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Nutritional Magic From The Ocean

Omega Three Oil Brought to you by

Best All Natural

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Have you ever in your life tried taking fish-oil from a spoon? Ugh-Yuk. I recall when I was a youngster taking cod liver oil from a spoon a long time ago! These days, if you take Omega Three Oil capsules, you are able to supply your body with this very important supplement without that dreadful taste.

That being said, you have to use a bit of caution since all fish oil supplements aren't created equal. The fact is that many contain unhealthy toxins along with other nasty stuff which is not good for our bodies. This is a concern recognized by the FDA as being industry wide.

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You have to be aware that quite a few Omega three oil nutritional supplements can in fact harm your health. Unfortunately there is a lot of hyped-up information around and a lot of "health and wellness" companies are jumping on the Omega-3 band wagon. So there are plenty of things to take into consideration before taking Omega 3 fish oil, or any other health supplement for that matter. But at least there is some good news. You can find out all you need to know about Omega 3 and improving your health.

If you're thinking about taking Omega three fish oil nutritional supplements, your primary consideration needs to be its degree of purity. To answer this concern all you need to do is just ask the supplier. You ought to follow this route before taking any dietary supplements.

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So what Do We Know regarding the Health Benefits of Omega Three Oil?

The great benefits of fish oil in general are well known and omega three oil itself continues to be subject to many scientific studies about its known benefits to health.

Each day our brains have to maintain a good level of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which is an essential fatty acid that you need to restore and rebuild brain cells. It's actually a long-held belief that fish is beneficial to the brain because it includes this fatty acid.

Research studies have established that the fatty acids present in fish oil help to deliver optimal brain function. Upping your intake of omega three oil can also strengthen your memory and general IQ.

A variety of health conditions are known to be linked to the lack of DHA including depression, multiple sclerosis and attention deficit disorder. Omega three oil capsules can help protect us against these conditions.

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From all the studies that are being carried out it's pretty obvious that most of us need Omega three oil and fish oil supplements to preserve our levels of both EPA and DHA fatty acids. Specifically, we really need one that's high in DHA. Trouble is, very few products currently available contain DHA in sufficiently high levels.

Regrettably, a lot of companies don't know enough concerning the manufacturing process of health supplements in general. The oils are obtained from all around the world and may easily go rancid.

If omega-3 fatty acids are taken on an everyday basis, they can even prevent and ease the symptoms of osteoarthritis since they work as a great anti-inflammatory. The American Arthritis Foundation actually recommends fish oil dietary supplements for Arthritis patients as well as for a fundamental preventative measure.

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It's even been indicated in some scientific studies that somebody having lower than the necessary levels of omega-3 may be more prone to some types of cancer.

Many people are aware of omega-3 fish oil supplements having seen them promoted in the media as well as local supermarket.

If you're thinking about buying omega-3 fish oil you must always look at quality and only buy molecularly distilled fish oil. As a result of our research we've learned that the process for producing supplements in New Zealand is considered the most strict in the world, far beyond the specifications of the FDA.

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What's The Main Difference Between The Various Qualities Of Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules?

Simply speaking, it's the degree of molecular distillation. This is the method that makes the big difference between the grades. The distillation eliminates toxins and other contaminants from the fish. Things like heavy metals including mercury and PCBs.

All contaminants, both natural and man-made, must be removed from the fish oil before human consumption. If you buy prescription quality Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules, as long as they have a good level of molecular distillation you will get the very best quality product available.

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But it's not only the distillation that accounts for the highest quality of omega-3 fish oil. It also depends where the fish come from. It is every bit the same as high-quality beef originating from specific areas of the world. The content of the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA differs a lot based on location.

With that in mind, we can state with confidence that the best omega-3 fish oil capsules come from unspoiled and pristine locations like New Zealand. An added benefit is the fact that they are still molecularly distilled.

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What About Adverse Effects?

The very best kind of fish oil, in addition to being molecularly distilled to get rid of harmful toxins and pollutants, is also tasteless and odorless. You should invariably stick to the manufacturer’s instructions or those from your medical professional. It's also preferable to take your supplements with a meal to help avoid stomach upsets.

You should always have a talk to your doctor when considering dietary health supplement, including multivitamins, just in case there aren't any effects or interactions with other medications you might be taking.

Now that you've made a decision to buy a certain supplement, you have to choose where you will get it from. You should look into things like how long the company's been in business, are they trustworthy have a good brand etc.

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The fact is that, a lot of companies selling vitamins and supplements are quite unethical and only care about how much profit margin they can make. They typically obtain all their raw ingredients in large quantities with hardly any quality control. Some companies buy prepackaged supplements from overseas for pennies on the dollar, add their own brand and sell them for a substantial markup. It beats me just how some of them still get away with it.

Consumer groups quite often take random samples which have revealed that many supplements don't even contain what's printed on the label, and crucial ingredients will often be diluted for greater profits. Thankfully for us however, dependable companies will always guarantee quality, content and customer satisfaction.

Some of the questions you need to be asking yourself before buying omega-3 supplements include things like: where does the fish oil originate from; are there any artificial additives such as colorings, flavorings or chemical preservatives; does it actually contain fish oil - many do not.

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Here Are Several Fish And Fish Oils You Should Stay away from.

Stay away from cod. Cod has become over harvested and the trawlers used to capture them frequently damage the habitats of other species of fish. Additionally, the waters they swim in are generally quite polluted

Farmed Atlantic salmon. The fact is that, fish farming is connected with higher than usual levels of dioxins and pesticides

Shark, since the population numbers are shrinking and also as a result of mercury contamination

Atlantic halibut, yet again due to over-harvesting and mercury contamination.

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You will notice that mercury contamination is rather widespread. These days it's not uncommon to find significant amounts of mercury in fish and fish oil. This is exactly why it's especially important that you only buy fish oil that's been molecularly distilled. The good news is, this technique gets rid of all toxins including Mercury.

Studies have shown that the best type of fish for producing fish oil is the Hoki fish from New Zealand. The population of this species is abundant and sustainable and even more importantly, the Hoki has no known health threats from mercury and other harmful toxins.

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Where Do They Catch Hoki?

Most of us have heard about industrial waste, PCBs, mercury, dioxins, as well as other pollutants that poison many of our oceans. It's a sad and troubling fact that fish in the Atlantic Ocean have got high quantities of these contaminants. The waters off Alaska as well as the Northern Pacific are not as polluted however the fish there have been over harvested which unfortunately is impacting other wildlife that rely on fish for food.

Thankfully, the Hoki fish inhabit the clear and sparkling ocean waters around New Zealand. Fishing techniques in New Zealand are also really eco-friendly and these rich waters are under no danger from fish farms or hatcheries.

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Is the Fish Oil Molecularly Distilled?

It seems quite strange that quite a few nutritional companies promote fish oils that, according to them, are more healthy as they're not distilled. Absolutely wrong!! If fish oils don't go through the molecular distillation process they'll most probably contain the very toxic contamination that we want to avoid!

Lastly, here are a few important things to keep in mind about Omega Three Oil:

Omega-3 fatty acids are fantastic for people of any age, offering many health benefits.

Fish oil is proven to be the most effective source of omega-3 fatty acids.

The very best fish oil supplements are derived from fish that swim in clean and unpolluted ocean waters and include no chemicals or preservatives. These are the only kinds of supplements that you ought to consider buying.

The most effective fish oil supplement that you should choose is one that contains both EPA and DHA, with a high proportion of DHA being the most significant factor.

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Be sure to click here to discover the only Omega-3 Fish Oil Product We Fully
