Download - 'NTERPRISP...Omaha which Bostonians enjoy." "I presume not, but you will revel in all these intellectual deliehts in the course of time. Professor Sullivan's arm is getting well, and

Page 1: 'NTERPRISP...Omaha which Bostonians enjoy." "I presume not, but you will revel in all these intellectual deliehts in the course of time. Professor Sullivan's arm is getting well, and




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Steam Navigation Co.(LIMITED.)

WM. McCANDLESS.So. 6 tueeu Street.

FNh Market. lealer hi choicest BE EI", VEALMUTTON , HH.eto.

Family and shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 29 tf

TARO FLOUR FACTORY,Walluku, .11 an I.






."lire Insurance oi all descriptionI1 will be effected at Moderate Rules of Prpmouj, by the undersigned.

VM. O. IUWIX t CO0-dwtf Managers for Ha'V. Islands

U M I O NFire and Marine Insurance Co.

r ZenlRUtl.


KtaIitliMi nu Atjeney atHHviiijc for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-dersigned are prepared to accept risks against FireIn dvellings. stores warehouses and merchandise,on favornOle terms. Marine risks on cargojfreights, bortomry, profits and com missions.

IoKe promptly adjusted A payable19-d- VM. O. IRWIN fc O.

The KisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Teal and Howard Streets,


W. H. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOORE Superintendent

LTLDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN ALLT its branches; Steamboat, Steamship, LandEngines and Boilers, Ligh Pressure or Com-pound.STEAM VESSELS of a.11 kinds built complete

with bulla of wood, iron or composite.ORDINARY ENUINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tups con-

structed with reference to the trade iu whichthe3-- are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SL'UAR MILLS and Sutar Making Machinerymade alter the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths fo connectingtogether. or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packedfor shipment, ready to be xivettd on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work andWater Pipes made by this establishment, riv-eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, thatquality of work being far superior to handWork.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches. Air and Circulating Pumps, madesfter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS aud mai.ufacturers for the Pa-cific Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler.

PCMPS Direct Actim? Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built wiib the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels' Block,

B".lruari2d.S:wtf Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


fOppoalte Wilder Co. 'a

BE. J". jDJoIte, Propr.OPKX FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Gigfa-rs- s and TobaccoOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PI PES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICIiES.Loverao BILLIARDS will And an Klegant

vmmi i co, imm tableon the Premise.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a

i.i:srn, a smoke, or a game ofmiI.IARIS.

II. J. NOLTE.34-- tf

CHUN HOY & CO.,Wntrlinialier nnd Jewelers,

Nuuann street, opposite Merchents' ExchatiKrt

Have alwiy on hand and fur sale, CLOCKS ofall kinds,

Gold and Silver Watches,Various prices, inelndi r.p ladies' atctfg : JEW.

F.LRY of all descriptions, old aud sil-ver; best Spectacles and Eye Glares

to suit all apes gold, silverand steel. Also,

CHINESE JEWELRY,Of all kinds, gold and silver CHINESE FANCYSILK GO. D and PAINTINGS. Also, an assort-ment of handsome Artificial Flowers (Chinese ,

Musical Boxes, etc., etc.


With cartridges to attended to and neatly executed with

promptness, including all kinds of work in ourline of business, at very low rates. Workman-ship guaranteed.

The" public are respectfully Invited to comeand inspect the fine assortment of new and ele-gant soods at our new atore, Nuuanu street.

CHUN HOY & CO.30 aug 13


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Kvt'ry Morning Except Sundays.


Daily p. (.'. AnVKHTrsitR, one year $6 00Daily P. C. ABVKKTISKK, MX til On til S 3 00Daily 1 '. Auvkhtisbr, ttiree tuontha I 50Uaily P. C. AuvtKfiJitii, p-- r month 50WlCKKLY I'. C AuvKitlisiiR.OB? yeitr 5 00Kr eitfii Subscription, W. P. C A, (including

uosuiie) 6 50

Payable Invarialibj in Advance


It vos Duo lay last 1 a girlIn ojer plaok so noat,

Hhc Uopt her eyes dor bavemeiits downMit a gaze rich vas shy und nveet;

Viid she didn't lift vou inch ut her skirtVen she crossed dor muddy street;

But a friead suyt she van a baHet girlVich dancea her clothf tnitoud.

Voll, der loiiir vot ve lif der njreVe find, py gracioii3, ou l.

I pat me at a dinner pesideA chatty chap so free,

Uud der be spun mit derVine arouatVoul l sdartle a prass monkey.

It vouldn't do to print deni oudIn a pook vhich Comstock oiuld ste.

He gave me hi- - card uud vot you dink?A breaoher hi vas, mitout doubt.

Veil, dor longer vot ve lif dtr moreVe find, py gracious, oud.

I saw a growt uf loafer chajwMake fuu mit a dude von day.

"Ob, vheredid you ?cet dem toothpick shoes?""Does your muddor know you're avay V

Dev jibed dot zickly, pale faced svell,Till each vou had his stay

Und den dot dude let ily bid fLsts,Und put der whole gang to rout.

Per longer vot ve lif der moreVe find, py gracious, oud.

I fell in luf mit a sweet youtijr piece,Mit a shape like a marple fuwn;

But she married a sergeant of boliee,Und left me all forlorn.

Dot sergeant vecps on my shoulder now,Und vishes he neffer vis porn.

Dt r gal ras compsed uf pins and pads,Mit even her bones in doubt.

Der longer vot ve lif der moreVe find, py gracious, oud.

New York Pun- -

Au Unprofitable Investment.

U f i 3

mm.4 mrcrl)

oilYoung Artist See, Kate; I've bought a

Lank, and every penny we gtt we will put inIt, and when we have enough money I'll buythe baby a carriage.

Portrait of the baby when they have enough.JlldgH.

True to Hi Word.AVavbaclt Man Say, Mister, you sold me a

farm ! yenr.Real Ea a e Apent Yes, t remember you."An' you said I would live oil i; the first

year and fare as wed as one of the l?st menthat ever lived."

"Jut so."'Wall, the only crop I could get off that

place last summer was grasshoppers.""There as a honey tree on it.''"That's so, th re was one.""Yes. The man I was thinking of was

John the Baptist." Omaha World.

A Silly Little Woman.Oraalia Dame Have you any good girls?Employment Agent Hundreds of them.'T want one who won't spoil e'2rything the

tries to cook.""Wlia""And will clean things up at least once a

week"'Eh:""And will stay in one ulht a week so I can

go out.""My stars, madam! If you want an angel

vou letter applv to a medium." OmahaWorld.

Inspection of People' Xoaes.A French paper is soon to appear as the

organ of th? science of "nazography," a sj's-te- m

which, the author says, permits of divin-ing the character, habits and inclination ofpeople by a simple inspection of their noses.He says: A long nose is the sign of merit,power and genius; a straight nose denotes ajust, serious fine, judicious and energeticmind; the Roman nose a propensity for ad-

venture; a wide nose, with open nostrils, is amark of sensuality; a cleft nose shows be-

nevolence; the curved, tleshy nose is a sign ofJominntion and cruelty; the curved thin nse,n the contrary, Is a mark cf a brilliant

mind, but vain, and disposed to be ironical;Ihe turned up denotes a weak mind,iOUietime coaite, and generally playful,pleasant or frolicsome; a pale nose indicatesSgotism. envy, heartlessness; and the quick,passionate, sanguine person ha3 a stronglycolored uoso of a uniform ehade. BostonHerald.

The JRostouiMe Versus The Omaliaugs.A Dialogue.

Omaha Girl 1 suppose Bjston ha- - changedgreatly since I was there.

Boston Girl Oh, Boston never changes; itbroadens somewhat, evolutes possibly, butpractically it U as changeless as the laws ofthe National Baseball association.

"I thought perhaps theosophy was havinzan effect."

"Theosophy, dear, is nothing new in Bos-ton, though I confess the theories were untilrecently unformulated. Everyljody nowreads The Occult World and some of the ladiesare such enthusiasts that they take a copy ofthe book with them t the baseball games andpound it against a volume of Emerson whena player makes a good point."

"Emerson is still popular, then?'"Indeed yes. No other thinker has yet

been able to project a theoretical spherewhich Emerson's philosophy could not hitand knock clear out of the held."

"I did not know Emerson was a theosoph-lst.- "

"He did not call himself on, but ProfessorMike Kelly does not call himself an artist,yet we all know he is."

"I thought at one time that the Sweden-borgia- n

doctrines would take fast root inBoston, but"

"You were mistaken. Swedenborg met elytoyed with great truths with soft gloves.Bostonlans prefer straight from the shoul- -der, bare knuckled realism in their graspingsafter the infinite. Dreams are but dreamsafter all, and they should no more be con-founded with ascertained facts than night-mares with actual contests, Marquis ofQueensbury rules. T trust I make myself un-derstood."

"Pardon my lack of comprehension, but jouknow we have not th advantages here inOmaha which Bostonians enjoy."

"I presume not, but you will revel in allthese intellectual deliehts in the course oftime. Professor Sullivan's arm is gettingwell, and he Is a great traveler."

"Are his lectures illustrated'"Vividly! The only dilliculty is to find

subjects. By some mysterious correlativeaction of the human mind, the mere mentionof the fact that he i.sfrom Boston reacts uponthe organs of apprehension in such way as torender it extremely dillicult to find subjectswilling to stand up before him."

"It is very strange.""You wouldirst think so if you could see his

biceps. I wish you could be in Boston duringthe height of the season."

"When does the season open now?'"Just as soon as the ground is dry. Well,

here comes the train. Good by, dear."Omaha World.

Easily Accounted For.Bill Collector See here, I have written

you a dozen letters about that bill you owemy firm and you haven't even recognizedthem.

Countr5r Editor Were they written onboth sides of the sheet?

"Of course.""All such communications go into tha

waste basket without reading." OmahaWorld.

Liked It."In my community," said a man from Mis-

souri, "there are two saloons to every school.""Wall," replied an old fellow from the

border of the Indian Territory, "I must saythat yore schools are well heeled, an' I reckonthe scholars can git about all they want terdrink. I would like ter go ter a school thatbad even one saloon." Arkansaw Traveler.

Somnolent Iteallana.Brown What did you think of the play?Fogg Fairly good thing; but what I ob-

ject to is the intense realisru of the third acta church scene, you know. It was so naturalthat I actually went to sleep. Judge.

Itut He .ot No Salary.They had signal service weather prophet

In Bible days. In scripture it is written: "Theass sufTere6t the east wind." It is presumedhe based his forecasts on that. New OrleansPicayune.

At Old Point Comfort.

r I " iv . . HI I'M.

mi 'II! !;'! I

Hi M

'vWliH K. If I

'A i. :W. J!

"What a well mannered girl that MissLukre is. It's a wonder she can endure sucha vulgar and noisy mail."

"What maid is that?""Why, the big freckled creature with the

red hair and the eroaky voice."'Bless your heart! old 'man, that's Miss L.

herself. The other is the maid." TownTopics.

SuRSfestloQ from On Who ! Posted.Some of our coutempvraries, who do not

know ns much alout the scriptures as theyshould, are printiug a paragraph stating thatSt. Taul has one great advantage over Min-

neapolis, as it is frequently mentioned in theBible. Will one of tbve Biblical ?cholarplease point out the chapter and verso whereSaint Paul is mentioned? Pittsburg Chroni-cle.

A Fair Trial.Landlady (curtiy) My board is $10 a

week, sir.Unabashed applicant That's not too high,

madame. Now, if you would let uie have asample meal, I cou'd let you know my de-cision in less than nn hour. Boston Beacon.

A New L'se for Newspaper.Several of the hotels in Paris publish

their bills of fare in the newspapers, anorie can always read at early morn in TheFigaro what the proprietors of the Grandhotel intend to set before their guests iuthe evening Pall Mrtll Gazette.


Spruance, Stanley & Co.,'importers and Jobbers cf Flue


410 Front St., Knu I'nturUru.2 tf A w

II F. BERTELMAXN,Contractor utul IluIIdt-r- .


Cabinet aud Carpenter Work dime to order.

86 KING STREET. Bell Telephone 107TlljelCtf

nitiuiiiunkWWW.k CRACKER CO

Biscuit Manufacturers,COR. NAN.SO.HE A IllsOADWAY NTN.,

Sau Franrloeo. 4'al.JAMES DUNN, Supt. 4S0 augli)



(I.luiltel),Keep constantly on band, for sale, RTF.AM,FAMILY and BLACK SMITH COAL, aud a euei alassortuientof EAR IRON. avO ly

Schweitzer & Co.Importers aud Jobbeis of


Wlilte ooIn, Eiiihrolderle. llHiidkerctilelM. l.a-eN- , ltilloi,M. JLatlleft v

4 lillttreiiH I nilervtrar.29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco

4rK tetjlU H9

E. H. Bucknam & Co.Manufacturers and Dealers iu

SHIP STOVES,Tin, Copper, Croc kery a ntl Mieet Iron

W ares, Ship I.a litem andSignal Oil,

22 Stewart St., bet. Market and Mission,KAN FRANCIHCO, CAL.

Ship and Job Work and Hove Impairing of allkinds a specialty. b7 fehlU'88


We have on hand a onsi-fptuen- t of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

Foi four and five foot furnaces, complete withgrau bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof this make are now In aurcesnful operaOon atWpie kelsvllle, Makee Hngar Company and otherplamatlous. Also, a consignment of

Filter Presses,Having all tbe latest Improvements.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine tl.above. For prices and further particulars apply to

Win. (t. Irwin & Co.,2ttt AicenM,

BONE MEAL!!The undersigned are now vrevreil to re

ceive orders for thi Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of linek A OhlandtHan

The following i a report of the compo-

nent parts, an obtained by Chemical ai.aly- -

bih:Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter. .. 2!.l " "Hilicious Matter.. 4.C5 " "Lime 31.70 " ".Phosphoric Acid. . 23.11 " "Oxide of Iron . M " "Carbonic Acid I. Hit

Alka Halt .r,2 "

KM). 00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received wilt httve Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. (f. Irwin A Co.,Af-fc- or the HfcTi.iiian Ielandrf.


All accounts for Advertising and Job Prlntmgit the

Irltle fomiDfrflsl Adtf rllsor

this date be presented forOffice will from pay.. . .

Ponoluiii, Mairh 2, 1 S ,





ADVOCATES, ETC.OrbVe Houolulu Hale, adjoiulnc the Poa

Office. 2dAwU


Attorney and Counsellor at l.w,No. 11. Spreckela Block, Honolulu

1T5 ocfiltf



Onice in Campbell's Block, corner Frt andMerchant streets, Honolulu, 11. I.

PRAC'UCKs IN THE COURTS.When disaiu, will give the law In a writ-

ten opinion, a to the probable result of thecontention upon the tacts stated 4411



Keal Em titl In any part of tbe Kingdom jtfoiitj tit, Sold aud LeasfMi on commlaalou

Loans Negotiated and Legal Doeuineuta Drawn

No. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-t- f

A. 0. Cook & Sou,OAK TANNEI

LEATJIEE BELTING,Lnt--e Leather nutl

Header Draper,No. 415 ilaiket street, San Francisco.

442 jan25'88

in 0-1- 3 AEIv

Fouiulatioir- - Timbers ! !

We have just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k

Foundation Timbers.

SIZES 1Gx21 Indies, 12 Feet lAntg.And llxlH iuelieH, 16 Feet I.ouii.

These timbers, as their name signifies, arenearly as solid aud durable as iron, and forfoundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot be surpassed.

W. Gr. Irwin & Co.311nov26tf


SB Hotel Street,. Honolulu, If I.,

(Oppaslte Fwhion ftabls).

P. O. BOX ;iir,, BELL THI.EPHONK r,:i

All work In my Hue faithfully done. Plans andpecldcatlons made. Jobbing in all details done

at short notice. Good work and low charges Isinv motto. 5

Metropolitan Market



Ciioleest Meats Irotii Kiuet Herd

icutlleit ind "ihlpping s'ipplied on MIIORT

NOT ICE and r.t the

Lowest Market PnVes.

! Al! meata delivered from this market are thoroogly hllled Immediately after killing by meansrfa Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated rotalns all its Juicy properties.. , . . .r r-- t - r t t r t ir Til v r T t rr r I



BATES .. CcnnnandeWill run regular.- - to Maalaea, Maul, and Kona

and Kau, Uuwtiii.


Will run regularly to Naviiiwill. Koloa, Eleeleand Waimea, Kuutii.


Will run regularly to Hamoa. Maul, and Kukui-bael- e,

Ho no kiin and luuuhau. Hawaii.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kaal.

T, R. FOSTER, President.J. En a, 8ijip7-l- y


I.iuil trdi.

STEAMER KLNAU,(Lorenzc n, commander),

Leaves Honolulu as per following scheduleoucblng at Lahaina, Maaiaea, Makrna, Mahu-kona- ,

Kuuaibae Laupnuoehoe. Hilo aud Keauheu:Comiuencini? on MONDAY. July 2t, and

on every alternate Monday it 4 p. ni., Ki!iauwill make tde VOLCANO 'IKIP, renchiiig- Keau-ho- u

on Wednesday niominx. where horses andcarriages are in waiting to convey passengers tothe VOLCANO HOUSE (live miles in the saddleund nine miles by carriage.

Passcogers by this route will nave two dayand two nights at the VOLCANO MOUSE.


Tlif Kinau will arrive in Honolulu .Sundaymornings on Volcano 'rips. On Hilo trips, wllleave Honolulu ou Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILL TOL'CH at Honckaia andPaaubau on down trips from Hbo for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.

STEAMER LIKE LIKE.(Davis, Com man net).

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at p. m forKaunakakai. Kahului, Huelo. liana aud

Klpanulu, every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuuevery other week. Returning, will stop at theabove ports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOD,(Cameron, Commander,,

Will leave regularly nir Lahaina. Paauhau.Kukaiau aud Ookala.

STEAMi:i7LEHUA,(Clark, Commander)

Will leavo regularly for Hakalau, Honomu andOnomea.

STEAMER MOKOLI1,(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves for the following ports every alternateMonday at 5 p. m.:

Commencing May 16th To Kaunakakai, Ka-mal-

Pukoo, Lahaina, Olowalu. Returning toLahaina, Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakakal. Arrivingat Honolulu Saturday a. m

Commencing May 9th To Kaunakakal, Lanai,Kamalo, Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu,Kalaupapa. Returning to Pukoo, Lahaina, Olo-walu. Lahaina, Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakakal.Arriving at Honolulu Saturday a. in.

&9 The Company will not be responsible lorany freight or packages un less receipted for, norfor personal baggage um-s- s plainly marked. NotrespoDslole for money or Jewelry nnless placed inhsrge of the Purser.All possible care will he taken of Live Htock, but

the Company will not assume any risk of accidentSAM'L G WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and (jueen streets.65-- ly Mar 80


Paper 3Ianiifactiirers,AND DEALERS IN

Paper Bs. Twines, Etc.,414 and 416 Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO

Pioneer and Fpr 'jprontmo Paper Mill".South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel. Santa Cruz

County, Cat. 41Ja5 '88

Geo. C. Shreve & Co.,MANUFACTURING

JEWELEESAnd Importer of

Diamond?, Watches. Silver and Silver PlatedWare, Decorated China, Art Rrass Goods, Fans,Canes, Umbrella, Berlin and Vienna LeatbrrGoods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc.

Jtoiitifomer.T and Kiitter St..SAN FRANCISCO. Uy-V- '8

J. IVANCOVICH & CO.Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Commission

Merchant In j

Foreign & Domestic TrniU j

500 Washington, and 601, HQ3 .t 603 eiansome St .


This 1 the client established house la this j

line of hunlrms m San Francisco, and we are j

prepare--- to f.ll orl'n of all kind in our line. i


for long distance rnark.t.. j

ll'our'I'atroiiag Is Follclted i

S45 rcarlO'SHj

COMMENCED OPERATIONS ON THURSDAY.and are now prepared to supply

TARO FLOUR in any quantities.With new and Improved machinery and other

apparatus, the present Manager guarantees tosupply Taro Flour that will make a better classof Pol than ever produced.

All orders to be sent to W. H. CUMMINS.Manager, at the Factory, Wailuku, Maui ; or toW. G. IRWIN ar CO., Agents, Honolulu.



MACHINE WORKSXo. 85 to SI Efcnionf .Street,


Manufacturers of New and dealers la Second-hand


:vra c i-iij-sr rtiyor every description.

Have constantly in stork New and Second-han- d


Machinists' Tools. Irrigating and Pumping M-achinery, Piping,

IPipe Fittings, JEtc.Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appll-caslo- n.



II A Y AM (1KAIX,Telephone No. 1T5.


LEEGE cS: .AIILLS,e a i i it e

Steam, Coffee and Spice Mills.Importer olloat. Cotfee. spleen.

Chai tres Java ' 'oflee, Y ast Powder, Cream Tar-tar, Soda, Salasratus, Ground Coffee, For-elg- n

and Domestic Matches.410-41- 2 C lay Jt. bet. Sausome A Hattery

8AN IRANC1SCO, CAL.P. O. Box 158(1. 635mayl3'88



A I alien, near Quecu St. .f?i

To tlie X3ublic.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,OffcVe with the Union Feed Co.

Bell Telephone ITS. Mutual Telephone 175.

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayae,hauling or moving work, ah' of wnlob I will guar,amee to execute falttifullv.

8 ly s. K. GRAHAM, Proprietor.

J. TrI . SO 35 Ti 5

Succeubor to

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Jfatcaiiari Gazette Mock.27 Jlenhnnt Sc., Honolulu. II. I.

41 tf


Manufacturing Jeweler,Xd.etiNiinHiiK Stro-I- . .

Honoltil n, II. I.Particular attention paid to repulrlr.g. :::u

TOI S.VT.15.

tr E HAVE A LARGE QUAVTTTY OF OLDnewspapers on Las', which will ! e sold

for 25 cents a bun?red. They are useful forwrapping parcels, laying under carpets, etc.


.'IHP bkictwwctw V a J-- a w T ?. tj.a '. . -

Page 2: 'NTERPRISP...Omaha which Bostonians enjoy." "I presume not, but you will revel in all these intellectual deliehts in the course of time. Professor Sullivan's arm is getting well, and


dvrrli.srmfiitjs.FATAL ACCIDENT iA&ufrlisfniniTs.LATEST NEWSTHE DAILYTopnlt'i to. mrl-.- ' f i

a Private in the lloiietiolttiiiMi,! Another liijiir-l- .Oi'H!l LOST- -mill

ii -Pacific Commercial Atefer i lu' ATleTV TU 11 GOODSINYesterday morning while His Majestywas leaving ly the steamer V". ii. Hall for j

I.ahaina, a terrible accident occured at the iIS PUBMSHTD c:ti.'-r- an I '

CASK, WITH HOUSE'S HEAD OF SLLVEK.Kinder will be rewarded by returnicii sameC. li rtliutii office. T54,v20tf

Ato I'aii'l

! . "3 il i

! 1.

-- AT-the i.ur--- e of tlriiu:Kakaako EattervU'la, has c.'vaft 'l altviwlaUon ii dcmanKVKRY M(.)RXIN(-- .

ASSIGNEE'S SALEthe ?a'ute. The charge in one of the tun--exploded prematurely, inflicting InjuriesThr- - Irish Land frill J h--

- i

debute'? in I'aillacieiit. -- OF-

! Lord Sali-t'Ut- v h;-.- turned the l"oii- --- AT THE- -

to prepare fir an earlyof I'urliamtMit.

f,niTH-iiiH.- n I'ntikk. A. Collins oiValuable Ilea Estate. Popular Millinery House,

104 Fort St., Honolulu.S. Pixpriet;ox

The Porte has invited England to re-oo-

the Egyptian Convention question.

King John of Abyssinia has askedi.p-e- Victoria to mediate between him-.-.!- :'

.rd the Italian Government. The. m.,o sent through the British nt at Aden.The Ameer order" Englishmen, one in

every twenty men, to form a corps for

service ia Afghanistan and Turkistan.

The arms manufacturer a of Suhl havereceived orders for 500,0u0 side arms for

the Turkish army.Eighteen lives were lost in a collision

on the Chicago and Alton road.Stanley, the African explorer, is re-

ported dead.John Taylor, the Mormon President,

is dead. He has been in hiding sinceFebruary 1, 1SS-3- , on which day hep reached for the last time in the Taber-nacle. He was indicted for polygamyin March, 1SS5, but could never befound.

Twenty-eigh- t Lil-era- l Peers havesigned a protest against the Irish CrimesAct.

Chinatown, in Los Angeles City, hasbeen destroyed by incendiaries.

The steamer Sir John Lawrencefoundered in a cyclone in the Bay ofBengal, and about 7iK persons perished.They were mostly women, ami nearlyall pilgrims to the famous temple of

Sat unlay, August 6, 1837,

n:uus of si nsi an 1

Ivr annum 4Mi month '3 (A)

PT tUODth. . ,IH

-- uticrllloii I'HjnMe AlwayiiuAdvaurr.

ComrnunlcRtlons from all part of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Persons resMing in any part of the Cnltt? J tat-- s

cbu remit the amount of stibsrrlptlori r.:ue by p.jtOflice money order.

Jratter Intended for publication In tlie e.llpn in!columns should b aildrevied to' Kditob FACJric- - ('ommkkciai. A hvkrtic kr.'

Ruslnes communications and udvertisenwutsnoiild he addressed simply.


upon a private W.Tir.Kana. irotuthe effects of w hich he died at i o'uock thesame evening, and bloir 'J the thumband forefinger of Serjeant Kin'-tnaku- . Thecircumstances in detail will be gatheredfrom

THE COMM llNi OKKK'Hi's kCiVl'M.The officer iu charge of the was

Adjutant Robert Parker, who states thatat H.Ki. in. ho proceeded to the salutinpbattery with a detachment of the House-hold tiiianl. crvjsisiinp of seeotul Lieu-

tenant Nathaniel, live sergeants and tenprivates. There tire sven gtmi at the bai-ter-

only live of which are ned, therehemg insuttiriont space for the-- hole num-ber. The sergeants and privities wereplaced, three in charge of each gun. whilethe Adjutant instructed them ti thoduties each was required to perforin. Theparty commenced tiring the salute nt 10 : 15

a. tn . . and eight guns were tired withoutany mishap. The period allowed toelapse between each discharge istit teen seconds, the live guns being tiredin rotation, and the Adjutant wason the point of giving the word to tire theninth gun. when tho charge in gun num

Thr undersigned, assignee in bankruptcy oi the ;

est&te of John M. Kapen. will sell at the sides- - !

room of LewlH J. Levey, to the highest bidderfor o.vih iu raited States gold coin, all the right, j

title aud interest of said John M. Eapena in ana '

Just opened, a fine assortment of


Which, during my absence, will be sold at exceedingly low figures.


WHITE AND COLORED WASH MATERIAL,In plain, fancy figured and open work.


to the following real estate, to wit:

Award.ei5iE. p. 1 4tV5-lX- acres rice land, in cctral

part of Kalauao, Ewa, Oahn.' I. V. A riVr.RTIhK.R,

A oil tint to individuals.Do. Ar . 2 8O6-10O- 0 acres, Kalauao, Ewa,

Oahu.A p. 31Do. aires, Mauana, Ewa,

Oahu.A p. 1 5 acres. Three fish ponds.5873. NUNS' VEILINGS.

In white and colored.

Iu all shades and colors.NUNS' VEILINGS.M.uiana, twa, Oahu.

Do. Ap. 4'-- acres rice l&nd.

Building? JLot. Kalin, Honolulu.

fronton and paily u-i- MiKjt-cte- d to in- - ;

dignity by the Custom 1 1. a- - authoritiesat and Collin.-- ; himself hu- - U'nhat lowed by the Iri.-d- i police. !

A lire at I'.rabant. frelinta. July 2'.)i,rendered UO people homeh-- .

Russian credit has got a black eye.j

according to the Berlin "I'o-t.- " Ger-- !

man investors will ndit s!iy i Russian j

heciirities in futureI'rince Ferdinand of Coburtr is i--

jM'cted at Sophia early in Augu-- t to take i

the oath of ofiice. The Bulgarian Jov- -

ernment has ssent to the utticial- - of i

various towns through which the I'rince !

will pass an order to receive the newruler with due honor. ;

The "Count r Du Sc:r" reports that j

General Boulang'1!-requeste- official j

jM.'rtnis.'-io- n to cliallcnge M. Ferry tofight a duel on account of the ex- - j

Premier's recent sjieech at Epinal. i

The Queen has refused to accept the !

resignation of Lord Charles Berestord. '

The leader of the Herat insurgents j

has been executed at Cabul. !

'grasshoppers are tlest royinj crops invarious parts of Belgium. i

The Sherman Presidential boom began ,

in the Ohio Republican Convention.He was strongly endorsed for the Presi-- 1

dency. Governor Fornker was ronom- - j

inated.The management of the famous Stew-

art estate in New York i. leing investi-gated, and it is claimed that Hilton, thetrustee, owes it fr-m- i l"0tVi,o00 to $20,- - j

000,000. I

An English syndicate has purchased !

LACEber s, the turn for which had already comeround twice, exploded a third time acci

t ii i7Pacific Commercial


.OLNCINGS, EMBROIDERY FI.OUNCINGS, in white, cream, ecrutid fancy colors. ALL-OVE- R EMBROIDERY AND L VCESwith edgings to match. NEW SILK GLOVES

Jagenath, at Purri. In all about S0O j

persons lost their lives by shipwreck in j

this storm. ... i

of Ap. 1, award 3,446,dentally, and the man who was in the actof ramming home the charge was blown

Lot No. 1 Mauka partarea 0.405 acre.

Lot No. 2 Makai partsome twelve feet in front and lay motion of Ar. 1, award 3.44C,fs now for le j.ii,y at th- KpI!.wli'E Plres ; less upon the ground frightfully mangled,

In a battle near Kussala recently afriendly tribe killed I. '200 of the Mahdi'sfollowers under Osman Pigma.

The Pope refuses to approve of Ger-

many forbidding the use of the Frenchlanguage in the seminaries of

the Sergeant having the thumb and fingersof his right hand blown off by the dischargefrom the touch hole. A telephone mes

and SILK MITTS, in the lateststyles and newest


Millinery and Straw Goods.n,y absence frora e Kingdom we offer SPECIAL BARGAINS IN THIS DEPART-

MENT, in order to close out the stock now on hand, aud make room for the new stock.


Will be sold at reduced prices.

area 0.4Ji acre.Lot No. 3 Award 3.427. area 0.216 acre.

HaildiuiC Ii4t in I'eleuli. Honolulu.Lot No. 1 Mauka part of Ap. 2, award 83, area acre.Lot No. 2 Makai part of same piece of land,

same area.


... Merchant street

. .Merchant street....Kon 'tri'Pt

.Hawaiian Hotelsage was at once despatched for medicalaid, and the remaining number of guns tocomplete the salute were fired, occupyingfive Cent ir 'ij. nearly' three minutes, the gun in connection with which the accident happened irfTHale positive. Peed at the expense of the

purchaser. Full particulars given and mapsshown on application at salesroom ofSATURDAY August 6th. being omitted each tune its turn came

round. When this was completed the injured man, a private named Katuikana, Lewis J. Levey,

Auctioneer.was removed to the building attached tothe battery.

Ttie Kii:ir liitiiHtry.YASHI.To", July i!8th. The Chief of

the Bureau of Statistics has issued hisquarterly report, which contains, amongother interesting matter, tables in regardto sugar and molasses, showing the im-jor- ts

and exports ef these articles since1769, their production in the L'nitedStates and foreign countries for the seriesof years, the present tariff rates in theleading commercial countries and theexport duties imposed by various

. .mi i e i

When the attendant excitement had sub CHAS. T. GfLICK. Assignee. 772aug6


Has just'received from Europe per Herculea,"L. B. KEEK,the Barton vineyard. Fresno county,California. About f2:X,(X0 has been ex- - 200 Cases Guhiess' Extra Stout,countries, on xne vaiue oi uiesugar,tended on the ir. .: -- rt v and in.npr.l

r.. . . . i . ... . I i tvi rrrf a nf Qnr?3 r Ktfi a rci ntTtifl frnm A 1 OAage. liie wine pr xiuct ttus year will be s "

The Tory Government did not sleep onthe Irinh Coercion Act. Every countyin Ireland was proclaimed under itwithin a few hours after it had receivedthe Royal assent. Fellows like Parnell,Hayley, Dillon, and Michael Pavittmere Irish demagogues and adventurersin their own country must be taughtthe lesson that Irishmen in Irelandhave no rightH which the dominantEnglish party is bound to respect. TheIrish are unlit for andshould learn that it is best for them tosubmit without murmur to the govern-ment which England has thrust uponthein for their good. If not, the agita-tion of these Irish demagogues and ad-

venturers must be put down by the strongarm. Thus the world wags, and gxd

ler cent of the value of the dutiable imabout half a million gallons. M E R C II A NTBottled by M. B. FOSTER A SONS.



sided it was ascertained that the men incharge of the gun were Sergeant Kinirnaka,whose duty it was to keep his thumb uponthe touch hole to prevent the ingress of airwhile the charge was inserted, and to firethe gun upon the order being given; pri-vate Komoku, whose orders were to placethe charge in the muzzle; and Kamikana,the private already named, his duty beingto ram home the charges and to spongeout the gun after each one was fired. Thislast duty is a most important one and theAdjutant is inclined to think that the ac-

cident was due to its not having been prop-erly carried out. Another thing whichmay have contributed to it is the ineffec-tual stoppage of the touch hole by theSergeant. It would thus appear from theAdjutant's statement that the sad occur-rence was due to carelessness on the part

TAILOE.These Winea were especially selected for W. 8. Luce, and are far superior to any ever

before impurted into this market.THE FIXE9T ASSORTED STOCK f'F


The San lie-- boom continues, andtrain robbers have been getting in theirwork in the neighborhood of Na-

tional City.The appointment of the Prince of

Wales as honorary admiral of the fleetis ridiculed by the "United ServiceJournal" as a fantastical puerility.

The Prince and Princess of Waleswere to start for Germany and Denmark

ports in 1S25 to 19 per cent of suchvalues in 1S75, and the duty collectedthereon has fluctuated from 4 76-10- 0 percent of all customs duties on dutiablemerchandise in 1825 to 23 6-1- per centin 1B33. A table is given showing theleading sources of customs revenue inorder of their magnitude for a series otyears. Sugar and molasses compriseour leading source of revenue, being 27per cent of the total collected in 1880,manufactures of wool standing next at14 per cent. The highest annual averageof a specific rate of duty collected on

government is promoted. ALWAYS ON HAND.

ISpeoial attention drawn to the celebratedMedium), WHITE PORT, SHERRY, etc.

-- MALMSEY, MADEIRA (Dryof one or both of t hese men.CHINESE IMMIGRATION. 27 Merchant Street,j on August 12th.

Rum Punch the Latest A'ovelt)--large

578 aprlJtfdwHas lately received from Kngland

selection of

About a quarter of an hour after theaccident Dr. McKibbin arrived, closelyfollowed by Dr. Trousseau, and upon ex-

amining the wounded man ordered hisremoval to the Queen's Hospital, whitherhe was conveyed upon a stretcher. Histwo arms were completely shattered fromthe elbow downwards; his face was fright-fully burned, one eye being blown out,

C'laus SprecJcc-i- s Win. O. Irwin.

Paul de Cassagnac ha declined tofight a duel with the Deputy Lauer, onthe ground that it is Lauer's veracityand not his courage that is in dispute.Lauer had stated that Boulanger hadconfided to him that eighty-fou- r Gen-erals of the army had offered him theirservices to overthrow the republic andrestore the monarchy. Cassagnac gaveLauer the lie direct, hence the personaldifficulty.

A London dispatch, July 27th, states:Since tho naval manoeuvres at Ports


1 1 Fine Goods ! 11 T

t-- or-

sugar was in 1823, when it amounted toScents per pound, and the lovest in 1861,at three-quarte- rs of a cent per pound.Foreign prices for sugar have beentending downward since 1831, whichwas largely caused by the world's in-

creased production.Interesting data are given in regard to

the sugar product of this and othercountries, and of the origin and growthof the industry in Louisiana. The latterhad its most prosperous jerIod prior tothe civil war, since when it has notwholly recovered. Then, again, thelargely increased production of foreigncountries has rendered it difficult for ourproducers to compete successfully withthem in our markets. During the periodsjust prior to the war we produced aboutone-fourt- h of the sugar consumed in thecountry. During the last calendar year,however, we produced only one-tentl- f?

BANKERS.Chas. J. Fishel.

other parts of his body being more or lessscorched. Sergeant Kinirnaka was alsotaken to the hospital for treatment.

He has been in the torce about eleven ortwelve years. Kamikana has seen fiveyears' service, and Adjutant Parker threeyears'.

The last named, being the officer incharge, was examined by a Court ot In-

quiry later in the day. The officers whocomposed the Court were Colonel Hon. C.P. Iaukea, Major A. B. Hayley, MajorHon. Samuel Parker and Major J. D. Holt.

Adjutant Parker states that he is theofficer ordinarily in charge of the salutingbattery, and during his experience no

mouth, groat scandal has been created j

by the lack of capacity of English officers i

to handle their ships in quiet waters and j

in broad davlight. There were last COR. FORT & HOTEL STS.HONOLt.'LU HAWAIIAN ISLANDH


DIAGONALS For two Weeks Only j

Draw Kxehaoge on the principal parts of theworld.

AND- -

The ubiquitous Chinese are steadilypushing their way into these Islands.Fourteen arrived by the Marijosa, andjudging from the number of passportsissued recently a large increase to theChinese population may be speedilylooked for. It would be satisfactory toknow precisely what the policy of thepresent Government is on this question.The late Government, yielding either topressure, or for the purpose of gettingmoney for some of the costly enterpriseswhich they had in hand, raised the feeto $10, and issued passports in largenumbers. We are unable to state withany degree of accuracy how many suchpassports were issued, but that theywere numerous the Treasury statementsshow. It is imjiossible to recall these,however, but it would be assuring to beinformed what the Government intendfor the future in regard to Chinese immi-gration.

The Board of Immigration has notifiedthe renewal of Japanese immigrationupon favorable terms to employers; isit intended to sanction unrestricted Chi-

nese immigration to reduce still furtherthe general average of the wages of laborby increasing competition? If such bethe intention of the Government let itbe avowed ; if it is not, the public shouldlie advised accordingly. And at thesame time it should lie stated whetherPortuguese immigration has been sus-

pended or discontinued altogether. Thelate Government authorized a ic-new- al

of Portuguese immigration ; but,as we have stated, it threw down theharriers against Chinese competition byissuing indiscriminate passports. Thiswas an inconsistent policy, and it wouldbe well if Ministers, at the presentjuncture, were to disclose their inten-tions therranent, if they have any.



Our Semi-Annu- al

similar accident has ever occurred. Thguns used, and which it is customary touse for this purpose here, are of a some-what antiquated type in fact, what arecommonly known as the old muzzle-loader- s.

Some breech-loader- s of more modernconstruction may be seen at the barracks,and on some occasions these are wheeled

Will deposit ou open account, m&kcollections and conduct a (feueral banking andexchange business.

Fancy Trouserings,

week two disasters by collisions. TheDevastation and Ajax were so injuredthat they have had to go into the dockfor repairs. Laxmore, commander ofthe Devastation, has been relieved. Thenext morning there was another colli-sion between two gunboats.

The Sultr.n has issued an nade dis-

missing the reserves at home.The Asserevater Roma says that the

circular addressed to Cardinal Rampellawas not intended for tin; press, and wasonly given him for his personalinstruction on becoming Secretaryof State. He was empowered to showcopies of it to the various EuropeanNuncios, as setting forth the policy to bepursued by the Pope in the future.There is considerable irritation and re

Remnant Salewill takef place



Friday, August 5th.W. R. Buchanan vs. N. F. Burgess,

ejectment. Jury waived at the Julyterm. Cecil Brown for plaintiff; M.Thompson for defendant. Plaintiffsmotion for a non-su- it was granted.


! into position and ued for saluting, nutDeposits bearing Interest received In their hmv

Inits Department subject to published rules i7n,rf


Comprising the largest and most varied stock

ever opened out in Honolulu, all person-

ally selected by Mr. ,Kerr at tho

manufacturers while

abroad .

this is exceptional, in the case of theselatter the danger involved by the gunnersis reduced to a minimum, whereas theothers require greater vigilance in orderto guard against accidents.

Lieutenant Nathaniel, second in com-

mand, was subsequently interviewed, and

All our remnants will re placed on theCounter, and marked way down.


W"MJAMI Ii:AI.FK ANDin WINES and LlQUoKi.JVo. 13 Kaahaniann Street,

HONOLULU. 2a-t- f

In Ladies' Trimmed and L'ntrimmedHats, we are prepared to offer I!l(j i


Remnants in all departments. j

Come and nee what we offer you next !


gret at the atican over the publicitywhich has been given to the document,which, in many way?, will be hurtful toPapal diplomacy. Now, it is complained,

his statement coincides in all essentialparticulars with the foregoing. He saysthe sight was indescribably painful, as theunfortunate deceased was fully consciousafter the explosion of the charge, andspoke to him, complaining of feeling cold.

An inquest will probably be held thisevening.

CLACS SPRKCKEI.8. mm. q imwij

Cloth and TriiDniiiifis WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,Sl"lJFArTottf CoinmlMNlon

M. I. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,Importer anil Wholesale Denier InBoots, Shoe, Ham, Men's turn toi-ling aud Fancy Goods. Xo. 11 Kanhumanu

Honolulu, H. I. 28tf-wt- f


Leading Millinery House. !lor Sale to the Trade and others.

j all Europe is cognizant of the futurej policy of the Vatican.j Emperor William is at Gastein, and: attending strictly to business.

Cholera continues at Catania, Sicily,Several thousand people are daily fed

j by public charity.j Only one-thir- d of the new Panamaj Canal loan has been subscribed. Dej Lesseps says that will do for the present.

Afternoon Concert.The following musical programme will

be given by the Royal Hawaiian MilitaryBand this afternoon at 7:30 o'clock atEmma Square:

BellflVlephoiie. Xo. 4. F. U. Box (306,

Overture ''The Exiles'


Friday, August 5th.Ah Sang.for assault and battery on Ah

Chin, was fined $o and $1 10 costs.B. J. Lyons was charged with forgery

in having altered a draft upon Hon.Cecil Brown for the amount of 20 to$120, with intent to deceive his em-

ployer. W. II. Page. The case was con-

tinued till to-da- y.

J. Frank May, who was charged onremand with selling liquor without alicense, was found guilty and sentencedto three months' hard labor, a fine of

$100 and $4 GO costs.George Summers pleaded guilty to as-

sault and battery, and was fined $5 and$1 costs.


Hamilton Johnson vs. Samuel Wa-hinal- o,

assumpsit for $. 25. Defendantadmits $1S. Judgment for $13 35 and$t 53 costs.

L. Ahlo vs. Isaac Adams, assump-sit for $29. W. C. Achi for plaintiff.Continued until moved on.

L. Ahlo vs. Chu Yuen, assumpsit for$20 and interest. Continued to 10thinstant.

Chan Kee vs. Alau, Gig Chang, garn-

ishee, assumpsit for $57 50. Continuedtill moved on.

Several cases of deserting contract ser-

vice were settled out of Court.

Polka "The Dragoons"H. HACKFELD & CO.,

(Jassner. . .

. . Fahrbach. . . Godfrey

. . . . Amillion. W'aldteufel.Waldteufel


Reminiscences of Weber . . .

Gavotte "Queen's Own". . .

Waltz "The Svrens"Polka "A Good Kiss"

"Hawaii I'onoi.L. B. KEEE. 2ft U Quen bt., Honolulu, H.I.

In an editorial note, July 22, the NewYork "Herald" remarks: "Our readerswill find elsewhere a full and instructivereview of the situation in the HawaiianIslands, together with a summary of thecauses which led up to the recent 'revo-lution.' While tl ere is no desire on thepartof the Republic to own this group ofislands, it is manifestly for the interestsof the country, in the language of Mr.Webster, that 'that government should


Advertisements. ISTOTTCji,

Hawaiian Hotel


FIRST-CLA- SS CARRIAGESAt all hours day and night, with competentdrivers and steady hone.




With good, reliable horses.


Importer A C'ornmlMwIon Merchant.Honolulu. H. I. 27-t- f


Monsignor Feisico, who was sent toIreland by the Pope, at the instigation

f the Puke of Norfolk, has reported ina highly eulogistic way of the Irish peo-ple. The object of the English Catholicnobles to secure a condemnatory rejmrthas therefore been foiled.

The Bulgarian Treasury at Eustchukwas attacked the night of the 25th ofJuly. The guards repulsed the attack.

Sir Charles Tupper, High Commis-sioner for Canada, accompanied by SirJohn Rose, late Canadian Minister of

Finance, and Mr. Bader Howell, mem-

ber of Parliament for the division ofLiverpool, had an interview at London,July 27th, with the Right Hon. GeorgeK. Goshen, Chancellor of the Ex-

chequer, and urged the adoption of the



For Men and Children.MOST SIXCERELY TO THANK THEJPESIRE and sympathizing friends who sogenerously afforded m every asftUtancs duringmy late trout. U, and for the flowers so thought-fully and profusely furnished on the day of thsfuneral of my late beloved wife.

774aug5 WRAY TAYLOR.



GRASS.Fire Arms and Ammunition

not be interfered with by foreign Powers.'In this connection Mr. Webster added that'no Power ought either to take iosses-sio- n

of the islands as a conquest or forcolonization, and no Power ought toseek for an undue control over the ex-isting government or any exclusiveprivileges or preferences with itin matters of commerce.' Thathas been the position of Ameri-can statesmen before and since the daysof Webster, and it is the opinion of theAmerican people at this time. Thereare very grave reasons why the islandsshould lie kept free from entangling for-eign alliances and why the United Statesshould carefully note all iolitieal changeswhich are effected."

Of all kinds. And complete etock of Having jUBt received a fine lotJTofTHE ATTENTION OF ALL INTERESTED TV

SPORTING MATERIAL ! Horses from California, iiiLOST.offer for eale in lots to f.uit purchasers.

Intermediary Court.BEFOKE BICKER TON, J.

Friday, August 5th.Jno. E. Buh vs. J. L. Kaulukou, re-

plevin of a houe. Continued from theprevious day. No appearance of or forplaintiff; C. Creighton for defendant.The judgment of the Folice Court wasset aside and the proceedings dismissed.

Ws are prepared to offer extra inducements toparties wanting Family, Road, Express or DrayHorses. Guaranteed as represented or no sale.Prices to suit the times. RINCi I P 32, or apply to

Canadian Pacific Railway as a route forthe British mails to China and Australia.Goschen promised to favorably considerthe matter.

The Limerick Board of Guardians isinsolvent.

v.efcave also on hand sn pie lot of WhiteClover, English Alsyke. Timothy, Rib GrassCrested Dog's Tall, Tall Fescue. Italian ByeGrass and Lucerne seeds, which we offer iusmall lots for trial, and will also receive ordersfor quantity s of not less than half a ton weight,and execute same with dicpatch.

Wil, O, IRWIN t CO.


At Bed Rock Prices,


rtjv2Cltf 61 IORT STREET,

A MILES & HAYLEY,Hawaiian Hotel SUbles.

confer a favor by leaving the same at this ofie.74ij7tf

Page 3: 'NTERPRISP...Omaha which Bostonians enjoy." "I presume not, but you will revel in all these intellectual deliehts in the course of time. Professor Sullivan's arm is getting well, and



NOTICE. NEW GOODS!j The EquitableLife Assurance Society

! OF THE UNITED STATES.! Death claims paid in l'rj inn ppr cent

B. P. EHLEES & CO.99 Fort Street,

Have just opened a new consignment of

ISTEAV and SEASONABLE GOODS.7In?pection Invitetl.57

The American barkentine Mount Lebanonsailed from Hongkong July 25th for Honolulu,with a cargo of Chinese merchandise.

The steamers Kinu, Likelike, Lfbtia, KilaueaHouand J. A. Cummins are due this morningfrom their respective porta.

The American barkentine Planter, C ptai n W.R. Perriman, arrived at San Francisco July 22d,2 days from Honolulu. It is likely she willleave that port for the Sound to load lumber forHonolulu,

The steamship Alameda arrived at Auckland,New Zealand, July -- d, from here.

The Hawaiian schooner Canute, when she re-

turns early next week from Hawaii, will leavewith Portuguese passengers for Humboldt Bay,California. The Canute will return wlih a cargoof lumber for Messrs. Lew em k Cooke.

The ateiiner Surprise will be finished repair-lu- g

within ten daysThe schooner Wallele arrived August oth from

Koloa, Kauai, with 20 tona stone ballast for thebark Lilian.

The stern-whe- el steamer Ewa broht about400 bags paddy from Ewa, Oahu, August Cib.

The Royal Mail 6teamsbip Mariposa, CaptainH. M. Hayward, was berthed at the OceanicCompany's wharf early August oth, C1- - daysfrom San Francisco, with 316 tons general cantofor this port and 7i0 tons cargo In transit for theColonies. Sailed from San Francisco July 2'i;hat 3.30 p. ra. Experienced pleasant weather thentire passage. Arrived off Oahu August 6th at3 a. in. After discharging cargo and taking oiiboard 262 tons coal, 9he resumed her voyage forthe Colonies at o p. tn. the same day.


If you want a fine CIGAR, try somearrived at


109 Fort Street,73

EI. E. Mclntyre & J3ro.,.JIMPORTF.US AND PKA1.KKS IN

Groceries, Provisions and TeecLKA8T fORNKR FXJRT AND KINO HTREKT8.

New Ooods r. d by every paotet from ihe Knstern Sutes and Rurope. J"resh CaliforniaProduce by ever All orders fadthfuliy attended to. and Ooods delivered to any pari of tbTlty free of cimi. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction Kiiarautt'ed. PostoilW Kox No. I4iTelephone No. 9- - COapl7

1S76. GEO. W.

BUILDER75 and 77 Kinp- - Street, -

Re II Telephone o. 275.

Only House making a specialty of Fine Groceries and Table Delicacies. New Novelties 'always'g'HERRMANN J.8ADLER, E8TABLI8UKP 180OTKLIA MAU. J


Fancy and Stapls Groceries,Correspondence Solicited. Kau FranciMCo, '!., V. S. A.

SOLE AGENTS FORGordon Dilworth's fine Preserved Fruits and Jellies in Blass; Richardson k Rohhlns' Canned,Potted or Deviled Meats, Curried Oysters, Fowl, Plum Pudding; Thos. J. Meyer & Co.'s Oysters,Vegetables, etc. ; H. O. Wilbur & Sons' Chocolate, Cocoatheta, etc.; E. J. Larrabee's fine Crackersand Biscuits: Wilson At Cass Co., Crystal Rod Wafers; Franco-America- n French Roups, In glassand tins; Windsor Manor Pickles; Shrewsbury Tomato Ketchup; Mac Crqunrht's only genuineirurtorted Worcestershire Sauce; Dandicolle & Gaudin's French Mushrooms, Vegetables, etc., tn

J. Mottet & Cie., prize medal pure Olive Oil; Gillbrt& Tessier's French Maccaroni, Ver-micelli and Pastes; Adams' pure Maple Syrup; Mattoni's Giesshubler (Karlsbad) l'.mpress of TableWaters; A. B. Cleveland Co. (Limited new process Split Peas; Merrltt's Ituxset Cider; RobertNorton's Pineapple Cheese; Julius J. Wood Starch Co.; Vosemlte Fruit PackiUKCo., Kan Francisco,California. ijf augl2


of Straiton & Storm's, wtrch have just


- Honolulu65 M utiiAl Tellioii Sio. 65.


Publication. 1887!


Directory of Honolulu

General Information


been erone to by the Publishers to

for copies early.

& CO.,

Mr. II. J. Agnew left by the Mariposayesterday for the Colonies, vith the well-know- n

st:dlion lJoncaster, for breeding.The newly elected Chief Engineer and

First and second Assistants of the FireDepartment have been duly installed inortice.

The regular monthly meeting of Hono-

lulu Typographical Union No. 37 will beheld this evening at the usual time andplace.

If you want to have a good sea bath,take the 'bus and go out to the Waikikibath house. Every accommodation will

be found there.The through passengers for the Colonies

by the Mariposa made the mo-- t of theirtime while the vessel was in port in theway of sightseeing.

The "Honolulu Almanac and Directory'for 1S87 is now on sale at J. II. Soper'sand A. M. Hewett's news depots, aud atthis office. Price. 50 cents.

Twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars in U. S.

gold coin were added to the circulatingmedium by Bishop & Co. yesterday. Thecoin arrived by the Mariposa.

It will be learned with regret by manythat General Comly, formerly UnitedStates Minister Resident at Honolulu, isdead. He died recently at Toledo, Ohio,of a complication of lung and heart dis-

ease after a protracted illness.

It is stated that a similar accident to theone which occurred at Kakaako yesterdayhappened in connection with the Punch-

bowl battery in the year 1838. when thevictim was blown a considerable distancedewn the side of the mountain.

There was a narrow escape from fireyesterday on Smith street, better knownto old residents a3 "Cape Horn." The oc-

cupants of a two-stor- y building left itabout 8 o'clock a. m., and soon afterwardssmoke was seen issuing from the lowerwindows. An alarm was given, and theneighbors entered and extinguished thetire, which had originated on a bed. Theflames had blackened the ceiling above.The Fire Department was not notified.


The services at St. Andrew's Cathedralwill be: Holy Communion,

6:30 o'clock a. in. Matins withsermon, at 9:30 o'clock a. m.Preacher, the Bishop of Honolulu.Chiuese service at 11:15 a. m. and2 p. in., with sermons by Rev. II. H.Gowen. Hawaiian evensong at 3:30p. m. Preacher Rev. Alex. Mackin-tosh. Evensong, with sermon by theRev. H. II. Gowen, at 0 p. m. Seatsare unappropriated.

Second Congregation : Morning prayer,with sermon, at 11:15 a. m. ; eveningprayer, with sermon at 7 :30 p. m.The Rev. Alex. Mackintosh will conductthe services and preach during the ab-

sence of the Rev. George Wallace. Sunday-

-school meets at 10 a. in. Seatsfree at all services.

Fort-stree- t Church The Rev. E. G.Beckwith, D.D., of San Francisco, willpreach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun-

day school at 10 a. m.

Roman Catholic Cathedral. 6 and 7

a. m., low mass with Holy Communion ;

10 a. m., high mass, with sermon eitherin Hawaiian, Portuguese or English,alternating according to the three prin-

cipal different nationalities of the church ;

2 p. m., rosary and catechism; 4:30 p.

m., instruction and benediction of theBlessed Sacrament.

Kaumakapili Church. Rev. J. Waia-ma- u,

pastor. ' Sunday-scho- ol at 9 :30 a.m. Preaching at 10 :30 a. m.

Kawaiahao Church. Rev. II. H.Parker, pastor. Sunday-schoo- l at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a. m.

Y. M. C. A. Young Men's BibleClass in the parlor at 9 :45 a. m., con-

ducted by the General Secretary. Gos-

pel Traise Service at 6:30 p. m.

Chinese Church. Fort street, nearcorner Beretania. Mr. To Teng Ue,evangelist. Chinese Sunday-schoo- l,

9 :30 a. m. Chinese and English Sunday--

school, 2:30 p. m. Preaching at 11

a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible clas9 inChinese Y. M. C. A. Hall, 6:30 p. m.

The Kinw'w Visit o Ianl an I Ilawall.His Majesty the King left yesterday

forenoon by the steamer W. G. Hall for

Lahaina and Maalaea, Maui ; thence toWaimea, Hawaii. From thence HisMajesty will ride overland to Kailua,Kona, his country residence. Thetrip will extend about a month.His Excellency Godfrey Brown, MajorsS. Parker, A. B. Ilayley and A. Rosa,Hon. C. P. Iaukea, His Majesty's Cham-berlain, and Messrs. Jno. Ena and JuliusSmith, were at the wharf to see the Kingoff, besides an immense crowd of Hawaii-an- s.

When the steamer W. G. Hallfflying the Royal ensign at the main,passed abreast of the lighthouse, the U.S. S. Adams manned her yard, and a

royal salute of 21 guns was tired fromthe battery at Kakaako.

Ttie ew Constitution.The I C. Advertiser office has

printed the new Constitution in pam-

phlet form. It is inserted in the "Hono-lulu Almanac and Directory," whichalso contains the old Constitution, andwill be told at the old price fifty centsa copy.

a Flower on the Ifthma.A novel flower has been found on tho

isthmus of Tehuantepec, at the San Josehacienda, some twenty-tw- o leagues fromtie city of Tehuantepec This floralchameleon ha the faculty of changing itscolors during the day. In the morning itIs white; when the sua is at Its zenith it isred, and at night It is blue. This

flower grows on a treeabout the size of the guayave tree, andanother peculiarity of this flower ii thatonly at noon does it give out acy perfume.

Central America Letter.

A Profound Truth.There is no rac question connected withliquor, excrpt tb race to j?f-- t it when it is ue

to l had yfw Orleans Picayune.

MY AUSENCK FROM THEDfRINUMr. MeHi will li.kve full charge ofluy business, and her receipt will be sutnclent.

767 augJtt' N.S. SAC US.

BOATS FOR SALE!Three Wtale Boats.One decked Whale Boat 30 feet loc?. 3 feet dep,

feet wide.Two 22-fe- surf Boats.One ls-f-et S.irf Bot.One decked Plunger, 16 feet long, 6 feet 6 inches

wide, feet 6 inches deep, w ltu mast aud sails.One Sailing Scow, decked, with ust aud

sails.One U-tc- n Ijghter, decked.

V. K. RYAX,TlOJelStf Eoat Builder aud General Jobber

X. 3. S.V9J H. BROWN

T. J. BASS & CO.Importers of and Dealers in

Artists' - JNluterials,Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Turpentine.

Manufacturers of Mouldings, PictureFrames, etc., etc , etc.

14 sail 16 Kills Mreel uear Market,HAN FRANCISCO, CAL.



HARDWARE,Iron, Steel, Pipe, Mill a&d Mining Supplies.

Ill to 113 Call fo rn In St., hau Francisco.644 auulil

Australian Mail Service.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.!The new and fin Al eteel steamship

Of tha Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

AUGUST 20, 1887,And will leave for the abwvi' port with malls andpassengers on or ubo'.t that dale.

For freight or pas-iHge- . having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS. apply to

Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,AOKNT8,

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and fine Al steel stemUip

"MARIPOSA,"Ot the Oceanio Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from Franciscoor or about

August 5, 1887.And will nave prompi dlap&ton with malls ndpassengers for the above ports.

For f.eiKht or pHSsHgre, Imving SUPERIOR AC-COMMODATION, apply to

Win. Gr. Irwin & Co.,24 AflKXTH

Will. G. Irwin & Co


SUGARSdrv granulated-I- d

Barrels,Half Barrels.

And Boxes.CCBE

In Half BarretsAnd Boxes,



TEa-- S

Bine Mottled Soap

Cases Corned Beef.

"jqi y j y --


Cs Medium Bread.



JL1 ALll 5 L. T1j rymii X

Galvanized Iron Roofing,



Sugar Bags 22 x

COEDAGE.Manila and Pinal, Pauant Tvsicf, TCb&l Line

Reed's Felt Steam Pipe !

and Boiler Covering.


A" TFTS. rnnitable farlug tit .nirveytnt rrtf


Assets, January 1, l"- f.o.olO ,.;'Liabilities, 4 percent basis. .. 5y,154.5'J7 (?)

Surplus, 4 per cent basis 1 13.355 75 73 i

i The surplus is based on the conservativeassumption that omy 4 per cent interest

J will be realized on investments,i Assuming that 4J per cent will be real-- j

iztd. it amounts to 2U,4t5,175 76.ISF-T- he SU Kl'LL s. t-- everv basi of

valuation. IS LARGER THAN THAT OFANY OTHER COMPANY IN THEWORLD.New assurance in 1?S6 $111,540,233 0)

Larger ttan tbat of cy other cowptny.Outstanding assurance 411,779,063 00

Larger ttiaa that of any other company.Paid policy holders in 1S6. . 8,33-- ,J7 90Paid policy holders since or-

ganization ' 9G, .547,73 53Total income 19,873,733 19Premium income 16,272,154 62

Larger than tiiat of any other company.IMPROVEMENT DURING THE YEAR.

iDo.rtase of prem. income 12,810,475 40Iccr'-as- of surplus, 4 per cent b&si. 63Increase of assets 8,957,085 26

Policies issued on all the plaes, with all theguarantees and couoessioss. For full particu-lars apply to

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGIIT,632 waTl2 '83 No. 3 Eaahutuaau street.


rilHE WAIKIKI RESIDENCE OF MR. FRED H.A Hayseiden, situated at Kapiolani Pai k. be-

tween the residences of lion. W. Q Irwin andMr Frank Brown, is offered tor rent, lease orsale. Also the premises adjoining the HawaiianOpera House, Palace Square. For ta ms aiply tothe undersigned. MitD H . HAYsELDt-N- .



By virtue of a writ of execution :issued out ofthe Supreme Court on the 18th day of June, A.D. 1687, against B. Kallliinoku, defendant, in favorof A. J. Cartwrigbt, trustee of the estate of R. W.Holt, deceased, plaintiff, for the sumof$3a8o5,I have levied upon and shall expose for sale atthe front entrance of Ealakaua Hale, in Hono-

lulu, island of Oahu, at 12 o'clock m.on

Monday, August 8, A.I). 1887To the hignest bidder, all the ripht. title and in-

terest of the said B. Kaliliinoku, defendant. Inand to the following property, unless said judg-ment, Interest, costs, and nay expenses be previously paid.

List of property for sale;

Land at Keanae, Hana, Maui, R. P. 3,267 L. C.A. 4,857, to Gbiki; area 1 60-10- 0 acres.

Land at Pahou, Koolau, Maul, R. P. 3,215, toEalilimoku; area, 13 00 acres.

Land at Honokobau, Kapauku, Maul, R. P.4.615, L. C A. 6,927, to Kapoi; area, 60-10- 0 acre.

- Right, title and interest of D. Kalilimoku ina certain piece of laud at Walanee and Pahou,Keanae, Hana, Maul, described in lease recordedLib. 45, fol. 481; area, 107 acres.

B. Kalilimoku with Kulill tw) of Kulibi, Oahu, j

made a mortgage to Uonuakaha of Honolulu,dated Nov. 13, 1883, recorded Lib. 86, folio 148-9- ;

B. Kalilimoku mortgaging the above describedlands, and Kallll (w) the following lands to wit;

1. Apana 1, R. P. 1,495, L. C. A., 1,233, to Hoe-nu- l,

Kalihl, Oahu; area 4.10 chains.2. Apana 3, R. P. 1,495, L. O. A. 1.23S to Hoe-nu- i,

Kalihi, Oahu; area, 35 100 acre.

Terms cash. Deeds at expense of purchasers.


Honolulu, June 21, 1887.

The above aale Is postponed until August 8th,at 12 o'clock noon, by order of the Marshal.



Gommeroial Advertiser


PRINTING OFFICEfs prepared to do all kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work j

Having just Received a Complete and NewAssortment of

Job Types ami Ornaments

Of tho Latest Stvlea. from the most Celebmted Foundries of the United States.

and employing only Experienced j

arjfl i'aaty Workmen, we are j

prepared to turn outi

letter Heads. j

Bill Heads,Circular.

A'ote Head.Biitteruenta,

UillA of LndfBK,Contract,

Mortgage XHnuk,I,eaes,

fthlppinu' (ttnlrnrti,(In Hteaiia A English.

Calendar.Blauk Clicks,

Stoch Crticat,,BOHliiess Cards.

Meal Checks,Milk Tlcketv

Bank ClieckOrder.

Receipt.5frriagr OrttlJcAteM,


Blotting- IaIsAnd In fact verythiag which a fixst-cl- as

orce can do.

Mr. W. J. I;ot . 1 this day been appointedSecretary of the ItoaM of Health.

Dr. Pugald Campbell Las tbls day been ap-

pointed GoTernrueut Physician for the districtwf Waluiea, Kauai, vice Dr. Johu Borland, de-

ceased.Lr. r;enjri.-ni- n lias triii day been ap-

pointed UoveroQu-n- t Pi: y i i i u for the districtof Kohala, Hawaii, vic( It. L. S. Thompson, re-

signed.Dr. Charles A. Fetcipon has this day been ap-

pointed Govtrnmeat 1'hypician for the districtof Maul, and for the Islands of Molokal

nd I.anai, vice Dr. Rolando Kuehn.GEO. TRorSSEAl", M. D.,

President Board of Health.Office of Board of Health, Honolulu, August 1,

HS7. TOCaugfj

4'lmiiiMrlHi u' Office.Hy command of His Majesty the King, I here-t- y

fiive notice that from and after this date nodobta on account of His Majesty and the RoyalHousehold will be recosuleed unless authorizedin writing by the Chamberlain.

CURTIS P. IAL'KEA,H. M.'s Chamberlain.

IoUui Palace, Auijuut 1, 1887. 760aux?1

1 hereby lequest that all persons hvingclalrns against Ilia Majesty and the Royal House-hold will please forward them as soon as possi-ble to the office of Ui Majesty's Chamberlain, atIolaui Palace. CURTIS P. IAUKEA,

H. M 'a Chamberlain.Iolanl Puia. e, August 1, J887. 7Clau31

OcpHrlnient of riunure.All persons Laving claims against the Ha-

waiian Government are requested to seud themin with as little delay as possible, to the depart-ments responsible for their liquidation.

W. L. GREF.N,Minister of Finance.

Honolulu. Ju'y 12, 1887. 739jyl3tf


UtltlVAIVFriday, August 5.

It M S H Mariposa, Hayward, S1 days fromSan Francisco

Htiru- ; R Ulshop, Chaiiey, from Koolau. Hour Wallelo, from K lual

ii:iakt i it .s.FBtDAY, AUgUStB.

HMS1 Mariposa, Hayward. for the Coloniesbtrnr WO Hall, Bate, for Maui arid Hawaii

at 10 a mStmr Iwalani, Weir, for Hamakua, Hawaii, via

Iahiina, at b a infichr Sarah aod Eliza, for Koolau, OahuSchr Emma, for Kauai

veHNelM i.en vi ii k To-da- y.

Stmr Ewa, for Ewa

eel in Port from Foreign port.Haw bark KalaXaua, C H Henderson, from Val-

paraisoUSS Adams, Lnnis Kempff, from Acapulco,

via Hilo, !iawniiBrit bU Iron Crag, Jones, from San Francisco

X S WAm bklne 3 N Castle, II W Hubbard, from San

Franciscoiljw l.k Lilian, J B Holland, from Hongkong

Am brntne Wu G Irwin, J E ,'McC'ulloch, fromSan FiaDcisco

Brit bark Iron Ci&g, Jones, from San Francisco

teiiel Cxpeptea rrom Foreign rorlsi.H;iw schr General Siegel, Sanders, from

French Frigate Shoals, due Not ao-3- o

Am bark St Lucia, sailed from New York March20, duo September

Ger bk Peter Goddefroy, , sailed fromLiverpool May 3rd, due Sept

Brit oark Birmah, from Glasgow, due October15-3- 1

Brit bk Velocity, from Hongkong, due July26-3- 1

Am bktne Ferris S Thompson, C Potter, fromSan Francisco, due at Kahului July 16-3- 1

Am bk Ceylon, R Calhoun, from san Francis-co, clue July -- 2

Am bktue S G Wilder, H A Paul, from SanFiaucisco. due July 20- - U

USS Vandalia (flagship), from ChileFrench frigate Ducrex, from ChileFrench 1 rigate Florie, from ChileAm uk Edward ilay,' Johnson, sailed from

Boston June 2ki. due Nov 1--

Am ship Matilda, Meriiman, from Hongkong,due July 12-- 1

U SS Juniata, from China, due July 0

Am tern W S liowne, W Bluhm, from PortTownsend, due Ann 5

U B M's 3 Wild swan, Jno S Halifax, from XAmerica, due Aug

Chilean corvette Esmeralda, from SouthAmerica

Ambrgtne Consuelo, E B Cousins, from PortTownsend, due Aug 16-- ai

Am bark Sonoaia, T H Griffiths, from PortTownsend, W T, due Aug 2o-- 3l

Haw schr Walnialu, Brownell, from I.aisonIsland, due Aus lJ-2- o

Supponed to be lost.


From San Francisco, per RM 9 9 Mariposa,August 5th H P Baldwin, R D Walbridge, MrsI., Siivadge, H F Broderick, .Miss 1 Koseman, Mrsi L Molz. Dr M Grossman, M19S Carrie A Carter,G W Cooi er and steerage passengers, includ-ing H Chinese.

From Koolau, par steamer C R Bishop, AugustS L Kahlbnmu, T R $mi;h, H English, Je3eAmur. F H Kauwahl, 1 Kikaha, Jas Gay and 2tideck passengers.

DKPAKTCBK.For the Colonies, per Mariposa, August 3th

T Diake and wife. Major General Twlgge, O LDaufoi tb and wife, V F Kuforee. H J tarr, U JA new, Messrs W P aDd J Sludholm, 3 steeragepassengers and 70 passeugera in transit.

For Maul and Hawaii, per steamer W G Hall,Auyust 5th His Majesty the Kin. Hon W GIni in i J nnnr Kia j i n a a nnrluu, A Buigess, wite aud daughter. Miss Kate H

Rediugton, Mrs J B Jones and family, Mis L j

Kosetnaa, Mrs t l- - tttoiz, v u iiai win, c sylva,A Young, Sr. A Fitzsiinnions, W Muller. E Bruni-aghi-

Miss Kelia Height, Master bak-r- , Mrs HKulhelant, Masters I) and W Hoapiii and about'JO deck

SIIIIII4 ()ll,VThe Norwegian hark Professor Johnnon palled

from Port Towut-nd- , W. T., July 2Sth with acargo of lumber for Hilo, Hawaii.

The tailing of the bark Iron Crag has henpostponed till about next Wednesday.

The steamer Mikaaala will arrivemorning from Kauai and leave again next Tues-day with a party of excursion. ts from Houoluluand Nawillwili for a trip around the island ofKau.ii, stopping one day at ilanalei, Kauai, andarriving here again on Sunday morning.

The larkeutine S. N. Castle and brlgantine W.G. Irwin, now in port are the only sailing ves-

sels that left San Francisco for Honolulu duringtha mouth of July. When the eteamsrdp Mari-posa left for here, July 29th, there were no ves-

sels on the berth it that port for here.

Four Urge pieces of machinery-- boiler beadsfor the new boiler of the steamer Iwalaui ar-

rived from San Francisco by the steMuer Mari-posa August Stfc, consigned to tLe HwnolaluIrou Works, who have the i oi.ract. Tiie boilerwill be ready in about three months.

The steamer C. R. Bishop, Captain Chaney, ar-

rived August Sth from Koolau, via Waialua,with 384 bags rice. 7 7 tags paddy, 150 bags ricebrau aud a well-borin- g machine. Keports veryrouKQ weather at 'Kiiiuku, Koolauloa. Leavesagain next Monday moinlnu at 9 o'clock.

The American bark Will W. Case, CaptainThompson, arrived at San Francisco Jul;' im,alter a paseag tf 23 day from Kahului, Maui.


1887. fourth Year of




Bargains can now be obtained at thePopular Millinery House during the ab-sence of the proprietor, Mr. N. H. Sachs.

Come and bring your friendsto see the mammoth bargains in ladies'hats, from 50c up, at Chas. J. Fishel's lead-ing Millinery House.

Hats, trimmed and untrimmed, at half-pric- e,

at Sachs' store, in order to makeroom for the new stock.

The most wonderful values In ladies' andmisses' trimmed and untrimmed hats everoffered in Honolulu are at Fishel's leadingMillinerv House.

During my absence the entire stock willbe offered at reduced prices in order tomake room for the new stock. N. S. Sachs.


Importers and Dealer in Chineseand Japauese Uooii, 42 XuuhuuStreet.

Have constantly on hand Silk, Satin,Crape, Grass Cloth, Embroidered andHemstitched Silk and Grass-clot- h Hand-kerchiefs, Silk and Crapo Shawls andScarfs.

A great variety of Japanese and Chi-

nese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze and Lac-quered Wares.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tort oisesh ellCard Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold and Silver Jewelry, setting withtiger claws, cat-eye- s and amber, such asScarf Pins, Earrings, liracelets, Neck-laces, etc.

An assortment of Chinese and Japan-ese nick-nack- s and curiosities too num-erous to specify.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Also, just received, ex Hawaiian bark

"Lilian," a large invoice of Ebony andMarble Furniture in sets. Table, Chairsand Settees.

A full assortment of Flower Pots, Arti-ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods, etc.

The public is respectfully invited toinspect our goods. 768 feb2

Cotart Martial Decision.Battalion Orders 12, dated August 3d,

have been posted up in the armory of theHonolulu Rifles. The orders embody thedecisions in the several cases before thecourt-marti- al for "neglect of duty and dis-obedience of orders."

Quartermaster Sergeant W. A. S. Beals,of Co. A, is found guilty and sentenced tobe reduced to the ranks.

Corporal Coghlan, of Co. A, is foundguilty, reduced to the ranks and repri-manded.

Private Geo. W. Miles, of Co. A. is foundguilty and dishonorably discharged fromthe battalion.

Private Alex. Flohr. of Co. B, is toundnot guilty on the main charge, but guiltyof one out of four specifications, aud isordered to receive a reprimand.

Ordnance Sergeant Frank Godfrey isfound guilty and dishonorably dischargedfrom the battalion.

Promotions are promulgated as follows:Sergeant Geo. C. Stratemeyer of Co. A tobe Battalion Ordnance Sergeant, vice F.Godfrey. Sergeant E. W. Wood of Co. Ato be Company Quartermaster Sergeant,vice Beals. Corporal T. B. Murray of Co.A to be Sergeant to fill vacancy.

The court-marti- al is declared to be dis-

solved. All drills are discontinued tillSeptember 13th. except recruit drills, ofwhich there will be two instead of oneweeklv on Monday night without arms,and on Friday with arms. Signed, V. V.Ashford, Lieutenant Colonel commanding ;

Geo. McLeod, Capt. Adjutant.

The Sajrar Market. j

The following is the latest telegraphreport from Now York : Sugar Quietand unchanged: refined, steady: white i

extra C, 5 5 6: yellow, 4' (2 4. : j

mold A, 5js (3 o 15-1- 6: confectioners A,5 13-1- 6: off A, o : standard A, b, :


granulated, 5 15-1- 6 Q 0.

Xllce Jfarkt.Tho " Chronicle" of July 29th has the

following report: Rice Mixed China, !

new, $4 37a &. H 50 2 mats: No. 1 j

China, $o 50 $o So: common mixed,$4 35 4 45: do extra, $6 : Hawaiian, J

H 50 y 100 lbs: Louisiana, $4 25, '


For the Year of Our Lord 1887, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'l Calend'rOR THE

Official and BusinessTOOKTHKR WITH

Full Statistical and

RLATING TO THEGreat tains and expense Lave

make thia Almanac and Directory the rnat useful and compreben- -

sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Couu- -

tries.Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latest

moment.Articles of special value to the Islands have reen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget givat interest inthoir condition asi prospect abroad.

Send in your order

LEWISm rort vrwi.-imp- rt nrt n)m

Staple and Fancy Groceries.-- :o:-

i FRESH GOODSj By even- - steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and coruilt line o

Provisions, Etc- - Etc.til Fatinfaetion guaranteed. Telor.hone No. 240. V. O. Box No. !'!?.

Page 4: 'NTERPRISP...Omaha which Bostonians enjoy." "I presume not, but you will revel in all these intellectual deliehts in the course of time. Professor Sullivan's arm is getting well, and



At Iut-rTlewe- J By a "Reliable Corr-esponds!" of "The f'ltlrmjo Time.

Ilia carl ran thas:3 1 v

JONATHAN' KFEVER.rtrsiopE c Fat Wf. e,y,Peao Hollow. (vultt. Pa

N. b Tc2Tapi Alien Juii-.n's- tsre

"Ma J i-- ra a qurrr buslo- - to yea," !

ll&ii, fcbut iti verv iiale. Eaci in :

was a .r. iLiiaa,frequentJ j , in my r-r- tkt, n-i- e Lit:lu crrce tbat re a trifle oi.tiiit- - c

5 Ic- -t Itrips

' Ltd

.i& rv?jzs? i a:wh--- "' a -

SAN JOSE. CAL , U. S. A.'--A. California IProduction.

:o:- -

Lock I four rr fit pat.eiit-i- , rr.-- tt,

but that's no more tLan the regular vtrulltj r iavtrttigaim', an" I got fa in returnthkt paid riife ten iir-v-- , over, 'ilng otcerthings I fouixJ cat that it's jut as t a-- t jmake a woman weigh .'w pourl- - a itj.uii her up to i'y. At that time fat worr.v-F-iof any size was unkno wn. U'mri't a woiwnin the LiwineMi couM go over 4-- ; without iin br jttieoat. but now; Ju-- t atthat," saifl hi proudly, ns he ;mt'.i ti.t-- t: I

enveloped barn wbi'.-- E.tL-- l caliM h- -r f t.".She's only CV ju-- t now. but ivait till I'mdon ith her and you won't know h-- r. Wiiithey, Ethel?" iai-- l he with some eiithu.-ia.-:- u.

Ethel erpr-- ! h-- r con fi den- - by a 03 ,

girUhb srni.e whi h r ieasure--l La'f a f t orJess.

"But a what is the proe";""As far as the physioior-a- l side go it s

my own secret, r sai 1 Kfver. - an" I couU geta heap o' money for it if I'd ieil. Providedyou've got a fir-- . s ubj-c- t to woik with,all you want h to take fin e of the hurround-in- '

conditions an' jde her my tni-- . I liton a little combination of two -t

that bad a wonderful efT t in tiniu-latinj- f

the liver. Not only that, but itstrengthened the nerv o' the l:zie s;, -- te.01and abnormal: v devf;! v:-'- l the aii l the

Absolutely Pure.Tea ,v-".-r v i.O: i. Arr.weior pur.Ty.

Ftrrra a:. 1 v r.. iiore ec.ftOttJi!tnan U.-- or ! fr: 1 -- , tr-- i cs.r- -. V; sciJ u coca.

Tt it'.o ) o-.- t,-.--; ct short

C'C iUTA- - LiirU tVi4i --v. lvi W&UWN V

MM. T. (OLEMAXi CO .tABenti,SAN rP.ANCV:0, CAL. ii wti

! W. C. PEACOCK & CO.,j

23 Nuuanu street - - - I-Ioiio-Kiln H. I.j Solt! Agents in the Kiwaiiii ItliU'ls for


J. J. BELLI.SON'S j.ure, unojlored, OLD BRANDIES,! COATEf? & C.'. "I'LYMOUTH" CIN.j 11 Y. W. SMITH .v co.-- s 'tiii.-tli:m:- w WI1ISKKY



! Of Milwaukee.! 31 ESSES. B. DREYFUS & CO.'S


recepta'-ulur- rhyli. hi h rr-?-r- i all the nu- - !

t.ritioux part of the food, jiti'-kerl- the o!,.- - j

frtari" acid-.- , wM-- h rniWo ail rhe fat. i

SooYTai I sjof hold o' it I '.tw ff.rtiific ah-a- do' rue, an' I .ii'inf a.--'; v.roi My grad : i

i wuth from J tO to IPn a v.e'-k- , an' I g-- T a j

hteady royal y 0:1 every ose of ?iim, l.-'fi;- j

they ain't no failure-- . Yon ti du'f f L if--. j' f'"ry wj'usn ran !e a iar in thi- l..-i-

nv any more than iti any o?h-i- . l',i' , -n j

i like They're lnn, n.,t nn-'.- " nd i

Mr. Keevf-- i rm Ul-- d in .1 Jo-v- . -- hi- i t

way."How do you t) at thorn in a J h: ion t ' e I

Umirr j

"WU, the fu.-- t. iio .jf y a ''lizi-- h ir1 u- -j

IaHoii. ThT" must 1 nothi.u' around thf-- I" j

ef :f. Th" fu-t- thin I l'v,ki-- i ou for aft'T I

made up my iniii'l wijz a irf). r andafter some travfdm' I pi'-kf- d out n little valley ifi and a quarter

It to j- -t tii- - pla'f. No raihfiad--, J

iki whiit In. no tlf-'iiiih-- . floiioThm'. Thr !

(mm D


EXTRA DRY. We offer for sale at the lowe-- t market rates, a full stock of the most favoritebrands of

Ales, Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs, Ete., Etc.Telephone o. 46. 373 I'. O. Boi SOI.

E ARE NOW PLACING ON THEmarket the ECLIPSE CUVEES of1870 and IS .SO, which for dryness PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd,

D 1 1 1


(The Only RIUbI Blood Poriflr.)A SPECIFIC FOR

BHEUMATISjI,crofula, Salt Rheum,

Neuralgia, Ring Wormad all other Skin, and Blood Disease?.


ires Indexation nd mX 4!ea rilmg fror'ta enfeebled condition of the jtm.

Dr. Martine, of London, the cehted .pf.ciali-t- , .savs of PARDEE'!

EUEDY : " I have used it fort went;.us for Blood Diseases, puch arofula, Halt Kheum, Teter and Cancer

: 1 L cannot recommend it too highly.'i (kj Uev. Dr. Thomas, or Ilongkonp-li'.a, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDY:i wonderful medicine for the Blood

! .tve prescribed it hundreds of timer, arid when driven in tim

wl'.vays cured the patient. 1 ca- -

"iy say that Leprosy will never brea!t on persons who take I'arokk'.w'IjY regularly, and I all je! in countries where T,epros; revalent to take Pardee's IiEMi.i;;i j'r.'ventive.""51 SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS Ifi HONOLULU.

eaUfccl iw

N. F. HUliG ESS,Expressniiin & Drayman,


Port Street Id onolialu:u:

and bouquet are unsurpassed, and are pleased to in-

form you that our efforts in producing a Champagne

competing with the best Foreign Wines, have been

appreciated, dispelling, in a great measure, the pre-

judice against pure native wines. The ECLIPSE will

not only be found in every city in the Union, buthas also found a market in the Republic of Mexico

and on the Continent of Europe, where it is muchappreciated by connoisseurs for its purity, lightnessof alcoholic strength and exquisite bouquet and







rtdet.hono N'. 202.AG RICULTURAL IMl'LE.M I NTPu wWaikiki Bath House! GEN E RAL MERCHANDISE.

A very full and fresh stock, at loweet market r rices.66

As absolutely pure, and they are par excellence the SPARKLING JUICE OF THE GRAPE. Theyare produced precisely as the high-grad- e French Champagnes, by fermentation in the bottle, REQUIR- - j


was plenty o' an' Hover, hm suiiiiv-- s an'auttts. The birds an' the le- - made all thenoirie, an' the vines climb up the veranda ina slow aort of a way that was very ''thin Ibegun with one girl, with her parents' con-en- t,

though I had to take them, too, an' they(jot fat without any pay, but I n led withLT wonderful. Then I iran'-h- ontan'ad-vertised- ,

an' I've had my hands and the houefull ever Bince."

"Do y'i undertake to develop any sub-ject r .

"Not by no mean. Subject., that is thebest kind o subjects, is hard to find. I liketo get 'em when they're children if I can.They must be healthy and not nervous.Your sleepy kind of a girl is the lj-- t kind towork with. The lazier he Is the better. Shedon't want to have any curiosity alout any-thing. Curiosity is what keers mist womithin. Then he' pot to le sentimental in herdlsiKjeitirm. Sentiment is a great developer.Tbi again she must le good naturol andlaugh easy. 'Laugh and grow fat' means agreat deal more in my business than it doeon the cover of a comic almanac. V"hy, Ihad to discharge one of the Icst'rrien I everhad on that acmiit."

"How was that?""His name was Charles, and he came from

Portsmouth, N. H. I hired him first as afarm laborer, but he was so speedy that Iput him Into the 'escort department.' That sfive or sir men I have to take the subjects twalk around the garden. I won't have nobody in my employ, you know, who ain't asiuiler. They must have a natural smile, andhelp make the pla- - cheerful. The troublewith Charlie wa he couldn't (jniile. Thecorners of his mouth dra wed down naturally,heredity done it, I s'jjse, an' be couldn'tunile. 1 spoke to him alxtut it, an' he donehii best, but when he'd figgered out what

was a pretty good smile, he came an'ihowed it to me, an' 1 really felt sorry foihim. It was awful. 'T would ha ve stopjed tx

Waterbury clock. Mo I tM him to ltt it go,an try an' talk pleasant to Yin, but 'twa- - nouse. Fat women is the niort sympatheticthings in the world. They seen Charlie gom'around like a Westchester county Hamlet, an'they legun to worry an' wonder about hisunbappiness, which was dead ugin rules. So1 told him that Fairbanks and him couldn'tagree and we had to part company. Twas apity, though. He know'd hu business to adot."

"Do you give your subjects any book edu-

cation r"I give 'em what education they need.

They all read, of course, but I have to Ik;

very particler as to what they read. I was tellin' you, is a great help, providedit' kept within imaginary limits. I don't let'em read anything sensational, because thatwould make 'em nervous an' quicken the cir-

culation. Hanry James is my best holt.Henry James, to me, is the boss of them all.Why, if you could see me plant oneof my pets out 011 the jxnh in thesunshine Bhadder, with one of James'books in her lap, it would d. jougood. Shell read for a while, say fifteenminutes; then her eyelids'll slip down, thebook'il settle down in her lap and she'll bleeplike ft baby for an hour. Then she ll come toherself, read a few pnges more an' quietlyslip oil again inter dreams. I tell you, ir,wheu I've looked at a row of 'em, all peace- -

ful, all happy, all 8leepin' quietly through ahot afternoon, I've wished I could meet Mr.JotxiM an' tell him what a blessin' he is to histime."

I should think Uicy would want to getmarried." ;

"No. I oducalo "cm out of that. I tell "emthat ambition i3 bigger thing than matri- -


tnony, and after they pass the 400 line an' lw- -

gin to take a pride in their business they neverthink of marry in'. There's except ions, though.I raised o girl from Connecticut Alice washer name and was proud of her. She was aregular delight to me. Had a erfect genius j

of thte W&ikiki litth 1! ill-'.- -. to liiforn ING TWO YEARS' CURE AND RACKING TO PERFECT, but differing from their foreign com-petitors in being neither strengthened with spirit nor flavored in any manner. We claim, and can sub M. W. McCHESEY & SOSS,stantiate our claim, that our Champagnes are the purest Sparkling Wines in the world, and quote fromthe report to a comparative analysis made by the U. S. Department of Agriculture: "Of 200 samplesof wines analyzed, nothing has been found on this continent equal to the ECLIPSE. Containing onlythe normal percentage of alcoholic strength in drv wines 10A ner epnt and onU- - r.1 of RoooLarino cA.

42 and 14 Queen St.,HONOLULU.


no fictitious flavorings." As a stimulant the ECLIPSE bears the highest recommendation of the leading! I 111 llAVfOV Hlirl 1 V llO I PJH I P iTl'nPPVCXA11 UA LL i ClllKl ' T lllOCllO U 1of the United andfaculty States, wherever exhibited for competition with anv other Champagnes, either TI A FILL LINE OFforeign or native, its merits are attested by the highest awards.

We caution you against the impositions of parties East and on the Coast, who are foisting on the mar-ket a 4'gas" or charged wine, under the name of California Champagne. Remember, none are genu-ine except those bearing our name and brand, on both cork and label, and which are sold with the


Ij puMic tLat h(v,;l run the j ,ac at a Orallass it Hiit.

H'.s. CI'.t'ORi ittt ml Jo ;hf ldy patronf the place, ami - iy f.'otl will b? ixiade t

nake it attractive. Tl'r-jyl-S

OKDINCrs j;.V(.(.A(2K EXPIiES.M. x. s.' .vii;i:s, ii:u.,

Ieliver I5.(fc4, :tUli I rlK),t of I.ery Descrip-tion witn . r:i I: hi atil IMwratcli.

Ofticr. HI liinc Street. I(o!ii TelelK:i-- . Stl.

ItcsideiM-e- . Iih Niiinttin Street. INI..... . lTl('iliiK' tr l(eiil.aiee. :t.

Wn. j:7,f l'.tt

JOHN ruiLLirs,Practical IIiuiiImt, (iaslittci


Copporsmith,71 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

IIOIM: Wit Mill'JOIi WOKK J'HOMI-TI.- T1KNM:I) 'H.Hath TuKs, Water C'lesets, Wash Ik. wis, riumh

Hit; Uooli of all kinds alas hatnl.

guarantee of absolute purity.HONOLULU, May 7, 1SS7.

HAMILTON JOHNSON, Honolulu:Dear Sir Iharr made a chemical examination of

the nample of Haraszthy ''vVc" Champagne takenby me'from your store, and Jintl that this nine containsno adulteration whatever, the arid present Leina the nat-ural arid of the grape, while the 'bouquet" and gasjrresent ore such as would rcfni'.from the natural fer-mentation of the wines. Youth very trvly,

OEO. IF. SMITH,Of r,enon, Smith A-- Co., Druggist.


Plantation Stores, Salmon, Beef, Pork, Flour. Beans,Bread, etc.

Fresh arrivals Ly every steamer and sailing: vessel. Sj-eci- inducements? offeredto IVrtUiruese Traders, in a variety of Fresh Goods epj-eciali-

suited to their wanU.iiioiiKsr cami ep.ic e ion

Dry and Green Hides and Goat SkinsI.ARGKST ASSOItTEK ST K"K or iI!OCEl!IES OX Till: ISLAND

TrT.A.Y ftiicl G-HjrVlTS- !.

4-- hii.I 4 1 queen Street, Honolulu. ly

A. PALADIXJ,Wholesale anil Ketail Dealer inr-ver- kind of"rli, .SHlt, NuioKei. fK'li'jel hiiOIriet t IhIi.

Keiuuvei to Clay--t- . Market. Merchant St

res By3

Ores OT T) A TT WINES,SAN t77uiy:t:

WEXXER & CO. JOHN IN" O T TJ Fort StreetHave on i.aii'i F(.r-j- ! uud Homeuimlf


Table and Zinfandel Clarets, Hocks, Riesling, Gutedel,Gerke, Burgundies, Ports, Sherries, Madeira, Mus-

catel, Angelicas and Pure Grape Brandies.for the business. She came to me in May,'SU. rated ot ISO. and when I put her

liKi.'- - : : : ' --.

J vWfirj".

Watchos, BiMcolots, Necklets,Tins, Lockets, Clocks,

Ami ornaments of al! ktiols.

3iIcov and Gold Plate,Kleuxnt Solid Silver TtH Hvt.

SultHMo for I'r "eii tjUon.

tofft i--ymn x&sfrCO.ARPAD HARASZTHY &


A Sr'rj:iVTIVK;t v.

in one of my shows in September, 'S4. tdie whsfdO and Ktill a ri-d- n Well, 6he traveled for afew months till she struck Memphis, Tenn.,and what did 6be do but fall flat in love withthe skeleton gentleman from Ohio. Ho wasa splendid skeleton. Cost I ever r. Lookedlike a lot of slate pencils tied together withthread. I left 'em together there and cameup to te farm for a couple o' months. Theminute I got back to Memphis I knowed some--thin' was wrong. Ho tvas afraid to lockme in the face, and I knew in a minute he'dbeen cuttin' up some monkey shines. Iclapped hinj on the scales and I was staggered, j

Tha villain weighed ninety rounds, and hiscontract with me was for sixty-riv- e at the j

outside. I looked ct Alice, an' she commenced j

to cry. The long and short of it was she'd j

fallen in love with him, they'd got engagedwhile I was awaj', and she'd been giving himpart of her tonic. I discharged him, but it j

was no go. She commenced to pine and fall j

KeMirinif in nil itn Sol A tyupto fi.r

c:"r?Tz,1 Mhiiu: ItoJjtil

Of nil Dew rlptions of Stores, Ranges and Hoiisekeerin; Goas.BOOTS & SHOESO Orders from the other Islands solicited.

Sn. 114 fori St., Ilonoluln.9 .3&wt?

Sole Agent Hawaiian Islands.


away, air rather than lose her I had to let'em get married, an' it ruined 'em both. Theyhad to leave the business. She don't weighoyer 200 to-da- y, and he's close to that figurehimself. TLev thro wed away fame and for- -

Plumbing, Tin, Copper nnd SIh pt lion W orkC7
