Download - NVS NEWS · Letter from PM Jacinda Ardern n Kia Ora, Bula, Aloha, Talofa, Namaste, Hola, Hello Welcome to Week 1 Newsletter! Welcome back to term 3. It’s going to be fun! Loads

Page 1: NVS NEWS · Letter from PM Jacinda Ardern n Kia Ora, Bula, Aloha, Talofa, Namaste, Hola, Hello Welcome to Week 1 Newsletter! Welcome back to term 3. It’s going to be fun! Loads

NVS NEWSTerm 3, Week 1 2020

Term 3 Dates This Week Fri 24th July - Matariki House Celebration Fri 24th July - Whānau Friyay Next Week Wed 29th July - PTA AGM 6pm Fri 31st July - Movie Night Fundraiser Future Dates Thur 6th Aug - Farm Visit, Kiwi Hub Fri 7th Aug - Interschool Mud Run (Yr 1-8) Thurs 13th Aug - Parents Coffee Morning at Copper Tree Cafe - 11.30am

Letter from PM Jacinda Ardern

Principal’s Pen Kia Ora, Bula, Aloha, Talofa, Namaste, Hola, Hello Welcome to Week 1 Newsletter!

Welcome back to term 3. It’s going to be fun! Loads on offer for everyone.

Thank you to the families who have filled in the notice that went home this week outlining term 3 sports, EOTC and Cultural events. If you haven’t got a notice, please let us know! From the notice we will organise the teams and coaches and send out separate ones outlining them along with the draws etc. We also sent out the school calendar last term- if you wish to receive one- you can download it from our Facebook page or ask at the office for one to be sent home.

Just a reminder about the skiing. If you wish to use the opportunity to ski, please ring and talk to me. I am more than happy to book it through the school at school rates. We will make your child present for the day and you may even get together with other friends. The price of $85 covers a lesson, all mountain pass, ski boots and poles...or snowboard gear. It’s the same price for everyone. The Kiwi Hub will go up tobogganing. My apologies, it is $30 (this covers the bus as well as the tobogganing) as one handout said differently.

We are really working hard on our school communication, an area you identified in last year’s survey. A few reminders for anyone who has not done so- please join our school Facebook page, it’s a closed group. From there you can also join the hub Facebook pages to see updates. If you change your cell phone, please let us know as we try and send texts regularly. Also, download the school Hero app so you are able to see a financial invoice at all times and emails also of the newsletter and notices. The newsletter comes out every week either paper copy or we can email it!

We have a PTA meeting this coming Wednesday at school 6pm. The group do amazing work helping get us those extra things! And our coffee group meets in town is week 4 and week 8. Open to anyone who wants to pop in to Copper Tree to chat to me about things.

We endeavour to have a couple of Whānau Friyays so you can pop out and join in the learning or activities. Tomorrow is our Matariki house Whānau Friyay that you are welcome to join. The BBQ will be going for those wanting lunch! Remember, the coffee hub is always open for you to drop in and use and have a drink. Pop in any time to see our lovely teachers! Or me!Here’s to a fantastic term 3!

Piki te ora, Maria and the NVS staff

Reminder Please note that Sports and Cultural Events forms are due back

tomorrow Friday 24th July!

Ngakonui Valley School 826 Taringamotu Rd

RD 4, Taumarunui 3994 Phone 07 895 6181 or 027 233 0476

Email [email protected] [email protected]


NVS Bank Account Details Ngakonui Valley School 02-0316-0125918-00

Please state what the amount is for as the reference. Thanks!

After lockdown some of our Year 7 and 8 students wrote letters to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern thanking her for providing the Ministry of Education hard packs that were delivered to homes and to tell her about their lockdown experiences. To their surprise a reply showed up in the mail signed by Jacinda personally thanking them and saying that she enjoyed the photos! How awesome!

Page 2: NVS NEWS · Letter from PM Jacinda Ardern n Kia Ora, Bula, Aloha, Talofa, Namaste, Hola, Hello Welcome to Week 1 Newsletter! Welcome back to term 3. It’s going to be fun! Loads

Welcome back to Term 3 in Moa Hub! We are so excited to see everyone back and ready to go! We have also welcomed a new Year 8 student: Amorangi Ormsby to our hub! We have an exciting term of learning ahead with lots of events, activities and opportunities for the students! A letter has gone home and is also on the Facebook Page with all cultural and sporting events for the term - this gives information, costs and

permissions for all events! Please take the time to complete this form and send it back this week! Some of the awesome activities we have available in Term 3 are: Arts Splash, Basketball, Netball, Rippa Rugby, Year 8 White Water Rafting, Cross Country, Mud Run and Skiing. Term 3 is also the NVS Speech Competition. All students are expected to create and deliver a speech this term. A letter with all speech information went home earlier this week, it’s also posted on the Moa Hub Facebook page. The first round of speeches for all students is Week 5, the week beginning 17 August. Ka kite!

NVS Sponsors Thank you for your support

Vet EntGillard MotorsCentral SparkiesBailey InghamOngarue TransportTraci HoupapaKing Country SecurityBP TaumarunuiAccountants NZLuke & Shannon PepperCopper Tree CaféGalaxy Apparel

Jacinda Letter

A big nau mai, haere mai to Amorangi, Tiaho and Hinemoa Ormsby

and Karmarose Griffin who started at NVS this week.

Kia ora koutou, the Huia Hub have had a fantastic start to the term charging straight into our learning! This Week we welcome Tiaho into our whānau and she has slotted in like she was always here! Yesterday we had the pleasure of planting harakeke at the Te Urunga farm with Mr Pepper! It was fun and humbling for the kids to be able

to give back to the community and the trust that supports our kura with koha towards buses and other things throughout the year! Have a fantastic week! Ngā mihi, Huia Hub.

Moa Moments Moa 1 & 2

Huia Hoots Huia Hub

Why do fish live in salt water? Because pepper makes them sneeze! Welcome back to a fantastic fun-filled Term 3! We are learning all about agriculture and the history of farm machinery in our quest and reading assignments. In maths, we are going through our basic facts, so please practice at home! A note for the Year 5’s & 6’s, the camp

deposit due date is coming up really fast, so please make sure that is paid or contact us if there are any queries. A reminder to all to bring back the sports and events notice by tomorrow if you haven’t already done so. Thank you. Tui Team out!

Tui Tweets Mataī & Rātā

Welcome to the start of Term 3. We have a lot of events this term like Cross Country, Art Splash, Netball, Rippa Rugby and good luck to the Year 8’s with their White Water Rafting. We also have our wonderful Year 5 and 6 students going on camp at Blue Mountain Adventure Centre. Welcome to the new students that have joined us this term, we also welcome back Miss Hall. We hope you have a fun time in Rata Class, we all missed you! Remember to get in the learning pit, participate and try your hardest. 😀😀😀HE




Welcome back to term three in the Kiwi Hub. We are very excited to welcome Hinemoa Ormsby to the Kiwi Hub. We have lots of exciting events coming up this term and the first is our Matariki celebration. We are going to be getting together in our houses and completing a rotation of 4 activities. You are more than welcome to come and join

in from 12pm. Remember to get your events notice back ASAP (let us know if you need another one). Heres to a term packed full of learning!!

Kiwi Kōrero Kōwhai, Kahikatea &


Great Work!

PTA AGM - Wed 29th July (Term 3, Week 2) - Please contact Charlene Hepburn for any enquiries

Guess who's back?,

back again!,

Miss Hall's back,

tell a friend!,

Guess who's back?

Guess who's back?

Welcome back!