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Social MediaNews

2014 Issue 4________________


Paul Garbett (Art 1990) is exhibiting at the

Aztecs Exhibition at the Australian Museum.

Aztecs is on show at the Australian Museum till 1

February 2015.

Nolo Phiri (Art 2004) on the cover of the September edition of Carob Magazine, which brings a fresh collection of inspiring stories, interviews and advice.

BASA Awards: Increasing Access to the Arts Award was awarded to Rand Merchant Bank for The National School of the Arts (NSA) Festival of Fame, a five-day celebration of all forms of the arts, taking place throughout the NSA and the Joburg Theatre complex.

This is a great acknowledgement of all the hard work, over many years, of Sonja Burger, Charmaine Stander, the HODS and all teachers and staff who contribute in so many ways, the SGB and its very hardworking chair, and all the learners who put their hearts, souls and beautiful talents into this wonderful event. Well done to you all.

Congratulations to all our learners t h a t p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e Johannesburg Festival for the Advancement of Music. Learners were awarded a Merit = 70% – 79%, Honours = 80% - 89% and Diploma = 90% - 100%. The quality of performers was very h igh and i t re f lec ted the i r dedication and hard work. Some learners participated in more than one category. Some of the c a t e g o r i e s w e r e s o l o performances, which can be one piece, or a full length solo recital, which were three or more pieces in one performance. Once again thank you to all the teachers that prepared the learners for these performances. Well done to all.

Diplomas (90% - 100%):Lebogang Komane - TrumpetKeenan John Meyer - Piano

Naledi Antonia Dweba - ClarinetKeanu Derbyshire - PianoEmelio Derbyshire - Piano

Tshegofatso Mpungose - OboeTshepang Mphuthi - Voice

Sindi Mbatha - Voice Thomas Dweba - French horn

Dawn Ingrid Atkins (Dance 2008) obtained the Top 3rd Year Mathematics for Teachers Award in 2014 as well as becoming a member of the UJenius Club at the University of Johannesburg. Dawn was also awarded the Top Education student in 2014. Members have to achieve and maintain an annual average of at least 75% during their undergraduate studies and must achieve a final mark of at least 70% in each module.

In 2013 she was awarded the Top 2nd Year student for Education and Mathematics for Teachers. In 2012 she was awarded the Top 1st Mathematics for Teachers as well as membership to the Golden Key Association. In 2011 Dawn was awarded Top 1st year Bachelor of Education Achiever. Currently Dawn is conducting the 3rd year functional mathematics tutorial classes. Well done!


Tanja Schmitz (Art 1996) nee Sund was shortlisted at the Astronomy Photographer of the Year Awards 2014, which was held at the The Royal Observatory Greenwich.

Three learners represented NSA in the

EMS (Economic and Management Sciences)

Olympiad. They are:

Lusanda Mapongwana (9C)

Darienne Abrahams (9A)

Nozuko Magxala (9C)

Lusanda came second in the Cluster level and

qualified for the District level, which was held on

12th September. Well done for flying the NSA flag high. We are proud

of you.

Jahn Beukes (Music 1986) wrote the musical

landscape for From Then ‘Til Now which forms part of Playhouse Company’s South African Women’s Arts Festival. It offered

an exhilarating programme of dance

commemorating the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s democracy.

Colin Rock (Art 1998): Designer, Project Leader and Master CabinetmakerColin joined Andy de Klerk Cabinetworks in 2011 and brought with him a wealth of creativity and inspiration. When Colin is not in the workshop designing and crafting beautiful furniture, or onsite ensuring seamless, enduring installation standards, he is in his own workshop where he produces, amongst other things, hand-crafted guitars.

Colin studied fine art at The National School of the Arts and has worked under a number of teachers – including Marc Maingard during his seven-year lutherie apprenticeship – acquiring the fine skills in jewellery and metal smithing that he incorporates in the building of his guitars. His guitars, like all the pieces of furniture and jewellery he crafts, are bespoke art pieces, and when one is made to order it reflects the personality of the person for whom it is being made.

Colin's deeply authentic design ethic fits perfectly with the vision at Cabinetworks to make useful and beautiful objects, imbued with the heart and soul of the craftsman, that stand the test of time.

GOODBYE: Clint Warren Falconer (Cont Music 2004), Dan Patlansky (Cont Music 2000) and Andy Maritz will bid Jozi goodbye

ahead of their European tour starting in October.

Dino Dente (Art 1994) is a qualified pianist, guitarist, vocalist, composer,

songwriter and lyricist and artist specializing in Painting and Drawing.

He is the resident pianist at the following hotels :

The Ritz LondonThe Landmark

Radisson Blu Portman Hotel LondonCorinthia Hotel London

Crowne Plaza St James LondonThe Milestone Hotel LondonThe Rubens Hotel London

Hyatt Regency Johannesburg

The following ex-learners performed at the Dance for a Cure Benefit: Yolandi Olckers (Dance 1999 Grade 11), Kristin Wilson (Dance 2000) and Thoriso Magongwa (Dance 2001). Olckers was one of the headline dancers in this year’s concert. She was a founding member of BTA which disbanded due to a lack of financial support and then joined the then SA Ballet Theatre, based at the Joburg Theatre. Yolandi was doing ‘Me and You’ this year at Dance for a Cure.

Philicity Reeken née Johnson (Drama 1998) is currently a co-host on the popular radio show The Breakfast Express on Highveld 94.7 with Wackhead Simpson.

After matriculating from the The National School of the Arts, she was introduced to a formidable actress who re-ignited her passion for acting. Soon she was acting on such renowned shows as Isidingo, Scandal, Song vir Katryn, Jozi H, Binnelanders, The Mating Game and is best known for the leading role in the sitcom, Coconuts. Her film credits include the role of ‘Khozi’ in Your Dream and Schucks Your Country Needs You.

Besides acting she was also the assistant presenter on a twice weekly Mom's show, Great Expectations and the fashion show, Fashion Future. As a voice artist she has done numerous radio, television and corporate reads, establishing herself as a versatile and competent performer in both English and Afrikaans.

Full bio:

Nicola Holgate (Art 1987) is currently one of the exhibitors at the EKUPHOLENI`s 20 years of Healing celebration // Art Exhibition which is hosted by Alliance Francaise of Johannesburg. Nicola Holgate is a South African, resident of Botswana. She has lived and worked in Gaborone since 2000.

"I am a figurative and realist painter and graphic designer. I am inspired by my community and environment and draw on the use of photography for my paintings.

I have focused on the creation and implementation of many community projects involving human rights and health issues, via the media of graphic design, allowing integration with people beyond the boundaries of traditional expatriate life, allowing personal creative growth and progress by sharing skills. Produ-cing commercial paintings only by commission in the past, I have worked toward changing my primary focus from design to pa in t ing over the las t year culminating in a first solo exhibition in 2014."

Dr. Edward Viljoen (Music 1978) graduated as a Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chaplain in April 1999, received a Doctorate of Divinity from Centers for Spiritual Living and was awarded the much-respected Ernest Holmes Award for exemplary demonstration of the teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes.

Among his passions as a minister is helping other ministers and has served the Ongoing Ministers Education Conference for 10 years. Other passions include music, cats, essential oils, science fiction and leading people on tours to places in the world to experience new c u l t u r e s a n d n e w w a y s o f understanding the Divine.


Same Mdluli (Art 2001) is one of the seven up-

and-coming Johannesburg artists

who will be exhibiting in a group at the Ithuba

Arts Gallery on 07 November, 2014 in


Marigold Petros (Drama Grade 8) took

part in the Shakespeare Schools Festival at

Joburg Theatre during September.

Prof Federico Freschi - middle (Art 1984), a Professor and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), delivered his Professorial Inaugural address with the theme, The Politics of Ornament, in the Council Chambers, Madibeng Building, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus.

The principal casting for the Joburg Ballet’s premiere production of the great classic, La

Bayadère, which opened at the Joburg Theatre for twelve performances in September included Manuel Norambuena (current HOD Dance)

as the Rajah, Nigel Hannah (ex-dance teacher) as the High Brahmin, Shannon Glover (Dance 2003) and Angela Maree

Revie (Dance 2007). Current learners who also performed were Armand van der Merwe (Dance Grade 9) and Phatedi Mello (Dance

Grade 10).

Mika Stefano - middle (Drama 2004) appeared on Tongue in

Cheek, a brand-new talk show on 9 September 2014 on SABC3. The theme of the show was Summer

Bodies. He has also recently been featured on the Legacy Project's

website. The Legacy Project is an initiative that hopes to inspire you

through providing you with unlimited access to extraordinary individuals.

Louw Venter (Art 1993) is aangewys as Beste

Akteur vir die film Konfetti van die

kykNET Silwerskerm-fees op 31 Augustus.

Sharon McMillan (Dance 1990) qualified as an Osteopath at the British School of Osteopathy in London obtaining a Masters Degree in Osteopathy. She treated patients in a general clinic in London for two years and in a number of specialist clinics including patients with HIV, pregnant ladies, elderly and disabled patients. In 2014 she q u a l i f i e d a s a M e d i c a l Acupunctur is t and in 2006 qualified as a level 5 Sport Therapist.

Sharon is an ex-professional ballet dancer from South Africa and has always had an interest in the workings of the human body. After retiring as a ballet dancer, she travelled around Europe for a few years and had the opportunity to work in the Red Sea resort of Dahab where she lived for 7 years teaching scuba d iv ing and furthermore operated a sport therapy practice.

Dorit Osher (Dance 1982) is a psychotherapist living in London.

"I received my Master’s in Clinical Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University and have a graduate degree in Theory and Criticism w i t h a f o c u s i n f e m i n i s t psychoanalytic theory. I have a BFA from York University in Dance with a focus in movement/somatic therapy.

P r i o r t o m y c a r e e r a s a p s y c h o t h e r a p i s t , I w a s a p ro fess iona l con tempora ry dancer. Moreover, I have post-graduate training in parent-child psycho the rapy, body m ind p s y c h o t h e r a p y , s o m a t i c education, eating disorders, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and insight- oriented psychotherapy.

I teach yearly an embodied dance course at Fleming College in Haliburton in the Expressive Arts Therapy Certification program. I am co-artistic director of the Contemporary Dance Collective and co-owner of the Miva Moving Arts Center. I am also co-founder of the London Dance Collective.

My formal education is only part of my psycho-therapeutic training. I t ’ s o f t e n s a i d t h a t psychotherapists are born, not made. In my case, acquiring formal education has been part of the steps but self learning, reflection and my own growth is crucial for me to continue to be a co mpass io n a t e , i n s i gh t f u l , educated, and skilled therapist."


Nompumelelo Mayiyane (Drama 2005)

is one of the cast members for the

upcoming Umoja USA Tour.

Congratulations to the following learners who

were chosen as prefects for the NSA


Orchestra Head: Thomas Dweba, Orchestra Deputy:

Keanu Bowker and Secretary: Lauren


Bianca Le Grange (Music 1999) is the

ambassador for National Book Week 2014.

Karen Zoid (Art 1996) se nuwe program genaamd Die Republiek van Zoid Afrika op kykNET. Dit is ‘n laatnag geselsprogram waar Afrikaans plesierig is. Karen klets met van Suid-Afrika se gunsteling denkers, dromers, en ander brawe, lawwe en opmerklike mense. Berei jouself voor vir ‘n verskeidenheid van interessante mense om jou Dondedagaande mee op te kikker.

Nontando Molefe (Art 2003) was one of the finalists in the 2014

Jewellex Africa Showstopper

competition. She was also the winner at the Riches of Africa Gold

Jewellery Design Competition in 2004.

Peter Mammes (Art 2004) has always had an interest in the macabre and absurdity, he began drawing as a young child and attended The National School of the Arts.

Peter has worked as a puppeteer 's apprentice and a prop maker specialising in making hangman's nooses for a few theatre productions. He has exhibited extensively and has had several solo exhibitions. He went into hiding for a long period to develop a new technique and style, but emerged reinvented with a completely new style of drawing. Peter travels extensively to find the imagery and patterns he uses in his work. Peter has worked for months in different locations so as to assimilate the culture and surroundings of that particular society first in Moscow, Russia and more recently in Varanasi, India where one can see open air cremations. Peter is influenced by Kathe Kolwitz, Helnwein, Van Gogh and Klimt.

David Stein (Art/Drama 1995) has been named new producer at Okuhle Media’s Hectic Nine-9. David Stein started at Okuhle in 2011 as one of Hectic Nine-9’s scriptwriters and soon moved up the ladder to become the show’s insert producer, single handedly managing the regional insert teams around the country to deliver batch after batch of excellent content.

Stein has an Honours degree in English and Film Studies, and qualifications in scriptwriting, digital filmmaking and improvisational acting. He has worked for 15 years as a writer and producer for film, television and education video. He has worked as a teacher in China and a volunteer journalist in Nepal, and produced short films for SAB Miller, the Durban International Film Festival and the Royal Commonwealth Society. His stage plays have been performed at festivals across the country, and received numerous accolades including the Audience Award at the PANSA Festival of New Writing.

Full article:

Award-winning freelance photographer Vanessa Lewis (Art 1993) has been featured on the Dossier website, owned by Mia Ziervogel as the Latest in Fashion/Photography.

Specialising in food, lifestyle, décor and children’s photography, Vanessa's career spans over a decade. Vanessa has published several cookbooks, including Savour, Brookdale Healthy Foods, Canteen – Great British Menu, Beautiful Outdoors and the Tastic Cookbook.

Her portfolio can be found on as well as for specialized toddler photography.

She has won best food photographer at Galliova Food Writer Awards, as well as the Gourmand cookbook award for Best Cookbook Photography in South Africa. She has judged at the Loeries in the Craft: Photography category, and her list of clients includes most local lifestyle magazines and advertising agencies.

Thembi Buthelezi (Art 1999 Grade 11) is the founder of Stock Market For Beginners School in New York.

As one of the most influential and heart centered Wall Street Traders and investing mindset mentors in the world, Thembi’s down-to-earth yet powerful presentations have become renowned. So I didn't graduate matric.

“I took the first job I could find without a matric and that was a telemarketing job for a company that sold stock market investing courses in Johannesburg. That is when I fell in love with the financial markets. I saved up enough money from all my commission, I was very good at sales and started trading the forex markets. I met my husband and moved to the USA. when I got to the USA, I took a GED test that allowed me to a t tend un ive rs i t y. A f te r I graduated from university I moved to NYC to work on Wall Street and I retired at age 27.

At age 28, I started my own financial literacy company and carried on trading the U.S stock market. I now spend 8 months out of the year in Shanghai, China and spend 4 months of the year in Las Vegas, U.S.A.

I'm proud of all the skills and hard work I learned from attending NSA, it taught me how to hustle, think creatively and never give up. While many people thought that leaving high school without my matric was the worst decision I could have made, looking back, I didn't have many options, but it was actually the best decision I made, because I knew I had the resilience to make something great out of my life. I learned these skills through all the late nights I spent having to finish projects for all my art classes.

NSA helped shape the woman I am today and for that I am grateful.”

The trading quote should be, “Trading is 90% mindset and 10% technical and fundamental analysis. “


Chelsea Roebeck (Dance Grade 11) has been partaking in the Roodepoort Dance

Festival with the L'Academie De Dance dance school. She won

the award for Most Promising Tap Dancer and received the Tap


Dance Umbrella 2014: Nonsikelelo Bekwa (Dance 2013) will be performing Tshwe by Thabo Rapoo. Yusuf

Thomas (Dance 2013) will be in Kmad's Death Did Them Part by Vuyo

Mahshe and Mad House by Matsi

Mogotlane (Dance 2011) which are both part of the Stepping

Stones program.

S i z w e M z o l o ( D r a m a 2 0 0 0 ) i s a n entertainment entrepreneur. He represents the generation of innovative thinkers who seek to elevate African music and film content into a leading Global space.

He is an independent artist promoter, manager and exporter. He constantly seeks new opportunities to grow and expand music brands from Africa especially South Africa into the Global sphere. Has been in the music business for over five years and currently manages amongst others the South African Traditional Music Icon and Giant Ihhashi Elimhlophe as well as the dynamic emerging female artist from Southern Africa Ntombi Ngcobo who is an electrifying performer oozing international flair.

Personal vision: "Create a global export network that will expose Artists from South Africa and Africa at large into the rest of the world."

Dawie Claase (Dance 1998) danced professionally with the South African Ballet Theatre upon graduation from The National School of the Arts before going to Asia to join the Hong Kong Ballet in 2000. After retiring from the stage in 2011, he was invited to teach ballet and

flamenco in various studios and schools in Hong Kong, China, and the Philippines.

Dawie also embarked on a career as a body-cond i t ion ing spec ia l i s t and completed his full Level 1 Certification in STOTT© Pilates in 2012. His strengths in this field include rehabilitation work on athletes and dancers. David participated in the Sole to Spine Workshop and Scoliosis and Fascia German Sports Therapy Workshops in 2013. As a Guest Artist at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, he will be conducting Ballet Body Conditioning studio seminars, which will focus heavily on the feet. Currently he holds the position of Senior Instructor at Options Studio and is also an Instructor Trainer for Core Barre™ Smart Movement.

Vele Manenje, left (Drama 2006) is one of the

presenters of Rivoningo, which returns for its 6th season on

SABC2 Mondays to Fridays at 10:30 from 26 August. Rivoningo captures and keeps the child’s attention while teaching them about transport, self-reliance, nutrition, basic reading and

writing skills, arts and culture and technology.


Samson Diamond (Music 2001) was one

of the adjudicators at the 2014 ATKV Muziq

competition in Pretoria on Saturday, 6


Dineo N. Moeketsi (Cont Music 2007) and

Shugasmakx Lebogang (Drama

1994 Grade 9) will be hosting the new reality show on MzansiMagic, My Perfect Proposal. It airs on Thursdays at


Sipho ‘The Real Psyfo’ Ngwenya

(Drama 2001), actor, musician and producer, was recently featured in

The Close Up which aired on eTV on 13 August. The show showcases South African showbiz personalities.

Dr Dalene Swanson (Dance 1979), is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Stirling in Scotland, a Research Associate at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in South Africa, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta in Canada.

A t t he age o f twe lve , Da lene successful ly audit ioned for The Nat ional School of the Arts in Johannesburg specialising in Classical Ballet and Flamenco dance. She also studied contemporary dance, tap, modern, classical Greek, and folk and (inter)national dance, and won several a w a r d s i n d a n c e a t n a t i o n a l

eisteddfods. Dalene completed a Licentiate in Speech and Drama from Trinity College, London, and the Advanced Exam in Classical Ballet through the Royal Academy of Dance, London.

After school, Dalene attended UCT where she graduated in Mathematics (BSc) and Education (HDE; BEd; MEd). She later completed her doctorate at the University of British Columbia in Canada. Dalene taught secondary school mathematics, drama and dance in South Africa and Canada and, for the last several years, has taught and researched at universities in Canada, Qatar, South Africa, and the UK. Her cur rent in te res ts and specialisms span curriculum studies, mathematics education, teacher education, and innovative qualitative research methodologies, as well as other areas of focus such as critical g l oba l c i t i zensh ip , democ ra t i c educa t i on , e th i cs , va lues and knowledge, especially indigenous knowledge forms such as the African philosophy of Ubuntu.

She also specialises in arts-based research methodologies and praxes, and won four major Canadian and international awards for her PhD research applying arts-based and n a r r a t i v e m e t h o d o l o g i e s t o mathematics education in a post-apartheid South African context.

Melissa Schafer (Dance 2012) is attending Dance in Art, in the

Netherlands, for a month of intense training/auditioning.

Lynelle Kenned, Elizabeth Frandsen du Plessis (Music 1991) en Magdaleen Minnaar

vertolk die rolle van die vroue in die opera Poskantoor.

Poskantoor, ’n splinternuwe komiese Afrikaanse opera het

gedebuteer op die Clover Aardklop Nasionale Kunstefees, wat in

Potchefstroom plaasgevind het.

Foto: Jaco Bouwer.

Audrey Rudnick's (Art 1976) name is synonymous with the Pod People, sculpture pieces made out

of palm fronds for which she holds all production, marketing and selling rights under her Patent. In addition to the patent for the Pod People she also holds a second patent for the Skirt People.

There are a lot of very talented artists and sculptors in South Africa, but Audrey is a true creative original Genius, a modern day Picasso and p o s s i b l y S A’s 2 1 s t c e n t u r y Trechikov. In the early 1980s Audrey travelled the world for 7 years and lived in Sri Lanka for a time designing Batiks. She was also employed by a master cartographer

Metla Optics in Switzerland to etch miniatures into their maps and microscopic components such as digital watches and scales.

Audrey will undoubtedly go down in history as a truly great innovative mind in South African Art. She has a small Gallery in Umdloti – The Audrey Rudnick Gallery in which she showcases her work and retails direct to the public.

Proof that a Pod Person is an Audrey Rudnick is that it bears Audrey’s original signature inside the palm Frond.

Suellen de Villiers (Dance 1992) is a senior teacher at the Attitude P e r f o r m i n g A r t s S t u d i o i n Singapore. Suellen developed her interest and passion in dance when she was in The National School of the Arts where ballet, dance and music were part of her subjects.

Upon graduation in 1992, her career as a ballet teacher took flight when she began to teach with the Colleen Rowland School of Dancing, Africa from 1993 till 2003. She choreographed for their yearly show productions and entered for Arts Festivals on a local and

national level. Suellen obtained her Roya l Academy o f Danc ing certificate and since then, she has been entering candidates for the RAD examinations. Apart from ba l l e t , Sue l l en was a l so a reg is tered advance Spanish teacher, graduating from the Spanish Dance Society.

Her years of experience in the dance field, together with her dedication and passion for dance, has helped her much to be a qualified and experienced dance teacher.

Jahn Beukes (Music 1986) wrote the musical landscape for

From Then ‘Til Now which formed part of Playhouse Company’s South African

Women’s Arts Festival. It offered an exhilarating programme of

dance commemorating the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s


Gavin Risi (Art 1981) is exhibiting the rarely seen collage 'Emit' at Twenty: Contemporary Art From South Africa, Turchin Center for the Visual Arts in North Carolina USA from July 2014 to Febuary 2015.

Pieter Bosch Botha (Drama 2003) is a South African actor/director/writer who has been active in the industry since the age of 6 when he landed the lead in a national Opel Monza commercial. Being the son of two well-known actors, he naturally went on to train in Drama at the National School of the Arts for 5 years. He has performed in numerous productions including JACK AND THE BEANSTALK, CINDERELLA, the sold-out comedy hit DAMES & HERE, the musical review SPOOF FULL OF SUGAR at the Old Mutual Theatre on the Square, the off-the-wall cabaret EAT ME!. His television adventures include guest roles in the SABC 2 sitcom, ASKIES!, and the E-TV soap,

BACKSTAGE. In 2008 and 2009 he portrayed the controversial role of Lammetjie Koekemoer on Kyknet’s daily soap VILLAROSA. In 2012 and 2013 Pieter starred in the one-man hit comedy, FULLY COMMITTED, in which he portrayed 36 hilarious characters to unanimous critical acclaim in Cape Town, Grahamstown and Johannesburg. In 2014 Pieter traveled to the Seychelles to perform the role of SIR LANCELOT in a South African production of SPAMALOT – THE MUSICAL. He is currently starring in Nicholas Spagnoletti’s new dramatic comedy, CIVIL PARTING, which has been universally praised by public and media alike. CIVIL PARTING recently received the Standard Bank Ovation Award for artistic excellence and innovation at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.

As a director, he has been responsible for RAPUNZEL, JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH, PINOCCHIO, MADIBA MAGIC, ROOIKAPPIE, LIEWE HEKSIE, DANNY THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD, WASGOED, THE WITCHES, LITTLE BLUE DRESS, NOISES OFF!, THE CAGE FIGHTER, BED HOPPING, I’LL HAVE WHAT SHE’S HAVING…, OF BIRDS & BEASTS, and SUBJECT TO CITIZEN. He created and directed the physical theatre show, HATS, which has received high critical acclaim and has played to full houses at 12 arts festivals since its premiere in 2009. HATS was commissioned to be presented in Afrikaans, as HOEDENS, at the 2011 Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees, and went on to be hailed as the highest grossing physical theatre production at the National Arts Festival in 2010 and 2012. Pieter co-created and directed, ROSE RED, a one-woman show starring Dianne Simpson, which has received a deluge of critical acclaim and has been performed in Grahamstown, Cape Town and most recently the Old Mutual Theatre on the Square in Johannesburg. Recently Pieter co-created and directed the highly acclaimed SWOOP, which enjoyed a sell-out run at Kalk Bay Theatre in 2012 and in Grahamstown in 2013.


There is great excitement at hostel, thanks to Mrs Lizette Rau's generous donation of wooden pallets. The anticipation surrounds the creation of new cinema styled furniture for the hostel TV rooms. Here are some of the senior hostel learners busy with their wooden pallet DIY project.

Now all we need are paint, cushions, duvet covers, etc. Anyone can help us with beautifying the TV-rooms?

Vincent Bones (Contemporary Music

2004) is one of the Top 8 contestants in the SA

Idols competition. SMS 09 to 37400 to vote for


Mahuntsu Mhlongo (Music Grade 9) took 1st place in the district

at the recent Social Sciences Olympiad. He will be training for the

Provincial Olympiad mid October.

Nick L'Ange (Art 2001) is a Cape-Town based freelance illustrator with an adaptable and flexible style, although his specialty lies in cartoons and comic book style illustration. He spent his high school years studying fine arts and design at The National School of the A r t s i n J o h a n n e s b u r g . U p o n matriculating he moved down to Cape Town and enrolled at Michaelis School of Fine Art at UCT, but left to pursue an alternative career in music and sound engineering by studying at City Varsity. However, the scratchy song of the

pencil is forever in his heart, and graphite his bones, digital paint his blood!

Upon completing his sound engineering studies he landed a job at Strika Entertainment, where he worked as a full time illustrator for five years, working on projects for clients such as Caltex-Chevron, MTN, Eskom, SARS and African Bank. In 2010 he made the move to full-time freelancer, doing jobs for c l ients such as Heinemann, M a s k e w - M i l l e r L o n g m a n , a n d Macmillan, as well as a variety of jobs such as storyboarding for TV, and poster design for NGO community uplift projects.

His services include book and magazine illustration, storyboards, designs and layouts, concept art, character design, portraits and caricatures.

Mandla Mlangeni (Music 2004), Wandile Molefe (Cont

Music 2003) and Hlulani Hlangwane (Cont Music

2003) performed at The Orbitt Jazz Club during September.


Matric Dance Awards:Overall Achiever:

Kiruna-Lind DevarBest Spanish:

Lindokuhle MaokoBest Ballet: Cara Rau

Best Contemporary: Lwazi Mzimase

Best Choreography: Tshegofatso Ntshabele

One of the highlights at the recent FNB Joburg Art Fair was the artwork of Robyn Penn (Art

1991) at David Krut. Quinten Edward Williams (Art 2005) also exhibited at the FNB Joburg Art

Fair at David Krut Projects.

Thomas Dweba (Music Grade 10) and Naledi

Antonia Dweba (Music Grade 12) were both elected to play in the

Eisteddfod Gala Concert on Sunday (after achieving A ++

certificates) and then both came home with a trophy. Thomas for Best

Performance of an Orchestral Instrument (viola) and Naledi for

Best Performance of a South African Composer. They are both from the

Doilie Foundation. Congratulations!Corvin Brady (Music 2003) is one of 14 South

African recipients of the Japanese ABE Initiative scholarship. He will be doing his 1 year MBA at

the International University of Japan.

Matric Drama Awards results:

Best Overall Performer: Siba Qoba

Best Mono and Most Hard Working Performer: Sboniso Thombeni

Best Scene: Mahlatse Letoka

The National School of the Arts staged at the Kinder Theatre in Emmarentia. “My house is too small” shadow theatre is a beautiful, meaningful story told with poetic pictures and a fascinating

theatre set.

Face of NSA 2014/2015

Mosie Mamaregane

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