Download - Nuclear power plants

Page 1: Nuclear power plants

Nuclear Power Plants

May 11, 2010

Page 2: Nuclear power plants


Define core, heat exchanger, turbines, and cooling systemDescribe the process of making electricityDetermine limiting factors of nuclear energy

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Nuclear CoreWhere the nuclear reactions (fission) take place, produces huge amounts of heat (energy), changes water to steam

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Heat ExchangerThe steam from the core heats the water in the heat exchanger into steam (like a boiler)

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TurbinesSteam from the heat exchanger is blown through the turbine making it spin creating electricity

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Cooling SystemSteam is released into something that can cool it down, usually water or the air

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Diagram of a Nuclear Power Plant

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Limiting Factor of Nuclear Power

Uranium and plutonium do not decay into stable atoms for a long period of timeDecay: particles that continue to give off different forms of energy– Can happen over a long or

short period of time

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Nuclear WasteHalf-life: time that it takes for nuclear waste to become stable– Uranium: 713,000,000 years– Plutonium: 24,000 yearsThis is why the government wants to store nuclear waste underground at a place like Yucca Mountain

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How much radiation are you exposed to?

Add the numbers that apply to you…– Radiation from space 26– Elevation (636 ft.) 2– Radiation from the ground 46– If you live in a house made of stone, brick, or

concrete add 7– Radiation from your body 240– Weapons testing 1– For every 1,000 miles traveled by air, add 1

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How much radiation are you exposed to?

– If you have porcelain crowns for false teeth,add 0.07

– If you use gas lanterns when camping,add 0.003

– If you wear an LCD watch, add 0.006– If you use luggage inspection at airports,

add 0.002– If you watch TV, add 1– If you use a video display terminal,

add 1– If you have a smoke detector,add 0.008– If you have a pacemaker, add 100– If you have had x-rays, add 40

Add together all the numbers that apply to you