of Commerce has power over all material services and facilities,including construction materials

    The Secretary of Transportation has power over all forms of civilian transportation

    The Secretary of Agriculture has power over food resources and facilities, livestockplant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment

    The Secretary of Health and Human Services has power over all health resources

    The Secretary of Energy has powerover all forms of energy

    Under Nazi-controlled Germany, the beginning ofTotalitarian control was evidenced in May of1942 when freezing of food prices led to national rationing in 1943. With the Nazis controllingresource dispersion, all citizens needed ration cards to obtain food, gas, and even a vacationpass that allotted the restriction of movement.

    Between the NDAA and NDRP, a Nazi-model of control over the general population in Americais laid out. The Executive Branch, having been given the power to control all resources thatare necessary to sustain all citizens, they have forced Americans to become completelysubservient to the US government.

    The executive order is not permitted by the US Constitution that states: All legislative powersherein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of aSenate and House of Representatives. The advent of executive orders completelycircumvents the power of the Congress and gives the Executive Branch unilateral power. Theuse of executive orders has become popular as a way to control America in wartime andadvent of national emergencies.

    Obama has set a precedent by announcing the pre-cursor to suspension of the USConstitution during peacetime.

    The first suspension of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights was performed by AbrahamLincoln during the US Civil War. This enabled Lincoln to authorize the unlawful detainment ofpolitical prisoners without Congressional approval.

    The second declaration of unconstitutional detainment ofUS citizens was ordered byPresident FDR in 1941 with the roundup of Japanese-Americans who were sent to detainmentcamps to be held without charge during WW II.

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    For the past 30 years, plans for thetakeover of America have been laid in a long line ofexecutive orders. By stifling Congressional approval, the Executive Branch has beenempowered to detain any and all US citizens, suspend all media and restrict any and allAmericans in any and all ways deemed appropriate by the President.

    We are in the midst of a Fascist takeover of our Constitutional Republic.

    Obama Will Declare Martial Law By End of 2012

