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  • 8/14/2019 NY B7 Families Fdr- 11-4-03 Letter From Delia Morron Re Brother Jorge Luis Morron- WTC Security- Video- Al Qaeda


    9/11 Personal Privacy



    November 04 , 2003National Commission onTerrorist Attacks26 Federal PlazaSuite 13-100New York, NY 10278Attention: Mrs. Ellie Hartz and Emily WalkerDear Mrs. Hartz and Mrs, Walker:I amhi receipt of a letter from the 9-11 Commission where they introduce you both as theCommission's familyliaisons. Having worked at the WTC, it is obvious that you were familiar with its surroundings. Nevertheless, I amtaking the libertyof sharing my story with you.My brother Jorge LuisMorron, 38 yearsold, was killed on09/11/2001, he was a security guard in the WTC andworked for Summit Security since 1997. My brotherdid not haveany experience as security guard. As a child,hesuffered from seriousdevelopmental problems and many learning disabilities. He was the last one of 14 children.He came from Colombia in 1993, where he never worked. Once in New York, his only job as a securityguard forless thanayear in 1993 was a rundown 6-story building hi Jackson Heights, Queens(I invite you to seeit).Withthis little experience, he washired bySummit Securitytowork in theFinancial Center of the World and inbuildings which had been terrorists' target a fewyears back in 1993.Whenhe got thejob, I asked him if the testhad beendifficult, and he told me that theyput him to watch a video for a coupleof hours.I have always questioned the security standards of thebuildings, it may be the reasonwhy thesebuildings werechosen. Most of the guards working for Summit made less than $20,000 per annum. What quality people can youfind at this salary level? My brother made between $13,000- $15,000 a year including overtime. My brother spokevery littleEnglish and very slowly because he had speech problems. Mybrother died leaving behind amess and Ihad to seek legal assistance.During depositions, many of Summit's employees who came to testify wereHispanics women, most of them didn't speak English and they asked for translators. The question that comes tomind is, hi caseof anemergency, how aperson whodoes not speak English canreport and how can hemakehimself understand when secondscount? One of the guards was a woman about 65 years old with a very badappearance. All of the guards mentioned that at the beginning, when Summit Security got the contract, there wasan incentive bonus of $10.00 for every confiscated ED but lately there were so many that it became uneconomicalfor Summit Security and they suspended the bonus. They mentioned that onlyafter the first terrorist attempt in1993 there were turnstiles installed in the lobby but before that incident, there was even a saleof lottery tickets inthe buildings. Cont...1 2

  • 8/14/2019 NY B7 Families Fdr- 11-4-03 Letter From Delia Morron Re Brother Jorge Luis Morron- WTC Security- Video- Al Qaeda


    Page-2-I'm attaching a newspaper clipping where you can see that the terrorists were co ming and going from the buildings.Was this phase ever investigated? W hat was the role of Port Authority? Why Sum mit Security was allowed to hireHispanics and blacks from the Caribbean to have them underpaid and putting them to work in such an importantbuildings?This year, on M arch 3,2003, ABC's W orld New s Tonight aired a tape which w as confiscated in Spain and Iwatched the report. The next day, March 4, the story was in the local newspapers and on the Internet. Attachedplease find the article published by the New York Post and the story as published on the Internet. The video inreference was taped on August 1997. My brother started w orking for Summ it Security in early 1997. When I sawthe tape, I knew it was my brother Jorge Luis, even though it is very blurry as it was taped from the mezzanine. Ifinally obtained the tape from ABC. My question is, why al Qaeda singled out my brother? Probably they had seenhim before or spoken to him and they learned of my brother's disability. Shortly after 9/11, during my search formy brother, I used to go from hospital to hospital reading the missing persons' lists and I ended up at Pier 94, thereI met a Dominican man, who told me he had worked in maintenance at the WTC, when he learned of my brother'sdead, he cried out "Oh el bobo tam bien murio." When I asked him, if he knew of my brother's disability, he triedto console me by saying "and he was not the only one, there w ere about four in the same condition working overthere."This is all I wanted to say. I leave it up to you to ponder that perhaps your lives were put in the hands ofunqualified people just out of the carelessness or greediness of a few ones making it easy for the terrorists toinfiltrate the buildings.

    Very truly yours,- /*Delia Monpori

  • 8/14/2019 NY B7 Families Fdr- 11-4-03 Letter From Delia Morron Re Brother Jorge Luis Morron- WTC Security- Video- Al Qaeda


  • 8/14/2019 NY B7 Families Fdr- 11-4-03 Letter From Delia Morron Re Brother Jorge Luis Morron- WTC Security- Video- Al Qaeda


  • 8/14/2019 NY B7 Families Fdr- 11-4-03 Letter From Delia Morron Re Brother Jorge Luis Morron- WTC Security- Video- Al Qaeda


    Video is purportedly September 11scouting tapeWednesday. March 5, 2003 Posted: 3:33 PM EST (2033 GMT)

    NEW YORK (CNN) - Home videos obtainedbySpanish policemayreveal target scouting by al Qaeda operativesat the World TradeCenter years in advanceof the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.A videotape recorded in August 1997^with extensive ootage nside the 110-story twin ;towers, is among a cache of tapes Spanish police confiscated from a suspected iterrorist's apartment last year. !A Spanish court recently turned over one tape toattorneys representing American |families wholost relatives in the September 11 attacks and are suing purported ifinanciers of terrorism in p.S. Distript Court In Washington. Plaintiffs' attorneys provided a copy of the tape to CNN. '."From looking at the tapes, and from the translations that have occurred, and from thefindings of the Spanish court, we can determine that this was no mere tourist trip," saidJack Cordray,an attorney for the, families.The FBI also has a copy of the tape, and federal law enforcement officials said it ispossible that it is an al Qaeda scouting tape.The tape focuses on the World Trade Center and Empire State Building but alsoincludes anexcursion into Manhattan's financial district in which the tape's owner turnsto the camera andsays inArabic, "Iwill knock them all down," according to twotranslators who reviewed the 88-minute tape for CNN."Ifs the first time I've heard about these wordssaid on the tape," said a Spanishattorney for the tape's owner, Ghasoub al Abrash Ghalyoun. "Investigative officialshere never asked him questions about this phrase, at least not in front of me."About 30 minutes of the tape contains video of the skyscrapers, structures andlandmarks. It also features a conversationduring a drive around Manhattan,presumably between the driver of the vehicle and the man shooting the video.A reference toAllah is heard as the video capturesa nighttime driving shot of the twintowers and the Empire StateBuilding.Later, fromthe top of the Empire State Building, the camera pans up to focus on a -plane flying over Midtown Manhattan.Most of the off-camera voices heard in the video at the trade center are routinedescriptions ofthe lobby - including elevatorsand asecurity guard-and landmarksseen from the observation deck, suchas the Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Bridge./'This is the top of the skyscraper," the cameramansays when zooming in on thebroadcast antenna that topped the north tower.The camera pans from the sidewalk up to the upper north tower floors, where the firsthijacked plane struck September 11. It then moves toward the Hudson River, the paththe terrorist pilots took as they flew the etliners toward the towers.Ghasoub is charged in Spain with belonging to a terrorist organization. His arrest inApril 2002 was part of a series of arrests of 35 alleged Islamic militants by Spanishauthorities following the September 11 attacks.Spain was a meeting place for some of the hijackers who crashed planes into the twintowers, Pentagon and a field in rural Pennsylvania. More than 3,000 people died in theattacks.