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Ethics and Values

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• Define “Ethics”– This is about what we think we “Should”

• Definition: ?

• Define “Values”– This is about what we “Actually” embrace

• Definition: ?

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• What is this really?– Take a look – a pretty good look at ….. Ethics from

Santa Clara•

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But knowing what it is doesn’t explaine “Why to Human Beings Do What They Do?”

• To Start to Understand ….– We begin with psychological contributions

• There are 4 areas of contribution– 1. Values– 2. Attitudes– 3. Perception – 4. Learning

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• Attitudes, Perceptions, and Learning fit into a different part of our understanding ….

…but Values are well worth exploring!

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• Define Values?• Basic convictions – one mode of conduct is preferable

to another• Judgmental element carrying individual’s ideas about

right, good, or desirable (and the opposites)

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What are Value Systems?

• They prioritize individual values– The weight assigned to values such as:

• Freedom• Pleasure• Self-respect• Honesty• Obedience• Equality

– Or the rank ordering you did earlier with the 34 items.

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Kohlberg (researcher)

Stages of Moral Development as a Basis for Moral Education

• Level One – Self Centered• Obedience and Punishment orientation

• Avoid physical punishment

• Instrumental Purpose and Exchange – • Following rules when in my interest

• Level Two – Conformity• Interpersonal Accord – Mutual Expectations

• Good behavior -- peers and those close to you

• Social Accord & System Maintenance• Fulfilling duties -- contributing

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Stages of Moral Development as a Basis for Moral Education

• Level Three – Principled– Social Contract – Individual Rights

• Aware people hold a variety of values• Relative to the group

– Universal Ethical Principles• Following self-chosen ethical principles of justice and

rights• Law vs. principles – act in accordance with principles

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Ethical FrameworksBelow are the most modest descriptors of the Frameworks

• Take a moment with a search engine and expand the descriptors….

• Utilitarianism – greatest good

• Individual Rights – personal entitlements

• Justice Principle – fairness, equity, impartiality

• Caring Principle – well being of others

• Environmentalism – person–land relationships

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Does a person’s generational standing or other identifier make a difference in values?

• You saw the generational chart earlier…• Now group people by some broad brush

strokes………. And ask ourselves about

• Age?• Nationality?• Region of upbringing? (south, east, midwest, west,…)• Politics?• Education?

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Again, another look at Dominant Values in Today’s workforce


• Veterans» 65+ Hardworking, conservative,

• Loyal to organization

• Boomers» 40’s – 60’s Success, achievement, ambition, dislike authority

• Loyal to career

• Xers» 30’s – 40’s Work/life balance, teams, dislike rules

• Loyal to relationships

• Nexters» Under 30 Confident, $ success, self-reliant ,

• Loyal to both self and relationships

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Is there a logical line of thinking that might help to explain or answer the question?:Has there been a decline in Business Ethics? (because it seems like it)

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Possible Partial explanation

• Vets leave Loyalty to employer• Best for the organization

• Boomers take over Loyalty to career• Best for #1

• Xers coming up Loyalty to relationships• Implications of actions

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So… can other values issues be explained as well (or possibly explained)?

• How about values around the world?– Do different cultures have different values?

• Well, yes! (I think …. Don’t I?)

– How would you find out? (easy way is look it up on the internet – but I want you to think about how you would find out? Not what someone thinks, but what we know because we have tested it out)

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Geert HofstedeNot his son, Gert

• Google him – take a quick look at Wikipedia (I know it isn’t what I recommend but really….)

• So the big study he did …– IBM employees– 116,000– 40 countries– Produced 5 dimensions

• What are they? Look it up

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• Power – distance • Acceptance of distribution of power

• Individualism/collectivism• Prefer to act ……

• Achievement/Nurturing

• Uncertainty avoidance• Structure vs. unstructured

• Long Term / Short Term

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Finally … Here are some steps to Ethical Decision Making:

• Define the problem accurately• Define the problem from the other side• State the historical background to events• Consider where are your loyalties• What do you want to accomplish

– Compare intention with probable results

• Whom could get injured (multiple definitions)

• Can you discuss with parties involved• Valid over long time frame• Can you disclose• Exceptions?

Nash – Ethics without the sermon -- HBR

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Attitudes• Attitude is a hypothetical construct – it is made up

• Cannot be directly observed – we look at what people do and infer what their attitude is – (think of an ice berg, we only see

10% of what is actually there)

• Attitude directs Behaviour

• Attitudes are persistent – until something changes them

• Attitudes range from very favourable to very unfavourable.

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• Cognitive Component – The opinion or belief segment of an attitude.

• Affective Component – The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.

• Behavioral Component – An intention to behave in a certain way towards someone or something.






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CHANGING ATTITUDES• Barriers to changing attitudes:1. Prior commitment2. Insufficient information• Methods to overcome barriers and change attitudes:1. Providing new information2. Use of fear3. Resolving Discrepancies4. Influence of friends and peers5. The co-opting approach






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Attitudes(just briefly)

• Are evaluative statements• They reflect how we feel about something

» Objects, people, events

• OB focuses on job-related attitudes– Job involvement – how involved are people and why– Organizational commitment – how committed are

people to the organization – – Job satisfaction – how satisfied are people with

their job.» Most attention is placed on Job Satisfaction

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Determinants of Job Satisfaction

• Mentally challenging work

• Equitable rewards

• Supportive working conditions

• Supportive colleagues

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• The following slide is a simple model of the interrelatedness of Values, Attitudes and other factors and how they impact an individuals behavior.

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