Download - November newsletter 2013 · 2013. 11. 15. · DUATHLON SEASON 2013 A Grade WOMEN 1st Teneah Carey 2nd Simone Steele 2nd Sonia White A Grade MEN 1st Mark Atmore 2nd Beau Fleming 3rd

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Terry Kennedy (TK) is our

Triathlete of the Year

November Newsletter

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ATTENTION PLEASE!!! Do you belong to an organisation or know of an organisation that would be interested in running the BBQ, selling drinks and coffee at our club races? They would also need to provide up to 3 volunteers for the race and would receive $25/volunteer. Please forward all possibilities to Rob Hekking [email protected] REMEMBER: Throughout the year we always need help to run our races. You or a family member or even a friend can contribute in many ways such as helping with set up, packing up, towing the trailer, marshaling, water safety, etc. If everyone takes a turn then it lightens the load on those that consistently help out. If you can spare some time then let our race director know ahead of race day or approach one of the committee members on the morning of the race. Thank you. Club race dates for 2013: Dec 15 Our Awards Night It was a fantastic night at our awards presentation and once again thank you to Mark Roots (and Teresa Roots) for organising it. If you missed it here are our award winners for the 2012-13 season. TRIATHLON SEASON 2012-13

Sprint Grade Women 1st Kylie Johnson 2nd Jessica Mepstead 3rd Jessica Mitchell Sprint Grade Men 1st Mark Wilson 2nd Bill McSweeney 3rd Chris Fuchs A Grade Women 1st Jennifer White 2nd Sarah Hardy 3rd Suzy Woodbury A Grade Men 1st Steve Biddulph 2nd Glenn Minett 3rd Colin Pugsley B Grade Women 1st Hayley Boyd 2nd Emma Boyd 3rd Alison Cullen

B Grade Men 1st Matthew Martin 2nd Justin Cooper 3rd Jaive Barber Junior A Grade Girls 1st Caitlin Fuchs 2nd Jessica Smillie 3rd Tristen Steele

Junior A Grade Boys 1st Thomas Wilson 2nd Zac Martin 3rd Jackson Boyd Junior Grade Girls 1st Alyssa Persiani 2nd Hayley Persiani 3rd Kyla Tucker Junior Grade Boys 1st Angus Collins 2nd Logan Pugsley 3rd Lachlan Roberts

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DUATHLON SEASON 2013 A Grade WOMEN 1st Teneah Carey 2nd Simone Steele 2nd Sonia White A Grade MEN 1st Mark Atmore 2nd Beau Fleming 3rd Matthew O’Dowd B Grade WOMEN 1st Nicole Redmond 2nd Julie Middleton 3rd Sandra Scott B Grade MEN 1st Paul Martin 2nd Declan Tancred 3rd Andrew Campbell

Junior A Grade Boys 1st Thomas Wilson 2nd Ben Maxworthy 3rd Logan Pugsley Junior A Grade Girls 1st Annabelle Lowe 2nd Taylor Romano 2nd Jessica Smillie Junior Grade Boys 1st Angus Collins 2nd Gordon Clark 3rd Hamish Smillie Junior Grade Girls 1st Charlotte Lowe 2nd Emilie Barnes 3rd Hannah Bolt

OUR TROPHY WINNERS Triathlete of the Year: Terry TK Kennedy Junior of the Year: Odette Hodgson Performance of the Year - Male: Brandon Cowan Performance of the Year - Female: Jessica Mitchell Long Course Performance: Chris Fuchs Sprint/Olympic Performance: Suzanne Chandler Junior Performance: Hamish Longmuir Volunteer/Club Person of the Year: Julie Towgood Muppet Award: Brett Isaac Club Performance of the Year: Mark Wilson Club Champs Best Performance: Tim Lang

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We also inducted 3 more people who have served and been a part of the club as Life Members. Massive congratulations to: Margaret Beardslee Allen Pearson Leigh Perrow *If you are an award recipient and were unable to attend then you will be able to collect your award at the next club race – this Sunday. RACE RESULTS 70.3  Port  Macquarie  Individuals  *Ken  Kirk   4th  45-­‐49   4:50:30  Jess  Mitchell   1st  20-­‐24   4:51:42  Bill  McSweeney   40-­‐44   5:16:12  Peter  Walker   40-­‐44   5:23:16  Allen  Pearson   45-­‐49   5:35:47  Mark  Liddell   35-­‐39   5:39:24  Jennifer  White   10th  25-­‐29   5:39:58  Shane  Chamings   30-­‐34   5:42:53  Kyle  McDonald   25-­‐29   5:43:17  Darren  Gillard   45-­‐49   5:44:22  Geoff  Harris   50-­‐54   5:47:31  Rod  Bush   40-­‐44   5:54:30  Rob  Hekking   1st    65-­‐69   5:56:31  Jason  Steele   40-­‐44   6:05:44  Bruce  Higginbotham   1st    70-­‐74   6:29:20  Paul  Church   35-­‐39   6:41:03  Glenn  Minett   35-­‐39   7:23:38  Hayden  Cowan     DNF  -­‐  injury  Teams      Suzanne,  Andrew   4th      Mixed   4:35:48  Andriy  Boyko  and  co   17th  Mixed   5:23:”33  Simone,  Viv,  friend   12th  Female   6:00:05        

• Ken  Kirk  qualified  and  accepted  to  go  to  70.3  Worlds  in  2014.    He  will  be  joining  Jess  Mitchell  who  qualified  in  a  previous  race.  

   Noosa  Triathlon  Festival  Olympic  distance:  Scott  Marshall  35-­‐39    2:39:09    Yamba  Triathlon  Festival  Classic  distance  (2-­‐60-­‐15):  Chris  Smith  4th    35-­‐39    3:23:34  

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 Nepean  Triathlon  Cory  Davis       40-­‐44    2:05:41  David  Baker      40-­‐44    2:34:12  John  Young  DNF  –  technical  difficulties    Ironman  World  Championships,  Kona,  Hawaii  Chris  Fuchs   35th  30-­‐34   9:21:51  Tim  Lang   45-­‐49   9:56:48  Andrew  Mildren   45-­‐49   10:14:02  Brandon  Cowan   25-­‐29   10:19:59  Mark  Firth   45-­‐49   10:21:16  Lisa  Fletcher   22nd  40-­‐44   10:54:20  TK  (Terry  Kennedy)   35-­‐39   12:50:06      Husky  Triathlon  Festival  Olympic  Distance  Brandon  Cowan   7th     25-­‐29   2:13:06  Terry  Mulcahy       11th     25-­‐29   2:15:56    Sprint  Distance  Gillian  Cullen     25-­‐29   1:31:55  Alison  Cullen     25-­‐29   1:34:33    Enticer  Julie  Middleton   3rd   55-­‐59   46:31  Maree  Cullen     6th   55-­‐59   56:38      *  I  apologise  if  I  have  missed  anyone.    NEWS  FROM  KONA    Congratulations to our Kona crew. It has been inspiring and motivating to watch all of you train so dedicatedly and to qualify and take on the challenge of competing at the World Ironman Championships. Unfortunately most of us could not be there to watch (many did via the internet) so I put forth some questions to ask our Kona competitors, Terry Kennedy (TK), Brandon Cowan (BC), Tim Lang (TL), Andrew Mildren (AM), Mark Firth (MF), Lisa Fletch (LF) and Chris Fuchs (CF) in hopes of gaining a glimpse into their experience and what challenges they faced and overcame. Thanks again for your time in answering them.

1. Hindsight is a wonderful thing – What is something that you would do differently next time in the race?

BC: We had an amazing week over there and did so much and wouldn't change any of that at all - really soaked it up but if I ever get to qualify again I would take it easier race week and rest a bit more. I would also pay more attention in race briefing to where the penalty boxes were or just pay more attention when riding in

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that first 30k as there were sooooo many people jammed in on the course-hahahah AM: Probably wouldn't change much apart from trying to relax more and stay off the feet and out of the heat of the day in the week leading up to the race. TK: Something I would do differently is probably trust my ability to do the distance. In a year I had done 3 x 1/2 Ironmans, 1 full and 2 marathons leading into Kona so the distance was not an issue. I did way too much volume and not enough speed (even though speed work was in my program) so really I felt it on the day with being a little overdone.

TL: Won't be doing this race again as I had 4 goes at it and I think it has beaten me - lol . MF: Pre-race as a first timer for me was about doing everything, swim every morning, coffee, pictures, getting onto course, undie run.... u should stay off your feet, but hey, its a once in a lifetime for some!! LF: Hindsight for me is to acknowledge that to just be at that start line is an honour and major feat in triathlon. I may have taken small things for granted like resting the legs up more during race week; very hard with such a high energy fun week of activities to do however it was so much fun to participate in all the hype with good pals so I wouldn't change it now, after reflecting. CF: I would not change anything pre race. I think in a race like Kona you need to soak up the atmosphere. During the race I would try and eat more on the bike.

2. Any rookie mistakes and if so what were they?

BC: Rookie mistakes hahahaha snapping my valve extender off inside my rear zipp 808 on the wed afternoon and it’s still in there. As mentioned before not paying attention to where the Penalty box is in the race briefing and getting busted for drafting 30k into the ride then having to stop at the next 3 aid stations to make sure I didn't miss the box to avoid being DQ'd. I would remember to take my garmin off the bike before I get off and not have to ask an official to run all the way to the end of transition to get it for me while I wait in T2 - mind you the cold drinks and ice were great hahaha. AM: I bought a new aerobottle before the race and usually I wouldn't use anything new ..... the aerobottle started to self destruct around the 60k mark. As my garmin was connected to it I couldn't just ditch it. I ended up taking the electric tape off my gel bottle and securing it. Lost a bit of time and it was also a bad distraction that you don't need. TK: Lack of sunscreen application left me with a blister the size of 2 golf balls! Painful to say the least!

TL: To get it in my head don't worry about anybody else race your own race!!

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MF: took 12+ gels in first 90km 2.5hrs and felt great... up to 130km's developed massive stomach problems which took 2hrs to pass... so mind was mainly on my gut pain hahaha LF: Rookie mistakes were, I just did not use enough of that darn bodyglide. This is like gold!!!! I did survive but the irritation really took my focus away at times in the swim. It hurts !!!!! CF: No real big mistakes

3. Lets face it most of you are on the bike for at least 5hours (or close to it) so how did you pass the time on the bike?

BC: 5 hrs is a long time but not too bad. I focused a lot and went through bad patches and good patches. I tried to stay cool by smashing the water at every aid station on the bike. AM: Surprisingly 5 hrs goes quite fast. I do a lot of calculations in my head with my numbers watts/speed and heart plus alert every 20min to put something in my mouth water/gel/salt tabs. So I am pretty well occupied throughout the ride. TK: It went very fast and you just have to tell yourself you are in the World Championships! With drinking every 10 minutes, eating every 20, not to mention holding on for life during the wind the time goes surprisingly quickly TL: I had massive problems with cramps in the swim which I took onto the bike and spent the whole time trying to push it to the back of my mind and stay in saddle. LF: Well after commiserating my loss to the leaders, I was after a top ten; after quite a severe episode of asthma I had to refocus and change my whole mindset. Not in the plan but you have to adapt and regain control of emotions to basically cope, let it go, I was out of the race but not out of the event. This is hard to do for all of us racers wanting to perform our best particularly on the world stage. So the bike leg requires full focus it can be dangerous out there with so many harsh elements and flying machines all around. It truly was a beautiful day to race in Kona no excuses. You are very busy watching out for over 2,000 riders on the course and it can be hectic. Then focus on nutrition, hydration all the text book rules really take up your valuable time on the bike in long course. Few songs were sung yes !! Cold Play and such and then how to find that Firthy (Mark Firth) to whip his butt ha ha (one of the best athletes going around; dear friend and comrade who kept me going out there) so seeing your fellow friends out there certainly lightens the pain at times. CF: The time goes pretty quick on the bike and the roads were smooth. I try to stay pretty focused on keeping a nice cadence of 85 to 90 and making sure I am taking on nutrition.

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4. Did you hold back on the ride so you could run better or is that method a myth?

BC: Hold back on the bike I wish but it wasn't my day on the bike. But in saying that I did feel terrible so made sure I got through the bike in decent shape so I could run well.

AM: Holding back are not 2 words I use - more like riding within yourself and what you have trained at.

TK: I tried to but with the last 80km into a head wind I had smashed my legs fighting the wind and had very little for the run. Just not enough experience and years of miles on the bike.

TL: Road within myself but with that many euros around trying to stay legal was the hardest thing with people dropping in and out. I felt comfortable other than my calves playing up LF: Well I will say that yes, this time I did hold back on the ride for a solid run .....mmm kind of didn't work : ) but anyway the method was there. It is 10,000 miles away racing in another Country, a blessing to be there and you can't get it back once your body has had enough. Definitely not a myth, being overcooked on the long bike no matter how talented, experienced; a blow up in run can creep up on you and be so subtle.....I always respect the distance on a 180km ride. CF: I don't think it's a matter of holding back on the bike. It's more of a matter at starting out at an effort you can maintain for the five hours. I went a bit harder than I was planning to but that is part of racing.

5. What body part hurt the most during the race?

BC: The body did not feel too bad but my toes were smashed and they are still really really ugly – all black and blue and I am missing some toe nails lol!!

AM: My body felt good throughout the race. It was just the following week that aggravated a previous injury to my shoulder.

TK: I had a back issue going into the race and that problem caused pain in my knee. This was only present in the run but the pain was excruciating. I had to feed off the energy of family, friends and the Big Island to keep my focus off the pain. It worked!!

TL: Calves the next day couldn't walk down stairs!! MF: arch of foot became very sore........ LF: Seriously the not nuff ' bodyglide factor hurt the most after : )

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CF: My calves and hamstrings were pretty sore but is more just the fatigue of the whole day that gets you.

6. When you crossed the finish line what went through your head?

BC: Crossing that line was pretty god dam special - getting to hug my wife in the finish shute with the Aussie flag was unreal and a bit emotional hahaha I cried like a girl hahahah. And to turn around after crossing that line and look back down the Shute was sensational from what I could see through my tears P.s the tears didn't stop there I think I cried for the next 3 hours afterwards literally - was unreal!!! AM: This year I did spend a little more time in the finish shute soaking up the moment. I was so happy I was able to do this!!! TK: Elation, an experience like nothing I have ever experienced. A feeling I want everyone to have and everyone deserves to have. It doesn't have to be Hawaii but there is no greater feeling than achieving big goals! After a very tough couple of years for my family it was a huge let out of emotion going down Alii Drive. I thought about the fact myself, my son and my father had all been given very little chance of survival and to beat the odds and complete this race for my family was special. Not being an overly spiritual person this is how I would best describe the feeling... As I write this I fight back the tears of emotion and the best feeling is knowing that race will be with us for life!! TL: It was a very emotional couple of weeks for my family and me as I lost my dad so coming across the finish line I pointed to the sky and thought hopefully he would be proud. MF: how cools that, finally a life long dream DONE !!! LF: Crossing the finish line it was my family that kept me going, the force behind my strength. Relief. OMG is it over???? (Surely someone thinks this ha ha) Breaking 11 hours on one of the most iconic and toughest triathlon long courses in the world; my back up plan on a bad day really cemented that I do ok, so my smile lasted for days! So to all the Mum's and girls in the club, you can do anything you put your heart into, then it's your mind and senses that control the outcome. CF: Coming up to the finish line I was just looking for my wife and kids. Once I crossed the line I just thought how good is this. I think I was also just happy I finished I had a good race with no major problems Extra note from Lisa: To everyone at CCTri I am honoured to write this for you. Thank-you for the opportunity and chance to encourage all girls and women in this sport that anything is possible. Ironman time and grueling training takes you away from the norm so be prepared to tackle this; it is a wonderful day you will never forget. Am looking forward to seeing more of you with my changed race schedule of more shorter distances woohoo!!

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Thank-you CC Tri my fantastic club, Erina Bikeworx, Trek Australia, Rod and Ben at TrivNova and 'no shirt' at MDSS and co. I hope I did you proud. (Yes you did) Extra note from Brandon: I would like to add that the Kona experience was made soooo much better by the group of people we had over there and the group that we had backing up for training week in and week out. It couldn't of been better and made the whole week over there and say 12-16 week training sooo much more enjoyable even the support of Maddog and Terry Mulcahy over there as well. It was seriously sensational NEW SPONSORS We have been fortunate enough to have three new sponsors come on board. Hoka and Thule are our new platinum sponsors and Mingara is our new gold sponsor. Hoka Hoka One One is the brainchild of two gravity sports enthusiasts, with this in mind, they started to look at the variables that affected the performance of different types of runners.Because fatigue, impact and muscle strain were challenges that all runners deal with every day, a shoe was designed to help to alleviate these problems — so that freedom and enjoyment could be guaranteed every time you go running! The word Hoka One One is derived from the ancient Maori language and roughly translates to “now it is time to fly”. Thatʼs just how it feels to run in a pair of Hoka One One shoes. With each and every step your foot takes flight. Thule THULE will offer club members a 10% discount voucher to use towards the purchase of any THULE products via our retail store in Somersby. (It will be sent shortly via email to our members). To show our appreciation please visit and ‘like’ their Facebook & Twitter pages. The Thule brand was established in Sweden in 1942. Thule is a premium brand used globally for a wide assortment of products with a focus on solving the problem of how to bring equipment with you when using a car (roof racks, bike and water sport carriers, roof boxes). There are also other product areas such as accessories for recreational vehicles, trailers for active life (horses, boats, etc), snow chains and luggage. The Thule Group is a world leader in products and brands that make it easy for people to transport their equipment securely, safely and in style. Active people all over the planet, amateurs and professionals alike, use our carefully designed, high-quality solutions to transport equipment to their adventure of choice. Thule’s good looking, highly specialized products make sure the equipment you need to achieve the adrenaline rush you long for or the tranquility you desire arrives securely at its destination. Safely, easily and in style.

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Mingara One When you join Mingara One Fitness you become part of our Fitness Community. We are more than just an ordinary gym, your membership unlocks a world of great programs, facilities and support. We are here to help you achieve your goals and 'Feel Alive"vision. Uniforms A new order for CCTRI uniforms has opened up again with Champion Systems. The close date is Nov 28th and delivery will take between 4-6 weeks. We do have current stock for sale as well as old stock that have been discounted. Please contact Teresa Roots for more info. Remember we can be found on FACEBOOK (Central Coast Triathlon Club). It’s a good place to contact other members as well as find out what is going on in the club.  

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TRY A TRI Have any of your friends or family members decided they wanted to see what all the “fun” is about and is thinking “Hey I think I want to give this a try”. Well the club now offers a one time chance to enter a race before they make a decision to commitment. For adults it is $30 and Juniors (12 and under) are $15. This covers the race day entry fee, insurance and timing chip (needs to be returned). All you need to do is email the Registrar [email protected] and express your interest. Remember this is for one race only and you must not belong to TriNSW.  

TRINSW Benefits of joining TriNSW which will be mandatory as of July 1 when you re-join CCTRI

• $75 worth of SCODY vouchers and member-only discounts for bike

insurance, triathlon magazines & books; • Your chance to be a Champion in our national premier series and

Championship title races; • Race in Green and Gold alongside the Aussie elites! Eligibility for

selection into the Australian age group World Championship teams; • Insurance specifically tailored to meet your needs giving you peace of

mind while you train and compete in the sport that you love; • Regular communication and newsletters from your National and State

association keeping you up to date on the sport. • Priority entry for major sell out events

Ironman Australia Port Macquarie, Western Australian, Melbourne, Cairns and

New Zealand Ironman 70.3 Port Macquarie, Mandurah, Cairns, Auckland And Triathlons in

Geelong, Noosa, Moolooaba, Gold Coast

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Bikeworx can be found on the Central Coast Highway at Erina, and inside Bikeworx an awesome range of bikes can be found from brands like Trek, Giant, Kona and more for road, triathlon, mountain biking and BMX racing, as well as easygoing bikes for getting from here to there…  

From the simplest do-it-yourself stick on letters to hand painted and airbrushed works of art, cutting

BankLink has been helping business owners make their accounting quicker and easier for over 25 years. It is trusted and secure solution which is used by over 250,000 business owners and Super Fund trustees, and more than 4,500 accounting practices across Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Learn more by visiting  

Platinum Sponsors ($500+)  

Hoka One One is the brainchild of two gravity sports enthusiasts, with this in mind, they started to look at the variables that affected the performance of different types of runners. Because fatigue, impact and muscle strain were challenges that all runners deal with every day, a shoe was designed to help to alleviate these problems — so that freedom and enjoyment could be guaranteed every time you go running! The word Hoka One One is derived from the ancient Maori language and roughly translates to “now it is time to fly”. Thatʼs just how it feels to run in a pair of Hoka One One shoes. With each and every step your foot takes flight.  

The Thule Group is a world leader in products and brands that make it easy for people to transport their equipment securely, safely and in style. Active people all over the planet, amateurs and professionals alike, use our carefully designed, high-quality solutions to transport equipment to their adventure of choice. Thuleʼs good looking, highly specialized products make sure the equipment you need to achieve the adrenaline rush you long for or the tranquility you desire arrives securely at its destination. Safely, easily and in style.

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Fruit for All Tumbi Umbi  

Silver Sponsors ($100)    

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Coast Café [email protected]