Download - that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming

Page 1: that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming

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Next Meeting September 12th, 3PM The Value of Travel Apps

Doug Sebring, OMUG

Inside this issue—Ban On Smartphones, Too Much Sitting, and more................................. 2Get Rid Of PUPs............................................................................................................... 3Why Do Schools Use Macbooks When They’re More Expensive ........ 5A Guide To macOS Mojave’s New Screenshot Tool ................................... 6Our Iceland Journey— a much varied land .................................................. 8 SE



West Fjord, Iceland, photo by Lorraine Wieskamp

Page 2: that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming

Banning the Use of Smartphones and TabletsThere has been a growing concern that children are spending too much time on their smart-phones. In fact, Apple is introducing Screen Time in iOS 12 so parents can regulate smartphone use. Since 2010, France has banned the use of smartphones and personal tablets by students while they were in class. Students were allowed

to use their devices between classes and at lunch. With new legislation being introduced, the ban will be extended throughout the day. France is hoping the ban will put an end to problems such as sleep deprivation and cyber-bullying. It’s certainly worth a try.

Too Much SittingWhen Apple Watch introduced the stand reminder in 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook described sitting as “the new cancer.” Since I’ve owned my Apple Watch, I am reminded to stand up and move if I’ve been sitting for too long.

To help their employees live a more active life-style, all the employees at Apple Park headquar-ters have been given their own standing desks. They alternate from their sitting desks to their standing desks. Apple believes in “embedding the company’s core values into its new HQ”.

Baseball and the iPad Being raised in New England, I always have been a Red Sox fan. When I saw an article about how an iPad helped J.D. Martinez with his swing, I was intrigued. The Boston Red Sox slugger studies batting practice footage on the iPad to make him a better hitter.

Every batting practice session that J.D. Mar-tinez takes is filmed by two iPads mounted on either side of the batting cage. Red Sox video coordinator Billy Broadbent aims Martinez’s per-sonal iPad at the batter’s box and later the player studies the footage on it. Martinez watches the mechanics of his swing from all angles. Martinez has become one of the best hitters in the American League since he started using the iPads, but he’s arrived there through diligent study in conjunction with the devices. He tells everyone that he’s not a natural hitter. He’s a trained hitter.

Marilyn Kennedy, OMUG President

September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 2

President’s Message

by Marilyn Kennedy

Here We Go Again!Now that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming attractions. I try not to get too excited because I never use all of the new features. I just pick and choose certain ones that I think will help me.

I’m looking forward to trying Dark Mode in macOS Mojave as well as desktop Stacks. I have a feeling that Stacks is going to take some getting used to, but I’ll give it a try. Here’s a YouTube video explaining how to use Stacks. You too may want to give it a try.

Ban on Smartphones; Too Much Sitting; Baseball /Pad; Here We Go Again!

Page 3: that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming

September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 3

A Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) is software that contains adware, often hijacks your browser by installing toolbars that you don’t want, or has other unclear and nefarious objectives.

Get Rid of PUPs by Phil Davis

A PUP is just one of many threats that we encoun-ter if we are not careful. These include Unsolicited or Suspicious Browser Changes, Hard to Uninstall software, and Trackware. If you want to see a non-alarmist, data-driven, and realistic assessment of the existing malware threat environment for the Mac platform watch an hour-long presentation by Thomas Reed of Malwarebytes. Recorded at the 2018 MacAdmins conference at Penn State University, Reed uses hard data found from the Malwarebytes scanner and removal tools, to offer a “data-driven look” at existing threats to the Mac.Read more and watch video….What makes a PUP different from other malware is that the user gives consent to download it. When you download a program from the internet and neglect to read the download agreement, you may fail to understand what other unwanted pro-grams are being downloaded. Sometimes you click on a link that seems to be safe and/or useful and you end up downloading a PUP. A PUP often gets on your computer with free-ware software that bundled it into their installa-tion package. These unwanted programs are also bundled within the custom installers on many download sites (i.e: CNET, Brothersoft or Softonic, etc.). So, if you have downloaded software from one of these websites, chances are that a PUP was installed during the software setup process. The best advice is to never uses these “software ag-gregators.” If you see a program you want, get it from the developer’s site or from the Mac App Store. Usually, PUPs are programs that display pop-up advertisements when you open a web page.

The advertisements will be shown as boxes con-taining various coupons that are available, as underlined keywords, pop-up ads or advertising banners. The ads try to trick you into installing additional questionable content including web browser toolbars, optimization utilities, and other products. The whole point is to generate “click-throughs” to bring revenue to the PUP’s creator.

When infected with a PUP common symptoms include: • Advertising banners are injected with the web pages that you are visiting. • Random web page text is turned into hyperlinks. • Browser popups appear which recommend fake updates or other software. • Other unwanted adware programs might get installed without the user’s knowledge.

What Can I do to get rid of these? 1. Identify and remove any malicious program that might be installed on your machine. 2. Remove unwanted extensions from your browser. 3. Scan and clean your device with Malware bytes Anti-Malware for Mac.Some of the known malicious and junk apps:MacKeeper, Advanced Mac Cleaner, MacSaver, Mac Tonic, MacVX (and variants like MacVaX), MacCaptain, MacPriceCut, SaveOnMac, Mac Global Deals or MacDeals, MacSter, MacXcoupon, Shop Brain, PalMall, MacShop, MacSmart, News Ticker Remover, Shopper

Helper Pro, Photo Zoom, Best YouTube Down-loader, ArcadeYum, Extended protection, Video download helper, FlashFree or GoldenBoy, FakeFileOpener, FlexiSpy, ZipCloud, JustCloud, BackupGenie, MyPCBackup, ScanGuard, Mac Ads Cleaner, MacAdwareCleaner.Unfortunately, the aforementioned is not a com-plete list -- there are others out there. a


• Remove Pop-up Ads, Redirects, or Viruses

• Is This Website Safe

• Symantec Glossary of Terms


Page 4: that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming

September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 4

by— edited for space

Here is how you can see the UV Index of any place, location, or destination, all right from the iPhone:1. Open the “Weather” app on the iPhone2. Weather will load for the current location, but optionally you can swipe to access the location of elsewhere you’d like to check the UV Index for.3. Scroll down on the location screen of Weather app to reveal extended weather information4. Look for “UV Index” to see the UV index infor-mation for that location. There you have it, now that you know the UV Index of a location, and you can be more pre-pared with sunblock, hats, sunglasses, a welders mask, solar panels, or whatever other UV expo-sure precautions you want to take. Or maybe you just want a tan, in which case finding the highest UV Index of a destination may appeal to you. Optionally, you can use the cool Spotlight Weather search trick to type in any location name (for example, “New York City”) and then tapping on the Spotlight search re-sult. This will open the location in the Weather app where you can find added details, including forecast, and UV Index, but without having to add any additional locations to the Weather app. a

View unedited version—

by Justin Pryce,

Apple’s line of portable computing devices has expanded greatly in the last decade ever since the launch of the first iPhone in 2007. Apple’s iOS line of products has gained so much popu-larity that most people when they think of Apple, the iPhone and iPad are the first things to come to mind. But let us not forget where Apple started. From humble beginnings in a garage in Silicon Valley, Apple made their name known with the introduction of the Apple personal computer later to be known as the Macintosh or the Mac for short. The Mac is the original brainchild of Apple Inc., and it is the Mac where all the inspiration behind the features that comprise Apple’s other prod-uct lines is derived from. These features that we all have come to love and depend on so much in our day to day lives would not exist if it were not for the development of the Mac. Apple’s portable line of products has become much more useful and powerful in recent years to such an extent that one does not require a conventional com-puter such as a Mac or PC to perform most tasks. This does not mean the death of the conventional computer is close. What this does mean is that there exists a movement toward purpose-built devices that perform a few single tasks extremely well and a movement away from devices that can do everything. The Mac will always have a place in Apple’s di-verse line of products as it still can perform every task that we require out of our computing de-vices. The iPad and iPhone may be a replacement for the Mac for some individuals that only require some specific features, however, the Mac will al-ways be top dog. a

from Papa Andy, contributor to discussion on photo blog—

My wife, co-conspirator in photography, and best friend, a/k/a “Grammy” has been taking care of our 9 and 11 year old grandsons in Virginia and came up with a fun idea that they are really enjoying. She has taken them on a couple of “photo sa-faris” this week, which is basically her normal rec-reational pursuit of driving around country roads and stopping to shoot whatever appeals to her. The littles get to tell her where to turn (something my dad used to do with us on Sunday drives), and everyone gets to say “I see something!” when they see a place, view, animal, or object that they want to shoot. Grammy pulls over safely, and they all get out and try to take pictures - Grammy on her DSLR and the littles on their phones. They get back in the car and keep rambling, turning where each kid suggests in turn, and stopping for treats like an ice cream cone or some fine Dollar Store shopping. When they come to a place where they can walkabout, they stretch their legs and shoot some more. When they get home, Grammy up-loads everything onto her tablet, and they sit on the couch together deciding which ones they want to enhance. She then sends them to Papa Andy, so he can see where they’ve been on safari. It’s more fun when they call it a safari. It’s kept a couple of energetic kids occupied and entertained for several hours so far in their first week off from school (You don’t overdo anything with little ones, I’ve long ago learned), and they’re very proud of their work. They’re also learning a bit to “see” and to compose, crop, color, etc. Most kids these days have phones with de-cent cameras and some editing capacity, so they can join right in. And Grammy still gets to go on her photographic rambles. It’s better than teaching them how to take duck face selfies! a

One Man’s Opinion— A Shift In Computing Devices—

See the UV Index of a Location with iPhone Weather App—

Getting The Kids Thinking Photographically—

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September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 5

more intuitive. A lot of the tools for Windows are extremely legacy and because they have to sup-port older hardware and software, are unintui-tive. The tools for Mac are robust and newer. After the lifecycle of the computer (in schools typically 4 years), Macs were still worth some-thing. A four-year-old Windows laptop might be worth a tiny fraction of its original value and more likely, you’d pay someone to take them away or donate them and write it off on taxes. Macs hold their value and even hard used school laptops can be sold for close to 40% of their original pur-chase price. If the school does end up donating them, the tax write-off is even bigger. We used to write up reports, with sources and citations, a dozen pages or so long, but this sums it up as best I can. Macs work better and cost less for schools and organizations. The only real con-tender for this, especially for younger children, is Chromebooks, which are doing fairly well in edu-cation, but that’s taking a bite out of iPads more than Macs.Footnote—[1] Debate over: IBM confirms that Macs are $535 less expensive than PCs a

Buying higher quality Windows-based laptops requires paying prices that are similar to Macs, especially when Macs are bought in bulk with Apple’s discounts. Macs are easier and cheaper to support, requir-ing fewer IT staff (my company was often con-tracted to handle support with just a few days a week, meaning many schools didn’t have to hire full-time IT), less infrastructure, and less after-mar-ket software to secure them. AppleCare, which is also heavily discounted, provides additional sup-port options and they are much easier to use than Windows OEMs equivalents. Mac software tends to be cheaper or unneces-sary altogether. No need to buy Office and Adobe apps when equivalents come bundled with the Mac. Even the software that is needed tends to be cheaper, better made, and easier to support. Macs can run Windows; only Macs can run macOS. This means that it’s rare that you’ll find yourself in a situation where you can’t run soft-ware on your Mac, but the opposite is not true if you go the Windows route. MDM (Mobile Device Management) tools were pioneered on Apple devices, starting with iOS and BYOD (bring your own device) and as a result, are simply better and

Why do schools use Macbooks when they’re so much more expensive than

Windows laptops?This is a post from Quora by Michael Vogel that may be of interest to those of you that are consid-ering a new computer. Michael Vogel is a former Apple Engineer at Edu-Tech (2014-2016). Why do schools use Macbooks when they’re so much more expensive than Windows laptops? Because they are not. Macs are actually signifi-cantly cheaper than Windows laptops. [1] I worked for a technology consulting firm be-tween the years 2014–2016. We worked primarily for private schools that, while they tended to have more money than public schools, we’re always looking for ways to save money. We performed extensive analysis of the costs of various plat-forms and we found, overwhelmingly, that Macs were the most cost-effective. This is based on the multiple vectors, but most notably because busi-nesses and schools take cost of ownership into account, whereas most consumers do not (even though they should). Macs are more robust physically and less prone to failure based on physical damage, especially with the switch to SSDs.

Feature Article—

by Michael Vogel– writing on

Why do schools use Macbooks when they’re more expensive

Choose Multiple Photos on iPhone & iPad with Tap & Drag Gesture—With the iOS drag and select gesture, you can choose as many photos as can be seen on screen, which you can then share, add to a folder, move, or perform other actions with.1. Open the Photos app in iOS and go to any album, or the Camera Roll.2. Tap on the “Select” button.3. Now tap on the image to start, and continue to hold down while dragging elsewhere on

screen to another image, lift to stop selecting images. Once the multiple images are selected in Pho-tos app, you can share them, transfer via AirDrop to a Mac or other iOS device, move them into different folders, save to the Files app and iCloud, and much more.

This article originally appeared on OSXDaily. To see the complete article, click this link.

Page 6: that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming

As part of our continuing research into the features of macOS 10.14 Mojave, we recently showed you how to use Quick Actions, a new feature that allows users to work on many file types without launching the default app and also has a connection to Automator for creat-ing custom Quick Actions. Today we’re going to highlight another Mojave improvement — the screenshot tool.Invoking the Screenshot Toolbar—In the past, Mac users could use Command-Shift-3 to take a screenshot of the entire screen or Command-Shift-4 to capture a specific area of the screen. Those shortcuts are still available in macOS Mojave, but a new shortcut — Com-mand-Shift-5 — displays all screens and record-ing options in a transparent floating toolbar (see screenshot below):

Once the toolbar is available, there are a number of ways to capture a Mac screen. From left to right on the image above, those are:

• Capture Entire Screen (as a PNG image file)• Capture Selected Window• Capture a Selected Area• Record Entire Screen (as a video)• Record Selected Area

Screenshot Options—Clicking on the Options button on the Screen-shot Toolbar reveals a menu with a number of options for where to save the screenshot or

September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 6

• Highlight (only available on PDFs)• Add signature• Change line type and thickness• Select drawing color• Select text color• Select typeface, style, color, and justification• Rotate 90° clockwise• Rotate 90° counterclockwise• Crop the image

On the far right of the expanded thumbnail (not visible in the screenshot of the markup tools) are three options: Done (which saves the file as marked up), a trash can for deleting the screenshot, and a share button for immediately sending the image through Mail, Messages, and AirDrop or adding it to Notes or Photos.

Capturing Screen Videos—Capturing screen videos with the new screenshot tool in macOS Mojave is also simple and quite use-ful if you want to show someone how to do some-thing. To do so, the user invokes the screenshot toolbar with the Command-Option-5 shortcut, then clicks one of the two video capture buttons. As noted earlier in this post, the user has the choice to capture video just from one small selection on the Mac screen or from the entire screen. Once the recording begins, a small “stop” button appears in the menu bar. Click that, at the recording appears as a thumbnail. Click the thumbnail, and a tool for trimming the video clip appears. Like screenshots, the videos can be shared immediately through a standard share sheet. — go to pg. 10

Feature Article—

by Steve Sande on OWCs Rocket Yard — edited for space

A Guide to macOS Mojave’s New Screenshot Tool

video, the defaults being the Desktop, Documents folder, Clipboard, Mail, Messages and Preview. Clicking Other Location… allows the user to select another location to save those files. In the screenshot of the menu at right, the Downloads folder has been added to the Save to location list. Next, the user has the option to time a screenshot. The shot can be captured immediately, in 5 seconds, or in 10 second. The timed screenshots are helpful if you need to capture an image of a menu, for example. While counting down, the Capture button appears on the screen showing the remaining time until the screenshot is taken. The final three options are Show Floating Thumbnail, Remember Last Selection and Show Mouse Pointer. Show Floating Thumbnail makes macOS Mojave screenshots act similar to iOS 11 screenshots. Once the screenshot is taken, it hovers in the lower left of the Mac screen and can be acted upon. Click on the thumbnail, and it expands on the screen showing a complete set of markup tools. (See below).• Draw with pen• Draw with thick pen• Add shape (including lines and arrows with Bezier curve points)• Add text

Page 7: that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming

cause your device to crash or lock up frequently. Here’s how you can iden-tify those troublesome apps —more, link 6

Download All Photos & Video from Your Instagram Account— Ever wonder how you can download all of your photos from Instagram? Now you can easily download all Instagram photos, videos, along with images and movies from your Stories, as well as direct messages pictures, data, and media, comments, profile info, and other information related to your Instagram account. —more, link 7

How to Install FTP on MacOS Mojave & High Sierra— by

Mac command line users may have noticed that FTP is missing from the latest versions of MacOS system software, but despite FTP not being included in newer versions of system software by default, you can still install FTP on Mac OS if you need to use an FTP client or run an FTPD server for —more, link 8

Play MP3 or Audio With-out Adding to iTunes Li-brary on Mac— by Want to play an mp3, m4a, or audio file on a Mac, but you don’t want to add that MP3 or audio file to your iTunes Library? There are a few differ-

September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 7

10 Tips To Quickly Improve Your iPhone Photos— Posted by Emil Pakarklis, iPhone Photography School It can take YEARS of hard work to re-ally master iPhone photography.But, you probably want to take bet-ter photos now…here is an article to help you take stunning photos today— link 1

Check if System Integrity Protection (SIP) is Enabled on Mac— from osxdaily.comSystem Integrity Protection (SIP) locks down certain Mac OS system folders to prevent modification, execution, and deletion of critical system-level files on the Mac, even with a root user account. While the SIP security feature is enabled by de-fault on all modern Mac OS releases, you may find yourself in various situ-ations where you need to check SIP status —more, link 2

Check Voicemail from Blocked Numbers on iPhone— from

As you likely know, you can block phone numbers from calling an iPhone and contacting your iPhone with the Block Contact feature. But did you know that blocked numbers and blocked contacts can still leave you a voicemail, and that you can check that voicemail left by blocked callers? Despite blocking a contact or phone number —more, link 3

ent ways to accomplish this task; one approach allows you to play an au-dio file in an iTunes playlist without copying it to the —more, link 9

How to Search Email on iPhone and iPad Mail— by osxdaily.comDid you know the Mail app for iOS has a Search feature? Indeed the iPhone and iPad Mail apps have a search capability, but it’s not visible by default and instead, the function-ality is hidden behind a gesture, and thus many users don’t even know a find feature exists for emails on their iOS devices —more, link 10

25 New MacOS Mojave Wallpapers— by osxdaily.comThe latest version of macOS Mojave includes some beautiful new wallpa-pers of desert scenery, flowers, and abstractions, but you don’t need to install macOS Mojave beta or be running macOS Mojave to be able to enjoy the lovely images, and the wallpapers look fantastic on any other Mac, Windows PC, iPhone, iPad, Android device, Linux — link 11Editor’s note– Lovely, beautiful, fantastic??? I think some of these should be classified as screen savers not desktop images.

THIS AND THAT HOT L I NKSHow to Delete a Reminder on iPhone and iPad— from osxdaily.comMany people will mark a reminder item as complete when they’re fin-ished with it. That’s fine, but marking a reminder as complete doesn’t actu-ally delete the reminder from the list on an iPhone or iPad, and so the reminder will persist in the Remind-ers app list it originated in —more, link 4

Disable Location Services on iPhone and iPad Completely— from The Location Services capabilities of iPhone and iPad allow the devices to use onboard GPS, Wi-Fi, cell tower location data, and Bluetooth to determine the location of the iPhone or iPad. With iPhone, this location data can be pretty much exact, plac-ing the location of the iPhone (and potentially you) perfectly on a map thanks to GPS and cell tower trian-gulation. But not everyone is thrilled with their location being used —more, link 5

Finding and Banishing Problematic Apps on iOS Devices— by Steve Sande, Rocket Yard blog, Having a bad app or two on your iOS device can really affect your relation-ship with your iPhone or iPad. If an app is poorly written or buggy, it can reduce battery life, take up more lo-cal storage than necessary, and even

Please note— for those of you not using a pop-up ad blocker, when accessing hot links you may see an ad for MacKeeper, DO NOT CLICK ON IT !

Page 8: that September is here, we’re all anxiously awaiting macOS Mojave and iOS 12. We’ve been bombarded with articles of coming

September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 8

OUR ICELAND JOURNEY— By Lorraine Wieskamp— edited

Arctic Terns – they nest in the ground and are very protective of their nests, dive bombing you if you get too close. A few of our group experi-enced their dive bombing first hand!View the rest of the blog text in PDF form— a

The following is an excerpt from an extensive blog written by Lorraine Wieskamp, document-ing the journey she and her husband Gene took in July of this year—Our journey to Iceland is underway. Our flight to Reykjavik had us arriving on a very bleak, over-cast day. After breakfast and a brief nap we met our group for lunch and a tour of Old Town. This included a stop at the Hallgrimskirkja Lutheran Cathedral with its 210-foot tower and an incred-ible pipe organ inside. We then proceeded to the National Museum for a tour and later, headed to our ship for boarding. And we are constantly reminded that we are not on a “cruise” but on an “expedition”! Day 2 - Our first zodiac ride and “wet” landing! A wet landing is when you actually climb off the zodiacs into the water of anything from about six inches to 12 inches deep. Our wetsuits and mud boots definitely were essential! Our destination was Flatey, one of the largest of the thousands of islands in Breidafjord, and an important trad-ing post during the Middle Ages. A monastery, founded in 1172, made Flatey the center of culture and education in Iceland until the middle of the 19th century. Even after it was moved to Helgafell the cultural influence of Flatey did not diminish. On Flatey we trekked to the old Freezer House for an entertaining musical performance by a Russian musician. He tells the story of Ice-land through ballads and stories of love, tragedy, sadness, and redemption in a harsh and hostile climate. A beautiful church built in 1926 features a wonderful mural by the Spanish artist Baltasar. The hamlet which developed on the island is mostly intact. The remaining houses have been renovated and are occupied by their owners and families during the summer. Hiking anywhere on Flatey can be quite hazardous – there are nesting

Text typed in TextEdit and blog composed in WordPress on a MacBook Pro. Text verified by editor with Grammarly.Photos shot with Nikon P900. Photoshop CC Camera Raw filter used for post-processing original JPEG images.

—more photos next page

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September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 9

Our Iceland Journey— a much varied land

Photos previous page— clockwise from top: Our ship Nat’l. Geographic Explorer • Lorraine & Gene at the falls • Beautiful West Fjord • Iceberg– Glacier Lake • Lutheran Cathedral and Pipe Organ

Photos this page— Unforgettable Godafoss Falls and Lake Myvatn • Incredible mud pools, bubbling hot at Hverarond • Gene, officially standing on the Arctic Circle complete with inclement weather adding to the chilling experience • Scenic Seyoisfjorour on West Coast Iceland fjord • Horseback riding was one of the many activities we enjoyed • Pure ice block from grabbed from mid-Glacier Lake • Lorraine at Gongumannafoss Waterfall, a.k.a Bridal Veil Falls • Lastly, a virtual “wall” of nesting birds a

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September 2018 | MUGTALK Newsmagazine | 10

Continued from page 6—Don’t Forget the Touch Bar–Have a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar? Don’t forget that the Screenshot Toolbar also appears on the Touch Bar for easy access.The Bottom Line— Anyone who needs to either write technical documentation or create training vid-eos about Mac apps is going to love the new screenshot tools in Mojave.To view this complete article with added graphic & sample video, access here ! a

OMUG Is Your Resource—

OMUG’s always evolving website will keep you abreast of Upcoming Events —There are Technical Resources with information for beginners, a full tech blog that is loaded with tips, and it just may answer that burning question you have, past meeting notes, and more – The Member Resources area has archives of past MUGTALK issues, Board profiles, member info, and members-only discounts.

OMUG Assignments—

Online Services Coordinator and Apple Ambassador– Philip Davis Program Coordinator– Burt StephensMUGTALK Newsmagazine– Al SypherDoor Prizes– Tom LeeMembership– Cammie FairburnSunshine Ambassador– Don Morrison

OMUG Meeting Information—

The Ocala Mac User Group meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 3 PM: Freedom Public Library— 5870 SW 95th Street, Ocala

Member Help sessions, time permitting, are selectively held in conjunction with regular meetings.

OMUG Board of Directors—

President– Marilyn Kennedy [email protected] • 209-6986 Vice President– N.C. Sizemore [email protected] • 291-8778Secretary–Lorraine Wieskamp [email protected] • 351-3533Treasurer– Cammie Fairburn [email protected] • 361-4398Director– Tom Lee [email protected] Director– Philip Davis [email protected] • 369-8432Director– Burt Stephens [email protected] • 509-4407 Director– Al Sypher [email protected] • 237-9501Past President– Bobby Adams [email protected] • 274-0177

Disclaimer— The Apple logo is the property of Apple, Inc. All tradenames, trademarks, and registered trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners or companies. Content presented herein attributed to specific sources remains the property of the named sources. The information presented in this newsletter is for the personal enlightenment of OMUG members and friends, does not constitute an endorsement, and shall not to be used for commercial pur-poses. Reproduction of any material herein is expressly prohibited unless prior written permission is given by OMUG.

Pg. 1

macOS Mojave’s New Screenshot Tool— concluded

Oh... and one last thing —

Highlights from Lorraine’s 8/8/18 Meeting Minutes—

Announcements: President Marilyn welcomed 27 members, 1 guest: Dave Phelps.The Minutes for the July meeting were approved as published via Ocalamug gmail. Program: Cutting the Cord, presented by Richard Steinfeldt— Richard presented an enlightening, very in-depth talk that discussed the various satellite and cable TV services many audience members have. He then illustrated how the user can cancel out of those services and put together a viewing package that gets them all the specific channels they want, yet at a fraction of their previous cost. A PDF of his presentation is available on the website. After break, Phil Davis presented a very informative look at Passwords, guidelines for creating them, and what to absolutely avoid. He also touched on PUPs (Poten-tially Unwanted Programs), some negative symptoms they cause and how to clear them out (see page 3 of this MUGTALK). His notes are posted on the website. Door Prizes: Choice of Take Control e-Books — Stephen Bosworth - Passwords • Speeding Up My Mac – Burt Stephens • Numbers – Carole Antoniono.Thank you to those members who provided refreshments – they are always appreciated.Next meeting: September 12th, 2018 @ 3:00 P.M. Topic: The Value of Travel Apps, Doug Sebring, OMUG


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That man shown in the left side of the cover photo— he is holding his cell phone camera in the “portrait” position. The view that he is photographing clearly cries out for a “landscape” (horizontal view) to capture the main composition of bridge and iceberg.