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Dear Parents and Carers

Well here we are at the end of another term and already half a year has passed. It has been wonderful this week to see so many parents here for Parent Teacher Interviews. These are a wonderful way of having a personal interview to discuss your child's progress.

Just a reminder again about parking around the school. The P&C and I will be writing letters to the Council to try and organise some sort of proper parking for the back of the school. But in the interim it is important to make sure you are very careful around dropping off and picking up. Remember the carpark is for staff only and there are designated drop and kiss zones around our school.

Congratulations to all our sporting, aerobics and debating teams for a very successful term. All three aerobics teams performed brilliantly at the State Championships and I am sure you saw the wonderful photos of the teams on facebook. Two of our teams have made it through to Nationals, The Silver Stars with a first in their division and the Silver Jets with a very close 4th. This will occur in August so more practicing to come. Starstruck was amazing and I enjoyed sitting in the audience on the Friday night and watching my amazing students perform with class and distinction. Our Debating teams were in their round robin this week and both teams won all three rounds but as the Year 6 Nulkaba team defeated the Year 5 Nulkaba team they will be the ones to progress in to the next stage of the competition. Many of our school teams will continue their competitions next term as they have made the fourth rounds of their respective events. We are very lucky here to have focused and dedicated staff and parents who make this happen.

Reports have gone home and I know most of you will have discussed any concerns you may have had with the class teacher. If you have any further concerns please do not hesitate to talk to an AP or to myself.

Next term we have our school photos, our NAIDOC Day celebrations, Education Week, Book Week and much more. Stage 2 camp will also be held next term. Please

see me if there are any concerns with finances for any events.

Thank you to all the parents who help out in any way at our school, we appreciate this help and support. My door is always open if you need to discuss anything with me.

I hope you have a happy and safe holiday break and I look forward to working with you again next term.

What’s on the Calendar? 2015 Term 3 – Week 1

Mon 13 Jul Staff Development Day

Tue 14 Jul Students Return

P&C Meeting 6:30pm in Staff Room

Fri 17 Jul Photo Day 1 of 2

2015 Term 3 – Week 2

Thu 23 Jul Photo Day 2 of 2

Fri 24 Jul NAIDOC Day

2015 Term 3 – Week 3

27 – 31 Jul Education Week

Tue 28 Jul UNSW English Test

Thu 30 Jul Bulldogs - Goannas Cup

2015 Term 3 – Week 4

Tue 4 Aug School Leader’s Breakfast

5 – 7 Aug Life Education – Healthy Harold K-2

Fri 7 Aug Zone Athletics

For more information please visit our website:

Nulkaba News Nulkaba Public School

5 O’Connors Road NULKABA NSW 2325

Phone: 4990 1805

Fax: 4991 1408

Email: [email protected]


Issue 68: Term 2 – Week 10 Friday, 26 June 2015

Narelle Hunt


Nulkaba Public School

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Issue 68: Term 2 – Week 10 Friday, 26 June 2015



Canteen Week B – 2015 Term 3 Week 1 Monday 13 July to Friday 17 July 2015

Day Date Names Monday 13 Jul Staff Development Day

Tuesday 14 Jul A. Grant K. Watson

V. Williams

Wednesday 15 Jul K. Hicks Y. Pallett

Thursday 16 Jul A. Burke K. Saunders A. Trowbridge

Friday 17 Jul L. Hirst C. McShane

Canteen Week C – 2015 Term 3 Week 2 Monday 20 July to Friday 24 July 2015

Day Date Names Monday 20 Jul E. Fairlie M. Harrington K. Koeford

Tuesday 21 Jul S. Parker P. Twentyman

Wednesday 22 Jul P. Goldstraw M. Knight

Thursday 23 Jul S. Harrison A. Niven

Friday 24 Jul D. Belcher P. Burtan D. Harris

Canteen Week D – 2015 Term 3 Week 3 Monday 27 July to Friday 31 July 2015

Day Date Names Monday 27 Jul S. Barry J. Kylie L. Williams

Tuesday 28 Jul R. Beckett T. Broadbent C. Webb

Wednesday 29 Jul S. Clark R. Procter

Thursday 30 Jul D. Farthing C. Gilmour L. Williams

Friday 31 Jul J. Borghero M. Wills


LINDA ON 0457 514 786 Support your school by volunteering in the canteen once

per month

P&C Meeting

Tuesday 14th July 2015 at 6.30PM

In the School Staff Room

All welcome, have your say be involved in your child’s education

Parents new to the school especially welcome

Reminder Dates for Payments

Stationary Fees Now Payable

Term: $20; Year: $80

Stage 2 - Aussie Bush Camp Total Cost: $245

Time is running low…

We are now nearing the end of this year’s Premier’s

Reading Challenge – when we return to school for

Term 3, we will have only a few weeks of reading

time left. Happily in this newsletter, we can

congratulate another of our Stage 1 classes who

have now read enough books to qualify for their

certificates this year – 1/2M finished their reading

last week, just in time for this newsletter. Well done

to – Abby W, Ashley M, Blake S, Charlie M, Chase E,

Harrison T, Jacob F, Jessica T, Lachlan E, Lilly W,

Lucas T, Lucas W, Mackenzie H, Miley B, Molly W,

Preston M, Riley C, Sam G, Seth B, Seth S, Sunny K

and Zane D. In the primary grades, congratulations

to Natalie S 3/4B, Maddison A 3/4W, and Quinn C

also in 3/4W. Well done!

The upcoming holidays will be a great time to catch

up on some reading – especially for those students

who already have a partial entry added online – it

would be a shame to see those go unfinished. So

check out the bookshelves – you are sure to find lots

to put on your PRC list. Just check out the PRC

website for lots of book suggestions!

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Issue 68: Term 2 – Week 10 Friday, 26 June 2015

Stage One Literacy Groups!

During Semester One students have been very busy working in their Literacy Groups. This is for the first hour every day. The groups are based around students reading levels and it has been fantastic to see the gains across the board. Here are some photos of the students working in their Literacy Groups.

Book Club LOOP Next term all Book Club orders can be placed via the LOOP system. This allows for the actual ordering of items as well as online payment for orders. Orders and cash/cheque payments can still be placed through the school in the usual way if required. The LOOP system just gives another way to place orders that is easy and convenient. The LOOP flyer has been included in this newsletter, or just stop in at the Library to see Mrs Morris.

Book Week 2015

Books Light Up Our World!

Book Week is coming in Term 3, so

time to put the thinking caps on!

Mrs Morris is working on some

competitions, with great prizes to

win, and we will be holding our Book

Week Parade as part of this year’s


So what book lights up your life?

Overdue Library Loans Mrs Morris and class teachers have recently been reminding students of the need to return overdues loans. Thank you to all those students who have taken care of items in question.

Unfortunately we still have far too many items that have been on loan for many weeks, even months. Therefore the new term will see the posting of overdue notices to families. Anyone receiving an overdue notice needs only to confirm that an item cannot be found at home by ticking the box provided and signing the letter. Returning the letter to Mrs Morris will then allow the loan to be cancelled. PAYMENT FOR LOST ITEMS IS ALWAYS OPTIONAL.

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Issue 68: Term 2 – Week 10 Friday, 26 June 2015


Star Struck was 'Amazing!'

Our students were involved in dance and choir this year. A huge congratulations to all those students, teachers, office staff and parents who were involved in the show. It takes A LOT of extra work from all involved, but in the end seeing the kids shine on stage is all worth it.

Here is what some of the students said about Star Struck:

"I like the lights when I was dancing the best" – Chloe P

"I liked being able to stand up and sing in front of the audience" - Phoebe

"Meeting all the other people from different schools was fun" - Peter

"Dancing and meeting other kids was my favourite part of Star Struck" - Ella

Sport News

Coalfield’s Cup 2015!

Last Friday, I was fortunate enough to take the school’s

basketball teams to the Cessnock Basketball Stadium for

the annual ‘Coalfield’s Cup’. It was awesome this year to

see schools entering from all around the area. There

were teams from Kurri, East Cessnock, Kearsley,

Millfield, Paxton, St Patricks and St Phillips. Both of our

teams had a great day and another fantastic

representation for the school. They had great team

work, sportsmanship and wonderful respect for me.

Our girls’ team got to play five games in total and made

it to the grand finale. The girls played against East

Cessnock and were not successful. Runners – Up for the

second year in a row. Mercydes did a fantastic job as

coach for a few of the games where there was a clash

and all of the girls played well. It was fantastic to see

some of the girls that had never played before having a

go and to the girls with more experience stepping up on

the day. These days are always good for developing skills

and improving confidence with the ball.

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Issue 68: Term 2 – Week 10 Friday, 26 June 2015

Our boys team also played five games in total and made it to the grand final. The boys played against St Patricks and were successful for the second year in a row. The boys had a fantastic day with an excellent team effort. Congratulations to Will I who received ‘Most Valuable Player’ in the grand final. Thank you to Michelle Ingram and her mum for their support with the bench and keeping me organised. Also, thanks to Tania Stace for her work on the bench and her contribution to organising such an awesome day. Thank you also to the parents and grandparents who came along to watch the children on the day. Your support is amazing and an asset to the children and the school.

Mrs Zoneff

Girls PSSA Soccer

The Girls PSSA Soccer team are on fire! In the first round they won against Bellbird PS 5-0 and last Monday they continued their winning streak with a win against Kearsley PS 7-0.

A HUGE thank you must go to Coach Craig for passing on all his knowledge to the girls (and Mrs Forster). The team are now waiting to find out who they play in the next round.

FISAF Aerobics Competition

Cooper W competed at the state FISAF aerobics competition on Saturday 13th June and was praised by the judges for her performance. Well done Cooper.

State School Aerobics Championships

Three teams competed at the state school aerobics championships with two teams and two individuals making it through to nationals!

Congratulations to all teams you were all sensational and made your coaches, principal, parents and school very proud.

The hard work now continues for the Silver Stars, Silver Jets, Grace F and Chloe P who will be travelling to the Gold Coast in August to compete against the best in Australia.

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Issue 68: Term 2 – Week 10 Friday, 26 June 2015

Golf Report

On Monday 15 June, the following students represented Nulkaba Public School at the 2015 Hunter PSSA Golf Tournament at Stonebridge. Lachlan M (Year 5), Joshuua C (Year 5), May W (Year 4), Harrison W (Year 4), Chelsea W (Year 6), Hayden S (Year 5), Connor S (Year 3) all played well on the day. Special mention to our place getters:

18 Hole Handicap Winner - Lachlan M (Year 5) with a one under par 71

5 Hole Runner Up – May W (Year 4) 43 shots

Lachlan M (Year 5), Joshuua C (Year 5) were both selected for the Hunter PSSA Golf Team to play at Blackheath (Blue Mountains) in September this year. Congratulations to our golfers, a great result.

Mr. Nigel Richardson Sports Coordinator

Equestrian Championships

Lucy and her pony Bella had a great time at the State Inter-schools Equestrian Championships over the 4 days. This was their first State level competition and they performed exceptional well, placing 9th in the Primary Dressage Prelim 1.3 test on Sunday and 10th in the Primary Dressage Novice 2.2 test on Saturday.

The event was held at the Olympic venue, Sydney International Equestrian Centre which is an amazing facility to experience with stabling for hundreds of horses and top quality arena's and amenities that stood up well to very wet conditions. Over 600 school age riders competed at the event over six equestrian disciplines over four days.

Out and About with the Teachers

A couple of weeks ago on a cold and rainy Sunday morning five of our teachers set off to do the Park 2 Pedans walk for lifeline. It turns out that walking 26km is a little harder than we thought. After 5 hours and 45 minutes we had made it to the end. Congratulations to Jess Olsen and family for organising such a wonderful event. It was fantastic to see a few of our parent body involved in the walk. We are looking forward to doing it again in 2016!

School Canteen Helpers Needed

Hi everyone our Canteen is in need of a helper for Wednesday Week A starting on the 5 August and then 2 September, 28 October and 25 November. We have had a few helpers leave due to work related reasons over the past few weeks. As you can imagine Friday are our busiest days and would be very grateful if anyone could spare a few hours on Friday of Week B also. If you are able to help out on either of these days please call into the Canteen and ask for Linda Balazic between Tuesday and Fridays or call 0457 514 786 anytime.

Thank you Nulkaba Public School Canteen

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Please ensure your child has a water bottle filled with water and a piece of fruit or vegetable every day. For more information visit:

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Issue 68: Term 2 – Week 10 Friday, 26 June 2015