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East Nusa Tenggara (Indonesian: Nusa Tenggara Timur) is a province of Indonesia, located in the eastern portion of the Lesser Sunda Islands, including West Timor. The provincial capital is Kupang, located on West Timor. The highest point is Mount Mutis of Timor Tengah Selatan, which is 2427 meters above sea level.[3]

The province consists of about 550 islands, but is dominated by the three main islands of Flores, Sumba, and West Timor, the western half of the island of Timor. The eastern part of Timor is the independent country of East Timor. Other islands include Adonara, Alor,Komodo, Lembata, Menipo, Raijua, Rincah, Rote Island (the southernmost island in Indonesia), Savu, Semau, and Solor.

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There are a lot of languages spoken in East Nusa Tenggara coming from as many different which groups of the population. Bahasa Indonesia is the national language in Malay, written in Roman script and based in European orthography. In all tourist destination areas English is the number one foreign language fairly spoken and written.

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There are many folktales from Nusa Tenggara Timur such as:

1. Suri Ikun dan Dua Burung

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The traditional house of Nusa Tenggara Timur is sao ata mosa lakitana

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Pasola derived from the words`sola’ or `hola’, which means a spear made of wood that used for competing between 2 groups.

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Pasola is held in the west Sumba in every February in Kodi and Lamboya then on March in Wanokaka. Pasola dilaksanakan di bentangan padang luas, disaksikan oleh segenap warga Kabisu dan Paraingu dari kedua kelompok yang bertanding dan oleh masyarakat umum.

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Seorang bapak menaiki pohon Lontar untuk menyadap Nira. Lontar adalah pohon kehidupan bagi penduduk Nusa Tenggara Timur, Setiap bagianya bisa dibuat berbagai komoditas.

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Tradisi Makan Sapi Mati di Nusa Tenggara Timur : Salah satu yang unik adalah tradisi untuk “memakan daging sapi yang sudah mati” yang telah berlaku turun temurun di masyarakat wilayah Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur.

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Tradisi ini seakan-akan sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi para peternak sapi, di wilayah ini. Memakan daging sapi yang telah mati dianggap dapat memberikan rezeki bagi keluarga peternak. Bila tradisi ini dilanggar, peternak sapi tersebut dianggap berdosa bahkan akan mendapat “kutukan“.

Sampai saat ini, beberapa kelompok masyarakat masih menjalankan tradisi ini. Walaupun untuk memakan daging sapi mati ini mereka tetap memperhatikan tanda-tanda yang membahayakan ditubuh sapi seperti adanya lubang akibat gigitan ular berbisa, tetap saja banyak terjadi kasus keracunan bahkan sampai mengkibatkan kematian. Mereka mempunyai keyakinan bahwa tradisi ini merupakan perwujudan perasaan kasih sayang kepada ternak sapi yang selama ini telah banyak memberikan jasa kepada mereka.

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Hopong Dance is a dance that shows the gratitude of the farmers for the harvest

time. It is performed in a traditional ceremony of Helong people that allow the

farmers to harvest in the field. In the ceremony, they will pray together and say

gratitude to their God and ancestors. The traditional dance represents togetherness

in values and daily life.

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Manekat dance is a dance of greeting. The greeting symbolizes with siri pinang. Siri pinang shows the honor for someone.

This dance is a proposing dance from people in Central-northern Timor. This dance illustrates the love of a couple who want to have a commitment to be faithful to each other. It is also symbolizes welcoming, honoring guests.

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This dance is from Sabu. It is held on the funeral ceremony of the leader in local community which aimed at mengusir the ghost, so the soul of the deceased man is not hampered on the way to heaven.

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This dance is performed to welcome special guests or the leader of local community. ‘poto’ means rising; wolo means hill or mountain.

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In Belu people, this dance performed by the women which is aimed for welcoming the special guests or heroes who just come from the battle.

This dance which derived from the traditional games, shows the cheerfulness of the youths on traditional celebrations.

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DesakuAnak Kambing SayaPotong Bebek Angsa

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