Download - OBA Newsletter October 2014 [online]

Page 1: OBA Newsletter October 2014 [online]








Page 2: OBA Newsletter October 2014 [online]

Future ChefFind out about the exciting cookery competition which gives students the opportunity to participate in a competitive environment.

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OBA LiveAn exciting new opportunity for budding singers and musicians has begun this term. Find out about the project and how it can benefit our talented students.

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FROM THEPRINCIPAL’S DESKAs we come to the end of the first half term I cannot believe how quickly the weeks have flown by since the beginning of September. I was very clear with students at the whole Academy assembly on the first day in September about what my expectations are in terms of behaviour and uniform and I am delighted by the way students have responded resulting in an excellent start to the new academic year.

On a personal note it was really special welcoming our Year 7 students on their first day at secondary school, it feels as if I have been here for ages and that is testimony to how soon they settled in to life at Ormiston Bushfield Academy.

Since returning in September we have welcomed twenty nine French students from our exchange school College Andree Recipon in Rennes. I know they had a wonderful time and I would like to take the opportunity to express my thanks to the many Ormiston Bushfield Academy families who made them so welcome to Peterborough. We also had a group of students travel to Iceland on an amazing trip organised by the geography department. This allowed students to see a range of physical geography such as geysers, volcanos and mud pools; they also had a ‘once in a lifetime experience’ visiting Iceland’s famous ‘Blue Lagoon’.

Auditions and call backs are well underway for this year’s Academy production of ‘Disco Inferno’, which is scheduled for March 2015. I am sure this promises to be as spectacular as ever.

I am also delighted that we have been able to introduce a new student reward system into Ormiston Bushfield Academy this term. I believe that we have created a system which now allows all students to be recognised when they achieve excellence.

Our Year 6 Open Evening was hugely successful and the number of parents applying for a place for their child at the Academy continues to grow.

Finally a huge well done to George Penfold and Sophie Huskisson who are the Academy Head Boy and Girl for this academic year.

Mr Kirwan


Art ExhibitionTake a look at some of the fantastic A-level Art work that was produced by some of our students throughout their course.

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HunstantonGeography students have been busy already this year. In this issue, we feature the GCSE trip to Hunstanton that took place in mid September.

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Paris TripMr Sheppard writes a review of the annual Paris trip that took place in July. Find out what the students got up to and which famous landmarks they visited.

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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 1


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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 2

In July, work from A Level Fine Art, where students explore their own ideas through a range of different Art media, was on display to the general public. Students excelled themselves this year with a great range of conceptual ideas and a high level of skill demonstrated in drawing. Ideas ranged from an investigation into

surveillance to studies of personal experiences of loss and operations.

The range of work includes a collaged dustbin, a 3D essay presentation as well as detailed drawings of spines and flowers. There was also some performance art on display where a student made her painting then filmed herself

ripping it up and sewing it back together. Interesting stuff indeed!

The exhibition of student work proved to be an enormous success, with a significant number of friends, family and public coming to view the work.


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Adam Nicholls

Bethany Hunt

Brionny Vaus


4 Katie Fitzjohn

Ormiston Bushfield Academy was recently represented at the OAT App building contest final at Ormistion Victory Academy in Norwich by five of our Year 11 business studies students. They were tasked with creating an original App with the winner being taken forward and built by Gaia. The students went through various processes to get to the final; firstly having to present their App in a marketplace environment at Birmingham Ormiston Academy. The best Apps

were then taken forward to a dragons den style finale, where the students had just three minutes to impress the judges and showcasing how their App would work. The main criteria they were looking for was desirability, affordability and whether it was achievable. I am

happy to say the students did extremely well; winning the best group presentation award and coming runner up for the best App. The judges were so impressed with the idea that they are going to look at ways to develop their design for a revision and planning

App, designed to keep you on track with your core subjects. Also a big well done to Jennifer Hutchins for her involvement in the media team who recorded the event.

Mr Morris


#OBA Stay up to date by following us on Twitter @OBApeterborough

Page 4: OBA Newsletter October 2014 [online]

Our trip to Paris began at 6am on a sunny Tuesday morning with forty seven students and five staff. Forty seven, we were going to have lots of practice counting up to forty seven in the next four days.

For many of our students this was their first time on a cross channel ferry; they were lucky, the sea was as calm as a mill pond, as my mother used to say. The same couldn’t be said for the roads around Paris which slowed us to a crawl just a few tantalising kilometres from our destination. Our arrival was late and by the time we’d eaten and unpacked it was time for bed, for the next day was going to be a full one.

Breakfast at seven, on the coach by eight and off to the Louvre, one of the great art museums of the world, also one of the busiest and most labyrinthine. Not all our

students are enthusiastic about thirteenth century Italian art but at least they can say they’ve seen the Mona Lisa. We ate our lunch in the blistering sunshine, just across from the glass pyramids at the entrance to the museum.

Next stop, the Eiffel Tower; stunning, even at ground level. The wait for the lifts was impossibly long so there was no choice but to use the stairs. Don’t look down, keep your eyes on the handrail, it’ll soon be over. Even the most terrified were soothed by the panorama of Paris, laid out like an immaculate model, brilliant with sunshine.

By this point I was just about ready for a lie down or

maybe a cup of coffee in one of those appealingly shady cafes, but no, follow Madame Oboh and it’s off to the river, with a final sprint to catch the cruiser. If you’ve been lucky enough to cruise down the Siene you’ll know that it is probably one of the most beautiful

boat rides through any city anywhere. Not surprisingly our students barely stirred for the entire trip; so it is possible to wear out teenagers, though having said that, they did find the energy for a disco when we got back.

The next day was, if anything, even hotter and we were off to Parc Asterix. I had expected a cut price Euro Disney but in fact the French theme park is way, way better. I stuck

resolutely to rides for seven year olds but our students were off on the most terrifying rides and roller coasters. We all had a brilliant time, the only disappointment of the day being that the dolphins refused to perform, they didn’t like the heat apparently.

Our journey back took the best part of a day, with a couple of hours shopping and a chance to get rid of the last of those troublesome euros. We spent a lot of time on a coach, a lot of time in queues, a lot of time on our feet, but our students were well behaved, cheerful and had, I think, an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Mr Sheppard

Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 3


Key InfoLocation: Paris, FranceWhen: 1st - 4th July 2014Attendees: Year 8Staff: Madame Oboh

“Even the most terrified were soothed by the panorama of Paris

Our students were well behaved, cheerful and had, I think, an experience they will remember for the rest

of their lives

Two intrepid linguists from the Academy headed off to Paris in the summer to work at the French offices of BGL, the Academy sponsors who run the insurance comparison website ‘compare the’ Interacting in French Ben Jackson and Nisha Hamdouni went from

department to department to find out what happened in each area of ‘Les Furets’. Required to write a presentation in business French the students were thrilled to improve their written and oral skills whilst also learning about the workings of a successful comparison website.

“I feel

much more confident

speaking French now”, commented Nisha “and I have enjoyed learning from the Parisians how to speak like a Parisian using phrases that are really up to date. Our written text was reviewed by the French staff so that it read

like a proper marketing presentation in business French and such feedback is really invaluable”.“I had never travelled abroad independently before” commented Ben. “Navigating the metro proved quite a challenge and we really enjoyed exploring the City.“I would recommend working abroad to anyone!”

Working with Les Furets in Paris

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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 4


T he start of a new academic year often

provides new challenges and new opportunities for students; this term has been no different. September marked the start of a collaborative project between the Music and Media departments here at Ormiston Bushfield Academy aimed at providing musically and vocally gifted students the chance to showcase their talent. The initiative dubbed ‘OBAlive’ allows any student who wants to perform a song or a musical track to do so in the confines of our very own television studio. The performance is recorded via a multi-camera setup and then instantly uploaded and broadcast on the Academy’s very own

YouTube channel for the world to see. The initiative is a great way for musically gifted students to create a portfolio of their work but also showcase what they can do to other students and the wider public.

Chris Parker, the Academy’s Media Production Coordinator and joint founder of the initiative says “It is important that we provide opportunities such as this outside of the classroom. Staff are here to help students flourish and provide them with an appropriate outlet for their talents. OBAlive certainly offers students that.”

Since the project began at the start of September, there have been six different videos produced, all of which are proving popular on our YouTube channel.

If you are interested in performing in the OBAlive studio, all you have to do is speak to Mr Parker in the Media Department or Mr

Leighton in Music.

Alternatively you can get in touch by email at the following address:

[email protected]

Be sure to check out all of our videos at:


It’s important that we provide opportunities such as this outside

of the classroom


Staff are here to help students flourish and provide them with an appropriate

outlet for their talents #OBAlive

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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 5

Springboard’s FutureChef is an exciting cookery competition which gives talented students the opportunity to participate in a competitive environment.

The competition is over 4 heats, starting with the school heats in October and culminating in the National final in London in March. The competition is open to all students between the ages of 12 and 16.

This year, Ormiston Bushfield Academy had five students enter the school heat which took place on the 8th of October. Students had to prepare, cook and serve a hot main meal for two people on a £5 Budget. Some excellent dishes were created including; Spaghetti Carbonara, Goats Cheese & Roasted Vegetable Tart, Diet Coke Chicken and Rice, Tomato & Asparagus Tagliatelle and Tangy Chicken with Creamed Potatoes and Vegetables.

After a display of excellent skills and creativity, two winners were chosen to move forward to the local finals. Nichole Blackham (Year 10) and Charlotte Hedaux (Year 11) will represent the Academy this November in the next stage of the competition. This will require the girls to cook a two course meal for two people with a budget of £7.

Well done to everyone who took part and congratulations to the two winners!

Miss SmithFood Technology


Storytelling is the oldest art-form. We humans have been telling stories ever since the days of whacking tyrannosauruses with clubs and scrambling their eggs.

Ormiston Bushfield Academy is reviving this ancient art with our spanking new fixture, Storytelling with Steve.

On Thursday 2nd October, a lunchtime audience of pupils sat back to enjoy a story called Beautiful Brown Eyes – about Clive Dixon, a man who will go to any lengths to get his hands on a nice new eyeball.

Storytelling with Steve will take place Thursday lunchtimes from now on. Everybody is welcome to Storytelling with Steve, any age, students and staff. Steve will circulate the titles of the stories to staff in advance of each session, so all pupils need do is ask tutors to find out what’s on.

We have also reserved an after-school slot on Thursdays for storytelling. We hope that in time there will be enough interest to run after-school workshops on storytelling where pupils can themselves become storytellers as it is a great skill to have.

If you can stand up in front of a bunch of people and blarney a yarn, then the World is your lobster.

Mr MurphyBushfield Theatre Company


Another very successful West End Trip took place in July. Students from all year groups spent a rewarding two days in London watching ‘Matilda’.

After a good night’s sleep we had breakfast and a workshop with two professional actors from the West End.

Simon Burgess, then in Year 8, explained that the younger group re-enacted a scene from the play, guided by professional actors. “It was really great fun,” he commented. “I also really enjoyed our walking tour of Central London”.

Charlotte Hedaux, then in Year 10, was part of the older group that had to create a scene based on certain words. “This was a really creative activity,” she commented “I had never done anything like this before. I love musicals and dancing and this was an inspiration.”

“The children performed all aspects of the show as professionally as the adult actors”, commented Mr McMillan.

A coach ride home followed lunch in Covent Garden and it was then that we found out that the Year 7 girls maybe didn’t get as much sleep as they should have (you know who you are…)

So the question is what shall we go and see this next year?

Mr McMillanHead of Performing Arts


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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 6

Year 9Lydia Brant - 200m Alan Borett - DiscussKayleighLynch-Graham - 100m

Undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh Award has been a life changing experience for Sixth Former Jack Brown. Fulfilling the various sections of the award has taken a lot of commitment and the courage to try new activities: However, for Jack it was the final expedition that was the hardest of all. A trip to the beautiful Lake District camping proved a test not just of physical endurance but of maintaining friendships too.“Hiking in August it was just too hot,” commented Jack, “to avoid de-hydration we had to carry extra water making packs already laden with food and clothing for the four, eight hours plus days,

as well as bedding and a tent, even heavier.

The sheer physical effort strained friendships and there were real low points. At the end of each day, camping in the beautiful countryside near Keswick in Cumbria we made a real effort to talk through our frustrations and difficulties and by the end of the trip we have become firmer friends than ever.” Leah Davis was part of the group going on an expedition for her

silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. Also enjoying the fell walking in Cumbria the group worked as a team to complete the trek. Reading the map carefully was an essential part of keeping to the route and keeping safe. “At times we did not agree about the right path to take and on these occasions we held a team meeting to resolve the question and make sure that we were following the route we had planned. It was much harder than the bronze expedition as we had to walk further each day and carry more food and clothing.

However, we enjoyed being in the hills and the views were spectacular.”The Bronze expedition was held in the local Northamptonshire countryside. Exploring the local area and realising that one does not need to go far to find adventure and fun was quite a revelation. The award requires commitment in a number of areas.

By the end of the trip we had become firmer

friends than ever



For more information on the ‘Duke of Edinburgh’

please visit the website at:

On Monday 8th September, fifty one Year 11 students (accompanied by Mr Bartlett and Mrs Holmes) visited Hunstanton on the Norfolk coast to complete the fieldwork component of the GCSE Geography Controlled Assessment. The students needed to consider the key question; ‘To what extent is the geology the main influence on the distinctive coastal landforms in Hunstanton’? Students were required to collect primary data of rock samples for hardness testing and sediment deposits. Students took photographic evidence of landforms which included

cliffs, wave cut platforms and sand dunes and calculated cliff heights using a clinometer app on their ipads.

The weather was fantastic and the students had a lovely day out on the beach – a true Geography lesson!



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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 7

Telephone Absence Line - 01733 404351Please remember to use the Ormiston Bushfield Academy absence line. If your child is absent from the Academy, please ring 01733 404351 between 8:00am and 9:00am and leave your message on the voicemail. The message should include your name, the student’s name and tutor group, the reason and likely duration of the absence. Please confirm in writing when your child returns to the Academy.

Academy UniformThe Academy uniform is available to order online direct from our providers at Uniform can also be purchased from the shop at: Unit 9 Botolph Bridge Trading Estate, Oundle Road, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 9QP

Upcoming Community EventsThe Orton Community Association will be hosting the following events:Craft Fayre - Saturday 15th NovemberChristmas Bazaar - Saturday 13th DecemberBoth events will be held in the Extended Services building next to the Doctors from 11:30 - 4pm

Important Dates 2014Academy Half Term - Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October

Last day of Autumn Term - Friday 19th DecemberProfessional Development Day - Monday 5th JanuarySpring Term Starts - Tuesday 6th January


After a two week audition period, that was very well attended. Students from all Year groups sung a verse and a chorus from a 70’s pop song. There were some very strong auditions and some surprisingly good performers. Disco Inferno is set in a night club where Jack the cleaner dreams of being a star on the stage. Can anyone make his dream come true? Will Jack’s dream turn into a nightmare? Loosely based on Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe Disco Inferno is an action packed story with big 70’s hits! The cast has been decided and rehearsals have begun... Mr McMillan


4th 5th 6th 7thMARCH
