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  • Purpose: To inspire class members to follow Jesus

    example in loving and serving


    Love One Another, As I Have Loved You

    Gospel Doctrine Lesson Twenty Three

    In John 13 we read about the Last Super, the Saviors kindness in washing the feet of his disciples, and the institution of the sacrament. Before telling us about what the Savior did, however, John tells us why the Savior did it. Specifically, he gives us four reasons why the Savior served his disciples,

    and why we should serve one another.

    1) John 13:1- Jesus served his disciples because he knew his death was imminent. How would the intensity of your service change if you knew that you would be returning to your Father in Heaven in the next twenty-four hours?

    2) John 13:1- Jesus served his disciples because he loved them. When is the last time that you served someone out of pure, unadulterated love? Not obligation, not expectationjust love?

    3) John 13:2- Jesus served because he understood that his disciples would be sorely tempted and tried over the next 24 hours. Jesus knew that his service would spiritually uplift and strengthen them for the turbulent times ahead. How can you spiritually strenghten others through service? 4) John 13:3, Knowingthat he was come from God, and went to God: Jesus served because he knew who he was and where he was going. How can this knowledge change our own service?

  • Of all the )mes we see the bowing knees of Jesus, none is so precious as when He kneels before His disciples and washes their feet. It had been a long day. Jerusalem was crowded with Passover guests. The spring sun was warm. The streets were dry. And the disciples were a long way from home. One by one they entered the upper room and took their places around the table. On the wall hung a towel, and on the

    oor sat a basin. ACer a few moments, Jesus stood and removed His outer garment. He wrapped a servants girdle around His waist, took up the basin, and knelt before one of the disciples. He unlaced a sandal and gently liCed the foot, placed it in the basin, and covered it with water. One by one Jesus worked His way down the row. The hands that shaped the stars were now covered in lth. The ngers that formed mountains now gently kneaded sore arches. And the one before whom all na)ons will one day

    kneel, knelt before His disciples. Jesus tenderly served his disciples; all the while knowing that within the next twenty-four hours they would abandon him; that the very feet he was washing would run for cover at the rst ash of a Roman sword. Jesus washed knowing that only one pair of feet wouldnt abandon Him in the garden, knowing that Judas wouldnt even make it

    that far. I searched the scriptures for a verse that read, Jesus washed all the disciples feet

    except the feet of Judas, but I couldnt nd one. Imagine that moment, that incredible moment when Jesus silently liCed the feet of His betrayer and washed

    them in the basin. Jesus knew what these men were about to do. He knew that by morning they would bury their heads in shame and look down at their feet in disgust. And when they do, Jesus wanted them to remember how he had knelt before them and cleansed them. Remarkable. He forgave their sin before they even commiLed it. He oered mercy

    before they even sought it. So, more than removing dirt, Jesus is removing doubt. Removing doubt and arming

    His love.

    If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also out to wash one anothers feet. How can you demonstrate this type of love and service to someone in your life this week?

  • Read Matthew 26:26-28

    When you read Matthews account of the Last Supper, one incredible truth surfaces. Jesus is the person behind it all. It was Jesus who selected the place, designated the time, and set the meal in order. The subject

    of the verbs is the message of the event: He took . . . he blessed . . . he broke . . . he gave. . . . And at the Supper, Jesus is not the served, but the servant. Jesus is the most active one at the table. Jesus is not

    portrayed as the one who reclines and receives, but as the one who stands and gives. He was in charge. He was on center stage. And he still is. When you partake of the sacrament, t is the Lords table you sit at. It is the Lords Supper you eat. When the bread is broken, Christ breaks it. When the water is poured, Christ pours

    it. And when your burdens are lifted, it is because the King in the apron has drawn near.

    What did I do during the sacrament today?

    What did Jesus do during the sacrament today?

    Partaking of the sacrament is sometimes the greatest act of surrender we will perform. To partake of the sacrament humbly is to be aware that what you have been given is far greater than what you can give. It is to be aware that were it not for his touch, youd still be hurting and broken. It is the thank you that cannot be silenced. Partaking of the sacrament is a voluntary act of gratitude

    offered by the saved to the Savior, by the healed to the healer, and by the delivered to the Deliverer. How can I improve my sacrament worship?

  • And when they had sung a hymn Matthew 26:30

    Before leaving the upper room to face what would be the most horrific and most harrowing nights in all of history Jesus prepared himself by singing a hymn. The first presidency has said, Hymns move us to repentance and good works, build

    testimony and faith, comfort the weary, console the mourning, and inspire us to endure to the end. They hymn that sung that night was most likely Psalms 118, as that was the hymn traditionally sung at the end of the Passover feast. Study

    the words of this hymn. Jot down any significant and poignant phrases, particularly those that seem most salient in the face of the Saviors impending

    crucifixion. I will write one to get you started.

    The Lord is on my side, I will not fear. For what can

    man do to me?