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Nowadays 2Student’s Book and Workbook

First Edition 2020Copyright © Delta LearningISBN: 978-602-070-749-7Printed in MexicoContact: 01800 450 7676

[email protected]

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Publisher: Raymundo Castañeda Rendón

Author: Rose Corespi

Proofreader: Yeny Romero Palomares

Design: Gabriel de la Rosa and the team of Argonauta Comunicación

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Reviewer: Ing. Víctor Manuel Matla Rojas. Presidente local de la academia de inglés CBTIS 268

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Table of Contents

Module 1What Are You Doing?

Project p. 9

Self-awareness (Socio-Emotional Skills) p. 10

Lesson 1 p. 11

Lesson 2 p. 14

Lesson 3 p. 17

Lesson 4 p. 20

Lesson 5 p. 23

Techy Tips p. 26

Nowadays p. 27

Module 2Like It Was Yesterday

Project p. 29

Self-acceptance (Socio-Emotional Skills) p. 30

Lesson 6 p. 31

Lesson 7 p. 34

Lesson 8 p. 37

Lesson 9 p. 40

Lesson 10 p. 43

Techy Tips p. 46

Nowadays p. 47

Module 3When I Was Little

Project p. 49

Being Grateful(Socio-Emotional Skills) p. 50

Lesson 11 p. 51

Lesson 12 p. 54

Lesson 13 p. 57

Lesson 14 p. 60

Lesson 15 p. 63

Techy Tips p. 66

Nowadays p. 67

Diagnostic Test p. 6Multiple Intelligence Quiz p. 7

Verb Lists p. 68Transcripts p. 72

Nowadays is a five-level series, its content is alligned to the updated program for Bachilleratos Tecnológicos.

Nowadays provides students with enjoyable and fast-paced lessons. The series gives students a real sense of progress and allows them to communicate effectively in real-life situations.

Key Features

· Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation with clear introductions and thorough practice

· Integration of the four basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in every unit

· Practice in oral and written communication

· Projects that give students opportunities to use the language creatively

· Integrated ongoing evaluation and reinforcement activities

· Pair work and group work which increase motivation, and foster collaborative learning.


For the student:

· Student’s and Practice Book integrated

· Downloadable audios through an app

For the teachers:

· Teacher’s Book

· Downloadable audios through an app

· Flashcards

· Online downloadable resources

· Digital Book


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Scope and Sequence

MODULE 1 What Are You Doing? Competences

Lesson Week Vocabulary Grammar Reading & Listening Speaking & Writing Portfolio

-Students will communicate, interact, and collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from Communication and Social Sciences as disciplinary fields).

-Students will use the four basic language skills to provide reasonable opinions about different topics.

-Students will use information and communication technology to do research, and share information.

-Students will identify and interpret the general idea and a possible development of an oral or written message in a second language, using his/her previous knowledge, surrounding context, and cultural background.

1 Cleaning Your House Simple Present Review Frequency Adverbs Review

Diane’s Daily RoutineBusy Roommates I Can’t Find It House Cleaning Routine

2 FoodCountable and Uncountable Nouns (many, much, a few, a little, some, any)

Let’s Go to a Farmer’s MarketDo you need anything? At a Farmers Market How much is it?

3 Cold & Hot Weather Clothes Present Continuous (affirmative)Spelling Rules (-ing)

Greetings from the BeachWhat are they wearing?

What are they doing?What are they wearing?

4 Sports and Exercise Present Continuous (negative & interrogative)

The Family AlbumWhat is Yoga? Let's Do Some Yoga Sports Survey

5 My Body

Simple Present & Present ContinuousPresent Continuous with Future Intention

Bones and MusclesWhy are you Crying?

Parts of the Body QuizHappy, Sad, or Nervous

Interdisciplinary project: Geometry and Trigonometry Socio-emotional Skills: Self-awareness

MODULE 2 Like It Was Yesterday

6 Social Media Imperatives How to Start a Vlog Social Media QuestionnaireCommon Commands Video: Techno Vlogger

7 Types of Music To Be in Past Tense Freddie Mercury Were You…?When I Was…

8 Visiting a Farm There Was/There Were A Weekend at a farmUncle John Where I Grew Up Where I Grew Up

9 Action Words Simple Past (affirmative) When I Learned to SkateNot so Good

Not so GoodLast Weekend

10 More Action WordsTime Expressions

Simple Past (negative & interrogative)

A Fantastic WeekendWhat Did They Say? Getting to Know Each Other Someone Special

Interdisciplinary Project: Reading, Written and Oral Expression II Socio-emotional Skills: Self-acceptance

MODULE 3 When I Was Little

11 Olympic Games Past Continuous (affirmative) The Olympic GamesOlympic Games Facts Last Sunday

12 Vehicles and PublicTransportation

Past Continuous (negative & interrogative) Public Transport in Germany What were you doing? Video: What was happening?

13 Unfortunate Events Simple Past & Past Continuous I Need Your AdviceA Bad Day When the Teacher Is Out

14 Childhood Used to Did You Know?Celebrities

Old Habits When You Were Little Famous People

15 Birthday Parties CouldWas/Were able to Katie’s Birthday Party My Birthday Parties

Past Abilities Survey Past Abilities Survey

Interdisciplinary Project: Reading, Written and Oral Expression II Socio-emotional Skills: Being Grateful

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MODULE 1 What Are You Doing? Competences

Lesson Week Vocabulary Grammar Reading & Listening Speaking & Writing Portfolio

-Students will communicate, interact, and collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from Communication and Social Sciences as disciplinary fields).

-Students will use the four basic language skills to provide reasonable opinions about different topics.

-Students will use information and communication technology to do research, and share information.

-Students will identify and interpret the general idea and a possible development of an oral or written message in a second language, using his/her previous knowledge, surrounding context, and cultural background.

1 Cleaning Your House Simple Present Review Frequency Adverbs Review

Diane’s Daily RoutineBusy Roommates I Can’t Find It House Cleaning Routine

2 FoodCountable and Uncountable Nouns (many, much, a few, a little, some, any)

Let’s Go to a Farmer’s MarketDo you need anything? At a Farmers Market How much is it?

3 Cold & Hot Weather Clothes Present Continuous (affirmative)Spelling Rules (-ing)

Greetings from the BeachWhat are they wearing?

What are they doing?What are they wearing?

4 Sports and Exercise Present Continuous (negative & interrogative)

The Family AlbumWhat is Yoga? Let's Do Some Yoga Sports Survey

5 My Body

Simple Present & Present ContinuousPresent Continuous with Future Intention

Bones and MusclesWhy are you Crying?

Parts of the Body QuizHappy, Sad, or Nervous

Interdisciplinary project: Geometry and Trigonometry Socio-emotional Skills: Self-awareness

MODULE 2 Like It Was Yesterday

6 Social Media Imperatives How to Start a Vlog Social Media QuestionnaireCommon Commands Video: Techno Vlogger

7 Types of Music To Be in Past Tense Freddie Mercury Were You…?When I Was…

8 Visiting a Farm There Was/There Were A Weekend at a farmUncle John Where I Grew Up Where I Grew Up

9 Action Words Simple Past (affirmative) When I Learned to SkateNot so Good

Not so GoodLast Weekend

10 More Action WordsTime Expressions

Simple Past (negative & interrogative)

A Fantastic WeekendWhat Did They Say? Getting to Know Each Other Someone Special

Interdisciplinary Project: Reading, Written and Oral Expression II Socio-emotional Skills: Self-acceptance

MODULE 3 When I Was Little

11 Olympic Games Past Continuous (affirmative) The Olympic GamesOlympic Games Facts Last Sunday

12 Vehicles and PublicTransportation

Past Continuous (negative & interrogative) Public Transport in Germany What were you doing? Video: What was happening?

13 Unfortunate Events Simple Past & Past Continuous I Need Your AdviceA Bad Day When the Teacher Is Out

14 Childhood Used to Did You Know?Celebrities

Old Habits When You Were Little Famous People

15 Birthday Parties CouldWas/Were able to Katie’s Birthday Party My Birthday Parties

Past Abilities Survey Past Abilities Survey

Interdisciplinary Project: Reading, Written and Oral Expression II Socio-emotional Skills: Being Grateful

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1. Unscramble the sentences.

Example: do / They / . / never / exercise

They never do exercise.

a) grandma / visits / . / often / his / He


b) is / . / She / always / right


c) with / go / I / out / . / sometimes / friends / my


d) early / arrive / . / usually / We


e) often / is / busy / . / Richard


2. Write the opposite.

a) Happy ______________________________________

b) Noisy _______________________________________

c) Beautiful ____________________________________

d) Strong ______________________________________

e) Tall _________________________________________

f) Slim ________________________________________

g) Healthy _____________________________________

h) Friendly _____________________________________

i) Expensive ___________________________________

j) Hot ________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences using was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.

Example: Amy was an excellent student in high school.

a. I met her when she ____________________ twenty-one years old.

b. Barak Obama ____________________ the president of the United States of America.

c. Yesterday it _____________________ raining, it was hot and sunny.

d. _____________________ you a good student?

e. They _____________________ paying attention and the teacher got angry.

4. Write the past form of the following verbs.

a. go _______________________________________

b. do _______________________________________

c. have _______________________________________

d. study _______________________________________

e. wash _______________________________________

Are You Ready?Diagnostic Test

How Much Do You Know?


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How many ways are you smart?

Step 1: Read each statement below.Step 2: Rate each statement from 0 to 5 according to how well the descriptions fits you (0 = Not at All to 5 = Very True) Step 3: Following the color code, add the numbers to find the total score for each multiple intelligence area. The highest possible score in one area is 15 .









MATH.Which of the following are true about you? 0 - 5

I enjoy singing and I sing well.

I love crossword puzzles and other word games.

I like spending time by myself.

Charts, maps, and graphic organizers help me learn.

I learn best when I can talk over a new idea.

I enjoy art, photography, or doing craft projects.

I often listen to music in my free time.

I get along well with different types of people.

I often think about my goals and dreams for the future.

I enjoy studying about the earth and nature.

I enjoy caring for pets and other animals.

I love projects that involve acting or moving.

Written assignments are usually easy for me.

I can learn new math ideas easily.

I play a musical instrument (or would like to).

I am good at physical activities like sports or dancing.

I like to play games involving numbers and logic.

My best way to learn is by doing hands-on activities.

I love painting, drawing, or designing on the computer.

I often help others without being asked.

I enjoy being outside in all types of weather.


Having quiet time to think over ideas is important to me.

I read for pleasure every day.




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What Are You Doing?


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What Are You Doing?

Subject: Geometry and Trigonometry

Interdisciplinary Project

Vocabulary: triangle / triangle properties / side / angle / rigid structures / perimeter / formula / area / volume / digital / calculate / solid objects

Preparation: Look up the meaning of the keywords and write down the definition.

Presentation:Make a PPT presentation and present it to the class.

Procedure:Choose a partner. You both should work on three different, solid, triangular objects to calculate their perimeter, area and volume using the corresponding formulas. Explain the three different types of triangles and why triangles are used as rigid structures in buildings.

Self-evaluation (in pairs*)Item 5 4 3 2 1

We worked collaboratively, every member did his/her part.

We did a deep research on the topic.

We spoke in English during the presentation.

We used visual materials (images or videos) to present the topic.

The presentation was clear. Our classmates understood our opinion.

5= excellent 4= very good 3= good 2= enough 1= hardly enough

*Students will evaluate themselves as a couple. 999

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Activity: Complete the following chart according to yourself.

Reflect and Discuss

With your classmates and teacher, talk about the talents, skills, and qualities that you all have, and the importance of identifying them and demonstrate them.

Self-awareness offers many benefits to help us live a happier life. When we know ourselves, we are able to see all the different elements that make up our personality. In this activity, we will work with our talents, skills and qualities.Before doing the activity, check the vocabulary you don’t understand with your teacher.Let’s start by defining what these things are. • Talent: a special, natural often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude.• Skill: the ability to do something well.• Quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone.For example, someone could have an excellent physical coordination (talent), he/she could be a great volleyball player (skill), and he/she could be really good at encouraging others (quality) and therefore, be chosen as the captain of the volleyball team.



My strongest talents are:

My strongest skills are:

My strongest qualities are:

How I use them or demonstrate them:


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Cleaning Your Housea. Write the corresponding word under each picture. Listen and check your answers. (Track 2)

b. Match the vocabulary words in exercise a to the activities. Write the corresponding number in the circle.



broom mop dustpan vacuum dust cloth sponge bucket trash can paper towels dish soap window cleaner feather duster

1. ______________________

5. ______________________

9. ______________________

2. ______________________

6. ______________________

10. ______________________

3. ______________________

7. ______________________

11. ______________________

4. ______________________

8. ______________________

12. ______________________

wash the dishes

take out the garbage clean the windows dust the furniture

vacuum the rug sweep the floor mop the floor


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c. Use the prompts given to write sentences in Simple Present.

1. She / not / wake up / before 10:00 am / on Sunday

2. My brothers/ play soccer / after school / every day

3. Mike / cook / well / ?

4. You / drive to work / every day / ?

5. You and your sister / sleep / in the same room ?

6. I / not / like / spicy food

Frequency Adverbs Reviewd. Rank the expressions from 1 (the most often)

to 5 (the least often). Compare your answers with a partner.

1. ______________________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________________4. ______________________________________________________________________5. ______________________________________________________________________

e. Answer these questions using frequency adverbs.

Example: How often do you take a shower? I always take a shower in the morning.

1. How often do you go to the dentist?


2. How often do you visit your grandparents?


3. How often do you play video games?


4. How often do you wash the dishes?


5. How often do you read a book?


6. How often do you go out with friends?


7. How often do you go shopping?


Simple Present ReviewRemember: We use the Simple Present to

describe routines and everyday facts.


Affirmative: Subject + verb (+s/es) + complement.

Jenny mops the floor every Saturday.

Negative: Subject + don’t/doesn’t + verb + complement.

My brother doesn’t like to take out the garbage.

Interrogative: Do/Does + subject + verb + complement?

Do you wash the dishes after lunch?

rarely never sometimes always usually


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f. Listen to all the activities Diane does in a regular day. Organize the sentences from 2 to 8 as you listen. (Track 3)

Diane’s Daily Routine____ I usually take the bus to school.

____ I always wake up at 5:30 am.

____ I get a quick shower.

____ I usually have some fruit and cereal for breakfast.

____ I take French lessons.

____ I always go home, eat with my family and do my homework.

____ I usually watch something on Netflix or YouTube.

____ I sometimes go jogging.


g. Read and complete the text with the words in the box. Then, listen and check your answers. (Track 4)

Busy RoommatesHi my name is Adam. I live with three roommates in a big apartment. We all share the household chores. Every day, we (1) ____________ our beds before leaving. We also (2) ____________ the dishes daily. On Saturdays, we clean the apartment and (3) ____________ the laundry. We all (4) ____________ early in the morning and go to the laundromat near the apartment to do the laundry. We usually have something to eat nearby while we wait. When we get back to the apartment,


we all have something to do. Ted (5) ____________ the garbage out and (6) ____________ the rugs. Freddy (7) ____________ the plants, (8) ____________ the furniture and cleans the windows. Eddie, (9) ____________ and (10) ____________ the floor. I am in charge of cleaning the two bathrooms. When we all finish, we usually (11) ____________some food and watch a movie or a soccer game on TV. On Sundays, we (12) ____________ to the supermarket.

make wash do wake up take vacuum water dust sweep

mop order go

h. Practice the following conversation with a partner. Then, create new dialogues substituting the words in bold. Use the vocabulary words on page 11.

I Can't Find ItA: I can’t find the broom and I need to sweep the

floor.B: I’m sorry. I don’t know where the broom is. We can

buy one tomorrow.A: But today is Monday, and I always sweep the floor

on Monday.


Writing Portfolio

i. Write a short paragraph about your family routine when cleaning the house. Write who does what and how often.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

House Cleaning Routine